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Cite This: J. Proteome Res. 2017, 16, 4208-4216

Urinary Metabolic Phenotyping of Women with Lower Urinary Tract

Rhiannon Bray,*,† Stefano Cacciatore,‡ Beatriz Jiménez,§,# Rufus Cartwright,† Alex Digesu,†
Ruwan Fernando,† Elaine Holmes,⊥,§ Jeremy K. Nicholson,⊥,§ Phillip R. Bennett,‡,¶
David A. MacIntyre,‡ and Vik Khullar*,†

Department of Urogynaecology, St. Mary’s Hospital, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, London W2 1NY, U.K.

Imperial College Parturition Research Group, Division of the Institute of Reproductive and Developmental Biology, §Division of
Computational Systems Medicine, Department of Surgery and Cancer, and ⊥Centre for Digestive and Gut Health, Imperial College
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London, London SW7 2AZ, U.K.

Downloaded via UNIV NACIONAL AUTONOMA MEXICO on May 5, 2021 at 18:35:21 (UTC).

Queen Charlotte’s Hospital, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, London W12 0HS, U.K.
Imperial Clinical Phenotyping Centre, QEQM Building, Imperial College London, Saint Mary’s Hospital, London W21NY, U.K.
S Supporting Information

ABSTRACT: Lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS), including

urinary incontinence, urgency and nocturia, affect approximately half
of women worldwide. Current diagnostic methods for LUTS are
invasive and costly, while available treatments are limited by side
effects leading to poor patient compliance. In this study, we aimed to
identify urine metabolic signatures associated with LUTS using proton
nuclear magnetic resonance (1H NMR) spectroscopy. A total of 214
urine samples were collected from women attending tertiary
urogynecology clinics (cases; n = 176) and healthy control women
attending general gynecology clinics (n = 36). Despite high variation in
the urine metabolome across the cohort, associations between urine
metabolic profiles and BMI, parity, overactive bladder syndrome,
frequency, straining, and bladder storage were identified using
KODAMA (knowledge discovery by accuracy maximization). Four distinct urinary metabotypes were identified, one of which
was associated with increased urinary frequency and low BMI. Urine from these patients was characterized by increased levels of
isoleucine and decreased levels of hippurate. Our study suggests that metabolic profiling of urine samples from LUTS patients
offers the potential to identify differences in underlying etiology, which may permit stratification of patient populations and the
design of more personalized treatment strategies.
KEYWORDS: metabolic profiling, LUTS, overactive bladder, NMR, KODAMA, metabolomics

Lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) can be grouped into
in the nervous supply to the bladder, the bladder or pelvic floor
musculature, or molecular changes relating the bladder
storage (daytime frequency, nocturia, urgency), voiding urothelium.6−8 Objective diagnostic criteria are lacking for the
(hesitancy, intermittency, slow stream), and incontinence majority of LUTS with symptomatic diagnoses mainly based on
symptoms (including urgency incontinence and stress incon- standard definitions (Table S1).1 There is concern that current
tinence).1 These symptoms are highly prevalent across all ages, diagnostic algorithms, especially those for OAB, fail to account
with more than 50% of women worldwide experiencing one or for the underlying pathogenesis of the symptoms or
more.2 The most prevalent LUTS syndrome is overactive incorporate any objective assessment of symptoms.9−11 Func-
bladder (OAB), which affects one in six women and tional testing of the lower urinary tract with urodynamic testing
encompasses bothersome urinary urgency, frequency, nocturia, has generally been used to confirm symptomatic diagnoses with
and typically urinary incontinence.1,3 OAB is associated with a physiological findings.12 Although these urodynamic tests are
significant economic burden, with directs costs estimated to be
considered to be the most definitive available, they are invasive,
US $11 billion in the United States alone per year.4 The
condition also has far-reaching effects on physical and mental expensive, time-consuming, unreliable, and have very limited
health, daily activities, and quality of life.5 prognostic significance.13,14 The most recent guidance
The underlying mechanisms of many LUTS are poorly
characterized, particularly for women. Current competing Received: August 10, 2017
hypotheses variously locate the primary pathological defects Published: September 22, 2017

