Class 5 - Architectural Layouts

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Building layout design is regarded as one of the

major tasks in architecture design. It determines
the shapes, dimensions, and positions of
internal building spaces to satisfy
architectural criteria. This task becomes
complicated for human designers when the
topology relationships of rooms are complex.
Types of levels in the building

There are different levels in the building. These levels are

used to make the construction process easy.
Levels are indicated in the construction drawings to make
the process of understanding, a lot easier for the
engineers and supervisors. Here, I have listed some
commonly used types of levels in building construction.
1. Plinth Level
The plinth is the part of the superstructure which is located
between the surrounding ground and the finished floor.
The level of this floor surface is knowns as plinth level.
2. Sill Level
The lower part of the base of the window is known as sill level. Check out the below image for a clear
understanding of the
sill level.
3. Lintel Level
As we know, the lintel is a horizontal structural piece
on top of a window or door that serves as support by
distributing the weight of the building above the
window or door. The top surface of the lintel is
known as lintel level. (refer below figure)
N° Plinth level Sill level Lintel level

1 A part of the superstructure is Also a part of the A lintel is a structural

located between the finished superstructure is located member that is provided
floor level and ground level between the window and above the opening
the building floor, (door,window) and the
height up to this from
floor level is known as
lintel level. Difference
2 The plinth is provided to act as Sill is provided to give a A lintel is provided to
a barrier against rain wáter uniform base for the carry the load of between Plinth level,Sill
and storm wáter to support a window masonry above the
dead load of masonry above opening level and Lintel level

3 The plinth is generally Sill is constructed with A lintel Maybe of RCC

constructed RCC RCC or cement mortar . Stone, Steel, Wood and
Granite is also used as brick . Generally RCC
sill lintel is used

4 Usually the plinth height is Generally, the sill height While the height for sill
between 300 and 400 hundred for bedroom 1100 mm is 2130 mm (7´) in
mm above the ground level is and 600 650 mm for the residential and 2316
taken drawing room is adopted mm (7´6´´ ) in comercial
in most of the cases
4. Natural Ground Level (NGL)
Natural ground level (NGL) is the level of ground surface without any modification like excavation or soil filling.
Normally, it is measured with the reference of Mean-Sea Level (MSL).
5. Building ground level (B.G.L) / Finish floor level (F.F.L.)
The ground level inside building is called Building Ground level or Floor Finish level. This level is at the height of minimum
150mm – 450mm from the Natural ground level (N.G.L). The reason for raising building height is to restrict the entry of
water during storms and rainfall. The height may go upto meters if the building located in slope and heavy rainfall

A cut through a
building or a
portion of a
Section A-A’
NGL= Natural Ground Level
FFL= Finished Flooring Level
Gable Roof FRL = Finished Roof Level
+5.8 Flush Door Awning window


Sliding Patio Door +0.15 25CM

+0.15 2.50mt

N.G.L Casement Window

Straight Stairs

This is Section A-A

1. We can observe Natural Ground Level 0 cm, Finished Flooring Level 15 cm wide.

2. It has 2.5 mt high, there is a slab of 25 cm wide, FFL 3.05 mt high and Finished
Roof Level 5.80mt high.

3. There is a Sliding Patio Door on the left and there are Straight Stairs on the right.

4. You can see a Casement Window on the first floor, it has 1.5mt high and an
Awning window on the second floor, it has 1.30 mt high.

5. There is a Flush door next to the stairs and we see a Gable roof.
What does elevation of a building mean?

In the construction industry, the term 'elevation'

refers to an orthographic projection of the
exterior (or sometimes the interior) faces of a
building, that is a two-dimensional drawing of the
building's façades.
Restaurant description

We observe the following levels…

This is section A-A

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