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1.0 Introduction

Curriculum is a guidance for educators in terms of determining what is required for an

effective teaching and learning and ensure that students can possess challenging academic
experiences (Mizan, 2022). Curriculum is a complex system that are created to help our
education to be effective and efficient. There are many types of curriculums exist which apart
from curriculum that being taught in the class, hidden curriculum also plays a vital role in
education. Curriculum is not necessarily circulated in school, it can be university, a training
center organization and any form of educational training purposes. Why is curriculum being
important for our societies and education? Why curriculum development needs to be
evaluated and created as what society’s needs? Is there any reason or connection between
curriculum and the performance of students? These are the questions arise from the three
articles that I have read and the issues that I will discussed throughout this article is about
why there’s a need to change the current curriculum, areas or domains that should be
emphasized in the future curriculum and suggestions to ensure that future curriculum is well

I have chosen 2 articles for this article review and for better approach I will categorized the
article for a smooth explanation later. Article 1 titled as Curriculum in Nigeria School and
Article 2 titled as Overview of Curriculum Change.

2.0 Reasons on needs to revamp current curriculum

The world changes in a rapid pace and each day information and knowledge are always
improve and explore in order to ensure we can create a modern society and compete with the
world. The importance of the development cause us to question whether current curriculum
system in our education is adequate enough for the future. Is our next generation are well
prepared for the challenges in our economic growth? Currently we are still facing issues on
providing students that are mastered in soft skills like communication, creative thinking and
problem-solving skills which all of these are voted as the most important skills the employer
is looking for from graduates (Saad, 2020). By possessing great soft skills, you can
communicate and create an effective interaction between coworkers which leads to build a
great teamwork and allows you to navigate complex situation and achieve your
organizational goals.
2.1 Outdated and technology changes

Curricula need to be flexible and adaptive in order to ensure we can go for an effective
learning process and able to face any challenges in the future. Traditional method of teaching
is teacher’s centered style which students just receive information from teachers in the class
for gaining knowledge for the sake of examination. But education system needs to change
align to the other global style which cause teacher’s present is just to facilitate and students
supposed to be pro-active and look for the resources. However, changes here is not about
changing the theory because math for example is not going to change and already being used
for decades but how we implement the understanding of theory into practical and how
teachers going to change their way of teaching in class are the changes that should be put into
consideration. For example, like teaching suppose use ICT advance technology in presenting
their lectures in class that will be easy to access and attract students to be more focus. We’re
are no longer living in an era fifty years ago that depends on books, papers, magazines.
Advancement in technology force curriculum to change to align with the larger communities.

2.2 Society’s values

Changes in our society beliefs and preferences lead to curriculum to change. As referred to
(Mabwe, 2015) stated that school in Zimbabwe once established sex education in the school
syllabus which then being expelled due to issue in some religious groups. Sex education was
being introduced at the first place due to the awareness arise regarding issue of moral and
attitude of young age in the country then decides to use this topic as approach to educate
children about their value and human being. But then, the curriculum has been adjusted due
to the criticism by some groups in society and curriculum then need to change. Beliefs of the
society should be considered when developing an effective curriculum because society has
expectation on education system and it reflects on the curriculum. Not all curriculum is
perfect and need to be modified as accordance to the capabilities and needs of students and
society. Currently, there are still school that still not concern about curriculum changes due to
afraid of failing result or not ready for challenges in implementing new curriculum.

2.3 Changes in employer’s needs

Referring to the story of “Curriculum of Forest school” which explained that curriculum
should be created to suit all kind of students and teachers that includes all level of abilities or
disabilities. We should focus on the curriculum that can polish the skills which is suitable for
their own capabilities. Not all “animal” able or should fly instead of all animal should learn
how to hunt for their life. Same goes to the human being. It’s not about who have the highest
marks in the class and who got an all-A’s grade in exam. We should focus on the delivering
knowledge plus with providing them with appropriate skills that will be useful for their
future. For example, learning Algebra in math doesn’t mean students will use that calculation
in workplace but the skills of critical thinking in problem-solving is the key point that
teachers want from students. Students that able to solve those problems can teach their brain
to work outside of box and become creative.

