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Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Colleges – Marbel Inc.

Koronadal City


Submitted by:

Adilyn Coronado

Junette Castanares

Submitted to: Mr. Dave Mariano


1. Is the story fiction or non-fiction? Why do you say so?

As I read the story, I concluded that "the necklace” belongs to non-fiction for the reason that the story
depicts real-life events and acts of a person. It showcases human nature's greediness and aims for more materialistic
and worldly things. The story evolves how Mathilde lives in chaos due to her greediness. The experiences of
Mathilde and her husband in the story can happen in real life.

2. What type and elements of fiction are used in the story?

The type of the story is MAN VS. HIMSELF, the conflict occurs only in Mathilde’s greediness.

The story was set in France, where Mathilde Liosel and her husband live. The setting is also where the
grand ball was held and where all the other events in the story happened.

The main characters in the story are; Madame Mathilde Liosel, Her husband Monsier Liosel and Madame
Foriester, who let Mathilde borrow her necklace. They are the main characters due to the fact that the story ang the
conversation are happens and eveolve in the three of them.

The concflict occurs only because of Mathilde’s act of greediness, discontentment and eagerness to
become one of the high respected individuals.

Indeterminate ending
The story ends without leaving complete conclusion to what happened at the end; the story leaves a
question to the reader’s like; how Mathilde deal with the fact and how did she response after knowing the fact.

Direct presentation ; it was direct presentation mathide and her husband was discribed from the very
beginning of the story.The main characters in the story are; Madame Mathilde Liosel, Her husband Monsier Liosel
and Madame Foriester, who let Mathilde borrow her necklace. They are the main characters due to the fact that the
story and the conversation are happens and evolve in the three of them.

The author of the story showcases the theme how the greediness of human nature can create chaos and
change into a person’s life. How an act of discontentment can cause consequence, regrets and negative results.

Point of you: Third-person limited

The story was being told and only evolved after focusing on the life, behavior, and emotions of Mathilde. Not
even narrating how the other characters in the story have thought and how their lives are going.

Symbol: Situation Irony

The dress and the necklace, these are the things that Mathide wants. After the dress she wanted more, a
jewelry that she thinks would fit her in the eyes of rich people.


Matilde Loisel the woman that longs for wealthy. Endured and suffered with the poorness of life. Dreamed to
have a beautiful house, elegant room, rare old silks, elegant furniture loaded with priceless ornaments, and inviting
smaller rooms, perfumed, made for afternoon chats with close friends.
One evening her husband came home holding an envelope. She open it and read the letter "The Minister of
Education and Mme. Georges Rampouneau request the pleasure of M. and Mme. Loisel's company at the Ministry,
on the evening of Monday January 18th" after that she threw it in the table and ask her husband what should she do
with that. Her husband expects that she will be pleased because she never goes out. She complain that she don’t
have a dress and refuse to accept the invitation, but later on she ask her husband to give her four hundred francs.
The day after Mathilde seems like upset, her dress is ready.
One evening her husband ask “Why are you upset" she responds that” I dont have jewels or single stone to wear"
her husband suggest that she could wear flowers. After that night, Madam Mathilde went off to the house of Madam
Forestier to ask if Madame foriester could lend her some of her jewels, the lady gave her a freedom to choose of
what she wants. She saw a beautiful necklace that caught her attention, ask for a permission to lend it and Madam
Forestier agree with it.
The day of party finally arrived, Mathilde look elegant and gracious, she enjoyed the night until drunkenness filled her
and forget everything. Its four o'clock in the morning when she left the event but, she realized that the necklace is
lost. Mathilde got worried and tell her husband, her husband gets back in the location but he didn't found the
necklace, no matter how hard they try to find the lost necklace it is nowhere to be found. Mathilde and her husband
have decided to replace the lost necklace in order not disappoint her friend Madame Forestier. Mathilde and her
husband have gone to the jewelry stores to inquire for the necklace replacement. Luckily they have found the same
necklace but, it will cost them ten years of hard work before they could be able to pay for the necklace price. But they
have no choice but to choose to find ways of buying that necklace. Mathilde successfully return the borrowed
necklace to her friend without informing her friend what really happened to that necklace.
Days turned to months, and months turned to years. Ten years have gone Mathilde and her husband was able to pay
for the necklace price but they have experience so much chaos and challenges. Mathilde’s beautiful face turn into
something she was not used to.
One day she saw Madam Forestier but the lady didn't recognize her because of her physical appearance, she
manage to have a talk with Madame Forestier and told her everything, she admits her sin and at the end Mathilde
find out that the necklace that she lose is only an imitation and made with cheap materials.

The necklace by Guy De Maupassant showcases how a person can be greedy and materialistic. How greed can
cause chaos in a person’s life. Mathilde plays the role of the main character that embodies a woman who is greedy
and ambitious. The story was set in Paris. Mathilde woman who wants a lavish life and ask things from her husband
more than her husband can provide. Mathilde and her husband live in middle class life, they are not wealthy.
However Mathilde aiming a lavish life, her ambitious act will soon lead to her down fall that will cause chaos in their
marriage life. She was invited to a prestigious ball. A ball that will turn her life into something she could not imagine.
Mathilde was excited to attend the ball. But, wanted to wear expensive dress demanded her husband to provide a
dress, her husband provides what she wanted but, Mathilde wants more. She wanted a jewelry that would fit in her
imagined expensive look. Mathilde have gone to one of her friend to borrow necklace. Matthilde and her husband
have successfully attended the ball. As the ball ended Mathilde realized that the necklace she borrowed was gone.
Mathilde together with her husband search every place at the ball but the necklace is nowhere to be found. They
have decided to pay for the necklace price. This is where her ambition to live in a luxurious life ended.

Furthermore, Mathilde and her husband have spent ten years of their lives paying for the necklace. In this story, the
necklace had a significant impact on Mathide’s discontentment. Because of her ambitious act, she neglected how her
husband made an effort to fulfill her satisfaction. The necklace has brought Mathide to the massive realization that a
lavish and materialistic ambition will just lead her life to nothing.

In addition, Mathilde has realized that living life at your own cost will bring contentment. The regrets of dreaming of a
lavish life had come to her. Ten years of her and her husband's life were wasted just because of her greed. The
necklace represents the materialistic life and discontentment of a person. No matter how much you want a lavish life,
if you don’t work hard for it, it will remain impossible.

Lastly, mathilde’s dream of becoming part of high society has drowned her. Mathide’s discovery of the necklace real
cost had given her thoughts of regrets and chaos. After all those challenges Mathide and her husband has faced
throughout the ten years turns as useless, as if all those sacrifices all have gone into nothing and meaningless.

Finally, this story brought Mathilde the protagonist in the story realization that her greed has caused too much effect
in her and her husband's way of life. If she just lives without greed, her and her husband's life will flow smoothly. This
story creates an understanding to the readers that if you live your life with greed and discontentment at the end you
will just cause chaos to your life, and to those who surrounds you. The necklace has shown how human greediness
creates change and impact. The story wants to picture in reader’s mind, to live life at your own effort and hard work.
Creating a social appearance does not change the reality. Also, this story brings moral lesson to appreciate your
loved ones effort because at the end of the day no one will lend hand to you, only your loved ones.

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