SCIENCE-Grd 10 2nd Quarter

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SCIENCE REVIEWER  Adv: Can be used for communication.

It is
transmitted easily and does not cause
ELECTROMAGNETIC SPECTRUM damage when absorbed by the human
 Electromagnetic waves  DisAdv: Has low frequency so it can’t
- Electromagnetic waves are formed when an transmit a lot of data at a time.
electric field comes in contact with a magnetic  Microwaves
field. - It works by emitting electromagnetic radiation in
- Transverse waves without a medium the microwave frequency range, which is
- Parts typically around 2.45 ghz, non-ionizing
 Crust – Highest point of a wave radiation, meaning it doesn’t have enough
 Trough – Lowest point of a wave energy to remove electrons from atoms or
 Wavelength – Distance between the waves molecules unlike ionizing radiation such as x-
 Amplitude – How high a wave is from the rays or gamma rays. Mainly used for cooking
center due to its heating capability and used for gps
 Frequency – Measurement of the number of and long calls.
waves that pass through a certain time - Discovery: Percy Spencer developed and
period. patented the first microwave oven after noticing
- Travels very fast – Around 300,000 kilometers that a magnetron was emitting heat-generating
per second (the speed of light) microwaves during an experiment with radar
1945. The first models were huge-about 6 ft in
Waves or Particles?
height and weighing more than 750pounds.
- Electromagnetic Spectrum has properties of - Advantages and Disadvantages
waves but can also be thought of a stream  Adv: Supports larger bandwidth and hence
 Electromagnetic Spectrum more information is transmitted. Antenna
- Name for the range of electromagnetic waves size gets reduced, as the frequencies are
when placed in order of frequency. higher.
 DisAdv: Cost of equipment and installation
Types of Electromagnetic Radiation process is high. Electromagnetic
 Radio waves interference may occur.
- or RF are the longest of all electromagnetic  Infrared
waves. It is mainly used for transmitting - Or IR radiation is a type of electromagnetic
information from one point to another. They radiation that has a length greater than the
range from the length of a football to larger than visible spectrum, is located adjacent to this type
our planet. of waves and microwave at its other end.
- Discovery: Heinrich Hertz. He used a spark gap Infrared radiation can be emitted or absorbed
attach to an induction coil and a separate spark and is widely used in industry, science,
gap on a receiving antenna. When waves medicine, and engineering.
created by the sparks of the coil transmitter - Discovery: William Herschel. He devised and
were picked up by the receiving antenna, experiment where he used a glass prism to
sparks would jump its gap as well. separate sunlight into rainbow of colors. Then,
- Examples: he placed a thermometer under each color, with
 Microwaves one extra thermometer just beyond the red light
 GPS of the spectrum. He found that the thermometer
 Wifi that was seemingly out of the light had the
 Satellite highest temperature. Thus, he discovered
- Application infrared light.
 Various frequency of radiowaves are used - Application:
for television and FM and AM radio  Heat source: Medical uses, Manufacturing
broadcasts, military communications, industires
mobile phones, ham radio, wireless  Cosmetology. Such as treating skin injuries,
computer networks and numerous other smoothing wrinkles, reducing the
communications applications. occurrence of dandruff, blackheads, etc.
- Advantages and Disadvantages  Infrared Photography
- Examples:
 Remote control; Acts as a transmitter that would turn black more rapidly in blue light than
picks up the command provided by the user in red light, he exposed the paper to light
and accordingly generates a binary signal beyond violet.
with the help of infrared light radiations. - Examples: Electric arc and laser, Sum lamps
 Stoves and tanning equipments, Black lights
 Infrared lamps; Are the prime sources of - Application: Serve as disinfectants/sanitation,
infrared radiation. The commercial security, food processing, forensics,
application of infrared lamps can be phototherapy, manufacturing.
observed in various industries and factories - Advantages and Disadvantages
such as pharmaceuticals, chemical  Adv: Vitamin D.
industries, etc.  DisAdv: Skin damage, Eye damage,
- Advantages and Disadvantages suppresses the immune system.
 Adv: Requires minimum power to operate  X-RAY
and can be set up to a low cost. It is a - Scientists typically refer to x-rays in terms of
secure way to transfer data between their energy rather than their wavelength
devices. Can promote local blood because they have considerably higher energy
circulation and reduce muscle tension. and a shorter wavelength than UV light. X-rays
 DisAdv: Speed of transmitting is slow. have very small wavelengths, between 0.03
Signals are impacted by weather and 3 nanometers.
conditions. Infrared signals are interpreted - Examples: Computed tomography,
by objects and people. Too much exposure Flouroscopy, Dental Radiography,
to the eye can cause ocular damage. Mammography, Angiography
 Visible Light - Advantages and Disadvantages
- We can see these waves as the colors of the  Adv: Non-invasively and painlessly help to
rainbow where each color includes a different diagnose disease and monitor therapy.
wavelength. Red has the longest wavelength  DisAdv: Potential long-term radiation risks,
and violet has the shortest one. When all the especially in children.
waves are seen together, the form white light.  Gamma rays
When white light comes through the prism, light - Is a penetrating form of electromagnetic
slows and bends and it different wavelengths radiation arising from the radioactive decay of
get separated into different colors. atomic nuclei. Has the smallest wavelengths
- Examples: Sun, bulb, fire that is why it is more penetrating and it can very
- Application: Vision and Illumination, much damage living cells.
Photography and Imaging, Communication - Advantages and Disadvantages
- Advantages and Disadvantages  Adv: Doesn’t need a power source to work.
 Adv: Consumes much less energy Equipment is smaller in size. And costs low
compared to radiowaves and microwaves. It  DisAdv: It is an ultrahuge acute dose.
is the only light in the electromagnetic Exposure times can be longer. Can kill
spectrum that is visible to the human eye. regular cells. Sources need replacing.
 DisAdv: Can cause damage to X-ray
machines and film cameras. Prolonged
exposure can cause ocular damage and
can cause serious health problems.
 Ultraviolet
- Has shorter wavelengths than visible light and
is a form of non-ionizing radiation. Due to its
powerful radiation it is used for reliable
disinfection and surface cleaning but also to
reduce pollutants in water and air. Although UV
waves are invisible to the human eye, some
insects, such as bumblebees, can see them.
- Discovery: 1801, Johann Ritter conducted an
experiment to investigate the existence of
energy beyond the violet end of the visible
spectrum. Knowing that photographic paper

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