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Protein Turnover

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Protein Turnover

J.C. Waterlow

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ISBN-10: 0-85199-613-2
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Foreword ix

Acknowledgements xi

1 Basic Principles 1
1.1 Definitions 1
1.2 Notation 2
1.3 Equivalence of Tracer and Tracee 3
1.4 The Kinetics of Protein Turnover 3
1.5 References 6

2 Models and Their Analysis 7

2.1 Models 7
2.2 Compartmental Analysis 8
2.3 Stochastic Analysis 14
2.4 References 17

3 Free Amino Acids: Their Pools, Kinetics and Transport 20

3.1 Amino Acid Pools 20
3.2 Nutritional Effects on the Free Amino Acid Pools 24
3.3 Kinetics of Free Amino Acids 25
3.4 Amino Acid Transport Across Cell Membranes 27
3.5 Conclusion 29
3.6 References 30

4 Metabolism of Some Amino Acids 33

4.1 Leucine 33
4.2 Glycine 35
4.3 Alanine 38
4.4 Glutamine 40
4.5 Glutamic acid 43
4.6 Phenylalanine 44
4.7 Arginine 45

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vi Contents

4.8 Methionine 46
4.9 References 47

5 The Precursor Problem 54

5.1 Transfer-RNA as the Precursor for Synthesis 54
5.2 A ‘Reciprocal’ Metabolite as Precursor 55
5.3 A Rapidly Synthesized Protein as Precursor 59
5.4 Conclusion 60
5.5 References 61

6 Precursor Method: Whole Body Protein Turnover Measured by the Precursor Method 64
6.1 Background 64
6.2 Outline of the Method 65
6.3 Variability of Whole Body Synthesis Rates in Healthy Adults by the Precursor Method 65
6.4 Sites of Administration and of Sampling 66
6.5 Priming 68
6.6 The First-pass Effect 69
6.7 Recycling 71
6.8 Regional Turnover 73
6.9 Measurement of Protein Turnover with Amino Acids other than Leucine 76
6.10 Conclusion 79
6.11 References 80

7 Measurement of Whole Body Protein Turnover by the End-product Method 87

7.1 History 87
7.2 Theory 88
7.3 Alternative End-products (EP) 89
7.4 Measurement of Flux with a Single End-product 90
7.5 Behaviour of Different Amino Acids in the End-product Method: Choice of Glycine 92
7.6 Comparisons of Different Protocols 94
7.7 Summary of Measurements of Protein Synthesis in Normal Adults by the End-product
Method 94
7.8 Variability 95
7.9 Comparison of Synthesis Rates Measured by the End-product and Precursor Methods 96
7.10 Comparison of Oxidation Rates by the Two Methods 97
7.11 The Flux Ratio 98
7.12 Kinetics Findings by the End-product Method 100
7.13 Conclusion 100
7.14 References 102

8 Amino Acid Oxidation and Urea Metabolism 106

8.1 Amino Acid Oxidation 106
8.2 Metabolism of Urea 109
8.3 References 116

9 The Effects of Food and Hormones on Protein Turnover in the Whole Body and
Regions 120
9.1 The Immediate Effects of Food 120
9.2 The Effects of Hormones on Protein Turnover in the Whole Body, Limb or Splanchnic
Region 130
9.3 References 135

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Contents vii

10 Adaptation to Different Protein Intakes: Protein and Amino Acid Requirements 142
10.1 Adaptation 142
10.2 Requirements for Protein and Amino Acids 148
10.3 References 156

11 Physiological Determinants of Protein Turnover 160

11.1 Body Size – the Contribution of Allometry 160
11.2 Growth and its Cost 165
11.3 The Effect of Muscular Activity and Immobility on Protein Turnover 171
11.4 Conclusion 176
11.5 References 176

12 Whole Body Protein Turnover at Different Ages and in Pregnancy and Lactation 182
12.1 Premature Infants 182
12.2 Neonates 184
12.3 Infants 6 months–2 years 184
12.4 Older Children 186
12.5 Pregnancy 186
12.6 Lactation 190
12.7 The Elderly 191
12.8 References 194

13 Protein Turnover in Some Pathological States: Malnutrition and Trauma 200

13.1 Malnutrition 200
13.2 Trauma 203
13.3 References 207

14 Protein Turnover in Individual Tissues: Methods of Measurement and Relations to

RNA 210
14.1 Methods of Breakdown 210
14.2 Measurements of Synthesis 214
14.3 RNA Content and Activity 217
14.4 References 219

15 Protein Turnover in Tissues: Effects of Food and Hormones 223

15.1 Synthesis in the Normal State 223
15.2 The effects of Food on Protein Turnover in Tissues 227
15.3 The Effects of Hormones on Protein Turnover in Tissues 234
15.4 References 241

16 Plasma Proteins 250

16.1 Albumin 250
16.2 Other Nutrient Transport Proteins 258
16.3 The Acute-phase Proteins 259
16.4 The Immunoglobulins 263
16.5 References 264

17 Collagen Turnover 270

17.1 Collagen Turnover 270
17.2 Markers of Synthesis and Breakdown 272
17.3 References 273

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18 The Coordination of Synthesis and Breakdown 275
18.1 Synthesis 275
18.2 Breakdown 276
18.3 Coordination 281
18.4 References 283

Index 287

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When I first planned this book my idea was to produce an update of the book we published in 1978 on
Protein Turnover in Mammalian Tissues and the Whole Body (Waterlow et al. 1978). It soon became
clear that such a vast amount of work has been done in this field in the last 25 years that a new book
was needed rather than a revision. But is there a need, since several books have already been produced,
such as those of Wolfe (1984, 1992) and Welle (1999), together with numerous reviews and reports of
conferences? None of these is entirely comprehensive, giving a conspectus of the whole field. There is,
however, another and to me more compelling reason for embarking on this enterprise. Twenty-five
years ago, with the increasing availability of stable isotopes and mass spectrometers, a huge new field
was opening up for human studies. It extended also to experimental work on animals, since I have
been told that it costs less to use stable isotopes than to provide all the facilities needed for working
safely with radioisotopes. Good use has been made of these new developments, but I believe we are
coming to the end of an era. Even a cursory look at the physiological and clinical journals shows that
simple measurement of synthesis and breakdown rates is being overtaken by studies to unravel the
molecular biology of these processes. The change of emphasis is part of scientific advance, and is to be
welcomed, although many have expressed fears of excessive reductionism; but the pieces, after being
taken apart, must be put together again to see how they work as a whole. Here kinetic studies may
perhaps play a role. There may be an analogy with the contribution of metabolic control theory to our
understanding of the rates of reaction through a sequence of enzymes. An interesting question that has
not to my knowledge been tackled is whether the ‘use’ of an enzyme affects its rates of synthesis and
This is looking forward, in the hope that protein kinetics at the molecular level may still have
something to contribute. However, I have another aim in this book: to look back at the past and pay
tribute to all who have contributed to our present knowledge, with studies that may be completely
forgotten in the future. An example is the work on the turnover of plasma proteins labelled with
radioactive iodine isotopes. This dominated two decades, from 1960 to 1980, and produced huge
numbers of papers and reports on conferences. One of these, named Protein Turnover (Wolstenholme,
1970) was entirely devoted to plasma proteins, as if no others existed. Has all this work, and the
mathematics that went with it, anything to offer us now? I believe that it has, though it would be hard
to define exactly what.
It is possible that work on whole body protein turnover will meet the same fate as that on iodine-
labelled plasma proteins, and disappear into a forgotten limbo. However, I hope that this will not
happen, because if it is accepted that protein turnover is a biological process of great importance,


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x Foreword

equivalent to oxygen turnover, then we need to know more about it in different groups of people under
different circumstances; we need to bring our knowledge to equal that of oxygen turnover or metabolic
In citing references I have used the Harvard system because a name in the text not only refers to a
particular paper but recalls a person or a group with whose work I am familiar. Some of these authors I
know personally; others I do not, but I feel as if I did. The Harvard system has a human factor which
the other systems lack. I apologize to authors whose relevant papers I have missed. Since readers may
feel that too many references are cited, to them also I apologize: it is not easy to get the right balance.
This book is dedicated to Vernon R. Young, in recognition of his great contribution to the field, his
stimulus and comradeship.

Waterlow, J.C., Millward, D.J. and Garlick, P.J. (1978) Protein Turnover in Mammalian Tissues and in
the Whole Body. North-Holland, Amsterdam.
Welle, S. (1999) Human Protein Metabolism. Springer-Verlag, New York.
Wolfe, R.R. (1984) Tracers in Metabolic Research. Radioisotope and Stable Isotope/Mass
Spectrometry Methods. Alan Liss, New York.
Wolfe, R.R. (1992) Radioactive and Stable Isotopic Tracers in Biomedicine. Wiley-Liss, New York.
Wolstenholme, G.E.W. and O’Connor, M. (1970) (eds.) Protein Turnover. CIBA Foundation
Symposium no. 9. Elsevier, Amsterdam.

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I acknowledge with gratitude the help and interest of Sarah Duggleby who compiled most of the data
on the end-product method (Chapter 7) and of David Halliday in collating information for me from the
British Library. I am deeply indebted also to Keith Slevin for the computer analysis of recycling in
Chapter 6; and to the extraordinary endurance and efficiency of Mrs Constance Reed, who typed and
re-typed numerous handwritten drafts; and to Dr Joan Stephen and my wife Angela for their
encouragement and patience during the 3 years of writing this book.


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Basic Principles

The concept that the standard components of the 1.1.2 Compartment

body are continually being replaced is not exactly
new. Brown (1999: 17) tells us that, ‘The idea of A ‘compartment’ is a collection of material that is
“dynamic permanence” was developed by separable, anatomically or functionally, from other
Alcmaeon in the 6th century BC, according to compartments. The term ‘pool’ refers to the con-
which the structure of the body was continuously tents of a compartment and implies that the con-
being broken down and being replaced by new tents are homogeneous. In studies of whole body
structures and substances derived from food’. protein turnover we refer to the pools of free and
Nearly three millennia later the French physiolo- protein-bound amino acids, but this is a gross over-
gist Magendie wrote, ‘It is extremely probable simplification of the real situation. In reality there
that all parts of the body of man experience an are as many different protein-bound pools as there
intestine movement which has the double effect are different proteins, differing in their composi-
of expelling the molecules that can or ought no tion, structure and turnover rates. The free amino
longer to compose the organs, and replacing them acid pools are separate in the intracellular and
by new molecules. This internal intimate motion, extracellular compartments and in the extracellular
constitutes nutrition’ (quoted by Munro, 1964: 7). compartment they are separate in the plasma and
It was not until 100 years later that the work of extracellular space. The evidence for the reality of
Schoenheimer and his colleagues put the concept this separateness comes from tracer studies show-
on a scientific basis (Schoenheimer, 1942). ing that a steady state of labelling at different levels
can be observed in two compartments. There is
much evidence also that the intracellular free amino
1.1 Definitions acid pool is not homogeneous and is distributed
between different sub-cellular compartments. It is
1.1.1 Turnover entirely possible that within the cell there is no
physical separation, but a gradient, with events
‘Turnover’ describes in a single word occurring at different points along the gradient.
Schoenheimer’s ‘Dynamic State of Body Thus the defining of compartments and pools in the
Constituents’ (Schoenheimer, 1942). It covers the construction of models (see below) involves a high
renewal or replacement of a biological substance level of abstraction. Nevertheless, there is, of
as well as the exchange of material between dif- course, a real difference between pools of amino
ferent compartments. In relation to protein, we acids and pools of protein, and it is often conve-
use ‘turnover’ as a general term to describe both nient to distinguish between amino acids as the pre-
synthesis and breakdown. In the early days some cursor and protein as the product. In the case of
authors equated turnover with protein breakdown, breakdown the reverse is of course the case: protein
but this usage is now obsolete. is the precursor and amino acids the product.

© J.C. Waterlow 2006. Protein Turnover (J.C. Waterlow) 1

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2 Chapter 1

Another term that needs to be defined is flux, amount/time). The italic capital desig-
which refers to the rate of flow (amount/time) of nates a rate.
material between any two compartments. Wolfe Subscripts identify the pools between
(1984) has objected to the word as being too which the exchange is occurring and its
vague. This is indeed true and the two compart- duration. QBA means flux to pool B from
ments between which the flow is occurring need pool A.
to be defined. Common variants of Q are V or F.
The exchanges between free amino acids and In accordance with much physiologi-
protein occur in both directions. They can there- cal practice, rates are sometimes desig-
fore be looked at in two ways. The forward nated by a superscript dot.
direction involves the disappearance or disposal A = rate of appearance of tracee in a sam-
(D) of amino acids into ‘sinks’ – protein synthe- pled pool.
sis and oxidation – from which the same amino D = rate of disposal of tracee from a sampled
acids do not return, at least within the duration of pool.
the measurement. This assumption is in practice Ra and Rd are commonly used instead of
largely justified: since the protein pool is many A and D, but it is contrary to normal sci-
times the size of the free amino acid pool, the entific practice to write R for rate. The
chance that a particular amino acid will be taken relationship of A and D to rates of
up into protein and come out again in a few breakdown and synthesis are considered
hours is small and is usually neglected; this sub- in Chapter 2.
ject is discussed in more detail in Chapter 6. S = rate of protein synthesis.
When a tracer is used it is disposed of along with B = rate of protein breakdown.
the tracee, and the disposal rate is determined Alternative terms with the same meaning are
from the rate of disappearance of tracer. The degradation and proteolysis; but since D refers
reverse reaction involves the appearance (A) of to disposal it is best to use B for all these
amino acids in the free pool derived from protein names.
breakdown, food or de novo synthesis. Since O = rate of amino acid oxidation.
these amino acids are unlabelled, they dilute the E = rate of nitrogen excretion.
tracer in the free pool, and the appearance rate is I = rate of intake from food.
determined from the rate of dilution of the tracer. Lower case letters are used for tracer: e.g. mA
In the steady state A and D are the same – two = amount of tracer in pool A.
sides of one coin. It is only when we are dealing ε = enrichment; either specific radioactivity
with non-steady states that it becomes important or isotope abundance.
to distinguish between them. Subscript indicates what is enriched, e.g.
The term enrichment is used in this book both εleu, but if it is obviously leucine, then
for specific radioactivity in the case of radioac- one might write εp for the enrichment of
tive tracers and isotopic abundance for stable iso- leucine in plasma.
topic tracers. i = amount of tracer administered (moles).
Alternatively, it may be convenient to
write d or d for tracer given by single
1.2 Notation dose or continuous infusion.
k = fractional rate coefficient:units fraction/
Atkins (1969) published a table comparing the time
different systems of notation used by different kAB = fraction of pool B transferred to A per
authors. There is still no uniformity. In this book unit time.
we use the following notation: capital letters sig- ks, kd = fractional rates of synthesis and break-
nify tracee, lower case letters tracer. down of a pool of protein.
It would be more logical to use kb rather
M = amount of a substance in a given pool than kd for breakdown, but kd has
(units g or moles). become imbedded in the literature.
Subscripts, e.g. MA, identify the pool. T = half-life, = ln 2/k = 0.693/k units:
Q = flux or rate of transfer (units time1

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Basic Principles 3

λ1, λ2 … = exponential rate constants; units 1.4 The Kinetics of Protein Turnover
X1, X2 = coefficients in exponential equations; 1.4.1 Random turnover
units: amounts of activity or enrich-
ment as per cent of tracer dose. The word ‘kinetics’ in this context is not used
with the same precision as in chemistry or enzy-
FSR, abbreviation for fractional synthesis mology. The complexity of the molecular
rate, is widely used as the equivalent of ks. The processes of both synthesis and breakdown makes
denominator of this fraction is often taken as 100 it difficult to see how the terminology of classical
so that an FSR of 0.10 becomes 10% per day. enzyme kinetics could have any real application. I
This expression is unfortunately out of line with do not think that in the field of protein turnover
other quantities related to protein synthesis, such there are really many observations that appear to
as RNA concentration, [RNA], usually expressed follow a particular reaction order. There are per-
as mg RNA per gram of protein, or RNA activity haps exceptions, such as plasma protein turnover
(kRNA) in units of g protein synthesized per g (Chapter 15) and enzyme induction and decay, but
RNA. To be in line with these, a fractional syn- they are few (see, for example, Schimke, 1970
thesis rate of 0.10 should be expanded to be per and Waterlow et al., 1978). On the contrary, I
thousand, i.e. 100 mg synthesized per g protein. believe that it is no more than an assumption, for
We shall, however, retain the FSR expressed as a mathematical convenience, that the transfers of
percentage because it is deeply embedded in the protein breakdown are considered to be first order
literature. reactions, occurring at a constant fractional rate,
NOLD is an acronym for non-oxidative or k, which is usually referred to as the ‘rate con-
leucine disposal, used rather than ‘synthesis’ in stant’. Glynn (1991) pointed out that this term is
studies with leucine, apparently to avoid confu- not appropriate: an analogy is with interest on
sion with de novo synthesis of leucine. This money invested, which may be constant for a
seems unnecessarily clumsy since, apart from the time, but may also change from time to time, and
fact that there is no de novo synthesis of leucine, so he proposed instead the term ‘rate coefficient’.
the synthesis of leucine into protein is a perfectly A zero order process, by contrast, is one in which
natural expression, obvious from the context. a constant amount of material is transferred,
regardless of the size of the pool from which it
comes. It might be better, to avoid unjustified
assumptions, to refer to these two processes as
1.3 Equivalence of Tracer and Tracee ‘constant amount’ and ‘constant fraction’, rather
than zero order and first order – but even this is
It is a basic assumption that labelling a molecule not proved to be correct.
does not alter its metabolism, so that the tracee An essential feature of both processes is ran-
behaves in exactly the same way as the tracer. This dom selection of the molecules being metabo-
is not strictly correct: a small amount of biological lized. Randomness requires that all members of a
fractionation has been found between, for example, molecular species in a pool be treated in the same
deuterium and hydrogen or between 15N and 14N. way, whether unlabelled or labelled.
Similarly, there may be differences between The behaviour of the tracer in a random con-
the metabolism of a substance labelled with two stant fraction process is illustrated by the well-
different tracers. Bennet et al. (1993) found that known analogy of a tank with constant and equal
fluxes obtained with [1-14C] leucine were about inflow and outflow of water, and hence constant
3–8% higher than those with [4.5 – 3H] leucine. volume, M, of water in the tank. If a bolus of
They concluded that the difference arose from some tracer, m, is added and instantaneously well
discrimination in vivo rather than during the ana- mixed, the change with time of the amount of m
lytical procedures. Usually it will not matter, but in the tank is: dm/dt = V/M, where V is the rate
it may become important when two tracers are of inflow or outflow.V/M = k; integrating gives
used together to give a difference, as in measure- mt/mo = exp(kt), where mo is the initial amount
ments of splanchnic uptake (see Chapter 6, sec- of tracer and mt the amount remaining at time t.
tion 6). Since M is constant, the same holds for enrich-

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4 Chapter 1

ment, m/M, as for amount of tracer. This relation- labelled with radioactive isotopes of iodine (see
ship produces a straight line on a semi-log plot, Chapter 15). An interesting relationship emerges
sometimes referred to as ‘exponential kinetics’. that has been explored particularly by Schimke
Exponential kinetics can probably be regarded (1970) in relation to enzyme induction. Suppose
as proof of a random process, but the reverse that synthesis can be represented as a constant
does not apply. If the enrichment–time relation- amount process and breakdown as a constant
ship is not exponential, the process may still be fractional process: Mo is the initial protein mass,
random. A situation in which input and output are and So and kd the initial rates of synthesis and
not equal, so that M is changing, produces a breakdown in a steady state, so that So = kd.Mo. If
curvilinear relationship, either concave or con- S undergoes a finite change to St, then M will
vex, according to whether the output is greater or increase and a new steady state will be achieved
less than the input (Shipley and Clark, 1972: 166), at which St = kd.Mt and the amounts of synthesis
but the decay is still random. and breakdown are equal. This will represent a
In the tank analogy in a steady state a constant change of steady state at the expense of mass M.
amount process also produces apparent exponen- Koch (1962) extended this idea to a non-steady
tial kinetics, since if M remains unchanged a con- state such as growth, in which both M and S are
stant amount is the same as a constant fraction. changing continuously. If after a bolus dose of
The two processes can only be differentiated in tracer the protein mass moves from Mo to Mt but
the non-steady state when the pool size M is kd remains unchanged, the exponential line
changing. describing the fall in amount of tracer vs. time
A good example of a non-steady state is the will remain unchanged, but the process of synthe-
flooding dose method of measuring protein syn- sis dilutes the tracer, so the fall in enrichment will
thesis, in which a large dose of tracee is given be steeper. Thus simultaneous measurements of
along with the tracer (see Chapter 14). The amount and enrichment will allow determination
assumption of first order kinetics for synthesis has of rates of both synthesis and breakdown. This
led some authors, e.g. Toffolo et al. (1993) and principle has been applied to measuring the
Chinkes et al. (1993), to propose that the increase turnover rates of muscle protein in the growing
in synthesis observed with the flood is the neces- rat (Millward, 1970).
sary consequence of the expansion of the precur- In conclusion, ks and kd are useful ways of
sor amino acid pool produced by the flood. This expressing experimental observations but no con-
position is hardly tenable; there are many situa- clusion can be drawn from them about the under-
tions in which an increased amino acid supply lying kinetics. It is wise to bear in mind Steele’s
stimulates protein synthesis, but we now recog- (1971) dictum: ‘It has become the custom to use
nize that the stimulus involves a complex sig- reaction-order as a simple description of experi-
nalling pathway, ending in an equally complex set mental observations.’ Analysis of many of the
of initiation factors. It is inconceivable that this models described in the next chapter goes well
regulatory chain should be describable by a sim- beyond this dictum.
ple (or, in the case of Toffolo et al., not so simple)
mathematical equation. On the other hand, when
the amount of protein newly synthesized over a 1.4.2 Non-random turnover
given time interval is determined experimentally,
accurately or not, it is entirely acceptable to Non-random implies selection. Synthesis of pro-
express this increment as a fraction of the existing teins is a non-random process par excellence,
protein mass – a fraction commonly denoted ks: since amino acids are selected for synthesis by the
but the expression should not imply a constant genetic code. There are also interesting possibili-
fractional process. This convention is useful ties of non-random breakdown, of which the most
because it enables direct comparison between ks important is life-cycle kinetics. The classical
and kd, the fractional rate of degradation. example is haemoglobin, which has a life cycle in
There are many observations suggesting that an adult man of the order of 120 days, and is broken
protein breakdown can be described with reason- down when the red cell is destroyed. Another
able accuracy as a constant fractional process: an example is the epithelial cells of the gut mucosa
example is the early work on plasma albumin which, over a period of about 4 days, migrate

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Basic Principles 5

from the crypt to the tip of the villus and then fall such stress might result from contraction and
off. The cells and their contained proteins are then expansion of the molecule as its energy level
broken down by the enzymes of the gastrointesti- changed. Garlick (in Waterlow et al., 1978) cal-
nal tract. A particularly striking case, described by culated that when the average number of events
Hall et al. (1969), is the apoprotein of the visual needed to produce breakdown is large, with a rel-
pigment of the rods in the retina of the frog. If a atively small coefficient of variation (cv) the
pulse dose is given of a labelled amino acid a disc resulting survivor curve (proportion of molecules
of labelled pigment appears at the base of the cell not broken down at any time) resembles that of
and gradually migrates to the apex, where it disap- life-span kinetics. When the number of stresses
pears (Fig. 1.1). The average life-span of the pro- needed is small, with a large coefficient of varia-
tein in this study was about 9 weeks. It is probable tion, the curve comes closer to the exponential
that life-span kinetics is commoner than has been (Fig. 1.2).
thought, and occurs particularly in tissues with a More work to distinguish between random
high rate of cell turnover, such as the immune sys- and non-random kinetics of protein breakdown
tem and the epidermis. might well be rewarding, throwing light on the
It has also been suggested that breakdown molecular dynamics of the process. However,
might be best described by a power function there are difficulties; with fast turning over pro-
which produces a linear relation between tracer teins labelling of a cohort of newly synthesized
concentration versus time on a log–log plot protein molecules is unlikely to be absolutely
(Wise, 1978), but it is difficult to see the physio- simultaneous. Moreover, if decay has to be stud-
logical meaning of such a relationship. ied over several half-lives, reutilization of tracer
Another type of non-random breakdown becomes a serious problem (see Chapter 6).
would depend on the age of the molecules as well
as their structure. Suppose that a protein molecule
became susceptible to attack by degradative 1.5 References
enzymes when it had been subjected to a certain
number of stresses, which occurred at random. Atkins, G.L. (1969) Multicompartment Models for
Perutz (personal communication) suggested that Biological Systems. Methuen, London.

Fig. 1.1. Specific radioactivity of the purified visual pigment of frog retina as a function of time after
injection of labelled amino acids. Top curve: dpm per unit absorbance at 500 nm. This represents the
absorbance of the visual pigment. Lower curve: dpm per unit absorbance at 280 nm. This represents the
absorbance of the apoprotein of the pigment. Reproduced from Hall et al. (1969), by courtesy of the Journal
of Molecular Biology.

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6 Chapter 1

Garlick, P.J. (1978) Tracer decay by ‘multiple event’

kinetics. In: Waterlow, J.C., Garlick, P.J. and
Millward, D.J. (eds) Protein Turnover in
Mammalian Tissues and the Whole Body. North-
Holland, Amsterdam, p. 215.
Glynn, J.M. (1991) The ambiguity of changes in the
rate constants of fluxes. Clinical Science 80, 85–86.
Hall, M.O., Bok, D. and Bacharach, A.D.E. (1969)
Biosynthesis and assembly of the rod outer segment
membrane system. Formation and fate of visual pig-
ment in the frog retina. Journal of Molecular
Biology 45, 397–406.
Koch, A.L. (1962) The evaluation of the rates of biolog-
ical processes from tracer kinetic data. 1. The influ-
ence of labile metabolic pools. Journal of
Theoretical Biology 3, 283–303.
Millward, D.J. (1970) Protein turnover in skeletal mus-
cle. I. The measurement of rates of synthesis and
catabolism of skeletal muscle protein using [14C]
Na2CO3 to label protein. Clinical Science 39,
Munro, H.N. (1964) Historical Introduction. In: Munro,
H.N. and Allison, J.B. (eds) Mammalian Protein
Metabolism, Academic Press, London, p. 7.
Schimke, R.T. (1970) Regulation of protein degradation
Fig. 1.2. Diagrammatic representation of different in mammalian tissues. In: Munro, H.N. (ed.)
kinetic patterns of breakdown. Mammalian Protein Metabolism Vol. IV. Academic
Abscissa: time; ordinate: per cent survivors. Press, New York, pp. 177–228.
– – – –, exponential breakdown; half-life 5 days. Schoenheimer, R. (1942) The Dynamic State of Body
•——•, ‘multiple event’ breakdown; mean life-span Constituents. Harvard University Press, Cambridge,
10 ± 1 days (100 ‘events’ required for breakdown). Massachusetts.
ο——ο, ‘multiple event’ breakdown; mean life-span Shipley, R.A. and Clark, R.E. (1972) Tracer Methods
10 ± 5 days (4 ‘events’ required for breakdown). for In Vivo Kinetics. Academic Press, New York.
Reproduced from Waterlow et al. (1978). Steele, R. (1971) Tracer Probes in Steady State
Systems. C.C. Thomas, Springfield, Illinois.
Bennet, W.M., Gan-Gaisano, M.C. and Haymond, Toffolo, G., Foster, D.M. and Cobelli, C. (1993)
M.W. (1993) Tritium and 14C isotope effects using Estimation of protein fractional synthetic rate from
tracers of leucine and alpha-ketoisocaproate. tracer data. American Journal of Physiology 264,
European Journal of Clinical Investigation 23, E128–135.
350–355. Waterlow, J.C., Millward, D.J. and Garlick, P.J. (1978)
Brown, G. (1999) The Energy of Life. Flamingo, Protein Turnover in Mammalian Tissues and in the
London, p. 17. Whole Body. North-Holland, Amsterdam.
Chinkes, D.L., Rosenblatt, J. and Wolfe, R.R. (1993) Wise, M.E. (1979) Fitting and interpreting dynamic
Assessment of the mathematical issues involved in tracer data. Clinical Science 56, 513–515.
measuring the fractional synthesis rate of protein Wolfe, R.R. (1984) Tracers in Metabolic Research:
using the flooding dose technique. Clinical Science Radioisotope and Stable Isotope/Mass Spectrometry
84, 177–183. Methods. Alan R. Liss, NewYork.

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Models and Their Analysis

2.1 Models which have proved useful in the analysis of pro-

tein turnover.
Metabolic models describe the dynamic aspects There are two strands in the development of
of metabolism, in contrast to the static descrip- the models that are used in studies of protein
tions of metabolic maps, which tell us of the turnover. The first is that the model should have
pathways that exist but not of the traffic through some basis in the real physiological and anatomi-
them. In the words of Kacser and Burns (1973): cal properties of the system; the second is that it
‘These maps give information on the structure of should be capable of mathematical analysis. The
the system: they tell us about transformations, deductions from the analysis can then be com-
syntheses and degradations and they tell us about pared with the observed data and the model
the molecular anatomy. They tell us “what goes” adjusted to give the best fit. The difficulty is that
but not “how much”.’ An anonymous editorial in although a good fit fortifies confidence in the
the Journal of the American Medical Association validity of the model, there is still no way of
(1960) said: ‘A model, like a map, cannot show being certain that the process of simplification,
everything … the model-maker’s problem is to which is an essential part of model-building, may
distinguish between the superfluous and the not have ‘edited out’ some important component.
essential.’ The development of metabolic models In the case of protein turnover there is no ‘true’
was largely a consequence of the introduction of measurement of it that would act as a ‘gold stan-
isotopes as tracers, without which dynamic mea- dard’, in the way, for example, that analysis of
surements would not be possible. Schoenheimer cadavers is a gold standard for indirect measure-
makes no mention of models in his pioneer book ments of body composition in vivo.
(1942), but those who came after him soon real- How can we tell that a model provides a
ized that for quantitative analysis it was neces- ‘true’, if simplified, description of the kinetics
sary to have a model as a simplified that it is supposed to represent? Of course it
representation of a complex reality. The develop- increases confidence in the model if compart-
ment and analysis of models have become so mental and stochastic approaches (see below)
sophisticated that it requires a good knowledge of give the same answer, as was shown by Searle
mathematics and statistics to understand them. and Cavalieri (1972) for lactate kinetics. This
More than 25 years ago Siebert (1978), in a paper does not, however, prove that the result obtained
with the title ‘Good manners in good modelling’, is ‘correct’. The only way of testing for ‘correct-
pointed out that ‘The rise of the communication ness’ is to compare a result predicted from a
sciences has had much to do with stimulating the model with one obtained independently without
use of mathematical models (often as computer a model. The only test of this kind that we know
simulations)’ and complained that ‘Many models of is an analysis by Matthews and Cobelli (1991)
are implicated in forms that are difficult to com- of a study by Rodriguez et al. (1986) of the
prehend by any but the modeller himself.’ Here effect on leucine kinetics of infusing trioctanoin.
we shall confine ourselves to simple examples Measurement of the fraction of the infused tracer

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8 Chapter 2

excreted in CO2 showed that the octanoin will frequently come up for the putative existence
increased the excretion nearly threefold. This of sub-compartments or gradients within cells,
measurement is a direct one, independent of any between which mixing is not instantaneous or
model. By comparison, a two-pool model of complete.
Nissen and Haymond (1981) of the kinetics of The second assumption is that transfers
leucine and its transamination product showed between compartments occur at constant frac-
no increase in labelled CO2 output with the infu- tional rates. This assumption is necessary for
sion of trioctanoin. The model was clearly inade- compartmental analysis, and was originally
quate. referred to as the ‘rule’ of the model (Waterlow et
A distinction is sometimes made between al., 1978). In the previous chapter it was argued
‘compartmental’ and ‘stochastic’ models. that this ‘rule’ has no sound theoretical basis. It is
‘Stochastic’, according to the Shorter Oxford anyway irrelevant for stochastic analysis, when a
Dictionary, means ‘pertaining to conjecture’, steady state of tracer has been achieved.
from the Greek for aim or guess. According to the The third assumption is that the amount of
dictionary the word is rare and obsolete; the com- metabolite in each pool remains constant
pilers could not have foreseen its future popular- throughout the period of observation, i.e. that
ity! Stochastic implies a black-box approach, in there is a steady state of tracee. This assumption
which one is interested only in input and output, is convenient but not essential, and is probably
and not in what happens in between. This way of accurate enough in many short-term studies.
looking at it may have been useful in the early Another usual assumption is that protein oper-
days, but is no longer appropriate. Both so-called ates as a sink which is so large and turns over so
compartmental and stochastic approaches require slowly that once tracer has entered it, it does not
models, which may often be identical. The differ- return within the time of measurement, in spite of
ence between them lies in the experimental the continuing exchange of tracee with the pre-
method and the analysis. In the former, one or cursor pool. This return of tracer is called ‘recy-
more tracers is given in a single dose, and the cling’, and again it is not always justifiable to
kinetic parameters determined from the curve(s) ignore it (see Chapter 6, section 6.7). In the
of enrichment with time in the sampled compart- description of models that follows we regard pro-
ment(s). In the latter the tracers are given by con- tein(s) as pool(s), just like any others, although
tinuous infusion and the parameters determined some authors do not follow this convention.
from the enrichment in the sampled compart-
ments when an isotopic steady state has been
achieved. The two approaches could be differen- 2.2 Compartmental Analysis
tiated as isotopic non-steady and steady states,
where ‘steady’ refers to the concentration of the Historically, compartmental analysis was the first
tracer, not of the tracee. It is curious that the non- technique to be applied to isotopic measurements
steady state was historically the first to be exam- of metabolic transfer rates. In the early days it
ined, although the steady state approach requires was used particularly for studies on glucose
a less elaborate mathematical analysis. In what metabolism, which is more complicated than that
follows we shall retain the old terms because of amino acids and protein. The mathematics
their usage is familiar. have been set out by Reiner (1953), Robertson
Several assumptions are commonly made with (1957), Russell (1958), Zilversmit (1960), Steele
both types of model. The first is that the pools are (1971), Shipley and Clark (1972), Wolfe (1984),
homogeneous. This assumption is necessary for Cobelli and Toffolo (1984), and many others.
analysis, but is incorrect. Even such a clear-cut The simplest model is the tank described ear-
entity as the extra-vascular part of the extracellu- lier: a single pool from which tracer given as a
lar fluid is not homogeneous, part of it being pulse dose disappears exponentially, i.e. linearly
bound to extra-cellular proteins (Holliday, 1999). on a semi-log plot of concentration against time.
The intracellular pool is even less homogeneous; A two-pool system gives a curve which is the
the cell is a highly organized structure, not just a sum of two exponentials; in general, the number
bag of enzymes – see Fig. 18.3 (Welch, of exponentials that can be extracted from the
1986,1987), and there is much evidence which curve is equal to the number of separate compart-

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Models and Their Analysis 9

ments in the system. The general equation is application: (i) the activity curve of the product
therefore: crosses that of the precursor at the point where
the product curve is at its maximum; thereafter
C = X1.exp (–λ1t) + X2.exp (–λ2t) + X3.exp (–λ3t) … the two curves are parallel; (ii) the enrichments of
where the units of C and X are activity or frac- all products derived from the same precursor are
tions of dose, such that the sum of the Xs = C, equal.
and the λs are exponential coefficients. In the Two examples of compartmental analysis may
days before computers the curves could be sepa- be of interest to illustrate the early application of
rated into their component semilog slopes by the these principles to three-pool models. The first
process known as ‘peeling’ (Shipley and Clark, relates to studies of plasma albumin by Matthews
1972: 24). Nowadays this is done by computer, (1957) (Fig. 2.1). The paper gives an example of
but even so the experimental observations are sel- curve-splitting or peeling as well as a detailed
dom accurate enough for more than three slopes exposition of the mathematics. The specific activ-
to be identified. For accuracy it is necessary that ity curve suggested that the extravascular albu-
the slopes (exponential coefficients) should differ min pool could be divided into two compartments
by a large factor, at least an order of magnitude. instead of one, as had previously been supposed.
Myhill (1967) pointed out that in a two-compart- It is possible, as suggested by Holliday (1999),
ment system with exponential coefficients differ- that the second compartment may be the extracel-
ing by a factor of ten when the curve is defined lular water associated with connective tissues,
by 11 points, a 5% random error in the measure- where the water is partially bound to proteo-gly-
ments will produce an error of 44% in the value cans. This is an example of the structure of a
of the smallest exponential, which is generally model being modified by the results.
considered to be the most important. If a further Another instructive case is a study by Olesen
20 measurements are made the error is still 32%. et al. (1954) in which [15N]-glycine was given in
Atkins (1972) extended this analysis to show the a single dose and the excretion of [15N] measured
enormous errors that may result in the derived in the urine over 2 weeks. Their model had three
values of the fractional rate coefficients, k, which pools, an amino acid pool and two protein pools,
describe the rates of exchange between the com- one turning over fast and the other slowly. The
partments. The k values can be derived from the slow pool was defined by the terminal part of the
slopes, λ, of the experimental curve by an algebra excretion curve. Examination of the results shows
which becomes progressively more complicated that it would be necessary to continue urine col-
as the number of exponentials increases (Shipley lection for 10 days before the curve deviated
and Clark, 1972: Appendix I). Nowadays, of enough from that of a two-pool model for a clear
course, the solutions can be found by computer. distinction to be made between one and two pro-
The total disposal, however, can be found tein pools. This illustrates the limitations of com-
quite simply from the area under the curve, calcu- partmental analysis. Other landmark studies of
lated as: this period are those of Henriques et al. (1955),
Wu et al. (1959) and Reilly and Green (1975).
D= In the 1980s, when computers arrived on the
∑ Xi/λi
scene, compartmental models became more ambi-
Although both compartmental and stochastic tious. If the information that could be obtained with
analysis include reactions occurring in both direc- a single tracer is in practice limited to exchanges
tions between two pools, it is sometimes conve- between three pools, the next step was to use more
nient to concentrate on one direction only, in than one tracer and more than one sampling site.
which pool A is the precursor of the product in Three examples of multicompartment models are
pool B. The concept of a precursor-product rela- summarized in Table 2.1 and Figs 2.2 to 2.4: they
tionship is particularly useful in carbohydrate all include three additional pools concerned with
metabolism, where some reactions are irre- CO2 production and excretion. This may be treated
versible and the product turns over rapidly, unlike as a separate process with its own kinetics and
the slowly turning over pool of protein. The treat- requiring its own tracer (see Chapter 8). It is the
ment of the precursor-product relationship by rest of the model that is interesting. The model of
Zilversmit (1960) leads to some rules of general Umpleby et al. (1986) (Fig. 2.2) has three leucine

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10 Chapter 2

Table 2.1. Characteristics of three multi-compartment models.

