Activity Research Based Instructional Strategies

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Activity: Research-Based Instructional Strategies

Direction: Form a group of 2-3 members. Create a written report regarding a review of a research article
pertaining to research-based instructional strategies. The guidelines are stated below.
A. Find a current research article of not more than 5 years and accomplish a review of the
research article. The research article must be related to the topic.
B. Review of Research Article
Summarize the important information about the research pertaining to the following sections:
 Statement of the Problem (Research questions/ objectives)
 Methods used in the study
 Findings of the study
 Conclusions mentioned in the study

C. Provide an analysis of the research regarding its applicability to the teaching field:
 What are the implications of the study in educating learners?
 What are the practical applications of the research to teaching?

Sample Format:
Activity: Research-Based Instructional Strategies
Group Members:

Title of the Research Article:

Reference (APA format):

I. Statement of the Problem

This section contains the purpose statement and the research question(s).

II. Research Methodology

Summary of the important parts of the methodology: research design, the sample, the
instruments, the intervention (if research is experimental), the data collection procedure,
and the plan for data analysis.

III. Findings

Summary of the significant statistical findings and data. This can include tables, figures,
and detailed explanations about the statistical results.
IV. Conclusion
Summary of the conclusion or the portion that gives meaning to the research and their
results. The objective of the Conclusion section is to examine the results, determine
whether they solve the research question, compare them within themselves and to other
results (from literature), explain and interpret them, and then draw conclusions or derive
generalizations, and make recommendations for applying the results or for further

What are the implications of the study in educating learners?
What are the practical applications of the research to teaching?

Scoring rubric:

Criteria PS SO
Review of Research Article 20

The article chosen is relevant and connected to

the topic assigned.

The research review contains a clear and

accurate summary of the statement of the
problem, methods findings and conclusions. All
sections were summarized

The analysis regarding the applicability of the

research to the teaching field is stated. The
analysis is comprehensive and related to the
Written Document 10

The vocabulary and grammar were correct and

understandable. Proper punctuation and
spelling are observed.

All information stated was clear and accurate

Reference was included 10
Punctuality 10

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