Cisco Study Sheet

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Objective Answers

1. Identify and describe the functions of each of the seven layers of the OSI model.

2. Describe connection oriented network service and connectionless network service, and identify the key
differences between them

3. Describe the data link addresses and network addresses, and identify the key differences between them.
4. Define and describe the function of the mac address.

5. Define flow control and describe the three basic methods used in networking.
6. Differeniate between the following WAN services: X.25/LAPB, Frame Relay, ISDN/LAPD, SDLC,
7. Log into the router in both user and privileged modes
8. Use the context sensitve help facility.
9. Use the command history and editing features
10. Examine router elements (RAM, ROM, CDP, show).
11. Manage configuration files from the privledged exec mode.
12. Control router passwords, identification, and banner
13. Identify the main cisco ios commands for router startup
14. Check an initial configuration using the setup command
15. Copy and manipulate configuration files
16. List the commands to load cisco ios software from flash, tftp, or ROM
17. Prepare to backup, upgrade, and load a backup cisco IOS image
18. List the key internetworking functions of the OSI network layer and how they are performed in the
19. Describe the two parts of network addressing, then identify the parts in specific protocol address
20. List problems that each routing type encounters when dealing with topology changes and describe
techniques to reduce the number of these problems.
21. Explain the services of separate and integrated multiprotocol routing
22. Describe the different classes of IP addresses [and subnetting].
23. Configure ip addresses
24. Verify ip addresses
25. Prepare the initial configuration of your router and enable IP
26. Add the rip routing protocol to your router
27. Add the igrp routing protocol to your router
28. List the required IPX address and encapsulation type
29. Enable the novell ipx protocol and configure interfaces
30. Monitor novell ipx operation on the router
31. Recognize key frame relay and x.25 terms and features

32. List the commands to configure frame relay LMI’s, maps, and subinterfaces

33. List the commands to monitor Frame Relay operation in the router

34. Identify PPP operations to encapsulate WAN data on Cisco routers

35. Configure standard access lists to figure IP traffic

36. Monitor and verify selected access list operations on the router

37. State a relevant use and context for ISDN networking

38. Identify ISDN protocols, function groups, reference points, and channels
39. Describe cisco’s implementation of ISDN BRI

40. Describe the advantages of LAN segmentation

41. Describe Lan segmentation using bridges

42. Describe lan segmentation using routers

43. Describe lan segmentation using switches

44. Name and describe two switching methods

45. Describe full and half duplex ethernet operation

46. Identify at least 3 reasons why the industry uses a layered model

47. Identify the functions of each layer of the ISO/OSI reference model

48. Define and explain the 5 conversion steps of data encapsulation

49. Identify the functions of the TCP/IP transport layer protocols

50. Identify the functions of the TCP/IP network layer protocols

51. Identify the functions performed by ICMP

52. Configure extended access lists to filter IP traffic
53. Configure IPX access lists and SAP filters to control basic Novell traffic
54. Monitor and verify selected access list operations on the router
55. Describe network congestion problem in Ethernet networks
56. Describe the benefits of network segmentation with bridges
57. Describe the benefits of network segmentation with routers
58. Describe the benefits of network segmentation with switches
59. Describe the features and benefits of Fast Ethernet
60. Describe the guidelines and distance limitations of Fast Ethernet
61. Distinguish between cut-through and store-and-forward LAN switching
62. Describe the operation of the spanning tree protocol and its benefits
63. Describe the benefits of virtual lans.

1. Identify and describe the functions of each of the seven layers of the OSI model.
Application, Presentation, Session, Transport, Network, DataLink, Physical

Application layer identifies and establishes the availability of the intended communication partner.
Synchronizes sending and receiving applications; establishes agreements on error-recovery and controls
data integrity; determines if sufficient resources for the intended communication exist.

The Presentation layer negotiates data transfer syntax for the application layer, it is responsible for

Session: Layer 5, coordinates communication between systems, maintaining sessions for as long as needed
and performing security, logging, and administrative functions.

Transport provides mechanisms for multiplexing upper layer applications, and establishment, maintenance
and cleanup of virtual circuits, information flow control, transport fault detection and recovery. When data
is sent the transport layer includes extra bits that include the message type, originating application, and
protocols used.
The transport layer hides details of any network-dependent information from the higher layers by providing
transparent data transfer. The transport layer is concerned with machine to machine transfer rather than
process to process. The transport layer will split data into smaller packets dispatch those packets and at the
receiver reassemble the data in the correct sequence.

Network: Layer 3, defines protocols for routing data by opening and maintaining a path on the network
between systems to ensure that data arrives at the correct destination node.

DataLink: Layer 2, defines the rules for sending and receiving information from one node to another
between systems.

Physical: This is the actual wire, 10base2, 10baseT, etc.

2. Describe connection oriented network service and connectionless network service, and identify the
key differences between them
Connection oriented requires a unique session or pipe to be established (eg: TCP). Connectionless can be
sent any time to any destination without any setup or acknowledgement (eg: UDP). To make it really
simple to understand: with a connectionless protocol its up to the applications to figure out of if the data
gets to the destination, instead of the protocols, the advantage is that the protocol is much more efficient
(since it doesn’t have to acknowledge receiving the data).

3. Describe the data link addresses and network addresses, and identify the key differences between
Datalink addresses (eg: MAC) are physical whereas the network addresses logical (eg: IP address).
Network addresses are determined by the network administrator, datalink are typically determined by the

4. Define and describe the function of the mac address.

The MAC (Media Access Control) also known as the BIA (Burned In Address) is the address that is used
on the physical layer to uniquely identify the device

5. Define flow control and describe the three basic methods used in networking.
Sliding Window - Method of flow control in which a receiver gives transmitter permission to transmit data
until a window is full. When the window is full, the transmitter must stop transmitting until the receiver
advertises a larger window. TCP, other transport protocols, and several data link layer protocols use this
method of flow control.
Pacing - Technique for ensuring that a transmitting entity, such as a modem, does not overwhelm a
receiving entity with data. When the buffers on the receiving device are full, a message is sent to the
sending device to suspend the transmission until the data in the buffers has been processed.