Umpleby Irving Cobelli

Number of pools:
Total 7 11 13
Leucine 2 4 4
KIC – – 3
Bicarbonate 3 4 4
Protein 2a 2 2b
Intermediate – 1 –
Tracer and route:
14C-leucine IV 13C-leucine IV 14C-leucine IV
3 3
15N-lysine, oral 13C HCO IV
13C-leucine IV

by constant infusion

From Umpleby et al. (1986); Irving et al. (1986); Cobelli et al. (1991).
All tracers given as IV bolus, except where indicated (Cobelli).
aThe description of the model identified only one protein pool, but a second is implied and included here.
bThe description of the model does not include any protein pools, but two are implied and are included


Fig. 2.1. Analysis by ‘peeling’ of plasma activity curve after a single injection of [131I] albumin into a
human subject. Reproduced from Matthews (1957), by courtesy of Physics in Biology and Medicine.

pools arranged in sequence; the unusual feature of Irving et al. (1986) (Fig. 2.3) was designed to give
it is that one of these pools is conceived as receiv- separate information about the turnover of fast and
ing the products of protein breakdown but is not the slow proteins. It therefore had two precursor pools,
precursor pool for protein synthesis. The model of one for visceral proteins, receiving an oral dose of

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Models and Their Analysis 11

Fig. 2.2. Compartmental model of leucine and bicarbonate metabolism. The single arrows represent the
direction of flux between compartments in or out of the system. The double arrow indicates the site of
injection of tracer. Reproduced from Umpleby et al. (1986), by courtesy of Diabetologia.

tracer, and one for peripheral proteins, receiving nicated with protein, one with rapid return of tracer,
tracer by the intravenous route. These two precur- representing fast-turning over protein and two with
sor pools were connected by a central pool, with no return of tracer. This model required the input of
flows in both directions. The most complex model two tracers apart from that for CO2, one of leucine
is that of Cobelli et al. (1991) (Fig. 2.4). Like and one of KIC. In some studies they were given in
Irving’s model it had four leucine pools, with three a single intravenous dose, in others by constant
pools added on representing the metabolism of - infusion.
ketoisocaproate (KIC), the transamination product A similar multi-compartmental model has
of leucine and the precursor for CO2 production been produced to describe the kinetics of VLDL-
(see Chapter 4). Three of the leucine pools commu- apolipoprotein  (Demant et al., 1996).

Fig. 2.3. Irving’s model of lysine kinetics: L – [I-13C] lysine was given intravenously, [15N] lysine orally, and
NaH13CO3 intravenously. Reproduced from Thomas et al. (1991), by courtesy of the European Journal of
Clinical Nutrition.

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12 Chapter 2

Fig. 2.4. Cobelli’s model. Leucine from protein breakdown enters compartment 5; leucine incorporation
into proteins takes place in compartments 3 and 5; oxidation occurs from compartment 4. Compartment 11
is a slowly turning over pool from which there is no return of tracer. Reproduced from Cobelli et al. (1991)
by courtesy of the American Journal of Physiology.

In all these models physiological considera- sumably from protein breakdown, rather than
tions governed the choice of what pools should from decreased utilization. Irving’s model
be represented, but the arrangement of the pools (Irving et al., 1986) differentiated between fast
was determined by computer analysis of the and slowly turning over protein. An interesting
activity data to find the curve that fitted best. A relationship was found between the whole body
practical disadvantage of this approach is that it is flux and the net protein balance (synthesis–
highly invasive. Cobelli’s pulse dose experi- breakdown) in the fast and slow protein pools.
ments, for example, required 24 blood samples As the flux became greater the net balance in
over 6 h, six of them in the first 5 minutes. It is the fast pool, presumably mainly the viscera,
difficult to put much reliance on the accuracy of became more positive, whereas that in the slow
the results from these early samples, which have pool, roughly equated with muscle, became
an important influence on the shape of the whole more negative. A study based on Irving’s model
curve. As a consequence the values of the derived (Thomas et al., 1991) was designed to show
parameters show very large inter-subject varia- changes in protein metabolism during lactation.
tions, sometimes as much as tenfold. There was The main point that emerged was that synthesis
variability of the same order, with coefficients of of the slowly turning over proteins was
variation of 50% or more in the results with decreased by nearly 40% during lactation. This
Irving’s model. might be a useful adaptation, favouring the pro-
Nevertheless, some useful information was duction of milk protein.
obtained from these studies. That of Umpleby To the best of our knowledge there has been
et al. (1986), designed to find the cause of no comparable study of a physiological problem
raised plasma leucine concentrations in with Cobelli’s model. However, it was shown to
untreated diabetes, showed very clearly that it be unnecessary to make separate measurements
resulted from increased leucine production, pre- of bicarbonate kinetics, since the relevant infor-

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Models and Their Analysis 13

mation on oxidation could be obtained from the connected with the second through the intestinal
KIC data. N pool, and the second with the third through the
A model described recently by Fouillet et al. central free amino acid pool. As a preliminary
(2000) illustrates what can be achieved by mod- stage the curves of 15N enrichment for each sub-
ern computers and software (Fig. 2.5). They section were analysed separately, and were then
were interested in the distribution and fate of put together to get the best fit for all the parame-
nitrogen after a meal of 15N-labelled milk pro- ters (rate coefficients), while ensuring that they
tein. Their model, firmly based on physiology, matched in the connecting pools. Details of how
contained three subsections. The first, describing the model was analysed and tested for unique-
absorption, has three pools – gastric N content, ness and validity are beyond the scope of this
intestinal N content and ileal effluent – and is book. This example shows how extremely com-
sampled through a gastrointestinal tube. The sec- plex models can be analysed by modern meth-
ond subsection, deamination, also has three ods; they are particularly effective in the isotopic
pools – body urea, urinary urea and ammonia – non-steady state when tracer has been given as a
and is sampled in the urine. The third subsection, bolus, and they give more information than can
retention, has five pools: a central free amino- be obtained by stochastic methods. Against that,
acid pool, and free amino acid and protein pools they are more invasive, because of the large
for the splanchnic and peripheral areas. The sam- number of samples needed, and can hardly be
pling here is of plasma. The first subsection is applied in routine studies.

Fig. 2.5. Fouillet’s model of nitrogen kinetics after a single meal of 15N-labelled milk protein. Sampling is
from three pools – gastrointestinal tract, urine and plasma. Reproduced from Fouillet et al. (2000), by
courtesy of the American Journal of Physiology.

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14 Chapter 2

2.3. Stochastic Analysis tracer in urine is measured after a single dose

(Chapter 7). It has also been used to good effect
Good, although difficult, accounts of the stochas- by Boirie et al. (1997) in studies of the response
tic approach have been given by Heath and to a single meal containing biologically labelled
Barton (1973) and Katz et al. (1974). protein.
A useful practical distinction between com-
partmental and stochastic analysis is that the one
depends on the slope of the enrichment curve, the 2.3.2 Determination of flux by continuous
other on the area under it. It is true that the com- administration of tracer
partmental approach can provide an estimate of
the overall flux (see section 2.2). However, the Stochastic analysis came into its own in the
main focus of compartmental analysis is to deter- 1960s when tracer was given continuously rather
mine the rates of exchange between different than as a pulse dose (Gan and Jeffay, 1967, 1971;
pools, as is clear from the models illustrated Waterlow and Stephen, 1967, 1968; Picou and
above. This stochastic analysis cannot do, or only Taylor-Roberts, 1969). When we first became
to a limited extent if there is more than one sam- interested in measuring whole body protein
pling site. turnover in severely malnourished children we
were deterred by the number of samples needed
and the, to us, complex mathematics of compart-
2.3.1. Determination of flux after a single mental analysis. It seemed that a simpler
dose of tracer in a two-pool model approach would be to infuse tracer at a constant
rate until an isotopic steady state had been
This is the simplest of all models (Fig. 2.6). After achieved. This state is referred to as a ‘plateau’,
a single dose of tracer the flux between the two although it is really a pseudo-plateau. We did not
pools over a given time interval can be deter- realize that the method had been used for some
mined from the area under the curve of enrich- years by those working in pharmacokinetics and
ment in plasma or urine, without any need for an endocrinology, e.g. for measuring the production
equation defining the way that enrichment rate of a hormone.
changes with time. If the enrichment curve An isotopic steady state means that the rate of
approached zero at time t, the total amount of entry of tracer, d, into the sampled compartment,
tracer disposed of is: is equal to the rate at which it leaves, which is the
product of the tracee flux, Q and its enrichment,
o-t ε.t ε. Thus:
and the disposal of tracee over the interval is Q = d/ε where Q is the flux, d the rate of
given by: dosage and ε the activity of the tracer in plasma.
This simple relationship requires only a few
Qo-t = d/o-t ε.t
measurements, which, at plateau, should fall on a
The area can be determined by cutting out and straight line. If the tracer is a stable isotope which
weighing or by dividing it into small segments of has to be given in amounts that are not negligible
time. Heath and Barton (1973) give a general the dose has to be subtracted from the flux, and
method for deciding on the number of samples the equation becomes:
that need to be taken and the intervals at which
Q = d/ε – d = d (1/ε1)
they should be spaced to provide an estimate of
the total area to any given level of accuracy. The This may be regarded as the first fundamental
principle is that the total area should be divided equation of stochastic analysis.
into segments of equal area, so that samples are The so-called ‘plateau’ is really a pseudo-
more widely spaced at later times. The method plateau, at which for practical purposes enrich-
avoids the errors that inevitably occur in com- ment of free amino acid reaches a steady state
partmental analysis in defining the slope of the within a few hours of infusion. Computer model-
terminal exponential. This approach is used in the ling shows that in the rat it would take about 6
end-product method of measuring whole body years for a true steady state to be achieved in
protein turnover (WBPT), in which excretion of which all amino acids and proteins are equally

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Models and Their Analysis 15

labelled with the same activity as that of the A=B+I+N

infusate (Chapter 6). We can visualize the precur-
sor pool ‘filling up’ with tracer in a few hours, to In studies with 15N, E is usually taken as total
reach a pseudo-plateau, hereafter referred to sim- urinary nitrogen losses, the faeces and other
ply as a plateau. Beyond that point its activity sources of loss being ignored. In those with
gradually increases as a result of recycling of labelled carbon, oxidation is usually taken as the
tracer from labelled protein (see Chapter 6). carbon in expired CO2, that in urea and other pos-
In our early experiments in which rats were sible routes of loss again being ignored.
infused with [U14C]-lysine, the specific radioac- This may be regarded as the second funda-
tivity of plasma free lysine rose to a steady state mental relation of stochastic analysis, first formu-
by a curve which could be approximately lated by Picou and Taylor-Roberts in 1969.
described by a single exponential equation:
εp/εp max = 1 – [exp –kpt] 2.3.3 The three-pool model and the
where εp is the activity in plasma, εp max is the precursor concept
‘plateau’ activity’ and kp is a fractional coeffi-
cient for the net transfer of tracer out of the Up to this point the two-pool model of Picou and
plasma pool. Clearly this transfer cannot be Taylor-Roberts (1969) has been assumed, in
described by a single coefficient, since it is into which there is only a plasma pool and a protein
many different protein pools, but a single value is pool.
an adequate approximation.1 The value for kp of However, the experimental work of the 1960s
lysine in the rat was found to lie between 0.5 h1 showed that with an infusion the plateau activi-
and 1 h1 (Waterlow and Stephen, 1968). ties of free amino acids in the tissues were signif-
It was originally supposed that the smaller the icantly lower than in plasma (Gan and Jeffay,
pool size of a free amino acid, the more rapid 1967, 1971; Waterlow and Stephen, 1968) (Table
would be its turnover to achieve a given rate of 2.2). It was therefore necessary to modify the
synthesis. The equation shows that the larger k, original two-pool model to include an intracellu-
the more quickly plateau is reached. This was one lar free amino acid pool between the plasma and
of the reasons for using tyrosine or leucine for the tissues (Fig. 2.6). This pool provides the pre-
measuring rates of protein turnover rather than cursor for protein synthesis; attempts to define
lysine, because they have much smaller free the precursor and its enrichment are described in
pools. However, from such measurements as are Chapter 4. The calculation of flux from the equa-
available of the curve of enrichment to plateau tion: Q = d/ε, to be correct, must use the precur-
with a constant infusion, there is little evidence of sor enrichment, εi , rather than that in plasma, εp.
any constant difference between different amino The curve of the rise to plateau of εi is similar to
acids (Chapter 3). This is presumably because the that of εp, but a little slower.
coefficient represents net transfer, not total out- The difference in enrichment at plateau
ward transfer from the pool. Usually nowadays between plasma and tissue pools (Table 2.2)
consideration of the curve to plateau is avoided arises because the amino acids produced by pro-
by using a priming dose (see Chapter 6). tein breakdown, which are not labelled, dilute the
Once the flux has been determined from the labelled amino acids entering the tissue from the
plateau, it can be divided into its components. plasma. Some of the amino acids from protein
Using the notation of Chapter 1, section 1.2, in breakdown are taken up again by synthesis – a
the steady state: process called ‘reutilization’ of tracee, which has
to be distinguished from ‘recycling’ of tracer
Q=A=D (Chapter 6).
Another part of the amino acids from break-
A = B + I; D = S + E or O
down will enter the plasma, be carried to other
With amino acids of which substantial amounts tissues and contribute to synthesis of their pro-
are produced by de novo synthesis, an extra term, teins. We called this ‘external’ reutilization
N, has to be added to the equation, so that: (Waterlow et al., 1978) to emphasize that all parts
1 In the original paper the referee described this as ‘fudging’.

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16 Chapter 2

drained the tissues, εV/εA is usually about 0.75,

indicating that about 1/4 of the amino acids liber-
ated by protein breakdown are re-used for synthe-
sis. The extent to which amino acids are
economized in this way in different situations has
not been adequately investigated.
If, using different symbols, we write QA for
VBA in Fig. 2.6 (arterial outflow), QV for VAB
Fig. 2.6. Three-pool stochastic model: A, extracellu-
(venous return) and D for VCB, then the tracer
lar free amino acid pool; B, intracellular free pool;
balance is:
C, protein pool which acts as a sink, from which
there is no return of tracer. Vs are amino-acid fluxes.
QA.εA = QV.εV + D.εV
VAO = entry from food; VOB = oxidation. The num-
bers are illustrative only. QA.εA – QV.εv = DεV = d (assuming that εv is
equal to ε of the intracellular precursor of D).
The power of this kind of stochastic analysis
has been exploited in a number of ways. For
of the body are constantly exchanging material.
example, in experiments on rats with a five-pool
The shuttling of amino acids between synthesis
model (three amino acid pools, plasma, liver and
and breakdown that goes on within the cell we
muscle and two protein pools) it was possible to
call ‘internal reutilization’.
derive all the fluxes and rate coefficients from the
The extent of this reutilization can be calcu-
plateau enrichments and estimates of pool sizes
lated from the steady-state plateau enrichments of
(Aub and Waterlow, 1970; Gan and Jeffay, 1971).
tracer in plasma and tissue free amino acids. By
More recently the method has been extensively
applying mass balances to the model of Fig. 2.6 it
used by Biolo, Tessari and others in studies on
can be seen that the extent of reutilization is the
the human forearm, leg and visceral organs
fraction of VCB that is derived from VBC. This
(Biolo et al., 1995; Tessari et al., 1995) (see
fraction is:
Chapter 9). Biolo’s model is reproduced in the
VCB/(VBA + VBC), or, since VBC = VCB, next chapter (Fig. 3.1). From measurements of
blood flow, arterial and venous tracee concentra-
VCB/(VBA + VCB) tions and plateau enrichments in artery, vein and
muscle all the fluxes could be determined.
If all three pools are in a steady state, it can
easily be shown by mass balances of tracee and
tracer that this fraction can be obtained from the
2.3.4 Predictive models
enrichments in pools A and B:

VCB /(VBA + VCB) = 1 –εB/εA The models described so far are analytical in that
they provide estimates of a variable that cannot
When applied to the whole body, if εA is taken as be measured directly, such as whole body protein
the enrichment in arterial plasma and εV as the synthesis. Scientists working on animal produc-
enrichment in mixed venous plasma after it has tion have developed a different kind of model

Table 2.2. Ratio of plateau specific activity of free lysine in liver and muscle to that in plasma in rats
receiving intravenous infusions of [14C] lysine.
Liver Muscle

Gan and Jeffay (1967) 0.40–0.45 0.65–0.75

Waterlow and Stephen (1968)
Control 0.63 0.88
Starved 2 days 0.86 0.71

The effect of 2 days’ starvation appears to be a reduction of protein breakdown in liver and an increase in

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Models and Their Analysis 17

(e.g. France et al., 1988; Maas et al., 1997; where At is the rate of entry or appearance of
Hanigan et al., 2002, 2004). The outcome of tracee at time t; d is the rate of tracer dosage; Mav
interest is milk production; a model is then con- is the mean mass of tracee in the pool over time
structed and on the basis of a limited number of interval t; ε is the change in enrichment over
experimental measurements, including the output that interval, and εav is the mean enrichment dur-
of milk protein, estimates are calculated of para- ing the interval t.
meters that could not be measured directly. It is If A is constant the disposal rate is given by:
then possible to make a ‘perturbation analysis’ D = A ± M/t
that shows which inputs, e.g. of individual amino
These equations reflect the fact that a change in
acids, have the greatest effect on output.
input of tracee will alter the level of enrichment,
These models have been called by France
as is obvious, so there will be no plateau; but the
(personal communication) ‘dynamic simulation’
enrichment of the output must be the same as that
models. The number of parameters that they eval-
of the pool from which it is derived, so that if A is
uate is remarkable.
constant a plateau will be maintained even if D is
changing. For this reason Heath and Barton
(1973) concluded that, at least for studies on glu-
2.3.5 Analysis in the non-steady state
cose and ketone bodies, a single dose is prefer-
able to a constant infusion, because a constant
The non-steady state means that the amounts of
infusion gives no guarantee of a steady state.
material, amino acids or protein, in the pools of
The quantity M is the volume of distribution
the system are not constant. Changes in protein
of amino acid, P, x its concentration, c. The origi-
mass may be observed over times as short as a
nal formulation of the non-steady state equation
day or two in the growing rat, and in hours after a
by Steele (1971) was applied to glucose turnover.
large meal (Garlick et al., 1973). In man, how-
Because glucose concentrations are very large, it
ever, changes in the mass of whole body protein
was thought that mixing might be incomplete,
are not likely to be detectable over the short
and therefore a correction factor, p, was intro-
period of measurement of protein turnover,
duced into the estimate of distribution space. The
although there may be significant changes in the
basic estimate of P would be equal to total body
mass of a single protein that turns over rapidly,
water, i.e. about 0.7 l per kg body weight with a
such as plasma albumin or an enzyme.
value for p of 1.0; Miles et al. (1983) with ala-
Of greater interest in the present context are
nine, Boirie et al. (1996) with leucine and
changes in the amino acid pool, for example as a
Kreider et al. (1997) with glutamine found that,
result of a meal. Here stochastic analysis after a
varying p from 0.05 to 0.5 had no important effect
bolus dose of tracer, as in the studies of Boirie et
on estimates of turnover rate.
al. (1997) on the effects of a single meal, is par-
It is interesting that in the last few years there
ticularly useful. If the input of tracee changes, the
has been a movement pioneered by the French
enrichment curve will deviate from a straight
school (Boirie et al., 1996; Fouillet et al., 2000)
exponential, becoming concave if the input rises
away from constant infusions to single dose of
and convex if it falls (Shipley and Clark,
tracer, given with or as part of a meal – a very
1972: 166), but the relation D = d/(area under
physiological approach. However, the analysis is
enrichment curve) still holds good.
still stochastic, not compartmental, and makes
With a constant infusion the rate of entry of
extensive use of corrections for non-steady state.
tracer is fixed, but the size of the amino acid pool
M and both input or appearance of tracee, A, and
output, D, may change, either up or down. The 2.4 References
equation for the changed rate over a short interval
of time (t) given by Shipley and Clark Atkins, G.L. (1972) Investigation of the effect of data
(1972: Chapter 10, eqn 11), set out in our nota- error on the determination of physiological parame-
tion, is: ters by means of compartmental analysis.
Biochemical Journal 127, 437–438.
At = d ± ( Mav. ε/t ) Aub, M.R. and Waterlow, J.C. (1970) Analysis of a
εav five-compartment system with continuous infusion

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18 Chapter 2

and its application to the study of amino acid metabolism in the dairy cow to predict milk con-
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R.R. (1995) Transmembrane transport and intracel- 311–330.
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Free Amino Acids: Their Pools,
Kinetics and Transport

3.1 Amino Acid Pools general such large changes do not occur shows
that input and output must be accurately con-
3.1.1 Free amino acids trolled – a point emphasized by Scornik (1984),
who wrote: ‘The regulatory role of amino acids is
The free amino acid pool is the link between the a particularly attractive subject of investigation.
environment and the proteins of the tissues. The Its physiological significance is direct and imme-
free amino acids are the substrates of protein syn- diate. The effects correct the cause: if amino acid
thesis and the products of protein breakdown. pools are depleted, slower protein synthesis and
The inputs to the free pool are from food and pro- faster breakdown tend to replenish them …’
tein degradation; the outputs are to protein syn- We concentrate here mainly on the essential
thesis and oxidation. Table 3.1 gives some idea of amino acids (EAAs), because they are the ones
the role of the free amino acid pools in the body’s primarily concerned with the measurement of
nitrogen economy: tiny in size, but turning over protein synthesis and breakdown. The non-essen-
many times in a day. tials (NEAAs) are, of course, as important as the
The table shows that the free leucine pool is EAAs as components of protein, and some of
renewed every 1/2 h, that of lysine about every 3 them also have roles in metabolic pathways that
h. A doubling of the inward flux over 12 h would, are not concerned with protein. However, the
if not compensated, increase the leucine pool 7.5- NEAAs cannot be used in the same way as EAAs
fold, and double that of lysine. The fact that in as markers of protein turnover, because part of

Table 3.1. Turnover rates of free pools of leucine and lysine in human muscle.

Leucine Lysine

A. Free pool, mmol kg1 muscle 0.16 0.60

B. Protein-bound, mmol kg1 muscle 122 106
C. Total amino acid entry, mmol kg1 h1 0.3 0.18
D. Turnover rate of free pool, k, h1 ~2.0 0.3
E. Turnover time, h 0.5 3.3

A: From Bergström et al. (1990), recalculated from mmol l1 IC water to mmol1 kg1, on basis of 650 ml
IC water kg1 muscle.
B: Protein content taken as 20% of muscle weight; leucine and lysine taken as 8% of muscle protein,
converted to moles.
C: Total amino acid entry as: entry from protein breakdown = 0.001 h1 + entry from plasma, taken from
Table 3.11 as 1.44  rate of breakdown for leucine and 0.73  rate of breakdown for lysine.
D: Turnover rate k = C/A.
E: Turnover time = 1/k. Alvestrand et al. (1988) give much larger values for the turnover time, but they
are based only on entry from plasma, and do not include entry from protein breakdown.

20 © J.C. Waterlow 2006. Protein Turnover (J.C. Waterlow)

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Free Amino Acids 21

their flux is, by definition, derived from de novo received relatively little attention. Generally, con-
synthesis in the body.1 centrations in red cell water are higher than in
Jackson (1982, 1991) has suggested that some plasma and enrichments lower, so that estimates
of the NEAAs should be regarded as ‘condition- of whole body protein turnover are higher when
ally essential’, where de novo synthesis is inade- based on whole blood than on plasma (Darmaun
quate to provide as much as is needed under et al., 1986; Lobley et al., 1996; Savarin et al.,
conditions of stress, such as growth in neonates 2001).
or restricted protein intakes. This group of amino In a study in humans (Tessari et al., 1996b)
acids would include glycine, arginine, tyrosine enrichments in whole blood and plasma of the
and cysteine. general circulation were similar, so that rates of
A distinction has also been made on metabolic turnover for the whole body agreed well, but in
grounds between amino acids that are transami- the forearm enrichments were higher in plasma,
nated and those that are deaminated, the latter giving a lower rate of synthesis. Tessari et al.
group comprising glycine, serine, threonine, histi- were investigating the effect of a meal and con-
dine and lysine (Jackson and Golden, 1980). cluded that red cells played a key role in ‘mediat-
ing meal-enhanced protein accretion’. The
discrepancy with the whole body results remains
3.1.2 Free amino acid pools in blood unexplained.
It may be helpful to go back to the work of
Plasma Elwyn (1966). He found, like later workers, that
Out of the hundreds of published values of amino the EAA concentrations in RBCs were about 1.5 
acid concentrations in plasma, a representative those in plasma. When blood was incubated in
set of the essentials is shown in Table 3.2 and of vitro with 14C-glycine at 37°C, the specific activ-
the non-essentials in Table 3.3. The extent to ity in plasma and RBCs became equal after 20
which these change under different conditions is minutes, so that in a study lasting several hours
considered later. equilibration should not be a problem. Ellory
(1987) has discussed the numerous transport sys-
tems in RBCs that would allow a concentration
Red blood cells
gradient to be maintained, but does not explain the
The concentrations and enrichments of free greater dilution of tracer in the RBC, unless there
amino acids in red blood cells (RBCs) have is continuing protein breakdown, on which we

Table 3.2. Concentrations of essential amino acids in plasma and muscle free pool of healthy men in the
post-absorptive state.
Plasma Muscle Concentration ratio
mol l1 mol l1 IC water muscle:plasma

Histidine 109 505 4.6

Isoleucine 77 133 1.73
Leucine 163 246 1.51
Lysine 194 919 4.74
Methionine 39 90 2.31
Phenylalanine 73 87 1.19
Threonine 189 901 4.77
Valine 277 369 1.33
Total 1121 3250

No measurements of tryptophan.
After Bergström et al. (1990), Table 2.

1 The term de novo synthesis is applied to the carbon skeletons of the amino acids and not to the effects of
transamination. Thus the interconversion of leucine and -ketoisocaproic acid (KIC) as measured by 15N
labelling of the amino groups is not regarded as synthesis.

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22 Chapter 3

Table 3.3. Concentrations of four free amino acids in muscle in post-absorptive healthy subjects.
Comparisons between studies.

mol l1 intracellular water

Leucine Lysine Phenylalanine Threonine

Bergström et al., 1974 150 1150 70 1030

Milewski et al., 1982 180 800 80 710
Alvestrand et al., 1988 268 – 120 908
Bergström et al., 1990 246 919 87 901
Biolo et al., 1995 232 976 112 –

have no information. For the time being it seems In spite of variations certain points stand out
best to treat the RBCs like any tissue, in which the in Table 3.2. In muscle, lysine, threonine and, to a
enrichment of an amino acid has no special claim lesser extent, histidine, dominate the picture,
to reflect that of the precursor in other tissues. accounting for about 70% of the total. All three
have high intracellular/extracellular concentration
ratios and lysine and threonine are the only amino
3.1.3 Free amino acid pools in muscle acids that are not transaminated. Whether there is
any connection between these two characteristics
In man muscle is the tissue for which most infor- has not, as far as we know, been studied.
mation is available, since it can be sampled by In animals comparisons can be made between
biopsy. The essential amino acid concentrations different tissues. Table 3.4 shows a comparison of
in human muscle in the post-absorptive state are the EAA free pools in muscle and liver of rats
shown in Table 3.2. Many data sets could be used (Lunn et al., 1976). As in man, in both tissues by
for this table, but we have shown an example far the highest concentrations are of lysine, threo-
from the Swedish group who have been making nine and histidine. Except for these three, the con-
these measurements on human muscle biopsies centrations are somewhat higher in liver than in
for many years. There is a certain amount of vari- muscle and some three times higher in rat muscle
ability in the measurements, both between those than human muscle. As is the case so often, one can
of the same author at different times and between only speculate about cause and effect. It may be
those of different laboratories. Some examples that these higher concentrations are necessary to
are shown in Table 3.3. Variations of this order maintain the much higher rate of protein synthesis
could be important for non-steady state calcula- in the rat; or, on the contrary, perhaps they result
tions, when changes in plasma concentrations are from the more rapid rate of protein breakdown.
taken as indicative of changes in the free pool of Concentrations of the NEAA in plasma and
the whole body. muscle of human subjects are set out in Table 3.5.

Table 3.4. Concentration of free essential amino acids in muscle and liver of rats.

mol l1 intracellular water

Muscle Liver

Histidine 2046 907

Isoleucine 83 267
Leucine 128 430
Lysine 2005 1836
Methionine 251 459
Phenylalanine 79 165
Threonine 3403 3792
Valine 261 506
Total 7256 8362

From Lunn et al. (1976).

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Free Amino Acids 23

The dominant amino acid by far is glutamine, fol- three animal species, cattle, sheep and pigs, sum-
lowed by alanine and glycine in plasma and glu- marized by Davis et al. (1993). There was little
tamate and alanine in muscle. The concentration variation between the three species, so the results
ratios are several times higher than those of most are presented here as an average. The agreement
of the essential amino acids, and the ratios are is remarkable between this pattern of essential
enormously high for aspartate and glutamate. amino acids and that reported by Widdowson et
Perhaps these high ratios reflect the intracellular al. (1979) in the whole body of the human fetus.
de novo synthesis of the amino acids, or they may To our knowledge there is no other report of the
be related to the great metabolic activity of these amino acid composition of the human body at
amino acids, particularly in transamination reac- any age. There is fairly good agreement in the
tions. Some notes are given later about the meta- amino acid composition of the proteins of differ-
bolic functions and relationships of these amino ent tissues, except skin (MacRae et al., 1993);
acids. that of different single proteins varies more
The EAA concentrations in the proteins of the widely (e.g. Reeds et al., 1994).
whole body and of muscle are shown in Table Table 3.7 compares the EAA composition of
3.6. The second column is the mean of results in mixed muscle protein with that of the precursor

Table 3.5. Concentrations of free non-essential amino acids in plasma and muscle of man.

Plasma Muscle Concentration ratio

mol l1 mol l1 ICW muscle:plasma

Alanine 384 2439 6.35

Arginine 70 504 7.2
Aspargine 85 330 3.9
Aspartate 18 1400 78
Citrulline 48 84 1.75
Glutamate 46 3392 74
Glutamine 655 17215 26
Glycine 306 1719 5.6
Ornithine 114 393 3.4
Proline 296 1420 4.8
Serine 166 994 6.0
Tyrosine 88 227 2.6
Total 2182 29611

From Bergström et al. (1990).

Table 3.6. Essential amino acid concentrations in proteins of the whole body and of muscle.

g 100 g1 protein

Whole body Muscle
Humana Animalb Animalc

Histidine 2.8 2.6 5.1

Isoleucine 3.8 3.4 4.8
Leucine 8.2 7.5 8.1
Lysine 7.8 7.3 9.8
Methionine 2.1 1.8 2.5
Phenylalanine 4.5 4.1 4.0
Threonine 4.5 4.2 4.7
Valine 5.1 4.9 5.4
aHuman fetus. From Widdowson et al. (1979). Free + bound amino acids, recalculated to g 16 g1 N.
bFrom Davis et al. (1993). Mean of pig, calf and sheep.
cFrom Reeds et al. (1994).

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24 Chapter 3

pool of free amino acids in muscle in terms of whole body turnover rates of a number of amino
moles, rather than grams. The third column gives acids and their molar concentrations in body pro-
the ratio between protein-bound and free amino tein (Bier, 1989). The values of the fluxes were
acids, often called the R ratio. It will be seen that probably underestimates, because they were
R varies quite widely, which means that there based on enrichments in plasma, but that does not
must be variation in the proportion of each amino alter the essential relationship, which provided
acid’s free pool that is taken up in the synthesis of strong evidence of the validity of the precursor
proteins. These rates are shown in the fourth col- method of measuring protein turnover (see
umn of the table. They lead to the conclusion that Chapter 6).
the machinery of protein synthesis is indifferent
to the concentration of precursor and behaves like
a zero order system. For example, only 0.2 of the 3.2 Nutritional Effects on the Free
lysine pool is taken up per hour, compared with Amino Acid Pools
0.6 of the leucine pool.
It has long been established that proteins are A distinction has to be made between the acute
synthesized from amino acids, although there is effects of a meal or an infusion of amino acids
occasional evidence of synthesis from peptides and the more chronic effects of a continuing diet.
(Backwell et al., 1994). If the amino acid pattern In both situations there is a wealth of information
of a protein is fixed, it follows that all the amino about changes in plasma amino acid concentra-
acids that compose it must turn over at rates cor- tions, much less about changes in the tissue free
responding to their molar concentrations in the pools. For this we have to rely largely on animal
protein. For example, from the data in Table 3.7 experiments.
the synthesis of 1 g of muscle protein would
require 250 mol of phenylalanine and 570 mol
of leucine, a molar ratio of 0.44:1. This ratio is 3.2.1 Acute effects
indeed generally found when measurements of
turnover are made simultaneously with these two In response to a protein meal there are substantial
amino acids (Chapter 6, section 6.9). In 1989 increases in amino acid concentrations in portal
Bier reported a linear relationship between the blood, but these are largely smoothed out in the

Table 3.7. Comparison of free and protein-bound amino acid concentrations in human muscle and their
rates of uptake into muscle protein.

Free Bound R Uptake into Uptake/free

mol g1 mol g1 protein pool, h1
muscle muscle mol g1 h1


Histidine 0.33 66 200 5.28 0.16

Isoleucine 0.086 73 849 5.84 0.68
Leucine 0.160 124 775 9.92 0.62
Lysine 0.597 134 224 10.72 0.18
Methionine 0.058 34 586 2.72 0.47
Phenylalanine 0.057 48 842 3.84 0.67
Threonine 0.586 79 135 6.32 0.11
Valine 0.240 92 383 7.36 0.37

A: per g tissue, from Bergström et al. (1990), assuming that intracellular water = 650 ml.kg1 (Bergström
et al., 1974);
B: from Reeds et al. (1994), assuming that muscle contains 200 g protein kg1;
C: ratio of protein-bound to free amino acid;
D: assuming that fractional synthesis rate of mixed human muscle protein is 0.0008 h1 (1.9% per day).

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Free Amino Acids 25

liver and are much less in the peripheral circula- 3.2.2 Chronic changes in protein intake
tion (Bloxam, 1971). Bergström et al. (1990)
reported a heroic study in which five biopsies of The responses to different levels of protein intake
muscle were obtained at intervals up to 7 h after a over days or weeks are broadly similar to the
meal that either contained protein or was protein- effects of acute changes. In man a protein-free
free. With the protein-free meal the EAAs diet fed for 1–2 weeks caused small decreases in
decreased and the NEAAs increased in both the plasma concentrations of EAA with a rise in
plasma and muscle, in each case by about 35% at NEAA (Young and Scrimshaw, 1968; Adibi et al.,
peak. After the protein-containing meal the 1973). In default of studies in man on diet-
changes tended to be in the opposite direction. induced changes in tissue amino acid pools, we
An interesting finding in this study was a sig- again have to rely on animal experiments. In rats
nificant linear relationship, both in plasma and on a low protein or protein-free diet for 1–3
muscle, between the change in concentration of weeks the levels of EAAs fell and those of
each EAA after the protein meal and its molar NEAAs rose in plasma, liver and muscle. In star-
concentration in the protein of the meal, which vation the changes were the opposite to those on
consisted of bovine serum albumin (BSA). Since a low protein diet (Millward et al., 1974, 1976).
BSA differs significantly from whole body pro- The changes in plasma seem to predict those in
tein in its amino acid composition, being lower in the tissue pools.
isoleucine, methionine and phenylalanine, it was It is clear that both immediate food intake and
suggested that the changes in amino acid concen- prevailing diet do influence the free amino acid
tration depended more on the arterial input than concentrations in plasma and tissue pools, but in
on protein degradation. few situations do the changes exceed ± 50% and
In another Swedish study (Lundholm et al., they are usually less. These are superimposed on
1987) amino acids were infused for successive 2-h small daily fluctuations (Lunn et al., 1976). Thus
periods at rates of 8.3, 16.7 and 33.2 mg N kg1 the changes in the free pools are relatively small
h1, the highest level corresponding to a protein in relation to the large fluxes through them (Table
intake of 5 g kg1 day1. Muscle biopsies were 3.1). They are most consistent in those amino
performed at the end of each 2-h period. After the acids with a high value of the R ratio (concentra-
highest rate of infusion the free amino acid con- tion in protein/concentration in free pool). It has
centrations in muscle of methionine and phenyl- been suggested that low plasma levels of these
alanine had increased on average to nearly three amino acids might be diagnostic of protein defi-
times their basal levels, whereas those of lysine, ciency. One can conceive that one or other of
threonine, histidine and the NEAAs were them, with their small precursor pools, might
unchanged. This finding is very interesting, become limiting for protein synthesis. It is a diffi-
because the amino acids whose concentrations cult problem to sort out cause and effect: does the
increased have a high R value and a low size of the free pool have any effect on rates of
tissue/plasma concentration ratio. protein synthesis and breakdown? Or is it simply
The effect of insulin is also relevant, because a determined by the balance of fluxes through it?
meal, particularly a carbohydrate meal, stimulates That is the question posed by Scornik at the
insulin secretion. Long ago Munro suggested that beginning of this chapter.
the fall in plasma amino acid concentration pro-
duced by a carbohydrate meal resulted from stim-
ulation of amino acid uptake into protein. More 3.3 Kinetics of Free Amino Acids
recently it has been shown that insulin infusion
decreased the intracellular concentrations of the An apparent rate coefficient, k, for the turnover
BCAs and aromatic amino acids by 33% of a free amino acid in plasma can be determined
(Alvestrand et al., 1988), presumably because of from the decay of enrichment in the plasma after
the effect of insulin in reducing protein break- a single dose of tracer or from the increase in
down. The impression one gets is that the pool enrichment with a continuous infusion. In both
size of this group of amino acids is particularly cases what is obtained is not the true turnover
labile. It may be noted that phenylalanine and rate, k, of the amino acid but a coefficient, k, that
leucine are transported by the same carrier. represents the disposal rate, i.e. that fraction of

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26 Chapter 3

the free pool that disappears into protein synthe- k = ln2/t1/2

sis and oxidation. In the example of Fig. 2.6:
for the plasma pool A: true k For greater precision Lobley et al. (1980) proposed
= VBA/A = 200/100 = 2 h1 a method in which two tracers were infused, start-
apparent k = (VBA – VAB)/A ing at different points of time. This method was
elaborated by Dudley et al. (1998) in a study of
= (VCB + VOB)/A = 100/100 = 1 h1
mucosal glycoprotein synthesis. In order to avoid
Thus the apparent k underestimates the true k taking multiple mucosal samples they infused no
by a factor of 2. A further point, mentioned in the less than six different tracers, leucine labelled with
previous chapter, is that k is not in reality a single 13C and 3H and 4 isotopomers of phenylalanine,

number but the weighted average of all the coeffi- starting at different time-points over a period of
cients of uptake into all the proteins of the body. 6 h and from these constructed a curve of rise to
There is a difficulty in estimating k from plateau. The rate constants were identical, whether
decay curves after a single dose, because the first calculated in the conventional way from multiple
part of the curve is very important and it may be samples and a single tracer or from a single sample
distorted by the time taken for mixing, although with multiple tracers.
consistent results for glycine and alanine were The values of k obtained in a number of stud-
obtained with this method by Nissim and co- ies are shown in Table 3.8. The remarkable thing
workers (Nissim and Lapidot, 1979; Amir et al., about this table is the small range of values,
1980). Results can be got more easily from the except for glutamate, from less than 1 to 3 h1,
rising part of the activity curve during a constant regardless of amino acid or species. One would
infusion, provided that a priming dose of tracer expect k to be much higher in rat than in man
has not been given. k can be estimated from the because of the rat’s much greater rate of whole
time needed to reach half maximum activity body turnover – about 10  that of man; and to
(plateau) according to the relation: be higher with leucine than lysine because the

Table 3.8. Apparent turnover rates, k,of free amino acids in plasma. All measurements by continuous
intravenous infusion except where otherwise stated.
Animal Amino acid k, h1 Reference

Rat Lysine 1.5 Waterlow et al. (1967)

Rat Tyrosine 0.7 aHarney et al. (1976)

Rabbit Proline 2.5 Robins (1979)
Rabbit Alanine 4.2 bNissim et al. (1979)
Rabbit Tyrosine <1 Lobley et al. (1980)
Piglet Phenylalanine 3.1 Dudley et al. (1998)
+ leucine
Pig Tyrosine ∼2 Garlick et al. (1976)
Pig Leucine 1.46 Simon et al. (1982)
Lysine 2.0 Simon et al. (1982)
Sheep Phenylalanine ∼1 Connell et al. (1997)
+ leucine
Man Glycine 1.7 bAmir et al. (1980)
3–4 weeks Glycine 4.3 bAmiret al. (1980)
adult Tyrosine 1.7 James et al. (1976)
Glutamate 4.8 Darmaun et al. (1986)
2–15N 1.7 Darmaun et al. (1986)
5–15N 1.5 Darmaun et al. (1986)
aIn this study specific activities were of CO2, not of labelled amino acids in plasma.
bSingle intravenous dose.

