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Department of Education



1. In VUCA world, what does A stands for?

a. Analysis c. Analogy
b. Ambivalet d. Ambiguous
2. The Philippine government use this learning principle to refer to the adjustment to be made in response to the global pandemic
a. Face to face classes c. Interactive learning
b. Flexible learning d. Cooperative learning
3. When the teacher decides to simply meet the students at the same time and lecture or facilitates the discussion in online learning
that is?
a. Face to face learning c. Synchronous learning
b. Online learning d. Asynchronous learning
4. It an example of remote way of teaching
a. Field trip c. Asynchronous
b. Debate d. Mobile legend
5. This model served as a basis for the other models developed.
a. VUCA model c. Assure model
b. Addie model d. SAMR model
6. When the teacher allows the technology to be use by the learners to create new tasks, previously inconceivable the he/she is in the
level of what based on the SAMR model?
a. Modification? c. Redefinition
b. Augmentation d. Substitution
7. When the teacher outlines a syllables or lesson plan, what level of ADDIE model is demonstrated?
a. Analysis c. Development
b. Design d. Implementation
8. When the teacher creates or assemble the learning materials, develop the assessment based on the design specification, she/he is
the level of?
a. Implementation c. Development
b. Evaluation d. Analysis
9. How will you characterize the use of PowerPoint presentation to deliver a lesson?
a. Technology c. Academics
b. Culture d. Machinery
10. Among communication, which can ensure effective communication between teacher and learners?
a. Technology-base c. group dynamics
b. Fun learning d. two-way
11. Which of the following ensures a safe and secure environment for learners in school?
a. Having security c. Caring and protective teachers
b. Keeping the ID system d. Installing CCTV cameras
12. Given the availability of modern technology, which is recognized today as a kind of learning that can happen anytime, anyplace
and anywhere?
a. On-line learning c. Traditional learning
b. Face to face learning d. Hybrid learning
13. As technology connotes a human invention which of the following is mechanical technologically?
a. Spring-driven clock c. Automobile
b. Television d. Computer
14. One of the issues confronted by the facilitators in this ne normal learning system is the rampant cheating during online exam.
Which of the following is the least to consider in taking remedy to the given issue?
a. On cam test taking c. Auto checking
b. Randomization App d. Auto time limit
15. What is the most common problem among learners with this new normal learning system?
a. Bashing and trolling in the posted message online
b. Pornography
c. Rampant plagiarism
d. Cyberbullying in various forms
16. In order to attain the 21st century skills among learners, the following are relevant approaches and prospects that schools should
impose. If you arrange them based on effectiveness, which one comes to the very least?
a. Bring learners to the real world where life action is.
b. Provide then information on direct instruction principles and perspective.
c. Expose them to great deal of researches and other inquiry-based modalities using technology.
d. Guide them in searching for truth and exploring their own learning experiences.
17. You were having a face to face demonstration lesson using a power point presentation. All of a sudden there was a power
interruption. What is the best thing to do?
a. Get out of the classroom and look for a space where you can continue the discussion.
b. Stay in the room until the current is restored.
c. Stop your discussion, until the current is restored
d. Just give remaining hours for take-away
18. Which is the most recommendable mode of instructional delivery in today’s time to bridge in borders of 21 st century learning
skills and address gaps of distances, learners’ perspective and learning
a. Blended Learning c. Modular Approach
b. Internet-based d. Face to face meeting
19. The following forms of traditional and modern technology which is most ancient way of communication?
a. Morse code c. Letter
b. Radio d. E-mail
20. When the teacher identifies the learner’s need define the learning goals, he/she in the what level of ADDIE model?
a. Analysis c. Evaluation
b. Development d. Design
21. Under uncertain circumstances when learners do not have the needed bandwidth of internet for online learning. What would be
the most possible flexible learning resource?
a. Print module c. Radio broadcast learning
b. Mobile phone learning d. Free access school platform
22. It is form of distance learning that uses computer-networking technology to provide interaction of teacher to learner?
a. On-line learning c. Mentorship
b. Telescoping d. Independent Study
23. A group of Social Science teachers were asked to develop a problem centered curriculum. What is/ are features are expected of
their curriculum design?
a. Heavy reliance on ICT
b. Use of project-based and problem-based learning.
c. Teacher dominance of teacher throughout the period
d. Nor delivery of teacher lectures
24. You are planning to put up a science exhibit. Considering efficiency and active participation of audience, which is most effective?
a. Albums c. Still picture
b. Interactive models d. Video presentation
25. In delivering the essential lesson, the facilitator may use either teacher’s video lecture or available videos can be download from
an online source. What is the difference between teacher’s video lecture and downloaded video lecture?
a. The teacher’s video lecture is lesser attractive than the downloadable video lecture.
b. The teacher’s video is synchronous, while downloaded video is asynchronous.
c. The teacher’s video lecture is usually longer than downloaded video lecture.
d. The teacher’s video lecture is more contextualized but downloaded video lecture is more structured and organized.
26. The teacher’s first task in the selection of media in teaching is to determine the _______
a. Choice of the students c. Objectives of the lesson
b. Availability of the media d. Technique to be use
