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User Adoption
External Dependency
Community Engagement
Hardware Availability
Scope Creep
Integration challenges between hardware and software
Data privacy concerns
Low user adoption of the tracking system
Reliance on external GPS data providers
Insufficient budget for unexpected costs
Lack of interest or engagement in the community
Changes in pet data regulations
Delays or shortages in hardware component delivery
Ineffective communication between project stakeholders
Continuous addition of new features beyond the initial scope
Consequence Probability Impact
High High High
Moderate High High
Moderate Moderate Moderate
High Moderate High
Moderate High High
Moderate Moderate Moderate
Low High Low
Moderate Moderate Moderate
Moderate Moderate Moderate
Moderate High High
Risk Level
Regular testing and prototyping, involving hardware experts
Implement robust data encryption, comply with data protection regulations
Implement a user education and awareness campaign
Establish backup data sources, explore alternative providers
Regularly monitor and adjust budget allocations
Launch promotional campaigns, collaborate with influencers
Regularly monitor and adapt to changes in regulations
Maintain open communication with suppliers, secure alternative sources
Establish clear communication protocols, conduct regular updates
Strictly adhere to the defined project scope
Risk Owner Risk Modification Plan
Development Team Leader Medium
Project Manager Low
Marketing Team Leader Low
Project Manager Medium
Project Manager Medium
Community Engagement Manager Low
Regulatory Compliance Officer Low
Project Manager Low
Project Manager Low
Project Manager Low
Likelyhood Low Moderate(5)
Very Unlikely(1)
Possible(7) Medium Risk(4)
Very Likely(2) High Risk(1)
High Risk(2)
High Risk(3)

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