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Free Amino Acids 27

free lysine pool is many times larger than that of mediated by a complex system of carrier mecha-
leucine (Table 3.4). nisms (Christensen, 1975; Christensen and
In another approach, data on liver and muscle Kilberg, 1987). Four main systems were origi-
derived from constant infusions of [U14C]-lysine in nally identified: A and ASC, covering most of the
the rat were analysed with a five-pool model (Aub neutral amino acids; L, covering the branched
and Waterlow, 1970). The analysis provided values chain and aromatic amino acids; and Lys, now
for all the rate-coefficients of the system. The true known as y+, the basic amino acids. The A and
turnover rate of the free lysine pool in liver was ASC systems are sodium dependent, producing
10.9 and in muscle 6.3 h1. One cannot extrapolate active transport against a gradient. In recent years
these figures to the whole body, but they may give a number of more selective transporters have been
some indication of the size of the difference described, such as the cationic amino acid trans-
between true and apparent turnover rates.1 porter CAT 1 (Hyatt et al., 1997). Christensen has
Another point about Table 3.8 is that it leads to repeatedly emphasized that there is tremendous
a serious discrepancy, and discrepancies are overlap between the main transporters (see, for
always interesting. If the value of k is as shown, example, a useful diagram in Ellory, 1987).
and the flux is determined from the plateau, the Moreover, the relative activity of different trans-
pool size is given by: pool size = flux/k. Darmaun port systems depends not only on the amino acid
et al. (1986) infused 15N-glutamate and 15N-gluta- but also on the type of cell. Grimble (2000) has
mine, estimated k from the activity curve and flux summarized the present state of knowledge. He
from the plateau, and obtained the figures shown has also summarized the evidence for the uptake
in Table 3.9. These are 1/25–1/70 of the observed of peptides, which are then hydrolysed within the
amounts in the free pools of human muscle (Table cell (Grimble and Silk, 1989).
3.2). A similar but much smaller discrepancy arises Some of the transporters, such as A and CAT-
with lysine. These discrepancies are discussed fur- 1, are adaptively regulated by high or low amino
ther in the next chapter. acid concentrations in the medium, being stimu-
lated when the extracellular concentration is low
(Christensen and Kilberg, 1987). There is also
3.4 Amino Acid Transport across Cell regulation by many hormones, glucagon in par-
Membranes ticular being active (Kilberg, 1986). The adapta-
tion of the A system involves a change in Vmax
The rate of transport of amino acids through the rather than Km, suggesting that there is a change
cell membrane could be a step limiting their in the number of transporter molecules. This
uptake into protein and their exchange between interpretation is confirmed by the finding that
tissues. Much of what is known on this subject adaptation is prevented by cyclohexamide, an
comes from the classical work over many years of inhibitor of protein synthesis (Christensen and
Christensen and his colleagues, who showed that Kilberg, 1987). There is evidence also that amino
transport of amino acids into and out of cells is acid starvation leads to an increase in CAT-1

Table 3.9. Comparison between calculated and observed sizes of the free
pool of glutamine and glutamate.

Calculateda Observedb
mol kg1 wt
Glutamine 207 5200
Glutamate 17 1200
aBasedon relation: pool size = flux/k (see text).
bEstimatedfrom direct measurements, mainly on muscle.
From Darmaun et al. (1986).

1The difference arises because in tissues we can ignore the return of tracer from protein to tissue free pool,
whereas with plasma the return of tracer from tissue pool to plasma cannot be ignored.

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28 Chapter 3

mRNA (Hyatt et al., 1997). We therefore have a The ‘efficiency’ of synthesis, F, can be repre-
complex mechanism of homeostatic regulation. sented as the uptake into synthesis divided by the
Since the work on amino acid transport total amino acid availability – i.e. the sum of
described so far was mostly done on isolated cells entry from plasma and supply from protein
or tissue slices, the question is, how far is it breakdown. If a steady state is assumed, so that
related to what happens in vivo? The first study breakdown = synthesis, the efficiency can be cal-
that we know of in the intact animal was that of culated as: F = 1/(E+1).
Baños et al. (1973), who infused [14C]-labelled The conclusion that synthesis is unlikely to be
amino acids into rats with an electronically con- limited by the entry rate is supported by perfusion
trolled syringe which brought the radioactivity in experiments of Hundal et al. (1989) in the rat
the blood to a high level within 10 seconds and hind-limb. They studied the transport systems of a
then held it constant for up to 40 minutes (Daniel range of neutral, acidic and basic amino acids and
et al., 1975). This was the precursor of priming. found that in all cases the Km was many times
Rats were sacrificed after 3 or 10 minutes and greater than the normal plasma concentration, so
radioactivity measured in the free pool of muscle. there would be little risk of the transporters being
It was found that for several amino acids the saturated. These authors’ conclusions agreed with
entry rates from plasma varied linearly with the those of Baños et al. (1973): that in muscle the
plasma concentration. The entry rates for differ- entry of amino acids was greater than their incor-
ent amino acids at normal plasma concentration poration into protein, so that under normal cir-
are shown in Table 3.10. These rates do not by cumstances transport is not limiting. They
themselves mean very much; what is of more cautioned, however, that this conclusion may not
interest is to compare them with rates of synthe- hold for other tissues. Thus Salter et al. (1986)
sis, which are also shown in Table 3.10, calcu- showed that in liver the transporter that carries the
lated on the assumption that the fractional aromatic amino acids may effectively control their
synthesis rate of muscle protein in rats of the catabolism. In the five-pool rat model mentioned
same size (200 g) is 6% dayl or 0.0025 h1. above (Aub and Waterlow, 1970) the ratio of entry
Comparison of synthesis (D) and entry rates (B) rate of lysine: uptake into protein was calculated
as a ratio that may be called the ‘transport index’ to be 7.1 for muscle but only 1.7 for liver, so
shows that for all amino acids, except perhaps transport may come close to being limiting in a
histidine, synthesis is unlikely to be limited by rapidly turning over tissue.
the trans-membrane entry rate, since the compari- Further information about amino acid transport
son in the table ignores the contribution to syn- across membranes comes from studies in man on
thesis of amino acids from protein breakdown. exchanges in the arm or leg. The classical

Table 3.10. Muscle free amino acids in the rat: concentration, rate of entry, turnover, uptake by
synthesis, and transport index = entry/synthesis.

Concentration Entry Turnover Synthesis Transport
nmol g1 nmol g1 h1 h1 nmol g1 h1 index
Histidine 135 120 0.9 165 0.73
Isoleucine 31 294 9.5 185 1.59
Leucine 127 642 4.4 310 2.07
Lysine 1971 846 0.4 335 2.53
Methionine 10 144 14.4 85 1.69
Phenylanaline 44 462 10.5 120 3.85
Threonine 602 960 1.6 200 4.80
Valine 136 534 3.9 230 2.32

A and B: from Baños et al. (1973), Table 3. Rats of about 200 g.

C: B/A.
D: Fractional synthesis rate of muscle protein in 200 g rat taken as 6% day1.
E: B/D.

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Free Amino Acids 29

approach of measuring arterio-venous differences,

pioneered by Cahill and co-workers (e.g.
Pozefsky et al., 1969) has been supplemented by
infusion of a tracer amino acid. The original
model developed by Cheng et al. (1985, 1987)
contained a pool of free intramuscular leucine,
together with a KIC pool, with inflows from the
arterial supply and from protein breakdown, and
outflows to protein synthesis, oxidation and
venous effluent. Biolo et al. (1992), working with
dogs, used a simpler model (Fig. 3.1) in which
arterio-venous measurements were combined with
muscle biopsies to provide direct information
about enrichment of tracer in the muscle free pool.
Tessari et al. (1995) developed a model similar to
that of Cheng et al., with separate KIC pools pro-
viding indirect estimates of intramuscular precur-
sor enrichment. All these models require
measurements of blood flow to the limb in addi-
tion to tracee and tracer concentrations. The calcu-
lations depend on mass balance of tracer and Fig. 3.1. Biolo’s model of kinetics in a limb.
tracee in the steady state, and the reader is A, artery; V, vein; M, muscle free pool; O, protein.
referred to the original papers for details. Fs represent unidirectional fluxes.
The most useful index is the ratio: inflow to Reproduced from Biolo et al. (1992), by courtesy of
the muscle free pool: uptake into protein and oxi- the American Journal of Physiology.
dation, the transport index (cf. Table 3.10). In the
terminology of Biolo and Tessari this ratio is of tracer dosage. This derivation is slightly in error.
FMA/FOM (see Fig. 3.1). Results are summa- They assumed that the backflow, Fout, from IC to
rized in Table 3.11. The values for leucine in EC pool is the same as the forward flow. Even in
Biolo’s studies are rather variable, with an aver- post-absorptive subjects oxidation continues, so
age similar to that of Tessari; lysine has a lower that Fout = Fin – oxidation. Alternatively, the loss
index and phenylalanine a higher one. Increasing from the IC pool by oxidation might be balanced
the amino acid supply sometimes raises the by increased protein breakdown, so that the protein
index, while insulin has little effect. It is remark- pool is not in a steady state. However, oxidation is
able that the transport indices are so similar in small compared with Fin and as a first approxima-
Tables 3.10 and 3.11, considering that they were tion can perhaps be neglected. Hovorka et al.
obtained on different animals under very different (1999) calculated that in post-absorptive men the
experimental conditions. An index of 1 or less inward transport rate was 6.7 mol kg1 min1,
does not, of course, mean that the supply is limit- giving a transport index of 3.45. Like Baños et al.
ing the rate of synthesis, because the substrate (1973) they found a significant linear relation
available for synthesis is derived from protein between leucine transport and plasma leucine con-
breakdown as well as from the plasma. centration.
Finally, Hovorka et al. (1999) derived an
equation for estimating inward transport to the
tissues of the whole body:
3.5 Conclusion
Fin = d
εA–εB The real problem raised by this work on amino
acid transport is whether changes in the amount of
where Fin is the rate of transport from extracellular amino acid entering the cell have any effect on the
to intracellular pool, εA and εB are the enrichments rate of protein synthesis. On this opinions seem to
in the plasma and precursor pools, and d is the rate differ. The question is complicated by the evidence

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30 Chapter 3

Table 3.11. Values of the ‘transport index’ for selected amino acids in human forearm and hindlimb
preparations: transport index = amino acid inflow/disposal rate.

Leucine Lysine Phenylalanine

Cheng et al. (1985, 1987)

Fasted 1.39 – –
Fed 0.82

Biolo et al. (1992) Post-absorptive 0.75 0.62 2.50

Biolo et al. (1995a) Post-absorptive 1.17 0.67 2.18
Biolo et al. (1995b) Post-absorptive 0.99 0.57 1.82
+ insulin 0.87 0.74 1.37
Biolo et al. (1995c) Post-absorptive – 1.11 3.85
Biolo et al. (1997) Post-absorptive 3.06 0.82 3.23
Biolo et al. (1997) + amino acids 2.15 1.03 6.29
Tessari et al. (1995) Post-absorptive 1.24 – –
(1996a) Post-absorptive 1.63 – –
(1999) Post-absorptive 1.02 – –
+ amino acids and insulin 1.07 – –
Volpi et al. (1998) Post-absorptive 1.71 0.71 2.31
+ amino acids 3.18 0.61 4.49
Zanetti et al. (1999) Basal 1.05 – –
+ insulin 0.90 – –
+ insulin + AAs 1.07 – –

(see Chapter 5) for compartmentation within the mined by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
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and its application to the study of amino acid
ered here, that amino acids are transported bound turnover. Journal of Theoretical Biology 26,
as peptides, which are taken up more efficiently 243–250.
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strated in the brush border of the mucosa cells Beeve, D.E. and Lobley, J.A. (1994) The utilization
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Free Amino Acids 31

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Metabolism of Some Amino Acids

It is not proposed in this chapter to describe sys- dominating in most tissues except the brain. The
tematically the metabolism of all amino acids, but mitochondrial location of the BCAT perhaps pro-
only to make some points that are relevant to vides an opportunity for oxidation and acylation
their turnover or otherwise of interest. with t-RNA, the first step in protein synthesis, to
occur in separate compartments (see Chapter 5).
Table 4.1 shows the distribution of BCAT in
4.1 Leucine human tissues (Suryawan et al., 1998). The distri-
bution differs in different species: in the rat there
For an excellent older review of this subject see is virtually none in the liver, whereas in man
Harper and Zapalowski (1981). The branched- there is an appreciable amount. Since transamina-
chain amino acids (BCAAs) play a special role in tion precedes oxidation, this difference in distrib-
nitrogen metabolism, because in muscle they act ution could explain the long-held belief, based on
as donors of nitrogen to alanine and glutamine, animal experiments, that BCAAs are not oxidized
which are transported to the rest of the body by the splanchnic tissues.
(Felig, 1975). Their metabolism and its regulation The advent of stable isotopes made it possible
is therefore an excellent example of inter-organ to determine the rate of transamination in vivo in
collaboration. Another reason for a special inter- man. In a pioneering study with leucine doubly
est in the BCAAs, particularly leucine, is that it is labelled with 15N and 13C Matthews et al. (1981a)
the amino acid most widely used for measuring obtained the results shown in Table 4.2. The
protein turnover, precisely because, as a first step transamination is reversible and in the cycle of
in its oxidation, it produces a metabolite, - deamination/reamination labelled N is lost; the
ketoisocaproic acid (KIC), whose enrichment is a chance of reamination with a labelled N atom
measure of that of intracellular leucine (see from the amino-N pool is virtually nil, whereas
Chapter 5). The mechanism and site(s) of leucine the carbon skeleton of the keto-acid, unlike the
oxidation are therefore important. The oxidation pyruvate derived from alanine, appears not to
occurs in two steps that are distributed between exchange rapidly with other metabolites. Thus a
the splanchnic and peripheral tissues: the first is large part of the keto acid formed is reaminated.
transamination, which is reversible; the second is The difference between carbon and nitrogen
dehydrogenation and eventual liberation of CO2, fluxes represents the rate at which N is added to
which is irreversible. the flux by reamination. The proportion of the
KIC produced that goes on to be oxidized is quite
4.1.1 Transamination In keeping with the much larger total amount
of BCAT in muscle than in liver, only a small
The same transaminase, BCAT for short, operates proportion of KIC production occurs in the
for all three BCAAs. It has two iso-enzymes, splanchnic region. When labelled leucine was
mitochondrial and cytoplasmic, the former pre- given by intragastric infusion, only 8% of the

© J.C. Waterlow 2006. Protein Turnover (J.C. Waterlow) 33

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34 Chapter 4

Table 4.1. Distribution in human tissues of branched-chain amino acid transaminase (BCAT) and
dehydrogenase (BCKD), and the proportion of BKCD in the active state. From Suryawan et al. (1998).

mU g1 wet wt % of total BCKD % of active BCKD

active in whole body

Muscle 124 4.9 26 54

Liver 248 14.8 28 13
Kidney 880 110 14 8
Small intestine 241 1.6 44 4
Brain 510 10.9 59 20

Totals: U per total tissue*

Muscle 3472 137
Liver 496 30

*Assuming that in a 70-kg human, liver weight = 2 kg, muscle weight = 28 kg; U, units

dose in the fasted state (Matthews et al., 1993a) plasma concentrations of leucine and KIC with
and 13% in the fed state (Biolo et al., 1997) was their rates of interconversion, and said , ‘… this
converted to KIC in the splanchnic tissues. is consistent with known characteristics of
A number of situations have been described in transamination reactions, in which the rate of
which transamination in both directions is greatly reaction is controlled solely by the concentrations
reduced: in normal pregnancy (Kalhan et al., of reactants and products’. This statement is not
1998), in the treatment of diabetic patients with entirely correct, since Krebs and Lund (1977)
insulin (Hutson et al., 1978; Nair et al., 1995; reported that glutamate shifts the equilibrium
Meek et al., 1998), and with infusion of medium- away from keto-acid formation. In the studies of
chain triglycerides (Beaufrère et al., 1985). In all Nair et al. (1995) and Meek et al. (1998) there
these cases there appears to be an adaptation to was a close parallel between the reductions fol-
economize nitrogen. In pregnancy Kalhan et al. lowing insulin treatment in both transamination
(1998) found a significant correlation between rates and plasma leucine concentrations.
the rate of urea synthesis and the rate of amina-
tion of KIC, suggesting a sparing of nitrogen. The
anabolic effects of insulin are well-known and 4.1.2 Oxidation
the effects of triglyceride infused, in the words of
Beaufrère et al. (1985) ‘are consistent with the The next step in oxidation is irreversible dehy-
hypothesis that increased fatty acid oxidation … drogenation by the branched chain keto acid
may spare essential amino acids’. The rate of dehydrogenase (BCKD), which is common to all
transamination may be driven by the plasma three BCAAs. The data in Table 4.1 show that, if
leucine concentration. Nissen and Haymond the in vitro enzyme assays on human tissues are
(1986) reported a significant correlation between valid in vivo, the concentration of the transami-

Table 4.2. Transamination of leucine. From Matthews et al. (1981a).

mol kg1 h1

Post-absorptive Fed

Leucine carbon flux 84 153

Leucine nitrogen flux 199 273
Leucine oxidation 10.5 31.5
Leucine transamination to KIC 122 152
KlC transamination to leucine 111 120

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Metabolism of Some Amino Acids 35

nase is far greater than that of the dehydrogenase, appeared in serine and vice versa when they were
so the changes described above in BCAT activity infused with serine (Fern and Garlick, 1973,
may not be so relevant. 1974). This reversible reaction is catalysed by the
The BCKD is a complex of three enzymes mitochondrial enzyme serine hydroxymethyl
whose activity is regulated by a kinase and a transferase. Glycine is also irreversibly broken
phosphatase (Harris et al., 1985). The human tis- down by the glycine cleavage system (Kikuchi,
sues on which the degree of activation in Table 1973), catalysed by a multi-enzyme complex
4.1 was measured were obtained by biopsy in the similar to the -keto acid dehydrogenase, which
course of various surgical procedures and proba- produces ammonia and CO2 from the carboxyl
bly represent the activation state in postabsorp- carbon, while the methyl group combines with
tive subjects at rest. BCKD activity is regulated tetrahydrofolate to produce methylene tetrahydro-
in two ways. In animal experiments it has been folate. Thus glycine is an important methyl
shown to be reduced on low protein diets as a donor. As with the BCDK complex (see section
result of increased phosphorylation (Sketcher et 4.1) a high protein diet stimulates activity of the
al., 1974; Harris et al., 1985). In man an impres- glycine cleavage system (Ewart et al., 1992). The
sive correlation has been observed between the depletion of the serine pool that would result
concentration of leucine in plasma and the rate of from catabolism of glycine is counteracted by
oxidation (Young et al., 1985). The relationship biosynthesis of serine from phosphoglycerate.
holds up to leucine concentrations of 150–200 The metabolism of serine is described in detail in
M. Plasma KIC concentrations are usually a review by de Koning et al. (2003).
about 1/3 of those of leucine, i.e. around 50 M. Some work has been done, beginning with
In the rat, administration of leucine caused a that of Ratner et al. (1940), on the extent to
rapid increase in activation of the BCKD com- which glycine transfers its N to that of other
plex (Aftring et al., 1986). The kM of the BCKD amino acids. When rats were given [15N]-glycine
complex in rat liver has been stated to be 10–20 and the liver analysed after varying intervals
M (Harper and Zapalowski, 1981), so that with there was general agreement that serine was most
high intakes of leucine or protein the response of highly labelled; after that alanine, glutamic acid,
enzyme kinetics has to be supplemented by an amide-N and arginine were all more or less
increase in the activation state of the enzyme. equally enriched, followed by aspartic acid and
This might be an example of the combination of tyrosine, with the rest nowhere (Ratner et al.,
coarse and fine controls described by Krebs 1940; Aqvist, 1951; Vitti et al., 1963). Similar
(1972). results were obtained by Matthews et al. (1981b)
A final issue in the metabolism of leucine is on the distribution of [15N] in the plasma free
the specific effect that has been claimed for this amino acid pool after feeding labelled glycine for
amino acid in stimulating protein synthesis and 60 h. 15N ammonium salts give the same kind of
reducing degradation. These effects are consid- pattern but with the enrichments more dispersed:
ered in Chapter 9. alanine > arginine > glutamic acid > amide N >
aspartate > glycine > tyrosine (Aqvist, 1951; Vitti
et al., 1963, 1964). This general similarity of pat-
4.2 Glycine tern could mean that the source of N derived
from glycine by the other amino acids is mainly
Glycine is important in turnover studies because the ammonium produced by the glycine cleavage
of its role as a tracer, when labelled with [15N], in reaction. On the other hand, Arnstein (1952)
the end-product method of measuring whole body found that glycine only sparingly enters into
turnover (Chapter 7). transamination reactions; on infusion of [15N]-
glycine no [15N] was found in blood alanine or
glutamic acid (Jackson and Golden, 1980). In his
4.2.1 Metabolism 1991 review Jackson concluded that ‘… the data
fit in well with the older literature, which shows
The metabolism of glycine is comprehensively that there is specific channelling of amino
reviewed by Jackson (1991). When rats were groups’.
infused with [14C]-glycine the label rapidly

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36 Chapter 4

4.2.2 Glycine flux and de novo synthesis tathione, of the porphyrin ring of haemoglobin
and of the nucleic acids perhaps particular atten-
Total glycine flux has been measured by constant tion should be paid to it in designing food for the
intravenous infusion (Table 4.3). The extent of de low birth weight infant.’ Two years later Jackson
novo synthesis has been determined by subtract- et al. (1981) showed that when pre-term babies
ing from the total flux the component derived fed breast milk were given 15N-glycine, none of
from protein breakdown, measured independently the label appeared in urinary urea, suggesting that
with leucine. There is a wide variation in the esti- all available glycine was being retained for syn-
mates of flux, with even greater variations in de thesis of protein and other metabolites. Collagen
novo synthesis. Neither the administration of glu- in particular contains large amounts of glycine, so
cose (Robert et al., 1982) nor the protein level of that when growth is rapid the need for it is high
the diet (Yu et al., 1985) made any difference. (Chapter 17).
The fluxes were low in diabetes, with or without After protein deposition, the next most impor-
insulin (Robert et al., 1985). The extremely high tant sinks for the irreversible disposal of glycine
flux in the newborns is interesting, in view of the are creatinine and the purine bases. Creatine is
glycine that they need for rapid growth and colla- synthesized from glycine + arginine; creatinine is
gen synthesis. There are a number of situations in formed by irreversible non-enyzmic dehydration
which glycine seems to be limiting, so that, as of creatine phosphate and is excreted in a normal
Jackson (1991) has proposed, it should be adult at the rate of 1.5–2 g day1. The rate is very
regarded as a semi-essential amino acid; there is constant in any individual and depends on the
need for more measurements of the capacity for muscle mass. Uric acid excreted in the urine, at a
de novo synthesis. rate of about 500 mg per day, is a degradation
product of the purines. Out of four nitrogen
atoms in the molecule, one is derived from
4.2.3 Routes of glycine utilization glycine. Glycine also provides the nitrogen for
the synthesis of haem. A normal rate of haemo-
The main routes of glycine disposal are shown in globin production, assuming a lifetime for the red
Table 4.4. Widdowson et al. (1979) showed that cell of 100 days, would amount to about 150 mg
growth of the newborn infant at birth involved Hb kg1 day1, so this route of glycine consump-
the deposition of about 500 mg glycine a day, tion is not large. Glycine is also a scavenger of
whereas 600 ml of breast milk would only pro- toxic substances, with which it forms conjugates
vide about 200 mg. They commented: ‘In view of such as hippuric acid when conjugated with ben-
its (glycine’s) role as part of the molecule of glu- zoic acid.

Table 4.3. Estimates of glycine flux and de novo synthesis.

De novo De novo
Flux synthesis synthesis Method
mol kg1 h1 % of flux

Normal adults
Robert et al., 1982 240 195 81 Constant infusion glycine +
Yu et al., 1985
High protein diet 189 64 33.5 Constant infusion glycine +
Low protein diet 165 59 35 Constant infusion glycine +
Gersovitz et al., 1980 458 351 77 60 h feeding; synthesis
from protein breakdown
Lapidot and Nissim, 1980 260–430 – – [15N] glycine single dose IV
Amir et al., 1980 3020 Single dose IV

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Metabolism of Some Amino Acids 37

Table 4.4. Routes of irreversible loss of glycine.

mol kg1 h1
Net deposition of protein
Premature infant ~200 a

Newborn infant ~100 b

Pregnancy, 3rd trimester 7 c

Lactation 11 c

Other routes of loss in adult

Creatine 8–12
Uric acid ~0.5 d

Haem 0.5 e

Erythrocyte glutathionine ~3 f

Urinary losses, ? as conjugates 3 g

Acute phase protein production 33 + h

aAssuming protein gain = 2.6 g kg1 day1.

bFrom Widdowson et al., 1979.
cProtein gains from WHO, 1985.
dAssuming that one out of five N atoms is derived from glycine.
eAssuming that red cells have a life of 100 days.
fFrom Jackson, 2004.
gFrom Documenta Geigy, 1962: 529.
hFrom Reeds, 1994; routine surgery (probably much higher with severe


Infection may also increase the requirement hypothesis that the low levels of GSH and its
for glycine, because of massive synthesis of synthesis might result from glycine insufficiency,
acute-phase proteins. Thus Reeds et al. (1994) and a test for it was devised (Jackson et al.,
calculated that during a typical response to 1987). The rationale is shown in Fig. 4.1. If
uncomplicated surgery about 33 mol kg1 h1 glycine is lacking the enzyme glutathione syn-
might be incorporated into acute phase proteins, thase will be less active: γ-glutamylcysteine accu-
and with severe injury or infection the amount mulates, is degraded to L-5-oxoproline and
will be much larger. Rough estimates of the rates excreted. An increase in oxoproline excretion
of glycine consumption by these various routes therefore indicates insufficiency of glycine. Such
are shown in Table 4.4. an increase compared with controls has been
Glycine is also a component, with glutamic found in many situations, listed in Table 4.5.
acid and cysteine, of the tripeptide glutathione, Young infants and people with infections or
which is present in all cells and is an important trauma are particularly vulnerable.
anti-oxidant. Most measurements of the synthesis In one experimental study on volunteers a
rate of GSH have been made on erythrocytes. glycine-free or a sulphur-amino-acid-free diet
Jackson et al. (2004) and Lyons et al. (2000) produced barely significant increases in oxopro-
report absolute synthesis rates (ASR) of ~2 mmol line excretion (Metges et al., 2000).
l1 of erythrocytes day1. This reduces to an Glycine fluxes were not measured in the con-
uptake of glycine of ~3 mol kg1 h1. GSH ditions listed in Table 4.5, but it may seem para-
concentrations in red blood cells were found to be doxical that a flux that in normal subjects is ~200
low in children with severe oedematous malnutri- mol kg1 h1, should be so reduced that it can-
tion (Jackson, 1986; Golden and Ramdath, 1987) not support glutathione synthesis at a rate of ~3
and the synthesis rates are also reduced in these mol kg1 h1. The solution seems to come from
cases (Reid et al., 2000). They are low too in an old study of Henriques et al. (1955) on rabbits,
burns injuries (Yu et al., 2002), and even in nor- in which it was found that the synthesis rate of
mal people on moderately low protein intakes GSH in liver was ~600 mol kg1 h1, and in
(Jackson et al., 2004). muscle about 30. If the rates are of the same
These findings in children led Jackson to the order of magnitude in man, it is clear that

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38 Chapter 4

Fig. 4.1. Formation of 5-oxoproline. If sufficient glycine is not available for glutathione synthesis,
γ-glutamylcysteine accumulates and is converted to 5-oxoproline, which is excreted in the urine.
Reproduced from Jackson et al. (1997b), by courtesy of the British Journal of Nutrition.

glutathione synthesis is a major drain on glycine gen from the branched-chain amino acids, the
flux and supply, unless the glycine released in the carbon-skeleton from pyruvate. Some results in
production of oxo-proline is re-utilized. humans are shown in Table 4.6.
According to Perriello et al. (1995), in humans
about half the alanine flux is derived from muscle.
4.3 Alanine Experiments by Ben Galim et al. (1980) on dogs
showed that ~50% of the leucine N flux was
4.3.1 Metabolism transferred to alanine. About 20% of the alanine N
flux was derived from leucine; if the same propor-
Alanine is at the cross-roads of protein and tion applies to isoleucine and valine, it follows
energy metabolism. Studies by arterio-venous that almost all the N of newly synthesized alanine
cannulation showed that in the post-absorptive comes from the branched-chain amino acids.
state PA, although there is a net release of virtu- Studies with [13C]-alanine have shown that
ally all amino acids from muscle, alanine and about 90% of alanine carbon is oxidized, about half
glutamine predominate; alanine, like glutamine, after conversion to glucose (Consoli et al., 1990;
is a nitrogen carrier (Felig, 1975). Most of the Battezatti et al., 1999). The splanchnic uptake of
alanine released is synthesized de novo; the nitro- alanine on first pass is very high, about 70% of the

Table 4.5. 5-L–oxoproline excretion in various conditions.

Subjects Oxoproline excretion References
as per cent of controls
Normal adults, vegetarians
on low protein diets 220 Jackson et al., 1996
Premature infants 153 Jackson et al., 1997a
Infants (6 weeks) in Jamaica 275 Persaud et al., 1997
Infants (6 weeks) in Trinidad 222 Lenton et al., 1998
Late pregnancy, Southampton 310 Jackson et al., 1997b
Jamaica 595
Type II diabetics 380 Forrester et al., 1990

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Metabolism of Some Amino Acids 39

Table 4.6. Alanine flux and de novo rate of synthesis.

Flux De novo synthesis De novo synthesis Tracer

mol kg1 h1 as per cent of flux

Robert et al., 1982 PA 381 310 81 2H

+ glucose 470 408 87 –

PA 317 219 69 15N

+ glucose 344 280 81 –

+ insulin
Royle et al., 1982 PA 351 – 13C

+ glucose 457 13C

Miles et al., 1983 PA 329 228 69 ? 15N or 2H

+ OHB 462 354 77
Robert et al., 1985 Diabetics PA 345 258 75 2H

+ insulin 330 264 80

Yu et al., 1985 PA 1.5 g protein 274 160 58 15N

0.6 g protein 264 164 62

Hoffer et al., 1985 PA 402 320 80 2H

Fed 994 883 89

Pierello et al., 1995 PA 274 – 13C

Yang et al., 1986 PA high protein 256 136 53 15N

low protein 385 294 76 and 2H

high energy 369 264 72
low energy 195 98 50

flux, according to Battezatti et al. (1999). Thus de derived from protein breakdown, measured with
novo alanine production in muscle serves not only labelled leucine, from the total alanine flux.
nitrogen transport but also fuel transport from the Early measurements of alanine flux encoun-
periphery to the splanchnic region. tered a difficulty: substantial differences were
As for the disposal of alanine-N, found between fluxes measured with [15N]-,
Jeevanandam et al. (1979) concluded from a sin- [13C]- and [2H]-alanine (Matthews et al., 1985).
gle dose given IV, that alanine-N is ‘rapidly The authors reasoned that ‘upon transamination
transaminated to other amino acids … ’ and that the alanine N becomes incorporated into gluta-
the excretory data of urea and NH3 after 1 h mate and the carbon skeleton becomes a pyruvate
‘… represents the characteristics of the overall … we conclude that … the flow of carbon
metabolic pool of N and does not reflect the through pyruvate is considerably faster than the
metabolism of alanine only’. Thus they con- flow of nitrogen through the transaminating
firmed the finding of Aqvist (1951) that 3 days pool.’ The high values given by [2H]-alanine
after giving [15N] alanine there was substantial were attributed to rapid removal of the deuterium
enrichment of the amino acids of liver protein, atoms during or after transamination, as had been
that of glutamic acid being nearly equal to that of demonstrated by studies on transaminating
alanine, followed in descending order by aspartic enzymes in vitro. It seems, therefore, that an esti-
acid, the BCAAs, arginine, glycine and serine. mate of de novo synthesis will depend in part on
On this basis Jeevanandam (1981) suggested that the tracer used for measuring alanine flux.
[15N] alanine would be better than [15N] glycine There is a little information about factors that
as a tracer for measuring whole body turnover by modify de novo alanine synthesis. Yang et al.
the end-product method (Chapter 7). (1986) measured it in the post-absorptive state
(12 h after the last meal) in subjects who had pre-
viously consumed for 1 week diets providing dif-
4.3.2 Flux and de novo synthesis ferent levels of protein (1.5 to 0 g kg1 day1) or
energy (140–240 kJ kg1 day1). Alanine flux,
The extent of de novo synthesis can be deter- measured with both [15N] and [2H]-alanine, and
mined, as with glycine, by subtracting the amount de novo synthesis were higher with protein

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40 Chapter 4

intakes below the level of requirement, but the linked: if a substance is likely to be needed at
energy intake had an even greater effect; de novo short notice in an emergency, there must be an
synthesis in the low energy intake group was only adequate store of it.
about 40% of that on the high intake. In general, Thirty years ago it was shown by Cahill and
with low fluxes the proportion of de novo synthe- co-workers, by measurement of arterio-venous
sis was lower. Regardless of the tracer used, there differences, that in the post-absorptive state mus-
was a highly significant linear correlation cle releases large amounts of glutamine and ala-
between the rate of de novo synthesis and the nine, which have received their nitrogen by
plasma alanine concentration. This, perhaps, was transamination, mainly from the branched chain
the signal that carried a message persisting after amino acids (Marliss et al., 1971; Felig, 1975).
12 h fasting. Quantitatively, glutamine is more important than
There is also more direct information about alanine (Nurjhan et al., 1995). Adipose tissue also
the effect of increasing energy supply. Alanine releases glutamine, where, as in muscle, it is syn-
flux and de novo synthesis increased when a thesized from glutamate (Elia, 1991). These
mixed meal was fed every hour (Hoffer et al., nitrogen carriers are transported to the splanchnic
1985) or with infusion of glucose (Robert et al., bed, where they are metabolized as sources of
1982; Royle et al., 1982) or of ketone bodies fuel, glutamine mainly in the gastrointestinal
(Miles et al., 1983), but not by the hypergly- mucosa, alanine in the liver (Souba et al., 1985).
caemia of diabetes (Robert et al., 1985). Flux and When glutamine is given by nasogastric tube,
de novo synthesis were also increased by cortisol 55–75% of it is sequestered in first pass by the
infusion (Darmaun et al., 1988). It is particularly splanchnic tissues (Matthews et al., 1993b;
interesting that infusions of glucose, while Mittendorfer et al., 2001); about 80% of this
increasing alanine flux decreased the production uptake is oxidized in the splanchnic region
of urea (Royle et al., 1982), an observation that (Matthews et al., 1993b; Haisch et al., 2000).
has been confirmed in sheep (Obitsu et al., 2000). Heitman and Bergmann (1978) in a classical
This recalls the long established finding, that study showed that glutamine production by the
increasing the energy supply improves nitrogen viscera is even greater than by muscle; the differ-
balance and decreases urinary N excretion by ence between them is that there is net consump-
1–2 mg per extra kilocalorie (Calloway and tion by the viscera and net production by muscle
Spector, 1954) (see Chapter 10). Royle et al. (Table 4.7). The kidneys also produce glutamine,
(1982) showed that reduced urea production dur- and in acidosis consumption exceeds production,
ing infusion of glucose was not due to decreased because glutamine is the main source of the
consumption of alanine for gluconeogenesis. As increased output of urinary ammonia (Pitts and
far as I know this sparing effect of energy has not Pilkington, 1966). Nevertheless, the extra ammo-
been explained in biochemical terms. Alanine nia generated only takes up a small proportion
indeed stands at a crossroads. (2–4%) of the glutamine flux (Golden et al.,
1982; Waterlow et al., 1994).
Newsholme et al. (1985) were the first to point
4.4 Glutamine out the important role of glutamine in the metabo-
lism of cells of the immune system, lymphocytes
4.4.1 Metabolism and macrophages, which are said to account for
1.4 kg in weight in the average human
In 1980 Hans Krebs wrote ‘Most amino acids (Newsholme and Calder, 1997). Since these cells
have multiple functions, but glutamine appears to use the carbon skeleton of glutamine as a fuel, and
be the most versatile’ (Krebs, 1980). It is also by the nitrogen for the synthesis of RNA and DNA
far the most abundant free amino acid in the (Martin, 1987; Gate et al., 1999) as well as of pro-
body, with a concentration in the free pool of tein, their proliferation and production of antibod-
human muscle of about 17 mmol l1, some 30 ies must depend on an adequate supply of this
times greater than in plasma (Bergström et al., substrate. These observations have stimulated a
1990). As much glutamine is stored in muscle as vast number of clinical studies in recent years, and
there is glycogen in liver (Newsholme and it is natural that there should be an increasing
Calder, 1997). Perhaps these two attributes are interest in the kinetics of glutamine.

