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The Dialogues: Conversations about

the Nature of the Universe (The MIT

Press) Johnson
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rhe Sidogues
Conversafions about the Nafure ol the Universe

ιlifうord V.JohИ sο И


Carnbri dge, Massachusetls

London, Eng)and
◎ 2047`多 liffOrd` ノ_JiOhrSの И

All rights reserved- No parf of this book aay be reproduced in any lora by any electronic or
Mechanical Means (including phofoco?ying, recording, or inlorvalion slorage and retrieval)
without perrv'ission in wriling lrorn the publisher.

rhis book was set in lhe Blambot fonls ihkslihger and criuelighter by Clittord v- Johnson

Prttd and bO口 Иd iИ +И θ口И θd S十 a十 eSの f/` Mθ riaa_

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-?ublication Qata

NaMes, Johnson, Clilford v- (Cliftord victor), lqGE- author- | wilczek,

Frank, writer of foreword.
fifle, rhe dialogues . conversafions about the nalure ol the universe /
Cliflord V- Johnson i loreword by Frank Wilczek-
Pescription. Carnbridge, Massachuselts ; London, england. The MTT Press,
Tdentifiers, LCCN 2O17O153qq I ISBN q7EO2G2O37235 (hardcovar i alk- PaPer) |
XSBN O2G2O3723E (hardcover i al(- paper)
Subjects, LCSH, Science- I Cosruology.
classification, Lcc Q172 -JG4 2017 | ??c 523-1--dc23 LC record available al
htfps. / /lccn -loc-qov / 2O17O153qq

40087● 54
,uy tuofhef who always gave Me
space fo explore ruy full pofenfial-

To Lt4y son/ an explorer.

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Foreword ?reface
Page ix Page xi

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Page 133 ?age 151

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Page 147 Page 213
Frank Wilczek is the AerYuan ?rofessor al the Massachusetts fhsfifule ol rechnology, Chief
Scientist at the wilczek Quanturn cenlen shanghai Jiao Tong universify, ?istinguished origins ?rotes-
son Arizona State university, and erolessor of ?hysics at Sfockholr., Universify- He shared lhe 2OO4
Nobel ?rize in ?hYsics with oavid J- Gross and A- ?avid ?olitzer lor the discovery of asyaptotic free-
doru in the lheory of the slrong nuclear interaclion- He has wrilten ruany books and essayt including
rnost recentlY A Beaufiful Quesfion, rinding Nafure's peep pesign (New york, ?anguin ?ress, 26.15)-


?ialogues were ?lato's chosen vehicle, lhrough which he framed Vhilosophical debafes that continue to
this day- Qavid H,urr'e look up the forru in his brilliant ?ialogues Concerning Nafural Religion- Autne,s
work is a classic in lhe ThilosoVhy ol science, as well as the philosophy ol religion, and its discussion of
cosruology, in Varticulan reruains lresh and relevant today-

Galileo, a great advuirer of ?lato, used dialogue lortu in two of his yuasterworks- rn pialogue Con-
cerning fhe rwo chief world sysferus, two nalural ?hilosophers-sil,l4plicio, a lraditional Aristofilean,
and Salviafi, a Copernican-vie lor the allegiance of Sagredo, an inlelligenl layruan- The character of
Sagredo is based on a real person, Galileo,s friend Giovanni Francesco Sagredo. fhe scientilic deiate
Selween Aristotilean physics (with its Earfh-centered, ?toleruaic astronoay) and Galilean physics, now
called "classieal,' (with ifs Sun-cenlered, Copernican aslronoay) is now long set|ed- rhe pialogue,s
discussion of Varlicular Poinfs is dated and, in its erlended discussion of the tides, badly ruisguided- yet
Galileo's Pialogue rernains alive, and a joy lo read, because it brings us in touch with syrylpathelic huaan
characters, and with a wonderlully afiractive inleraction aruong theru, wherein they exchange deevly
held ideas-and exVose theru to quesfioning-

Galileo's Piscourse on Two New Sciences is a rnore purely scientilic work, in which he Vresenfed
oneering ideas in whal we'd now call sfrengfh of aalerials and elernentary dynaruics. The science is
brilliant bul ol course long suVerseded- Yet the ?iscourse reyuains as a beaulitul, touching work ol lif-
erafure, again 5ecause of the attraclive cullure it shows us, here leaturing lhe inlerplay of lundaruental
science and engineering Practice on ruore broadly, lheory and exVeriuenL Tn this book Galileo's
ot'tists, although slill narued SiaPlicio, Sagredo, aTrd Salviafi, are actually all G,alileo hilv|selt, al dillerent
stages in his intellecfual develo?Ment rhrough their debate, he shows us how his ideas evolved-


"Show, don't tell" is advice ollen given to aspiring playwrighls and novelists- when done well, il leads to
work that engages us like life itself- ?lato, Atfiue, and €,alileo followed lhat advice, lo greal effect ror
uodern scientists who airu to 6ring their work to the public using Vrinted ruedia il is challenging advice,
since lheir 't"l,aterial is, generally speaking, far revnoved lroyn everyday life-

Clillord Johnson-a practicing scienlist working at lhe trontiers ol physics and cosrnology_has, in lhe
6ook 5efore you, risen to the challenge- Ae's brought in two very crealive innovafions-

