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In my town there are different places for example:park where you

can do different activities like walking,running,jogging and spend

time with your family or alone. Also, there is a place to have lunch

or dinner .Has beautiful views and is very natural.

other place it is a supermarket this place is big and

cold and it has all the things you need.the best time to go it is in the

morning.yesterday i went and left the supermarket late because it is was full

and i went in the afternoon.that’s why it’s better to go in the morning.The

cinema is one of the best places in town because is it cheap

and has a great variety of movies.another place it is the bank

Avanz where they offer excellent customer service.The hospital

monte españa has many medical services such as internal

medicine,dentistry,pediatrics and other

specialties and has excellent doctors.Ruben dario theater is avery big

place.the teather offers a large number

of high quality cultural shows it’s

infrastructure is characterized by it’s

impressive visual richness i was there and it was one of the

best experiences .These are some of the different places in

the town.

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