© 2017 American Chemical Society 4208 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jproteome.7b00568

J. Proteome Res. 2017, 16, 4208−4216
Journal of Proteome Research Article

recommends that urodynamic testing should not be used in urinary tract infection, and (v) receiving anticholinergic
women prior to the use of conservative treatments.15,16 medication during the study. Ethnicity was self-reported as
Treatment strategies for LUTS are often hindered by side White (European ancestry), Asian (Pakistani, Indian, Banglade-
effects and poor patient compliance.17−20 Current diagnostic shi, or Sri Lankan ancestry), Arabic, Black (African or African-
tools are unable to provide evidence as to which women will Caribbean ancestry), or Mixed. Parity and menopausal status as
either benefit from or tolerate different treatments. The well as height and weight were self-reported with BMI
identification of novel, noninvasive biomarkers would provide subsequently calculated.
substantial clinical benefit in helping to direct and tailor Sample Preparation
treatments. While a large number of putative urinary
biomarkers have been suggested for OAB syndrome, they All urine samples provided were placed immediately on ice,
lack specificity, reliability, and prognostic power and as result aliquoted, and stored at −80 °C within 1 h of collection.
have not been adopted in clinical practice.7,21−23 Preparation and analysis of samples was performed using
Urine metabolic profiling involves the quantitative measure- standardized and optimized protocols as previously described.34
ment and identification of metabolites and small molecules that Briefly, urine was defrosted on ice and 540 μL added to 60 μL
represent end products of normal and pathological cellular of buffer (1.5 M KH2PO4/D2O, 2 mM NaN3 and 0.1% 3-
processes.24 For many pathological conditions, metabolites can (trimethl-silyl)propionic acid-d4) (TSP). The mixture was then
be used as biomarkers of disease and patterns of metabolic centrifuged at 13 000g, and 550 μL of the resulting supernatant
perturbations exploited to achieve better understanding of the was transferred into 5 mm diameter NMR tubes. Samples were
biochemical changes associated with pathophysiology. High immediately loaded onto a refrigerated SampleJet robot
field proton nuclear magnetic resonance (1H NMR) spectros- (Bruker Corporation, Germany) and kept at 4 °C until
copy is widely used for metabolic profiling as it permits rapid measurement. Pooled quality control (QC) samples were
quantitative measurement of metabolites within a biological generated from a composite of all samples and used to assess
sample with minimal preparation, in a highly reproducible and potential batch effects.
nondestructive manner that enables recovery of the sample.25 It NMR Experiments and Spectral Processing
has been extensively used to examine the biochemistry of
disease onset and for diagnostic applications in fields such as Standard monodimensional NMR experiments were run in
cancer,26−29 vascular disease,30 and diseases of the nervous automation at 300 K in a Bruker Advance III 600 spectrometer
system.31 working at 14.1 T equipped with a BBI probe (Bruker Biospin,
In this study, we performed 1H NMR-based metabolic Germany). Each experiment consisted of 32 Free Induction
profiling on urine samples to determine if perturbations in the Decays (FID) in 65 536 points using a 20 ppm window
urinary metabolome can be associated with LUTS and OAB centered at 4.75 ppm. The relaxation delay was set at 4 s, and a
syndrome and thus provide unique metabolic signatures useful water presaturation pulse was applied during this period: an
for diagnostic and stratification purposes. additional presaturations pulse was added using the first