6. Differeniate between the following WAN services: X.25/LAPB, Frame Relay, ISDN/LAPD, SDLC,

The X.25 protocol, adopted as a standard by the Consultative Committee for International Telegraph and
Telephone (CCITT), is a commonly-used network protocol. The X.25 protocol allows computers on
different public networks (such as CompuServe, Tymnet, or a TCP/IP network) to communicate through an
intermediary computer at the network layer level. X.25's protocols correspond closely to the data-link and
physical-layer protocols defined in the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) communication model.

LAPB is a bit-oriented synchronous protocol that provides complete data transparency in a full-duplex
point-to-point operation. It supports a peer-to-peer link in that neither end of the link plays the role of the
permanent master station. HDLC NRM (also known as SDLC), on the other hand, has a permanent primary
station with one or more secondary stations.
HDLC LAPB is a very efficient protocol. A minimum of overhead is required to ensure flow control, error
detection and recovery. If data is flowing in both directions (full duplex), the data frames themselves carry
all the information required to ensure data integrity.
The concept of a frame window is used to send multiple frames before receiving confirmation that the first
frame has been correctly been received. This means that data can continue to flow in situations where there
may be long "turn-around" time lags without stopping to wait for an acknowledgement. This kind of
situation occurs, for instance in satellite communication.

Frame relay is a technology for transmitting data packets in high-speed bursts across a digital network
encapsulated in a transmission unit called a frame. Frame relay requires a dedicated connection during the
transmission period. It's not ideally suited for voice or video transmission, which requires a steady flow of
transmissions. However, under certain circumstances, it is used for voice and video transmission. Frame
relay is used on wide area networks and also in private network environments with leased lines over T-1

Frame relay is a fast-packet technology, which means that error-checking does not occur at any
transmission stage. The end points are responsible for error checking. (However, the incidence of error in
digital networks is extraordinarily small relative to analog networks.)
Fast packet switching uses asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) with either frame relay or cell relay. Frame
relay relays packets at the data-link layer of the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model rather than at
the network layer. A frame can incorporate packets from different protocols such as Ethernet and X.25. It is
variable in size and can be as large as a thousand bytes or more.
The frame relay standard, an extension of the ISDN standards, is CCITT I.122. A frame relay connection is
known as a virtual connection. A permanent virtual connection is totally dedicated to one origin and
destination pair and can transmit up to 1.544 Mbps, depending on the capabilities of the pair. A switched
virtual connection is also possible using the public network and can provide higher bandwidths.

Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) is a set of CCITT/ITU standards for digital transmission over
ordinary telephone copper wire as well as over other media. Home and business users who install ISDN
adapters (in place of their modems) can see highly-graphic Web pages arriving very quickly (up to 128
Kbps). ISDN requires adapters at both ends of the transmission so your access provider also needs an ISDN
adapter. ISDN is generally available from your phone company in most urban areas in the United States
and Europe.
There are two levels of service: the Basic Rate Interface (BRI), intended for the home and small enterprise,
and the Primary Rate Interface (PRI), for larger users. Both rates include a number of B (bearer) channels
and a D (delta) channel. The B channels carry data, voice, and other services. The D channel carries control
and signaling information.
The Basic Rate Interface consists of two 64 Kbps B channels and one 16 Kbps D channel. Thus, a Basic
Rate user can have up to 128 Kbps service. The Primary Rate consists of 23 B channels and one 64 Kpbs D
channel in the United States or 30 B channels and 1 D channel in Europe.
Integrated Services Digital Network in concept is the integration of both analog or voice data together with
digital data over the same network. Although the ISDN you can install is integrating these on a medium
designed for analog transmission, broadband ISDN (BISDN) will extend the integration of both services
throughout the rest of the end-to-end path using fiber optic and radio media. Broadband ISDN will
encompass frame relay service for high-speed data that can be sent in large bursts, the Fiber Distributed-
Data Interface (FDDI), and the Synchronous Opical Network (SONET). BISDN will support transmission
from 2 Mbps up to much higher, but as yet unspecified, rates.

ISDN Standards: E deals with telephone network standards (between ISDN devices), I deals with concepts
and terminology, Q deals with switching. (you need to know this stuff)
ISDN reference points:

TE1: Terminal Equipment type 1. This is the ISDN telephone, computer, ISDN FAX machine. Or
whatever it is that you've hooked up to the ISDN phone line.
<the wire between a TE1 and a NT2 is called reference point S>
TE2: Terminal Equipment type 2. This is the old analog telephone, old-style fax machine, modem. Or
whatever you used to hook up to the analog phone line. It can also be other communications equipment that
is handled by a TA (see below).
<the wire between a TE2 and a TA is reference point R>
TA: Terminal Adaptor. This lets old, TE2 stuff talk to the ISDN network. It also adapts other kinds of
equipment, like ethernet interfaces , to ISDN. It is typically called a POTS (Plain old Telephone system)
<the wire between a TE2 an a NT2 is reference point S>
NT2: Network Termination type 2. In most homes, this won't exist. If you were a big company with your
own private telephone system, then this would be the guts of that telephone system.
<the wire between a NT2 and an NT1 is reference point T>
NT1: Network Termination type 1. This is the end of the line for the local phone company, and the
beginning of your house's phone network.
<the wire between a NT1 and the LT is reference point U>
LT: Line Termination. This is the physical connection to the phone company.
<the wire between a LT and the ET is reference point V>
ET: Exchange Termination. This is the local phone company's logical connection from your telephones to
"the phone network".

LAPD is the Link Access Protocol for the ISDN D channel, as defined by CCITT Recommendation Q.921.
It is a layer 2, or data link layer, protocol which is used for communication between ISDN Terminal
Equipment (TE, i.e. the router) and Network Equipment (NT, i.e. the ISDN exchange). LAPD is
responsible for providing addressing, flow control, and error detection for higher layer users of the ISDN D
channel. LAPD is similar to LAPB (layer 2 of X.25), with the addition multiple logical connections,
allowing a single D channel to support multiple layer 3 entities. LAPD is not used on ISDN B channels.
In normal operation the LAPD module will not require any configuring since the default configuration will
allow it to function fully. The default for BRI interfaces is to operate with automatic TEI assignment. PRI
interfaces have TEI values assigned by CCITT Recommendation Q.921.

