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A letter to Frank by Eveline.

Dear Frank,
I do not know how to explain the reasons that I left the commitment that we did, undone.
However, I will put my whole body, mind, and spirit to explain why I couldn’t leave with you.
First of all, you were the light in my dark life, working hard all day long, enduring the bitter trait
of my father, especially after the death of my mother. The happiness and great hope that you
gave to my life is a priceless gift that I never forget. I do believe our bond is a true gift that is
given to us. I always wish you knew how much I love and care about you.
The other day I was sitting at the window watching the old avenue all day long. I remembered
the old field where I and my siblings played with other kids. At that time, my mother was alive.
Also, I looked around my room, reviewing all the familiar objects that I dust every single day.
Looking at the yellowish picture of a nameless priest hanging on the wall made me think
something was incomplete in my household. Feeling all of these vague emotions made the idea
of marrying and leaving with you a bit delusional.
Moreover, my promise to my mother to put the household together seems to be hard work as
my father leads the family. My commitment to my promise is sacred so is my love and respect
for you. I realized that I could not put my commitment to you over my duty as a daughter. The
sense of love, the feeling of belonging to a family, and the memories of my life, are not easy to
wipe out for me.
Another thing that concerns me is your lifestyle and personality. You have spent all of your life
here and there in the Sea. All of a sudden, you want to settle down. I know you love me so
much and care for me deeply. However, the idea of marriage is a big responsibility and it came
to us so fast. I was now enlightened to know that I was not ready for such a big responsibility
and to leave what I know for what I do not know.
These are the reasons: family, commitment to my promise, and respect. I do not want you to
forgive me for what I have done to you. I only wish you would understand and respect my true
desire to be a good daughter and searcher of the great divine in my life.
I always love you!
Your Poppens.

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