Currently most of the employers voted to the needs of fresh graduates possess soft skills like
critical thinking and decision making that can helps company to attain their organizational
goals. Facts and skills are moving along together for the better employee’s performance.
Besides, technologies appearance also affects our industry to use lots of new software which
cause our students to be lack of skills in monitoring those. Curriculum should change and
focus more on the skills as addition to the knowledge. It’s become a stigma that fresh
graduates can’t perform well as compared to their excellence results. This problem should be
arisen and look into which curriculum area that need improvement and how we can help
students to use their critical thinking at full potential in problem-solving.

2.4 Research and development

Many researchers in educational field day by day have done researches globally to find the
new knowledge and learn how and what are the strategies being used in other developed
countries towards their education system. New founds from these researches will affect the
curriculum to change. There’s one study conducted by Gail Burril surveyed 11 diverse
countries in the world which involved Australia, Brazil, England, China, Indonesia, United
States and other five countries only to find data on the development of curriculum and the use
of effective curriculum for student’s performance. Curriculum can’t stay at the same level as
we need to grow our education to become relevant to the market. The world is changing and
so do the knowledge. It’s the criteria of excellent curriculum to be flexible as the function is
to meet the need of our students on that period of time.

2.5 Political changes

Political system in Australia’s federal is one of the challenges in curriculum development due
to the states or jurisdiction have constitutional power over education. Politics will affect
decision making on curriculum at the planning stage into the assessment in curriculum which
contributes to a big participation or power by politics in education (Kasuga, 2019). Every
education is being politicized in decision making policy, but it doesn’t represent that this
issue will be the subject of public discussion and politics lobbying (Kasuga,2019). For
example, in the article it states that early 1970s, Tanzania’s government focus on agriculture
farm as their economy. During that time, the curriculum has change and focus on the subject
of agriculture, business, engineering, technical and domestics sciences were taught in school.
So, it proves that political factor is one of the contributors on curriculum will change or
should change. What is the critical issue that the government and economy want from
students and those will be the references on decision making in curriculum implementation.

3.0 Areas or domains that should be emphasized in the future curriculum

Benjamin Bloom in 1950s used taxonomy as a system to classify instructional objectives

becomes specific. We tend to put into consideration that students need to understand but to
what extent they have to understand? How can we prove they understand instead of
answering “yes, we understand” unless they can show or demonstrate us the application of
understanding into practical? Instead of classified student’s answer as right or wrong, we
should look into the value on why students chose certain answer and link to the student’s
experiences and knowledge. Domain learning that proposes by Bloom works in hierarchy
system starting from the lowest level and to the most complex learning outcomes.

I found that cognitive domain is the most popular approach being used in our curriculum
development which also known as the best compared to the other two domains affective and
psychomotor. Cognitive more concern on the mental or intellectual skills and abilities of
students. It involves process of combining the acquisition of knowledge to the ability on
apply to problem-solving situation. Remember element from cognitive is about learning basic
skills like reading, calculation which involves activities like recall or retrieve previous
learned information. Next is understanding which involves comprehending meaning,
translation, interpolation and interpretation of instructions and problems. It involves the
ability of that person to write using their own’s words that can represent he have mastered the
topic for example taking notes and storytelling. I would like to classified the main two
domains that should be focus to which are skill oriented and leaners centered which then
explained in more details below.

3.1 Applying is the ability of students to use a concept in a new situation. The level of
understanding can be seen at this stage clearly in addition to enhance the skills development.
Article 3 studies on the implementation of K-12 curriculum which is one of the practices to
enhance student’s skill prior to college. K-12 is a term that being used in educational
technology in United Sates and is a short form for the publicly supported school grades prior
to go for college. The benefits from implementation of K-12 it provides basic knowledge and
skills that necessary for success in future education college and workplace. Majority of the
respondents believes that student achievement can increase through an active learning
method from the new implementation of K-12. This relates to the apply element in cognitive.
The objective of apply is students should be able to demonstrate, complete, execute,
implement and solve. At this level students should be taught until they can teach other friends
which it proves that particular students are really understand the subject.

