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Category Description Due Date Priority Status

HEMS Check for Employee Benefits June 8, 2024 High In progress

HEMS Training of Staff / Team Bldg August 21-22 Medium Pending TASKS SUMMARY
Make training module/ activity for August 1,2024
HEMS August training Medium Pending
HEMS Monitor Sales and expenses June 3, 2024 High Pending
HEMS Start DTI processing Sept 8, 2024 High Pending
Personal Elijah photoalbum 6/12 High Pending
Canva work
HEMS Implement Biometrics June 10, 2024 High In progress
0 1
HEMS Inquiry of Security guard
HEMS Contract june 5, 2024 High In progress
HEMS Contract Signing July 5, 2024 High Pending This Week

HEMS To do list table June 3, 2024 High In progress

Next Week

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2

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