Field #Flushyourmeds Scott Barry

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Field #flushyourmeds Scott Barry ;

By Scott A. Barry / Scott A Barry / Scott Barry ... ;

Below are the Field Notes that would trigger anyone who is
Brainwashed and does not grasp reality one bit at all ... ;
Did you know you can be Targeted or Killed for simply
Questioning WWII?
Did you know you can be Targeted or Killed for simply
Questioning The Holocaust?
A cop pointed a loaded gun at me during my Psychiatric
Evaluation. Safety?
This never makes it to the press either. Free Press?
The Same people who wore masks are the same people
perpetuating LIES. ;
Same goes with people who got the Covid-19 Vaccine thinking
it worked. ;
Lana Loktef - Red ICE TV ... ;
Einstein Plaigurized some shite and was a Commie ZIONIST
JEW ... ;
Episode 32 April 29 2017 ... ;
Eisenhowers death camps war is a racket smedly butler,
FDR and Winston Churchhill War crime of German Genocide ...
Nakkam Abba Covner smuggled jews to Palestine to Kill
Europeans ... ;
Deaths of Six Million Europeans by Plan A Plan B by
Jews ... ;
Plan A was Poison Water Plan B was Poison Bread ... ;
Covner started poisoning the Europeans in Palestine oh well
... ;
Irgum was a terorr group and again more to come with
that ... ;
Japanese Internment Camps 1943 Yep George Carlin Mentioned
it too ... ;
Internment relocation centers another backwards thing from
your presidents ... ;
Concentration Camps were even there in Finland and Sweden
who we know
all these camps were started by Communist Internetational
Jewry Period ... ;
Zyklon B is used to kill Typhus, Bugs, not jews, Holocaust
is a Hoax .... ;
Dust Spreads Typhus Five Miles Per Hour you see you need
Zyklon for that ... ;
Russian Propaganda about shower heads when all it was was
soap and water to
get rid of the lice and it was really bad because of over
crowding due to WAR
as people were crowded in which then causes disease learn
Creamation centers were used to prevent ground water
contamination just as
you would say do not flush your meds example Ellis Island
it really has to
be this way, if you still accept the HOLOHOAX you are
clearly brainwashed I mean
a law a revisionist denial questioning law in sixteen
countries still exists ... ;
Part 8 Left of at 25 Minutes and that is where we are
at ... ;
Debating the Holocaust a Documentary Film and
presentation ... ;
Holocaust researchers found no ash in the siol thus
Debunking the Holohoax ... ;
The Kayed Massacre was caused by the soviets and blamed on
the Germans ... ;
Crime Doctor Dr. Charles P. Larson John D. McCallum again
all prove Holohoax ... ;
None of the bodies showed any death by poison gas as shown
in documents ... ;
The corpses would have been bright cherry red if it was a
gas chamber ... ;
Thus also proving the Holocaust to be a damn rooten lie and
HOAX ... ;
The building there was not capable or made for gasing
people it was simply a
bomb shelter for the WAR as we know Noble Banking Families
aka Talmudic Jews ... ;
The building displayed as a gas chamber was not in its
original state, and when
the Soviets liberated the camp that building was an Air Aid
Shelter Completely Different ... ;
There was a gigantic manhole right in the middle of the Gas
Chamber ... ;
The Door to the Chamber also Opens IN and that really says
something even David Irving
Mentioned that in a lecture, Door locks on inside not
outside so it is so obvious ... ;
You mean a wooden door with a Glass Window and a door
handle, get real how obvious ... ;
Also it is illegal in Sixteen Countries just to Question
The HOLOHOAX for sure BS ... ;
It was a Decietful Post War Reconstruction from the gitco
and we all know it to be ... ;
Also why is there a massive Bakery near it, that really
says something too ... ;
In reality the bodies were not even exterminated by the
Germans and a good Majority were
not even Jewish so that really has to say something also as
well, who would say otherwise ... ;
Most of these Bodies were dead by Disease or Allied
Bombings not some Gas Chamber ... ;
Our Media still uses the Holohoax Programming to mislead
the public oh well ... ;
The Institute for Historical Review gets critisized and
attack you Communists, Zionists, etc. ;