increment of the NOE pulse sequence to further cancel the
METHODS water signal. Processing of the spectra (i.e., Fourier trans-
formation, phasing, and baseline correction) was done in
Patient Cohort and Classification automation using TopSpin (Version 3.2; Bruker Biospin,
This study was conducted following NHS Health Research Germany).
Authority National Research Ethics Service (NRES) Commit- Spectra were first calibrated in automation to the TSP signal
tee Approval (REC 12/LO/0394). Women attending specialist (0.00 pm). However, as the chemical shift of TSP is susceptible
urogynecology and general gynecology clinics were recruited to changes in the sample matrix and macromolecule interaction,
following informed consent. Patients provided a midstream a second calibration was performed using the alanine CH3
urine sample under nonfasting conditions and completed the proton peak at 1.48 ppm. The regions corresponding to water
validated International Consultation on Incontinence−Female (4.50−4.90 ppm) and urea (5.50−6.10 ppm) were removed
LUTS Questionnaire.32,33 This questionnaire has 13 questions from the subsequent analysis. Each spectrum in the range
encompassing voiding, storage, and incontinence symptoms between 0.2 and 10.0 ppm was segmented into 0.02-ppm
that qualitatively assess the severity of individual LUTS and chemical shift bins, and the corresponding spectral areas under
provides separate summary scores for storage, voiding, and the curve were integrated using AMIX software (Version
incontinence symptoms. Scoring is generally quantified 3.9.14; Bruker BioSpin, Germany) giving a total of 465
according to the following; 0 (never), 1 (occasionally), 2 variables. To account for the potential dilution effect of urine,
(sometimes), 3 (most of the time), and 4 (all of the time). each processed spectrum was subsequently normalized using
Frequency scoring is quantified using the following ranges; 0 Probabilistic Quotient Normalization (PQN).35
(1−6 times/day), 1 (7−8), 2 (9−10), 3 (11−12), and 4 (≥13). Identification of signals associated with LUTS was under-
Control participants were considered to be those reporting taken using the SBASE database in Amix (v3.9.11; Bruker
nocturia less than once (ICIQ-FLUTS score = 0), urgency, BioSpin, Germany) or available assignments in the literature.36
urgency incontinence, stress incontinence, or bladder pain Metabolite identification was also undertaken using statistical
“never” or “occasionally” (≤1) and frequency less than eight total correlation spectroscopy (STOCSY),37 which was
times (≤1). Patients with OAB were identified as those performed in Matlab (Mathworks v.2014a) using in-house
reporting a minimum composite of the following symptoms; scripts as well as 2D NMR experiments (1H,1H−COSY, 1H,1H-
urgency ≥ occasional (≥1), frequency ≥7−8 times (≥1), and TOCSY, and 1H, 13C-HSQC) run on a Bruker 800 MHz
nocturia ≥ once (≥1) (Table S1). Exclusion criteria for the spectrometer working at 18.8 T. Relative metabolite concen-
study were women: (i) aged less than 18 years or over 70, (ii) trations were calculated by integrating the reference signals in
unable to consent, (iii) with a known malignancy, (iv) with the raw spectra before normalizing to the PQN coefficients
4209 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jproteome.7b00568
J. Proteome Res. 2017, 16, 4208−4216
Journal of Proteome Research Article

Table 1. Clinical Demographics for Controls and Casesa

control case p-value
participants, n 36 176
ethnicity, n 0.6668
Arabic 0 3
Asian 1 11
Black 1 12
Mixed 1 2
White 32 137
age (year), median [CI95%] 35.5 [22.6−57.3] 43.0 [24.4−67.0] 0.0014
BMI (m/kg2), median [CI95%] 21.6 [18.0−42.0] 24.1 [17.9−40.5] 0.0010
parity (number), median [CI95%] 0 [0−3] 1 [0−4] <0.0001
pre-/postmenopausal, n 19/3 60/22 0.2702
Median with 95% confidence intervals (CI95%) are shown.

