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Lemonie Anne Nicole C.


I am Lemonie Anne Nicole Reyes. Since when i was a child i used to go outside playing with
kids mostly boys, having fun with those kids since i was a child was my happiest moments in
my life. im used to play with boys that time because i liked their games than to the girls. So
mosto of the time i played with boys because i felt thrilled by playing with their games. I really
had fun while playing with them. When i was a child, i bullied one girl because i really hate the
way she act, the way she talk, but i apologiyezed to her when we moved out to other barangay. In
my adolescence era, I can say that I am well enough mannered than before. Somethinimes it's so
draining especially a lot of things to do. Responsibilities also the challenges that iI've
encountered everyday. It really test me if how i can deal with it. How can i survive each day. It's
hard to handle every challenges really different when i was a child. Now, in adult. I realized it's
more difficult and different i can't make time dofor myself because a lot ot things that i need to
finish especially i am college now. The expectation is there and since i am an adult now, iI'm
sacrecared what if i cannot reach my goals. Now i am adult i also need to provide to my family.
The pressure is really hard to bear. But despite of that. I loved exploring and going to the places
that will help me to clean my mind to relax because being adult is hard. I learned to took my self
out the mix. getting mylife together. Learning to just keep things privately. Trying to accept some
situations for what the are. Growing up is realisizing that if you lose people from setting up my
boundaries, they were never my people to begin with.

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