First and Most sfrikingly, he's taken "dialogue" to a new level, augruenling text wifh graphics thaf de'
picl the Vrotagonists and their surroundings- GraVhic novels have becoue verY popular in recent Years-
Aere we have gra?hic dialogues-

Graphic dialogues add iruVortant new dirv'ensions lo the dialogue fora- rhey reslore soue ol the rich-
ness of tace-lo-face huvnan coruyuunication- Reaclions are "shown, not told-" The social and cultural
conlert ol lhe conversalions is, necessarily ex?licif- Facial expressions and body language are in Vlay-
Johnson places his interlocufors in interesting, realistic, physical setfings- His urban "landscaVes" are
drawn with a skillful, loving hand-

ft is all too easy lo forget in lhe laler dry retelling, lhat new science is usually lhe product ol attractive
young VeoVle, who enjoy one anofher's cotvpany. That hidden as?ecf of scientific life is lront and center
in Johnson's graVhic dialogues.

Second, he,s off-loaded heavy scientific details inlo the briel notes that lollow each dialogue- The noles
Vrovide,lor lhose who'd like to enler the subjecls More deeply, inlorrued ?ointers lo readily accessible
sources ol addilional inforruation-

worthY of the nawte should,

fhe dialogues thevnselves are conversational- They contain, as dialogues
real give-and'take about issues where the last word has not yet been sToken, and dilferent opinions
are possible.

Can there be a theory of everyfhing? Qoes the concept of a ruulfiverse make sense-and is if useful,
or true? Whal is fhe value of wildly exploratory research, driven 6y curiosily and aesthetics rather than
langible goals?

s talk abOロ ナ i十 __

Frank wilczek
C arubri dge, MassachAsefts
March 2017

An Tnvifation

All around you, peoVle engage with each olher in conversafions aboul a variety ol topics, rellecling the
diversily ol inlerests and concerns l,haf they have aboul the world around theyu- you,ve Vrobably over-
heard snippefs of such conversalions, and although you don,t necessarily apVreciate every aspecl ol
whal was said (Terhaps because of lack ol context or knowledge of lhe subject), you,ll probably agree
thal it can be fascinating while it lasts/ Soruefirues, those conversations are about science- rhey should
be, since science is part oi our world and our culture, and it has a huge irupacl on otr lives- So it ought
to be on lhe yuenu right alongside arl, vnusic, politics, sports, shoVping, celebrities, and all those olher
things we talk about- Science is also a great solrce ol beauly and wonder- There need be no yvore rea-
sons beyond lhal to talk aSouf a lopic!

Pes?ite all that everyday conversalion about science seetus lo be hidden froyn vuost ol our art our
literature, and olher lorrus ol enlertaintuenL Tt is even largely absent lrovn yuost presentations ol sci-
ence- This is odd, since such conversations are essehtial to everyone involved, To unpack lhe rueaning
or relevance of sorne asPect ol science, or lo siruply becorue vuore fauiliar or coynforlable wilh a fopic,
it helps to talk aSoul il with soueone- When scientists are trying to undersland each other,s work, or
uncover soue new lruth aSout how nature works, lhey have conversafions- When they try lo coyuuuni-
cate science ideas or knowledge to lhe Vublic, it's olten best done in the toryu of a conversation-

rhis book is therefore an invifation- On the one hand, it's an invilation to eavesdrop on sone conver-
satiorrs about science- Like all dialogues, fhey're rarubling, incoruplete, and soyueliaes not fully inforrued.
Aoweven they ynay be inleresting, and they ruay encourage you fo delve a litlle deeper and lind ouf
ruore aSout sovuelhing You got frorn an exchange- On the other hand, this book is an invilation fo join
in! Conversalion aboul science shouldn't 6e lelt fo the ex?erts or to science enthusiasts-it,s for ev-
eryone- There's no grade given lor getting things wrong, for asking questions, lor hazarding a g{ess,
or lor having an oVinion- So while oul there in the world, reruevuber these conversations, know thal
lhey are happening all around you, and initiate and Varticipate in sorue ol your own- Maybe soyueone will
eavesdro?, start his or her own conversation, and keep the chain of engageynent alive-

