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Your consistent effort in class discussions and assignments demonstrates a strong dedication to your

learning journey. Keep up the excellent work!

Your thoughtful contributions to group activities showcase excellent teamwork and collaboration skills,
setting a positive example for your peers.
He shows diligence to his academic performances, yet he has to do and show more for him to achieve a
better score and perform better during the class.
I've noticed significant growth in your understanding of complex concepts, reflecting your commitment to
academic excellence. Your determination to succeed is commendable.
Your proactive approach to seeking feedback and incorporating it into your work shows a commendable
growth mindset. Keep embracing challenges and striving for improvement.
Your openness to feedback and willingness to grow have been impressive. Your humility and
receptiveness to constructive criticism will serve you well in your academic journey.
He is a very keen learner, when he do not know or understands what to do , he will really ask for
clarification in which a very good thing to do as a learner. His passion for learning is very evident too.
She is an eager learner. She also shows passion and dedication to her tasks and activities at home and
at school. She just needs to push herself more and go beyond her comfort zone to unleash the hidden
Diligence is the most outstanding trait that I, and her teachers observed from her. She is dedicated to
learn and absorb new skill that will make her a better student. Keep up the progress.
Raia shows strong leadership skills inside the class, but sometimes it is already much for some. She
also develops an immense love for learning which is a good thing for her.
Gillen improved more than her previous actions and academic willingness from the prior quarters. She
just need to exert more and more effort to achieve more. She is also dedicated to the task given to her.
Good job.
Isaiah has been more proactive this quarter. He also managed to perform better this time than the
previous ones. He just need to learn how to control his emotions well and better and act accordingly.
Kiefer shows a more improved and outstanding performance this time compare to his previous ones. It is
just that he should be more cautious and sensitive with his surroundings. Being quiet and calm inside
the class is recommended.
Xyren has been cosistently performing well inside the class. When it comes to his emotion management,
he also improved already. He just need to continue being a good example to his friends.
Viktor is sometimes zoning out during classes and seems like he is from faw away places. He also
shows inappropriate actions towards his classmates and teachers like the way he talks to them, on the
otherhand, he also manages to perform some of his activities but still needs to make up for some of it.
Teya shows a consistent excellence towards the class. She also develops being more friendly and warm
towards ger classmates. Continue to be like that and she will achieve more in life.
Ysabella has change from being a "super sharer" to becoming "just so-so" chatter with Aiya, this means
that they lessen their chitchats when the 4th quarter started and that is a positive development. She also
manages to perform better and continuously doing great during class. Just participate more and more.
Alexis has been consistently showing progress since day 1 up to now. She also do well on the tasks
given by her teachers to monitor and guide her classmates who need guidance academically. Keep up
the good work.
Fae is also a diligent student just like with other core students of 6 Newton. She manages to consistently
do better than before and pushes herself more to the limits. One good thing about her is that she is more
vocal now and caring towards one another. Good job, Fae!
Ledz has been consistently doing good since day one, he also become more friendly towards his
classmates. One thing that I can suggest is tat he should learn how to manage his emotion especially
when he is too happy.
Aira showed a great improvement from the previous quarter up to now. Continue being like that and she
will achive a better study habbit and good grades.
Arkin has changed a bit when he is transfered to the front row but still shows some willfullness in him.
Even though he improved already, he still needs to be guided most of the time and be patient with most
Mark has always been a quiet studenyt since day 1, he barely makes noise or become part of the
problem inside the class, it is just that he needs to ste out of his comfort zone and participate more
during discussion.
Andrea has improved a lot since the start of the 4th quarter, her seatmates also become a big help to
her to push her to study more and better. She should continue her positive spirit in learning to achieve
Richmond is sometimess willful inside the class, but he is doing well most of the time. In line with this, he
needs to be more prudent and attentive to his things for him to cope in the right pace with his
classmates. He usually say "teacher wala po akomg pe, teacher wala po akog paper, teacher di ko po
dala book ko" which annoys his classmates and teachers because if he doesnt have this he will just sit
and do nothing.
Kylie has been a good model student inside and outside tha class towards her classmates. She
manages to perform even better this quarter. Keep up the good leadership and good work, good job!
Joselytte has been consistently persuing a better academic life towards this quarter. She manages to
perform well this time and continue doing it. Make it a habbit and she will be what she wanted to be.
Aiyana showed a great improvement from the previous quarters up to now. She also show changes
when it comes to "chitchating" with Ysabella. She gradually lessen the time spent talking to Ysabella
about stuffs and is now more focus on the lessons. Keep on doing it to be a better one.
Qweenzy has been more diligent and aware of her surrounding, I commend her for showing concern
towards the class and showing care towards her classmates. Just be more passionate in learning and
she will receive a greater reward from her hardships.
Jimmy has been consistently persuing a better academic life towards this quarter. He manages to
perform well this time and continue doing it. Make it a habbit and he will be what she wanted to be.
Anton has been quiet since then, but it is not a good thing. He usually say the lines "teacher wala po
akomg pe, teacher wala po akog paper, teacher di ko po dala book ko" which annoys his classmates
and teachers because if he doesnt have this he will just sit and do nothing. When you talked to him he
will just look down and say nothing and do nothing at all. He needs to improve these things for him to
proceed and make progress.
Thomas has become more more matured a bit this 4th quarter. He also shows perseverance and self
awareness this time that made him a better person. Consistency to learning and improving a good
behaviour is recommended to achieve more in life.

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