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Page 35

In the class, there are a total of 44 students; 22 of these are boys, and 22 of these are girls. Most of the
students are Catholic, and some of them are non-Catholic. Despite the fact that they are in different
religions, the interaction with their classmates has not changed, and all of them have the same
interaction with the teachers.

Meanwhile, during the discussion, the students at the front are more participative than the students at
the back. Even though all of them were not competing with each other, they were more focused on
cooperating with others. In fact, when someone cannot answer the teacher's question, most of the
students will help. Furthermore, as I observed, the boys are more participative than the girls. Also, they
ask for help more frequently than the girls.

Outside the class, students were grouped according to their gender and interests. Some of the students
were staying inside the classroom, and some of the students were leaving the rooms.

Although these differences among students exist, my resource teacher effectively handled them.
"Mostly, I call them to answer on the board by gender. This way, they won't be discouraged if they
cannot answer the questions since they will not be compared with other genders," according to him.

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1. In the classroom that I observed, there were students who acted as leaders. There were also students
who made the class laugh. Lastly, there were also some students who also acted as little teachers.

- In what I observed, they assume these roles because they think that they are recognized by the
teachers and their fellow classmates. They felt that they were being listened to by their classmates.
Additionally, they also act in this way so that all of their classmates will be connected to each other.

2. Yes, these students who were classified as "different" are the slow learners. In fact, they will not
participate in the discussion if they are not called out; that is why the teachers always call for their
attention. However, even though they are like this, they are still accepted by the others by explaining
the lessons to them when they are asking for clarification.

- As I mentioned, the teachers let these students participate by calling their attention. They allow these
students to be more active and engaged in the discussions. As much as possible, the teachers call them
to answer on the board.

3. The teacher influences the class interaction by recognizing and accommodating the differences of
their students. For instance, teachers may adjust the phasing of their instructions for students who are
slow at understanding the instructions. The best example of this is when a teacher repeats the question
to students who do not understand what was said.
4. The teachers must promote active engagement to leverage the richness of diversity in the classroom.
Embrace and value differences, allowing students to express their strengths and grasp concepts through
various approaches. Challenge stereotypes and dispel myths, aiming to understand each student as a
unique individual.

Page 37

When I was in that classroom, during their discussion, I felt that all the students were connected to their
teacher. In fact, even the students at the back were attentive to the lesson. Moreover, I saw and felt
that students treat their teacher as a friend in a good way. I felt that there was a bond between the
teacher and the students.

On the other hand, there were some students who could not catch up to the lessons. However, they
were not ignored by their classmates, who understood the lessons. Those students who understood the
lessons would teach these slow learners so they could understand the lessons.

After witnessing these scenarios in the classroom that I was observing, I concluded that the students in
that classroom were united, and they considered their classmates as companions, not competitors.
Meanwhile, students also have a good teacher-student relationship with their teacher. During my
observation, I felt the oneness of the teacher and students inside that classroom.

Page 39

During my observation, the difference in academic abilities between students was obviously
determined. From the behavior during the discussion to the performance during activities and exams,
the gap between the students who performed well and the students who did not perform well can be
easily determined.

Further, there are also differences in how they interact during the discussion. Students who performed
well were way more active and engaging. They could complete the tasks and activities much faster. Also,
they actively participate with the teachers and are willing to help their classmates who need help.

On the other hand, students with special needs were the opposite. During the discussion, they were
busy with different things that were unrelated to the lesson. Mostly, they would pass an unfinished
work. Also, they were not participative and attentive.

Because of this, the teacher would mostly call the low-performing students to answer a question in
order for them to be more participative during the discussion. This is, I think, the teacher's method in
order to address the individual learning needs of the students in his class.

Page 40


1. Yes, after I ask my Resource Teacher, he said that what I saw and conclude during my observation was
2. Based on the students' academic performances, there are students who had higher scores than
others. It indicates that students' academic abilities vary due to their differences in levels of learning.
With this issue, the practices and strategies that a teacher uses are crucial. One of the practices that a
teacher uses is letting the students take notes about the contents of the topic.

3. As I observed, in order to address the students' differences in abilities, teachers used instructional
materials such as modules and books in order to suit the students' learning abilities. With this method,
students who cannot catch up to a verbal discussion may look to the modules and books in order to
follow and understand the lesson.


1. During my past time, I remember how my teachers that day dealt with the differences among
students. They were the same as my resource teacher's method. It was also effective during that time,
the same as how effective it was this time.

2. As a future teacher, being a lively and approachable teacher would be, for me, a key to becoming an
effective one. With that, students may think of us as someone to rely on when they have difficulties in
terms of academics.

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