SDLC is the synchronous, bit-oriented link control protocol in the IBM Systems Network Architecture
(SNA). SDLC's connection-oriented protocol operates with the Data Link Switching (DLSw) protocol and
the Advanced Peer-to-Peer Networking (APPN) architecture.
SDLC supports point-to-point and multipoint topologies. In point-to-point topologies, only one SDLC
device connects to the SDLC port. In multipoint topologies, several SDLC devices connect to the SDLC
port via a modem-sharing type device.

HDLC (High-level Data Link Control) is a group of protocols or rules for transmitting data between
network points (sometimes called nodes). In HDLC, data is organized into a unit (called a frame) and sent
across a network to a destination that verifies its successful arrival. The HDLC protocol also manages the
flow or pacing at which data is sent. HDLC is one of the most commonly-used protocols in what is Layer 2
of the industry communication reference model called Open Systems Interconnection (OSI). (Layer 1 is the
detailed physical level that involves actually generating and receiving the electronic signals. Layer 3 is the
higher level that has knowledge about the network, including access to router tables that indicate where to
forward or send data. On sending, programming in layer 3 creates a frame that usually contains source and
destination network addresses. HDLC (layer 2) encapsulates the layer 3 frame, adding data link control
information to a new, larger frame.
Now an ISO standard, HDLC is based on IBM's Synchronous Data Link Control (SDLC) protocol, which
is widely used by IBM's large customer base in mainframe computer environments. In HDLC, the protocol
that is essentially SDLC is known as Normal Response Mode (NRM). In Normal Response Mode, a
primary station (usually at the mainframe computer) sends data to secondary stations that may be local or
may be at remote locations on dedicated leased lines in what is called a multidrop or multipoint network.
(This is not the network we usually think of; it's a nonpublic closed network. In this arrangement, although
communication is usually half-duplex.)
Variations of HDLC are also used for the public networks that use the X.25 communications protocol and
for frame relay. In the X.25 version of HDLC, the data frame contains a packet. (An X.25 network is one in
which packets of data are moved to their destination along routes determined by network conditions as
perceived by routers and reassembled in the right order at the ultimate destination.) The X.25 version of
HDLC uses peer-to-peer communication with both ends able to initiate communication on duplex links.
This mode of HDLC is known as Link Access Procedure Balanced (LAPB).
The following table sumarizes the HDLC variations and who uses them.
NRM (Normal Response Mode) Multipoint networks that typically use SDLC
LAP (Link Access Procedure) Early X.25 implementations
LAPB (Link Access Procedure, Balanced) Current X.25 implementations
LAPD (Link Access Procedure for the ISDN
ISDN D channel and frame relay
D channel)
LAPM (Link Access Procedure for Error-correcting modems (specified as part
Modems) of V.42)

PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol) is a protocol for communication between two computers using a serial
interface, typically a personal computer connected by phone line to a server. For example, your Internet
server provider may provide you with a PPP connection so that the provider's server can respond to your
requests, pass them on to the Internet, and forward your requested Internet responses back to you. PPP uses
the Internet protocol (IP) (and is designed to handle others). It is sometimes considered a member of the
TCP/IP suite of protocols. Relative to the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) reference model, PPP
provides layer 2 (data-link layer) service.
PPP is a full-duplex protocol that can be used on various physical media, including twisted pair or fiber
optic lines or satellite transmission. It uses a variation of High Speed Data Link Control (HDLC) for packet
PPP is usually preferred over the earlier de facto standard Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP) because it
can handle synchronous as well as asynchronous communication. PPP can share a line with other users and
it has error detection that SLIP lacks. Where a choice is possible, PPP should be preferred.

7. Log into the router in both user and privileged modes

You’d better already know how to do this. You get into privledged mode by typing “enable”.

8. Use the context sensitve help facility.

“comm?” shows you all commands that start with “comm” based on your context
“comm ?” shows you the next parameter assuming that “comm” is an abbreviation for a unique command

9. Use the command history and editing features

CTRL-A returns to the beginning of a line
CTRL-B is a backspace, CTRL H is a destructive backspace
CTRL-P cycles through the command history
CTRL-L reloads the previous line
CTRL-K clears the line
ESC-B moves back one word at a time
enhanced editing is enabled by default, you might want to disable it if you have old scripts.
You can examine the routers configuration from EXEC mode
when in enable mode you can type DISABLE to get back to the user level. From user mode LOGOUT logs
you out of the router.

10. Examine router elements (RAM, ROM, CDP, show).

These are covered better in the hands on exercises
RAM: show memory
ROM: show version
CDP: show cdp neighbors; show cdp

11. Manage configuration files from the privledged exec mode.

I assume they mean you should know how to copy the config files. Look up the copy command if you
don’t, you should know that you can copy image files to flash, and configurations to NVRAM. In addition
you can load both configurations and IOS images from a TFTP server. You can also load an IOS image
from ROM (however it might be old since they don’t get updated). See question #15 for more info.

12. Control router passwords, identification, and banner

Practice configuring all three of these, there are MULTIPLE test questions.

13) Identify the main cisco ios commands for router startup. This objective is taken from
Problem 2 of the exercise on page 7-12 of the ICRC Student Guide. The answer is found on
page 7-15 as follows:
 show startup-config - to examine the backup configuration file
 show running-config - to examine the active configuration file.
 reload - to restart the router

14. Check an initial configuration using the setup command

Practice running through the setup dialog, know what prompts it asks for (there are at least two questions
relating to this)

15. Copy and manipulate configuration files

Show config; show running-config
Copy config [flash | tftp | running-config]
Learn all the derivatives of these commands.
If you have any concerns about this be sure to perform the hands on exercises.

16. List the commands to load cisco ios software from flash, tftp, or ROM
See question 15. If you have any concerns about this be sure to perform the hands on exercises.

17. Prepare to backup, upgrade, and load a backup cisco IOS image
See question 15. If you have any concerns about this be sure to perform the hands on exercises.

18) List the key internetworking functions of the OSI network layer and how they are
performed in the router. This objective is taken from Problem 1 of the exercise on page 4-
20 of the ICRC Student Guide. The answer is found on page 4-54 as follows:
 Establishes network addresses.
 Selects the best path through an internetwork.
 Uses routing protocol between routers.
 Uses a routed protocol to carry user packets.
 Uses two-part address
 Sets up and maintains routing tables.
 Discovers networks.
 Adapts to internetwork topology changes.
 Contains broadcasts.