The Book By Bread Alone was re-revised re-written changed
paraphraised, a fictional Gas Chamber
No. Five that did not exist just like in that one book
Knight and you buy up all this BS Still ... ;
Stadly Baldwin even admitted that all of this propaganda
was in fact propaganda of course ... ;
In a paper here it says : "Your cooperation is therefore
earnestly sought to distract public
attention from the doings of the RED ARMY by your
wholehearted support of various charges against
the Germans and Japanese which have been and will be put
into circulation by the Ministry."
You people are so brainwashed, I do not get why either, it
gets really damn old even trying ... ;
The victors just turne it around and blamed the victims aka
Germans of Holodomore that they then
slaughtered and everything you were taught in Public School
the Opposite is true get my point ... ;
Black Propaganda and CIA Propaganda has a lot more also to
do with Holocaust Propaganda like what
you see today in most of these Hollywood Movies, pushing
the Holocaust Hoax more and more as well. ;
Pictures of Dead Germans then became retitled to pictures
of Dead Jews, they burned all the German
Books and Literature during WWII and none of it was even
relevant or reason to do in the first place ... ;
The people still buy all this crap and continue on with
nonstop propaganda campaigns ... ;
Photos of German Refugees became photos of Jews, The Anti
German Propaganda continued for over seventy
years in the future and was pushed more and more in our
public school system that only Indoctrinates ... ;
"Hollywood is run by the jews. It is owned by the jews." -
Marlon Brando even this says a lot ... ;
You really actually think that "The Shindlers List" is
Historically Accurate?? That says a lot. ;
The Diary of Anne Frank had not her real hand writing so
that says a lot also as well ... ;
So we know the famous diary of Anne Frank is simply a
Literary Fraud in Ball Point Pen also ... ;
The Hoax of the Twentieth Century was another good
publication on it as well ... ;
Debating the Holocaust by Thomas Balton PHD ... ; Also A
Bakery Near the Supposed Chambers ... ;
The first holocaust the suprising origin of the six million
figure another publication ... ;
The Holocaust Dogma of Judaism is another book on this
exact Holohoax we hear about ... ;
You see we are replacing Nationalism with Globalism and
Multiculturalism and this is not
new, the Holocaust Narrative is a Hoax perpeduated by the
Jewish press of Victor lies ... ;
People have had their houses fire bombed for simply
questioning the Holocaust says a lot ... ;
People are killed in the streets just for questioning WWII
and the Holocaust Myth in general ... ;
The ADL and JDL are definately involved in this as well as
your random Parliments ... ;
In Germany - 87 Year old Woman Ursula Haverbeck Sentenced
to Prison for Questioning the Holohoax,
that really says a lot and Ernst Zundel Gets his Canada
House Fire bombed for Questioning it ... ;
My dead grandparents even said this who western culture is
all about propaganda and if you
figure it out, you gotta keep it secret and tell no one as
you will get your house Fired ... ;
This so-called war on First Amendment is still going on and
will continue past 2024 ... ;
There is also that one David Dees Illustration of the ZIO
Police in the Jail and it shows
one person was in Cell Block for Questioning the Holohoax
which really says a lot does it ... ;
The mere fact that Holocaust Denial Laws in Europe and
Sixteen Countries should raise an
Eye Brow on how free you actually are in these Despotic
British Crown Colony Corporations ... ;
Global Communism as it seems, and that is what they have
achieved in these field notes ... ;
Truth Fears no examination, you certainly do not need laws
to protect history unless, you are
trying to protect a lie, which really says a lot about
these so-called sixteen countries ... ;
That was Europa the Last Battle Part Eight and that says a
lot about what we were taught ... ;
--Scott Alan Barry is an Atheist Holocaust Denier Dunce
that sucks and Stuff ... ;
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--Scott Alan Barry is an Atheist Holocaust Denier Dunce
that sucks and Stuff ... ;

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