3.2 Curriculum also should focus on the ability of students to make analyses because we are
still lack of students that able to make an effective comparison of information. Students that
can breakdown information to look at the relationship and able to conduct further
investigation for their understanding is very excellent. This also can be classified as selective
attention in the meaning students are able to differentiate which information is relevant and
nonrelevant (Harvey, 2019). Dual task processing is the main idea for this domain. It allows
students to be able to have two concurrent information and instruct the brain to prioritize any
information that is important or tend to optimize their understanding on both information
simultaneously (Harvey, 2019). This skill is important and valuable for future employee
candidates as multi task skills should be developed and taught at the young age so they will
be able to adapt with the complexity environment in workplace. At this area, students will
have the motivation to gather information and selects any part or subtopic that need for
further study and explanation.

3.3 The next area that should be focus into is the create element which builds a structure or
pattern from diverse elements. Put parts together and form a whole, with emphasis on
develop something that is more systematic and useful. In a class of average 30 students
having the same lecture and lesson from the same teachers are not resulting to the same
learning outcomes. Human being tends to interpret information based on experiences,
existing knowledge or ability of thinking. Everyone will have different thought on the same
topic for example when we say “Books” someone will imagine book in a library, or book on
a table, novel or coloring book. Meaning that we all have the ideas or the key point to the
understanding of information even though it’s from different perspectives. But, the main
point here, when we have the understanding, we should be able to construct a new model
generated from the basis of information. For example, most of the students are well known to
the Microsoft Excel and familiar with the basic usage. But, at this level cognitive domain,
Bloom believes students should be able to construct a new system of calculation or template
that includes various of formula in the Excel for calculation salary and commission of

Besides cognitive, affective domain also should be focused in the future curriculum because
it enhances the development of personal character, values and attitudes which is the lifelong
learning. Affective promotes on creating student’s beliefs which will results to the changes of
preference of the students. There are 5 elements in affective domain. Receiving element
referring to the student’s willingness to receive or focus attention. In this stage, students
should have the self-awareness regarding the subject without being asked to do so for
example respondent in article 2 stated that they willing to learn as when doing well in school
makes them feel good on themselves and increase their confidence.

3.4 Responding element refers to an active participation of students in class. The students
actively attend and responding to their teachers during teaching and learning process occur in
the classroom. This area should be emphasized in the future curriculum because as referring
to Priyadi (2014), found that Asian students participate less in classroom due to afraid of
making mistake and being look down by friend. They afraid of being labelled as “stupid” and
this mind set is the challenge that should being take down. Presentation should be prioritized
in school curriculum to familiarize the students on communication. Respond is important to
ensure that teachers get the chance to know to what extent the students understand the lesson
in addition to allow two-way communication as teacher should only facilitate not learn.
Students that actively participates in the classroom by responding will helps teachers on gain
more information for each student’s performance. In this situation it can helps teachers on
providing accurate instruction to meet each student’s needs.

4.0 Suggestions to ensure the future curriculum is well received

An effective curriculum is important to guide teacher in providing lessons and point out the
objective learning.

4.1 Involvement of education stakeholder in planning process curriculum

Stakeholder in education are principals, teachers, students, Senior Management Team and
Head of Department which represents all staffs involved in school. Involvement of
stakeholder during planning process of curriculum development will help to achieve the
desired goal as everyone will aware towards what is the ultimate objective they want from
students. This also can reduce the fear of unknown when they participate. Teachers especially
the person that directly involved in the implementation of the curriculum should being
exposed towards how to conduct the curriculum well. New curriculum will cause teachers
face challenges to be adaptable as they are used to the traditional method or skills. So, in
order to ensure they are not afraid or ready to implement the curriculum successfully,
involvement of them in the planning process surely will helps a lot. It can increase motivation
of teachers as they will feel recognized and improve their professional development.
However, there is argument regarding this matter as they said that the involvement of
teachers in planning process didn’t necessarily means curriculum will success since it is
highly specialized process. But it cannot be denied that curriculum development requires
involvement of many parties at various stages of planning.

