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Chapter 2: OS Structures

● An operating system : provides an environment for the execution of

programs. It provides certain services to programs and to the users
of those programs.
● operating-system services provides functions that are helpful to the
1:User interface
2:Program execution
3:I/O operations
4:File-system manipulation
6:Error detection
User Operating System Interface - CLI
C:\>mkdir mine
Creates a directory called 'mine'
C:\>rd mine
Removes directory called 'mine'
C:\>copy con mine.txt
Creates a file called 'mine.txt'
D:\>del mine.txt
Removed directory called 'mine.txt'
Difference Between GUI and CLI

● Usability: It is easy to use the GUI. CLI is complex. The user should
have good knowledge of the commands.
● Memory Requirement: GUI requires more memory as it contains a
lot of graphical components. CLI does not require more memory.
● Speed: GUI is slower, but the CLI is fast.
● Customizability: The user can change the appearance of the GUI.
It is not possible to change the CLI.
● Flexibility: GUI is more flexible whereas CLI is not much flexible.

● A system call is a request from computer software to an operating

system's kernel. It is a way for programs to interact with the
operating system.
Types of System Calls

⮚ Process control

⮚ File management

⮚ Device management

⮚ Information maintenance

⮚ Communications

⮚ Protection
● System programs (system utilities) provide a convenient
environment for program development and execution
● Virtual Machines:is to abstract the hardware of a single computer
(the CPU, memory, etc) into several different execution

Virtual Machines Benefits

● Cost savings.
● Easy provisioning.
● Increased productivity.
● Debugging is the activity of finding and fixing errors.
● Booting is starting a computer by loading the kernel.
● Bootstrap program is a code stored in ROM that is able to locate
the kernel,
BY: Abdirahman Abdulahi Farah
CLASS : CA2013

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