ebouf This Book

Lef w'E poinf out a few things aboul lhis book, since it is souewhal unusual- ?uring or after eaves-
dropping on a conversafion, consider consulling the notes lhal are al the end ol each one- They,re
enlirelY oVfional, 6ul lheY soaetirues conlain covuqents about fhings thal were said, and they olten
suPPly sources lor lurther reading. Rerueuber also thaf vast amounts of inforrualion are available online
to which You can quickly connect by Vutting a snippel of whal was said into a search engine- Tn doing
so, YoLt should be cautious ol your sources- T.'ve given a lew online sources, 5ut T.,ve locused on books-
You should not consider lhe books listed fo be what T regard as the definitive best (or vnosl currenf)
treafruents- TheY are just a rnixture ol sorue ol rny favorites with others that caughl yuy eye, or lhal
seerued suitable lo include to help loru a colleclion of entry points inlo a topic- Read lots of sources, and
get several Voints ol view, Rerueuber lhat science is a huaan endeavon and so a book 6y one scienlisl
on a cerlain lopic ruight nof resonale with you as yuuch as one by another scientisl on the very sarl,e
fopic- rhis is no differenl lrorn preferring how one poel evokes a suuaer,s day to how anolher does-
You'll notice that this is a graphic 5ook, or graphic novel, or coruic, or whatever lhe right tervu is-
(There's no universal agreeaenf on the ferrninology-) rhe More accurate (but less dexterous) usage is
to say that this is a colleclion ol "sequential art" nAeaning lhaf it is a bunch ol iruages that taken to-
gelher (and read wifh adherence to sone agreed upon ordering convention) tora a narrative, just like a
sentence, or colleclion of sentences, does- BIAI seq*ential art-fhe graVhic forvu-can do so auch vuore
lhan just sentences yuade ol words! Tn fact il is particularly well suited to discussing science, especially
physics, which is what uost ol these dialogues are abouL This goes beyond the obvious fact that T can
siruply show shapes and objects that T'd typically have to describe in words in a tradilional science book-
ft also goes beyond the fact that you ruighl 6e drawn ruore readily into the conversalion by Seing able
to see lhe interlocutors and their surroundings- Reuember thal ?hysics has spaae and lirue erubedded
inlo nearly every aspect of it- Tn lact currenl research inlo the nature of space and livne locuses a lot
on how they ruay arise as a resulf of lhe relationships between things- SPace and lirue and the relation-
ships between lhings are at the heart ol how coaics work Tnages (soruefirues contained in Vanels, but
not necessarily) arranged in sequence encourage the reader to inler a narralive thaf involves fhe sense
of tiue passing, ol ynovernent and so forlh. Tn this sehse, fundavuentally, coruics are Vhysics! 7ul this
way upon rellection it is stumaing that lhis graphic forru has not been used rnore to talk about physics,
and to coruuunicate what's going on in lhe lascinating world ol Vhysics research- T hoVe thal lhis book
will helV change lhal' T don'f do il nearly as uuch as T could have, but do keep an eye out lor Vlaces in
the 6ook where T tie the Vhysics being discussed fo the layoul of the ivnages on lhe Page- Tn i'he notes
T could not resist Vointing out sone (perhaps) Varticularly notable aases-

Finally, you'll also nolice that there are equalior4s in fhis 6ook- Tn popular-level ?resentafions of science
ideas, fhere's a tradition ol hiding lrovu lhe reader lhe two Most ?owerful tools we use in research,
fhe cartoons and diagraus that we scribble, and lhe equalions that we write- So rnuch ol the reasoning
we do in physics is visual, and vnost ideas sfart that way. Those lools encode so very ruuch in a visual
language, and yel aulhors are encouraged by their editors lo replace them wilh words, to elfectively
infantalize readers and Vrotect theru froru lhe dreaded aafhernafics- Tt is no wonder that soue to?ics
reyuain Mysferious, obscure, or confusing! Tt also ends up ?eypetuating lhe very lear and unlaruiliarily
with equations that some people have- To leave oul (or ruinivuize the quantity of) equations and diagraus
in a 6ook about physics is like wrifing a book aboul ynusic and being afraid to falk about or show any
,l,z,usical insfruruenfs- You can do it sure, but you're leaving oAt so very auch ol whal Vhysics is really like,

hiding what rnakes it atlractive to uost of ils pracfitioners- So yes, cast your eye over the equations,
and don't worry il you don't fully undersland theru- Appreciale what you can- Aaving lheru on lhe page
will get you More coyulorlable with theyu, and thal farr'iliarity May ynean you'll look a second tirue, and a
third, and so on --- and ruaybe you'll appreciate fheir ueaning a bil ruore every firue-


T1u not fhe first to note how overly specialized we all are- S,ometiwes if is out ol necessify, but all foo
often ilis beause we lind cotulort in apparently getting the Measure of sorueone by being able lo
classify theru, so we all join in fhe classification garne and end up building walls- rhe apparent wide gulf
belween My "day jo5" as a professor ol Vhysics and the other things r like lo dabble in (aspects of lhe
visual arfs, and the huvuanities) that resulted in this book has rAeant lhal rnosl friends and colleagues
don't know or haven't really understood whal T've been working on, or why. Tn some aases it has been
5ecause it was hard for Me fo know where fo begin explaining, and so T busied uyselt wilh getling on
wilh it hastening the day when T could just Voint to the end Vroduct So T'd like to express considerable
gralitude to everyone who (even it they did nol quile understand) was either supporfive, or encour-
aging, or who siruply trusted ue enough to allow rue the s?ace (and tiue) to work on this (vuore than
sevenleen-year-old!) idea and bring it to fruition-

T'ru privileged to work af an institution (fhe university of Southern California) that has ruany staff and
faculty who helV keep alive the sVirit of genuine cross-disciplinary exVloration, and T thank lheru lor
fhat Notable individuals with words of suVVort and interest include Ainee Benden Leo Braudy K- C-
Cole, Allison Engel, Karin Auebnen and M- e- Lord.T thanki.he Fellows and rriends of fhe Los Angdes
Tnstitute for the Auuanilies at USC lor keeVing alive the wonderlul environynent lhat ruakes il easy to
keep sight of proiects like thiq and us''s Sidney Har4an a,caderuy for ?olyrnathic Study (and especially
the lale Kevin Starr who helped build and guide it) lor providing rue wilh opportunities to inspire a new
generation lo be explorers- Both instilulions let me presenl the book as a work in ?rogress- T thank
AMY Rowal for helplul advice on exlra sources to include aboul tood science, and TaMeeM Albash for
?atientlY lislening to Me babble aSout covuics- ?arlicular thanks lo Nancy Keyslone for being an enthu-
siastic suPPorter lrou the Motvent she heard what T was doing- rt is a delight to thank Jessie and
Robin French lor occasionally allowing me to set up caup in a corner ol their horne while working on lhe
book- SVecial thar, ks go lo Titu Morris, ruy old ?h? advisor froru almost thirty years ago- T remembered
a slorY thal he told about going to fhe lair wilh his talhen and his interpretation of what happened- Ae
gave Me Verruission lo 5orrow it and the story told within the last conversation in the book is loosely
Sased on his fale- rhanks to the AsPen Cenler lor ?hysics (especially Jane Kelly) lor being an excellent
retreaf al which to think about unusual projects- T've conpleted fhis book during a sabbatical yeati and
the si'tz,ons Foundalion ruade a full year possible by awarding Me a fellowshiv, lor which T aM grateful-

