.Soc 422 Assignment - 1617105445000

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MATRIC NO; 199194


Leadership exercise power and authority. Leadership and followership are two side of a coin.
Against this background, discuss the quality of followership we have in Nigeria since 1999. Do
you think such leadership is good enough to hold leadership accountable for development in
What is leadership?
Leadership is the process by which executives can direct, guide and influence the behaviour and
work of others towards accomplishment of a specific goal in a given situation.
Leadership is the potential to influence behaviour of others. It is also the capacity to influence a
group towards the realization of a goal.

What is power?
Power is the ability to influence the outcome of events. It is the ability of a person or group to
influence the beliefs and action of people. It refers to the ability to influence somebody to do
what he or she would not have done.

What is authority?
Authority refers to the claim of legitimate, the right and justification to exercise power. It is the
power or right to give others, make decision and enforce obedience. Authority refers to accepted
power- that is the power that the people agrees to follow.

A leader is a person who influence a group of people towards the achievement of a goal. A
leader is someone who leads by example, so that others are motivated to follow him.

A follower is one who accept the guidance, command or leadership of another. He is someone
who agrees with the belief of others or listen to the lead or command of another.
What is followership?
Followership is the capacity to willingly follow a leader. Followership is defined as the
willingness to co-operate in working towards the achievement of defined goals while
demonstrating a high degree of interactive framework.


Political leaders are vitally important, through the authority of government they assess the
distribution of power and resources, build relationship with other stakeholders and make
decisions that can have impact on the wellbeing of nations and it’s people.
It requires the focus on long term good of a country, above and ahead of any personal short term
gains. Good political leadership requires a combination of charisma and integrity as well as the
ability to assess a situation and make a decision based on what would be best for the greatest
number of people.


A good political leader is;
*Someone who serves as an example of integrity and loyalty to the people they represent both
the public and political leaders.
*Someone with good communication and inter-personal skill, who can work with range of other
people regardless of political party or opinion to achieve the greatest good of the general
*Someone who can resist the various temptations and lures of the political arena.
*Someone with strong character with both conscience and character.
*Someone with the courage to stand up and say what they need to be said rather than just tell the
general public what it want to hear.
*Someone who is willing to make difficult and possibly unpopular decision for greater good.

If followership will exercise significant influence on good governance which according to
World Bank refers to the manner in which power is excercised in the management of a country’s
economic and social resources for development then it must;
*Exhibit enthusiasm
*Be proactive about issues of public concern
*Eschew indiscipline
*Demonstrate appreciable values and virtues
*Be self reliant
*Be well enlightened and responsive
*Constructively engage the system
*Render constructive criticism and profer solution
*Cooperate with leaders on societal goals.


Every society need to be led by a leader. Ever since the social contract between man avernment, in
which man surrendered some of his right to the centre called government, there was a social contract
that as a result of the surrender of these right, government should be able to use law to regulate the
society and ensure the society and welfare of the people. It is this situation that gave rise to leadership
and followership in any human society. The relationship of leadership and followership is anchored on
leadership because he is The driver of this relationship. It is incumbent on a leader to give direction and
followers to comply.

In Nigeria, ever since her independence, she has been facing leadership crisis hence, she has moved
from a parliamentary system to a presidential form; Nigeria has wobbled from one civilian regime to
another military regime yet. Leadership in Nigeria has not been able to deliver the needed dividend to
our God given resources to her people nor a satisfactory social welfare services, even social amenities;
yet her followers have been very faithful.

There is great need to sustain the relationship between leadership and his followers. A clarion call for
new generational leaders is very necessary to take Nigeria to another great level of self

and effective leadership. The traits of leader likelike intelligence, integrity, charisma and dynamism,
dominance, extroversion and level headed could project leadership in a better light in the eyes of his
followers. These quality will endear him to the followership.

The perceptions of the followers of the leadership can distance or endear them to leadership. In the
midst of corruption environment like Nigeria, it takes a leader of high integrity to be able to command
genuine followership. Integrity is one of the greatest challenges facing leaders. Overtime, Nigerians have
been good followers but her leaders have lacked integrity. Corruption is very massive; It deter the
progress of people, dwarf government concrete achievements, deter foreign investment due to lack of
trust at the international level and reduces the confidence of the people in leadership.

National morale is a very essential ingredient for enhanced leadership and followership relationship; and
for leadership to enjoy high compliance, influence the behaviour of her followers and sustain
followership. There is need to be sensitive to the need and opinion of followers.

Followership needs to have a strong public opinion pool of the activities of her leaders or else leadership
can unconsciously turn dictatorial. A strong public opinion will serve as followership to check on
leadership. Where followership tends to docile in the activities and actions of the leadership, she
contributed to detriment of her welfare and growth. people should stop seating at the fence believing
that change to a new paradigm shift of strong trait of integrity will be actualized through miracle;
change is created through human effort hence Nigeria should leave up to their civic responsibilities in
order to create a good leadership and followership relationship.


*Authocratic (boss centred leadership): is a type of leadership where the leader makes decision on his
own without consulting others. This type of leadership is also called 'dictatorial'. In this context leaders
assumes monopoly of knowledge. He is personal in praise and criticism of individuals but remain aloof
from the group. The leader decrees what will be done and the followers have no choice but to accept it.
All the military regim e in Nigeria are good example of dictatorial leadership.

