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Main Actions GAP

Do community personnel (CHW and VC) suspect


Are TBF taken properly Most VCs/CHWs and Vector Control Personnel

taking poor quality slides in the field, which delay the

meet quality standards? acuuracy of TBF.

Is demand to diagnosis properly fostered? Some febrile patients do not timely seek medical attention

Clean up Campaigns Communities doesn’t cooperated

Most VCs & CHWs get refresher ( one to one) however

Is community personnel recently trained in some VCs are not present when its slide collection visited
malaria detection and diagnosis?\ to

Is the TBF flux functioning properly to ensure Incomplete 5th sample

Quality Control System evaluation and

Voluntary collaborator/Vc s do not see the importance of

Increase TBF slides taking slides if the patient does not have fever
Communites with no testing site( NO VC ) Some communities doesn’t have VC's

IRS Low coverage

Leishmaniasis VCP are not aware of the term

Proposal What Who

Train health care personnel in Malaria

elimination concept and diagnosis tools
refresher CHWs and VCs on the used
of Flow Chart VCP

One to one refresher to be done on

slide collection visit VCP

coordinate Vcs and CHW in

havingfrequent training to upgrade
their knowledge and ability to carry on
CHWS,VCs and VCP their specific duties. VC unit,CPA

Conduct some educational Utilize continuously the local

campaign /activities on behavioural media(radio and TV) to create
changes awareness on vector borne diseases VC Unit

Health ed.on vector borne diseases

Delivered when doing home visits VC personnel, CHWs,Vcs

Do more health ed Work closely with Hecopab VCP, Hecopab

Arrange date to meet VCs & CHW for a

one to one refresher Refresher Vector Control Unit

Follow up with District Supervisor Revision of the 5th sample Microscopist, VC

refresher training on Malaria for all

CHW & Vcs Training workshop Vector Control,

When visiting VCs a reminder should be

given about the algorythem Home visits Microscopist & VCP
constant communication with Vcs Home vists, phone calls Microscopist, VCP

will work closely to Hecopab once

Hecopab is current recruiting, it will be personal has been recruited to do
mandotory for them to do malaria slide malaria training DHE, Microscopist, VC Sup

do more health ed on IRS to improve VC Unit

Chief of operation will organized the

Training will be done to all VCP training/workshop Chief of operation
When Where Monitoring Activities conducted

VCP, Microscopist
Ongoing All Communities & Mrs Ruby Ongoing

on going All communities Microscopist ongoing

all localities VCP ongoing

ongoing VC Unit Ongoing

ongoing Communities VCP Ongoing

Mid year HighRisk VCP, Hecopab and PPending

where training is sign VC's logbk

Ongoing Needed Microscopist ongoing

during year of Orange Walk Microscopist ongoing


23-Feb-24 office supervisor , Microsc 23-Feb-24



22/1/24 High risk Areas ongoing

pending Chief of operation Pending

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