hw499 Unit 3 Assignment Carr

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Unit 8 Assignment
Colin Carr
Purdue Global University
19 May 2020

FITT Prescription

Using the frequency, intensity, time, and type or FITT principles is an efficient way to

create exercise prescriptions. The FITT principle allows for scaling of exercise to prevent injury,

while focusing on goals and progression of the client. The following will be an exercise

prescription for myself and for the client Carl.

Development of Exercise Prescription for Self

Baseline and Goals

First, I need a baseline which I have gathered through exercise assessments. The

Rockport Walk Test produced my aerobic baseline, the Push-Up Test produced my muscle

strength baseline, and the Sit and Reach Test produced my flexibility baseline. Next, I need to

establish goals to tailor the exercise prescription after. My aerobic score was good, but I would

like to be excellent, my muscle strength score was excellent, but I would like to steadily improve

the total number of pushups, and my flexibility score was average which I would like to improve

to the good category. Knowing your baseline and your goals allows for the development of the

framework for your exercise prescriptions.

Exercise Prescription

Next will be the actual prescription based on my baseline and my goals using the FITT


Frequency Intensity Time Type

Aerobic 5 Days a Week Vigorous 15-30 Min Functional

Muscle Strengthening 5 Days a Week Vigorous 30-45 Min Functional

Flexibility 5 Days a Week Moderate 15 Min Static

Exercise Prescription Explained


The aerobic and muscle strengthening exercise categories will be combined through

functional fitness types of exercises. For example, after a dynamic warm up I would perform

power clean practice for 15-30 minutes gradually increasing weight until I reached 3-5

repetitions of max effort. I would then perform 3 sets of the 3-5 repetitions. Next, as many

repetitions as possible or an AMRAP would be performed with a weight that produced vigorous

intensity for 15 minutes. The practice and the AMRAP would produce 15-30 minutes of

vigorous muscle strengthening activity and 15-30 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity. The

session would end with 15 minutes of moderate static full body stretching. This prescription

would total 75-150 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity a week, which would meet the

recommended activity for healthy adults and would advance my aerobic fitness towards my

goals. Additionally, this prescription would total five days of muscle strengthening activity a

week which exceeds the recommended muscle strengthening activity for healthy adults of two

days a week.

Development of Exercise Prescription for Carl

Baseline and Goals

Carl’s baselines were as follows; aerobic is average, muscle strength is poor to fair, and

flexibility is average. Carl’s goals are to maintain his current level of fitness, but to become

more athletic for intramural sports and stronger/bigger for appearance. Carl’s assessments also

identified that he has exercised induced asthma but has been cleared by his doctor with the use of

an inhaler. Carl already performs aerobic activity with his 45 minutes of walking to class five

times per week and his PE walk/run class for 30 minutes one day a week. The exercise

prescription below will account for his current activity performed.

Exercise prescription

Frequency Intensity Time Type

Brisk Walk to
Aerobic 5 Days a Week Moderate 30 Min Class/PE
Muscle Strengthening 3 Days a Week Vigorous 60 Min Training

Flexibility 4 Days a Week Moderate 15 Min Static

Exercise Prescription Explained

Aerobic exercise is as follows. The 45-minute walk to class each week will be used as

your aerobic activity. The walk should be deliberate and brisk, and you should target a specific

heart rate which we will find. The PE class will also be used. During PE you will practice your

one-mile split times. The first 15 minutes of class will be a walk at a moderate pace, and at the

15-minute mark you will run one mile timed at max effort.

Muscle strengthening exercise is as follows. Saturday and Sunday after intramural sports

and Wednesday you will perform a full body resistance training session. The movements will be

dumbbell press, overhead barbell press, deadlift, cable pulldown, hanging knee raises, and squat.


Movement Sets Repetitions Intensity

DB Press 3 10 60% 3 rep max
Overhead BB Press 3 10 60% 3 rep max
Deadlift 3 10 60% 3 rep max
Cable Pulldown 3 10 60% 3 rep max
Hanging Knee Raise 3 10 N/A

After a dynamic warm up the first movement will be performed. You will rest 30

seconds between sets and two minutes between movements.


Movement Sets Repetitions Intensity

DB Press 3 10 60% 3 rep max
Overhead BB Press 3 10 60% 3 rep max
Cable Pulldown 3 10 60% 3 rep max
Hanging Knee Raise 3 10 N/A

After a dynamic warm up the first movement will be performed. You will rest 30

seconds between sets and two minutes between movements.


Movement Sets Repetitions Intensity

DB Press 3 10 60% 3 rep max
Overhead BB Press 3 10 60% 3 rep max
Squat 3 10 60% 3 rep max
Cable Pulldown 3 10 60% 3 rep max
Hanging Knee Raise 3 10 N/A

After a dynamic warm up the first movement will be performed. You will rest 30

seconds between sets and two minutes between movements.

Flexibility exercise is as follows. Full body static stretching will be performed for 15

minutes following each muscle strengthening day and the PE run day.

As presented, the FITT principle allows for scaling of the prescription to meet the needs

of the client. FITT also allows for barriers to be considered such as time and availability. The

prescription for Carl considers his barriers of time and transportation and maximizes his daily

routines to improve his overall fitness. Lastly, the FITT principle can help the trainer ensure the

client meets the recommended activity guidelines for adults, Physical Activity Guidelines for

Americans 2nd edition (2018).


Fitness Testing. (n.d.). Retrieved May 16, 2020, from https://www.exrx.net/Testing

Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans 2nd edition (2018). Retrieved May 16, 2020, from


Thompson, P. D., Arena, R., Riebe, D., & Pescatello, L. S. (2013). ACSM’s New

Preparticipation Health Screening Recommendations from ACSM’s Guidelines for

Exercise Testing and Prescription, Ninth Edition. Current Sports Medicine Reports,

12(4), 215–217. doi: 10.1249/jsr.0b013e31829a68cf

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