*Democratic (subordinate centered) leadership: is one in which the leader invites the participation of
surbordinate or followers in decision to affect them. This type of leader is characterized by his concern
for the achievement of set goal with a group. He is sensitive and understands the need of the individual,
groups within the organization and help them to fulfill their needs as well as functions of the group.
Nigeria's present democratic dispensation project this type of leadership by structure/form, not by


President Corazino Acquino of Philppines (Thom-Otuya, 2007 page 67-68) qualified leadership with its
alphabet related acronyms. They are:

L-leadership is love and loyalty to God

E-It is enthusiasm energetic effort to help and serve others

A-It is action, accomplishment.

D-It is dedication, discipline, dignity, decency, devotion to duty, decisiveness for the general welfare.

E-It is excellence, exemplary work for others to follow and emulate.

R-It is reliability, responsibility; respect for the law and right of others, reconciliation forfor peace and

S-It is sincerity, service, self-sacrifice, social justice to make life better for mankind

H-It is humility, honesty, honour, hard work for accomplishment and fulfilment

I-It is integrity, interest , initiative and idealism.

P-Leadership is patience, perseverance, beyons partisanship, religion or creed; it work for peace,
progress and prosperity of mankind.


*Taking initiative: constitute the most fundamental function of leadership. A leader must be creative
and logical enough in other to take action for every situation that confront him. Taking initiative in
detecting and remidiating problems distinguishes leader in many modern organizations and nation-state

*Evaluating followers needs, aspiration and capabilities: For leadership to command high fellowship
there must be deliberate attempt by leadership to motivate their followers. Every person need hope to
survive and motivation has to do with the leader understanding of the need of the follower.
Understanding the needs of your follower has to do with another leadership skill of patiently listening to
your followers

*Fostering and maintaining communication: is one of the leading functions of a leader. Leaders initiate
instrumental relationship when they assign people to work in teams and task forces or appoint
ministers, commissioners and advisers. It is the task of leader to prevent fragmentation and foster
cooperation and team work among his subordinate and followers; this can be done through effective

*Representing Members Appreciation and values: One of the consistent noted function of leadership
has been the expression and symbolization of their followers aspiration and values. In developed
societies, leadership role is assigned to people believed to reflect value and aspirations of members.

*Providing resources: Command of resources both material and non material promotes the excercise of
leadership and compel loyalty of followership. Followership expect one reward or the other from their
leaders. Leaders process or facilitate the passage of a budget so that they have both material and non
material resources to provide to their followers. Followers also become more loyal to leadership as soon
as the budget has been passed on so that they can be involved in the material gain of implementing the


*Surrender to leadership: Follower must be willing to obey the law of the land and to be directed and
guided by constituted authority

*Obey the command of the leader: Follower should be loyal to leadership.

*Act as minor of leadership: Follower must checkmate the activities or excesses of leadership; for this to
be done, followership need to be articulate, vibrant and vocal, this will act as a check on leadership to
the barest minimum.


*Lack of vision: Nigerian leaders are not voted to power due to their manifesto; hence they profess no
ideological creed that governs their sense of judgement and general issues of public welfare. Their
dream for the larger society can not be determined due to lack of robust debate before they ascend the
leadership position.

*Lack of integrity: This is the quality that makes surbordinate and followers to trust their leaders.
Integrity and character is synonymous with honesty. This is a platform for effectiveness in leadership.
Nigeria is a country that parades corruption as a value system; this can be attributed to lack of integrity
in the part of her leadership. Corruption has ruined the economy of Nigeria and it is putting her
leadership into suspicion by her people and international community. Nigeria lack trust of her leaders. If
NIgeria is to develop and grow according to her potentials, her leadership must act at integrity at all

*Ethnicity: Nigeria parades over two hundred and fifty ethnic tribes. She was not a country until 1914
when her colonial masters amalgamated the southern and northern protectorate of communities and
tribe within the river Niger geographical zones into one country. The amalgamation brought different
perceptions, some saw it as a mistake while others saw it as a necessity for the administrative
convenience for the colonial masters. Since then till now, Nigerians including her leaders pay more
allegiance to their tribe than to the country. Even during election people vote according to their tribal
interest, when leaders emerge too, they reciprocate these tribal gestures.

*Poverty: Followership in Nigeria has some problems that prevent her from playing certain roles that is
identified with followership and that can check the excesses of leadership. Poverty is one major factor
that impairs the role of followership in Nigeria. Followers that are poor are afraid to excercise and
checkmate the excesses of leadership because of fear of oppression from leadership.

* Ethnicity: Followers pledge loyalty to their tribe first before the larger society Nigeria. Even in the way
we vote or choose our leaders is influenced by ethnicity because it is believed that if the leader is there,
he will empower his tribes men first before others and programme some projects to his tribe and
empower his people and robust government and corporate contract.

*Sycophany: Nigerian followers are fond of not telling the truth, they praise them, tell them lies as soon
as they leave their office that is when the followers turn against the leader and criticise them.

*Negative quietude: This is a situation where followers remain adamant and aloof the excesses of
leadership activities.

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