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Awards are nice to have but they hardly matter.

What is your view

T: awards
I: hardly matter or matter
A: awards are assumed to be nice to have but have no practical value (however such a view is
C: value of awards=function+context. SPERMS. CEFGKPPO. CEFGHHS
awards– trophies, medals, certificates
hardly matter– have no practical value, merely for show

1. Pragmatists argue that awards only serve sentimental value without providing its
recipient with quantifiable and material gains.
- Some may think that trophies made of cheap plastics posses little material worth
- Trophies and medals merely appeal to the egos of the recipient, bringing him or her a
brief sense of gratification before it is chucked in a wardrobe and left to dust
- There are even some people who receive so many awards in their lifetimes that they no
longer feel much emotions when they receive another one
- Moreover, the sentimental value that awards bring are only momentary. (example) An
edusave scholarship recipient would feel a wave of joy upon receiving the scholarship
but could be breaking down a few hours later as a result of looming exams; an olympic
gold medalist would rejoice in his victory in the moment but could be beating himself up
after a tough session days later; an oscars winner would bask in the brief glory but could
be left feeling violated afterwards because of haters and doxxers on social media
- Evaluation: in our VUCA world today, it is extremely difficult or even impossible to find
something that can bring us lasting happiness, certainly not a trophy or medal made of
cheap plastic. Thus diminishing the value of awards,

2. However such a view is too parochial as the value of something not only lies in its
material and sentimental aspects. Awards and prizes could be a potent psychological
motivator for someone facing hardships and challenges, thus pushing them to continue
striving for excellence in their pursuits
- Awards and prizes is not a mere acknowledgment of one’s efforts, it renounces the
recipient as a hallmark of excellence and as one of the best amongst the hundreds and
thousands in the field
- Such honor and recognition is undoubtedly deeply desired, which could translate to a
strong force of motivation for one to push through during difficult times instead of giving
- Sports people like joseph schooling who wanted to win the olympics title
- Scholarship awards like edusave, star awards
- In hindsight, being motivated by awards and prizes may seem rather superficial and thus
some may hastily conclude that the stimulating effect of awards is too brief for awards to
be significant, however, oftentimes, individuals with innate talents and deep interest in
the field need only a small nudge to get through difficult times.

3. Additionally, awards and prizes could bring about monetary gains for its recipients, thus
making a meaningful difference to the livelihood of the recipient
Analysis (+example):
- In the competitive world of today where many people are making concerted effort to
create a strong portfolio, awards and prizes can distinct one from the rest and increase
their competitive edge e.g. scholarship applicants
- Additionally, Iconic and prestigious awards invite fame and popularity for the recipients
from the masses, opening their doors to more opportunities and resources to continue
their pursuits e.g. kenyan runners receiving heavy endorsements from nike and adidas.
- Such economic benefits could be a lucrative source of income for some people.
Especially in societies or cultures where awards are perceived with a high degree of
importance. Eg Iten in kenya being known as “home of champion”, many runners there
grew up in poor families and their lives are transformed upon winning marathons.

4. Lastly, famous awards could also be used to raise awareness of a social cause, possibly
attracting more supporters for the cause
Analysis (+example):
- Awards can be used as a tool to galvanise social changes. When it is given to minorities
or fervent supporters of social causes, it could stir up public discourse and signal to the
masses a change in perceptions of societal standards.
E.g. michelle yeoh being first asian to win oscars for best actress, inviting more attention
and recognition for asian actors and actresses who are often discriminated and
oppressed in western film industries
- E.g. malala yousafzai who is an inspiring activist for education for females> winning
nobel peace prize> attracts more attention for the issue of gender discrimination in
traditionalist and conservative societies like pakistan.
- Could be significant to minorities and activists who are going against the conventions, by
featuring their efforts on a global scale awards could make a more meaningful impact of
rallying the masses than their own efforts which may not be broadcasted on a
international scale/ requires more time before beings seen and supported by the masses

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