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Metabolism of Some Amino Acids 41

Table 4.7. Uptake and release of glutamine in tissues of the sheep. From Heitmann and Bergmann

Uptake Release Net

Viscera + liver
Normal, fed 9.4 6.4 +3.0
Fasted 8.0 4.6 +3.4
Peripheral tissues
Fed 2.4 4.7 –2.3
Fasted 2.3 6.0 –3.7
Fed 0.5 1.2 –0.7
Fasted 1.2 0.9 +0.3

Data are mmol h1, per whole animal (50 kg).

Liver contains both glutaminase and gluta- have been achieved after about 4 h. These were
mine synthetase, the former being mitochondrial, unprimed infusions and plasma was sampled
the latter cytoplasmic. In the liver there is a par- every 15 minutes during the rise to plateau. This
ticularly interesting situation because the two allowed calculation both of the flux, from the
enzymes not only occupy separate compartments plateau labelling, and of the apparent rate coeffi-
within a cell but are expressed in different cells. cient, k⬘, from the rising part of the curve. Since
Häussinger (1987) has shown that the periportal Q (flux) = k⬘ P, the pool size could be deter-
cells of the liver lobule contain glutaminase as mined. The results, already shown in Table 3.9,
well as the enzymes of the urea cycle; this repre- are repeated in Table 4.8.
sents a low affinity–high capacity system that It is evident that the calculated pool sizes are
deals with most of the ammonia derived from far smaller than the measured ones, and Darmaun
glutamine coming to the liver. Downstream are et al. (1986) suggested that there must be intra-
the perivenous cells, about 7% of total hepato- cellular compartmentation, with a large pool that
cytes, which contain glutamine synthetase, a high does not mix readily with plasma. Very similar
affinity system that acts as a scavenger of any results were obtained by Kreider et al. (1997),
ammonia escaping urea synthesis. Thus there is a with plateaux being reached in 2–3 hours. In a
cooperative activity of these two enzymes. later study, with improved methods of measure-
ment, it was found that even after 11 h of infusion
the enrichments of [15N]- and [13C]-glutamine in
4.4.2 Flux and de novo synthesis muscle were slowly rising, at rates of 0.040 and
0.028 per hour (van Acker et al., 1998). These
In 1986 Darmaun et al. published a study in increases were too small to be distinguishable
which they infused for 4 h glutamine labelled from a zero slope with the gas chromatograph–
with 15N in either the amide (5–N) or the amino mass spectrometers available earlier. Moreover,
(2–N) nitrogen; [15N] glutamate was also infused. in these latter experiments enrichment of gluta-
With both glutamine tracers a plateau seemed to mine in the muscle free pool was very low and

Table 4.8. Estimated and measured sizes of free glutamine and glutamate pools. Data of Darmaun et al.

mol kg1 Glutamine Glutamate


Measured 110 5200a 7 1240b

Estimated 207 17
aMuscle only.
bMuscle + liver.
Estimated pool sizes calculated from the observed rate coefficients (see text).

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42 Chapter 4

rose steadily throughout the 11 h of infusion, by intake (Matthews et al., 1992) but, as might be
which time it was still only 1/5 of that in plasma. expected, was decreased by infusions of gluta-
This work confirms the evidence for a large very mine (Hankard et al., 1995, 1998; Claeyssens et
slowly mixing pool. As Matthews has said, the al., 2000). Infusions of cortisol in normal humans
glutamine flux is an operational flux, a measure increased glutamine flux and de novo synthesis
of the extent of inter-organ transfer. Perhaps a (Darmaun et al., 1988), but in patients with burns
more accurate term for it would be glutamine and hypercortisolaemia there were large
release rather than flux, and the glutamine pool decreases in both intramuscular glutamine con-
could be regarded as a store. centration and de novo synthesis (Biolo et al.,
Since that early study glutamine flux has been 2000).
measured many times with a variety of tracers. These results raise two questions: the first is
The results (Table 4.9) are reasonably consistent the relationship between the huge IC pool in mus-
and show the same small differences with differ- cle, the much smaller EC pool and the flux
ent labels in different positions in the molecule as between them. Because the EC pool is only about
have been found with alanine (q.v.), with 5-15N 1/50 of the IC pool, even large changes in the EC
giving the lowest rate and 3H the highest. The glutamine concentration will have little effect on
reasons are discussed in detail by Matthews et al. the IC concentration. Input to the IC pool from
(1985). plasma is small (Biolo et al., 1995) and it is diffi-
As with glycine and alanine, de novo synthe- cult to raise the glutamine concentration in it by
sis has been determined by subtracting from the infusions of glutamine (Zachwieja et al., 2000) in
total flux the amount contributed by protein spite of the existence of a very active inward
breakdown. In normal subjects de novo synthesis transporter described by Rennie et al. (1994).
accounts, by this method, for 60–80% of the glut- Therefore it seems probable that the main deter-
amine flux (Darmaun et al., 1988; Matthews et minant of plasma glutamine concentration is, as
al., 1992, 1993b; Hankard et al., 1995). With a Newsholme suggested, the rate of efflux from the
different approach, based on arterio-venous dif- IC pool. This efflux is enhanced by glucocorti-
ferences in the leg and muscle biopsies, it was coids (Rennie et al., 1986), which increase the
found that about 60% of the total glutamine flux glutamine concentration in plasma and decrease it
through muscle was provided by de novo synthe- in muscle (Muhlbacher et al., 1984). Whether glu-
sis (Biolo et al., 1995; Mittendorfer et al., 2001), cocorticoids have a direct action on the outward
so the two methods agree quite well. De novo transporter or its synthesis seems not to be known.
synthesis was not affected by the level of protein In muscle the major input of glutamine to the

Table 4.9. Estimates of glutamine flux in humans with different tracers.

Flux, mol kg1 h1
Tracer Mean No. Range

5-[15N] 234 2 185–283a,b

2-[15N] 318 5 280–348a,c,d,e,f
13C or 14C 352 7 285–373f,g,h,i
3H 380 2 368–393f,g
aDarmaun et al., 1986
bVan Acker et al., 1998
cDarmaun et al., 1988
dMatthews et al., 1992
eMatthews et al., 1993b
fKreider et al., 1997
gHaisch et al., 2000
hHankard et al., 1995
iNurjhan et al., 1995

Note: Studies by Golden et al. (1982) and Waterlow et al. (1994) with 5-[15N] glutamine
gave fluxes of 743 and 600 mol kg1 h1, but are not included here because, uniquely,
glutamine was estimated enzymically.

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Metabolism of Some Amino Acids 43

IC pool is by de novo synthesis, which depends that in spite of severe depression of plasma and
on the balance between glutamine synthase and muscle glutamine concentrations, there was no
glutaminase. According to Rennie et al. (1994) in effect on whole body or muscle protein synthesis.
rat muscle, in contrast with liver and kidney, the In the last decade there has been intense activ-
synthase is about 50 times as active as the gluta- ity to determine whether supplements of gluta-
minase. There is some evidence that the synthesis mine have any beneficial clinical effects, from
is affected by outside factors; when Hankard et two points of view: whether they help to support
al. (1995) gave enteral infusions of large amounts the activities of the immune system and the gut;
of glutamine, plasma glutamine concentrations and whether by repletion of the glutamine pool it
were doubled and de novo synthesis depressed by is possible to reduce nitrogen loss and hasten
40%. On the other hand, in the study of recovery in injured or septic patients (see Chapter
Muhlbacker et al. (1984) cortisol decreased the 13). Useful reviews are those of Griffiths et al.
glutamine concentration in muscle with no effect (1997), Wilmore (2002), Neu et al. (2002) and
on glutamine synthase or glutaminase. The free the American Society for Nutritional Sciences
glutamine pool in muscle is greatly depleted in (2001).
sepsis, trauma and other disease states (Rennie et
al., 1986), presumably as a result of glucocorti-
coid action, so the first question is whether the 4.5 Glutamic acid
effect is primarily on the outward transporter or
on glutamine synthase. The answer of Krebs’ remark about glutamine applies, perhaps
Newsholme et al. (1990) is quite clear; they even more forcibly, to glutamic acid. Young and
pointed out that the outward glutamine trans- Ajami (2000) described glutamate as ‘An amino-
porter operated at a Km far below the normal acid of particular distinction’. This description
intracellular glutamine concentration, so that it has been borne out by network analysis applied to
was always saturated and the concentration the metabolism of Escherichia coli, which places
would be irrelevant. In terms of metabolic control glutamic acid at the centre of the metabolic web,
theory, Newsholme regarded efflux as the flux- with the highest degree of connectivity to all
generating step in glutamine metabolism. The other reactants (Fell and Wagner, 2000; Wagner
hypothesis, therefore, is that adaptations of gluta- and Fell, 2001).
mine metabolism in conditions of stress depend Young and Ajami (2000) show how the
neither on changes in enzyme activities nor in remarkable reactivity of glutamic acid is related
plasma or muscle concentrations but on regula- to its structure; five carbon atoms give it proper-
tion of the outward transporter by nutrients and ties which are denied to aspartic acid, with only
hormones. four. The main reactions are: dehydrogenation to
The second question is whether the depletion -ketoglutaric acid and NH3; transamination to
of the muscle glutamine pool matters. In rats on many amino acids, whereas aspartate transami-
diets containing different amounts of protein or nates only with glutamate; a precursor of gluta-
with endotoxaemia (Jepson et al., 1986) and in mine and an intermediate in the citric acid cycle.
perfusions of the hind-limb with different con- Young and Ajami also say that glutamic acid is
centrations of glutamine (MacLennan et al., the most abundant amino acid in the -helices of
1987) correlations were found between the free proteins and ‘… modulates their hydration state
glutamine concentration in muscle and the rate of … in step with the physiological processes that
muscle protein synthesis, and also the concentra- require proteins to do work by folding and
tion of RNA. Jepson admitted that the relation unfolding repeatedly’. This repeated change of
might be coincidental rather than causal and this state could be an important factor in the break-
indeed seems to be the case. Adding glutamine or down of proteins (see Chapter 2).
alanyl-glutamine to total parenteral nutrition was The concentration in plasma and the size of the
claimed to reduce depletion of the glutamine pool free pool are much smaller, by a factor of 5–10, for
and the fall in muscle protein synthesis glutamate than for glutamine (Matthews et al.,
(Hammerqvist et al., 1989, 1990). However, 1992, 1993b). As with glutamine the miscible pool
when Olde Damink et al. (1999) gave an of glutamate is very much smaller than the mea-
inhibitor of glutamine synthase to rats they found sured pool; in fact, the discrepancy is greater for

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44 Chapter 4

glutamate (Table 4.8). The calculations of the kidney (Møller et al., 2000). Numerous stud-
Darmaun et al. (1986) show that the miscible pool, ies of phenylalanine metabolism were made in
at 17 mol kg1, is nearly half the size of the IC the 1960s and 1970s in patients with the genetic
pool of liver, but only about 1.4% of the IC pool of condition phenylketonuria (PKU), usually with
muscle. In a later paper Matthews et al. (1993b) loading doses of phenylananine and bolus doses
concluded that ‘glutamate is very tightly compart- of tracer. In homozygous PKU the hydroxylase is
mentalized within cells and that most glutamine is deficient or absent. Clarke and Bier (1982) were
synthesized from glutamate, which mixes very the first to apply the constant infusion method to
slowly with extracellular glutamate’. It seems determine phenylalanine fluxes and hydroxyla-
likely that by far the greatest part of this tightly tion rates in normal subjects. They measured the
compartmented pool is in muscle. The liver pool is phenylalanine flux with ring [2H5] phenylalanine
much smaller, and probably exchanges freely with and showed that the rate of hydroxylation to tyro-
glutamate entering from plasma. That such sine could be calculated as:
exchanges occur very rapidly is shown by the
experiments of Cooper et al. (1988) with the very ε[2H4] tyr
Qp → t = Qt 
short half-life isotope 13N. They showed that 60 ε [2H5] phe
seconds after injection of [13N]-glutamate into the
portal vein of rats, 21% of the tracer was found in where Qt is the tyrosine flux and the enrichment
aspartate, 14% in glutamine and 10% in alanine. ratio gives the proportion of the tyrosine flux
Similarly, Matthews et al. (1993b) showed that derived from the deuterated phenylalanine. The
88% of [15N] glutamate given by nasogastric tube method therefore requires an independent mea-
was sequestered on first pass through the splanch- sure of the tyrosine flux, for which Clarke and
nic bed, and that substantial amounts of the label Bier (1972) used [1–13C] tyrosine, and later work-
appeared in the BCAs, alanine, proline and gluta- ers [2H2] tyrosine (Marchini et al., 1993; Price et
mine. The reverse reaction, glutamine → gluta- al., 1994; Sanchez et al., 1995, 1996). Another
mate, was also occurring in the liver, in agreement way round the problem is simply to assume that
with Haüssinger’s demonstration (1990) that gluta- the flux of tyrosine bears the same relation to
mine synthetase and glutaminase both operate in phenylalanine as their concentrations in body pro-
the liver, although in separate cells. It has also tein (Thompson et al., 1989; Cortiella et al., 1992;
been found with [13C ] glutamate that almost 80% Price et al., 1994). Shortland et al. (1994) found
of the sequestered glutamate was oxidized good agreement between this indirect estimate
(Battezzati et al., 1995). and the directly measured tyrosine flux.
The de novo synthesis of glutamate can also A further difficulty is that the phenylalanine
be calculated in the same way as for alanine and and tyrosine fluxes are measured from their
glycine (vid.sup). Some results are shown in enrichment in plasma, with no allowance for
Table 4.9. The effect of a high protein diet was to intracellular dilution; it was therefore suggested
decrease the rate of de novo synthesis. that the same dilution factor should be applied as
The glutamate flux in plasma is smaller than for KIC:leucine (Thompson et al., 1989; Price et
that of glutamine and much of it is derived by al., 1994). The correction gives flux ratios of
transamination in tissues other than muscle; thus phenylanaline to tyrosine that correspond better
whereas we can regard the glutamine flux as with their molar ratios in body proteins (Price et
being mainly concerned with inter-organ transfer al., 1994).
of N, that of glutamate can be seen as the end- Fluxes obtained with different phenylalanine
result of a vast number of metabolic exchanges in tracers – [2H5], [13C] and [15N] – agreed well
a variety of tissues. (Krempf et al., 1992; Marchini et al., 1993).
However, this agreement does not extend to
hydroxylation, as shown in Table 4.10. It was sug-
4.6 Phenylalanine gested that the five deuterium atoms in ring-[2H5]
may interfere with the activity of the hydroxylase
The first step in the catabolism of phenylalanine enzyme; extensive references are given in
is hydroxylation to tyrosine. The hydroxylase Marchini’s paper to the possible effects of deuter-
occurs mainly in the liver, but it is also active in ated substrates on other enzyme reactions.

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Metabolism of Some Amino Acids 45

Table 4.10. Phenylalanine hydroxylation measured with [2H5] and [1-13C]

phenylalanine. From Marchini et al. (1993).

mol kg1 h1

Flux Hydroxylation

Fasted: [2H5] 45 5.1

[13C] 47.5 11.1
Fed: [2H5] 56 6.8
[13C] 60.5 12.7

Measurements of phenylalanine turnover have molecule. These three tracers all gave similar
been useful in two practical situations. The first is estimates of the plasma arginine flux, which
the estimation of human requirements for the aro- means that there is no separate recycling of the
matic amino acids (Zello et al., 1990; Sánchez et guanidine part of the molecule.
al., 1995, 1996; Basil-Filho et al., 1998). (See The plasma arginine flux in the fed state is
Chapter 10.) about 70–80 mol kg1 h1 (Castillo et al., 1996).
The second derives from the fact that phenyl- De novo synthesis from citrulline in the kidney is
alanine is not oxidized in muscle, so that in stud- only about 10% of this flux, and thus makes a
ies in the forearm or leg net disposal of much smaller contribution than de novo synthesis
phenylalanine represents synthesis into protein, does to the fluxes of other non-essential amino
with no necessity to take account of oxidation. acids such as glycine and alanine. Moreover, the
Calder et al. (1992) also made the point that ring- rate of urea production, at ~300 mol kg1 h1, is
[2H5]phenylalanine can be measured by gas chro- some four times higher than the plasma arginine
matography–mass spectrometry (GCMS) with flux. Only 5% of urea produced is derived from
such sensitivity that enrichments in plasma and plasma arginine, which, therefore, is almost totally
muscle protein can be determined with the same excluded from the hepatic cells that are the site of
instrument. urea synthesis. This barrier is attributed to the low
activity in hepatic cells of the CAT (formerly y+)
system for the transmembrane transport of cationic
4.7 Arginine amino acids (Castillo et al., 1993a). In the face of
this, it seems paradoxical that the first-pass uptake
Arginine is considered to be a semi-indispensable of arginine by the splanchnic tissues was 33–48%
amino acid for humans, and its synthesis is a (Castillo et al., 1993b), considerably higher than
good example of inter-organ cooperation. It is that of leucine or phenylananine (Chapter 6);
synthesized from citrulline, mainly in the kidney moreover, a study of Lobley et al. (1996a) in sheep
(Dhanakoti et al., 1990), and citrulline is synthe- showed hepatic uptake of arginine to be similar to
sized in the liver and gastro-intestinal tract by a that of other amino acids.
bio-synthetic pathway that starts with glutamate When an arginine-rich and an arginine-free
(Bender, 1985). Arginine is of particular interest diet were compared, there was no difference
for two reasons: it plays a major role in the between the endogenous arginine fluxes but the
ornithine cycle of urea formation, and it is a sub- rates of conversion of arginine to ornithine and of
strate for the production of nitric oxide (NO), ornithine to citrulline were greatly reduced on the
which is important as a smooth muscle relaxant, a arginine-free diet, at least in the fed state, as was
neurotransmitter and a product of immune reac- the rate of ornithine oxidation (Castillo et al.,
tions (Moncada, 1999). 1993c, 1994a,b). The conclusion drawn was that
The kinetics of arginine turnover have been adaptation to the arginine-free diet did not
worked out in an impressive series of studies by involve any increase in de novo synthesis but was
Young’s group at MIT. They labelled arginine in achieved by suppression of arginine oxidation,
three different ways: [guanidino-13C]; [guani- perhaps triggered by a reduced plasma arginine
dino-15N2]; and [guanidino-15N2, 5,5-2H2]. In the concentration.
third case, the deuterium atoms are attached to Arginine is also the substrate of a reaction that
the carbon atoms of the non-guanidino part of the produces nitric oxide (NO) and citrulline in

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46 Chapter 4

equimolar amounts (Moncada, 1999). From mea- interest as a risk factor for cardiovascular disease:
surement of the rate of conversion it was esti- and it plays an essential role in the biosynthesis
mated that NO was produced from arginine at the of cysteine, a component of the anti-oxidant
rate of ~1 mol kg1 day1 (Castillo et al., tripeptide glutathione.
1996). There was excellent agreement with an An outline of methionine metabolism is
independent method, measurement of the urinary shown in Fig. 4.2. There are two branch-points:
excretion of nitrite/nitrate. This synthesis the first is where the methionine flux is parti-
accounted for ~1% of the plasma arginine flux. tioned either to protein synthesis or, by trans-
This body of work, although described only in methylation, to homocysteine (pathway TM). At
outline here, is an excellent example of how tracers the second branch-point homocysteine may be
can provide quantitative estimates of flows through remethylated to methionine (pathway RM) or
various pathways of amino acid metabolism. converted by condensation with serine to cysta-
thionine. The final irreversible step is splitting of
cystathionine to cysteine + ketobutyrate. This
step is referred to either as oxidation or transsul-
4.8 Methionine phuration (TS).
In a pioneer study Storch et al. (1988) infused
Methionine, apart from being an essential amino [113C] and [methyl 2H3] methionine to obtain
acid, is interesting for other reasons. It is a values for the methionine carbon flux and the
methyl group donor and according to Lobley et methionine methyl flux. Oxidation/transsulphura-
al. (1996b) over 100 methylation reactions have tion (TS) was derived from the output of 13CO2.
been described, the methylation of DNA being From these data the extent of transmethylation
obviously of particular importance. It is a precur- (TM) and remethylation (RM) could be calcu-
sor of homocysteine, which is attracting much lated.

Fig. 4.2. Pathways of methionine metabolism in humans. Methionine may be taken up into protein (S) or
undergo transmethylation (TM) to homocysteine + a methyl-group acceptor (TM). Homocysteine may be re-
methylated to methionine (RM) by two different pathways; or its sulphur atom may be transferred to form
cysteine and its carbon skeleton oxidized (TS). Reproduced from MacCoss et al. (2001), by courtesy of the
American Journal of Physiology.

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The Precursor Problem

Rates of protein synthesis, whether in the whole that of the perfusate and which was the precursor
body or in tissues, cannot be determined with for synthesis; and a non-expandable pool whose
labelled amino acids without knowledge of the valine content did not vary and which received
specific radioactivity or enrichment of the precur- the input from protein breakdown. The non-
sor. In the 1960s and ’70s there were many expandable pool was tentatively located in the
kinetic studies of the incorporation of amino lysosomes.
acids into proteins, on preparations ranging from Shortly afterwards Airhart et al. (1974) pro-
bacteria and single-cell organisms to cell suspen- posed a model (Fig. 5.2) with a different type of
sions, tissue slices, intact muscles and perfused compartmentation. This is the first study we
organs. This work was reported in some detail by know of in which the enrichment of tRNA was
Waterlow et al. (1978) and will not be discussed measured. After injection of [3H] valine into rats
here at length except for one important point that the enrichment of valyl-tRNA in the liver was
emerged: the possibility that the precursors for intermediate between that of valine in the EC and
synthesis and for oxidation are different IC pools because of dilution of the tracer from
(Rosenberg et al., 1963; Schneible et al., 1981). plasma by the unlabelled product of protein
We return to this question later. breakdown. It was suggested that the precursor
pool was located within the transport system of
the cell membrane and that the composition of
5.1 Transfer-RNA as the Precursor for this pool would be determined by the concentra-
Synthesis tion gradient across the membrane. In a later
paper (Vidrich et al., 1977) this group injected
Transfer-RNA (tRNA) is the undoubted precursor labelled valine at different times after rats had
of synthesis, but it needs tissues for its isolation, been allowed food for a fixed period of 3 h and
and measurement of its labelling is difficult measured the specific radioactivity of valine in
because it is extremely labile. Nevertheless, valu- plasma, liver and valyl-tRNA. The hypothesis
able work has been done, mainly on animals, on that the composition of the membrane pool
the relation of its enrichment to that of the EC should be proportional to the concentration gradi-
and IC pools. Methods for its isolation and deter- ent across the membrane allowed them to gener-
mination of its activity have been described in ate an equation to predict the activity of
some detail by Wallyn et al. (1974), Martin et al. valyl-tRNA:
(1977), Ljungkvist et al. (1997) and Ahlman εE[E] + εI [I]
(2001). εtRNA =
[E] + [I]
In an important paper Mortimore et al. (1972),
working on rat livers perfused with [3H] valine, where [ ] denote concentrations and ε activities.
proposed a model (Fig. 5.1) based on kinetic con- There was excellent agreement between pre-
siderations in which there was an expandable dicted and observed activities of tRNA. The
pool whose valine content varied directly with study shows that εtRNA is much less variable in

54 © J.C. Waterlow 2006. Protein Turnover (J.C. Waterlow)

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The Precursor Problem 55

Fig. 5.1. Hypothetical scheme of the major relationships between valine pools in the perfused liver. R1, R2
are flows into and out of protein; Ri and Ro are transport fluxes across the cell membrane; Si is the expand-
able free valine pool, Sp the non-expandable pool. Reproduced from Mortimore et al. (1972) by courtesy of
the Journal of Biological Chemistry.

relation to feeding and fasting, than either the EC increase; this must be counteracted by decreased
or the IC activities. To our knowledge no alterna- labelling of amino acids entering from the
tive model has been proposed. plasma.
Out of 12 studies in vivo published since the
work of Airhart and Vidrich all show that the
activity of aminoacyl-tRNA lies between that of 5.2 A ‘Reciprocal’ Metabolite as
tracer amino acid in the EC and tissue pools Precursor
(Table 5.1). In eight cases the activity in tissue
fluid was some 2–14% higher than in tRNA. The The ‘reciprocal’ approach is based on the princi-
reason may be that usually, except in the case of ple that if two products are derived from the same
Vidrich, no correction was made for the ~20% of precursor and only that precursor, their level of
EC fluid that is included in the tissue pool, so that labelling will be the same. Arends and Bier
its activity is higher than that of the true IC tracer. (1991) examined four amino acids, glycine,
Most studies were of muscle, but the pattern in leucine, lysine and phenylalanine, and concluded
liver is similar. That of Watt et al. (1991) is the that only the first two had metabolites that would
pioneer study in man. It is noteworthy that in be useful as reciprocals in measurements of pro-
most cases (Vidrich is again an exception) the tein synthesis.
ratio ε tissue fluid: εtRNA was not significantly
changed either by a meal (Ljungqvist et al., 1997;
Davis et al., 1999) or by insulin (Young et al., 5.2.1 Glycine-hippurate
1994; Davis et al., 1999; Caso et al., 2001). Since
both food and insulin decrease protein break- In the early days, when measurements of isotope
down, one would expect the precursor activity to abundance in small quantities of material such as

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56 Chapter 5

Fig. 5.2. Model showing compartmentation of amino acid for protein synthesis within the transport system
of the cell membrane. Reproduced from Airhart et al. (1974), by courtesy of the Biochemical Journal.

plasma were limited by the instruments available, was not considered likely, because the same dif-
advantage was taken of the fact that benzoic acid, ference was found by retrograde perfusion; the
a potentially toxic substance, is detoxicated by authors concluded that there must be intracellular
combination with glycine to form hippuric acid. compartmentation of glycine transport. Probably
With a sufficient dose of benzoic acid quite large as a result of these contradictions hippurate has
amounts of hippuric acid are excreted in the fallen out of use in recent years.
urine. For early results by this method see
Waterlow et al. (1978). Since then Connell et al.
(1997) in sheep have found excellent agreement
between the activities of free glycine in liver and 5.2.2 Glycine-serine
urinary hippurate. The method has been used to
measure the synthesis rates of various plasma Serine is another metabolite of glycine that could
proteins: albumin in premature infants (Yudkoff be used as a precursor. Fern and Garlick (1973)
et al., 1987); fibrinogen (Stein et al., 1978; showed that when U-14C-glycine was infused in
Thompson et al., 1989); fibronectin in prematures rats, at plateau the specific activity ratio of
(Polin et al., 1989) and in burned or traumatized serine:glycine in liver and muscle protein was much
patients (Thompson et al., 1989). It was found closer to the ratio in the tissue free amino acid pool
that when labelled glycine was infused its activity than to the ratio in plasma, by a factor of about 2. In
in plasma at plateau was substantially higher than a second paper (Fern and Garlick, 1974) they found
that of its metabolite – hippurate in plasma or that when either serine or glycine was infused rates
urine – that had presumably been formed intra- of protein synthesis calculated from the labelling in
cellularly (Arends et al., 1991, 1995; Thompson the free tissue pool were very similar, whether the
et al., 1989). There was therefore agreement with precursor was taken to be the infused amino acid or
the experimental finding that the activity of an its reciprocal. These experiments made it very clear
infused tracer was always lower in the intracellu- that the labelling of the infused amino acid in
lar pool than in plasma (see Chapter 3). However, plasma is not representative of that at the site of the
there are also contradictory results: in two sets of precursor. There is no reason why this method
experiments with rat liver perfused with labelled should not be applied to studies in man, using either
glycine the activity of hippurate in the perfusate infusions of glycine with measurements on plasma
was 30–40% higher than that of free glycine in serine, or vice versa. It would be interesting to com-
the liver (Matsushima et al., 1989; Marsh and pare the two combinations, but this has not been
Diffenderfer, 1991). The idea of differential done. Fern and Garlick (1976) also found that when
labelling in periportal and perivenous hepatocytes two different proteins were isolated, albumin and

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The Precursor Problem 57

Table 5.1. Enrichment relative to tRNA in plasma and tissue fluid in whole body studies.
Author Animal Method Relative activity
Plasma Tissue fluid

Watt et al., 1991 Rat CI-leu 1.20 0.85
Young et al., 1994 Rat CI-phe 1.42 0.82
Baumann et al., 1994 Pig CI-leu 1.33 1.26
CI-phe 1.57 1.09
Davis et al., 1999 Pig FD-phe 1.05 1.02
Caso et al., 2001 Dog CI-phe 1.84 1.14
+ phe 1.31 0.95
CI-leu 1.72 1.02
Caso et al., 2002 Dog CI-leu 1.70 1.06
FD-phe 1.06 1.11
Watt et al., 1991 Man CI-leu 1.28 0.92
Ljungqvist et al., 1997 Man CI-leu 1.55 0.89
Smith and Sun, 1995 Rat FD-val 1.52 1.37
Vidrich et al., Rat SD-val 2.45 0.44
Watt et al., 1991 Rat CI-leu 2.98 0.58
Baumann et al., 1994 Pig CI-leu 1.57 1.06
Davis et al., 1999 Pig FD-phe 1.06 0.97
Ahlman et al., 2001 Pig CI-leu 1.33 0.85
CI-phe 1.41 0.89
Smith and Sun, 1995 Rat FD-val 1.09 1.08

CI, constant infusion; FD, flooding dose; SD, single dose. Most measurements in the post-absorptive
state. In a number of studies food or amino acids with or without insulin were given (Ljungqvist et al.,
1997; Davis et al., 1999; Caso et al., 2001, 2002) but they had no significant effect on the relative

ferritin, the specific activity ratios of serine:glycine (Tavill et al., 1968; Wöchner et al., 1968) (see
were significantly different in the two. This again Chapter 16). Labelling of the C6 of arginine has
was evidence of compartmentation. been more widely used as a method of measuring
decay rate (see Chapter 13).
A somewhat similar approach was used by
5.2.3 Urea Gersovitz et al. (1980). They gave frequent doses
of 15N-glycine, which produced a plateau in urea
Urea was introduced by McFarlane et al. (1963) labelling after 45 h. The synthesis rate of albumin
for measuring the synthesis rates of plasma pro- was then calculated from the increase in labelling
teins. The idea, following Swick (1958), was to of albumin arginine between 45 and 60 h and the
label the guanidino-carbon (C6) of arginine with a enrichment of urea at plateau. This is too slow to
single dose of [14C]-carbonate; this arginine on be useful, even if the urea pool had been labelled
the one hand is taken up into protein, on the other with a priming dose.
produces urea by the action of arginase. The
method depends, as does the leucine-KIC method
(see below) on the assumption of a common pool 5.2.4 Leucine--ketoisocaproate (KIC) (also
for synthesis and oxidation, and some doubts denoted 4-methyl-2-oxopentanoate (MOP))
were expressed on this score. However, in a small
number of studies in which synthesis of albumin Leucine was first used for measuring protein
was measured by this method and breakdown turnover in man by O’Keefe et al. (1974) and
with [131I] albumin, good agreement was found Golden and Waterlow (1977). This amino acid

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58 Chapter 5

was chosen because the small size of its free pool leucine and 14C-KIC were infused together
should cause plateau activity to be achieved (Schwenk et al., 1985; Chinkes et al., 1996). The
within 1–2 h, which was important in clinical first paper gives the impression that it is immate-
studies. The first step in the metabolism of rial which couple one chooses as primary/recip-
leucine is reversible transamination to KIC, fol- rocal, as would be expected if the transamination
lowed by irreversible decarboxylation (Chapter 4, is reversible and rapid. However, the paper of
section 4.2). Matthews et al. (1982) were the first Chinkes et al. (1996) reached a different conclu-
to propose that the enrichment of KIC in plasma sion: they found that when KIC was infused,
would be a good measure of intracellular enrich- enrichment of its reciprocal, leucine, in plasma
ment, and introduced the useful term ‘reciprocal agreed better with that of tissue leucine, than the
pool’. Matthews found that the enrichment ratio reciprocal, KIC, when leucine was infused. They
of plasma KIC to plasma leucine was about therefore recommended that a ‘reverse’ infusion
0.7–0.8 and varied little with the level of protein of KIC gave a better estimate of precursor activ-
intake or whether the subjects were in the fed or ity. This suggestion has not been generally fol-
fasted state. This ratio has been fully confirmed lowed up. It is worth mentioning that the
in numerous other studies (Table 5.2.). It is relationship of leucine and KIC to the true pre-
clearly remarkably stable. More important is the cursor leucyl-tRNA is not symmetrical.
ratio of activity of plasma KIC to that of t-RNA. If leucine is infused (a) the sequence is:
This has not been measured very often, but Table leucyl-tRNA
5.3 gives such results as there are. There is quite
a wide scatter, but the suggestion is that KIC will leucine →

overestimate the precursor enrichment and under-
estimate the synthesis rate by 15–20%.
Further experiments were done in which 3H- i.e. two products of the same precursor.

Table 5.2. Ratio of enrichment of plasma KIC to enrichment of plasma leucine after infusions of labelled

ε KIC/ε plasma leucine

No. of studies Mean Range

Post-absorptive 29 0.79 0.63–0.91

Fed 9 0.78 0.60–0.92
+ insulin 5 0.77 0.62–0.88

Table 5.3. Relative enrichment of plasma KIC to that of tRNA.

Author Animal ε KIC/ε tRNA

Rennie et al., 1991 Rat 0.96
Watt et al., 1991 Rat 1.33
Caso et al., 2002 Dog 1.26
Baumann et al., 1994 Pig 0.89
Watt et al., 1991 Man 1.18
Ljungqvist et al., 1997 Man 1.53
Mean, unweighted 1.19
Watt et al., 1991 Rat 1.57
Baumann et al., 1994 Pig 0.89
Boirie et al., 2001 Pig 1.04
Ahlman et al., 2001 Pig 1.07
Mean, unweighted 1.14

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The Precursor Problem 59

If KIC is infused (b) the sequence is: of the difficulty of sampling it. Studies on the
turnover rates of the very low density lipopro-
KIC → leucine → leucyl-tRNA
teins showed that apolipoprotein B100 (apo-B for
which, in spite of the speed of transamination, short) reached plateau labelling in 8–15 h (Cryer
may not come to the same thing. et al., 1986). Since apo-B can be sampled in the
plasma it is suitable for the practical measure-
ment of precursor activity, but obviously it is
5.2.5 Glucose metabolites only applicable to proteins synthesized in the
liver, including export proteins.
Jahoor et al. (1994) infused U-14C-glucose in A number of studies have compared the
infant pigs and compared the activity of alanine labelling of apo-B at plateau with that of the
derived from glucose in the rapidly turning over infused amino acid (Reeds et al., 1992; Motil et
protein apolipoprotein B-100 (see below) with that al., 1994; Jahoor et al., 1994; Cayol et al., 1996;
of alanine in plasma and found perfect agreement. Connell et al., 1997). These results are not of
When leucine was infused the agreement was less great interest since it is very clear, from the evi-
good; the ratio of ε-leucine in apoB: εKIC in dence cited earlier, that the activity of the free
plasma was only 0.74. This approach, using alanine amino acid in plasma does not give an adequate
as a ‘reciprocal’ of glucose, seems promising. measure of precursor labelling; therefore this
An ingenious application of the same princi- comparison is no test of the validity of apo-B as
ple was published by Hellerstein et al. (1986, precursor. A better approach is given by a recip-
1987) and Hellerstein and Munro (1987). UDP- rocal of the infused amino acid, of which three
glucose1 formed in the liver is the precursor of examples have been discussed above: serine from
both glucuronic acid and of the galactose moiety glycine, KIC from leucine and alanine from
of 1-acid glycoprotein, an important acute-phase glucose.
protein in the response to inflammation. Because Arends et al. (1995) infused 15N-glycine in
the glycoprotein is synthesized relatively slowly, human subjects and found that after 2 h the
it required 40 hours of glucose infusion to bring it enrichments in apo-B-glycine and apo-B-serine
to a plateau, but when this had been achieved were identical, confirming the findings of Fern
activity in the glycoprotein was the same as that and Garlick (1973); by 8 h, when apo-B was
in urinary glucuronic acid, demonstrating that approaching plateau, labelling in apo-B glycine
there was no compartmentation of the precursor. and apo-B serine were very close to that of plasma
In a subsequent paper Hellerstein and Munro serine. Table 5.4 shows the enrichment ratio apo-
(1987) used the activity in glucuronic acid to B/plasma KIC at plateau with infusion of leucine.
measure the rise and fall of glycoprotein synthe- With the exception of Halliday et al.’s study
sis produced by an injection of turpentine. (1993), shown in Fig. 5.3, many of the ratios are
low, suggesting that the apo-B had perhaps not
reached plateau labelling (Fig. 5.3). The low level
5.3 A Rapidly Synthesized Protein as of apo-B labelling in the fed state in Reeds’ exper-
Proxy for Precursor iment perhaps reflects dilution of the precursor in
the liver by amino acids absorbed from the gut,
The most recently proposed solution to the pre- which would affect apo-B more than KIC.
cursor problem has been to find a protein that Similarly one might explain the high labelling of
turns over so rapidly that within the period of apo-B with Cayol’s IG infusion of tracer by
observation its activity has come to a plateau, first–pass uptake in the splanchnic bed (Chapter
which may be taken to be the true precursor 6).
activity. The pancreatic enzyme described by There is unfortunately only one study in
Bennet et al. (1993) would be a good candidate, which enrichments of apo-B and tRNA have both
since its activity reached plateau in about 6 h been measured – that of Ahlman et al. (2001).
from the start of infusion, but obviously this pro- Both leucine and phenylalanine gave a ratio
tein would not be suitable for general use because εapo-B: εtRNA of ~0.5.

1 UDP–glucose is an activated form of glucose, the substrate for glycogen synthase.

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60 Chapter 5

Table 5.4. Relative enrichment of apolipoprotein B-100 to that of KIC.

Author Animal Tracer ε apo-B/ε KIC


Connell et al., 1997 Sheep IV fasted 1.12

IV fed 0.84
Jahoor et al., 1994 Pig IV ? 0.74
Ahlman et al., 2001 Pig IV basal 0.63
IV + insulin and AAs 0.72
Halliday et al., 1993 Man IV post-absorptive 1.00
Reeds et al., 1992a Man IV post-absorptive I 0.96
post-absorptive II 1.01
fed I 0.72
fed II 0.79
Cayol et al., 1996 Man IV post-absorptive 0.80
IGb post-absorptive 1.56
aInthis study leucine was infused for 48 h in the consecutive 12 h periods – fed-fasting-fed-fasting. There
undoubtedly was recycling (Fig. 5.3), but both apo-B and KIC should be equally affected.
bBy nasogastric tube.

