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Mata Pelajaran: BHS. INGGRIS


Family Tree

1. Mr. Fikri is Fatur's....

a. Father b. Mother c. Uncle d. Aunt
2. Seli is Fatur's ..
a. Brother b. Father c. Sister d. Niece
3. Mrs. Jaka is Fatur's ...
a. Aunt b. Sister c. Mother d. Grandmother
4. ... is Fatur's sister.
a. Rafi b. Seli c. Heni d. Rosi
5. Mrs. Rosi is Fatur's..,..
a. Grandmother b. Mother c. Sister d. Father

6. Mr.Joko has two children.They are Riko and Rini. Rini is Riko’s .......
a. Neice b. Nephew c. Brother d. Sister

7. Mr.Randi and Mrs. Eliana are my parent. Mrs.Eliana is Mr. Randy’s...

a. Daughter b. Son c. Wife d. Husband

8. My mother has parents. They are my ......

a. Grandfather c. Grandmother
b. Grandparent d. Grandchildren

9. My grandparent has two children. They are Mr.Budiman and Miss Ida. Mr Budiman is my father.
Miss Ida is my........
a. Mother b. Grandson c. Uncle d. Aunt

10. I have grandparent. They are Mr. Dito and Mrs Mima. Mr. Dito is my...
a. Grandmother c. Grandson
b. Grandfather d. Grand daughter

11. My father is in his office room. He is ....... the newspaper

a. Reading b. Cooking c. Watching TV d. Eating
12. My aunts’ husband is my ......
a. Uncle b. Causin c. Parent d. Mother
13. My mother’s husband is my......
a. Aunt b. Uncle c. Father d. Daughter

PAS ENGLISH Kelas V - Genap 2021/2022 SDI KUSUMA BANGSA Munjugan Page 1
My Daily Activities
My name is Julie. This is my daily activities. I get up at five o'clock in the morning. I brush
my teeth at five ten. I take a bath at five fifteen, and then I have breakfast at half past five every
I go to school at half past six in the mornning. I arrive at school at seven o'clock. The
school begins at quarter past seven every morning. And the school finishes at one fifteen in the
afternoon. I arrive at home at two o'clock in the afternoon. I have lunch at ten past two in the

14. Julie gets up at ....

a. quarter to five A.M c. half past five A.M
b. a quarter past five Am d. five A.M
15. Julie has to take a bath at ....
a. five fifteen A.M c. five fifteen P.M
b. a quarter past five d. fifteen five A.M
16. Julie goes to school at ....
a. five past six in the morning c. half to six
b. six past half d. half past six
17. Julie arrives at home at ....
a. one o'clock P.M c. one o'clock A.M
b. two o'clock P.M d. two o'clock A.M

18. Ratna : Would you .......... the lamp, please? The room is dark
Rima : OK.
a. Turn on b. Turn off c. Put off d. Take off

19. I want to send this letter. Can you help me to ..... it please?
a. Borrow b. Send c. Clean d. Throw
20. Your hand is dirty. ........... your hand!
a. Write b. Cut c. Clean d. Wash
21. Father wants to buy a washing machine. He buys in the .......
a. coffee shop c. butique
b. electronic shop d. bookstore

22. Look at the shoes!

The shoes are ........... It’s only Rp. 50.000,-
a. Cheap
b. Expensive
c. Good
d. Heavy

23. The coffee is bitter. ........ me the sugar please!

a. Give b. Wash c. Open d. Eat

24. Teacher : Who can answer the question? ......... your hand!
Olivia : I can answer, Ma;am
a. make b. raise c. see d. watch
25. I don’t bring my dictionary. Could you... me your dictionary, please?
a. buy b. snow c. lend d. throw

PAS ENGLISH Kelas V - Genap 2021/2022 SDI KUSUMA BANGSA Munjugan Page 2
26. The notice says........
a. don’t stop here
b. stop here
c. don’t park here
d. don’t eat here

27. “Bring the basket, please!.” The senctence is a .......

a. Command c. Invitation
b. Prohibition d. Request

28. What does she look like? She is looks...

a. Thin
b. Tall
c. Fat
d. Slim

29. There is final test. Keep ...... please!

a. Noisly c. Crowded
b. Silent d. Hurry

30. A : Does she have straight hair?

B : .....
a. Yes, she does
b. No, she does not
c. Yes she is
d. No She is not

II. Answer the question!

1. My father has a mother. She is my ...........

2. My uncle is Mr. Anggoro, My autj is Mrs.Lita. Mr Anggoro is Mrs Lita’s......
3. My father has two children. They are Noval and Novi. Novi is Noval’s......
4. Father : It’s very cold inside. Would you ......... the door, please?
Ardi : OK. Dad.
5. Anisa : “Do you like batminton?”
Hen : Yes, ........
6. Mother buys fruit and vegetables in the ........

7. A : Ho much is jacket.?
B : it is ...........

Rp. 150. 0000,-

8. It is cold outside. ............the window, please!

9. Mr. Tono is a......... He teaches the students in the classroom
10. Translate into English!
“Aku membeli sepatu di toko”

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