19. Describe the two parts of network addressing, then identify the parts in specific protocol address
They are either looking for Network & Host portions of an address , or Address & Netmask, I’m not sure.

IPX uses a 32bit network number + a 48bit host number (which is the same as the MAC address)
IPX network numbers may be expressed by 8 hexadecimal numbers eg: 0000004A is valid, you can omit
leading zeros so 4a is valid. The node number is represented by a dotted triplet of four-digit hexadecimal

Appletalk uses a 16bit network numbers + a 8 bit node address, node addresses are automatically acquired
when the station boots.

20. List problems that each routing type encounters when dealing with topology changes and
describe techniques to reduce the number of these problems.
I believe they are trying to compare the differences between Link State & Distance Vector.
Split Horizons, Count to Infinity, Poison Reverse, hold down timers, if you don’t know what any of these
are then you should probably hit the books.

21) Explain the services of separate and integrated multiprotocol routing. This objective is
taken from Problem 3 of the exercise on page 4-51 of the ICRC Student Guide. The answer
is found on page 4-55 as follows:
 In a separate multiprotocol routing environment, the several configured protocols operate like
ships in the night. (each protocol is not aware of other protocols running on the same router)
 With an integrated multiprotocol routing environment, the several configured protocols share
the results of the integrated routing algorithm.

22. Describe the different classes of IP addresses [and subnetting].

Class A, Class B, Class C. You should also know how VLSMs (Variable Length Subnet masks work).
There are several great resources out on the net which do a much better job than I ever could. You will
need to be able to identify the class of an address based on its number 10.x.x.x is a class A, and that
178.16.x.x is a class B.

23. Configure ip addresses

If you don’t know how to do this, then don’t bother taking the test.
Router(config)# configure terminal
Router(config)# interface ethernet 0
Router(config)# ip address

24) Verify ip addresses. This objective can be derived from page 11-31 of the ICRC Student Guide
entitled “Verifying Address Configuration”.
 telnet - verifies the application-layer software between source and destination stations. This
is the most complete test mechanism available.
 ping - Uses the ICMP protocol to verify the hardware connection at the logical address of the
network layer.
 trace - Uses Time-To-Live (TTL) values to generate messages from each router used along
the path. This is very powerful in its ability to locate failures in the path from the source to the

25. Prepare the initial configuration of your router and enable IP

Run the setup utility, or get it from a TFTP server. See Question #23.

26. Add the rip routing protocol to your router

The first command is:
Name# router rip
The second command specifies which networks to receive rip updates from.
Name# network x.x.x.x
An optional third command specifies if it should redistribute information from other routing protocols
Name# redistribute [static | eigrp # | igrp | etc..]
27. Add the igrp routing protocol to your router
Same syntax as RIP except it has a group number so you can limit route distribution.
Router(config)# router igrp groupnumber

28. List the required IPX address and encapsulation type

I’ve gotten this question all three times, and its one of those things that everybody forgets, don’t worry its
on the cheat sheet.
Both SAP and SNAP encapsulations include the 802.2 LLC, this protocol handles error control, flow
control, and MAC sublayer addressing. FDDI has a raw 802.3 frame format known as Novell-FDDI [cisco
keyword]. Token ring has no raw 802.3 format but has support for both SAP and SNAP. On serial
interfaces novell’s IPX uses PPP’s HDLC encapsulation.
Ethernet II - ARPA
802.3 - NovellEther
802.3 encapsulation is now allowed using SAP (Service Access Point) , the SAP is a field defined by the
802.2 spec. which is part of an address spec. A SAP is also a logical interface between
two adjecent OSI protocol layers. This frame format is known as SAP

29. Enable the novell ipx protocol and configure interfaces

To enable IPX routing on a particular interface and to optionally select the type of encapsulation (framing),
use the ipx network interface configuration command. To disable IPX routing, use the no form of this

ipx network {network | unnumbered} [encapsulation encapsulation-type [secondary]]

no ipx network {network | unnumbered} [encapsulation encapsulation-type]

Syntax Description:

Network; Network number. This is an eight-digit hexadecimal number that uniquely identifies a network
cable segment. It can be a number in the range 1 to FFFFFFFD. You do not need to specify leading zeros in
the network number. For example, for the network number 000000AA you can enter just AA.

Unnumbered; Specifies an unnumbered interface. For IPXWAN interfaces, the network number need not
be preassigned; instead, the nodes may negotiate the network number dynamically.

encapsulation-type; (Optional) Type of encapsulation (framing). It can be one of the following values:

· arpa (for Ethernet interfaces only)--Use Novell's Ethernet_II encapsulation. This encapsulation is
recommended for networks that handle both TCP/IP and IPX traffic.

· hdlc (for serial interfaces only)--Use HDLC encapsulation.

· novell-ether (for Ethernet interfaces only)--Use Novell's "Ethernet_802.3" encapsulation.This

encapsulation consists of a standard 802.3 MAC header followed directly by the IPX header with a
checksum of FFFF. It is the default encapsulation used by NetWare Version 3.11.

· sap (for Ethernet interfaces)--Use Novell's Ethernet_802.2 encapsulation.This encapsulation consists of a

standard 802.3 MAC header followed by an 802.2 LLC header. This is the default encapsulation used by
NetWare Version 4.0. (for Token Ring interfaces)--This encapsulation consists of a standard 802.5 MAC
header followed by an 802.2 LLC header. (for FDDI interfaces)--This encapsulation consists of a standard
FDDI MAC header followed by an 802.2 LLC header.

· snap (for Ethernet interfaces)--Use Novell Ethernet_Snap encapsulation. This encapsulation consists of a
standard 802.3 MAC header followed by an 802.2 SNAP LLC header. (for Token Ring and FDDI
interfaces)--This encapsulation consists of a standard 802.5 or FDDI MAC header followed by an 802.2
SNAP LLC header.

