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Multimedia and ICT ICT as a Platform for Change

Multimedia – the use if a computer to present and Advocacy – a way of expressing views, opinions,
combine text, graphics, audio, and video with links and concerns information access and a establishing to all
tools that let the user navigate, interact, create, and one’s rights and responsibilities through any possible
communicate. means or ways

Contents: Social Media – a collective term for website

1. Videos – through video hosting sites, you can applications which focus on community-based input,
take a video and show it to the entire world communication, interaction, content-sharing, and
(YouTube) collaboration
2. Sound, Music, or Audio – you can share your
sound bites to the entire world (Soundcloud) 1. EDSA
3. Online Games – “browser-based games” where - 1983-1986
you don’t need to install these games to your - During a radio broadcast of Radio Veritas,
computer as they run in most updates web Cardinal Sin encouraged the Filipinos to help
browser (Adventure Quest, Farmville, Candy end the regime of then President Ferdinand
Crush) Marcos
4. Online Tests – automatically displays the results - Major protest took place along EDSA from
when finished (Online IQ and Personality Tests) February 22-25, 1986, involving 2 million Filipinos
5. Courseware – online courses that stimulate the 2. EDSA II
classroom online (E-learning Courses Using a - January 17-21, 2001
Learning Management System) - It was fueled after 11 prosecutors of then
6. Podcasts – episodic series of audio or text files President Joseph Estrada walked out of the
streamed online (Stuff You Need to Know, TED impeachment trial
Talks) - Through text brigades
7. Vodcasts – episodic series of video streamed 3. Million People March
online (YouTube Series, shows like Video Game - Mainly took place at Luneta Park from August
High School) 22-26, 2013
- Used Facebook and as their
Types of Viral Contents: media
1. Articles and Blogs 4. Yolanda People Finder
2. Interactive Contents - Powered by Google
3. Video and Audio - Used to track people across the globe to track
4. Infographics their situations

Why People Share Content? Platform for Placing Petitions for Change and
1. It’s Funny Advocacy:
2. Incredible/Unbelievable
3. Very Emotional - “World’s Platform for Change”
4. Agrees with World Views - Anyone from the online-community can create
5. Life Questions a petition and ask others to sign it
6. Non Main Streams
7. Makes You Smile Planning and Conceptualizing Social Advocacy
for Developing an ICT Project