Figure 1. Unsupervised and supervised multivariate of 1H NMR urine metabolic profiles collected from controls (gray, n = 36) and LUTS cases
(blue, n = 178). (A) No clear clustering of cases or controls was observed when data were analyzed using unsupervised principal components analysis
(PCA). Total variance of 13.6% was explained by the first component and 5.9% by the second component. (B) Supervised partial least-squares
(PLS) modeling of the data was then performed; however, robust discrimination between LUTS cases and controls was not obtained (R2Y = 0.1
[0.1−0.1], Q2Y = 0.06 [−0.07−0.05], p = 0.09).

applied to the processed spectra. Integration of metabolite ability parameter (Q2) were calculated using standard
signals was performed using an in-house R script. definitions.39 To estimate the performance of the PLS
Statistical Analysis regression model, statistical significance (p-value) was further
assessed for the Q2 value through permutation testing.40,41
Fisher’s exact test was used to assess differences between The KODAMA algorithm was used to facilitate identification
categorical variables in demographic data (e.g., ethnicity) of patterns representing underlying metabolic phenotypes on
between control and case patients. Wilcoxon rank-sum test all samples in the data set, including controls.42,43 The K-test
was used to assess differences between continuous variables in was then performed to reveal any associations between the
demographic data (e.g., age, BMI, parity, and pre/post- KODAMA scores and the clinical and questionnaire data. This
menopausal status). Prior to multivariate analysis, data were test uses the R2 to assess the proportion of the variance in the
mean-centered and scaled to unit variance. 38 Principal dependent variable (KODAMA scores) that is predicted from
component analysis (PCA) was performed on the processed the independent variable (e.g., clinical parameter) and can thus
spectra, in order, to identify anomalous samples and to obtain be used as a measure of the goodness of fit.44
an overview of the structure of the data. Partition around medoids (PAM) clustering45 was applied to
Regression of metabolic profiles against questionnaire the KODAMA scores with the silhouette algorithm46 used to
responses and clinical features was performed using partial validate the subsequent results. This algorithm provides a
least-squares (PLS) analysis. To assess the predictive ability of succinct graphical representation of how well each object lies
the PLS regression model, a 10-fold cross-validation was within its cluster with the silhouette median value being used to
conducted as previously described.27 This involved iteratively evaluate the optimal number of clusters with the number of
removing 10% of samples prior to any step of the statistical possible clusters varying from 2 to 10.46 The distributions of
analysis (including PLS component selection, mean-centering, scores for each clinical parameter (questionnaire responses and
and univariate scaling) and back-predicting them into the demographic data) were then compared across clusters
model obtained from the remainder of the data. Parameter identified by the PAM analysis using Kruskal−Wallis test.
selection (i.e., best number of components for PLS) was carried Spearman’s test was used to calculate the correlation
out by means of an inner 10-fold cross-validation on the coefficients (rho) between the metabolite concentrations and
remaining 90% of the data. The overall procedure was repeated the clinical features. Hierarchical clustering (Ward’s linkage)
10 times. The goodness of fit parameter (R2) and the predictive was used to order the heatmap showing the different metabolite
4210 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jproteome.7b00568
J. Proteome Res. 2017, 16, 4208−4216
Journal of Proteome Research Article