Secondary; (Optional) Indicates an additional (secondary) network configured after the first (primary)

Standard Encapsulation types: For Ethernet: novell-ether, For Token Ring: sap

30. Monitor novell ipx operation on the router

Task Command
Diagnose basic IPX network connectivity (user-level command). ping ipx {host | address}
Diagnose basic IPX network connectivity (privileged command). ping [ipx] [host | address]
Display the status of the IPX interfaces configured in the router and the parameters show ipx interface [interface
configured on each interface. unit]
List the entries in the IPX routing table. show ipx route [network]
show ipx servers [sorted [name
List the servers discovered through SAP advertisements.
| net | type]]
Display information about the number and type of IPX packets transmitted and
show ipx traffic

31. Recognize key frame relay and x.25 terms and features
This is probably overkill on the X.25 terms, however its better to overkill rather than underkill. The x.25
standard address the physical, datalink, and network portions of the OSI model. At the physical layer it
provides synchronous bit-serial full-duplex point to point circuit for data transmission between the DTE
and DCE. At the datalink layer x.25 deals with detection and correction of errors. At the network layer it
defines three basic types of packet service: Switched Virtual circuit, permanent virtual circuit, a
connectionless datagram service. PVCs eliminate the need for call setup as the DTE is always in data-
transfer mode. X.25 uses LAP at the data-link layer which defines the movement of data between the DTE
and DCE. When the datalink receives the data it encapsulates it into frames by adding headers and trailers.
Fianlly the datalink layer passes the frames to the physical layer where they are transmitted. X.25 has some
limitations in order to operate packets must be assembled and disassembled in a consistent manner. For a
terminal to communicate across an X.25 network a device called a PAD is used to assemble and
disassemble packets. A PAD sits between the terminal and the network. X.25 packet switching is
inappropriate for broadband digital voice and video transmissions, and bursty data traffic.
Within x.25 the x.121 protocol covers the international numbering plan for PDNs (Public Data Networks),
the network portion of the address is 3 or 4 digits these are known as the DNIC (Data network
identification code), the DNIC includes a DCC (Data Country Number). The node portion of the address is
called the NTN (Network Terminal Number). the X.25 administrator obtains the NTN's from an authority
within the x.25 data network service provider.

Frame Relay is a service designed to exploit the high quality and high bandwidth of fiber optic links. Frame
relay can be implemented without fast packets. It is typically a narrow band of service between 56kb and
2.078mbps. Frame relay uses a CRC, bad packets are simply discarded and the receiving station requests
retransmission of any missing frames. Since Frame relay uses simple frames it handles bursty traffic much
better than services like x.25, although fast x.25 (2.078mbps) does exist in france. Under frame relay when
the network is congested it sends signals to the stations to "back off".

Frame relay common LMI features include support for multicast, global addressing (which allows frame
relay to resemble a lan), simple flow control, and virtual circuit status messaging.
Map statements are not mandatory for subinterface configuration??
Frame relay inverse arp does not replace the need for “frame-relay map” commands
32. List the commands to configure frame relay LMI’s, maps, and subinterfaces

Cisco Frame Relay software supports the industry-accepted standards for addressing the Local
Management Interface (LMI), including the Cisco specification. You can enable the following LMI
 Set the LMI type, either ANSI, CCITT, or Cisco.
 Set the LMI keepalive interval.
 Set LMI polling intervals, timer intervals, and error thresholds,; parameters exist for both DTE and
DCE device types.

Set the LMI Type

You can set one of three types of LMIs on a Cisco communication server: ANSI T1.617 Annex D, CCITT,
and Cisco. To do so, perform the following task in interface configuration mode:
Task Command
Set the LMI type. frame-relay lmi-type {cisco | ansi | ccitt}

Set the LMI keep alive interval:

A keepalive interval must be set to enable LMI. By default, this interval is ten
seconds and, per the LMI protocol, must be less than the corresponding interval on
the switch. To do so, perform the following task in interface configuration mode:
Task Command
Set the keepalive interval frame-relay keepalive number
Turn off keepalives on networks without an LMI. no frame-relay keepalive
This command has the same effect as the keepalive interface configuration command.
The keepalive interval cannot be enabled when the LMI is disabled; they go together. For an example of
how to specify an LMI keepalive interval, see the section Example of Two Communication Servers in
Static Mode later in this chapter.

Set the LMI Polling and Timer Intervals

You can set various counters, intervals, and thresholds to fine-tune the operation of your LMI DTE and
DCE devices. See the following table for the tasks that you can perform. See the Communication Server
Command Reference publication for details about commands used to set the polling and timing intervals.

Establish Mapping
The Frame Relay map tells the network server how to get from a specific protocol and address pair to the
correct local data link connection identifier (DLCI). To establish mapping according to your network
needs, perform one of the following tasks in interface configuration mode:
Task Command
Define the mapping between a supported protocol address and the frame-relay map protocol protocol-address
DLCI used to connect to the address. DLCI [broadcast] [ietf] [cisco]
The supported protocols with the corresponding keywords to enable them are as follows:
 IP-- ip
 Novell IPX--ipx
This command is not required if you are using inverse ARP.

To assign network numbers to interfaces that support multiple networks, you normally use subinterfaces. A
subinterface is a mechanism that allows a single physical interface to support multiple logical interfaces or
networks. That is, several logical interfaces or networks can be associated with a single hardware interface.
Each subinterface must use a distinct encapsulation, and the encapsulation must match the encapsulation
tyhpe used by the clients and servers using the same network number. To run NLSP on multiple networks
on the same physical LAN interface, you must configure subinterfaces.
Any interface configuration parameters that you specify on an individual subinterface are applied to that
subinterface only.
To configure multiple IPX networks on a physical interface using subinterfaces, perform the following
tasks starting in global configuration mode:
interface type interface-number.subinterface-
Step 1 Specify a subinterface.
Step 2 Enable IPX routing, specifying the first encapsulation ipx network network encapsulation
type. encapsulation-type
To configure more than one subinterface, repeat these two steps.

33. List the commands to monitor Frame Relay operation in the router

Show frame-relay ip show frame relay ip statistics

Show frame-relay lmi show LMI statistics
Show frame-relay map show map table
Show frame-relay route show frame relay routes
Show frame-relay traffic show protocol statistics

Frame Relay Configuration Example

The following example is included to show you how you may configure your server to support frame relay
interface serial 0
ip address
ip default-gateway
encapsulation frame-relay
frame-relay keepalive 10
frame-relay map ip 43

Monitoring Frame Relay

Use the EXEC commands in this section to monitor frame relay connections.