ICT serves as a stepping stone for the economic,

social, industrial, growth and development of the first
world countries around the globe
Always start with the ends in mind. Generate your
own ideas about content and identify various
opportunities based on your target audience.
Set a SMART goal to target:
1. Specific – what do you want to do or want to
2. Measurable – When will you know when you
teach it?
3. Attainable or Achievable – Is it possible for you
to reach your goal?
4. Realistic or Relevant – Are your current skills
enough to reach your goal?
5. Time-Bound – When exactly do you plan to
accomplish it?
Concept Paper – summaries of projects or issues that behaviors across multiple platforms and
contemplate interests, experience and expertise that touchpoints
commonly serves as a purpose of delivering an in-depth Things to consider when audience profiling:
discussion of a certain topic that a person has a strong 1. Demographics
position. - defines the population of your audience but
also the work that they do
Key Points on Making Your Concept Paper - tells where they live, their gender, age, income
1. Rise with a concept topic or idea that you are level, religion, ethnicity, and education level
genuinely interested 2. Psychographics
2. Write down the questions associated the topic or - Classification of people according to their
idea you have chosen personal characteristics, lifestyle, attitudes,
3. Create a possible solution from each of the values, tastes, interests, and other
questions that you have developed psychological criteria
4. Classify what kind of data you need that will Infographics
answer your questions and identify how you will - Graphic information
gather the information needed - Visual representation of information or data
5. Identify how you will analyze, interpret, and
present the overall data you gathered Steps in making your infographics:
1. Outline the Goals of your Infographics
Elements of a Concept Paper: - Use the question to take that burning problem
- Title Page and turn it into 3-5 actionable questions to
- Introduction tackle in your infographic
- Purpose
- Description 1 Burning Problem – the main question
- Support the infographic will answer
- Contact Information
Additional: 2-3 Supporting Questions – questions to
- Conclusion provide information
- Reference 1-2 Probing Questions – questions to
provide insight
Research Content for Social Advocacy in
Developing an ICT Project 2. Collect Data for your Infographic - two different
styles and approaches you can use on gathering
Social Change – defined as the alteration of
and collecting your data:
mechanisms characterized by changes in cultural
a. Self-made data– this approach requires
symbols, roles or behavior, social organizations, or value
more time for you need to ask around, send
some emails, do research online, create
Advocacy – act of supporting a cause or proposal: the your own made survey and process your
act or process of advocating own conclusion.
b. Data sources – this is the easiest way to
ICT projects range from community improvements to gather information to get ready-made
larger economic development information that you can find on the books,
magazines, newspaper and internet. There
Research for content are plenty of public and private data
Research sources that you can use in your
- Creation of new knowledge infographics.
- Use of existing knowledge in a new and creative 3. Visualize the Data of your Infographics
way so as to generate new concepts, - Visualize what type of infographic will be
methodologies and understandings utilized
- Could include synthesis and analysis of previous a. Statistical Infographic – shows a summary
research to the extent that it leads to new and or overview data with one or more graphs,
creative outcomes table or lists
Research Skills b. Timeline Infographics (time-oriented) –
- Our ability to find an answer to a problem or a shows progress of information over a
solution to a problem chronological time period
- Include the ability to gather information about c. Process Infographics – demonstrates a
the topic linear or branching process as how to
- We have to review that information, analyze and teach the workings of an object or flow
interpret the information in a manner that brings chart showing choices in a decision
us to a solution process
d. Informational Infographics – most likely a
Audience Profiling
poster that summarizes topic with some
- The process or defining exactly who your target
extra bits of information
audience is by unifying and analyzing their
e. Geographical Infographics – displays data Fair Use – you can use a copyrighted materials without
with a location map a license but only for certain purposes
f. Compare/Contrast Infographics – 5 Purposes of Fair Use:
illustrates notable similarities or differences 1. Commentary
as a “this versus that” infographic or as a 2. Reporting
table or simple list 3. Research
g. Hierarchical Infographics – demonstrates a 4. Educational Purposes
chart with levels 5. Criticism
h. Research-Based Infographics – similar to Fair use must follow these prescribed guidelines:
statistical infographic, but based on a. Majority if the content you created must be of
research. It can be used to compare unlike your own;
items with popular sets of data b. Give credits to the copyright holder;
i. Interactive Infographics – gives viewers the c. Don’t make money out of the copyrighted work.
control to modify the infographic and is
web-based The creator can also use creative commons
4. Layout the Elements of your Infographic Deign – - An American non-profit organization devoted to
all about placing them all into an attractive expanding the range if creative works available
looking infographic design for others to build upon and share legally
5. Add Style to you Infographic Design – putting - Has released several copyright-licenses known as
your own style and personal touch, just be creative commons licenses free of charge to the
creative in combining text, shapes and images in public
your most create
In copyrighting your social advocacy, a basic
Third Party Online Site that can be used when making understanding of copyright principles is essential for
an infographic: anyone who publishes their creative works online.
1. Canva
2. Easelly Republic Act 8293 – Intellectual Property Code of the
3. PicktoChart Philippines
4. Venngage - An Act prescribing the Intellectual Property
Code and establishing the Intellectual Property
Designing and Developing an ICT Project for Office, providing for its powers and functions,
Social Change and for other purposes.
- Author’s right
- 2nd largest social media platform
- A legal term used to describe the rights that
- Enables web users to create, co-create, discuss,
creators have over their literary and artistic works
modify, and exchange user-generated content
Works covered by copyright and its validity ranges from
- Gives netizens the freedom and power to
the following medium:
influence other people in the producing of
a. Literary works – validity of copyright applies