Table 2. PLS Regression Models for Clinical Features and Questionnaire Data Urine Metabolic Profilesa
PLS model
R2Y [95%CI] Q2Y [95%CI] p-value FDR
Clinical Features
age 0.163 [0.163−0.163] 0.075 [0.048−0.087] <0.001 0.003
BMI 0.065 [0.065−0.12] −0.123 [−0.265−0.053] 0.956 0.965
parity 0.09 [0.059−0.09] −0.047 [−0.09−0.014] 0.438 0.611
menopausal status 0.201 [0.126−0.201] −0.042 [−0.116−0.018] 0.273 0.468
control versus cases 0.022 [0.022−0.022] −0.014 [−0.034−0.003] 0.174 0.468
nocturia 0.08 [0.069−0.08] −0.007 [−0.058−0.011] 0.061 0.438
urgency 0.029 [0.029−0.029] −0.012 [−0.072−0.001] 0.161 0.468
bladder pain 0.047 [0.047−0.073] −0.039 [−0.054−0.019] 0.458 0.611
frequency 0.046 [0.046−0.076] 0 [−0.022−0.014] 0.077 0.438
hesitancy 0.089 [0.054−0.089] −0.121 [−0.19−0.084] 0.959 0.965
straining 0.075 [0.065−0.075] −0.016 [−0.046−0.019] 0.215 0.468
intermittancy 0.041 [0.041−0.041] −0.04 [−0.07−0.01] 0.396 0.595
urgency incontinence 0.051 [0.051−0.07] −0.026 [−0.063−0.004] 0.269 0.468
frequency of incontinence 0.052 [0.052−0.066] −0.028 [−0.056−0.009] 0.268 0.468
stress incontinence 0.045 [0.045−0.06] −0.072 [−0.119−0.045] 0.766 0.940
insensible incontinence 0.043 [0.043−0.065] −0.082 [−0.133−0.054] 0.866 0.965
nocturnal enuresis 0.087 [0.074−0.1] −0.123 [−0.195−0.075] 0.965 0.965
storage score 0.074 [0.063−0.074] −0.014 [−0.03−0.018] 0.182 0.468
voiding score 0.041 [0.041−0.053] −0.066 [−0.083−0.048] 0.783 0.940
incontinence score 0.051 [0.051−0.076] −0.042 [−0.073−0.015] 0.396 0.595
OAB 0.081 [0.048−0.081] 0 [−0.032−0.015] 0.091 0.438
Robustness of PLS models was assessed using goodness of fit (R2) and predictive ability parameters (Q2). Significance of model prediction was
examining using permutation testing with the reported p-value presented before and after false discovery rate correction (FDR). Age was identified as
having a significant impact upon the metabolic profile of the samples assessed in this study (p < 0.001; q = 0.003).

concentrations across the clinical and questionnaire features. predictive model could only be identified for age (p < 0.001,
Metabolite over-representation analysis was used to investigate FDR = 0.003) (Table 2, Figure S1).
relationships between identified metabolites and pathways.36,47 To identify potential underlying urinary metabotypes present
A p-value <0.05 was considered to be significant. To account in the LUTS cohort, including controls, the data set was then
for multiple testing, a false discovery rate (FDR) of <20% was analyzed using the KODAMA algorithm (Figure 3A). The
applied to reduce identification of false positives.48 All relationship between the relative position of each urine
calculations were made using R41 scripts developed in-house. metabolic profile on the resulting KODAMA plot and clinical

and questionnaire data was then examined using the K-test.
RESULTS This involved calculating the coefficient of determination (R2)
to assess proportion of the variance in the dependent variable
Urine metabolic profiles were acquired for a total of 214 (i.e., the relative position of a sample in the KODAMA plot)
women who provided a single sample, of which 38 met the that is predictable from the independent variable (i.e., the given
criteria for control participants and 176 were identified as clinical parameter). A permutation test was then performed by
LUTS cases. As expected, patients with LUTS were significantly randomly sampling the value of the labels to estimate the
older and had a higher BMI and parity compared to controls significance of the observed association. In total, six clinical
(Table 1). No difference in the distribution of menopausal parameters (BMI, parity, frequency, straining, storage score,
status or ethnicity was detected between LUTS and control and OAB status) were shown to be significantly correlated with
groups. the distribution of metabolite profiles within the KODAMA
Variance in the urine metabolic profiles of samples in the plot (Table 3). To further investigate these relationships, we
patient and control cohorts was first examined using PCA quantified 22 metabolites and correlated their relative
(Figure 1A). The first component accounted for 13.6% of the concentrations to values within each of these six clinical
total variance in the data set with a further 5.9% explained by parameters. BMI was found to be negatively associated with
the second component. No clear separation between cases and formate (rho = −0.19, p-value = 8.05 × 10−3; FDR = 4.43 ×
controls was observed. Supervised PLS analysis was then −10−2) and positively associated with tyrosine (rh0 = 0.27, p-
performed to identify variance in the metabolic profiles value = 1.00 × 10−3; FDR = 1.10 × 10−2), phosphocreatine
associated with LUTS; however, the resulting model did not (rho = 0.25, p-value = 4.75 × 10−4; FDR = 1.05 × 10−2), 2-
demonstrate any clear, robust discrimination between LUTS ketoisovalerate (rho = 0.23, p-value = 7.31 × 10−3; FDR = 4.43
cases and controls (R2Y = 0.1 [0.1−0.1], Q2Y = 0.06 [−0.07− × 10−2), and valine (rho = 0.21, p-value = 1.77 × 10−2; FDR =
0.05], p = 0.09; Figure 1B). We next applied PLS regression to 7.79 × 10−2) (Figure 2, Table S2). Metabolite over-
clinical and questionnaire data in an attempt to identify representation analysis of these metabolites identified enrich-
whether metabolic profiles could be associated with specific ment of protein biosynthesis (p-value = 4.84 × 10−3, FDR =
symptoms and patient characteristics (Table 2). A significant 3.87 × 10−1) and branched chain amino acid (valine, leucine,
4211 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jproteome.7b00568
J. Proteome Res. 2017, 16, 4208−4216
Journal of Proteome Research Article