Monitoring the Frame Relay Interface

When using the frame relay encapsulation, the EXEC command show interface includes information on the
multicast DLCI, the DLCI of the interface, and the LMI DLCI used for the local management interface.
The multicast DLCI and the local DLCI can be set using the frame-relay multicast-dlci and the frame-relay
local-dlci subcommands, or provided through the local management interface. The status information is
taken from the LMI, when active.
Enter this command at the EXEC prompt, specifying the serial line frame relay:
show interfaces serial unit
Following is sample output.
cs> show interfaces serial 2
Serial 2 is up, line protocol is up
Hardware type is MCI Serial
Internet address is, subnet mask is
MTU 1500 bytes, BW 1544 Kbit, DLY 20000 usec, rely 255/255, load 1/255
Encapsulation FRAME-RELAY, loopback not set, keepalive set (10 sec)
multicast DLCI 1022, status defined, active
source DLCI 20, status defined, active
LMI DLCI 1023, LMI sent 10, LMI stat recvd 10, LMI upd recvd 2
Last input 7:21:29, output 0:00:37, output hang never
Output queue 0/100, 0 drops; input queue 0/75, 0 drops
Five minute input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec
Five minute output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec
47 packets input, 2656 bytes, 0 no buffer
Received 5 broadcasts, 0 runts, 0 giants
5 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun, 0 ignored, 57 abort
518 packets output, 391205 bytes
0 output errors, 0 collisions, 0 interface resets, 0 restarts
1 carrier transitions
In this display, the multicast DLCI has been changed to 1022 with the frame-relay multicast-dlci interface
In this display, the statistics for the LMI are the number of status inquiry messages sent (LMI sent), the
number of status messages received (LMI recvd), and the number of status updates received (upd recvd).
See the Frame Relay Interface specification for additional
explanations of this output. Chapter 6 of this publication also provides explanation about the other fields
seen in the show interfaces command.

Displaying Frame Relay Map Entries

Use this EXEC command to display the current frame relay map entries and information about these
show frame-relay map
Sample output follows:
cs> show frame-relay map
Serial2: IP dlci 10(0XA,0xA0), dynamic
status defined, active
The display lists the interface, the protocol, the protocol address, and the DLCI being used to reach this
address. If the optional broadcast keyword was entered for a static map entry, this will also be shown.
The DLCI is displayed in three forms. For example, if the DLCI is 10, the representations would be
10(0xA,0xA0). The displays show the decimal value, the hexadecimal value, and the value of the DLCI as
it would appear on the wire. In addition, the display indicates whether this is a static or dynamic entry.
Status information for the DLCI is displayed if provided by the LMI.

Displaying Global Frame Relay Statistics

Use the show frame-relay traffic command to display global frame relay statistics. Enter this command at
the EXEC prompt:
show frame-relay traffic
Sample output follows:
cs> show frame-relay traffic
Frame Relay statistics:
ARP requests sent 14, ARP replies sent 0
ARP request recvd 0, ARP replies recvd 10
LMI sent 10, LMI stat recvd 10, LMI upd recvd 2, Multicast sent 48
Statistics for all frame relay interfaces in the server are also included in this display.
Debugging Frame Relay
Use the EXEC commands described in this section to troubleshoot and monitor activity on the interface
configured for frame relay. For each debug command, there is a corresponding undebug command that
turns messaging off.
debug frame-relay-events
This command enables logging of key events in the transmission or receipt of packets encapsulated using
frame relay.
debug frame-relay-lmi
This command enables logging of information on the local management interface packets exchanged
between the server and the frame relay service provider.
debug frame-relay-packets
This command displays all packets being sent out on the frame relay network. The display identifies the
output interface, the protocol identifier, and the size of the packet being sent.

Frame Relay Interface Subcommand Summary

Following is an alphabetically arranged summary of the frame relay interface subcommands.
encapsulation frame-relay
Specifies frame relay encapsulation on a specific interface.
[no] frame-relay keepalive number
Enables and disables the LMI mechanism for serial lines using the frame relay encapsulation. The
argument number is the keepalive interval.
frame-relay local-dlci number
Sets the source DLCI for use when the LMI is not supported. If LMI is supported and the multicast
information element is present, the network server sets its local DLCI based on information provided via
the LMI. The argument number is the local, or source, DLCI number.
[no] frame-relay lmi-type ANSI
Specifies the exchange of local management interface messages as defined by ANSI standard T1.617. The
no frame-relay lmi-type ANSI command returns the LMI type to the default as defined by the
Cisco/StrataCom/Northern Telecom/DEC specification.
[no] frame-relay map ip ip-address DLCI [broadcast] [ietf]
Defines the mapping between an IP address and the DLCI used to connect to the
address. The frame relay map tells the network server how to get from a specific protocol and address pair
to the correct DLCI. The ip keyword is followed by the corresponding IP address and the DLCI number.
The no frame-relay map command deletes the frame relay map entry. The optional keyword broadcast
specifies that broadcasts should be forwarded to this address when the multicast is not enabled. The default
is not to forward broadcasts. The optional keyword ietf is used to select RFC 1294 encapsulation. The no
frame-relay map subcommand with the appropriate arguments deletes the entry.
frame-relay multicast-dlci number
Defines a DLCI to be used for multicasts and should only be used when the multicast facility is not
supported. Network transmissions (packets) sent to a multicast DLCI are delivered to all network servers
defined as members of the multicast group. The argument number identifies the multicast group.
[no] frame-relay short-status
Instructs the network server to request the short status message from the switch (see Version 2.3 of the joint
Frame Relay Interface specification). The default is to request the full status message.

34) Identify PPP operations to encapsulate WAN data on Cisco routers. This objective is
taken from Problem 3 of the exercise on page 16-26 of the ICRC Student Guide. The answer
is found on page 16-28 as follows:
 Uses Password Authentication Protocol (PAP).
 Offers compression to increase effective throughput.
 Offers Magic Number option to improve reliability.
 Offers multilink option to load balance transmissions across a communications bundle.
 Offers authentication to verify approval to make or receive a call.
35. Configure standard access lists to figure IP traffic
I believe they meant FILTER IP traffic, no confirmation yet. If you don’t know how to do this then I would
recommend viewing the material on the cisco website. Most people have already configured a filter or two
in their time. In addition the test is very tricky, for instance they will give you an example of filtering IP
based on PORT number, however you can’t filter IP on a port number (you can filter TCP or UDP based on
port number). You also can’t filter ICMP on port numbers.

