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NIM : 142023012

DOSEN : Dr.Ir.Zuber Angkasa M.T

Preparation for a Successful Interview
Preparing for an interview is crucial to increase your chances of success. Here are some key steps to help you prepare:

01 02 03
Prepare Answers to
Research the Practice Your
Common Interview
Company and Role Questions Responses
Gain a thorough understanding of Anticipate common interview Practice your interview responses to
the company and the role you are questions and prepare ensure you can articulate your
applying for. Research their mission, thoughts effectively. Consider
thoughtful and concise answers.
values, products or services, and any recording yourself or practicing with
recent news or developments. This Practice speaking confidently a friend or family member to receive
and clearly, highlighting your
will help you tailor your responses
and demonstrate your interest in the relevant skills, experiences, and feedback and improve your delivery .
company. achievements.

Universitas muhammaddiyah

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