variety of contents such as tutorials, vlogs,
during the lifetime of the author plus fifty years
advocacy, and more
after death
b. Musical works – copyright falls under fifty years
1. Designing Social Advocacy
from the year recording took place
- Design - Plan or specification for the construction
c. Dramatic works – copyright in dramatic works,
of an object or system or for the implementation
whether published or unpublished, expires fifty
of an activity or process, or the result of that plan
years after the end of the year if creation
or specification in the form of a prototype,
d. Pictorial, graphic and sculptural works –
product or process
copyright applies under fifty years from the
- Express yourself by voicing out creatively with
passion to collect premise to the advocacy you
e. Motion pictures and other audiovisual works –
works shall be protected for fifty years from the
- Collect ideas, make outlines, decide on the
date of the publication, if unpublished,
message, and make your content interesting
protected for fifty years from the date of the
and positive
- Make sure to anchor your content to the 4
f. Sound recording – performances not
important purposes in producing a solid
incorporated in recordings shall be protected for
fifty years from the end of the year in which the
1. Inform 2. Inspire 3. Educate 4. Entertain
performance took place, while recordings and
2. Developing Social Advocacy
performances incorporated therein shall be
- Needs to be careful not to plagiarize works and
protected for fifty years from the end of the year
give proper credits to the owners or different
the recording took place
intellectual properties in crafting your project
g. Architectural works – protected for twenty-five
unless it is under fair use
years from the date of its creation
Keep in mind:
Tools or software in developing your own video content: - Visits – refer to the number of visits in a website
1. VideoPad during the selected time-frame, including
2. Blender multiple visits by the same visitor.
3. Shotcut - Unique Visitors – refer to the number of people
4. Openshot who visited a website at least once within the
reporting period.
ICT Projects for Social Change - Bounce Rate – refers to the percentage of
people that visited in a website and left after
As technology advances, it enables us to achieve viewing only one page.
more and more tasks without even realizing how - Form Submitted – refers to the number of contact
complex the jobs are. Creating a website by yourself is
forms submitted by visitors.
one of these wonders that has become a reality. With
the evolution of website builders, everyone can design
a website and craft an impressive online presentations 2. Facebook
for themselves. - Running a Facebook business page can help
your reach and connect with your existing and
How to upload, manage and promote online ICT potential customers.
projects for social change: - Inexpensive way to promote your business
1. How to design a website - Your website should online
meet one main goal. All elements of your site - To access Facebook Page Insights, go to your
should serve that overarching purpose. For
Facebook Page and click Insights tab in the top
example, if your site's purpose is to inform
people about safety precautions, you can utilize
different techniques to support your efforts, such - Facebook Page Insights gives you a detailed
as showing photos, videos, writing blog articles, analytics for your Facebook Page, so you can
and more. track what works, learn how people interact
2. Choose your website builder with your content, and improve your results
3. Define your layout over time.
4. Claim your domain name
5. Gather your content Overview
6. Make it accessible to everyone - Gives you a bird’s-eye view of everything that’s
7. Optimize for mobile happening in your Facebook Page
8. Ask for feedback - Overview is broken down into different sections,
9. Publish - and get back to it starting with the Page Summary.
- Here, you’ll see top-level metrics for a number of
ICT Project for Website Traffic Statistics and categories:
Performance Analysis - Actions on Page – refers to the number of times
people clicked Action Button.
Web Traffic
- Page views – refers to the total views of your
- Number of web users who travel to any given
Facebook Page, including by people not
website. Each person who logs on to a website is
logged into Facebook
recorded as a visit or session, with a starting and
- Page Previews – refers to the number of times
ending point.
people hovered their mouse over your page
- Common way to measure success of your
information to see a preview of your page
website and online business effectiveness at
- Page Likes – refers to the number of new likes
attracting an audience
- Post reach – refers to the number of people
Tools that you can use to measure the success of who saw your posts at least once
content on your website: - Page followers – refers to the number of
1. WIX organic page follow, paid page follows and
- You will see how much traffic your site is getting, unfollows
where your visitors are coming from and more,
3. Google Analytics is a web analytics service offered
with the Site Traffic Analytics.
by Google that tracks and reports website traffic,
- By understanding how visitors interact with your
currently as a platform inside the Google Marketing
site and by checking in on your site
Platform brand.
performance, you'll be better able to reach
your audience and respond to the changing Benefits of Website Analytics & Tracking:
trends. 1. Know the visitors of the site.
- Click the Analytics tab in your site's dashboard. 2. Know exactly what the customers are looking
- You can view the number of visitors, unique for.
visitors, bounce rate and forms submitted for 3. See what area customers are losing.
the last 7 days 4. Find out how to improve the website.
5. Measure the success of other marketing
activities and see the match rate rise.
The Disadvantages of ICT - Fast in search results quicker
- Reply to Inquiries
Cybercrimes - Illegal acts done through the use of - Website Management
internet - Monitoring Tools
1. Phishing/Spoofing – act of sending multiple emails
to multiple users in hopes of having a number of Google Forms
them clicking on the links or malwares attached to - One of the easiest ways to gather user feedback
the email
2. Blackmail/Extortion – act of using the internet to Creating forms using google forms
threaten to damage someone’s reputation to - Google drive > Sign in
extort money or anything else of value - Left hand side of My Drive page, Click New > More
3. Accessing Stored Communications/Hacking – act > Google Forms
of obtaining unauthorized access to data from a - Tip: add sections (move to the next part to another
computer network page), to be more organized
4. Sports Betting – act of wagering on any sports - Fill out the form with questions:
event on the internet. In some countries, gambling a. Question Title – includes the question that will
(includes sports belting) is illegal even if you are be answered by your audience
