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The Frog and the Nightingale (CWT-3)

Time:- 1hour. Full marks:- 30

(A)Answer all of these questions (2×5=10)
Dumbstruck sat the gaping frog.
And the whole admiring bog
Stared towards the sumac, rapt,
And when she had ended, clapped

Toads and teals and tiddlers, captured

By her voice, cheered on, enraptured:
“Bravo!” “Too divine!” “Encore!”
So the nightingale quite unused to such applause,
Sang till dawn without a pause.

1.What is the whole bog admiring?

2.What did the admiring bog do?

3.Whose voice is being cheered upon?

4.What did the nightingale do after getting all the praise?

5.What was the nightingale not used to?

(B) Answer all of these questions (3×4=12)

1. Why did the frog tell the nightingale to puff her lungs out with a passion?

2.How did the nightingale react to the applause of the bog dwellers?

3.How did the frog convince the nightingale that she needed a trainer?

4.How did the creatures of Bingle bog react to the nightingale’s singing?

(C)Answer all of these questions (4×2=8)

1. What message does the poet wish to give in the poem, “The Frog and the

2. The Nightingale placed her blind trust in the Frog but he exploited her. With reference
to the poem elaborate on the statement ‘Betrayal always come from those whom you

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