4.2 Re-evaluate goals or objectives regularly

Objectives helps curriculum remains aligns with the desired goals. It is an established
guideline for educators to motivate themselves on what they supposed to do. Objectives also
helps student to understand what they supposed to achieve. Re-evaluate goals regularly will
help students and teachers to maintain their focus and increase clarity on the target in addition
to able to always the goals are achievable. For example, principals and all teachers must have
meeting regularly to clarify which area that need improvement and remind the curriculum
that they supposed to implement. From this, both teachers and students are able to track
progress of their learning process and adjust their schedule or else in order to align with the
desired performance the school’s want. Acceptance need understanding on the purposes of
doing so. People want to know why is it important for them to implement and follow the
curriculum and what are the impact from the curriculum. In addition, objectives supposed to
be achievable which is not too much for ability of students to attain. Target the right way that
should be specific and possible so that implementer will not lose of interest when conducting
the curriculum later.

4.3 Promotes communication for clearer goals

Again, communication is the key point for all of this to be achievable. Collaboration of
teachers, students and school’s management are important. For example, in the class or
assembly always put into the speech they want students that not only excel on paper but also
in practical or real life. Skills development are important to differentiate whether we mastered
on that particular subject or not. Communication should be transparent between all
stakeholders to increase clarity and avoid confusion and misunderstandings occur which then
ultimately will help students and teachers know what they supposed to do.

4.4 Increase Professional Development of teachers

Acceptance on the curriculum can occur easily when all people involved have the accurate
understanding on the desired objectives. Good learning not only depends on an effective
curriculum, experiences and opportunities towards professional development also impact
credibility of teachers in providing lesson as accordance to the curriculum provided.
Student’s achievement is the ultimate goal for all educators and that’s the main reason they
teach them. But, “The most effective professional development, engages teachers to focus on
the needs of their students. They learn and solve together in order to ensure all students
achieve success” (Prieur, 2023). Professional development impact directly to the motivation
of teachers allows them to provide creative and unique teaching in class. For example,
providing mentoring program for teachers which can let them connect other educators from
other schools and have an exchange of experiences and knowledges among them that could
help teachers to have more idea on implementing effective curriculum.

5.0 Conclusion

Curriculum is dynamic and until today we still can’t find the absolute definition on
curriculum unless most of the philosophers interpreted curriculum as a system to guide
educators in teaching and learning process. Curriculum development is important for our
education system to grow and meet the competencies of current market however as discuss
we have many challenges and factors on the implementation. People are afraid of changes
due to not willing to make mistake and lack of communication between education’s
stakeholders can be a big challenge for a school to succeed. Everyone should invest in
curriculum as a whole because work in team always proven can lead to an ultimate success.
6.0 References

Burill, G., Lappan, G., & Gonulates, F. (2015). Curriculum and The Role Of Research. In
Springer eBooks (pp.247-263).

Harvey, P. D. (2019). Domains of Cognition and Their Assessment. Dialogues in Clinical

Neuroscience, 21(3), 227-237.

Kasuga, W. (2019). The Influence of Politics in Curriculum Change and Innovation in


Khan, A. (2017, September 21). Why Interpersonal Skills Are Important For Students?

Mabwe, N. (2015). Curriculum Design and Society “A Hand in Glove” Relationship.“A-Hand-in-Glove”-

Marie. (2023, June 7). Why Does Curriculum Need To Change?

Mizan, M. M. R. (2023, August 19). What is curriculum? Definition and importance of

curriculum. Domain of Mizanur R Mizan.
Prieur, J. (2023). 5 Ways To Make Teacher Professional Development Effective (& 7
Powerful Resources).
professional- development/#:~:text=Teacher%20professional%20development
%20encourages%20t eachers,and%20wants%20them%20to%20grow
Priyadi, A. (2014, January 19). Why Do Asian Students Participate Less in Classrooms?

Saad, I. M. H. (2020). Construction Curriculum of the Future: Changes and challenges.