rt was a challenge lo explore lhe Tublishing world to try to find a horue for this oddball project- T 7.z,ust
thank SteVhon Alexander and Cecil Caslellucci for trying to help by ruaking introductions, even though
those avenues did not yield results- T've since learned that such selfless introductions lo agents and
editors are rnore rare lhan T'd have guessed, and so lhey should be acknowledged- Alice Oven was
the first cournissioning editor who really listened and "gof it" when T tound her and explained what T
was frying to do, and lhis book ruay not have vnade it to print without her enthusiastiaally chaapioning
it while at rC Press, so a 6ig thank you goes lo her- T thank Jerney Matthews for the initiative and
enlhusiasru that resulled in lhis book tinding a horne at the MTT press, and all the staff at the MTr
Press lor their waruth and prolessionalisvn as we worked on the last stages of this book-

Although T don'f see ther,l as otten as T'd like, ruy molhen eelia, and ay siblings, Robert and Carol, are
with rue in every project T undertake and T\u thankful. They along wilh ruy (now deparfed) falher aeg-
inald, have all helVed shape who T aM- This includes, T believe, having been understanding and supporlive
ol vuy exploratory nalAre all uy life- I Must also thank a.oberf lor (probably) being responsible lor rne
6eing exVosed to coruics, sharing thea, and helVing Me track theru down 6ack when that was so hard lo
do, alrnost lour decades ago on fhat tiny island thal we all nriss so ruuch-

/v1ost iruportantly, there's ruywile and besl friend, Aruelia French- My gratitude to her cannot be over-
stated- rt is a clich1 to saY lhal without her this Vrojecl would nol have coae to truition, 6ut it is true-
T thank her lor being the ruost wonderlul partner one could wish fol bringing love, huruon ideas, and
lhe unquestioning and generous suPPort and llexibility thal allowed us to negoliate a rnutually workable
schedule fhal (T hope) ulfirualely served each ol our respecfive endeavors well, as well as strenglhening
lhe wonderlul larnily we've uade. The book is infinitely richer as a result of us having ruet

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` ειιノHハ ′
〔7r''ι ゾ
J餞 1
〃│ゾ´Tεマy TOノ Иε ハgOυ T‖ ε σι′εNη ´丁一
Tυ 2N″ 一日¨ -0ぞ ´ソ′ N TH′ N6_

MOσ T OF THεAA′ON′ T′O Maι H´ ι′

εNι ε
ONι ε THε TマハNθ FO尾IMハ 70N Hハ ′′εN´ _

閻躙 nヒ εγσNヽνlHε N THε ハιι′

ε″ヽ″OWε ぞ′
′εNT εN′ラ
N`THε M′ Nヽ ″ハゾ:ジ THハ T
M′ 6HT Hε ι′ ヽ ″ 丁″ THε σι′εNι ε│′

Oυ εσ70N THハ 丁′澪Oνε THε〃 │

五日ε F′ マリ丁 ′ιハιε_

И″Fι ι′И′TH
T POWiεマ gυ T yOυ ιOυ ι′ ′
〃│ハ Nε
THハ 了 マε´′ONθ ′
g′ ι`′
丁 でε´′ON´ ′ Ty_
g′ ι′ WOυ ι′ ´OMε Mε σ T′ gε
MO`そ NソOι yε′ 1「′―′N/И ハygε
イ Zヽ

ハ gハ Nκ マOggε マy_

___′ ´ TO Hε ιP
HOい′ハgOυ T MOVε FOマ Wiハ 22
〃lυ 2′εマ ハN′
ハ σ′aク εlθ __
沼 εИハ′
`ヽ │

Mハ THマ Oυ ιH gε 7 「 εぞ
VV′ ιι ハιVVハ ゾラ υN′εマ´Tハ N′ ′ Nι
Hハ ソε TH(3た T0 OF Oυ マ VVOマ ι′
σOMε εχ TεNT_
N′ T
Oυ ぞ ′ιハιε ′
〃│ハ ygε THε κεゾ T0 εNι ε Hε ι′ラ
THε ′
マ′Nι ′
′εNι ε___ ハ ιOTツV′ TH■Hハ

σO′N´ Tεハ′ OF F′ ιHフ Nι

― fマ ノνVHハ T′
′ ON7
ムNι ε ハN′ ιONFυ ´′
WON′ T σεε T00 νV`Ξ ιノ」
lr Ю ι

Mハ Nゾ ιOM′ ι g00κ 〃│ハ κε'ι′T´OH′ `´ `'' ιυηN′ _
Vハ y__
´そ]マlσ THハ 丁 ν `HFハ

′υそ´υ′ Nι ´ι′εNι ε
ハισ0 6′ ソε´ υσ TH′ Nι ´ ι′κε
gε萬自魔到マ HεハιTHハ ♂ J′ ιOr、 6`]マ
ι′Fε´′ハNσ ′ハN′ MOマ ε TH′ N6σ
´εε ハN′ ´0ハ N′ ′ON′εマ
ИNι ι
VVH′ ιε ι′ ONι ε2___