Dangin et al., 2001); however, most tissues pro-

duce KIC (see Table 4.1) and its activity in
plasma must be the average of that in different
tissues, weighted according to its production rate
in those tissues. Moreover, as Table 5.3 shows,
the relative enrichment in liver is little different
from that in muscle.
The fact that KIC overestimates the precursor
labelling (Table 5.3) and hence underestimates
synthesis is probably not important, since most
studies are comparative.
A problem still unsolved is whether the pre-
cursor pool for oxidation is the same as that for
Fig. 5.3. Labelling of KIC in plasma and of leucine synthesis; i.e. whether acylation and transamina-
in apo B-100 during a 10-h infusion of [13C]- tion occur at the same site. The experiments of
leucine. Reproduced by permission from Halliday et Schneible et al. (1981) on cultured muscle cells
al. (1993), by courtesy of the American Journal of led them to conclude that internally derived
Clinical Nutrition © Am. J. Clin. Nutr. American amino acids are funnelled directly to protein syn-
Society for Nutrition.
thesis while the oxidative machinery uses mainly
amino acids from external sources. This is in
5.4 Conclusion agreement with the model of Mortimore et al.
(1972) (Fig. 5.1), but in contrast to that of Airhart
The most useful reciprocals seem to be et al. (1974), who took the position that ‘amino
leucine/KIC and glycine/serine. The former has acids from an extracellular pool funnel directly
the great advantage that in whole body studies it into the synthetic machinery’. The very small
enables oxidation to be measured as well as syn- amount of available information summarized in
thesis. It is logical, therefore, that leucine/KIC Table 5.3 appears to favour Schneible’s view,
should be adopted as the gold standard, at least since KIC is on average, more highly labelled
for measurements on the whole body. This than tRNA. There is clearly a need for more mea-
approach has been criticized on the ground that surements in the same study of the enrichments
enrichment of KIC in plasma reflects mainly that of KIC, apo-B and tRNA in muscle and in liver.
of the precursor in muscle (Garlick et al., 1997; It has been said that whenever there is a dis-

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The Precursor Problem 61

crepancy, attribute it to ‘compartmentation’. Fern Boirie, Y., Short, K.R., Ahlman, B., Charlton, M. and
and Garlick’s paper (1976) is important because Nair, K.S. (2001). Tissue specific regulation of
it extends the concept of compartmentation from mitochondrial and cytoplasmic protein synthesis
different sites of synthesis and oxidation to differ- rates by insulin. Diabetes 50, 2652–2658.
Caso, G., Ford, G.C., Nair, S.K., Vosswinkel, J.A.,
ences in the sites of synthesis of individual pro-
Garlick, P.J. and McNurlan, M.A. (2001) Increased
teins. They discuss one possible explanation: that concentration of tracee affects estimates of muscle
albumin is synthesized by membrane-bound protein synthesis. American Journal of Physiology
ribosomes attached to the endoplasmic reticulum, 280, E937–946.
while ferritin is thought to be synthesized by free Caso, G., Ford, C., Nair, K.S., Garlick, P.J. and
ribosomes. The word ‘compartmentation’ may McNurlan, M.A. (2002) Aminoacyl-tRNA enrich-
give a wrong impression; it seems more likely ment after a flood of labeled phenylalanine: insulin
that there is a gradient or series of gradients, with effect on muscle protein synthesis. American
labelling of the tracer amino acid highest at Journal of Physiology 282, E1029–1038.
points near the cell surface and lowest at points Cayol, M., Boirie, Y., Prugnaud, J., Gachon, P.,
Beaufrère, B. and Obled, C. (1996) Precursor pool
near the sites of degradation. Moreover, as has
for hepatic protein synthesis in humans: effect of
often been pointed out, the cell is not just a tracer route infusion and dietary proteins. American
watery bag of enzymes but has a highly complex Journal of Physiology 270, E980–987.
internal structure. It seems entirely possible that Chinkes, D., Klein, S., Zhang, X.-J. and Wolfe, R.R.
the gradients differ locally, according to the rates (1996) Infusion of KIC is more accurate than
at which amino acids penetrate through the labeled leucine to determine human muscle protein
crevices of the cytoplasmic gel. synthesis. American Journal of Physiology 270,
Connell, A., Calder, A.G., Anderson, S.E. and Lobley,
5.5 References G.E. (1997) Hepatic protein synthesis in the sheep:
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Ahlman, B., Charlton, M., Fu, A., Berg, C., O’Brien, P. tope-labelled glycine, leucine and phenylalanine.
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The Precursor Problem 63

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Precursor Method: Whole Body Protein
Turnover Measured by the Precursor Method

6.1 Background problems with radioactive isotopes turned our

minds towards the use of 15N-glycine, and in the
According to Wagenmakers (1999) ‘the L-[1-13C] decade of the 1970s only three papers appeared
leucine method has survived two decades of describing measurements of WBPT with radioac-
intense scrutiny and is now considered the refer- tive tracers. Studies were made with 14C-leucine
ence method to obtain fair estimates of whole- in surgical patients (O’Keefe et al., 1974) and in
body protein metabolism in most physiological the elderly (Golden and Waterlow, 1977), and
conditions’. This judgement is justified for most with U14C-tyrosine in normal male volunteers
purposes, but it took many years for the method (James et al., 1976).
to achieve this position. The mid-1970s saw a breakthrough with the
The starting point was the simultaneous but development of gas chomatography-mass spec-
independent publication of three papers on con- trometry (GCMS) that made possible the mea-
tinuous infusion of labelled amino acids in the rat surement of stable isotope concentrations in the
(Loftfield and Harris, 1956; Gan and Jeffay, small samples of free amino acids that could be
1967; Waterlow and Stephen, 1967). We used isolated from plasma. This methodology was first
14C-lysine and Gan also used 14C-tyrosine. They
applied to 15N-lysine (Halliday and McKeran,
showed that the specific radioactivity of free 1975; Bier and Christopherson, 1979; Conway et
lysine in plasma approached a plateau in 1–3 h; al., 1980) and then to [1-13C]-leucine (Matthews
both groups observed that the activities of free et al., 1980). Descriptions of the instrumentation
lysine in liver and muscle also reached plateaus, available at that time are given by Bier and
which were at lower levels than that in plasma Matthews (1982) and Halliday and Rennie
(Gan and Jeffay, 1967, 1971; Waterlow and (1982). Hard on the heels of these developments
Stephen, 1968). From these observations it was came the proposal by Matthews et al. (1981) to
possible to calculate rates of synthesis of liver use -ketoisocaproic acid (KIC) as a ‘reciprocal’
and muscle proteins which were more accurate of leucine to provide a better measure of the pre-
than previous observations derived from decay cursor activity (see Chapter 5). Other amino acids
curves. We were particularly interested in deriv- labelled with stable isotopes have indeed been
ing estimates of whole body protein turnover used for measuring WBPT, in particular 2H2-
(WBPT) from the plateau activity of plasma free leucine and 2H5-ring phenylalanine. A number of
lysine, according to the formula: Q = d/ε, other amino acids were used from 1986 onwards
described in Chapter 2, and applied the method in by Young’s group at MIT, specifically for mea-
three human subjects (Waterlow, 1967). A list of suring oxidation in carbon balance studies of
earlier measurements of WBPT by compartmen- amino acid requirements. These included lysine
tal analysis is given in that paper. Because of the (Meredith et al., 1986), threonine (Zhao et al.,
limits of permissible radioactive dosage, counts 1986) and valine (Meguid et al., 1986), but the
in plasma leucine were as low as 2 dpm, so the reciprocal method with 13C-leucine remained, as
results cannot be considered very accurate. The Wagenmakers (1999) has said, the gold standard.

64 © J.C. Waterlow 2006. Protein Turnover (J.C. Waterlow)

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Whole Body Protein Turnover Measured by the Precursor Method 65

The only point that has not yet been agreed is 6.3 Variability of Whole Body Synthesis
whether the enrichment of KIC should be used Rates in Healthy Adults by the Precursor
for calculating both flux and oxidation, or oxida- Method
tion only (Cortiella et al., 1988; Garlick et al.,
1997; Dangin et al., 2001) (see Chapter 4, section A widely used protocol is for the infusion of
4.1). leucine to be started with the subject in the post-
absorptive state, having eaten nothing overnight.
After 2 –3 h, when it is expected that enrichment
6.2 Outline of the Method will have reached a plateau, blood samples are
taken and feeding or infusion of amino acids is
The bare bones of the procedure with leucine are begun. The tracer infusion is continued for
as follows: after an initial blood sample to mea- another 3–5 h, when further samples are taken.
sure base-line leucine concentration and enrich- This protocol is referred to as a fasting/feeding
ment an intravenous infusion of [1-13C] leucine is study. The subjects for the results in Table 6.1
set up and continued for 3–8 h. Beyond 8 h recy- were all healthy, young or in a few cases middle-
cling (see below) may become a problem. The aged. Elderly people have not been included. No
infusion is into an antecubital vein, and samples distinction has been made between men and
are taken from a hand vein on the opposite side, women; usually when people of both sexes have
arterialized by warming. It is usual to give prim- been included in a study the results have not been
ing doses of both 13C-leucine and 13C-bicarbon- reported separately except for Volpi et al. (1998).
ate to hasten the rise to plateau, which is The results reported here are mainly for the post-
generally achieved in 1–2 h. At plateau several absorptive state, whether or not it was followed
(four or more) blood samples are taken for mea- by a period of feeding, since the purpose is to
suring enrichment of leucine and KIC and to examine the variability of the method under stan-
check that a reasonable plateau with zero slope dardized conditions. They are for synthesis rather
has been achieved. Breath CO2 is collected by than flux, in order to avoid the complicating fac-
frequent sampling to determine VCO2 and its tor of oxidation, which even in the post-absorp-
enrichment. If the experiment involves feeding, tive state varies a little with the protein content of
care has to be taken that the natural abundance of the preceding diet (Waterlow, 1996).
13C in the food protein is not too different from Two series have been analysed: the first
that in body protein. In the calculations of flux includes 65 studies from America, Britain,
and oxidation, since the stable isotope tracer is France, Italy and India, containing in all 502 sub-
not massless, a correction has to be made to the jects. In fasting/feeding studies, when two or
standard flux formula: Q = d/εp (Chapter 4) by more levels of protein were fed, each preceded by
subtracting the mass of tracer infused; the cor- a separate baseline post-absorptive measurement,
rected flux is: they have been regarded as separate studies. A
sub-series is the mammoth experiment of
ε 
Qcorr = d  i − 1 Marchini et al. (1993) (Group E) in which three
 εp  diets with different amino acid patterns were fed.
All the post-absorptive measurements are
where d is the rate of infusion of tracer (mol included here. The results of both series are
h1), εi its enrichment and εp the enrichment in shown in Table 6.1.
plasma. In the whole series (A) the variation, both
Enrichment is calculated as: between studies and between individuals within
each study, is high. There is clearly a tendency
[13C] rather than as the molar ratio [13C] for some laboratories to produce high results and
[12C] + [13C] [12C] others low ones. It might be that the variation
(Slater et al., 2001). would be larger in earlier studies when workers
were less experienced, but no chronological
This short description of the method raises effect was found.
many points that need to be discussed in more The purpose of separating out sub-series E is
detail (see below). to show what can be achieved by a rigidly

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66 Chapter 6

Table 6.1. Whole body uptake of leucine to protein synthesisa in healthy normal adults. Marchini’s study
analysed separately.

No. of No. of µmol leucine SD SD
groupsb subjects kg1 h1 c groupd individualse

Main series
Post-absorptive (PA)
A. Whole series 65 502 103.5 22.9 18.1
B. PA without feeding 22 197 105.3 24.8 20.9
C. PA before feeding 32 223 99.4 16.7 11.8
D. PA before amino acids
intravenously 11 82 102.3 27.6 24.4
On feeding
E f. 32 171 97 18.9 17.5
Marchini’s series
F. Post-absorptive 8 52 82.1 3.6 9.7
G. Fed 8 52 82.2 3.0 12.2
aSynthesis rates were calculated with KIC as precursor. In a few cases where the precursor enrichment
was that of plasma leucine the values have been multiplied by 1.25.
bA group represents subjects who received the same treatment. There might be several groups in the

same study.
cWeighted mean.
dCalculated as √ ∑ [(x – x)2 . n ]/N 1.
i i
eCalculated as √ ∑ [(SD 2 . (n – 1) ]/N.
i i
fFour studies from C were omitted.

References: Schwenk et al., 1985b; Castellino et al., 1987; Gelfand and Barrett, 1987; Schwenk and
Haymond, 1987; Young et al., 1987; Conway et al., 1988; Cortiella et al., 1988; Gelfand et al., 1988;
Pacy et al., 1988, 1994; Beaufrère et al., 1989; Fukagawa et al., 1989; Melville et al., 1989, 1990;
Thompson et al., 1989; Bruce et al., 1990; Louard et al., 1990; Hoerr et al., 1991; McHardy et al., 1991;
Tessari et al., 1991, 1995, 1996b,c,d, 1999; 1992; Heslin et al., 1992; Reaich et al., Beshiyah et al.,
1993; Marchini et al., 1993; Fong et al., 1994; Russell-Jones et al., 1994; El-Khoury et al., 1995; Nair et
al., 1995; Tauveron, 1995; Gibson et al., 1996; Giordano et al., 1996; Balagopal et al., 1997; Boirie et al.,
1997; Bouteloupe-Demange et al., 1998; Fereday et al., 1998; Forslund et al., 1998; Macallan et al.,
1998; Volpi et al., 1998; Zanetti et al., 1999; Millward et al., 2000; Kurpad et al., 2001.

standardized technique in a single experienced There is also the contribution of within-sub-

laboratory (Massachusetts Institute of ject variation from one day to another. There is
Technology). It is not clear why the mean synthe- little information about this, but in one study
sis rate is substantially lower than in the other fluxes were compared in the same six subjects on
sub-groups. However, the variation between stud- two separate occasions, with a mean difference of
ies was reduced to a very low level. On the other only 3.8% (Welle and Nair, 1990).
hand, the between-subject variability had a coef-
ficient of variation of about 10%. Thus, Welle
and Nair (1990) in a study on 47 men and
women, found a CV of 10% in leucine flux when 6.4 Sites of Administration and of
related to total body potassium. This will not Sampling
remove all variability, because there may be vari-
ations in the inter-organ distribution of lean body This subject has raised some difficult problems
mass. Garby and Lammert (1994) showed that and the extensive literature is quite confusing.
between-subject variation in energy expenditure Katz (1982, 1992) produced a detailed experi-
could be largely explained by variations in organ mental and mathematical study of it. He distin-
size. guished between infusion into a vein with

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Whole Body Protein Turnover Measured by the Precursor Method 67

sampling from an artery – the so-called VA mode d = VA.εA – VV.εV where VA and VV are the
– and infusion into an artery with sampling from fluxes into and out of the tissues, and εA and εV
a vein – the AV mode. He favoured the latter, and are enrichments in arterial and mixed venous
stated that ‘the ideal AV mode is to supply tracer blood. VA and VV are not equal, as can be seen in
uniformly to all tissues and to sample the mixed Fig. 2.6, Chapter 2, where they correspond to
effluent from all parts of the body. Injections into VBA and VAB. These fluxes are not easily mea-
the aorta and sampling from the vena cava appear sured, but Layman and Wolfe (1987) got round
to be the most practical (!) approach to this goal. the difficulty by substituting plasma flow for
However, alternative methods, providing that the flux, since it could be assumed that the flow rates
capillary bed is the site of administration and into and out of the tissues are the same. The
sampling, may be adequate’. equation then becomes:
The classification into AV and VA modes is d = (F.CA + I) εA – F.CVεV where F = plasma
not helpful. For example, are infusions into the flow, I is the mass of infused tracer, and C is the
pulmonary artery (Pell et al., 1983) arterial or tracee concentration in plasma, arterial and
venous? The important points surely are as fol- venous. Layman and Wolfe (1987) assumed that
lows: (i) sampling must be downstream from CA and CV were equal, which is unlikely to be the
the infusions; and (ii) a distinction has to be case. Nevertheless, with this assumption, in
made between sampling before and sampling experiments on dogs they calculated the expected
after the blood has passed through the tissues value of εV for a number of metabolites, includ-
(Fig. 6.1). ing leucine and alanine, and found good agree-
The flux that we are concerned to measure is ment with the observed values.
the disposal rate, which is determined by the The drawback to this approach is the need to
extent to which the tracer has been taken up by measure plasma flow as well as tracer concentra-
the tissues and its enrichment at the site of dis- tions. The alternative is to abandon any attempt
posal. This uptake is the difference between the to make measurements on the venous side, and
amount of tracer delivered in the arterial supply to concentrate on getting the best estimate that
and the amount removed in the mixed venous we can of the enrichment of the precursor at the
effluent, and in the isotopic steady state is equal intracellular site of protein synthesis and oxida-
to the rate of tracer dosage. Thus: tion. As discussed in Chapter 5, the enrichment

Fig. 6.1. Model to illustrate the sampling site. The infusion of tracer at I is upstream from the sampling site
of a heated vein, S, which is equivalent to an arterial site. Arrows denote direction of blood flow. Using KIC
as a precursor is a ‘proxy’ for sampling the venous effluent from the tissues.

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68 Chapter 6

of KIC in plasma is probably the best approxi- and far enough up to be well mixed before it
mation that is available so far. In the study of reaches that site.
Layman and Wolfe (1987) εV was not signifi-
cantly different from εKIC; it was about 20%
lower than εA and about 15% higher than the 6.5 Priming
enrichment of free leucine in liver, muscle, gut
and kidney. The prime is a bolus dose of tracer given at the
This is the approach that is used in the tech- beginning of the infusion, the object being to
nique proposed by Abumrad et al. (1981), now reach a plateau as nearly as possible instanta-
widely adopted and part of the standard method. neously. It is intuitively obvious that, for this to
The tracer is infused into an ante-cubital vein, be achieved, the curve of falling enrichment after
passes into the vena cava and thence through the the bolus should be the mirror image of the rising
right side of the heart and the pulmonary circula- enrichment with the infusion (Fig. 6.2). This
tion to the aorta. In passing through the lungs the requires that the initial enrichment from the bolus
blood loses only a small amount of tracer, esti- should be equal to the plateau enrichment pro-
mated by Pell et al. (1983) as about 4%. At the duced by the infusion, which is easily proved.
sampling site in the hand, which is kept in a box On the assumption of instantaneous mixing, the
heated to about 65°C, the blood flows through initial enrichment, εbo, produced by the bolus = p/M,
very rapidly and perfuses only a very small where p is the priming dose of tracer and M is the
amount of tissue, so that it is in effect arterial pool (mass) of tracee (i.e. volume  concentration)
blood. Copeland et al. (1992) have shown good in which it is diluted. Likewise, with the infusion,
agreement in leucine enrichment between blood εmax = d/Q
from the aorta and from a heated hand vein.
where Q is the flux and d the rate of infusion of
Thus, contrary to Katz, the method is anatomi-
cally in the V-A mode, but the key point is that
the infusion is upstream from the sampling site, ∴ p/M = d/Q

Fig. 6.2. Ideal priming curve with a bolus dose of tracer at the beginning of a continuous infusion.
SB = activity produced by the prime ; SI = activity produced by the infusion ●; at any point of time the sum
of the two activities = plateau activity SI max.

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Whole Body Protein Turnover Measured by the Precursor Method 69

but Q = kM, where k is the fractional turnover The proportion taken up in the first pass,
rate of the pool. Thus:
F = I – (εIG/εIV), or I – QIV/QIG
p/M = d/kM and p/d = 1/k
where ε are enrichments of the tracer in plasma,
k, of course, is not known, but it might be esti- Q are fluxes and the subscripts indicate the route
mated from experience as between about 0.01 of administration. F is measured by giving by the
and 0.02 min1 (Waterlow and Stephen, 1968). two routes tracers labelled with two different iso-
This would mean that a prime would be 50–100 topes, e.g. 13C- and 2H-leucine or 2H- and 15N-
times the amount infused in 1 minute. Very often lysine (Hoerr et al., 1991, 1993). The formula
a prime is chosen to be equal to 1 hour of infu- based on fluxes is preferable to that based on
sion. It is impossible, without independent assess- enrichments: since Q = d/ε, it automatically com-
ment of k, to choose a priming dose that exactly pensates for any difference in the dose rates of
fits the criteria, but an approximation to ‘ideal’ k the two tracers. It is also, of course, necessary to
will speed up the attainment of plateau and be certain that the body treats the two tracers in
reduce the error in defining where the plateau exactly the same way quantitatively; it is not
starts. clear that this is always the case.
An early measurement of the first-pass effect
was by Cortiella et al. (1988) as part of a study on
6.6 The First-pass Effect the effect of different levels of leucine intake.
Having previously established the equivalence of
When the tracer is given by mouth or naso-gastric 2H- and 13C-leucine they infused the 2H tracer IV

tube (IG) it reaches first the gut and portal- in the fasting state for 8 h; during the last 5 h the
drained viscera, where some of it is taken up 13C tracer was infused IG with food. This protocol

(‘sequestered’), while the remainder goes on to has been widely used since then; results are shown
the peripheral circulation. As a consequence the in Table 6.2. As the table shows, studies have also
enrichment of tracer at the sampling site (heated been made with other essential amino acids –
hand vein) is lower, and the calculated flux phenylalanine (Matthews et al., 1993a) and lysine
greater with intragastric than with intravenous (Hoerr et al., 1993) and with non-essential amino
administration of tracer. This is known as the acids – glutamate/glutamine (Matthews, 1993b)
‘first-pass effect’. and arginine (Castillo et al., 1993).

Table 6.2. The ‘first-pass effect’: estimates of splanchnic uptake of amino acids in the fed state in normal

Number of Mean uptake by Range References

studies splanchnic viscera
(% of dose)

Leucine 17 23 14–34 a
Phenylalanine 6 32 21–50 b
Tyrosine 1 40 c
Lysine 2 23 d
Glutamine 1 54 e
Glutamate 1 88 e
Arginine 1 37 f
a, Cortiella et al., 1988; Gelfand et al., 1988; Hoerr et al., 1991, 1993; Biolo et al., 1992; Castillo et al.,
1993, 1997; Krempf et al., 1993; Matthews et al., 1993a; Collin-Vidal et al., 1994; Tessari et al., 1994;
Boirie et al., 1997; Cayol et al., 1997; Sánchez et al., 1995; Arnal et al., 2000; Metges et al., 2000.
b, Biolo et al., 1992; Krempf et al., 1993; Tessari et al., 1994; Sánchez et al., 1995; Volpi et al., 1999.
c, Basil-Filho et al., 1998.
d, Hoerr et al., 1993.
e, Matthews, 1993b; Reeds et al., 1996.
f, Castillo et al., 1993.

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70 Chapter 6

Matthews and Hoerr designed singularly com- similar with the two tracers, even though IV and
plex protocols to examine the effect in more IG infusions are made in different subjects on dif-
detail. Matthews (1993a) studied two groups of ferent days. The other comparison is shown in
six subjects on separate days, all in the fasted Table 6.3B. It is clear that the combination 13C-
state. 2H- and 13C-leucine were infused simulta- leu IV + 2H-leu IG, the one most frequently used
neously, one IV and the other IG. The infusions in later work, gives quite different results from
were continued for 7 h, and halfway through the the other combination. It can also be seen from
tracers were switched. In the second group of the table that for comparable measurements, IV
subjects the same protocol was used, except that or IG, the enrichments are greater, and the fluxes
the order of the tracers was reversed. It is thus lower with 13C than with 2H.
possible to generate two sets of results, one with The protocols used by Hoerr et al. (1991) and
the same combination of tracers in different sub- by Castillo et al. (1993) were similar to that of
jects, the other with different tracers infused in Matthews but included studies in the fed state.
the same subjects. Infusions were made on two consecutive days, on
The results of the first comparison are shown the first day with 2H-leucine IV and 13C-leu IG,
in Table 6.3A. It indicates that when the same and on the second day with the tracers reversed.
tracer is given IV and IG, e.g. tests 1 and 2 versus In Hoerr et al.’s study 13C consistently gave
3 and 4, splanchnic uptake (SU, final column) is higher fluxes than 2H, with a difference of about

Table 6.3. Leucine enrichment with intravenous and intragastric infusions.

A. Results for the same tracer in different subjects on different days, normalized to equal dose rates.

Day Test Period Tracer Route Enrichment Mean Splanchnic

uptake %

1 1 A 13C-leucine IV 4.65  
13C-leucine  4.90 
2 2 B IV 5.16  
1 3 B 13C-leucine IG 3.78  
13C-leucine  3.88 
2 4 A IG 3.98 
1 5 B 2H-leucine IV 3.57  
 3.52 
2 6 A IV 3.47  
1 7 A 2H-leucine IG 2.63  
2H-leucine  2.95 
2 8 B IG 3.28 

B. Results with different tracers infused simultaneously in the same subjects by intravenous and
intragastric routes.

Day Period Tracer Route Enrichment Splanchnic

uptake, %

1 A 13C-leucine IV 4.65 43
2H-leucine IG 2.63
2 B 13C-leucine IV 5.16 36
2H-leucine IG 3.28
1 B 2H-leucine IV 3.57 Negative
13C-leucine IG 3.78
2 A 2H-leucine IV 3.47 Negative
13C-leucine IG 3.98

Data of Matthews et al. (1993a).

The studies were made on two separate days in different groups of six subjects. Intravenous and intra-
gastric infusions were given for 7 h in the fasted state. Halfway through each infusion the routes of
administration were switched, so that each infusion has two periods, A and B.

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Whole Body Protein Turnover Measured by the Precursor Method 71

15%, a point to which the authors drew attention uptake of leucine by the splanchnic region, and
in their paper. The difference was in the opposite Cortiella et al. (1988) calculated that 20% of the
direction to that in Matthews’ data, and so was KIC entering the plasma was derived from this
presumably due to technical rather than biologi- region. On the other hand, Biolo et al. (1997)
cal factors. This work illustrates some of the dif- found that only 10% of the first-pass uptake of
ficulties and uncertainties of these studies. Even leucine was deaminated to KIC and concluded
when tracers agree, since SU is a measurement that ‘the splanchnic region is relatively less effi-
by difference there is inevitably much variation. cient than the whole body in KIC production’.
An interpretation often given to the first pass Until this question is resolved, it seems sensible
effect is that the actual flux with tracer IG is to use plasma εKIC to provide the best estimate
greater than that with tracer IV, and that it might of the overall flux, whether tracer is given IV or
be desirable, when a flux has been measured IV, IG. The ideal would be to give tracers by both
to ‘correct’ it by adding 20–25% to compensate routes and take the average.
for splanchnic uptake (El Khoury et al., 1995). We do not suggest that the splanchnic seques-
We believe that this interpretation is not correct. tration of tracer has no significance; it must give
A person, whether in the fed or fasted state, has a some information about the disposal rate in the
certain rate of amino acid flux – of synthesis, splanchnic area, but without further information
breakdown and oxidation. The body, however, the rate cannot be quantified. Differences in
has no means of sensing the tracer; because it is a splanchnic uptake may well be interesting. For
tracer, the flux in reality remains the same, what- example, the data in Table 6.2 suggest that, under
ever the route of tracer administration. When the same conditions, the uptake is greater with
tracer is given IG, the viscera take more than phenylalanine than with leucine. This may be
their fair share of it; one might say that the esti- because proteins synthesized in the liver are
mate of whole body flux is ‘biased’ towards the richer in aromatic amino acids than the average
viscera, and when tracer is given IV the estimate body protein, as was pointed out by Reeds et al.
is ‘biased’ towards the peripheral tissues. What it (1994) for the acute-phase proteins. Again, the
comes down to is that the two routes of dosage splanchnic uptake of labelled leucine was found
provide two different estimates of flux, neither of to be almost twice as high in premature infants
which is correct for the whole body. The position and in the elderly as in young adults (Beaufrère et
is exactly analogous to the two estimates of al., 1992; Boirie et al., 1997). This may reflect
whole body flux given by the two end-products, the higher proportion of splanchnic tissue in the
urea and ammonia, in the end-product method of old and the very young.
measuring flux (Chapter 7). Since the fluxes or
disposal rates in the two regions, visceral and
peripheral, are roughly the same, as shown by Yu 6.7 Recycling
et al. (1992 in Table 6) in dogs and Tessari et al.
(1996b) in humans, it would be logical to get the A distinction must be made between recycling
best estimate of whole body flux by averaging the and reutilization: the one relates to the tracer, the
estimates from the two routes of infusion. other to the tracee. Reutilization describes the
The average ratio from many studies of process by which amino acids liberated by pro-
plasma leucine enrichment with IG to that with tein breakdown are reincorporated into protein,
IV infusions comes to about 0.8, conventionally either in the same cell (internal reutilization) or in
indicating a splanchnic uptake of 20%. If εKIC is different cells or tissues (external reutilization).
used as a better measure of precursor activity, the The same distinction can be made for recycling
ratio from the available data comes to 0.88, closer of tracer.
to unity. The problem of recycling is particularly seri-
It has been suggested that KIC will not give a ous for measurements of degradation rates from
representative picture of what is happening in the decay curves of tracer. We attempted to quantify
body as a whole, because it is formed mainly in the effect of both internal and external recycling
muscle. However, this appears not to be the case. by injecting rats with [U14C] arginine and [14C]
In the dogs studied by Yu et al. (1990) formation sodium carbonate, as suggested by Swick (1958),
of KIC accounted for 40% of the metabolic followed by measurements on liver and serum

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72 Chapter 6

proteins (Stephen and Waterlow, 1966). The tis- infusions, and this presents practical difficulties:
sues were treated with arginase + urease to deter- the subject must be in a steady state throughout,
mine the activity of the non-recycled guanidine but either fasting or feeding continuously for
carbon (C6) and with arginine decarboxylase to more than 24 h is likely to produce a non-steady
determine that of the recycled carboxyl-carbon state with adaptive changes in flux and plasma
(C1). With both liver and serum proteins the enrichment. Reeds et al. (1992) tried to get over
decay rates of the carboxyl-carbon were twice this problem by infusing labelled amino acids for
those of the guanidine-carbon, showing clearly 48 h, divided into alternating 12 h periods of
the extent of the error produced by recycling. feeding and fasting. The percentage increases in
In short-term measurements of synthesis, enrichment between periods of each pair are
before most proteins have had time to become shown in Table 6.4. These rates, like many of
highly labelled, recycling nevertheless can have those in the table, are some tenfold higher than
an important effect on the calculation of flux. If it would be expected on the basis of the average
is an infusion study recycling will convert the turnover rate of whole body protein, and have
supposedly zero slope of the pseudoplateau into a been attributed to rapid turnover of a small pool
positive slope. As a result, fluxes calculated at the of protein. The question then arises whether such
end of a long infusion are lower than those from a a small pool, however fast it turned over, could
shorter one. If it is a single-dose experiment recy- produce the observed effect, or whether it would
cling means that it will take longer for the plasma be swamped by the much larger mass of slowly
to be cleared of tracer, which again reduces the turning over protein. One way to answer this
estimate of flux. question was to construct a simple model with
In theory, if the fractional rate of whole body two protein pools communicating independently
protein turnover is 2.5% day1 or 0.001 h1, this is with a small central pool. The fixed parameters of
the rate at which recycling will occur.1 Since even this model are given in Fig. 6.3 (Slevin and
after a whole day of infusion only 2.5% of protein Waterlow, to be published). With these parame-
will be labelled, 0.001 of this is a very small ters the model predicts that a pseudoplateau of
amount. However, the rate will increase as time enrichment in the central pool would be reached
goes on, as tissue proteins become more and more in about 5 h, whereas it would take some
highly labelled. Gibson et al. (1996) calculated 50,000 h to achieve a truly steady state in which
that if 1.25% of tracer per hour is added to the enrichment of all protein-bound and free amino
metabolic pool, the enrichment would be increased acids is equal, and equal to that of the infusate.
by 3.75% at 6 h and 7.5% at 9 h, leading to corre- Enrichment in the central pool at pseudoplateau
sponding underestimates of the true flux. is only about 1/10 of that in the state of complete
In practice, both higher and lower rates of equilibrium. The enrichment at plateau depends
recycling have been observed, as summarized in entirely on the flux out of the pool.
Table 6.4. These rates are quite variable; to get The total protein pool was then divided into
more accurate estimates would require longer two parts, fast and slow, varying in size but each
Table 6.4. Estimates of recycling from the literature.

Author Period of Rate of recycling

observation (% h1)
Tsalikian et al., 1984 14 h 1.1
Schwenk et al., 1985a 20 h 1.0
Melville et al., 1989 12 h 0.7
Thompson et al., 1989 26 h 0.36
Carraro et al., 1991 120 days 0.12
Matthews et al., 1993a 3.5 h 2.9
Reeds et al., 1992 48 h 0.4
Recycling defined as rate of increase in enrichment in plasma, expressed as
percentage of the enrichment at the beginning of the pseudoplateau.

1 Observed turnover = ~5 g protein per kg body weight per day containing 20% protein.

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Whole Body Protein Turnover Measured by the Precursor Method 73

a recycling rate of ~1% h1. Such a small but fast

pool, composed of lipoproteins, enzymes, etc., is
easily envisaged.
To ignore the effect of recycling can have
quite a large influence on estimates of changes in
synthesis and breakdown. Thus in a fasting-feed-
ing study lasting 9 h, Gibson et al. (1996) found
that, if recycling was ignored, feeding produced
an increase of 11% in synthesis and a decrease of
47% in breakdown; but if recycling was assumed
to occur at 1.5% h1, the increase in synthesis
would rise to 27% and the decrease in breakdown
would fall to 36%.
The quantitative effect of recycling on esti-
mates of synthesis and breakdown under various
conditions has been largely ignored.
Fig. 6.3. Three-pool model for the calculation of
recycling. P1 is a precursor pool containing 100
units. P2 and P3 are fast and slow protein pools
with a combined content of 100,000 units; E is 6.8 Regional Turnover
excretion at a rate of 0.1  P1 h1; D is material
tracer entering to balance E. Reproduced from K.
6.8.1 Studies on the arm and leg
Slevin, personal communication.

Halliday’s group was the first to measure protein

maintaining a constant proportion of the flux out turnover in a single limb as opposed to the whole
of the central pool. The results are shown in Fig. body. Their two papers (Cheng et al., 1985, 1987)
6.4 and Table 6.5. Case A shows that a fast pool covered the fed and fasted states. The method,
containing only 2% of body protein could lead to used by all subsequent workers, combines mea-

Fig. 6.4. Activity curves in the precursor pool when the two protein pools are varied in size, but have equal
fluxes into and out of P1. The relative sizes of the two protein pools that were tested are given in Table 6.5.
Reproduced from K. Slevin, personal communication.

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74 Chapter 6

Table 6.5. Slopes of post-plateau increase in enrichment (recycling) in the central pool when the total
protein pool is divided into two parts of different sizes with different turnover rates, but each contributing
equal amounts to the total flux.

Slope of pseudo-
pool size Turnover rate, plateau (% h1)
% of total h1 x 103
(sum of fast and
Fast Slow Fast Slow slow components)

A 2 98 22.5 0.46 0.93

B 5 95 9.0 0.47 0.38
C 5 75 1.8 0.60 0.097
D 50 50 0.9 0.90 0.073

Parameters of the model: central pool: 100 units; turnover of central pool: protein pool(s):100,000; rate
1.0 h1: excretion 0.1 h1 In the above example the fast and slow protein pools each generate half the
total flux, excluding excretion, i.e. 45 units. Slope of pseudo-plateau calculated from the approximate
equation: slope = [d  k21 k12  t]/k21 + k12 + k31 + e]2. Reference: Slevin and Waterlow, to be published.
See Fig. 6.4.

surement of blood flow and of arterio-venous (A- Later workers have developed different mod-
V) differences in amino acid concentrations els, e.g. Biolo et al. (1992) and Tessari et al.
across the limb – the classical method before the (1995), but they all rely on achieving a steady
isotopic era – with infusion of a labelled amino state and determining transport rates of tracee and
acid to give A-V differences in enrichment. The tracer from A-V differences in concentration and
model had four pools, protein, leucine, KIC and enrichment (see Chapter 3). Biolo’s model, which
CO2. For details of the calculations the original has been widely used, is shown in Fig. 3.1. The
paper (Cheng et al., 1985) should be consulted. details of the calculation are somewhat compli-
The tracer was doubly labelled with [1-13C,15N] cated, and are set out in the original paper.
leucine, from which rates of KIC formation and Further studies on the arm, leg or splanchnic
reamination could be calculated. Oxidation was region, describing the effects of amino acids and
determined from A-V differences in CO2 concen- insulin, are summarized in Chapter 9.
tration and enrichment, with KIC as precursor. Studies on arm and leg have paid dividends in
The results of the combined studies of Cheng several ways. First, they have enabled calculation
et al. (1985, 1987) are shown in Table 6.6. There of the rate of transport of amino acids across the
was a negative leucine balance in the fasted state, muscle cell membrane, described in Chapter 3.
which was converted to a positive balance with Secondly, in some cases, in addition to the infu-
infusion of amino acids, mainly through sions muscle biopsies have been taken, which
increased synthesis. The rates of leucine-KIC made it possible to compare the direct estimate of
interchange agree well with those of Bier and fractional synthesis rate (FSR) of muscle from the
Matthews (1982) in the whole body (Chapter 4). biopsy with the indirect estimate from amino acid

Table 6.6. Leucine metabolism in the forearm.

mol h1 per 100 ml arm
Fasteda Fedb
Leucine C flux 6.2 8.4
Leucine N flux 17.8 25.0
Deamination 12.5 23.3
Reamination 11.9 19.8
Oxidation 0.3 2.6
Protein synthesis 4.2 7.6
Protein breakdown 5.0 5.2

Data of Cheng et al., a1987, b1985.