Table 3. KODAMA (K-Test) Modelsa whereas frequency (rho = −0.23, p-value = 8.81 × 10−4; FDR =
1.94 × 10−2) and OAB (rho = −0.22, p = 1.38 × 10−3; FDR =
3.03 × 10−2) were both negatively associated with creatinine
p-value FDR levels. An inverse relationship between straining and trimethyl-
Clinical Features amine-N-oxide levels was observed (rho = −0.19, p = 5.96 ×
age 0.735 0.802 10−3; FDR = 1.31 × 10−1). No significant associations between
BMI 0.004 0.032 quantified metabolites and storage score were identified.
parity 0.028 0.139 PAM clustering was then performed on the KODAMA
menopausal status 0.335 0.702 scores to identify any distinct urine metabotypes within the
Questionnaire LUTS cohort. Four individual clusters or metabotypes were
control versus cases 0.651 0.781 identified using the silhouette median value (Figure S2) as
nocturia 0.351 0.702 presented in Figure 3A. BMI (p-value = 2.61 × 10−2) and
urgency 0.689 0.787 frequency (p = 4.84 × 10−2) were the main clinical parameters
bladder pain 0.175 0.467 associated with metabotype groupings. Specifically, an inverse
frequency 0.000 0.000 relationship between BMI and frequency distribution was
hesitancy 0.584 0.781 observed across the four metabotypes identified (Figure 3B and
straining 0.029 0.139 Figure S3). Metabotype 1 contained the highest proportion of
intermittency 0.806 0.806 patients with a BMI greater than or equal to 25 (51.3%) and
urgency incontinence 0.569 0.781 the lowest proportion of patients experiencing the need to
frequency of incontinence 0.543 0.781 strain when passing urine (18.2%). It also contained the lowest
stress incontinence 0.260 0.624 proportion of OAB patients (25%) and those reporting
insensible incontinence 0.616 0.781 increased urinary frequency of more than 6 times per day
nocturnal enuresis 0.800 0.806 (34.1%). This group was characterized by increased urine levels
storage score 0.046 0.174 of hippurate, phenylacetylglutamine, glucose, threonine, crea-
voiding score 0.501 0.781 tinine, phosphocreatinine, trimethylamine-N-oxide, alanine, 2-
incontinence score 0.618 0.781 ketoisovalerate, and decreased levels of creatine, acetate, lactate,
OAB 0.004 0.032 and isoleucine (Table S3).
P-value and FDR are shown. Results are divided into clinical features In contrast, metabotype 4 contained the greatest proportion
and questionnaire data. Significance of model prediction was of patients with increased urine frequency (65.7%) and the
examining using K-test with the reported p-value presented before lowest proportion of patients with BMI ≥ 25 (18.8%). Urine
and after FDR correction. Significant values are shown in bold. BMI, metabolic profiles of this group characteristically contained
parity, frequency, straining, storage score, and OAB were found to higher levels of 2-hydroxyisobutyrate and isoleucine and lower
have a significant impact upon the metabolic profile of the samples concentrations of hippurate, phenylacetylglutamine, tyrosine,
assessed in this study.
and threonine compared to other metabotypes.
Metabotype 2 was characterized by higher levels of tyrosine,
glucose, threonine, creatinine, phosphocreatinine, glycine,
alanine, 2-hydroxyisobutyrate, and 3-hydroxyisovalerate and
lower levels of trigonelline, whereas metabotype 3 contained
higher levels of trigonelline, acetate and lower concentrations of
1-methylnicotinamide, tyrosine, glucose, thronine, creatinine,
phosphocreatinine, trimethylamine-N-oxide, alanine, 2-hydrox-
yisobutyrate, 2-ketoisovalerate, methylsuccinate, and valine
levels. No differences in the distribution of parity or storage
scores were observed across any of the metabotypes.