2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition Proceedings. 2--32542
Sindhu. (2022, September 28). Why Curriculum and Instruction Change is Important.
instruction-change- important/#:~:text=The%20curriculum%20is%20at
%20the,obsolete%20methods%2C %20it%20requires%20revamping

Wilkie, D. (2020, February 27). Employers Say Students Aren’t Learning Soft Skills in

(i) Title of the course

 Interpersonal Skills Training

(ii) Course Description

 This course generally will be focused on learning about criteria on developing

interpersonal skills for students. Interpersonal skills involved how good you are when
interacting with people whether in communication, collaboration or leadership are all
elements in interpersonal skills. We know that nowadays we are lacking of graduates
that have strong values in interacting with people especially when involving
presentation or dealing with others. A survey of more than 650 employers and over
1,500 students conducted by Cengage/Morning Consult (2018) resulting to nearly
(73%) employers say they were having hard time finding candidates with the soft
skills as company needs. (64%) and (54%) answered the most difficult qualities found
in the graduates are critical thinking skills and communication skills respectively. By
means, we have serious issue in students that are not meet the criteria on having
effective interpersonal skills that lead them to have hard time on finding job later.
This course will be conducted on the idea to increase awareness about the
importance of mastering skills in communication and also included with training
session to show the participants all the techniques required to have strong
interpersonal skills. This course will be focused on students in secondary school as
this level of education are the most crucial journey before they go for pursuing
further study or working. Most of us generally must have heard about the issue of
communication in students however, not many of us give a concern about the impact
towards that particular person life.

 Interpersonal skills are important for students to improve their life qualities. Skills
are something whether you are born with it or you need to work out to be master on
that area. This course is important to educate students as they are the youth generation
that will work on our economy and industry soon. Even this skill is not required in the
job scope, but effective communication is essential for our daily life activities as we
still need to engage with people. This course will teach students on how to have
powerful words but at the same time you are being respectful towards other. Students
are the group of people that most vulnerable and needed a lot of guidance in develop
and build their characteristics. Khan (2017) even said that “it is considered that
students who possess good interpersonal skills have a successful career and personal
life too.

 As stated earlier, interpersonal skill is not generally about communication but

“interaction” with people. Interaction here means you are having an effective
communication which involves ability to communicate and listen. Good listener
also plays a vital role in conversation as it helps us connect with people. There are
many benefits that will be attain by students at the end of this course but listed below
are the several of them which comprised of:

i) Effective communication and listening – from this course students will be able to
get the ideas on how to be actively participate in a conversation.
ii) Increase confidence level – learners will be able to discover the core abilities
needed to convey positive interpersonal interactions. Communication issue is due to
the afraid feeling on speak in front of people or ashamed on being judged if they are
saying wrong things. Learning the technique on how to communicate will surely
increase your self-confidence.
iii) Build good relationship and teamwork – you are able to work well with others
because of strong interpersonal skill. Students will be not afraid to talk and engage
with new person in addition they also will likely to share knowledge and opinions
with others.

(iii) Rationale

 This course is important because students usually not being emphasized on the usage
of interpersonal skill in classroom when they have to be more focus on learning the
subject. Even though teachers might implement the curriculum on engaged with
students and encourage them to have two-way communication in class but it’s not
enough due to time constraint. In this course we mainly focus on interpersonal skills
training and helps students to focus more.
 Promotes better social skills for students as they are able to create a positive
circumstance in class which then lead to better performance of teaching and learning.
Both teachers and students are benefited from this course as students that possess this
skill are generally tend to actively participate in class and create a conducive
environment lesson.
 Learner should take this class as a preparation before enter to the real life in university
and workplace. Learn at the young age is good for them as we develop the positive
qualities in them and they have chance to practice.
 Fulfill the demands in industry for graduates that possess these qualities. Good
interpersonal skills allow us to build better and long-lasting relationships both at home
and schools. People that have strong interpersonal skills will be able to work better
and have ability to control and manage their emotions. In addition, we want to
develop students that can communicate effectively with people, whether family
members, friends, teachers, coworkers and clients soon.
 This course will be included with activities that can increase students critical thinking
ability and problem-solving that lead to better decision making. Modern workplace
required not just ‘A’ Students, but candidates that have multitude of different skills.
 Students also will learn and familiarized with digital technology in problem solving.
 We’re lack of awareness regarding this issue and mostly depends on the lesson in

(iv) Duration of the course

Duration 3 months
Date Monday – Friday
Time 08:00pm – 9:30pm
Hour per session 1 hour 30 minutes
Total hours 90 hours

 The duration included 2 months that focus on the theory session and the last month
will be conducted with the training session. The course will be held at night to ensure
it didn’t come cross school period and only take 1 and a half hour to complete a
session which provides students with enough time to work on their school homework