36. Monitor and verify selected access list operations on the router
To display all the access lists on the router do one of the following commands:
Show access-list (shows all access lists on the router)
Show access-list 101 (show access list 101)

37. State a relevant use and context for ISDN networking

I believe their looking for ISDN can be used a branch offices, etc. This test does not take into account DSL
solutions. A bit of marketology: “Cisco 700 series Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) access
routers provide telecommuting and small office professionals everything they need for 128K digital,
simultaneous Internet and LAN access. The Cisco 700 series represents the latest generation of affordable,
easy-to-manage, multiprotocol access solutions. “

38. Identify ISDN protocols, function groups, reference points, and channels
D Channel protocol deals with physical, datalink, network
B Channel is a data channel (56k or 64k)
E Series deals with telephone network standards
E.163 describes the international numbering plan
E.164 describes international ISDN addressing
I series deals with concepts, terminology and interfaces
I.100 general concepts
I.200 service aspects
Q series deals with switching
Q.931 specifies functions that occur at the OSI network layer
The reference points were mentioned earlier in the document. Be sure you know both of these, they appear
on every test.

39) Describe cisco’s implementation of ISDN BRI. This objective can be derived from page
17-11 of the ICRC Student Guide entitled “Cisco ISDN Features”.
 Multiprotocol support.
 Available on several router series.
 SNMP support with ISDN MIB Group.
 Multiple bearer channels.
 Bandwidth on demand.
 Optional incoming call screening.
 PPP with compression options.
 Services only when needed by using DDR.

40. Describe the advantages of LAN segmentation

Lan segmentation decreases broadcasts, and groups computers based on geography together.

41. Describe Lan segmentation using bridges

Basically bridges segment lans by MAC address. Mac Address Learning is a Service that characterizes a
learning bridge, in which the source MAC address of each received packet is stored so that future packets
destined for that address can be forwarded only to the bridge interface on which that address is located.
Packets destined for unrecognized addresses are forwarded out every bridge interface. This scheme helps
minimize traffic on the attached LANs. MAC address learning is defined in the IEEE 802.1 standard

42. Describe lan segmentation using routers

Lan segmentation using routers is simply a router between lans. Broadcast messages not forwarded across
routed segments. Lan segmentation is done at layer 3 (the network layer) unlike bridging which is done at
layer 2 (Data link)

43. Describe lan segmentation using switches

Switch segments are basically the same as bridged segments, they have a few other interesting features
such as VLANs, and lots of protocols for tunneling data between switches, but you don’t need to know how
to configure those for the CCNA exam. Switches provide the same functionality as bridges except they do
it at wire speed (without introducing latency).

44. Name and describe two switching methods

Basically cut-through forwards the frame before it receives the entire frame, so it does not introduce
significant latency, whereas store-and-forward switching waits till it receives the entire frame. Cut-through
may rebroadcast frames with errors whereas store-and-forward does not. However latency through store-
and-forward switches varies depending on frame length.

All you need to know for the CCNA test is Store and forward, and cut through, you can also see question
61 for more details.

45. Describe full and half duplex ethernet operation

Full duplex: Capability for simultaneous data transmission between a sending station and a receiving
Half duplex: Capability for data transmission in only one direction at a time between a sending station and
a receiving station.
Simplex: Capability for data transmission in only one direction between a sending station and a receiving

46. Identify at least 3 reasons why the industry uses a layered model
I can think of lots of reasons, but the most important is probably that it makes lower layers not dependent
on upper layers. It also gives media independence, and allows networks to work without concern for what
type of media or topology they are running on.

47. Identify the functions of each layer of the ISO/OSI reference model
See Question #1

48) Define and explain the 5 conversion steps of data encapsulation. This objective is taken
from Problem 3 of the exercise on page 1-17 of the ICRC Student Guide. The answer is
found on page 1-24 as follows:
A) User information is converted to data.
B) Data is converted to segments.
C) Segments are converted to packets or datagrams.
D) Packets or datagrams are converted to frames.
E) Frames are converted to bits.

49. Identify the functions of the TCP/IP transport layer protocols

See question #1

50. Identify the functions of the TCP/IP network layer protocols

See question #1
51. Identify the functions performed by ICMP
I believe the only question is related to ICMP redirects which occur when a router determines the next hop
is on the same network the packet originated from.
ICMP unreachable messages are returned when a service or host is not available.

52. Configure extended access lists to filter IP traffic

This stuff is better done on the hands on portion.
Extended Access List: access-list 101 permit ip sourceaddr|any destaddr|any
*This stuff is all over the exam, make sure you do the hands on examples.

Also be aware that Access Lists for various protocols must fall within certain ranges of Numbers
IP 1 to 99, Extended IP 100 to 199
Ethernet type code 200 to 299, Ethernet Address 700 to 799
AppleTalk 600 to 699
IPX 800 to 899, Extended IPX 900 to 999, IPX Sap 1000 to 1099

You can also apply the filters on the incoming and outgoing portions of an interface, this is particularly
handy if you want to filter routing updates.

53. Configure IPX access lists and SAP filters to control basic Novell traffic
access-list n [deny|permit] network[.node] [service-type[server-name]]

Access lists can control which routers send or receive SAP updates and which routers do not send or
receive SAP updates. SAP access lists can be defined to filter SAP updates based on the source network
address of a SAP entry, the type of SAP entry (file server, print server, and so forth), and the name of the
SAP server. A SAP access list is made up of entries in the following format:

access-list n [deny|permit] network[.node] [service-type[server-name]]

where n is between 1000-1099. A network number of -1 indicates any network, and a service type of 0
indicates any service. For example, the following access list accepts print server SAP entries from server
PRINTER_1, all file servers, and any other SAP entries from network 123 except those from a server called
UNTRUSTED; all other SAP entries are to be ignored:

access-list 1000 permit -1 47 PRINTER_1

access-list 1000 permit -1 4
access-list 1000 deny 123 0 UNTRUSTED
access-list 1000 permit 123

When checking the entries in a SAP update, each statement in the access list is processed in order, and if
there is no match for a SAP entry, it is not accepted. Thus, to block server UNTRUSTED, the deny
statement must be placed before the permit for all other devices on network 123.