`(5)υ κNο し
` εハ´′
/ノ εマ Tマハyε ιノ
0′ Tν __
2ハ ′′
´υぞε___ルνON′ εマFυ ι
′′ιTυ マε´ OF OTHε マ ヽ
νOマι′り ヽ
ν′TH ハN′ M′ ιttο σιο′εσr
Tειε´ιO′ε´ ハN′ ´PAι ε ′マOgεσ___
yε ハH」

σO I σεε ハ ιマεスT´ 輌0マ y
Nl″H′ιHハ ´lι ′
′ εNT′´T`ε T´
σ呂6ι ′
ハι ハg′ ι′7εσ___

gυ 丁 ´
「■F Tυ 2Nσ ハ膊0“ N′
ハN′ ιOε ´ 0汽 Fハ N′ ´Oεσ
MOttε σι′εNι ε し
M′ 輌H′ T_

石Hハ 丁ιO“ ι′ gε ハ
ι― T´ 輌0マ る yεσ… _

gυ T I ιυεσ´ ′
T W10υ ι′
′FPaN′ ハ ιOTク 澪οN
WiHZ丁 贅ヨ多′ハιハE″ ι′7ε´
■Hε ´ιだ
`茅 ヨNI′ σT ιεTI´ _

A4ハ yピ ε_

gυ Tハ ιT“ハιιy Hυ 6ε ハ′νlハ Nι ε´ ′ N
´ι′εNι ε Hハ νε gε 6N Mハ ′ε gち ′ N ONε
Wハ yOマ ハNO■Hεマ′εNHハ Nι ′ Nι ενεNハ
ONε OF Oυ マ スg′ ι′7ε´ 輌0
εX′ εぞ′εNι ε THε t″ 0マ ι′_

Ogσ ε′νハT′ ONσ ハN′ σソFN gσFOぞ σ ` /Oυ T T0
yσ う_
んへεLAσ υマε,Vヽ εNT:ジ ハマε ιONラ TPυ ι千′ N`ι ι`ε
ι02Nε マジ TONε θ 千日εOマ ε千′ ιハし ″ ム/И εいた .ジ


OF σι′εNι ε_ Tε )σ ×Pιハ′N TH′ Nι ___


´0ハ ′ ИO′ εσ T TH′ Nι ι′κε ハ
Mハ 6N′ Fy′ Nι ハラ´ ι′ ソεラ
σνεマyONε THε Ty T0
`し ムg′ ι′
σσε T′ Ny TH′ N6ラ _

Fぞ 0スA THε マε ′千′

σ ハ
M′ ιで0´ ιO′ ε__

W′ 千H′ Tラ Hυ ′MPハ ιT ON
F′ σし′´ ι′
だ ε M″ ι′
`ε Nε/
≠7(3)伊 (`;H′И′ P(1)1ヨ 子
(`〕 ′こ
二)ι )`ヽ イ


ハN′ σO FOマ 引 __

ゾε _

I jε
`ラ ε

gν T
___0マ Ty T0
Tハ κε THε ハg′ ι′
´εε ム ′′FFε ぞεNI Pハ マ千 OF THσ
εしειTマ ιNF77ι ラP`Fι TPι ″И_

ジ′gし ε ι′
ι H乃
yOυ ′

ぞ0ラ ハι′
N′ FPハ NKι ′
N′ ´

NO丁 じにメ WOぞ κ ON THε σTマ υιTυ 2ε OF
ι ハ丁
ιOζ,だ 〃ヾ
g′ Oι Oι ′
ιハι Aハ Oι ειttι σラ___
Oκ εN
Tヽ νハレiκ εゾ T0
s`ミ ン
`ぞ OH ′
yε ラ _ Wハ 千ラONハ N′ ιマ′ ικ
F′ ι伊ぞε Oυ T HOW′ ′INハ
Wε ´εε ´0′ⅥυιH∼ 10々 ε リ 〔6HTア
Wο 7.く ′ノ′7′

OF THε И/0に し′ gy THた 多 `ε

´′ TW畝 Tゾ __
マ OFハ g′ ι′ T Wiハ ´ FPO″ ヽυ´′ Nι
×一々ハyσ TO θεε THε
×一ぞハyσ FO′ σεε困 σTマυι IT′ イ′
Nκ _
′ ′ε TH′ N`σ _ `
Nラ ′

‐ヽノヽデ、 コノ洵、″ ムισO′ H′ FぞεOυ εNι y

^″ Mε ハNσ `″
H′ εNε 澪6ち
ムN′ ´0′ F `HyOυ ′εTει丁
σOMε ×―にスゾ´′yOυ κNOW
ハN εNε マ ■ι Ogσ lε ιT
Pマ0クリιε`ε ′ THεlM_

yOυ ι00κ NTO“ 多′ハι ε υ´ ′N`ハ

′ N
X― にハyT“ εσιO′ ε ハψ ′′́ ιOソ εマ ハ
ヽ″lHOι ε Nε Wヽ ″0ぞ ι′ OF OgJlε ιT´
0ク 了爾 εぞε εlM′ 7了 ′Nι ×一だハy´ _