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Whole Body Protein Turnover Measured by the Precursor Method 75

uptake by the limb. Excellent agreement was intestinal tract, liver and spleen and to study its
found between the two methods (Biolo et al., protein turnover requires sampling from a
1995a). In order to calculate the FSR from the catheter in the hepatic vein. To separate the con-
data on the whole limb, the volume of the limb tributions of liver and GI tract it would be neces-
was determined by anthropometry (Jones and sary to catheterize the portal vein, which cannot
Pearson, 1969) and it was assumed that 60% of easily be done in man, but which was achieved
this volume was muscle. In limb studies the con- by Yu et al. (1990, 1992) in their very important
tributions of skin and bone are often ignored, and experiments on dogs.
since these tissues have high rates of turnover (see Tessari et al. (1996a) estimated total protein
below), the turnover rate of muscle protein will be synthesis in the splanchnic area in the basal state
inflated if no account is taken of them. Biolo et al. as about 70 g day1. On the basis of the nitrogen
(1994) tackled this problem by experiments on content of the splanchnic organs, this would give
dogs in which biopsies were taken of skin as well a fractional synthesis rate (FSR) for the splanch-
as of muscle. The relative masses of the two tis- nic region of about 15% day1, or about 5  the
sues were assumed to be given by the relative FSR of the whole body (Chapter 6). The figure
rates of blood flow to them. On this basis it was fits in reasonably well with such information as is
calculated that skin would not contribute more available for man on the FSR of the proteins of
than about 10% to total turnover in the limb. different organs (Chapter 9).
A third dividend from the limb studies is that Table 6.7 gives information from five studies
they provide comparisons between metabolism in on the percentage contributions of splanchnic
the peripheral tissues, mainly muscle, and in the protein synthesis and breakdown to that in the
whole body. Heslin et al. (1992) calculated that in whole body in the basal state. It seems that
the basal state skeletal muscle contributed about Tessari’s estimate may be a little low, but com-
one quarter of whole body synthesis and break- parisons are difficult because different models
down. The estimates of Tessari et al. (1996a) are have been used for the calculations.
slightly higher – about one third. Protein turnover in the human kidney was
measured for the first time in humans by Tessari
et al. (1996a) by separately catheterizing the renal
6.8.2 Turnover in the splanchnic region vein. They found that protein synthesis in the kid-
neys accounted for about 9% of whole body syn-
Great interest naturally attaches to protein thesis. Assuming that the kidneys contain 25%
turnover in the splanchnic region, where metabo- protein, the FSR would be about 36% day1,
lism is so active. The region includes the gastro- more than twice that of the splanchnic viscera as a

Table 6.7. Percentage contribution of the splanchnic region to whole body protein turnover.
Measurements with labelled leucine. Comparison of results in the basal state with those after giving
amino acids, a meal or insulin.
Per cent of whole body turnover
In the basal state With intervention

Synthesis Breakdown Synthesis Breakdown

Gelfand et al., 1988 58 50 52 68 + amino acids
Nair et al., 1995 42 26 28 22 + insulin
Tessari et al., 1996a 27 22 – –
Cayol et al., 1997 40 77 68 62 + meal

Yu et al., 1992 22 18 73 30 + amino acids

Lobley et al., 1996 24 – – – –

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76 Chapter 6

whole. Oxidation in the kidney was also very 6.9 Measurement of Protein Turnover
high, achieved by increasing net deamination of with Amino Acids other than Leucine
leucine and net extraction of KIC from the arterial
blood. Holliday et al. (1967) give a figure of 120 In 1989, in an important paper (Bier, 1989), Bier
kcal day1 for the oxygen uptake of the kidneys, published a diagram, reproduced by Matthews
which at a BMR of 6.3 MJ day1 would be 8% of (1993a) (Fig. 6.5A) showing the relation between
total oxygen uptake. Thus the kidneys contribute the whole body turnover rates of different amino
almost identical proportions of whole body pro- acids and their concentrations in muscle or gut
tein and oxygen turnover. The paper of Tessari et protein (Fig. 6.5B). The data for the essential
al. (1996a) contains a huge amount of valuable amino acids (EAA) all fell on a straight line, sug-
information. It is a pity that we do not have simi- gesting that if the fluxes obtained with any EAA
lar data for the human brain. are corrected for their concentration in whole

Fig. 6.5. Three-pool model for studies in forearm or leg. A: Relationship between post-absorptive fluxes of
essential amino acids in man, calculated from their enrichment in plasma and their molar concentrations in
body proteins. Reproduced, by permission, from Matthews (1993b). B: Relation between proportional
uptake of essential amino acids by the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) and the composition of GIT proteins.
Reproduced from MacRae et al. (1997), by courtesy of the American Journal of Physiology.

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Whole Body Protein Turnover Measured by the Precursor Method 77

body protein, they would all be the same. A simi- surprisingly meagre: some are shown in Table
lar diagram was published by MacRae et al. 6.9.
(1997) showing a linear relation between the
sequestration of EAA in the gastrointestinal tract
and their proportions in GIT protein (Fig. 6.5B). 6.9.1 Whole body fluxes and synthesis rates
This relationship is to be expected but it faces
two difficulties. The first is that the estimates of Phenylalanine is the amino acid that has been
flux cited by Bier were based on enrichments of most widely used in parallel with leucine, mainly
the amino acids in plasma; can it be assumed that because it is oxidized via hydrolysis to tyrosine,
the dilution of the intracellular precursor, which so that if tyrosine flux is measured as well, there
is the key to the estimation of flux, is the same is no need for collection and analysis of respira-
for all amino acids? This would involve the fur- tory CO2. A further advantage is that when biop-
ther assumption that the rate of amino acid trans- sies of tissues are taken a method developed by
port into the cell, relative to its rate of entry from Calder et al. (1992) enables measurement of the
protein breakdown, is the same for all EAA – an relatively high enrichment in plasma and the low
assumption that is not tenable because the rate of enrichment in tissue proteins to be determined in
entry is determined in part by the plasma amino the same instrument.
acid concentration. Data on the phenylalanine flux in the whole
Some information on this point can be body, relative to leucine, the flux ratio, are shown
obtained from the studies of Biolo on the leg. in Table 6.10. The expected ratio, from the concen-
Data from three of his experiments are shown in trations in whole body protein (Table 6.9) is ~0.40.
Table 6.8. The intracellular dilutions of the However, the leucine fluxes in Table 6.10 are cal-
plasma enrichment are similar for the different culated from the enrichment in KIC, because that
amino acids, but by no means the same, and there is how most authors have reported them, whereas
is quite a large variation between studies. the phenylalanine fluxes are based on plasma
The second difficulty is that amino acids may enrichment. To restore them to the same base the
differ in their concentrations in the proteins of ‘leucine’ fluxes should be multiplied by a correc-
different tissues. It can easily be shown with an tion factor of 0.8 or the flux ratios divided by 0.8
arithmetic model that if there are two protein (Chapter 4). After this correction an average flux
pools, one with a fast and the other with a slow ratio of 0.38 becomes 0.47: there is reasonable
turnover rate, and if amino acid X has a relatively agreement with the theoretical ratio (Table 6.9),
higher concentration than Y in the fast pool and a particularly since proteins in the parts of the body
lower concentration in the slow pool, an estimate with a high rate of turnover – e.g. the liver – have
of whole body flux based on X will be greater a greater relative concentration of phenylalanine.
than one based on Y. Data on the amino acid con- In keeping with this, the first-pass uptake of
centrations in the proteins of different tissues are phenylalanine is twice as great as that of leucine

Table 6.8. Contributions to the intracellular pool of amino acids entering from the plasma.

Leucine Lysine Phenylalanine

Biolo et al., 1995a

basal 0.51 0.35 0.61
Biolo et al., 1995b
basal 0.47 0.47 0.57
+ insulin 0.61 0.44 0.50
Biolo and Tessari, 1997
basal 0.71 0.55 0.90
mean 0.575 0.45 0.645

FMA = rate of entry of amino acid from plasma into the intracellular pool; FMO = rate of entry of amino
acid from protein breakdown into the intracellular pool.

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78 Chapter 6

Table 6.9. Ratio of molar concentrations of phenylalanine and lysine to that of leucine in animal tissues.

[Phe]/[Leu] [Lys]/[Leu]

Whole body
Widdowson et al., 1979 Man (fetus) 0.43 0.86
Davis et al., 1993 Rat 0.40 0.84
MacRae et al., 1993 Lamb 0.40 0.83
Reeds et al., 1994 Sheep, pig, cattle 0.30 1.09
Adibi et al., 1973 Rat 0.45 –
Munro (1969) Pig 0.51 1.11
MacRae et al., 1993 Lamb 0.485 0.69
Adibi et al., 1973 Rat 0.51 –
Munro and Fleck, 1969 Pig 0.57 0.85
Seifter and Gallop, 1966 Man 0.49 1.11
Bornstein and Traub, 1979 Man 0.50 1.12
Birk and Lande, 1981 Rabbit 0.61 1.00

(Matthews et al., 1993a; Sánchez et al., 1995) in measurements of whole body turnover in man.
(Table 6.2). The ratio of the fluxes does not appear The results of two studies are shown in Table
to be significantly affected by feeding state, nor 6.10B. The expected flux ratio, based on whole
would one expect it to be. body amino acid concentrations, is ~0.85.
Lysine is the only other essential amino acid Unique experimental studies were carried out
that has been compared concurrently with leucine by Obled et al. (1989, 1991) in rats, in which

Table 6.10. A: ratio of whole body fluxes, phenylalanine/leucine (KIC), measured by IV infusion; B: ratio
of whole body fluxes, lysine/leucine.

A. Mean ratio
unweighted Na
Normal adults, post-absorptive 0.385 22
fed 0.365 11
Children with cancer 0.39b 1
aN = number of studies.
bThis study included 32 children (Daley et al., 1996).
Expected ratio from tissue composition (Table 6.9): 0.4–0.5 (phenylalanine/leucine, not KIC). References:
Thompson et al., 1989; Bennet et al., 1990; Tessari et al., 1991, 1994, 1996a,b,c,d, 1999; Biolo et al.,
1992; Cortiella et al., 1992; Pacy et al., 1994; Sánchez et al., 1995, 1996; Lee, 1996; Connell et al., 1997
(sheep); Meek et al., 1998.
B. Ratio

Man, IV infusion, normal adults

Robert et al., 1982 0.82
Hoerr et al., 1993
high protein diet 0.72
low protein diet 0.61
Rat, flooding dose, Obled et al., 1989, 1991 0.83

Expected ratio (Table 6.9): 0.85–1.10.

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Whole Body Protein Turnover Measured by the Precursor Method 79

whole body synthesis rates were measured by the concentration of tracer amino acid in the pro-
three different methods, with six different amino tein. Measurements of fractional synthesis rates
acids. The data in Table 6.11 illustrate the diffi- (FSR) in muscle with different amino acids have
culty of comparing methods. The results for shown good agreement; lysine with phenylala-
lysine and threonine are remarkably consistent nine (Biolo et al., 1944); valine with leucine
across methods, those for leucine inconsistent. (Smith et al., 1992; Tjader et al., 1996); leucine
However, the FSRs with lysine and threonine dif- with threonine (Smith et al., 1998); leucine with
fer significantly, which is hard to explain. phenylalanine and valine (Rocha et al., 1993)
(see Chapter 13). Agreement between different
amino acids was also found in the FSR of skin
6.9.2 Measurements on forearm and leg (Rocha et al., 1993; Biolo et al., 1994). Jahoor et
al. (1994) obtained very similar FSRs of albumin
In a number of studies on the limb, particularly and fibrinogen, with leucine, lysine and alanine,
by Tessari and Biolo and their colleagues, phenyl- based on their enrichments in apolipoprotein
alanine has been used as well as leucine, and B100 as precursor. The alanine was derived from
sometimes also lysine. Since phenylalanine is not infusion of [U13C]-glucose.
oxidized in the muscle and skin of the limb,
whereas leucine is, release (= breakdown) will
reflect the relative concentrations in the tissue
better than uptake (= disposal). 6.10 Conclusion
Considering the variability of the data, the
mean ratio of phenylalanine/leucine degradation, Simultaneous measurements of whole body
0.37, is not too far from that expected from the fluxes, when related to the relative molar concen-
relative concentrations in skin and muscle pro- trations of amino acids in whole body protein,
teins (Gelfand et al., 1987; Bennet et al., 1990; seem, within the limits of error, to confirm the
Jessari et al., 1991, 1996a,b; Newman et al., 1994; theoretical expectation. This may appear an obvi-
Biolo et al., 1995a). With lysine the position is dif- ous and trivial conclusion, but it is not; a serious
ferent. The mean ratio of breakdown rates from all discrepancy would undermine the validity of all
the data was 1.40. If two very aberrant values are the results obtained with a single amino acid such
omitted, it becomes 1.16. This is close to the con- as leucine. There are some deviations in the
centration ratio in muscle (Reeds et al., 1994) and results of the limb studies, but these can probably
skin (Seifter and Gallop, 1966) and well above that be explained by the amino acid composition of
in the whole body (Table 6.10). the limb proteins, much of which is collagen in
skin, being different from that of the mixed pro-
teins of the whole body. However, this possible
6.9.3 Tissue biopsies explanation needs to be confirmed.
There does not seem to be any point in continu-
With tissues incorporation into protein is mea- ing to do turnover studies with more than one
sured directly, and there is no need to correct for amino acid: if two or more are used and the results

Table 6.11. Fractional synthesis rates (FSR, % day1) of the whole body proteins of young rats
measured by different methods and with different amino acids.
Constant infusion Flooding dose Carcass analysis

Leucine 55 31.5 49
Lysine 26 25.5 25
Threonine 37 39 33
Tyrosine 40 – 36
Phenylalanine – 31 –
Histidine – 23 –

Data of Obled et al., 1989, 1991.

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80 Chapter 6

agree, that is only to be expected; if they disagree, Biolo, G., Tessari, P., Inchiostro, S., Brutomesso, D.,
usually no attempt is made to investigate why. Fongher, C., Sabatin, L., Fratton, M.G., Valerio, A.
and Tengo, A. (1992) Leucine and phenylalanine
kinetics during mixed meal ingestion: a multiple
tracer approach. American Journal of Physiology
262, E455–463.
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Measurement of Whole Body Protein Turnover
by the End-product Method

7.1 History people. The main interest of this paper is that

15N-labelled yeast was used, and the synthesis

The first measurement ever made of whole body rate in young adults was almost identical with
protein turnover in man was by Sprinson and that obtained with 15N-glycine by Sprinson and
Rittenberg in 1949. They gave a single dose of Rittenberg. However, in a more recent study this
15N-glycine and measured the excretion of 15N in agreement was not confirmed (Fern et al.,
the urine over 72 h. A two-pool model was 1985b).
assumed, with a metabolic pool, a protein pool A new approach was proposed by San Pietro
and no re-entry of label from the protein pool and Rittenberg (1953), based on the precursor-
(Sprinson and Rittenberg, 1949). They showed product relationship between the metabolic N
empirically that the cumulative excretion of iso- pool and the urea N pool. Theory predicts that
tope could be represented by the expression: after a single dose the enrichment of tracer will
be equal in the two pools at the point of time
et/d = A [1exp (Bt)] when enrichment in the product pool is at its
where et is the cumulative excretion of isotope up maximum (Zilversmit, 1960). If at that time the
to time t, d is the dose and A and B are constants. enrichment of the metabolic pool is determined
As t approaches infinity the exponential term from the urea data, the rate of protein turnover
becomes zero and et reaches a plateau, at which A can then be calculated. For details of the calcula-
= et/d. It was assumed that this fraction, the pro- tion the reader is referred to the original paper.
portion of the tracer excreted, was the same as the The approach was criticized by Tschudy et al.
proportion of the flux excreted, E/Q, and so the (1959); the principal defect of it is the difficulty
flux was determined. Sprinson and Rittenberg’s of estimating the time of peak labelling, consider-
paper is important because it was the foundation ing the slow turnover rate of urea and the delay
of all later work on the end-product method of before it appears in the urine.
estimating the rate of protein synthesis. This method was quite extensively used, e.g.
In the years that followed a few studies in studies of the effects of low and high intakes of
appeared that used Sprinson and Rittenberg’s sin- energy and protein (Tschudy et al., 1959), of
gle dose approach. Wu and Snyderman (1950) myxoedema (Crispell et al., 1956) and of pitu-
obtained the cumulative excretion at infinite time itary disease, with results that were quite vari-
by extrapolating the enrichment curve of urinary able. In the end it proved to be a wrong turning
N between 6 and 30 h to zero abundance, and which almost certainly led to clinical studies on
showed that the synthesis rate in children was protein turnover being largely abandoned for the
twice as high as in the adult. Bartlett and Gaebler next 10 years or so.
(1952) found that in dogs treated with growth There were two other lines of work during this
hormone the synthesis rate was 50% higher than period which are still of interest today because
in untreated dogs. Sharp et al. (1957) showed that they were concerned with methods. The first is
the rate of protein turnover was lower in elderly the study of Olesen et al. (1954), in which full-

© J.C. Waterlow 2006. Protein Turnover (J.C. Waterlow) 87

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88 Chapter 7

scale compartmental analysis was applied to the son for the loss of interest in what seemed a very
excretion curve of 15N over a period of 15 days promising field of research was probably the
after a dose of 15N-glycine. Their model was cumbersome and complex mathematical treat-
designed to demonstrate the existence of two pro- ment. This contrasted with the treatment of the
tein pools, one turning over rapidly, the other subject by those who were writing at that time on
slowly. However, from my calculations it would the general theory of tracer kinetics, e.g. Reiner
take at least 10 days of measurement to establish (1953), Robertson (1957), Russell (1958),
the existence of these separate pools. This study Zilversmit (1960) and Sheppard (1962). These
was followed by a heroic experiment in which and other theoretical papers were virtually never
subjects were almost totally encased in a plaster cited by the practical workers. Certainly the rela-
cast for 6 days in order to examine the effects of tively difficult mathematics of compartmental
immobilization (Schønheyder et al., 1954). analysis influenced us in the choice of method
During that time there was a substantial negative when our interest was first stimulated by a purely
nitrogen balance which resulted from a fall in clinical problem, the high mortality of severely
protein synthesis rather than an increase in break- malnourished children and their failure to
down. respond to treatment. The hypothesis was that
The second major contribution of this era was protein deficiency was an important causal factor,
the work of Wu and co-workers (Wu and Bishop, which perhaps led to an inability to synthesize
1959; Wu and Sendroy, 1959; Wu et al., 1959), protein; and since the synthetic enzymes are
who studied the pattern of 15N excretion in the themselves proteins, the damage would be irre-
first few hours after giving a single dose of a versible. The challenge, then, was to find a
variety of labelled compounds – glycine, phenyl- method of measuring whole body protein
alanine, aspartic acid and ammonium citrate. turnover (WBPT) that was both simple mathe-
They found that the shape of the early excretion matically and minimally invasive, and the answer
curve was complex and must represent the sum of was constant infusion of tracer.
several exponentials which could not be sepa-
rated. They concluded that it is virtually impossi-
ble to interpret the curve over the first 24 h after 7.2 Theory
the dose and wrote: ‘Any theoretical interpreta-
tion of the 15N excretion data following the The hypothesis, as originally formulated by
administration of an N15-labelled compound by Rittenberg, is that newly synthesized protein and
mathematical analysis, e.g. Olesen et al., is a excreted end-product are derived from the same
matter of conjecture’ (Wu et al., 1959). They metabolic pool of amino-N. Absent from
went on to say: ‘The synthesis rate can be calcu- Rittenberg’s treatment was the central point that
lated from the cumulative excretion at infinite products of the same labelled precursor have the
time, without the necessity of fitting the isotope same activity, provided that they are derived only
concentration curve to an equation.’ Thus they from that precursor (Zilversmit, 1960). On that
had moved from the compartmental to the sto- basis:
chastic approach. It is interesting that the esti-
(1) Q/d = S/s = Eep/eep
mates of synthesis obtained in this way were the
same, whether the tracer amino acid was given where Q is the flux, S is the amount of amino-N
orally or intravenously. The work of Wu and his synthesized into protein, Eep is the amount of N
colleagues was not wasted; their great contribu- excreted as end-product, d is the dose of tracer
tion was the comparison of different amino acids, and s and eep are, respectively, the amounts of
from which they concluded that glycine is not a tracer going to synthesis and to end-product.
very good tracer, because its abundance never Since eep/Eep is the enrichment, εep, of the end-
becomes equal to that of ammonia-N, which they product:
took to be representative of that of the amino-N
(2) Q = d/εep
of the metabolic pool. This subject is discussed in
more detail below (section 7.4). Thus the calculation of flux does not involve the
Until the end of the 1960s almost no further amount of end-product. With the stochastic
work on protein turnover was published. One rea- approach (Chapter 2, section 2.3) this simple

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Measurement of Whole Body Protein Turnover by the End-product Method 89

expression can be used in two ways. Either a sin- 20% (Fern et al., 1981). This addition of a single
gle dose of tracer is given and the end-product blood sample is now an essential feature of the
collected over a given time, in which case Q is method. A disadvantage is that it requires accu-
the amount of flux during that time, so the rate of rate collection of urine over the chosen period.
flux Q = Q/t. With the single dose method the This is particularly important in the first few
collection of urine over the chosen time period hours, when the excretion of isotope is at its max-
must be complete, because ε will be varying imum. Thus cumulative excretion after a single
throughout that period. Alternatively the tracer is dose, with measurement of urea retention at 9 or
given by continuous infusion or multiple dosage, 12 h, seemed to be the method of choice.
until εep reaches a plateau, at which Q = d/εep. In Alternatively, with a constant infusion the time to
this case there is no need for the collection to be reach plateau could be reduced by priming with
complete. both glycine and urea (Jahoor and Wolfe, 1987),
As with the precursor method, once the flux is but this method never came into general use. In
known synthesis can be calculated as: studies in the fed state, when tracer is given by
mouth, it is more convenient than an infusion to
(3) S = Q – ET
give it with food in small amounts at frequent
where ET is the total N excretion, which is not the intervals, which vary with different workers from
same as Eep, the amount of end-product excreted. 20 minutes to 1 h. This is referred to as the ‘mul-
It is customary to equate ET with total urinary N, tiple’ dose method.
and to disregard endogenous faecal and other N
losses, which are small compared with the other
components of equation 3. 7.3.2 Ammonia

In the 1970s it was suggested that a way of short-

7.3 Alternative End-products (EP) ening the time needed for measuring the flux was
to use ammonia instead of urea as end product
7.3.1 Urea (Waterlow et al., 1978).
The ammonia pool is small and turns over
The initial studies with continuous infusion of faster than that of urea, so that with a single dose
[15N]-glycine, either by the oral or intravenous excretion of tracer tends more rapidly to zero
route, were based on urea as EP. It was found that (Fig. 7.1). It was found, however, that the two
it took about 30 h to reach plateau labelling of end-products did not give the same value for flux
urea in children (Picou et al., 1968; Picou and and the difference varied with different condi-
Taylor-Roberts, 1969) and up to 60 h in adults tions of measurement, whether in the fed or
(Steffee et al., 1976). This is unacceptably long fasted state and whether the tracer was given
for practical purposes. There were several ways orally or intravenously (see below).
round the problem. The first was to return to the The estimate of flux based on ammonia may
single dose–cumulative excretion method. A deci- be designated QA, that on urea QU. It is important
sion had to be made on the point in time at which to recognize that these are not separate fluxes but
clearance of tracer into synthesis and excretion different estimates of the whole body amino-N
could be taken as effectively complete. If the flux. It was clearly, then, necessary to abandon
time is too short the flux will be underestimated, the original concept of a single homogeneous
if too long there will be re-entry of tracer from ‘metabolic’ pool and to postulate two pools, geo-
labelled protein. The solution was to collect urine graphically and metabolically separate, with
for 9 or 12 h; at the end of that time to take a fluxes through them leading predominantly to
blood sample and add to the 15N-urea excreted different end-products, although it would be
the amount retained in the body’s urea pool (Fern unrealistic to regard these pools as totally sepa-
et al., 1981). It was assumed that urea is uni- rate (Fern et al., 1981, 1984, 1985a,b; Fern and
formly distributed throughout body water and Garlick, 1983). It was suggested that QA may be
total body water was estimated by the formula of ‘biased’ towards the peripheral tissues, since uri-
Watson et al. (1980). At 9 h about 50% of 15N in nary ammonia is derived mainly from glutamine
urea was still in the body pool, and by 24 h about (Pitts and Pilkington, 1966) which is synthesized

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90 Chapter 7

Fig. 7.1. Time-course of excretion of 15N in urinary ammonia and urea after a single dose of 15N-glycine.
Reproduced from Grove and Jackson (1995), by courtesy of the British Journal of Nutrition.
䉱, urea; ●, ammonia.

in muscle; and QU is ‘biased’ towards the viscera, i.e. a preferred pathway between them; or from
since urea is synthesized exclusively in the liver. lesser dilution by unlabelled metabolite – i.e. that
This interpretation would be an example of the metabolite is a less active player in the game.
Fern’s ‘geographical’ separation. The model so At present it is not possible to distinguish
derived is shown in Fig. 7.2 and our concept of between these two possibilities.
the metabolic pathways in Fig. 7.3.
Fern et al. (1985b) also pointed out that QA
and QU tended to vary inversely. This finding 7.3.3 Respiratory carbon dioxide
suggested that the best estimate of the ‘true’ flux
is the average of the two different estimates. The A third end-product that has been used occasion-
arithmetic average, (QA + QU)/2, implies that the ally is respiratory CO2 when a carbon-labelled
dose of tracer is equally distributed between the amino acid such as [1-13C]-leucine is the tracer
two pools or pathways. The harmonic average: (Golden and Waterlow, 1977; Yagi and Walser,
1990; El-Khoury et al., 1995). The activity of
expired CO2 cannot be used because it is diluted
1/QA + 1/QU
by CO2 derived from sources other than leucine.
implies that the fluxes through the two pools are However, the total amount of labelled CO2, eCO ,
equal. In practice these two averages differ very can be measured and related to the amount of
little. leucine oxidized, Eleu, which in the steady state is
In considering the metabolic meaning of these assumed to be equal to the leucine intake.
fluxes, it is important to recognize that what is
measured is the enrichment of the end-product,
and the flux is the inverse of the enrichment. A 7.4 Measurement of Flux with a Single
low flux implies a high level of labelling of the End-product
end-product and of the metabolites that give rise
to it. This high level could result either from Originally many studies, including our own, were
greater ‘access’ of the tracer to the metabolite – made with urea as a single end-product. This is

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Measurement of Whole Body Protein Turnover by the End-product Method 91

Fig. 7.2. Fern’s hypothesis of metabolic chanelling. Reproduced from Fern et al. (1985b), by courtesy of
Human Nutrition: Clinical Nutrition. d1, d2, partiition of dose; q1, q2, fluxes through the two channels; S1, S2,
synthesis rates of the two end products.

Fig. 7.3. Metabolic scheme of channelling of 15N from glycine to end products.

no longer a viable option. Continuous dosage has uct has been very useful. Since the flux ratio,
to be carried on for so long to achieve a plateau QA/QU, is generally in the region of 0.7, the error
that, in addition to the inconvenience, recycling compared with Qav, in using ammonia only will
of tracer almost certainly becomes a problem. not be very large, unless there is a gross distor-
Single dose requires a blood sample and assump- tion of the metabolic pathways. Ammonia as EP
tions about the urea space. has been particularly useful in field studies under
On the other hand ammonia as sole end-prod- difficult conditions. An example is a study by

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92 Chapter 7

Tomkins et al. (1983) in Nigeria in children with data of Aqvist and others quoted above (Chapter
varying degrees of infection and malnutrition, 3), which show minimal exchanges of lysine-N
which showed that healthy children with an acute with other amino acids. The high value of QA/QU
infection responded with a large increase in pro- indicates that most of the N that is exchanged
tein turnover, whereas there was no response in goes into the urea pathway.1 Next comes leucine,
children who were severely malnourished. which, according to the data in Table 7.1,
Another advantage of ammonia as EP is that, exchanges only modest amounts of label with the
because the method is completely non-invasive, end products; the very low level of QA/QU shows
numerous measurements can be made over a that more of it goes into ammonia than into urea.
short period of time. An example here is a study Aspartate and glutamate, the transaminators
of the effects of dietary change in obese patients, par excellence, form a couple. The remarkable
illustrated in Fig. 7.4. thing about these two amino acids is the differ-
ence in their responses to oral and intravenous
tracer. When they are given orally transfer of
label to urea strongly predominates; when given
7.5 Behaviour of Different Amino Acids IV there is greater transfer to ammonia. Alanine
in the End-product Method: Choice of and glutamine, the two major transporters of N
Glycine between organs, also behave very much alike.
The low values of flux and synthesis indicate
The most extensive study of this problem is that that transfer of 15N from precursors to end-prod-
by Fern et al. (1985b). Their results are shown in ucts is particularly active, whether the tracer is
Table 7.1. By far the highest rates of flux and given orally or IV. As with the other non-essen-
synthesis are given by lysine. This fits with the tial amino acids, oral dosage favours the urea

Fig. 7.4. Multiple measurements of protein synthesis with a single oral dose of 15N-glycine and end-product
ammonia in patients receiving different levels of protein and energy. Reproduced from Garlick et al. (1980)
by courtesy of the American Journal of Physiology.
1 Since flux is the inverse of enrichment, a high value of QA means ammonia is poorly enriched.

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Measurement of Whole Body Protein Turnover by the End-product Method 93

Table 7.1. Estimates of flux and flux ratio with different labelled amino acids.

Qav Sav
g N kg1 per 12 h QA/QU mg N kg1 h1
Glycine Oral 27.1 1.09 140
IV 28.0 0.73 147
Alanine Oral 16.5 0.94 70
IV 18.7 0.55 83
Glutamine Oral 16.8 1.20 60
IV 17.2 0.51 70
Aspartate Oral 31.5 2.71 179
IV 19.9 0.77 94
Glutamate Oral 33.7 2.29 189
IV 25.7 0.68 133
Leucine Oral 42.2 0.49 243
IV 37.0 0.57 242
Lysine Oral 126.7 3.06 847
IV 152.7 2.30 1028
Wheat Oral 27.5 1.68 135
Yeast Oral 44.0 1.93 255

From Fern et al., 1985a

Measurements by single dose of tracer in the fed state.

pathway, the IV route the ammonia pathway. tial amino acids which have rather limited
Taruvinga et al. (1979), working with rats, exchange with the end-products.
found similar differences between essential It would seem from the results in Table 7.1
amino acids (valine and leucine) and non-essen- that if consistency is the criterion of the most suit-
tials (glycine and aspartic acid) in fluxes derived able amino acid – consistency between oral and
from urea and ammonia in liver and kidney IV dosage and between the two end-products –
(Table 7.2). Uniformly labelled wheat, fed then glycine is the one to choose. It is purely for-
orally, gave results very close to those of tuitous – and fortunate – that glycine is the amino
glycine, except for a greater distortion of the acid that has been most used for measuring pro-
flux ratio. Yeast, on the other hand, gave sub- tein turnover in the whole body, initially because
stantially higher values for flux and synthesis; it was very cheap. But is consistency really impor-
one can only speculate that this may be because tant? It must be taken as true that the fluxes to the
it contains relatively high amounts of the essen- two end-products are ‘geographically’ and meta-

Table 7.2. Fluxes with different amino acids in the rat, derived from enrichments of urea and ammonia in
liver and kidney.

Flux, g protein day1 kg1

Amino acid Urea NH3 EPA

[15N] glycine Liver 38 36 37

Kidney 35 37 36
[15N] aspartate Liver 30 26 28
Kidney 29 21 25
[15N] valine Liver 74 73 73.5
Kidney 71 55 63
[15N] leucine Liver 61 70 65.5
Kidney 79 36 57.5

EPA: end-product average.

Data on six rats (Taruvinga et al., 1979).

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94 Chapter 7

bolically different. However, it has been shown 7.6.1 Oral vs. intravenous dosage of tracer
that, starting from the hypothetical ‘ideal’ case
that the dose of tracer is equally divided between Fern et al. (1981) compared the results with a sin-
the two pathways and the enrichments of the end- gle dose of [15N]-glycine given orally or IV in the
products are the same, a fourfold variation in the same four subjects. There was no difference in
partition of the dose and a twofold variation in the either the fed or fasted state but the fasted level
ratio of end-product enrichments produces less was only 60% of that in the fed state. In another
than 10% variation in the average estimate of flux, study (Fern et al., 1984), when measurements
the harmonic average being slightly better than were repeated on the same individual at different
the arithmetic average (Fern et al., 1985a). times, there was again no difference between oral
Even if the distorting effect of two pathways and intravenous routes of dosage.
is virtually eliminated, the basic assumption still
has to be satisfied: that the proportions of the
tracer dose going to end-product and to protein 7.6.2 Single vs. multiple dosage or constant
are the same as the proportions of the amino-N infusion
flux going down these two pathways. It is obvi-
ous that this assumption cannot hold with, on the The best comparison of these two protocols is
one hand, glutamate/aspartate, which ‘flood’ the one by Grove and Jackson (1995) in which they
end-product; or, on the other hand with lysine, were both carried out in the same person in 11
which is well taken up into protein but has virtu- out of 13 subjects. In the single dose method
ally no exchange with the end-product. A step urine was collected for 9 h, with corrections for
towards satisfying the assumption was a little- 15N retained in the urea pool; in the multiple dose
quoted paper by Matthews et al. (1981). After method tracer was given orally every 3 h for 15 h.
oral dosage of 15N-glycine for 60 h, by which It is essential that with single dose collection of
time it may be presumed that plateau had been urine over the designated period should be com-
reached, they measured the quantitative pattern plete, particularly at early times; with multiple
(enrichment x amino acid concentration) of the dose, where a plateau is reached, this is not
tracer in plasma amino acids. From this they cal- important. With both methods the subjects were
culated the expected enrichment in urea, and fed every 3 h. The multiple dose method gave
found quite reasonable agreement with the values for flux that on average were 25% lower
observed enrichment – 0.38 vs. 0.44 atom % than those with the single dose method. Two fac-
excess. The final link in the chain, although tors may have contributed to this discrepancy:
rather a tenuous one, was the demonstration by with the multiple dose method a rather large
Bier and Matthews (1982) that the distribution of priming dose of 15N glycine was given 6 h before
15N in the amino acids isolated from plasma albu-
the multiple doses began, in order that plateau
min was similar to that of the free amino acids of labelling should be achieved in 24 h. This dose
plasma. One would not expect the distribution to may not all have been disposed of by the end of
be identical, since the pattern of uptake into pro- the study; at the same time the 15 h period of
tein is not the same as the pattern in plasma or dosage may have allowed some recycling of
intracellular fluid. It is strange that there have not tracer from protein breakdown. The difference
been more studies of this kind. That of Bier and between the two protocols is a technical matter: it
Matthews (1982) was cited as the first example of shows that we have not yet achieved a ‘gold stan-
the use of gas-chromatograph-mass spectrometry dard’ for the EP method.
(GCMS) for analysis of enrichment in individual
amino acids.

7.7 Summary of Measurements of

7.6 Comparisons of Different Protocols Protein Synthesis in Normal Adults by
the End-product Method
The most useful comparison is when the mea-
surements have been made with different proto- A literature search by S. Duggleby identified 77
cols in the same subjects. studies that met the criteria for inclusion in our

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Measurement of Whole Body Protein Turnover by the End-product Method 95

analysis: that fluxes should be based on both tion is quite different when splanchnic uptake is
ammonia and urea, and that in studies in the fed measured by continuous infusion of tracer. The
state the protein intake should be within a reason- low rates by constant IV infusion are possibly
ably normal range of 0.5–1.5 g kg1 day1. As because in most such studies the tracer was
well as healthy adults the analysis includes data infused for 2–3 days, so that recycling would sig-
on premature infants, pregnant women, the nificantly increase the activity of the end-product.
elderly and patients in various pathological states. Synthesis rates at various ages, measured by
The results in these groups are considered in the EP method, are shown in Table 7.4 (see also
Chapters 12 and 17. Chapter 12). The table is approximate because
Table 7.3 shows the results for synthesis rather some results were obtained with ammonia only as
than flux, in order to avoid the confounding effect EP, some with urea only and some with the EP
on the flux of differences in protein intake. The average. Nevertheless, it does show the expected
table gives results in 427 healthy subjects in 57 increase in synthesis at early ages. More detail is
studies. No distinction of gender has been made. in Chapter 12.
By far the largest group is that given a single dose
orally. The difference between the fed and fasted
rates is significant (P = 0.03). The multiple dose
(MD) gives significantly lower results (P = 0.05), 7.8 Variability
in agreement with the finding of Grove and
Jackson (1995) discussed above. The intravenous A study by Fern et al. (1984) allows an estimate
single dose (SD) gives rates that are not signifi- of the intrinsic variability of the method when
cantly different from the oral SD, suggesting that measurements were repeated on the same two
there is no first-pass effect. However, it may per- subjects over a period of 3–4 years (Table 7.5).
haps be argued that when a single dose is given The coefficients of variation are of the order of
and the flux aggregated over the next 12–24 h 5–6%, with, as mentioned above, no difference
there has been plenty of time for an equilibrium to between oral and intravenous dosage. In five
be established between the contributions of vis- other subjects measured on two occasions at
ceral and peripheral tissues to the flux. The situa- intervals of 25–66 weeks, the mean difference

Table 7.3. Whole body synthesis rates by the end-product method (mg protein kg1 h1).

Method n N S SD(g) SD(i)

A Oral, single dose, fed 22 146 179 49.1 37.3

B Oral, single dose, fasted 13 130 145 29.7 33.0
C Oral, multiple dose, fed 6 48 137 27.4 17.6
D IV, single dose, fed 5 16 183 19.8 56.5
E IV, single dose, fasted 5 36 167 31.8 49.4
F Constant IV infusion, fed 3 9 96 6.0 20.1
G Constant IV infusion, fasted 3 42 63 11.9 12.5
Statistics A vs. B A vs. C
Difference 37 47
SD of difference 15.7 20.9
95% confidence intervals 5.4 to 68.4 5.0 to 91
F 0.1>P>0.05 0.05>P>0.02
Calculation of standard deviations:
SD(g) = √Σ[(xi – x)2  ni]/N-1
SD(i) = √Σ[SDi  (ni-1)]/N
n, number of groups studied; N, number of individuals studied; S, weighted mean synthesis rate, mg pro-
tein kg1. h1; SD(g), standard deviation of weighted group means; SD(i), weighted mean SD of individuals
in all groups. Data of Duggleby and Waterlow (2005); the references for this table are given in that paper.

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96 Chapter 7

Table 7.4. Synthesis rates at various ages, measured by the EP method.

S n N
(mg protein kg1 day1) (studies) (subjects)

Premature infants
Oral, multiple dose, fed 442 6 60
IV, constant infusion, TPN 322 2 24
Oral, single or multiple dose, feda
Mid-recovery from malnutrition 255 2 21
Recovered from malnutrition 241 3 37
Oral, single or multiple dose, fed
Early 169 2 15
Mid 162 4 46
Late 163 4 46
Oral, single dose or constant infusion, fedb 151 9 85
aNo difference in rates of synthesis with single or multiple dosage – in separate subjects.
bIn one study (Pannemans et al., 1995) results given separately for men and women: S for women 114,
for men 183 mg protein kg1 day1.

between the two measurements was 10%. Of 7.9 Comparison of Synthesis Rates
course, there may have been real temporal Measured by the End-product and
changes. Glynn et al. (1988) made two studies, at Precursor Methods
an interval of a month, on a patient with
Guillaine-Barré syndrome. The tracer was given A few comparisons of the two methods have been
IV over 1 h and the patient was fed by naso-gas- made in the same subjects at the same time.
tric tube. Synthesis rates differed by only 4%. Golden and Waterlow (1977) fed six elderly
This patient is of interest because her muscle patients by naso-gastric tube with [15N]-glycine
mass was only 17% of body weight; as might be added to the feed. In three patients [14C]-leucine
expected, the whole body synthesis rate was very was infused intravenously; in the other three it
high – at 310 mg protein kg1 h1, almost twice was added to the naso-gastric infusion. No dis-
that in normal subjects. tinction was made in the paper between the two
The variability both between and within routes of leucine administration. Some corrections
groups in the overall analysis (Table 7.3) is high. should be made to the results of this study as orig-
The between-group SD presumably reflects tech- inally published. With leucine, flux and synthesis
nical as well as true variation. In the studies in were determined from the enrichment of plasma
Group F of the table, the between-group SD is leucine; if KIC had been used the synthesis rate
very low, but the within-group SD quite high. would be increased by ~ 20%. With glycine, urea

Table 7.5. Variability of synthesis rates measured on five occasions (oral) or three occasions (IV) over
periods of 3.5–4 years.
Subject N Synthesis, mg protein kg1 day1 CV %

1 Oral 5 150 6.6

IV 3 158 5.5
2 Oral 5 157 7.7

Synthesis rates are the arithmetic average of rates derived from QU and QA, by single dose of [15N]
glycine in the fed state. Recalculated from Fern et al. (1984).

