Business Proposal Project Worksheet Huyền Quỳnh Trang Thu Trang Trúc

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Step 1: Team Formation and Role Assignment

Objective: Form a team and assign specific roles to each member to effectively manage the
business proposal project.

1. Form Your Team:

List the names of your team members (5-6 students per team).
Team Member Name:
Phạm Bùi Thu Huyền
Nguyễn Vũ Quỳnh Trang
Lê Thị Thanh Trúc
Vũ Thu Trang

2. Assign Roles:
Decide who will take on each of the following roles and document the responsibilities they agree
to undertake.
Role Team Member Assigned Key Responsibilities
Project Manager Nguyễn Vũ Quỳnh Trang Oversee the project timeline,
coordinate meetings, manage
Market Researcher Lê Thị Thanh Trúc Conduct market analysis, gather
data, synthesize findings
Financial Analyst Phạm Bùi Thu Huyền Develop financial models, cost
analysis, revenue forecasts
Presenter Vũ Thu Trang Design and deliver the final
presentation of the business plan

Step 2: Business Idea Development

Objective: Brainstorm and select a business idea that is original, feasible, and impactful. Define
the mission and vision of the business.

Instructions: In your teams, use this section to generate a list of potential business ideas.
Consider problems that need solutions, gaps in the market, and innovative approaches to existing
Note: Ensure all team members contribute to the brainstorming and decision-making process
to foster a sense of ownership and collaboration.

Idea Generation:
List 5 potential business ideas:
Idea 1: Cafe Cart
Idea 2: Mulberry paper flowers shop
Idea 3: Ceramics shop
Idea 4: Crochet accessories
Idea 5: Fragrant candle shop
Idea Evaluation:
For each idea listed above, answer the following questions to evaluate its viability:
What problem does it solve?
Idea 1: Quick takeaway coffee
Idea 2: Sustainable and affordable flowers
Idea 3: Artistic decoration
Idea 4: Unique decoration and souvenirs
Idea 5: Relaxation, decoration and room aroma
Who are the potential customers?
Idea 1: Officers, college students, anyone who needs coffee
Idea 2: Young people who love handcraft
Idea 3: Young people who love handcraft
Idea 4: Young people who love handcraft
Idea 5: Adults
What makes this idea original or innovative?
Idea 1: Specialty coffee with unique designed cart
Idea 2: Beyond traditional flower styles and create modern, sculptural, pieces. Eco-friendly
material and recycled package.
Idea 3: Combine beautiful design with functionality, creating ceramic pieces for everyday use.
Idea 4: Use recycled materials like yarn scraps or fabric to create eco-friendly accessories. Create
unique stitches or finishing touches that become your brand's signature.
Idea 5: Explore unique fragrance combinations. Design candles with hidden surprises or
interactive elements. Use eco-friendly wax blends like soy or beeswax.
Is it feasible with the resources available?
Idea 1: It is feasible with moderate resources
Idea 2: It is feasible with moderate resources
Idea 3: This might require more resources.
Idea 4: This could be feasible with low resources
Idea 5: This could require moderate to high resources
What potential impact could it have on the market or society?
Idea 1: Increased accessibilty and convenience
Idea 2: supporting local economy, promoting sustainable practices
Idea 3: supporting local economy, promoting sustainable practices
Idea 4: Increased appreciation for handmade goods, sustainable fashion alternative
Idea 5: Increased appreciation for handmade goods

Selecting the Best Idea:

Based on your evaluations, select the most promising idea and justify your choice:
Selected Idea: Crochet accessories
Justification: It is potential and most young people are following the trend of unique styles, the
resoureces are easy to approach.
Defining Mission and Vision
Instructions: For the selected business idea, define a clear and impactful mission and vision

Mission Statement: (What does your business seek to achieve? Focus on the present.)
Example: "To provide innovative and sustainable solutions to everyday problems through
cutting-edge technology."
Purpose: What is the core purpose of your business? What does it aim to achieve?
Draft Mission Statement: Supporting handmade businesses and allowing people to express their
individuality and creativity.
Vision Statement: (What does your future look like? Focus on aspirations and future impact.)
Example: "To be the leading provider of eco-friendly tech solutions, improving quality of life
Future: Where do you see your business going? What future does the business aspire to create?
Draft Vision Statement: Enhancing creativity and innovation. Sustainable and socially
Team Reflection:
Feedback on Mission: relevant and feasible
Feedback on Vision: potential
Finalize Statements:
Final Mission Statement: Supporting handmade businesses and allowing people to express their
individuality and creativity.

Final Vision Statement: Enhancing creativity and innovation. Sustainable and socially

Submit this worksheet with your selected idea and defined mission and vision statements to your
instructor by 5pm 17 April 2024 via Class Zalo Group.

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