27. It is a complex set of knowledge, ideas and methods and is likely to be the result of a variety of different activities.
a. Innovation c. Idea alteration
b. Invention d. Technology
28. One of the features of the K to 12 Curriculum is the requirements to equip every graduate with the skill:
a. Intermediate literacy skills c. Learning and innovation skills
b. Traditional literacy skill d. Life and Family skills
29. A recent approaches introduced to enhance teaching and learning process are Inquiry-Based Learning (IBL), Research Based
Learning, Problem-Based Learning (PBL), and Project-Based learning (PrBL) in which are considered as_____________
a. Salient features of K to 12 Curriculum c. Active Learning Approaches
b. 21st century skills d. Giving feedback
30. Among varied tasks, how can the virtual learning management system help instruction?
a. through face-to-face learning c. through digital game activities
b. through ending instructional tasks d. through posting assignments
31. during the COVD virtual learning, what is missed by learners?
a. Face-to-Face teaching-learning c. On-line instruction
b. Virtual-interaction d. Cyber interchange
32. Which software is useful for text writing and organization in formulating articles or essays?
a. Microsoft Word c. PowerPoint
b. Database d. Spreadsheet
33. As teachers, what kind of web application or app do we need in order to be more efficient and productive in our use of platforms
on the internet?
a. Financial app c. Management app
b. Instructional app d. Inventory app
34. In modern times, what is one important contribution of machines to the educational work of teachers and schools?
a. To demonstrate caring for children c. To demonstrate caring for children
b. To enhance teaching and learning d. To replace teachers in school
35. In our post-industrial age, what provides an unlimited source of Material for teaching-and-learning in schools?
a. School library c. World wide web
b. School research center d. School resource center
36. MOOCs are considered massive because ______.
a. they can accommodate a big number of learners
b. they need a big amount of computer storage to be able to avail of a course
c. they can only be provided by big universities
d. they were designed and created by a big group of experts
37. Which of the following best implements research-based learning?
a. Information data gathering c. Whole class lecture
b. Powerpoint instruction d. Intensive seat work
38. Since Millennial learners are immersed in cell phones, computers, Goodling, etc. the use of ______ is critical for use of modern
a. digital tools c. bulletin board displays
b. media d. audiovisuals
39. Which of the following planned routine activity using technology can Teacher Nikki effectively apply in order to enrich her
literature lesson on Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet?
a. Posting Facebook page c. Going on a field trip
b. Writing essays d. Viewing related film
40. The new global landscapes of the 21st century show the following EXCEPT one. Which one is not?
a. Learners environment can be any place.
b. There are multiple ways of teaching.
c. Teachers are ICT equipped.
d. Learners are attuned to rote memorization.
41. What theory did Warren Bennis and Burt Nanus propose to describe the world we are living today?
a. ADDIE model c. Technology literacy
b. ASSURE model d. VUCA world
42. The majority of the education scholars are union that it is merging of face to face and computer mediated learning environment
a. Flexible learning c. Synchronous learning
b. Online learning d. Blended learning
43. Teacher Aisha delivered most of the lesson through digital platform while she is accessible for face-to -face support or
consultation. What kind of flexible modes of learning she is considering?
a. Rotation model c. Flex model
b. Enriched and virtual model d. Access model
44. Which is an example of ration model?
a. Addie model c. Flipped classroom
b. Assure Model d. Dick and carey model
45. When teachers used to make an assignment as the students watch a video clip from Youtube then when the learners get inside the
classroom the next day they will do the activity task based on the assignment, what kind of learning modes is being employed by
the teacher?
a. Assignment mode c. Flipped classroom
b. Super sayan mode d. Ala Carte Mode
46. In this kind of learning, the role of the teacher has shifted from lesson presenter to instructional coach, thus this gives an
opportunity to increase participation of the students, and have mort time to talk to the student instead of giving a rigorous lecture
throughout the session because they have already studied the lesson at home.
a. Interactive model c. Blended learning
b. Group activity d. Flipped classroom
47. It is a sub-form of distance education that primarily characterized by the use and mediation of the internet.
a. Distance education c. Flipped classroom
b. Blended learning d. Online learning
48. The 5E’s instructional model was developed by who?
a. Baby and Daren c. Bybee and Landes
b. Babyko and Landes d. Bybee and Daren
49. Using interaction game-based site, Application that generate words games, local mobile game applications is in the level of 5E
model of instruction?
a. Elaboration c. Engagement
b. Explanation d. Exploration
50. When the teacher used same data taken from Artificial Intelligent or an educational website to gathered information for the
preferences and need of the student to come up with the best instructional strategy to be used in the classroom, she/he is using the
educational benefits of
a. Worldwide web c. Data gathering
b. Wikipedia d. Learning analytics

Test II – Enumeration
A. give each word stands for VUCA world
B. give the three ways how instructional design is viewed?
C. Give the stages of ASSURE model
D. give the four stages of SAMR model
E. Give the 4 models of blended Learning
F. Give the 5E instructional Model


A. What is Flexible Learning?

B. What is Learning Management System?
C. What Flipped Classroom?
D. What is Blended Learning?
E. Differentiate synchronous and Asynchronous Learning

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