CRUZ - Class Activity 2 - Finals - March 1 2024

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Clark Francis B.

Cruz March 1, 2024

GED0085/TV24 – Activity No. 2 (Finals)

1. The battle of the LGBTQ community for equal rights has been going on for ages. In today’s
society, they are more welcome as compared in the past. More bills and laws are being written and
published in pursuit of equality and protection for the members of the said community.

2. Intersectionality puts individuals more marginalized. People of color may experience

discrimination in the form of racism and homophobia. Transgender and non-binary individuals
may also experience additional discrimination especially for public accommodations and such.
LGBTQ community members on the lower class of the economy also tends to experience more
stereotypes. An example is how gay individuals on the higher economic class are perceived as
smart, while gay individuals on the lower economic class are perceived as loud and less intelligent.

3. The portrayal of the LGBTQ in mainstream media is both positive and negative. The mainstream
media provides a platform for the LGBTQ to represent themselves and fight for their rights.
However, it is undeniable that mainstream media itself is also one of the reasons why members pf
the said community experience mockery.

4. LGBTQ individuals are more vulnerable to STDs as compared to the other population.
Healthcare systems should create efforts to make treatments for STDs for accommodating. They
should also make efforts to educate the public about STDs.

5. Educational institutions plays a big role in shaping the mind of the youth. The design of the
curriculum and policies should be towards gender equality. One small step that can be made is to
allow cross dressing. Anti-bullying policies should also be implemented more strictly especially
for bullying cases related to gender and sexual discrimination.

6. In some countries, same sex union and marriage is already being recognized. However, in some
countries like the Philippines, it is still not legally recognized thus making it hard for same sex
couples. On a global scale, equal rights should be achieved. This can only be achieved with the
help of international organizations and human rights movements, continuously serving as the voice
of the community.
Clark Francis B. Cruz March 1, 2024
GED0085/TV24 – Activity No. 2 (Finals)

7. The following are the key issues that should be prioritized: transgender rights, public
accommodation. Trans rights as they call has been a topic for debates for ages. Efforts should be
made to fully discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the said issue, to determine what should
be done, what revisions to policies, and what scope and limitations should trans rights cover. For
public accommodation of the LGBTQ community, gender neutral establishments should be made
available for the public. Ordinances and laws for the protection of the rights of the said community
should be implemented.Technology and social media are essential tools for the push of the LGBTQ
community towards equal rights. It serves as a platform for them to share their sentiments, and
allows them to make themselves heard by the general public.

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