Xao Ravenwind

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Xao Ravenwind- Human Cleric 3/Wizard 3/Geomancer 3

Just some stuff I rolled up using the Hero Builder’s Guidebook. I kept everything vague
so you could fill in the blanks related to your campaign. If you have any further questions
let me know. I figure I met Ten (Jesse’s Character) while searching for my missing
teacher (The Geomancer who taught me once I became powerful enough). I like the idea
of sending individual emails for down-time events.
Home climate Human
Home Climate:
Nomadic People- Didn’t have a specific home terrain because he migrated through more
than one.
Home Community: Human
Small Tribe- A small tribe of 100 people or less. Life revolved around hunting &
gathering, herding & Farming.
Family Economic Status:
Religious Order- Was raised as part of a religious order. While his “family” didn’t have
much direct income, it had access to resources through the church.
Family Social Standing:
Positive -religious affiliation. Family is closely tied to the church, which is well regarded
on the community.
Family Defense Readiness:
Outstanding- Family has a tradition of military service, & family members are taught
from birth to be courageous & stalwart companions when joined in battle. The Family
armory contains magic weapons & armor.
Family Private Ethics:
Good- Family is known for involvement in the community & acting to help others.
Family Public Ethics:
Beyond Reproach- Public opinion is ingrained about the church that it’s essentially
Family Religious Commitment:
Strong- Family is deeply committed to a patron deity (?).
Family Reputation:
Outstanding – Family is known to produce outstanding individuals but has an occasional
bad apple.
Family Political Views:
Radical- Family is in open revolt against the current system & existing rulers.
Family Power Structure:
External- Family is lead by an Outsider (Deity) to whom the family has sworn support.
Ancestors of Note:
Otherworldly- An ancestor is reputed to have come some other place not of this world.
Early Childhood Instruction:
Religious- Learned the religious beliefs of his family & embraced them.
Formal Education:
Religion- Studied religious texts & philosophy.
Learning a Trade:
Religious- Had advanced studies in a formal church setting. Included training as an
acolyte or priest.
Life Events (Thus Far)
Early Childhood Events:
Astronomical Event- Was born under a strange moon, a comet in the sky, or some
other phenomenon.
Youth Events:
Healing- Cared for a recovering family member or hero.
Pivotal Events:
Climatic Battle- A significant monster or villain threatened the community & is
eventually either destroyed or driven off.
Both Parents are dead. Choose circumstances.
Middle Child- 1 older bother 1 younger sister
Great- Grand Parents are alive, at least one, Maybe more.
Mother Parents are alive, Father’s parents are deceased
Extended Family:
Huge Extended family, knows dozens of relatives of various generations.
Many- Has light & pleasant relationships with many people but few if any significant
Monster- One or more local monsters view me as a threat, perhaps as a result of some
minor encounter.
Vanished- The instructor who taught me everything I know vanished.

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