OgJlειTσ ′

MFι ι_
σO′ F yOυ Hハ ′
gυ 丁 し
X― マハyИ ´′ON MHハ 丁ハ ,υ T
OF σOMε ´0マ T ´υ″ Nι TH′
yOυ ιハN σεε 0ぞ σOMε OTHεマ ON___
ハN′ ′′σιOソεマ συ′εぞHε マ0丁 反ンVT
Nε VV TH′ N6σ _ ι′κε THハ T多

HOW′ ´ THε
εマーσι園 ■´T
THハ T ONε Nε ε′lσ ハ
"′Nι TO υσε 7月ハT g′ T OF THOυ 6月 T__
TO′ ‐
`0′ ′a′ ´
'ノ ИハNκ ′
THマ Oυ6日 σι′ εNι εζ

I`υ εσσ THε y ιOυ ι′ gε σO yOυ ′′ Hハ yε TO σ′εN′

MO′ ε ハgι ε TO εN′υマε ιεσ Mε ′Nι 02′ 0マス7N6
εX口 Iε εNИ マON〃 lε NTσ σハFε Tyハ σ′ειTσ _
N εX′ ιOぞスフON_

gυ T I`υ εヒスラ ′丁′σ εハ´だ]?

TO TH′ Nκ OFハ g′ ι′
7(ス ラ THハ 丁
ハιιOνV υσ TO ι00κ ハT
TH′ N`´ ′′
FFε′εNTι ゾζ

ヽ″4Hハ Tハ gOυ T

ν10マ ε ハι7し/ε
TH′ N6´ ア

κε し
ι′ νlHハ ″ 晨てら gυ T I TH′ Nκ IT′´
σH00η N`σ ′ει′ ハι NOT T00 ι´イAι ι 06〃 ヾ6
gεAMσ Fマ0″ヽONσ ′ σ TO σεε WIHε マε `いTO′υT
Hム N2ラ ハN′ εYε l´ ′ THOσε TO ι00′ υσε_

ハ ιOT OF σι′ εNι ε
ラ ′ONε W′ TH′ でε′スマ′
′ Nι
ス ´′ει′ ハι σOク でιε OF
ハ7ο Nノ Tυ N′ Nι ′
マスrフ リ 乃 εTι ―

ι′κσ TO′マ0′ υιε THOσ ε

×―マスYり ヽνε Tハ ικε′ ハgOυ T_

N02′ εマ
′ T0

IF THε σι′ εNη σT ιOυ ι′ gυ T gε yON′ THハ ち

′10 THハ T TH20υ ιH THε ′マ I'″ ヽNOT´ υマε___
OWIN′ Hytグ ′Oυ ε ハN′
ιONη ぞOι ′ T gy THOυ 6HT一
THハ 丁′σ υ´ =υ ι」
"ゾ `許

囁Hε ゾ WIス NT TO υσε THε

σO′ Mハ ゾgε ■H′ σ ′
σ ′0ヽ ″lεマ TO ιONTマ ′gυ Tσ
ハNゾ OF THε ´ιだヨNWσ 丁
んヘ TO σOι ′ ε丁ゾ gυ T ιハNIT
συ′εマHε ttOε´‐εN′ υP ′ゆ THε ′マ ´ι′ εNι ε ハNy
H7N`ι マ′
Jlυ ´了 F′ ι Mε _ gε TTεマ gy υσ′ Nι THε ″1_

IM遜二 1/` Nノ `
A/IHε ぞε≒
gε ′
N`ハ gι ε ■0′ υ`'N
συPε ぞ一Fハ θ T ιOttι
N VOυ マ
TO Hε ι′ ゾOυ ′
εNι ε ιハマεε2′
gε σT yO″ ιハN´0′ σ THε
´Pε ε′ OF ι′ιHT_THハ T'σ tt00
Mε Tε 2´ ′εマ σειON′ _

NOW THハ T′σ マεハιιゾ Fハ σT Hε ぞε ON

εハマTH′ WIHε マε ゾOυ ιハN`O F80M

ONε εN′ TO THε OTHεマ ′ Nハ Fε ヽ″
HυN′マε′石Hσ OFハ σειON′___



PaT ′丁

Vハ え

′υT WIHy′ σ THε ´′εε′ OF ι′ ιHT INハ σεN´ ε THε ■H′ Nι σ ゾOυ
THε ´′εε′ ι′
HOWσO′ _Iメ ИεハN___
M′ ち ハNyWiム ゾ7 TH′ σ Mハ yHハ ソε Hεスに′ ハgOυ T Fマ 10〃 ハι 7ε ιハ7И Ty
σ TO´ 0レ ν′ TH ε′ Nハ N′

′ N`Tε ′ σPει′ ハι マειハηИTy FOι ιOW 汽Oι ιOW′ N6

2ειハηⅥTち FマOM.′ T gε′Nι ハ ´Pεε′ ι′
M′ T___ σ′εε′ ι′
M′ T′

い茨Fし し,Tヽ ●ε ラだ ι′ ι″И′ Tι O/И Fラ THσ Nラ ′ Nι ε ,ν ε
ヽgOTH Og´ εマνハT′ ONハ Nρ
Fマ 0ん ′ りNρ ごマシ Tハ Nι ンTHハ T ικ多日T
FXPσ P′ Mσ NTハ N′′ιマυσ′ ハとしめ σ ハ ″ハマ千′
′ ι伊しハマιゾ σPε ι′ ハし
THハ T ενσでyONσ ハιマεεう ON ιθ´ スg′ Nハ T′ ON OF σιει T2′ ι
ハNρ ′ヽ T′ ι Fに し′´__
THε ´′ツЙε しハν νlσ OF′ Hy`列 ιラ___ Aハ

