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Instituto Patria del Noroeste A.C.

High School

Subject: Methdology Reaserch

Project: Industrial sustainability: environmental

protection and long-term global optimization.

Name: Paola Quintero Dominguez

Date: March 3rd, 2024

Problem description

There are various problems that affect our planet, but none have had an impact and speed
like climate change. Climate change encompasses not only the increase in average
temperatures, but also natural disasters, changes in the habitats of fauna and flora, rising
sea levels and many other effects. All of these changes are occurring as humans continue to
add heat-trapping greenhouse gasses such as carbon dioxide and methane to the
atmosphere. Atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide (CO2), the most dangerous and prevalent
greenhouse gas, are the highest ever recorded and continue to grow. Greenhouse gas
levels are now so high mainly because humans have released them into the air by burning
fossil fuels (mainly for use by industries), who must seek a solution regarding the
sustainability of their companies for the benefit of the environment.


Industrial sustainability is a new scheme that seeks sustainable development in various

industries to benefit the environment, as well as generate long-term sustenance for
companies. This new concept would allow the possibility of caring for the environment,
reducing greenhouse gas emissions and leading industries to become sustainable and not
dependent on fossil fuels.
Report Data

Sustainable industrial development ensures that resources are used conservatively and
efficiently. To achieve resource productivity, manufacturers must optimize the supply circle,
analyzing how raw materials are extracted, how components are produced, how products
are designed and how return markets are organized. One of the most important components
of sustainability is minimizing environmental impact through pollution prevention. Pollution
results from waste, which can be reduced, reused or prevented to ensure environmental
protection. By practicing safe chemical management, industrial businesses can minimize
health effects caused by environmental emissions significantly. Safe chemical management
avoids relying on raw materials that have the potential to become toxic once released into
the water or air.

Benefits of Industrial Sustainabilty

● Sustainable industrial development offers plenty of economic benefits. The industry
itself promotes jobs and income associated with reducing environmental impact.
Improved environmental performance can also lead to increased labor productivity
and product quality, contributing to a healthier economy. Sustainable industrial
development can also lower operating costs for businesses. Sustainable and efficient
processes use less energy, water and materials, which can lead to significant cost
● Perhaps the most obvious benefit of sustainable industrialization is reduced
environmental impact. Many industrial businesses are shifting toward eco-friendly
development to uphold their ethical responsibility to ensure a cleaner and safer
environment. Sustainable industrial development works to lower greenhouse gas
emissions and conserve water, energy and natural resources.

According to a report by Global Carbon Project, industrial activities and burning of fossil fuels
blasted an estimated 36.8 billion metric tons of carbon emissions into the atmosphere in
2019 out of a total 43.1 billion metric tons that human activities stand for.
3 high-impact ways the industrial sector can become more sustainable
● 1. Resource-efficient machinery to reduce carbon emissions and increase
Since consumers are more interested in buying sustainable products than ever before,
businesses need to meet that demand by rethinking the impact of their entire supply chain.
In order to stay relevant and be chosen in a business supply chain, the machinery used to
produce products in the industrial sector need to be smarter and better customized to
minimize the unnecessary use of resources.
Resource-efficient with low carbon-emission machinery is not only limited to agribusiness but
also includes products that are used every day by consumers, particularly in the
transportation sector. The carbon emissions of these products, used constantly and globally,
is a significant contributor to climate change. Businesses that invest in climate friendly
technologies are positioned to become world-leading companies, and thus choose
manufactures that do the same. An easy example of this is Tesla, an electric vehicle and
clean energy company, which made an annual revenue of $31.536B, a 28.31% increase
from 2019.

● 2. Circular economy & industry 4.0

According to Accenture, 83% of consumers believe it’s important or extremely important for
companies to design products that are meant to be reused or recycled. The United Nations
Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) describes the circular economy as products
`designed for durability, reuse and recycability, and materials for new products come from old
products.” In essence, it is the opposite of, and revolution against, the throw-away economy.
By creating reusable products, industries contribute to a reduced environmental footprint,
generate increased income, reduce resource dependency, and ultimately minimize waste.

● 3. Decrease the amount of fossil fuels

Fossil fuels contribute significantly to carbon emissions, and negatively impact the short-term
and long-term health of our planet and its people. However, it is still the dominant source of
energy worldwide. The problem – and opportunity – is that only a few dozen companies can
be traced back to and are responsible for more than one-third of all greenhouse gas
emissions, caused by fossil fuels. If these few dozen companies – and the industrial sector
as a whole – integrate sustainability as part of their core business, they have the potential to
reduce climate degradation for the world’s population. Furthermore, by drawing upon
innovative technologies, these companies can become a market leader in renewable energy
or other long-lasting and positive impact business models. By increasing the amount of
energy used from renewable sources such as wind, solar, and biomass, the amount of fossil
fuels burned will decrease and less heat will be trapped in Earth’s atmosphere. As vendors
adjust to the conscious consumer, businesses are beginning to pick industrial partners
based on their sustainability and transparency in order to clean up their own supply chains.
Thus, there is a financial incentive and growth opportunity for corporations that work with
renewable energy and decrease the amount of carbon emissions.

● 3 high-impact ways the industrial sector can become more sustainable. (n.d.). Retrieved March 4, 2024, from
● Iskalo Development Corp. (2021, March 8). Sustainable industrial
development. Iskalo Development Corp; Iskalo Development Corp.
● National Geographic. (2017, April 12). El calentamiento de los océanos ha
disparado el blanqueo de los corales. National Geographic. Calentamiento
global: ¿qué es, definición y diferencia con el cambio climático? | National
● García, G. (2021, December 23). La sustentabilidad, una tendencia
impulsada por la industria. THE FOOD TECH - Medio de noticias líder en la
Industria de Alimentos y Bebidas; THE FOOD TECH.

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