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BIO 20 syllabus University of the Philippines London Campus

Module 1: Introduction to Physiology

 Week 1: Overview of Physiology

o Definition and scope of physiology
o Levels of physiological organization (cells, tissues, organs, systems)
o Homeostasis and feedback mechanisms

Module 2: Cellular Physiology

 Week 2: Cell Structure and Function

o Cellular components and their functions
o Membrane structure and transport mechanisms
o Cell communication and signal transduction
 Week 3: Energy and Metabolism
o Bioenergetics and ATP production
o Enzyme function and regulation
o Metabolic pathways (glycolysis, Krebs cycle, oxidative phosphorylation)

Module 3: Nervous System

 Week 4: Nervous System Overview

o Structure and function of neurons
o Neuroglia and their roles
o Central and peripheral nervous systems
 Week 5: Neurophysiology
o Resting membrane potential and action potentials
o Synaptic transmission and neurotransmitters
o Sensory and motor pathways

Module 4: Muscular System

 Week 6: Muscle Structure and Function

o Types of muscle tissue (skeletal, cardiac, smooth)
o Muscle fiber structure and contraction mechanisms
o Neuromuscular junction and excitation-contraction coupling
 Week 7: Muscle Metabolism and Performance
o ATP sources for muscle contraction
o Muscle fatigue and recovery
o Exercise physiology

Module 5: Cardiovascular System

 Week 8: Heart and Circulation

o Anatomy of the heart and blood vessels
o Cardiac cycle and heart sounds
o Regulation of heart rate and blood pressure
 Week 9: Blood and Hemodynamics
o Composition and functions of blood
o Blood clotting and hematopoiesis
o Vascular resistance and blood flow

Module 6: Respiratory System

 Week 10: Respiratory Mechanics

o Anatomy of the respiratory system
o Mechanics of breathing (inspiration and expiration)
o Lung volumes and capacities
 Week 11: Gas Exchange and Transport
o Alveolar gas exchange
o Oxygen and carbon dioxide transport in blood
o Regulation of respiration

Module 7: Renal System and Fluid Balance

 Week 12: Kidney Structure and Function

o Anatomy of the kidney and nephron
o Glomerular filtration, tubular reabsorption, and secretion
o Urine formation and excretion
 Week 13: Fluid and Electrolyte Balance
o Regulation of body fluids and electrolytes
o Acid-base balance
o Hormonal regulation (ADH, aldosterone)

Module 8: Digestive and Endocrine Systems

 Week 14: Digestive System

o Anatomy of the digestive tract
o Digestion and absorption processes
o Regulation of digestive functions
 Week 15: Endocrine System
o Hormone types and functions
o Mechanisms of hormone action
o Major endocrine glands and their hormones (pituitary, thyroid, adrenal, pancreas)

Assessments and Reviews

 Week 16: Review and Midterm Exam

o Review sessions for Modules 1-4
o Midterm exam covering Modules 1-4
 Week 17: Review and Final Exam
o Review sessions for Modules 5-8
o Final exam covering Modules 5-8

Additional Resources

 Textbook Recommendations
o "Human Physiology: An Integrated Approach" by Dee Unglaub Silverthorn
o "Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology" by John E. Hall
 Online Resources
o Physiology web resources (e.g., Khan Academy, Coursera)
o American Physiological Society (APS) resources
o Interactive physiology simulations and animations

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