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Water Supply Engineering

Intake Structure

Dr. Bijit Kumar Banik

Associate Professor
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Shahjalal University of Science and Technology
Twin Well Type Intakes

• Screens in inlet well may be of 20 mm dia vertical

bar @ 30-50 mm clear spacing. Velocity through
openings 0.15-0.20 m/s

• Inlet pipe connects inlet well with jack well. It has a min.
dia of 45 cm, laid at slope of 1 in 200. Flow velocity
through it <1.2 m/s

• Jack well should be founded on hard strata having

bearing capacity > 450 kN/m2 Jackwell structures are used for accumulating water from the
surface sources like a river, lake, and reservoir.

Q. Why vertical bar, not horizontal?

Single Well Type Intakes

Highest Flood Level

Sumpwell is a water collection hole

Single Well Type Intakes

Highest Flood Level

Single well Intake

Their main functions (Scouring Sluices) are: (i) It helps in

controlling the silt entry into the canal.
Single Well Type Intakes

• No inlet well & inlet pipe in this type of river intake.

• Opening or ports fitted with bar screens are provided in
the jack well itself.
• The sediment entering will usually be less, since
clearer water will enter the off-take channel.
• The silt entering the jack well will partly settle down in
the bottom silt zone of jack well or may be lifted up
with the pumped water since pumps can easily lift
sedimented water.
• The jack well can be periodically cleaned manually, by
stopping the water entry in to the well.
Canal Intakes

Full Supply Level

Canal Intakes

• In case of a small town a nearby Irrigation Canal can

be used as the source of water. The Intake Well is
generally located in the bank of the Canal. Since water
level is more or less constant, there is no need of
providing inlets at different depth. It essentially consist
of concrete or masonry intake chamber or well.
within a year the water level seems to occur at the exactly
same positions over periods.

• Since the flow area in the canal is obstructed by the

construction of Intake well, the flow velocity in the
canal increases. So the canal should be lined on the
Upstream & Downstream side of the intake to prevent
erosion of sides and bed of channel.
Intakes for sluice-ways of dams
Intakes for sluice-ways of dams
Intakes for sluice-ways of dams
Design consideration for Intakes

• Structural safety against external forces caused by

heavy waves and currents, Impact of floating and
submerged bodies, ice pressure etc.
• Intake should have sufficient self weight, so that it
may not float by the up thrust of water and washed away
by the current
• The foundation of Intake should be taken sufficient deep
so that they may not be undermined and current may
not overturn the structure
• To avoid the entry of large and medium objects and
fishes, screens should be provided on the Inlet
Design consideration for Intakes

• The Inlet should be of sufficient size and should

allow required quantity of water.
• The positions of Inlet should be such that they can
admit water in all seasons near the surface where
quality of water is good.
• Number of Inlets should be more so that if any one
is blocked, the water can be drawn from others. The
inlets should be completely submerged so that air may
not enter the suction pipe.
Design of twin well river Intake

Ex. 5.1 (pp 244, S.K. Garg, 15th edition): Design a river
intake with respect to (i) number and size of the openings
in the intake well (ii) the size, shape and the height of the
intake well and (iii) the gravity pipe for raw water
connecting the intake and jack well. The data supplied is:
R.L. of river bed = 100 m
R.L. of Lowest W.L. = 102 m
R.L. of Normal W.L. = 115 m
R.L. of High Flood Level = 120 m
Population to be served = 50,000
Per capita water demand = 200 lpcd
Hours of pumping in a day = 16

Assume other suitable data required.


Average daily water demand = 50,000 X 200 = 10 MLD (million liters per day)
Maximum daily water demand = 1.8 X 10 = 18 MLD = 18 X 103 m3/d
16 hrs of pumping in a day
18 103
The discharge to be pumped   0.3125 m 3 / s
16  60  60
Let us consider an oblong rectangular shape intake well having openings at
three levels (LWL, NWL and HWL). These openings will be furnished with 20 mm
vertical bar @ 50 mm clear. Also let the velocity through openings limited to 0.16 m/s

Q 0.3125
(i) Opening area at each level    1.95 m 2
v 0.16
Let us consider 1 m height of screen openings. Then the clear length = 1.95 m
No. of openings required   39
No. of vertical bar required = 38

oblong shape
(ii) Length occupied by 20 mm bar = 38 X 0.02 = 0.76 m
Total length of screen = 1.95 + 0.76 = 2.71 m; say 2.8 m
Let us provide 2 ports having a section of 1 m X 1.4 m at each level
For two ports, say thickness of dividing wall is 0.20 m
Giving a width of 2 m the intake well dimension become 3 m X 2 m

For accumulating sediments the intake well could be sunk 3 m deeper than the
River bed. Also a free board of 2 m could be provided over the HFL.
So, the height of the Intake well becomes 25 m

(iii) Max. velocity in gravity pipe is 1.2 m/s

Q 0.3125
Area of circular pipe, A  
v 1.2
Diameter, d = 0.58 m; say 60 cm
Q 0.3125
Giving a velocity v    1.1 m / s
A 
(0.6) 2

Using Manning’s formula

1 2 1 1  0.6  3
v  R 3
S 2
   . S n = 0.017 (say)
n 0.017  4 

S = 1/228; say 1: 200 

A 4 d
R  
p d 4
Thank you

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