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Measurement of Whole Body Protein Turnover by the End-product Method 97

Table 7.6. Comparison of whole body protein synthesis rates by precursor and end-product methods in
the same subjects. A: Pacy et al. (1994); young adults; leucine by continuous intravenous infusion,
glycine by intravenous dosage over 1 h; both in fed state. B: Pannemans et al. (1997); elderly women;
leucine by continuous intravenous infusion, glycine by single oral dose; both in fasted state.
Protein synthesis, mg protein kg1 h1 (SD)

Previous protein intake, Leucine Glycine

g kg1 day1
Mean n Mean n

0.36 170 (26) 5 128 (31) 5

0.77 174 (17) 5 176 (33) 5
1.59 193 ( 7) 6 209 (78) 5
Mean protein synthesis, mg protein, kg1 h1 (SD)
ratio of previous diet Leucine (n, 6) Glycine (n, 6)

10.6 129 (21) 75 (17)

19.6 129 (8) 108 (25)

reached an estimated 90% of its plateau by 30 h, The decisive comparison of the precursor and
when the infusions were ended, so the enrichment end-product methods is of the average results
should be increased by 10% to be that at plateau. obtained with them, even though they relate to
With these corrections the synthesis rate with different populations. To make this comparison is
glycine (Sav) was 121 and with leucine 133 mg not straightforward, because the most widely
protein kg1 h1, a difference of 10%. used protocols have not been the same. For the
Pacy et al. (1994) compared synthesis rates in EP method the preferred protocol has been a sin-
the same subjects (Table 7.6A) and found good gle dose orally in the fed state (Table 7.3); for the
agreement at the two higher levels of protein precursor method continuous dosage, by vein, in
intake but not at the lowest. Pannemans et al. both fed and fasted states. The comparison is
(1997) made a similar comparison in elderly shown in Table 7.7. The results are again given in
women (Table 7.6B). Interpretation of these terms of synthesis rather than flux in order to
results is complicated by differences in the route eliminate variations in intake and oxidation.
of dosage. Of interest is a study by Nissim et al. Moreover, it is synthesis in which we are gener-
(1983), who gave a pulse dose of 15N glycine and ally interested, flux being a step on the way to
from compartmental analysis of the plasma decay determining it. Because of the first-pass effect
curve calculated a synthesis rate of 147 mg pro- (Chapter 6) one would expect the rate to be
tein kg1 h1, compared with a rate of 122 mg higher by the EP method with oral dosage than
from the end-product average. Although this with IV tracer.
study involved only a single tracer, it is a true The other important difference between the
comparison between the two methods. two series is that the variability is greater by the
Another comparison in the same subjects was EP method; the reason is probably that details of
made by De Benoist et al. (1984) in premature the method have been less strictly standardized.
infants. 13C-leucine was infused for 60 h (!) and its
activity was measured in urine, which agreed well
with that in plasma (see also Chapter 12). Protein 7.10 Comparison of Oxidation Rates by
synthesis by N balance and from the leucine data the Two Methods
agreed within 3%. However, if KIC had been taken
as the precursor, synthesis from leucine would have In a number of studies the oxidation of protein,
exceeded synthesis from N balance by 25%. calculated from that of [13C] leucine on the

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98 Chapter 7

Table 7.7. Comparison of synthesis in normal adults by end-product and

precursor methods. EP data by oral, single dose; precursor data by constant
IV infusion.
Synthesis, mg protein kg1 h1
End-producta Precursor
Synthesis 145 167
n 12 65
N 121 502
SDg 29.7 37.6
SDi 33.0 29.7
Synthesis 179 155b
n 20 28
N 126 197
SDg 49.1 30.5
SDi 37.3 20.5
n, number of groups; N, number of individuals; SDg, between groups; SDi,
between individuals.
aS, average of estimates from ammonia and urea.
bFrom Table 6.1, group F. (Note that in Table 6.1 units are mol leucine

kg1 h1 Protein assumed to contain 8% leucine.)

References: EP data: Duggleby and Waterlow (2005); precursor data: see
Chapter 6.

assumption that the protein turning over in the Another difficulty is that leucine oxidation was
body contains 8% leucine, has been compared usually measured over 2-h periods, whereas N
with that derived from urinary N excretion. It excretion was measured over 12 h, so that the two
might be thought more correct to make the com- are not strictly simultaneous. Lastly, there is
parison with urea production, which exceeds some doubt about the extent to which losses of N
excretion by some 30% because of uptake of urea by the faeces and skin represent oxidation of pro-
into the colon (see Chapter 8). The urea ‘sal- tein. On the whole, however, these results vali-
vaged’ in the colon is hydrolysed to ammonia, date the measurements of carbon balance that are
which is returned to the metabolic N pool. A so important for estimates of amino acid require-
small fraction of this N is recycled back to urea ments (see Chapter 10).
and to include it in the comparison will represent
double counting. The appropriate comparison
with CO2 is of net oxidative N loss, by excretion
in the urine and to a small extent by other routes. 7.11 The Flux Ratio
In pigs Reeds et al. (1980) found an almost
exact correspondence between the excretion of The results for the flux ratio (QA/QU) in normal
urea + ammonia and that calculated from the oxi- subjects are summarized in Table 7.8. The out-
dation of leucine. In studies on humans by the standing feature is the higher ratio in the fasted
group at MIT the mean oxidation ratio, than in the fed state with the single oral dose.
leucine/N, was 1.05 (range 0.92–1.25) (El- This was not found when the tracer was given
Khoury et al., 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997; Forslund intravenously. On the hypothesis proposed ear-
et al., 1998). On the other hand in the study of lier, this difference could imply that in fasting
Price et al. (1994) the relation was consistently protein metabolism is better conserved in peri-
closer to 0.8 than to 1. These comparisons are not pheral tissues.
as straightforward as they seem. Price introduced It had been hoped that the flux ratio (Table
a correction for the leucine content of their food 7.9) would provide useful information about dif-
protein: if it was greater than the 8% assumed for ferences in the partition of protein metabolism
body protein, the excess would be oxidized. according to age, habitual protein intake, nutri-

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Measurement of Whole Body Protein Turnover by the End-product Method 99

Table 7.8. Flux ratio (QA/QU) in normal adults by different methods.

Method QA/QU  100 n N SDa

A Single dose, fed 73.5 16 96 21.2
B Single dose, fasted 108.9 6 47 19.8
C Multiple dose, fed 84.2 6 48 18.6
D Multiple dose, fasted No studies

E Single dose, fed 64.0 5 16 9.9
F Single dose, fasted 58.5 5 36 11.0
G Multiple dose, fed 70.5 3 9 5.0
H Multiple dose, fasted No studies
aSD of group means of QA/QU.
The inter-individual SDs could not be calculated because in many papers individual values for QA/QU are
not given. Reference: Duggleby and Waterlow (2005).

tional state, etc. This hope has so far not been ful- sues. In trauma this is unexpected since the
filled. The ratio tends to be a little low in prema- patients should be producing in the liver large
tures, in malnourished children and in pregnancy amounts of acute phase proteins (e.g. Preston et
– all conditions in which protein is being rapidly al., 1995). Perhaps this result indicates enhanced
deposited. An outstanding change is a high ratio activity of the immune system throughout the
in trauma, implying on our hypothesis a relatively body. There are no studies meeting our criteria on
greater flux through peripheral than visceral tis- subjects with infection rather than trauma.

Table 7.9. Flux ratio (QA/QU  100) measured by the end-product method in various conditions.
Subjects n N QA/QU  100 SDg References

Oral tracer, single or multiple dose, fed state

Premature 5 52 63 15 1–3
Malnourished 2 20 65 9 4–5
Recovered 4 69 81 145 4–6
Pregnant, all stages 8 97 61 12 7–9
Elderly 2 21 89 12 10, 11
Undernourished, males 4 21 60 1 1–14
Undernourished, females 2 14 86 6.5 14
Undernourished, elderly 2 14 81 5 15
IV tracer, single dose or constant infusion, fasting or TPN
After surgery 7 50 108 25 16–19
Multiple trauma 2 16 94 – 20
With gastrointestinal disease,
or TPN 4 24 112 25 21, 22

n, number of groups; N, number of individuals; mean QA/QU and SD weighted for study size.
SDg between groups. SD for individuals not available.
References: 1. van Goudoever et al., 1995; 2. Pencharz et al., 1989; 3. Catzeflis et al., 1985; 4. Waterlow
et al., 1978; 5. Golden and Golden, 1992; 6. Jackson et al., 1983; 7. de Benoist et al., 1984; 8. Willomet
et al., 1992; 9. Duggleby, 1999; 10. Arnal et al., 1999; 11. Golden and Waterlow, 1977; 12. Soares et al.,
1991; 13. Soares et al., 1994; 14. Vaisman et al., 1992; 15. Bos et al., 2000; 16. Yoshida et al., 1996; 17.
Ma and Jiang, 1990; 18. Taggart et al., 1991; 19. Powell-Tuck et al., 1984; 20. Jeevanandam et al., 1991;
21. Powell-Tuck and Glynn, 1985; 22. Glynn et al., 1987.

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100 Chapter 7

7.12 Kinetic Findings by the precursor. This breakdown could be occurring in

End-product Method a pool turning over by life-time kinetics. It would
be interesting to see if a similar pattern was found
Measurements of urinary ammonia enrichment with a 24-h infusion of leucine in which feeding
have suggested the existence of a pool of protein was continued throughout.
turning over by non-random kinetics. Jackson Circadian rhythms have been described in the
observed that when 15N-glycine was given activity of liver enzymes, e.g. Wurtman and
together with food by continuous intragastric Axelrod (1967); in the secretion of some proteins
infusion, plateau labelling of NH3 was reached in by the liver (Marckmann et al., 1993) and the
18–24 h, but instead of a smooth curve there was exocrine pancreas (Maouyo et al., 1993); and in
a clearly marked ‘step’ at 6–12 h (Jackson and the turnover of bone (Eastell, 1992). This is an
Golden, 1980). When a priming dose of tracer area that deserves further investigation.
was given to shorten the time to plateau, a step
was found at 2–3 h. Indications of such a step
could be seen in figures reproduced by other 7.13 Conclusion
authors (Jeevanandam et al., 1985; Catzeflis et
al., 1985). The end-product method, producing a value for
No combination of pools turning over by first flux which is the average of two separate and dif-
order kinetics could produce such a step. It was ferent estimates, may seem to be something of a
therefore suggested that it resulted from a pool of fudge. Nevertheless, there is a rational metabolic
protein that turned over by life-cycle kinetics. justification for this separation. There is still no
Such a system, modelled by computer, produced gold standard for the EP method. To achieve one
curves that agreed quite well with those observed requires standardizing the protocol as regards
experimentally (Slevin et al., 1991). It seemed route and type of dosage and applying it with
possible that the life-cycle pool might consist of great attention to detail. The data of Fern et al.
protein of the villous cells of the gastrointestinal (1984) show the precision that can be achieved
mucosa. Their turnover could not be related in by the same worker using exactly the same
any simple way to feeding, since food was method.
infused throughout the experiment. In a further At the end of the day the question of the valid-
study of this effect subjects received hourly feeds ity of the results for whole body protein turnover
+ tracer for 36 h (Jackson et al., 1997b). They by either method is still an open one. There has
were divided into three groups, starting the exper- been no experiment with the EP method such as
iment at 6 am, noon or 6 pm. Enrichment of NH3 that in which Obled et al. (1989, 1991) compared
reached a plateau in about 4 h from the start; then the precursor method with the ultimate standard,
at about midnight, regardless of the time at which carcass analysis (see Chapter 6). Therefore we
the experiment started, the enrichment began to have to rely on the argument that reasonable
rise to a second plateau, which was achieved in agreement between two sets of results based on
about 4 h and maintained until the evening (Fig. different assumptions, implies that they are both
7.5). At the second plateau the calculated flux measurements of a real biological function –
was 71% of that at the first plateau. whole body protein synthesis.
This pattern suggests a circadian rhythm in The precursor and EP methods are comple-
which the first phase lasts from about 6 am to 6 mentary; the choice between them will depend on
pm and the second from 6 pm to 6 am. In the sec- the purpose of the exercise and on practical con-
ond phase there is an increase in the enrichment siderations. The practical pros and cons of the
of ammonia which could arise in several ways: it two methods are summarized in Table 7.10.
could imply a decreased flux through peripheral There are some results that cannot be obtained by
tissues; alternatively there might be increased the EP method, such as studies of carbon balance
breakdown of highly labelled protein, as with different labelled amino acids, which are
observed in the evidence for recycling (q.v.), major contributions of Young’s group at MIT. On
where it was shown that very rapid turnover of the other hand the EP method may be the one of
even a small part of the total protein pool can choice for population studies aimed at determin-
have a significant effect on the labelling of the ing whole body rates of synthesis and their func-

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Measurement of Whole Body Protein Turnover by the End-product Method 101

Fig. 7.5. Enrichment of urinary NH3 when [15N]-glycine was given every hour, with food, for 36 h.
Reproduced from Jackson et al. (1997b), by courtesy of Clinical Science.
●, studies started at 06.00 h; , studies started at 12.00 h; 䉱 studies started at 18.00 h.

Table 7.10. Pros and cons of precursor and end-product methods.

Precursor End-product

Blood Two in-dwelling cannulae, For SD, one blood sample,
for infusion and blood samples at end, unless urine sample is
Multiple samples at plateau collected between 9 and 24 h
For MD, no blood samples
Urine No samples For SD, two samples minimum:
the collection must be complete.
For MD, at least four samples to
establish plateau
Breath Continuous or multiple sampling No samples needed
of CO2 output at plateau
Freedom of movement Restricted Unrestricted except for urine
Equipment Complex: gas chromatograph– Relatively simple: isotope
mass spectrometry ratio mass spectrometry
Cost High Relatively low
Multiple studies Difficult Easy (see Fig. 7.5)
Facilities needed Metabolic ward Can be free-living
Optimum groups for study Small groups: basic research Larger groups: population
studies, gender differences.

SD, single dose method; MD, multiple dose method.

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102 Chapter 7

tional correlates in genetically or environmentally Crispell, K.R., Parson, W. and Hollifield, G. (1956) A
different groups, particularly under difficult field study of the rate of protein synthesis before and dur-
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different diets, as shown in Fig. 7.4. It may also with myxoedema and healthy volunteers using N15-
glycine. Journal of Clinical Investigation 35, 154.
be useful under difficult clinical and field condi-
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Amino Acid Oxidation and Urea Metabolism

Carbon dioxide and urea are two irreversible end- oxidation measured over a 24-h period of fasting
products of amino acid metabolism. and feeding.
There are, however, some underlying prob-
8.1 Amino Acid Oxidation

Oxidation is a component of amino acid dis- 8.1.1 Recovery of CO2

posal or irreversible loss; it is necessary to mea-
sure it in order to determine the rate of synthesis It has been recognized for a long time in meta-
by subtraction from the flux: S = Q – O. Since bolic studies that when labelled carbon is oxi-
oxidation is seldom more than about 20% of dized, not all the label is recovered in expired
flux, errors in its measurement will not have CO2. Numerous measurements have therefore
such an important effect on synthesis as errors been made of the recovery in breath of labelled
in the estimate of flux. Expired CO2 has also CO2 after a bolus dose or a continuous infusion of
been used as an end-product in the determina- labelled bicarbonate. All the results in human sub-
tion of amino acid flux (Golden and Waterlow, jects that were reported before 1994 were tabu-
1977; Yagi and Walser, 1990; El-Khoury et al., lated by El-Khoury et al. (1994b) and are
1995a,b). Oxidation is also important in its own summarized in Table 8.1. Similar results were
right, as the basis of the carbon balance method recorded in a review by Leijssen and Elia (1996).
of determining amino acid requirements (see In most of the studies the collection period was
Chapter 10). Lastly, the extent of dilution of for 6 h or less, but in a few it was longer, up to 12
tracer in expired CO2 has been developed as a or l4 h. With unprimed infusion a plateau is
method of estimating total energy expenditure reached in about 6 h, but priming with labelled
over short periods (Elia et al., 1992, 1995). bicarbonate reduces this time to 2 h or less. There
Good reviews of amino acid oxidation have is a tendency for the recovery to be greater the
been published by Leijssen and Elia (1996) and longer the period of infusion; thus Fuller et al.
by van Hall (1999). (1990), with an unprimed infusion obtained the
The measurement of oxidation as part of results shown in Table 8.2. Elia et al. (1995)
whole body protein turnover is apparently quite infused NaH14CO3 subcutaneously for 5 days,
straightforward when 13C-leucine is the tracer: which included periods of feeding and spells of
the bicarbonate pool is primed; 13C-bicarbonate is exercise. After the first 24 h the recovery of 14CO2
infused and expired air collected during the in breath was 95% and was very consistent
plateau to give the rate of CO2 output, VCO2, and between subjects. There seems also to be a direct
its enrichment. With priming plateau enrichment relation between the amount of CO2 that is pro-
is achieved in about an hour. If KIC is taken as duced and the fraction that is recovered. Recovery
the precursor, the total rate of leucine oxidation is consistently higher in the fed than in the fasted
is: (VCO2  εCO )/εKlC. Fig. 8.1 is an example of state and higher in the day than in the night. There

106 © J.C. Waterlow 2006. Protein Turnover (J.C. Waterlow)

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Amino Acid Oxidation and Urea Metabolism 107

Fig. 8.1. 24 h pattern of leucine oxidation in relation to meals. Reproduced from El-Khoury et al. (1995b),
with permission of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. © Am. J. Clin. Nutr. American Society for

is no difference between intravenous and intragas- mechanism of CO2 sequestration. A common

tric infusions (Hoerr et al., 1989). Recovery is view is that it is taken up into a relatively labile
also higher when subjects are exercised during the fraction of bone carbonate, but the amount of
period of CO2 collection (Coggan et al., 1993; bone mineral available is not enough for the
Bowtell et al., 1994; Elia et al., 1995). Both food amounts sequestered. Ram et al. (1999) infused
and exercise of course increase CO2 production. sheep for 24 h with labelled bicarbonate and mea-
During exercise the total body pool of CO2 sured the acid-fast radioactivity in various tis-
increases severalfold (Barstow et al., 1990; Leese sues. The largest amounts were found in muscle,
et al., 1997). There is an immediate increase in fat, skin and bone, but the total amount in these
the fractional recovery of labelled CO2 to about tissues was only 4% of the dose in the fed state
twice the rate at which it is being infused (Wolfe and 6% in fasted animals. It may be presumed
et al., 1982; Barstow et al., 1990; van Hall, that this carbon is fixed in protein, since 14C-
1999), but the peak is not maintained: within an bicarbonate has long been used for labelling body
hour during exercise it falls to the pre-exercise proteins in vivo (Swick, 1958; McFarlane, 1963;
level. It is tempting to suppose that this pattern Millward, 1970). It is possible also that some
represents mobilization of CO2 from a pool iden- CO2 is fixed temporarily in intermediates of the
tified with muscle (see below), which fills up Krebs cycle, and is released when CO2 produc-
again when the exercise stops. tion is increased by exercise. This possibility
There is no clear evidence about the site or leads on to a consideration of CO2 kinetics.

Table 8.1. Summary of results on recovery of CO2 in healthy adults.

Administration of tracer Number of studies Mean recovery, %

Bolus injection
Fasting 14 70
Fed 2 73
Constant infusion
Fasting 13 77
Fed 8 84.5
Summarized from El-Khoury et al. (1994b).

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108 Chapter 8

Table 8.2. Percentage recovery of CO2 over different periods of collection.

% of dose
Hours of infusion Recovery in breath Recovery in urea

0–3 50 0.35
3–6 81 0.81
6–12 87 1.44
12–36 96 1.85

Data of Fuller et al. (1990).

8.1.2 Kinetics of CO2 metabolism takes at least 12 h for recovery of CO2 to

approach 100% (Table 8.2).
Several groups have studied the kinetics of CO2 These laborious compartmental studies are
by compartmental analysis (Fowler et al., 1964; interesting, but have little practical application to
Irving et al., 1983, 1984; Barstow et al., 1990; measurements of protein turnover. As usual with
Cobelli et al., 1991; Leese et al., 1997). Irving’s this approach there was great variability in the
paper of 1983 provides, together with new data, estimates of pool sizes and transfer rates between
an excellent account of earlier work. This comparable subjects and even in the same subject
approach requires that the tracer be given as a when measured on more than one occasion
bolus dose. In most cases the enrichment curve (Irving et al., 1983). Cobelli et al. (1991) admit-
has been followed for only 4–6 h, which is proba- ted that their analysis of the ‘carbon dioxide sys-
bly not long enough. All agree that the activity tem’, which added four pools to the six of their
curves can yield three exponentials, suggesting a model of amino acid metabolism, did not con-
mammillary model with a central pool and two tribute anything useful to their studies of protein
peripheral pools, one fast and one slow. The total turnover.
pool size of bicarbonate calculated from these
models ranges from about 9 to 15 mmol kg1, of
which, according to Irving et al. (1983) and 8.1.3 Labelled CO2 as an end-product for
Barstow et al. (1990), about 80% is in the slow measurement of flux
pool, exchanging with the central pool with rate
coefficients of 1.5–2 h1. It was suggested that When leucine is the tracer, labelled CO2 is an
the fast pool represents the extracellular fluid and end-product. The assumption (see Chapter 7) is
the slow pool the intracellular fluid. A simple that with an essential amino acid the partition of
physiological calculation is reasonably consistent flux between end-product and synthesis is the
with this idea, at least as regards total pool size. same as the partition of tracer. Thus: Q/d = S/s =
E/e, where the capital letters stand for amounts of
ECF 280 ml kg1: HCO3 25 mmol l1 = 7 mmol kg1
tracee and the lower case letters for amounts of
ICF 340 ml kg1: HCO3 10 mmol l1 = 3.4 mmol kg1
tracer. e is measured directly as the rate of expira-
Total 10.4 mmol kg1.
tion of 13C, but E cannot be taken as the total rate
Irving et al. (1983) compared their results by of CO2 production, since the greater part of
compartmental analysis with those of a ‘compos- expired CO2 is derived from oxidation of sub-
ite model’ based on data on blood flow rates and strates other than leucine. Therefore an estimate
organ levels of HCO3 (Fahri and Rahn, 1960). of E has been based either on the N intake
This calculation resulted in a total pool size of (Golden and Waterlow, 1977) or on N excreted
HCO3 of 11 mmol kg1, of which ~60% was in (Yagi and Walser, 1990; El-Khoury et al., 1995a).
muscle. CO2 production from organs other than It has been claimed of the method that the pro-
muscle was estimated to occur at a fractional rate portion of dose oxidized is independent of
of 3.2 h1, while the fractional production from assumptions about the precursor, but this is not
muscle was only 0.24 h1. Even this relatively really true (see Chapter 5). However, Yagi and
slow turnover rate, corresponding to a half-life of Walser (1990) obtained excellent agreement in
some 3 h, is too fast to explain the fact that it rats between synthesis by this method and by the

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Amino Acid Oxidation and Urea Metabolism 109

conventional method based on the enrichment of point of view of studies of energy expenditure,
plasma KIC. this was very satisfactory since it meant that
accurate measurements could be made over 2–4
days more quickly and more cheaply than with
8.1.4 Dilution of labelled CO2 as a measure doubly labelled water, and without the inconve-
of energy expenditure nience of any collections of expired air. As in
measurements of protein turnover, urea can be
In theory the dilution of labelled CO2 during regarded as the reciprocal of CO2.
infusion of labelled bicarbonate should provide a
measure of the total CO2 production rate, from
which the energy expenditure can be calculated. 8.2 Metabolism of Urea
The method had been used in animals, but Elia
(1991) was the first to suggest that it could be In the words of Krebs et al. (1973): ‘Experience
applied to short-term measurements of energy shows that virtually every detail of living matter
expenditure in man. This idea was taken up by serves a physiological purpose.’ From a teleologi-
El-Khoury et al. (1994b). In this approach two cal point of view it must be agreed that the ‘pur-
problems are encountered: the first is incomplete pose’ of urea production in mammals is to
recovery, which has already been discussed; the dispose of excess nitrogen, a result that is
second is more subtle. Infusions of labelled achieved in different ways in different animal
HCO3 are made into the blood, which is part of families; e.g. in birds by the production of uric
the extracellular pool; but CO2 derived from the acid. It has been contended that the function of
oxidation of substrates is produced intracellularly. urea production is to maintain normal pH by dis-
Is it justifiable to assume that the CO2 from these posing of bicarbonate generated in the metabo-
two different sources encounters the same degree lism of protein (Atkinson and Bourke, 1984).
of dilution? Since, however, acidosis and alkalosis were not
To examine this question use was made of the found to have any effect on urea production in
carbon of urea, as a marker of intracellular CO2 vivo (Halperin et al., 1986) this function may, in
enrichment, because it is introduced into the urea the present context, be regarded as a side-line.
molecule by the mitochondrial enzyme car-
bamoyl phosphate synthetase 1. Marsolais et al.
(1987) found in perfused livers equal specific 8.2.1 Regulation of urea synthesis
activities in the carbon of urea and infused
NaH14CO3, and also in 14CO2 generated from Nearly half a century ago Duda and Handler
14C-KIC or 14C-pyruvate. However, this equality (1958) concluded from their pioneer studies on
was not confirmed by studies in humans. Hamel rats with 15N-ammonium that ‘… the rate of urea
et al. (1993) infused 14C-bicarbonate for 14 h. In synthesis over the entire range of dosage was
spite of a huge priming dose it took 6 h for a dependent solely on the available substrate, and
plateau of urea labelling to be reached, probably neither the necessary enzymes nor coenzymes
because of the large size and slow turnover of the seemed to limit the synthetic rate’. Later workers
urea pool. At plateau the specific radioactivity of showed in man linear correlations between urea
urea was only 83% of that of breath CO2, a figure appearance or production and plasma amino acid
very close to that found by Elia et al. (1992, concentrations (Rafoth and Onstad, 1975;
1995). Thus if urea-carbon and breath-CO2 are Vilstrup, 1980, 1989) (Fig. 8.2). These findings
representative of intra- and extra-cellular pools it seem to fit in with the biochemistry of the Krebs-
seems that both can be in a steady state at differ- Henseleit cycle. NH3 rather than NH4+ is the sub-
ent levels of labelling – a situation exactly paral- strate for the first enzyme in the cycle,
lel to that of KIC and leucine. Total CO2 carbamoyl-phosphate synthetase 1 (CPS-1)
production, calculated as the dose divided by the (Cohen et al., 1985), the ammonia being derived,
specific radioactivity of urea, corrected for the via the transaminases, from glutamate by the
experimentally determined retention factor of action of glutamate dehydrogenase (Krebs et al.,
0.83, gave results that agreed extremely well with 1973). These reactions occur in the liver virtually
those obtained by standard calorimetry. From the instantaneously, as was shown by Cooper et al.

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110 Chapter 8

Fig. 8.2. Urea production plotted against serum total amino acid concentration following different protein
loads. Reproduced from Rafoth and Onstad (1975), by courtesy of the Journal of Clinical Investigation.

(1987, 1988) in experiments with the very short- ologist one can but ask: what is the purpose or
lived isotope 13N. CPS-1 is not reversible, oper- reason for the 2–3-fold increase in amount and
ates far from equilibrium and is capable of activity of the enzymes with quite a modest
handling a wide range of NH3 supply, so that it is increase in protein intake, when from the bio-
usually operating at only a fraction of its capacity chemical evidence it seems that the ornithine
(Krebs et al., 1973; Meijer et al., 1990). It is rea- cycle could easily handle such an increase in load
sonable, therefore, to regard the regulation of without any help from enzyme induction?
urea production as the automatic and instanta- Perhaps it is a hangover from the time when the
neous response to changes in input. However, hunter-gatherers’ diet was much higher in protein
CPS-1 has for its activity an absolute requirement than it is now (Speth, 1984).
for a co-factor, N-acetylglutamate (NAG), which As was said by Morris in 1992: ‘Sixty years
complexes with CPS-1 to form the functional cat- after its initial description the physiologic role of
alytic unit. There has been much debate about the urea cycle continues to be the subject of new
whether NAG should be regarded as a regulator ideas and new controversies.’ As will be seen
or simply an essential co-factor. below, there are still mysteries about how nitro-
There is a further problem. In 1962 Schimke gen balance is so exquisitely regulated that output
published two classical papers showing that all matches intake over a range of intakes and long
the urea cycle enzymes in the liver increased or periods of time (Waterlow, 1999).
decreased coordinately in response to changes in
dietary protein intake (Schimke, 1962a,b). The
time-course of these changes was examined in 8.2.2 Urea kinetics
more detail by Das and Waterlow (1974) (see
Chapter 10), and the subject reviewed by Morris The pioneer paper in the field of urea kinetics
(1992) and M. Jackson et al. (1986). As a physi- was that of Walser and Bodenlos (1959), estab-

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Amino Acid Oxidation and Urea Metabolism 111

lishing three points on which all later workers are ally 15N15N. Matthews and Downey (1984)
agreed: first, that after correction for changes in investigated the effect of the priming dose; they
the size of the urea pool, only part of the urea concluded that because of the slow turnover of
produced is excreted in the urine; secondly, that urea, it was critical to get the priming dose right,
the ‘missing’ urea passes into the colon or lower and that the correct prime should be 12.5 times
ileum where it is hydrolysed to ammonia by the hourly infusion rate. Jahoor and Wolfe
microbial urease; thirdly, that part of the ammo- (1987), however, obtained good plateaus with
nia produced in the gut is recycled back to urea. primes equivalent to only 5–10 h infusion. The
The end result of these three processes is that protocol adopted by Young’s group at MIT is to
nitrogen balance is maintained over a wide range give a prime equivalent to 15 h of infusion, fol-
of intakes, but exactly how this is achieved is far lowed by IV infusion for 24 h, during which time
from clear. It was also shown that in normal man the subjects are partly fasted, partly fed (El-
the urea pool turns over rather slowly, with a Khoury et al., 1994a, 1996; Forslund et al.,
half-life of 8–12 h. 1998; Young et al., 2000). In England, on the
In the years that followed Walser and other hand, Jackson’s group have consistently
Bodenlos’s paper clinicians began to be interested given the tracer by mouth, either as a single dose
in urea kinetics in conditions such as sepsis with output in the urine being followed for 48 h;
(Long et al., 1978), renal failure (Varcoe et al., or as a 15 h prime, followed by intermittent
1975) and cirrhosis of the liver (Rypins et al., doses every 3 h for 15–18 h. This method gives
1980). A great deal of work has also been done acceptable plateaus; urea production is deter-
on normal subjects by Jackson and his colleagues mined from the plateau enrichment of 15N15N
in Southampton, stimulated by his initial experi- urea in the urine.
ences with malnourished children. Six points
have to be considered: the most reliable and con-
venient method of measuring urea production; the
amount produced in relation to nitrogen intake; Relationship of urea production to
the amount and proportion of urea metabolized or N intake
salvaged, to use the term introduced by Jackson; This relationship is of great importance, because it
the proportion of N derived from metabolism in has a key bearing on the regulation of nitrogen
the colon that is recycled back to urea; the fate of balance. On this there is serious controversy. The
the salvaged N that is retained; and the regulation classical view, as we have seen, is that production
of salvage. (P) responds linearly to changes in intake. Krebs
et al. (1973) concluded that flux through the urea
cycle responds automatically and immediately to
changes in N supply. It was therefore not unex-
8.2.3 Urea production pected that Young’s group obtain a linear relation-
ship between intake and production over a range
The method mostly used in the early years was to of intakes from 0 to nearly 400 mg N kg1 day1
give a single IV bolus of urea labelled with vari- (Fig. 8.3). It should be pointed out that the only
ous tracers, and to follow the enrichment in urine true measure of urea production at zero protein
for times ranging from 6 to 16 h. Urea production intake is that of Young et al. (2000), because their
was calculated from the slope of the semi-log plot subjects had been on a protein-free diet for 5 days.
of enrichment, after correcting for mixing time. In contrast to Young’s data the results by oral
This work was valuable in showing no difference dosage are very different. Jackson, summarizing
between results with 15N-, 13C-, 14C-, or 18O- the extensive work of his group over a number of
labelled urea. A good deal of attention was also years, concluded that P varies little with N intake.
given to the problem of ‘delay time’, which led to The findings in 23 groups of subjects, including
enrichment in urine over a given period being pregnant women and adolescent boys, are also
higher than in plasma (Walser and Bodenlos, shown in Fig. 8.3. However, the intakes do not
1959). cover a very wide range; half the studies were in
A further development was the primed con- the intake range 140–180 mg N kg1 day1, and
stant intravenous infusion of labelled urea, usu- gave average values for P varying from 158 to

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112 Chapter 8

Fig. 8.3. Urea N production vs. protein N intake, mg kg1 day1.

x - - - x, data of Young et al. (2000) by constant intravenous infusion of 15N15N urea; ●–––––●, data of
Jackson and co-workers by single or multiple oral dosage of 15N15N urea. References for data of Jackson et
al.: Jackson et al., 1984, 1993; Hibbert and Jackson, 1991; Danielson and Jackson, 1992; Hibbert et al.,
1992, 1995; Langran et al., 1992; Bundy et al., 1993; Forrester et al., 1994; McClelland et al., 1996, 1997;
Meakins and Jackson, 1996; Child et al., 1997.

218 mg N kg1 day1. Nevertheless, a regression and this effect would be most marked at the two
of the means of Jackson’s data does show a sig- extremes, not represented in the Jackson studies,
nificant relationship: production = 0.33 intake + of zero and very high protein intakes.
124, r = 0.53, p < 0.01. This contrasts with the Variability is a major problem. Hibbert and
data of Young et al.: P = 0.89 intake + 35, r = Jackson (1991) showed that urea production
0.99, p < 0.01. It has been suggested that a more measured on five separate occasions in the same
appropriate comparison is of production versus subject on the same intake was very constant.
(intake + hydrolysis), since both contribute to the Nevertheless, there is considerable variation, not
N available for urea production (McClelland et only between the mean values of P in different
al., 1997); this gives a linear relationship with a studies with similar intakes, but also between
steeper slope. A logical solution would be to individuals in the same study. The mean coeffi-
relate urea production to the nitrogen flux rather cient of variation of P between subjects in the
than to the intake. Since flux does not vary very four studies of Young et al. (2000) was 18%; in
much with intake (see Chapter 9), it is not sur- the four studies of Danielson and Jackson
prising that urea production should be relatively (1992) and Langran et al. (1992) it was 21%.
independent of and sometimes greater than This complicates interpretation of the data.
intake. One could perhaps reconcile the divergent We must conclude that urea production varies
results of Jackson and Young on the basis that the with N flux rather than N intake. The relationship
urea cycle has prior access, through a first-pass is less close with the oral than with the intra-
effect, to the food-intake component of the flux, venous route of dosage; it is not clear whether the

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Amino Acid Oxidation and Urea Metabolism 113

difference is an artefact of the route by which the salvaged, although not the amount, is higher on
tracer is given or of some other difference in the low protein diets. No consistent increase in T/P
protocols of the two sets of studies. was observed in pregnancy (Forrester et al.,
1994; McClelland et al., 1997).
An interesting observation is diurnal varia-
8.2.4 Salvage of urea tion. It is well known that urea excretion is
higher in the day than the night (Steffee et al.,
The process by which some of the urea produced 1981; Parsons et al., 1983; El-Khoury et al.,
fails to be excreted in the urine has been 1994a); production, however, is relatively con-
described by various names – transfer, metabo- stant, so salvage varies inversely with excretion,
lism, hydrolysis, salvage. We prefer the term ‘sal- being less by day than by night (Table 8.4).
vage’, introduced by Jackson, since it suggests an However, the day/night division does not corre-
active purposeful process, but it seems better to spond exactly to the divide between fasting and
denote it by the symbol T for transfer, rather than feeding; in the experiments of Table 8.4 and in
S, to avoid confusion with synthesis. Thus T = P earlier observations there is a lag of 3–6 h
– E, where E is the urea excreted. Mammalian between the beginning of feeding and the peak
species, from rat to camel, salvage a large propor- of urea excretion, which continues at a high rate
tion of the urea that they produce (Wrong et al., for some hours after the feeding has stopped.
1985). Therefore this process must have some Presumably this lag results from the slow
evolutionary advantage, in keeping with turnover rate of the urea pool. Another factor that
Jackson’s view, which I share, that it has a physi- may contribute to it is the transit time of food to
ological function in economizing nitrogen and reach the lower ileum. It has been shown that
regulating nitrogen balance. food stimulates the urease activity of the
In man it is generally supposed, as originally microbes in the gut.
postulated by Walser and Bodenlos (1959), that If it is true that P is not very sensitive to
salvage depends on transfer of urea from plasma intake, at least within the usual range, whereas E
to the colon, where it is broken down to ammonia is regulated to match the intake and maintain
by bacterial urease. It is probable that this process nitrogen balance, T must play an important role
occurs also in the lower ileum, since substantial in this regulation.
hydrolysis has been found in patients without a
functioning colon (Gibson et al., 1976). The
Fate of salvaged urea
lumen of the colon may not be the most impor-
tant site of hydrolysis; there is evidence that Our concept is that 15NH3, derived by hydrolysis of
15N15N urea by the microbes of the lower bowel, is
much of the urease activity has a mucosal or
juxta-mucosal location. However, whatever the re-absorbed and transported to the liver, where it
exact site, bacteria must be responsible, since joins the circulating amino-N pool. That pool is
hydrolysis is greatly reduced when the gut is constantly being distributed to protein synthesis,
sterilized by antibiotics. synthesis of other compounds, and urea. The
Data on the proportion of urea production that labelled 15N must be distributed in the same meta-
is salvaged (T/P) are shown in Table 8.3A. There bolic pathways and in the same proportions as the
is no relation between T/P and production. At total non-essential amino-N flux, so that some of it
similar production rates there are large variations is recycled back to urea. The recycled urea will be
15N14N urea, since the probability of two 15N atoms
in rates of salvage both between and within stud-
ies. The coefficient of variation between individ- coming together is extremely small. Thus the
uals in the same study is sometimes as high as extent of recycling can be determined by measur-
50%, presumably because salvage is a difference ing the excretion of 15N14N urea in the urine. The
measurement. calculations, which are somewhat complex, are set
Table 8.3B shows that in neonates and infants out in Jackson et al. (1984) and in simplified form
the proportion is higher than in adults, in keeping in Jackson et al. (1993). This group is the only one
with Jackson’s hypothesis that salvage is high to have made an extensive study of recycling. They
when the demand for N is large in relation to found in ten studies on adults that only 10–20% of
intake. In malnourished infants the proportion salvaged N was recycled back into urea. This is

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114 Chapter 8

Table 8.3. Proportion of urea produced (P) that is salvaged (T).

