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After analyzing the findings of the study, the thesis writers hereby reached a significant conclusion that

the comparison of pre-test and post-test scores of third-year BSEd-Mathematics students indicates that
the experiment results in the slightly effectiveness of the Learning Buddy strategy for individual
capability in learning calculus because out of eighteen (18) students only three (3) of them excel on the
post-test examination. Precisely, as what the Cooperative Learning Theory stated, it emphasizes active
engagement and collaboration among students of different abilities to achieve a shared goal. Moreover,
Vygotsky Sociocultural theory states the importance of social interaction and cultural context in the
leaming process. It appears that having learning buddy can affect positively on individual capability in
learning calculus.


Based on the results and conclusion of the study, the following recommendations are hereby

1. Students are encouraged to adapt the learning buddy strategy for enhancing their individual
capability in learning calculus.

2. Instructors are encouraged to help students engage in any workshop and adapt the learning buddy
strategy to enhance their individual capability in learning calculus.

3. Future researchers are advised to look into the learning buddy strategy more thoroughly, and
consider implementing a cyclical grouping approach where students paired alternately and conduct the
study in a longer span of time.

4. Future researchers are encouraged to apply the learning buddy strategy to other subject related to

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