___昨 H′ ι日 、ε′
ル′ ソσ ttNρ εにう700′
でσハししゾ し ャごしし し′Nι ε THε 7グ 丁月
ιεNTν マy′ yθ υ ラσε THハ TんAOν ′ N`
P TO THι σ′εεlρ OF ι′ ιHT ι′ ソεう
“ レ0んへσTH′ Nι 、 ル′ε κNOヽ ヽ ιハN′ 7
ιx′ jT′ Nと しει T′0ん ハハ6Nε T′ σ′

′THε ´ε ハマε Iι ハN
THハ T′ う ハ しOT OF ぞσハιιy´ Tマ ON` 0に _ラ 0ヽ ″Hy′ ´ ONε OF
NKラ ′
ι′ N
THε ιHハ ′ し ラノハN′ ′T′ ´
THε ι′Nkラ ム P′ ειε OF
OFハ 76倒 /Й εNT NOTジ
'Nκ ハハNゾ
0′ヘ タTH一 ιεNT伊 ′ゾ ″Hylジ
ア ア
I′ へε マ餡 ιιy__ `ジ

ヽ′ N
ε'マ σ ′


THε ″7ラ Tゴ

IT'ラ マε´ jON′ Nι gゾ

F′ Nι フ
′Nこ ,こ うこ
)N フ
r2ハ ιアう7′ こ
こ DNノ
月OW′ ρOゾOι イ ハ νεマj′ ON OFで ごρttι T′ 0
ONε ′́ N′ レ′ 「
ヽεハマ ハ′ 4gラ υP′υM_´ _

E:7ι N THσ

NO′ NO_,V′ THマ σラ″ει 乃 ″アう T ιεN「υぞゾ_
I TH′ Nで ./0/1′ ぞσ んへ′ラ ′ N6
ハ マσゾ PO′ NT OF HO,V`ラ

σι′ εNι ε ヽ ヽ0マ イラ_

IT P′ Oι σF′ う gy gυ ′ Nι
ON σハマι′ εぞ σラTハ gし ′ ラHσ ρ
FOttN′ ハT′ ONラ ___

THOラ σ FOttN′ ハT′ ONラ ムでε

εσ千ハgι ′ ラ日ε′ gゾ ιムでσFυ ι/
マσPε ハ丁σ′ Ogσ εでソハ丁′ ONレ iハ N′ ИハゾgF THハ Tラ Tυ FF′ ラ

ε×″ε2′ んAσ NT´ OVε P THε ゾεハマジ _ Jυ σ千´伊P′ ムラ´ε′ gy
οaP Tσ ιHNο ιOι y_

NO_ι 00κ′ NOT ιO ιONι EI卜 │■ iti yOυ クZ′

ム ` ニ ′クT′ εο′ιε °N THε
,I{ Or," .llot-lN ′′εス´ ムN′

′゛100N υ ι イアTH一 ιεNTυ ぞy
`0ノ ヽ.ざ ′′́ ιOソ σマ′σσ
17 `^ギ _ヽ 1 N´ ι′
′Hゾ´′ ισ`囚 _ム N′ Wε σ7ι ι υσε ・ メつ ′ εNι θ_
′丁 Fて )ぞ Oυ 7 MO´ Tハ ′νlハ Nι 〔到フ `
A″ よ ノ 』
σ′ハισ T2ハ γει マ′ T NOИ /_
yOυ ″ N'Tじ ιノ´T

Nε W70N'´ ιハWiり OF `日MO■ ON_ ιハιιy F′Nρ THハ 丁

・´″ ヽ


′ I `T

・ ',F N`ジ
TH′`′′ぞεⅥOυ ´ιゾ
′′́ ιOソεぞε′ ハ6て ,υ 丁
√ ′ t '
II「 Nハ Tυマε ハμ■,N′ 丁 丁マυε
ハNy MOで ε_

′ NO丁 ラTO′ gε ′
THε ゾ′′ Nι Tマ υθ
ハιι OFハ ´υ2ワεN gειハυσε Wε ゾOυ
′′σιOνεマε′ ´′ει′ ハι ムN′ θ×TσN′
ι ιは ハ■И TYム N′ 0タハNTυ〃 │
THOσ σ
― ′ 徴9TH
N THε ′



HOν V´Oεσ THε

ιεNTυ マy σTOマ ち
εマ__丁マυTH′ WO“
/f=毛 7■ .g.=の

OH」 Hυ 6ε P′ ειε

C7 3
∠q l l 旧 Ⅵ洲 Ч I

IT′ σ ハ
OF′ Hy´′ι ε σ7ι ι υオ
yε マY24y
`1″ TO′ハゾ_

ア/β シJしμoα≡
″σε ε


IT′σ ′εσιマ′gε ′ gゾ
gεハ″7Fυ ι εOυハηONσ
ヽ 7Tε N
″│マ ′ gy Mハ Xl″ lειι_

εO“ ハ70Nσ ハマε gOTH THε

ιハN`υ ハιε ハN′ THε T00ι t,
FOマ ′0′ N`THε ´ι′
εNι ε′
′OWIN■O THε ιOぞε__

ιOT OF THε σεスマιH FOぞ

N6ハ THε ιハt″ し
Nι y
M′ σσ′
'OF Nハ Tυ ぞε
___ι εマ7ハ ′ ειε OF
Hυ ιε ′′ Hハ ´ gε εNハ σεハマιH βOぞ
gεハυ7Fυ ι_ マεハιι
THε ´TOマ ち THεN」 gεハυ■Fυ ι εOυハ70N´ _