Normal function of the lower urinary tract involves tightly
coordinated signaling between the central and peripheral
nervous system and anatomic components of the lower urinary
tract. Malfunction or malcoordination of any of these pathways
could potential lead to LUTS, which encompass a variety of
symptoms that are phenotypic manifestations of multiple
Figure 2. Heat map of correlations identified between quantified pathophysiologies. Consistent with the concept that urine
urinary metabolites and clinical and LUTS questionnaire data.
Metabolites positively associated with features are shown in blue
metabolic profiles represent underlying biochemistry of disease
scale, and those negatively associated are shown in yellow. To assist processes, we observed high variance across the urinary
visualization, metabolites were ordered according to hierarchical metabolomes of the LUTS patient cohort. However, we failed
clustering (shown on left of figure) with significantly altered to identify any robust metabolic signatures of LUTS compared
metabolites highlighted by red boxes with rho values presented. to controls using standard supervised modeling of the
metabolic profiles. Taken together with the variation in specific
patient symptoms, this provides further evidence that individual
and isoleucine) degradation pathways (p = 1.71 × 10−2, FDR = LUTS is likely to be derived from multiple causal etiologies. For
6.84 × 10−1). Parity was negatively associated with acetate example, increased urgency has been linked to infection or
levels (rho = −0.19, p = 6.84 × 10−3; FDR = 1.51 × 10−1), inflammation of the urothelium,23 increased excitability and
4212 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jproteome.7b00568
J. Proteome Res. 2017, 16, 4208−4216
Journal of Proteome Research Article

Figure 3. Identification of LUTS metabotypes and their association with clinical and questionnaire features. (A) PAM clustering of KODAMA
output of LUTS urinary metabolic profiles identified 4 distinct clusters or metabotypes. These were characterized by differences in urinary metabolite
concentrations described in Supplementary Table 3. (B) Analysis of the distributions of clinical features represented in each metabotype revealed
BMI and Frequency to significantly differ between clusters (BMI p-value = 0.0261, frequency p-value = 0.0434, Kruskal−Wallis test).