(v) Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) statements

 Analyze interpersonal communication elements that supposed to be implemented

 Apply the input of effective communication techniques to real life experiences.
Students not just being taught on the theories, but also the specific technique in
different circumstances on how to engage with people.
 Discover their own communication style and the improvement strategies.
 Able to create and demonstrate to audience communication competence
 Set personal goals to improve interpersonal communication for what purposes
whether to the aspect of employment, life qualities, university requirements or meet
the need of societies.
 Learn on the basic rules for written communication

(vi) Course Pre-requisite

 Minimum requirement in SPM

 Able to at least speak Bahasa and English well
 Having their own tab or laptop because it is need throughout learning process.
 Well known to the usage of computer, Microsoft and Canva
 Have strong internet at home for online tutorial (if necessary)

(vii) Content

This course will be divided into 4 modules which the first is learn on basic theory on
interpersonal skills, second is strategy to ensure an effective communication, third is written
communication and the last on is practical session in class.

First module: Basic Theory on Interpersonal Skills

 Topic 1: Introduction and Objective on Interpersonal Skills

 Topic 2: Types of Communication (Verbal/Non-verbal)
 Topic 3: Importance on Mastering Body Language and Appearance
 Topic 4: Communication Styles (Assertive, Aggressive, Passive, Passive-Assertive)

Second module: Strategy for Effective Communication

 Topic 1: Formal or Informal Communication

 Topic 2: Groups for Communication (Small group, Meetings, Presentation, Large
 Topic 3: Barriers on Communication
 Topic 4: Criteria for Successful Communication

Third module: Written Communication

 Topic 1: Introduction on Written Communication

 Topic 2: Types of Written Communication (Formal/Informal)
 Topic 3: How to Write a Good Email Etiquette
 Topic 4: Common mistakes in Written Communication
 Topic 5: Criteria for an Effective Written Communication

Fourth module: Practical Session on Theories

 Topic 1: Students Application to the Interpersonal Communication involving

i) Presentation
ii) Role-Play Meetings and Conducting an Event
iii) Provide Video for Personal Recording

(viii) Materials

 Modules
 Tutorial class
 E-Books
 Slides presentation

(ix) Methodology/ Teaching strategies

 Class/Tutorial – during the session, student will be taught by facilitators that can helps
students to learn and participate in group discussion. It allows them to give and share
their ideas that can enhance their critical thinking at the same time helps them to build
confident in interacting with other people. We will use “Cooperative Learning Style”
which involve “The Jigsaw Classroom” which will involve students to group and
participate in the discussions.
 Presentation – presentation will be utilized at the last module during the practical
session. This session can help students to improve their body language and skills to
communicate effectively. Plus, they also can develop confidence which is the most
important element in interpersonal skills. Utilize technology in the classroom such as
Multimedia presentation, animation, graphic by using tablet or laptop
 Assessment – Involve quiz for theories and marks will be given during the practical
session. It involves evaluation on how effective students can be and the impact they
can get from the course. We will collect data on student’s feedback and providing
students with certificate at the end of course as a motivation for them.

(x) Assessment/ Grading procedures

Results will affect grade on Certificate whether Distinction (70% above) /Merit (60-69%)
/Pass (50-59%)

 Tutorial questions/quizzes (30%)

- Questions regarding theory part on interpersonal skills will be asked
- Techniques and strategies to get effective communication
 Videos upload on YouTube Channel (30%)
- It’s a compulsory for students to create a personal video recording on topic given
and upload to YouTube channel
- 5 to 8 minutes videos
 Interview session to any company in Corporate Industry (40%)
- Students will be given task to find any company as respondents on topic related to
“The Importance of Interpersonal Skills in Workplace”
- This task will be done in group

(xi) Main references of this course

- How to Instantly Connect with Anyone: 96 All New Little Tricks for Big Success
in Relationships by Levi Lowndes published on (2019)
- People Skills: How to Assert Yourself, Listen to Others, and Resolve by Robert
Bolton published on (2022)
- Effective Communication by John Adair published on (2003).

(xii) Other additional information

 Fees: RM400 (for the whole session)

 Focus participation for university’s students
 The class will be conduct by facilitators who has P.H.D in Communication field




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