′εF′ Nε gε ハυ7Fυ ι′
THεN′Иハゾgε I′ ιι
gε ι′
εソε ゾOυ _

συttε ′gク 丁´と,ε ゛T THε

`孵 ハ ιOT
ハNσ tル(ε マ ′FPε N′ Wε ιι′gε
IHO yO″ ′ N6′
マε ハσκ′
1 _ 1″

Jυ σT gειハυσε ′
T′ σ ハ
Fハ 々'Tι ゾ ´agJει77ε ′́ ε
´10`彙 ラ NOT Mε ムN′ T′ σ NO丁
ИN6 βOマ ιε
ハ υ´εFυ ι ′マ′
FOぞ ′′
σιOν εマy_ \

ハマε ゾOυ ´υマε

ハ ,り T THハ 丁′
Fυ マ篤Hε にサ
MOFそ 三 ′THε マε ハ2ε

TH′ Nι σ THハ T〃 10σ T′ εOPι ε ハιマεε Wハ ′

う ハ澪ε Wε
〃I′ 0マ 7ム NT ειε〃lεNT:ジ OF
ハマε ′ N6ハ gOυ T
Tハ ιだ′
gεハυr/′ ι′Kε ´yMMεTマ ち ′ο′ σε′ 60″ハ70Nσ Oマ
gハ ιハNι〔 ヨ′ειειハNιε___ ′εO′ ιε NOW′

″4ε ιι′I
ヽ ′′
VVハ ___ ONε___ Mε _

1″ マ′

THε 〃


Oκ ′
′マ0′ ν ´ε Mε

ONε ■月′ Nι _

εOυ ハ70Nσ ′
THε ゾ 6ε T WOぞ ぞ′

ハN′ 石Hε ヾ θTハ N丁 ″ ゾσ 9ハ

κεε′ ´り

y,ON′ T `■

0′εN M′ N′ _ ゾOυ ノ
ヽ ヽ
THε y yε ιι′4″ 444

Wlε ιι′′
ιONFυ σ′ N6_
THε マ マυN
ハN′ ε′
0ぞ ιυマι
NTOハ gハ ιι 一
υ′ ′

ハ了 ιεハびT′ N
Hε ハ′り_

ε′THε で Wハ ち
″ y`澪 イ υ丁
′ゆ WiN_

yOυ ′りN′ T´O THε ___gク 丁ゾ0“ ラフιι
石H〃ヾι WIH〔 ヨN yC)υ ι00κ ハ丁ハ ιハZε ハT囁Hε ,M′
ハ 0マ ち ___ε νεN′ F
284″ N`0マ ハ ′ハ′ ハN′ ハ2PPマ ει′
′ε マHハ ′り_
`■ ハ〔費ラ 丁
Nι _
N丁 ′ ハTε
σOMε FεハTυ ttε σ_ “


′N THOσε し MOマ κσ′THε マε

ヽ Nゾ だ′

4ッ Zヽ N2り )F Tε ιHN′ Oυε´ノ

(`'、 イ130ι (g,ノ ハN′ ιONソεNWONσ `
し イ
(5)ク ´yMMε ア ち

´て,N′ TN`ス 5ε セ ンヽ
マ′ιゾ κNOW__ 澪0′ Nι ε___ 0月
'ラ `ε `ハ
σO′ マ0〃 σε Mε│′
ゾOtt κNOy∼
yOυ tι ι00κ ハ丁 石Hε´ε
νHハ Tr

60υハ■ON´ ハσ ゾOυ V.E=r ?.8=o
WO“ ι′ ハ ′ハ′

▽γ3‐_― 〕
■,、 ′
.1= つ6
δt Vへ 二
書Fl ・

′εハι_ N`OFF TH′ σ

I′ ″へ7 4マ ′
´0′ VO"〆 w′ ιι ιハ′ε′ハN′ I TH′ Nで し ,ε
yOυ σHOνV,Mε 7
60″ ′製ρ ハ
に Tε マ ラ″OT__

___THε gハ N′ ′ラ 0マ _THハ
60′ Nι T0 0ぞ で,ジ
ラ Tハ 77 υP_ 'ヤ
,,ハ ε
一ヽ ・

ι ν
F′ N′ ハ ρP′ NK

Nε ′NO_Iハ ιヽ′ ゾ:ジ Hハ νε

TraヽA lν ′ ∼
TH′Иε ′Nι ハラε
Iい /ハ NT Tε Zプ ラTtフ OT

ρOvヽ Nハ N′ ′εハ__ ヽ

ぞε′0マ Tεマ
,4ハ y′
し OP/M4ゾ gε ヽ

σκεTι H_

ヽ 一 ■4し しyア
石Hε マεハ′ゾ
H“ H_

ハN′ PεN

′ VOυ マ gハ
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