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A 16-year-old girl is kidnapped in

Kidnapping rate in Spain was 0.2 cases per 100,000 population. But
although there seem to be few cases, it doesn’t mean that kidnappings
do not happen. Yesterday in Barcelona a 16-year-old girl was kidnapped.
It happened when she was leaving her best friend's house.

On the way to catch the train home, a suspicious white van stopped in
front of the girl, and from it 3 men dressed in black approached her and
put a handkerchief with chloroform on her mouth.
When the girl was unconscious, the kidnappers took her inside the van,
but they did not realize that her mobile phone was still online and that
her parents could see her location in real time through an application. So
the parents, realizing that her daughter does not respond to his
messages and did not come home, called the police and gave them the
real-time location of their daughter.

Finally, the police found the girl and arrested the kidnappers.
Fortunately, the girl doesn’t show any signs of aggression, but if the
police had arrived later, she could have been seriously injured.

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