doing it on the internet b. Question Type – changes the type of question
5. Non-Delivery of Merchandise – act of devising a according to your preference. Options:
scheme wherein a culprit posts an item or service i. Short Answer – question that can be
for sale on the internet and once the transactions answered in a short text.
have been done, does not really give the item or ii. Paragraph – question that can be
service answered in a long text
6. Electronic Harassment – act of anonymously using iii. Multiple Choice – a question that can be
the internet to harass, abuse threaten or annoy answered by only once answer in a set of
other people. It’s also an act of cyberbullying options
7. Child Pornography – act of using the internet to iv. Checkboxes – question that can be
show child pornography; punishable by law answered with multiple answer in a set of
8. Prostitution – act of using the internet to engage in options
prostitution v. Dropdown – similar to a multiple-choice
9. Drug Trafficking – act of selling illegal substance by question but the options are revealed in a
using the internet drop-down list
10. Criminal Copyright Infringement – act if piracy vi. File Upload – allows the person answering
mainly for financial gain the form to upload a file
vii. Linear Scale - a question that can be
Combatting Cybercrimes answered with a numerical range
1. Network Security – Before the hacker can get viii. Multiple Choice Grid – question that
through the unauthorized files, they have to get contains sub questions with similar options
through the security measures (ex. Firewalls, ix. Checkbox Grid – similar to the multiple
secure connections, passwords, anti-malwares, choice grid but the answer can be more
and data encryptions). Encryption – process of than one
converting raw data into code, although it’s x. Date – question that can be answered
not 100% secure. with a specific date
2. Investigation – URL tracing and logging are xi. Time – question that can be answered with
used by the websites to track your unique IP a specific time
addresses. It can be used to track hackers. In - Send form – upper right corner. It can be edited:
piracy, trackers are used to identify IP a. Collect email addresses – requires a
addresses currently sharing a pirated file. person who answered the form to input
3. Penalties – include both a fine and their own email address
imprisonment. b. Send via:
1. Email
Sustaining ICT Project for Social Change 2. Link – contains the URL of the form
The importance of sustaining and maintaining an ICT Shorten URL option – generates a
project is through available monitoring tools and shorter link necessary for limited spaces
evaluating techniques such as user interviews, like sharing to twitter
feedback forms, and analytic data. Embed HTML – contains an embedded
code that can be attached to your
Things to remember to sustain an ICT project for social html file
change: c. Social Media buttons – allows you to share
- Update content regularly the link to google, facebook, and twitter
- Webpage design d. Add collaborators – allows others to edit
- Update links your form
Benefits: - Customize Theme – changes the header, font style,
- More visibility of your webpage in search results theme and background color
- Receive traffic from other websites linked to - Preview
you - Settings
- High-quality incoming links mean your site will i. General – options involving the person
be admired as a valuable resource who will answer the survey
ii. Presentation – options involving how the online delivery platform to continue
form will look education.
iii. Quizzes – make this form a quiz - This can also be a challenge for teachers and
iv. Send learners who may need to equip and be
v. More Options – allow to manipulate the knowledgeable in manipulating the said
form and include add-ons platforms to achieve its goal
vi. Google account Settings – allows to add, - Social interaction is different than in a face to-
switch and log off google account face deliver
3. E-Commerce
Reflecting on the ICT Learning Process - It is said that business is the blood of the
economy. ICT plays a vital role when it comes
ICT gives a tremendous advantage of saving time
to e-commerce, where most of the jobs
and effort, especially in times of crisis like a pandemic.
operate using different technologies.
People nowadays are shifting and upgrading their skills
Potentials of ICT:
in ICT because they see it as an opportunity to grow and
- E-commerce has immensely evolved where
to cope up with the innovations, so they won’t be left
the approaches in buying and selling goods,
products, and even services are now available
online. E-commerce has become popular
Impact of ICT, the Self, and Society
since there are different platforms available
- ICT has an immense impact on humanity. It
and accessible for most online users and
covers all developing sectors to improve their
service, lifestyle, and as the basis of economic
- Online advertisements can be created and
growth. However, these impacts may seem to
posted quickly by linking to other websites. One
have both advantages and disadvantages
of the in-demand postings of ads is the use of
despite its progress.
social media
- There are disadvantages of e-commerce when
1. Communication
it comes to consumer’s product guarantee
- The most crucial part of the role of ICT in the
and online data security.
delivery of accurate instructions in many forms.
- Consumers must be cautious in making
Potentials of ICT:
transactions with unauthorized seller online.
- Information can be distributed and accessed
Fraudulent activities like identity theft and
easily through various modes like chat, text
hacking may be at risk. Hence it is suggested to
message, e-mail, advertisement, poster,
be vigilant in every transaction made online by
website and many other forms with or without
visiting trusted and a secured website.
an internet connection.
- The benefit of ICT when it comes to distant
communication may not be accessible to
some people, organization, or community due
to several factors like socioeconomic status,
government rules, cultural norms, or place
- Digital Divide is a term used that hinders them
from gaining access to the information due to
the unavailability of technology
2. Education
- It is not only a trend but a call to take
advantage of the ICT platform in distant
education, as Sec. Leonor Magtolis Briones said
that “Education must continue” despite the
crisis the Philippine is experiencing. Our
department and government are doing their
best to support distance learning
Potentials of ICT:
- use of Learning Management System (LMS)
such as Google classroom
- create or send online presentations,
collaborative tools,
- use of social media
- create website or
- publish journals online
- use of e-portfolio
- Students will have more opportunities to access
information through the world wide web than
those who are in modular instruction.
- Teachers and students may need to shift or
transfer their traditional way of learning to the

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