Two techniques can be used with filtering. Either the SAP entries that are required can be permitted, and
the rest denied, or the unwanted SAP entries can be denied and the rest permitted. In general, the first
method is preferred because it avoids new and unexpected services being propagated throughout the
The most common form of SAP filtering is to limit which services are available across a WAN. For
example, it does not in general make sense for clients in one location to be able to access print servers in
another location because printing is a local operation. In this case study, only file servers are permitted to
be visible across the WAN.

Central Site
Router A connects to the central site. The following access lists configured on Router A permit everything
except print servers from being announced out the serial interface:

access-list 1000 deny -1 47

access-list 1000 permit -1
interface serial 0
ipx network 10
ipx output-sap-filter 1000

To permit only IPX file servers and to deny all other IPX servers, use the following configuration:

access-list 1000 permit -1 4

interface serial 0
ipx network 10
ipx out-sap-filter 1000

Remote Sites

This section provides information on the configuration of the routers at the remote sites:
Router B connected to an IPX server and client
Router C connected to two IPX clients

IPX Server and Client

For Router B, the following access lists permit everything except print servers from being announced out
the serial interface.

access-list 1000 deny -1 47

access-list 1000 permit -1
interface serial 1
ipx network 10
ipx output-sap-filter 1000

To permit only IPX file servers and to deny all other IPX servers, use the following configuration:

access-list 1000 permit -1 4

interface serial 1
ipx network 10
ipx out-sap-filter 1000

IPX Clients

Router C does not require an access list configuration because the remote site does not have any servers.
Only Novell servers generate SAP updates.

54) Monitor and verify selected access list operations on the router. This objective can be
derived from page 15-28, 15-47 and 15-61 of the ICRC Student Guide.
 Monitor IP Access lists
 show ip interface
 show access-lists
 Monitor IPX Access Lists
 show ipx interface
 show access-lists
 Monitor Appletalk Access Lists
 show appletalk access-lists

55. Describe network congestion problem in Ethernet networks

You might want to review how CSMA/CD, just because its interesting. Congestion occurs when many
devices try to transmit simultaneously (duh).

56. Describe the benefits of network segmentation with bridges

Bridges are easy to implement, and don’t require any complex configuration commands. Since bridges
work at layer 2 the Datalink layer the use MAC addresses and do not need any knowledge of upper layer
protocols. They are also necessary for some upper layer protocols which do not implement a network layer
such as Netbios or SNA.

57. Describe the benefits of network segmentation with routers

Routers segment the network into various domains so broadcasts do not go across costly wan links. Routers
allow traffic to be directed much more efficiently around a WAN.

58. Describe the benefits of network segmentation with switches

Switches provide bridging functionality at wire speed. Bridges reduce congestion by providing what seems
a dedicated path between switch ports. Switches also allow NICs to use their full-duplex modes (if

59. Describe the features and benefits of Fast Ethernet

Duh, its faster! Fast Ethernet also allows companies to protect their investment and experience in cabling
(assuming they’ve installed at least CAT5 cable) and the CSMA/CD traffic patterns.

60. Describe the guidelines and distance limitations of Fast Ethernet

10baseTX is 100-Mbps Fast Ethernet using either Category 5 UTP or Type 1 STP wiring. Uses CSMA/CD
as in 10BaseT networks. One pair of wires is used to receive data; the other is used to transmit. Can be up
to 100 meters in length. Based on the IEEE 802.3 standard.
100baseFX is100-Mbps Fast Ethernet using two strands of multimode fiber-optic cable per link. Can be up
to 400 meters in length.

61. Distinguish between cut-through and store-and-forward LAN switching

Packet switching approach that streams data through a switch so that the leading edge of a packet exits the
switch at the output port before the packet finishes entering the input port. A device using cut-through
packet switching reads, processes, and forwards packets as soon as the destination address is looked up and
the outgoing port determined. Also known as on-the-fly packet switching.

Packet-switching technique in which frames are completely processed before being forwarded out the
appropriate port. This processing includes calculating the CRC and checking the destination address. In
addition, frames must be temporarily stored until network resources (such as an unused link) are available
to forward the message.

62. Describe the operation of the spanning tree protocol and its benefits
A spanning tree is defined as a Loop-free subset of a network topology
A Learning Bridge is a Bridge that performs MAC address learning to reduce traffic on the network.
Learning bridges manage a database of MAC addresses and the interfaces associated with each address.

Bridges use the spanning-tree algorithm, enabling a learning bridge to dynamically work around loops in a
network topology by creating a spanning tree. Bridges exchange BPDU messages with other bridges to
detect loops, and then remove the loops by shutting down selected bridge interfaces. Refers to both the
IEEE 802.1 Spanning-Tree Protocol standard and the earlier Digital Equipment Corporation Spanning-Tree
Protocol upon which it is based. The IEEE version supports bridge domains and allows the bridge to
construct a loop-free topology across an extended LAN. The IEEE version is generally preferred over the
Digital version. Sometimes abbreviated as STP.

63. Describe the benefits of virtual lans.

VLAN’s allow segments to be created throughout the switching fabric based on job role not physical
location. VLANS use a technology called Frame Tagging which is what allows
VLAN switching to be accomplished. Traffic originating and contained within a particular virtual topology
carries a unique VLAN identifier (VLAN ID or Frame Tag) as it traverses a common backbone or trunk
link. The VLAN ID enables VLAN switching devices to make intelligent forwarding decisions based on
the embedded VLAN ID. Each VLAN is differentiated by a color, or VLAN identifier. The unique VLAN
ID determines the frame coloring for the VLAN. Packets originating and contained within a particular
VLAN carry the identifier that uniquely defines that VLAN (by the VLAN ID).
The VLAN ID allows VLAN switches and routers to selectively forward packets to ports with the same
VLAN ID. The switch that receives the frame from the source station inserts the VLAN ID and the packet
is switched onto the shared backbone network. When the frame exits the switched LAN, a switch strips
header and forwards the frame to interfaces that match the VLAN color. If you are using a Cisco network
management product such as VlanDirector, you can actually color code the VLANs and monitor VLAN

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