extracellular coupling of detrusor myocytes,49 and bladder BMI and frequency. Although metabotype 1 was enriched for
ischemia.11 patients with raised BMI and decreased frequency, the opposite
We next analyzed the data set using KODAMA, an algorithm was observed for patients clustered within metabotype 4. This
specifically designed for feature extraction from noisy, high- was surprising considering raised BMI is often associated with
dimensional data. This approach permitted the identification of increased prevalence of OAB.61 Urine metabolic profiling may
relationships between perturbations of metabolic profiles and therefore permit the identification of a subcohort of LUTS
specific clinical characteristics (BMI and parity) and reported patients that is not associated with BMI. Stratification of
symptoms (frequency, straining, storage score and OAB). In patients using unsupervised, objective assessment of urinary
agreement with a recent large-scale, multicohort study metabolic profiles may permit targeted treatment strategies that
examining the impact of adiposity on the urinary metab- improve response and efficacy and reduce side effect profiles.
olome,50 we observed a negative correlation between BMI and Consistent with this, certain anticholonergic treatements for
urinary formate, which is often derived from gut microbial OAB have demonstrated a trend for decreasing efficacy in
cometabolism.51 We also observed positive associations patients with raised BMI.62
between BMI, tyrosine, and valine, which is consistent with Clustering of patient samples to metabotypes is driven by
previous blood metabolic profiling studies.52−54 In addition to differences in relative concentrations of urinary metabolites. As
this, we also observed a positive association between BMI and expected, since metabotype 1 correlated with BMI, many of the
2-ketoisovalerate, a precursor in valine synthesis. Increased urine metabolites characteristic of metabotype 1 could be
urine concentrations of branched chain amino acids (BCAAs) associated with BMI including higher concentrations of
such as valine have been associated with dysregulated BCAA creatine, alanine and glucose.50 Concentrations of hippurate
metabolism that contributes to insulin resistance and glucose and isoleucine were inversely correlated between metabotypes
intolerance in obese patients.53,55,56 1 and 4. Urine levels of the gut microbial cometabolite
Our results also identified a relationship between increased hippurate have been reported in numerous studies as being
frequency and OAB with lower creatinine levels. Previous inversely correlated to BMI.50,58,63,64 In contrast, we observed a
studies have reported lower urinary levels of creatinine in both direct association between hippurate and BMI, which were both
human and animal models of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) lower in women reporting high frequency (metabotype 4),
secondary to reduced glomerular filtration rate associated with whereas hippurate and BMI were relatively higher in those
neuropathy.57,58 Increased urinary frequency and OAB are patients clustered in metabotype 1. This indicates that altered
associated with diabetes;59 therefore, these results may indicate urine hippurate levels in LUTS patients are not related to BMI
a neuropathic pathway underlying increased frequency and and may instead reflect a previously undescribed relationship
OAB in some LUTS patients. However, urine levels of between gut microbiota, diet and LUTS.
creatinine can also be influenced by other factors including Similar to hippurate, we found that women reporting
diet, muscle mass, and BMI.50,60 BMI is normally positively increased frequency with a low BMI had increased levels of
associated with creatinine excretion.50 In contrast to this, we isoleucine, which again is in contrast to previous studies
observed decreased creatinine in LUTS patients with raised reporting a positive association between high BMI and urine
BMI suggesting that this is uncoupled to our observations. isoleucine levels.50,52,53 Serum metabolic profiling has shown a
Analysis of the KODAMA results using PAM clustering strong association between isoleucine and insulin resistance in
identified four metabotypes, or urinary signatures, to which all lean individuals.65 It has been long established that insulin
patients in the cohort could be allocated. The biggest difference resistance is associated with systemic inflammation,66−68 and
in metabolic profiles across these metabotypes was between therefore, these findings may indicate altered inflammatory
metabotypes 1 and 4, which could subsequently be linked to status in this group of patients.
4213 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jproteome.7b00568
J. Proteome Res. 2017, 16, 4208−4216
Journal of Proteome Research Article

It is important to recognize that our study has a number of Healthcare National Health Service Trust, Imperial College
limitations. Urine collection was performed without fasting at London, and the United Kingdom Medical Research Council
the time of patient visit. While this sampling approach is highly (Grant No. G1100377) D.A.M. was supported by a Career
practical for busy clinical settings and may facilitate the Development Award from the Medical Research Council
identification of metabolite biomarkers that are both robust and (Grant No. MR/L009226/1). The Clinical Phenome Centre
resistant to nondisease related augmentation, it can lead to the (CPC) was also supported by the National Institute for Health
introduction of variation associated with diet and food Research (NIHR) Biomedical Research Centre based at
intake69,70 or diurnal patterns.71−73 This may have in turn Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust and Imperial College
masked more subtle LUTS-associated differences in the urine London. The views expressed are those of the authors and not
metabolic profile. It is also possible that demographic necessarily those of the NHS, the NIHR or the Department of
differences could have impacted on our results. For example Health.

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