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Aban, Mary Joy B.

Activity #2 March 29 , 2024

Directions: Critical Thinking Analysis: Answer the question Freely you will explain it in writing or
doing the word file for submission.

1. What are some examples of occupational safety and health of dynamic processes? Give at least
three. Examples.

Occupational safety and health (OSH) are a dynamic process that involves
continuous improvement and adaptation to ensure the well-being of workers. Here are
three examples:

1. Safety Training Programs: Implementing regular safety training programs is a dynamic

process. Training needs to be updated regularly to incorporate new safety protocols,
equipment, and regulations. The content and delivery of training should be tailored to
specific job roles and hazards present in the workplace.

2. Safety Inspections and Audits: Conducting regular safety inspections and audits is
essential for identifying and addressing potential hazards in the workplace. This process
involves continuously monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of safety measures and
making necessary adjustments to ensure a safe working environment.

3. Emergency Preparedness and Response: Developing and maintaining emergency

preparedness and response plans is a dynamic process. Plans need to be reviewed and
updated regularly to account for changes in the workplace, such as new equipment,
processes, or personnel. Training drills should also be conducted regularly to ensure that
workers are prepared to respond effectively in an emergency.

In summary, occupational safety and health is a dynamic process that requires

ongoing effort to identify, assess, and mitigate risks in the workplace. By continuously
improving safety training programs, conducting regular inspections and audits, and
updating emergency preparedness plans, organizations can create a safer and healthier
work environment for their employees.

CMPE 30163: Basic Occupation Health and Safety Page |1

Aban, Mary Joy B. BSCOE 3-2
Activity #2 March 29 , 2024

2. What are the main objectives of occupational health and safety give at least 5 objectives .

The main objectives of occupational health and safety (OHS) are to protect the
health, safety, and welfare of people engaged in work or employment. Here are five key

1. Prevent Accidents: Keep workers safe by avoiding accidents and injuries through
safety measures and training.

2. Keep Workers Healthy: Ensure workers are physically and mentally well by
providing a safe environment.

3. Follow Laws and Rules: Make sure workplaces meet legal requirements for safety
and health.

4. Manage Risks: Identify and control risks to prevent accidents and illnesses.

5. Involve Workers: Encourage workers to participate in safety matters and give

them the tools to help improve safety.

CMPE 30163: Basic Occupation Health and Safety Page |2

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