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The CIRCLES Method

A PM’s Guide
The Framework

The CIRCLES Method, created by Lewis Lin, is here to

illuminate your journey. This powerful framework equips
you to make thoughtful and strategic decisions at every
stage of the product design process.

Source: Impact Interview

C - Comprehend the Situation
This initial stage lays the foundation for your entire product.
Here's what you need to do:

1. Define the Problem: Clearly identify the problem

your product aims to solve. Conduct market research,
analyze competitor landscapes, and understand user
needs through surveys, interviews, and user testing.
2. Identify Your Target Audience: Who are you
building this product for? Define your ideal customer
profile (ICP) by considering demographics, behaviors,
and pain points.

3. Market Analysis: Research the market landscape.

Analyze existing solutions, identify potential
opportunities and gaps, and understand the
competitive environment.
I - Identify the Customer
With a clear understanding of the situation, delve deeper
into your target audience:
1. User Needs and Desires: What are your users'
needs, frustrations, and aspirations? Conduct user
research to uncover these pain points and identify
opportunities for your product to add value.

2. User Behavior: How do your users typically

interact with similar products or solve the problem
your product addresses? Understanding their
behavior patterns will inform your design decisions.

3. User Personas: Develop user personas that

represent your ideal customers, capturing their
demographics, goals, challenges, and behaviors.
These personas will guide your design decisions
throughout the process.
C - Cut Through Prioritization
Not all ideas are created equal. Here's how to prioritize

1. Feature Prioritization: Evaluate potential features

based on their impact on users and business goals.
Techniques like Kano analysis can help prioritize
features based on user needs and satisfaction levels.

2. Resource Allocation: Allocate resources

effectively based on the priority of features and the
overall product roadmap.
L - List Solutions
Brainstorm and explore potential solutions to the identified

1. Idea Generation: Think outside the box! Utilize

techniques like brainstorming, design thinking
workshops, or user co-creation sessions to generate
a wide range of creative solutions.

2. Solution Prototyping: Create low-fidelity

prototypes of your potential solutions to get early
user feedback and validate your ideas.
E - Evaluate Trade-offs
No solution is perfect. Here's how to weigh the pros and

1. Feasibility: Can your solution be realistically

implemented considering available resources,
technology, and budget?

2. Desirability: Will users find your solution valuable

and appealing? Conduct user testing to gauge their
reactions and gather feedback.

3. Viability: Will your solution be sustainable in the

long run? Consider factors like market fit, potential
revenue streams, and long-term costs.
S - Summarize Recommendations
Based on your analysis, create a clear and concise

1. Value Proposition: Articulate the unique value

proposition your product offers to users. How does it
solve their problems better than existing solutions?

2. Product Roadmap: Develop a product roadmap

that outlines the key features, functionalities, and
release schedule for your product.
The Benefits
Reduced Risk of Failure: By thoroughly understanding user
needs and conducting iterative testing, you can significantly
reduce the risk of developing a product that misses the

Enhanced User Focus: The CIRCLES Method keeps users

at the forefront of the design process, ensuring your
product truly addresses their needs and delivers value.

Improved Communication and Collaboration: The

framework fosters clear communication between product
managers, designers, engineers, and other stakeholders.

Stronger Decision-Making: By following a structured

approach, you'll be equipped to make well-informed
decisions based on market research, user insights, and data

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