Production T/P, %
mg N kg1 day1
A. Adults
Oral dosagea
Intake range Number of
mg N kg1 day1 subjects
< 100 4 169 42
100–150 3 187 46
150–200 12 178 39
> 200 5 205 41

Intravenous dosageb
Intake, mg N kg1 day1
0 35 8
44 83 22
161 157 23
157 184 46
392 386 22

B. Infants
Neonates (Wheeler et al., 1991) 80
Breast fed, 1–3 months (Steinbrecher et al., 1996) 76
Infants with malnutrition (Badaloo et al., 1999)
Malnourished, high protein 59
low protein 64
Rapidly growing, high protein 47
low protein 54
Recovered, high protein 47
low protein 59
aForreferences, see Fig. 8.3. This group contains healthy subjects on normal diets, vegetarians,
pregnant women, adolescent boys. There are no substantial differences between these subjects.
bData of Young et al. (2000), one subject on each intake.

about the proportion of the total amino-N flux that min (Varcoe et al., 1975; Richards et al., 1967)
on normal diets goes to the synthesis of urea. The it has presumably been incorporated at the
low rate of recycling derived from measurements expense of unlabelled N. It is interesting that in
of 14N15N contrasts with Young’s view that almost Richards’ study with [15N]-ammonium chloride,
all salvaged N is recycled. incorporation into plasma albumin was much
There has been controversy about what hap- greater in subjects on a protein intake of 20 g
pens to the salvaged nitrogen that is not recycled than of 70 g. Indeed, it has long been known
to urea. Picou and Phillips (1972) originally rec- that in infants urea can substitute to some extent
ognized two destinations for it, into protein syn- for non-essential amino acids in promoting
thesis (S) and into synthesis of other metabolites growth and nitrogen retention (Snyderman et
(X), but later workers have not maintained this al., 1962). However, net deposition of protein
distinction. X in any case was a small propor- can only occur with an increased supply of non-
tion. Walser (1981) has argued strongly that sal- essential N if essential amino acids are available
vage does not produce any net gain of N to the in excess. This seems to be the case with the
body, but merely exchanges with or replaces breast-fed baby, in which the ratio of
other amino-N. In the adult in nitrogen balance EAA/NEAA is higher in breast milk (0.79) than
this clearly must be correct. When labelled N in the body (0.56) (Widdowson et al., 1979) and
from urea is found, for example, in plasma albu- much higher than in the calculated requirement

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Amino Acid Oxidation and Urea Metabolism 115

Table 8.4. Diurnal variation in urea production (P) and salvage (T).
mg N kg1 day1

El-Khoury et al., 1994a Day 78 0

Night 71 52
Meakins and Jackson, 1995 Day 90 44
Night 94 69
El-Khoury et al., 1996 Day 73 –3
Night 84 37

(0.44) (Dewey et al., 1996). Urea accounts for 1992) or by altering the ratio of fat to carbohy-
10–15% of the N in human milk, and after sin- drate (Jackson et al., 1990) to see whether the
gle doses of 15N urea 20–40% was retained after extent of salvage can be increased by promoting
48 h (Heine et al., 1986; Fomon et al., 1988; bacterial activity, but they show little effect. It
Donovan et al., 1990). There may be other situa- seems, therefore, that control must depend not on
tions where NEAAs rather than EAAs are limit- the number of bacteria but on the delivery of urea
ing. to the colon. It seems to be generally agreed that
Hydrolysis of urea may not be the only useful transfer of urea into the colon is a much more
activity of the gut microflora. Wrong et al. complicated process than simple diffusion at a
(1985) showed that during a constant IV infusion rate dependent on the concentration of urea in the
of 15N urea lasting 72 h the enrichment of free plasma. In the last decade there has been much
NH3 in the colon and of total faecal N were simi- interest in a family of proteins that act as urea
lar, and some ten times less than the enrichment transporters (UTs). Although UTs have been iden-
of plasma urea N. There must, therefore, be a tified in many tissues (see reviews by Smith et
very large flux of N within the colon, many al., 1995 and Smith and Rousselet, 2001), most
times greater than the rate of entry from urea. of the work has been done on the kidney, because
This flux probably derives, at least in part, from urea transport from the loop of Henle and the col-
the synthesis and breakdown of microbial pro- lecting ducts into the medulla is critical for the
tein. Many years ago, to explain how the high- ability of the kidney to concentrate urea to an
landers of New Guinea were able to maintain osmolality greater than that of plasma. Analysis
nitrogen balance on a protein intake that was of rat kidney mRNA revealed two transcripts
inadequate by any standards, it was suggested which, on translation produced two proteins, UT1
that they might be utilizing essential amino acids and UT2 (Smith et al., 1995). In rats the expres-
synthesized by bacteria in the colon (Oomen, sion of UT1 mRNA was responsive to changes in
1961; Tanaka et al., 1980). Several studies have the protein content of the diet, whereas the
been done to test this hypothesis, summarized in expression of UT2 mRNA was sensitive to vaso-
Chapter 10. It has been established beyond doubt pressin and to the hydration state of the animal.
that microbial syntheses of lysine and threonine, Work is in progress on the characteristics and
amino acids that are not transaminated, does regulation of these transporters in the colon.
occur in humans. Stewart et al. (2005), reviewing this subject,
say: ‘We have identified a urea transporter in the
human colon (h-UTA6) … that is likely to medi-
Regulation of salvage
ate urea transport into the colon … Interestingly,
Although urea production may initially be deter- this protein is activated by cAMP and may there-
mined in part by nitrogen intake, it is clear that it fore serve to regulate urea flux into the colon.’
is modulated by salvage to achieve nitrogen bal- They end their review with the words: ‘… it
ance or the retention that is necessary for growth. therefore remains highly plausible that urea nitro-
Therefore there must be some mechanism of reg- gen salvage is not just simply an effect of the
ulation. A number of studies have been made by microbial environment but a specific regulated
adding pectin to the diet (Doherty and Jackson, interaction between the gut bacteria and their

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116 Chapter 8

host.’ The key word in these quotations is ‘regu- liver. Journal of Biological Chemistry 263,
lated’. 12268–12273.
Danielson, M. and Jackson, A.A. (1992) Limits of
adaptation to a diet low in protein in normal man:
8.3 References urea kinetics. Clinical Science 83, 103–108.
Das, T.K. and Waterlow, J.C. (1974) The rate of adapta-
Atkinson, D.E. and Bourke, E. (1984) The role of urea- tion of urea-cycle enzymes, aminotransferases and
genesis in pH homeostasis. Trends in Biochemical glutamate dehydrogenase to changes in protein
Sciences 9, 297–300. intakes. British Journal of Nutrition 32, 353–373.
Badaloo, A., Boyne, M., Reid, M., Persaud, C., Dewey, K.G., Beaton, G., Fjeld, C., Lonnerdal, B. and
Forrester, T., Millward, D.J. and Jackson, A.A. Reeds, P. (1996) Protein requirements of infants and
(1999) Dietary protein, growth and urea kinetics in children. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 50,
severely malnourished children and during recov- Suppl. 1, S119–150.
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The Effects of Food and Hormones on Protein
Turnover in the Whole Body and Regions

Food affects protein turnover in several different (Table 9.1B), mostly with a protein:energy ratio
ways. These include the immediate response to of only 2–3%, there was on feeding a small fall in
food; the effect of different diets in subjects protein synthesis and a somewhat larger fall in
adapted to them; and the effect of long-standing breakdown, but not nearly as large as that found
under-nutrition. There is a very large literature on with normal protein intakes. There was also a fall
studies in animals; the responses of individual tis- in plasma leucine, but as great an increase in
sues, particularly muscle and liver, are described insulin as with the higher protein intakes.
in Chapter 15. These figures are crude averages; they take no
account of the actual amounts of protein fed nor
of the possible effects of different types of pro-
9.1 The Immediate Effects of Food tein (see section 9.2). Some particular studies
need more detailed description. In the first exper-
Two different protocols have been used: food iments to tackle the problem, 14C-leucine was
given continuously or at frequent intervals, com- infused intravenously for 24 h; for the first 12 h
pared with fasting, and food given as a single food was given at hourly intervals, and for the
meal. second 12 h the subjects fasted (Garlick et al.,
1980; Clugston and Garlick., 1982). In these
experiments fasting followed feeding, and pro-
9.1.1 Continuous feeding duced a 30% decrease in synthesis with no
change in breakdown. When these studies were
Most studies have been made with the short proto- repeated with a shorter infusion of 8 h, with the
col: an infusion of about 8–10 h, with 3–4 h post- first 4 h fasting and then 4 h fed, there was a slight
absorptive and 4–6 h fed. Table 9.1 shows the fall in synthesis in the fed state and a very large
results of 23 fasting/fed studies by the precursor fall in breakdown (Melville et al., 1989). These
method, with protein intakes in the normal range: divergent results were attributed to recycling dur-
~0.6–1.5 g kg1 day1 (A). With continuous feed- ing the original 24 h infusion. The plateau activity
ing at this level there was no change in whole of leucine at the end of the fasting period in
body synthesis, but on average a fall of nearly Clugston’s study was much higher than after feed-
50% in breakdown. Oxidation, as would be ing – 1.2 vs. 0.8 atom % excess. This early work
expected, increased nearly twofold. The absence is well reviewed by Garlick et al. (1991).
of any effect on synthesis fits in with the results The next step was fasting–feeding studies in
obtained by the EP method with a single dose of subjects adapted to different levels of protein intake.
tracer (Chapter 7, Table 7.3). Feeding produces a There are three such studies, the results of which are
small rise (+ 20%) in plasma leucine concentra- included in Table 9.1 but are shown in more detail
tion, with a very substantial increase in insulin. in Fig. 9.1 and Table 9.2. In both fed and fasted
When the food provided amounts of protein states there is a tendency for synthesis to increase
well below the normal range of requirements with increasing intakes. If 0.6 g kg1 day1 is taken

120 © J.C. Waterlow 2006. Protein Turnover (J.C. Waterlow)

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Effects of Food and Hormones 121

Table 9.1. Response of whole-body turnover to continuous feeding in fasted–fed studies.

Ratio of fed:fasted

Synthesis Breakdown Oxidation Plasma leucine Plasma

concentration insulin

A. Normal protein
intakesa 1.05 0.56 1.74 1.19 7.5
n: 25 25 25 6 7
B. Low protein
intakesb 0.89 0.79 0.92 0.70 7.8
n: 8 8 8 8 5
a0.6to 1.6 g protein kg1 d1. n is number of subjects.
b<0.6 to 1.6 g protein kg1 d1.
References: Motil, 1981; Hoffer, 1985; Yang, 1986; Beaufrère, 1989; Melville, 1989, 1990; Bruce, 1990;
McHardy, 1991; Pacy, 1994; Quevedo, 1994; Gibson, 1996; Tessari, 1996b; Boirie, 1997b; El-Khoury, 1997;
Bouteloupe-Delange, 1998; Fereday, 1998; Forslund, 1998; MacAllan, 1998; Arnal, 2000; Millward, 2000.

as the lower limit of an adequate protein intake (see below the fasting level (Table 9.1B). The reason
Chapter 10) the increase is greater between low and is that at low intakes food stimulates insulin pro-
adequate (A–C) than from adequate upwards duction and the consequent reduction in break-
(C–D). The results for breakdown are more vari- down means that not enough amino acids are
able; only in C is breakdown much reduced at high available for synthesis. One of the most interest-
protein intakes. Oxidation, as one might expect, ing aspects of this work was the way in which the
increases: with leucine as tracer a linear relationship response to feeding changed with intake, the
has been shown by Young et al. (1985) and by oth- response being the difference between fed and
ers between oxidation and plasma leucine concen- fasted rates. The variation of these responses with
tration, which in turn increases with protein intake protein intake is shown in Fig. 9.2. There is a
except at very low levels. The post-absorptive data greater response of degradation than of synthesis
are also shown in Fig. 9.1: both synthesis and break- or oxidation. These responses are reflected by
down increase with intake. The balances, SB, differences in nitrogen balance by day and by
tend to become positive at intakes of about 0.6 g night. Figure 9.3 shows that the amplitude of the
kg1 day1. diurnal oscillations of balance increases with
It may seem paradoxical that at low protein increasing protein intake. In a third study by this
intakes the effect of food is to reduce synthesis group protein kinetics were determined at inter-

Table 9.2. Fed:fasted ratios  100 in subjects adapted for 7–12 days to different levels of protein intake.
Intake Synthesis Breakdown Oxidation
g protein kg1 d1

冧A 86
冧B 94

Yang 0.6 120 75 89
Motil 0.6 C 115 77 100
Pacy 0.8 104 78 149

Yang 1.5 122 47 220
Motil 1.5 D 100 54 261
Pacy 1.6 117 64 174

Measurements by IV infusion of 13C-leucine. Data of Motil et al., 1981; Yang et al., 1986; Pacy et al.,

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122 Chapter 9

Fig. 9.1. Synthesis, breakdown and oxidation in the fasted and fed states in subjects on different levels of
protein intake.
A, 0–0.1 g kg1 day1; B, 0.3–0.36 g kg1 day1; C, 0.6–0.8 g kg1 day1; D, 1.5+ g kg1 day1. Combined
data of Motil et al. (1981); Yang et al. (1986); Pacy et al. (1994).

vals for 14 days after switching from a high to a larly interested in requirements for essential
moderate intake (1.9 to 0.8 g protein kg1 day1 ) amino acids. They used test diets in which all the
(Quevedo et al., 1994). The most important N was provided as crystalline amino acids, and
change was again a reduction in breakdown with protein kinetics were measured by intravenous
a small fall in oxidation. infusion of labelled leucine. In their initial studies
A different approach was used by Young and they looked at the effect of feeding varying levels
his colleagues at MIT, because they were particu- of a single amino acid – leucine, lysine, threonine

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Effects of Food and Hormones 123

and valine – in an otherwise complete diet after a

7-day period of adaptation (Meguid et al.,
1986a,b; Meredith et al., 1986; Zhao et al., 1986).
The main finding of these experiments was that
there was a sharp fall in flux when the intake of
the test amino acid was clearly inadequate; how-
ever, they concluded that the amino acid flux did
not provide a sensitive index of whether or not the
intake met the requirement (Waterlow, 1996).
A remarkable study, which involved no less
than 80 separate infusions, was undertaken by the
MIT group (Marchini et al., 1993). Nitrogen was
provided as a mixture of amino acids equivalent
to 1 g protein kg1 day1, but with three different
levels of the essential amino acids (EAA). The
Fig. 9.2. Responses to different protein intakes after
adaptation for 10 days. The response is the change
main results of this study are summarized in
between feeding and fasting. Table 9.3. There was little difference between the
●––––●, synthesis (fed–fasted); ––––, breakdown three groups in post-absorptive leucine concen-
(fed–fasted); - – -, oxidation (fed–fasted). tration or kinetics, but in the fed state with
Reproduced from Pacy et al. (1994), by courtesy of increasing essential amino acid supply, there was
Clinical Science. a clear increase in plasma leucine concentration

Fig. 9.3. Fasting–fed fluctuations in nitrogen balance at different levels of protein intake. Note the increasing
amplitude of the day/night swings with increasing protein intake. Data of Price et al. (1994).
▫ , day; , night.

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124 Chapter 9

and synthesis, with an accompanying fall in that the key factor determining the rate of protein
breakdown, resulting in a difference between the deposition in response to feeding is the extent of
diets in net protein deposition (synthesis minus inhibition of breakdown, as is clear from Table
breakdown). 9.1 and Fig. 9.2. They define the ‘amino acid sen-
It may be questioned whether the effects of a sitivity of proteolysis’ as the difference in protein
diet low in protein are physiologically the same breakdown on high and low protein diets divided
as the effects of deficiency of a single or of all by the difference in leucine intake. They showed
essential amino acids. Absorption of crystalline that this quotient varied widely between individu-
amino acids will be quicker than when they are als and was significantly related to the efficiency
protein-bound (see below). A comparison of protein utilization (Fereday et al., 1998) (see
between these different regimes is shown in Fig. Chapter 10).
9.4. The variable shown is oxidation because it is
the most sensitive kinetic parameter. There is no
difference in the response of oxidation in the fed 9.1.2 Amino acid infusions
state to the supply of a protein or a limiting
amino acid. Infusions of amino acids provide some interesting
These studies of fasting and feeding have contrasts with the effects of food (Table 9.4). One
wider implications. The work of Millward’s difference, whose importance is difficult to
group (Pacy et al., 1994; Price et al., 1994; assess, is that amino acids are infused by vein,
Gibson et al., 1996) and of El-Khoury and col- while food is given by mouth. Giordano et al.
leagues (El-Khoury et al., 1994a,b, 1997; (1996) infused amino acids at 5 different levels.
Forslund et al., 1998) has shown very clearly that His results show progressive increases in synthe-
the negative balance between protein synthesis sis and decreases in breakdown as the plasma
and breakdown during fasting is cancelled out by amino acid concentrations rose. Giordano’s first
a positive balance during feeding; this occurs at three levels may be regarded as not too far from
all levels of protein intake above maintenance, physiological. Synthesis is increased more than
with bigger swings between negative and positive by food, while the inhibition of breakdown is
balance at higher protein intakes (Fig. 9.3). How somewhat less. In the study by Louard et al.
this balance is achieved is the central problem of (1990) branched-chain amino acids alone were
protein turnover; we return to it at the end of this effective, producing even greater changes in mus-
book. cle than in the whole body. The keto acids of the
In summary, it seems reasonable to conclude BCAAs had no effect (Giordano et al., 2000).
that protein intake has only a modest influence on There is a clear relation in these studies between
synthesis unless the intake is below the require- increases in synthesis and in plasma leucine con-
ment level. Millward and his colleagues believe centration. The experiments of Goulet et al.

Table 9.3. Effect of feeding diets with different essential amino acid (EAA) contents on fed-state
synthesis, breakdown and oxidation.
Egga FAOb MITb
EAAs, per cent of total 53 10 21
Plasma [leu], mmol l1 174 86 110
cSynthesis, mmol kg1 d1 84 68.5 75
cBreakdown, mmol kg1 d1 56 67 62
cOxidation, mmol kg1 d1 31 12 18

All diets provided the equivalent of 1 g protein kg1 d1.

aEight separate infusions in each subject on the egg diet gave remarkably consistent results, and the

averages only are given. The range for synthesis was 81–90, for breakdown 48–63.
bThe results after 1 and 3 weeks on each diet were not consistently or significantly different, and have

therefore been averaged.

cFed-state results only.

Data of Marchini et al. (1993).

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Effects of Food and Hormones 125

Fig. 9.4. Rate of leucine oxidation at different levels of intake from food or crystalline amino acids.
, data of Pacy et al. (1994) – milk;  , data of Motil et al. (1991) – amino acids. Reproduced by courtesy of
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

(1993), in which adolescent boys on total par- Although the peptides produced a greater
enteral nutrition (TPN) were given amino acids increase in synthesis than the intact protein, there
equivalent to 0.7, 1.5 and 2.5 g kg1 day1, lead was a smaller diminution in breakdown, so that
to a similar conclusion, although no baseline data the balance between synthesis and breakdown
were obtained. A study by Collin-Vidal et al. was less favourable.
(1994) is particularly interesting. They infused In many of these studies with amino acids
intragastrically first a carbohydrate-lipid mixture, there was a large increase in plasma leucine con-
to which was then added, in randomized order, a centration, much larger than with food. If the
solution of whey protein or of oligopeptides. free leucine pool size is increased, the extra

Table 9.4. Response of whole-body protein turnover to intravenous amino-acid infusions.

Ratio of infused:basal

Synthesis Breakdown Oxidation Plasma leucine


Gelfand et al., 1988 1.55 0.37 3.9 2.65

Pacy et al., 1988 1.40 0.85 2.0 1.87
Bennet, 1990 1.13 0.88 1.9 1.77
Tessari et al., 1987 1.30 0.81 2.2 1.56
Tessari et al., 1996a 1.32 – 2.15 1.79
Louard et al., 1990a 1.73 0.88 5.4 4.0
Giordano et al., 1996b I 1.04 0.93 1.2 1.37
II 1.07 0.87 1.3 1.58
III 1.17 0.76 2.1 2.24
IV 1.40 0.73 3.6 3.80
V 1.66 0.73 5.0 5.03
Goulet et al., 1993c II/I 1.21 1.20 2.55 1.60
III/I 1.31 1.19 3.95 2.50
aBranched chain amino acids only.
bAmino acids infused at five different levels.
cNo base-line data; amino acids infused in adolescent boys on total parenteral nutrition, I at 0.7, II at 1.5,

III at 2.5 g kg1 day1.

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126 Chapter 9

leucine entering the pool should be subtracted pare the effects of food or of amino acids, some-
from the amount going to synthesis and added to times with the addition of insulin, in forearm or leg
the amount derived from breakdown. If no with those in the whole body. The results in Table
account is taken of this, synthesis is exaggerated 9.5 suggest that synthesis in the limb responds
and breakdown diminished. For example, in the more than in the whole body. Two studies, by
study of Pacy et al. (1988) plasma leucine con- Gelfand et al. (1988) and Cayol et al. (1997) on
centration increased by 118 mol l1. If leucine the effect of amino acids or food on splanchnic
is evenly distributed in body water, this would protein turnover give contradictory results. The
amount to 77 mol kg1, or a rate of increase of wonderful experiments by Yu et al. (1990) on dogs
13 mol kg1 h1 over the 6-h period of obser- showed that amino acids given parenterally pro-
vation. If, as an approximate correction, this rate duced a fivefold increase in splanchnic protein
is subtracted from the rate of synthesis and synthesis, compared with fasting, with a large fall
added to that of breakdown, the relative rates in synthesis in the rest of the body. In these experi-
compared with the control state become 122 ments the amount of protein given was four times
instead of 140 for synthesis, and 100 compared that of a normal human intake.
with 85 for breakdown. If this correction were A matter that has been much discussed is
applied throughout, the general conclusion from whether leucine has a specific effect on protein
Table 9.4 would be that amino acids by vein, synthesis. In 1975 Buse and Reid found a stim-
although leading to large increases in plasma ulatory effect of leucine on protein synthesis
concentrations, produce a significant stimulation by pieces of rat diaphragm incubated in vitro
of synthesis and a much smaller inhibition of (Buse and Reid, 1975). Since then there have
breakdown than food taken by mouth. A possible been many investigations of the problem, but it
interpretation is that small amounts of food at has not yet been completely resolved. Tischler
frequent intervals – the usual protocol – produce et al. (1982), also working with isolated skele-
only small rises in plasma amino acid concentra- tal and cardiac muscle, confirmed that leucine
tions, but a significant increase in insulin, stimulated synthesis and reduced breakdown
whereas amino acids by vein produce larger and showed that the effect could not be attrib-
increases in concentration but little or no uted to increased charging of tRNA. Recently
increase in insulin. Insulin is, of course, a major Kimball et al. (2002) have written of ‘the
player and we shall look at its role in more detail unique specificity of leucine in stimulating
in the next section. protein synthesis in muscle’. This group has
There are a few studies that enable us to com- worked out the molecular mechanism in detail,

Table 9.5. Comparison of responses in whole body and limb to a meal, or to infusions of amino acids
with or without insulin
Synthesis Breakdown

Whole body Limb Whole body Limb

Tessari et al., 1996b 1.32 1.26 – 0.64

Gelfand et al., 1988 1.55 1.82 0.37 0.58
Amino acids
Bennet et al., 1990 1.11 1.13 0.84 0.70
Amino acids + insulin
+ glucose
Louard et al., 1990 1.73 3.04 0.88 0.56
BCAs only
Zanetti et al., 1999 1.25 1.99 – 1.00
Amino acids + insulin

Numbers are ratios of rates of synthesis and breakdown after the infusion or meal to rates before the
infusion. See also Fig. 9.7.

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Effects of Food and Hormones 127

showing that leucine injected in post-absorp- 9.1.3 The effects of protein in a single meal
tive rats stimulated synthesis in muscle by
enhancement of the initiation process and its To give food by a naso-gastric infusion or in fre-
signalling pathway, the effect being indepen- quent small amounts for several hours in order to
dent of insulin but facilitated by it (Anthony et produce a steady state does not fit very well with
al., 2000a, 2002; see also Campbell et al., what happens in real life. The alternative is a sin-
1999). In liver there was a different effect: no gle meal, which requires non-steady state kinetics
increase in total protein synthesis but specific for analysis of the effects. A pioneer of this
stimulation of the translation of mRNAs for approach was Tessari, who gave a meal in which
ribosomal proteins (Anthony et al., 2001). Can the nitrogen was provided by crystalline amino
these findings be reconciled with those of acids to normal subjects and to diabetics with and
McNurlan et al. (1982) 20 years earlier, that a without insulin (Tessari et al., 1988). The experi-
single dose of leucine to rats starved for 2 days mental design required two tracers, 2H-leucine by
had no effect on synthesis in liver, jejunal IV infusions and 14C-leucine added to the meal,
mucosa or skeletal muscle? The answer prob- which allowed ‘endogenous’ changes in synthesis
ably is that McNurlan’s dose, 100 mol and breakdown to be calculated separately from
leucine per 100 g rat, was much smaller than ‘exogenous’ changes reflecting the metabolism of
that of Anthony: ~1 mmol per 100 g. the meal. Rates were calculated by Steele’s for-
There are few studies that describe the effect mula (see Chapter 6, section 6.7) from the activi-
of leucine on whole body protein turnover in ties in plasma at intervals of 10–15 minutes over
man. Again it is necessary to take account of the 8 h. With the meal there was a reduction of
dose of leucine. In a human a normal protein almost 30% in the endogenous breakdown. Rates
intake of 1 g kg1 day1 would, if evenly spread of synthesis were not calculated in this paper. El-
over 12 h, provide leucine at a rate of ~1 mol Khoury et al. (1997b) infused labelled leucine for
kg1 min1. Schwenk and Haymond (1987) 24 h, during which the subjects consumed three
infused leucine at approximately this rate and meals. A meal caused an increase in oxidation of
found, compared with saline infusion, no effect leucine, but again there were no measurements of
on whole body synthesis and a 14% decrease in synthesis or breakdown.
breakdown. Nair et al. (1992a,b) infused leucine The next advance was made by Beaufrère’s
at about twice the physiological rate and found no group at the University of Clermont-Auvergne
(Boirie et al., 1996, 1997b). They prepared whey
decrease in whole body breakdown but an
protein and casein labelled with 13C from the
improved balance in the limb. Frexes-Steed
milk of cows injected with 13C-leucine. The whey
(1992), in dogs with a high rate of infusion (3
protein was more rapidly digested and oxidized
mol kg1 min1), found a 50% decrease in syn-
than the casein (Fig. 9.5A) and led to an increase
thesis compared with saline and an even larger
in whole body synthesis that was maintained for
decrease in breakdown. Infusion of all three 2 h (Fig. 9.5B), but with a higher rate of endoge-
BCAs together in post-absorptive subjects led to nous breakdown (Fig. 9.5C). The authors con-
a large increase in synthesis and a small fall in cluded that discrete meals may be more potent
breakdown (Louard et al., 1990). In the flooding stimulators of whole body protein synthesis than
dose method of measuring protein synthesis (see constant feeding. They suggested that dietary
Chapter 14) a bolus dose of leucine of ~400 leucine was mainly directed towards synthesis,
mol kg1 (Garlick et al., 1989) stimulates mus- whereas leucine derived from breakdown was
cle protein synthesis to about the same extent as a mainly oxidized (Beaufrère et al. 2000).
meal, but this is still a supra-physiological dose, Fouillet and her colleagues in Paris, like
and the same stimulation is found with other Beaufrère and Boirie, used protein sources (milk
essential amino acids. and soya) intrinsically labelled with 15N, but
The evidence does not, in my view, support added multiple sampling sites (Boirie et al.,
the conclusion that leucine, under physiological 2000; see Chapter 2). They were able to estimate
conditions, acts as a regulator of protein separately the uptake of label into visceral and
turnover in muscle, at least at the level of the peripheral proteins, and showed that the distribu-
whole body. tion was affected both by the energy supply and

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128 Chapter 9

Fig. 9.5. Responses to a single meal containing whey protein or casein, labelled or unlabelled with
(13C)leucine. Reproduced with permission by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. © Am. J. Clin.
Nutr. American Society for Nutrition.
A, oxidation (proteins labelled); B, whole body synthesis (proteins unlabelled); C, endogenous breakdown
(proteins labelled). The dashed lines at the top of each panel indicate a significant difference from basal.
●, casein; 䉭, whey protein. NOLD, non-oxidative leucine disposal.

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Effects of Food and Hormones 129

by the nature of the protein (Fouillet et al., 2001, evident that above this level the curve flattens
2002). off, so that the nitrogen sparing (reduction in neg-
This would imply compartmentation between ative N balance) is about 2 mg per additional
the precursor pools for synthesis and oxidation – a kilocalorie. With intakes below the RMR the
new approach to an old problem (see Chapter 5). curve is much steeper, with a sparing of about 6
mg N per kilocalorie. With protein intakes below
~40 g d–1 N equilibrium cannot be achieved.
9.1.4 Energy intake In starvation amino acids are oxidized as
sources of energy. According to the classical
When the energy supply from carbohydrate and equation, if the free amino acid pools are main-
fat is inadequate to meet the needs, oxidation of tained in a steady state,
amino acids increases and the body goes into
protein synthesis + oxidation
negative nitrogen balance. In 1954 in a classical
= protein breakdown + intake;
paper Calloway and Spector summarized the
results of 460 studies on healthy young men in if there is a negative balance, so that oxidation is
which nitrogen balance was related to protein and greater than intake, breakdown must be greater
energy intake1 (Calloway and Spector, 1954) than synthesis. Unfortunately, the few measure-
(Fig. 9.6). The resting energy expenditure (RMR) ments that we have found of protein turnover
of a healthy man is about 1750 kcal day1; it is after short periods of fasting or low energy

Fig. 9.6. Nitrogen balance at different levels of energy and protein intake.
Daily protein intake, g: o - - - o, 0;  - - - , 15–31; , 34–48; ●–––●, 51–61; 䉭–––䉭, 65–74; 䉱, 77;
▫, 96. Reproduced from Calloway and Spector (1954), by courtesy of American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
1 Since the papers cited used the kilocalorie rather than the kilojoule as the unit of energy, we shall fol-
low their practice here.

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130 Chapter 9

Table 9.6. Effect of fasting or reduced energy intake on whole body protein synthesis and breakdown.

Author Tracer Energy intake Duration Ratio to basal

kcal d1 days Synthesis Breakdown

Healthy subjects
Nair et al., 1987 leucine 0 3 – 1.31
Tracey et al., 1988 leucine 0 7 0.71 1.15
aglycine 0 7 0.72 1.14

Obese subjects
Winterer et al., 1980 glycine 0 7 0.73 0.92
Lavivière et al., 1990 leucine 0 11 0.80 0.84
Henson, 1983 glycine 0 7 – 0.75

Winterer et al., 1980 glycine ∼ 400 21 0.91 0.91

Bistrian et al., 1981 glycine 440 21 0.70 0.72
Garlick et al., 1983 glycine 500 21 1.10 1.10
Hoffer et al., 1984 bleucine 344 21 0.85 –
cleucine 344 21 0.82 –
a Same subjects.
b Protein only.
c Protein + CHO.

intakes (Table 9.6) give equivocal results. by Henry (1990), and it is a pity that the methods
Synthesis nearly always fell after a week of fast- were not available when Keys made his epic study
ing, but clear-cut increases in breakdown are of semi-starvation during World War II (Keys et
only apparent in the studies of Nair et al. (1987) al., 1950). In the rat, however, four days’ starva-
and of Tracey et al. (1988). These were the two tion is equivalent to about 100 days in man, and
studies made in normal subjects; all the others there are good data for prolonged starvation in
were in the obese, who were presumably main- this small animal (see Chapter 15, section 15.2).
taining their energy supply from their reserves of
surplus fat. Three weeks on a low energy intake,
about 1/4 of the resting metabolic rate, produced 9.2 The Effects of Hormones on Protein
with one exception a fall in synthesis, with Turnover in the Whole Body, Limb or
inconsistent results on breakdown. A typical neg- Splanchnic Region
ative nitrogen balance after seven days of starva-
tion would be about 5 g N day1, equivalent to a The effects of hormones on protein turnover are
protein loss of some 30 g day1, which is only difficult to disentangle because they often over-
10% of a protein turnover rate of ~300 g day1 in lap, inhibiting or supporting each other. They
an adult. It is not surprising that smaller changes may also interact with food, particularly in the
in energy intake – a 20% reduction in children case of insulin, since feeding stimulates insulin
(Jackson et al., 1983) or a 25% increase in adults secretion. Useful general reviews are those of
(Motil et al., 1981) – had no detectable effect on Grizard et al. (1995) and Rooyackers and Nair
turnover rates. However, premature babies may (1997).
be more sensitive. Duffy and Pencharz (1981)
fed diets providing more or less equal amounts
9.2.1 Insulin
of nitrogen, but differing 25% in amount of
energy. On the low energy diet (Vamin) both
Whole body
synthesis and breakdown, measured by the end-
product method, were reduced by 25% – a differ- Much work has been done to determine the sepa-
ence that is suggestive but not significant. rate roles of insulin and food in regulating protein
No measurements of protein turnover are on turnover. They both work in the same direction; as
record in long-term human starvation as described Munro pointed out many years ago, food

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Effects of Food and Hormones 131

depresses plasma amino acid concentrations, pre- reduced rate of synthesis. Under natural condi-
sumably as a result of the insulin production that tions of fasting and feeding, these responses are
is stimulated by feeding causing a decrease in pro- nicely balanced, so that, as shown in Table 9.1,
tein degradation and an increase in synthesis. The there is little variation in the rate of whole body
outcome is a kind of self-regulating system. Table synthesis.
9.7 summarizes the findings with labelled leucine Liu and Barrett (2002) summarize neatly the
or phenylalanine in 10 studies in which insulin role of insulin: ‘… proteolysis is more sensitive
was infused with or without amino acids. With than synthesis to small changes in plasma insulin,
insulin alone, plasma leucine concentrations fell within the physiological range … small increases
and synthesis, breakdown and oxidation were all in plasma insulin diminish whole body and skele-
reduced. When different amounts of insulin were tal muscle proteolysis, but higher doses are
given the response appeared to be dose-dependent needed to stimulate synthesis.’
(Fukegawa et al., 1985, 1988; Tessari et al., 1986; On the whole the results of insulin replace-
Flakoll et al., 1989). There was little further ment in insulin-dependent (type I) diabetic
change when plasma insulin concentrations were patients agree with the findings in normal con-
increased to more than about 10  basal, except in trols (see reviews by Charlton and Nair, 1998,
the study of Flakoll et al. (1989), in which hugely and Tessari et al., 1999). In the untreated diabetic
supra-physiological concentrations reduced break- plasma amino acid concentrations are high and
down to zero. In a study by Volpi et al. (1996) no rates of protein breakdown and oxidation are
exogenous insulin was given but a large rise in increased compared with controls; most studies
plasma insulin concentration was provoked by a have found that in the post-absorptive state syn-
meal of glucose + lipids; there was no significant thesis was increased in diabetics. Treatment with
change in either synthesis or breakdown. insulin reversed these changes; both Pacy et al.
Table 9.7 also shows the results when amino (1991a,b) and Nair et al. (1995) found that not
acids were infused as well as insulin. With the only was breakdown reduced by insulin together
increase in plasma amino acid concentrations, of with oxidation and transamination of leucine to
which leucine may be regarded as a marker, the KIC, but synthesis also decreased. This rather
suppression of synthesis is reversed. The effect is surprising finding seems to be contrary to the
not very different from that of amino acids alone, supposed anabolic effect of insulin on protein
shown in Table 9.4. The obvious conclusion is metabolism; however, the negative balance char-
that the primary effect of insulin is to reduce pro- acteristic of the PA state was somewhat reduced.
tein degradation, and since all the studies in The fall in synthesis probably results from the
Table 9.7A were done in the post-absorptive state decreased essential amino acid concentration pro-
with no input from food, plasma amino acid con- duced by insulin. When a meal was given as well
centrations fall, and this in turn results in a as insulin the rate of protein breakdown was

Table 9.7. Effects on whole body turnover of infusions of insulin and amino acids in normal subjects, as
ratio of infused: basal.

Plasma Synthesis Breakdown Oxidation

A. Insulin alonea 0.61 0.75 0.72 0.64 n = 10
B. Insulin + amino acidsb 1.42 1.15 0.88 2.59 n=6
C. Amino acids alonec 1.89 1.15 0.87 2.32 n = 10

n = number of studies.
aStudies in the post-absorptive state. Plasma insulin concentrations in the range 7–15  basal.
bExcludes study of Zanetti et al. (1999) in which BCAs only were infused; and study IV of Castellino

et al. (1987), in which insulin secretion was suppressed with somatostatin.

cFrom Table 9.3, excluding study by Louard et al. (1990), in which BCAs only were infused, and studies

IV and V of Giordano et al. (1996) in which amino acids were infused at supraphysiological levels.
References: Fukegawa et al., 1985; Tessari et al., 1986, 1987, 1991; Castellino et al., 1987, 1990; Flakoll
et al., 1989; Bennet et al., 1990; Heslin et al., 1992; Zanetti et al., 1999.

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132 Chapter 9

above control levels for the first 2 h and then fell Denne et al. (1995) concluded that the depression
to normal (Tessari et al., 1988). This is a much of breakdown in the limb (40%) could account
more physiological situation than a purely post- for all the depression in the whole body. As in the
absorptive study. whole body, when amino acids are given as well
as insulin, synthesis increases and breakdown
decreases even more than with insulin alone
Regional turnover
(Nygren and Nair, 2003).
A method, applicable only in the limb, of elimi- A number of studies have also been made of
nating the effect of insulin in reducing plasma the effect of insulin in the arm or leg of diabetic
amino acid concentrations, is to produce a local patients. Again it seems that the main effect is a
effect by infusing insulin into the artery supply- decrease in degradation, which is very high in the
ing the limb. This elegant technique was intro- diabetic state and is reduced by insulin (Pacy et
duced by Pozefsky et al. (1969) and has been al., 1989; Nair et al., 1995). There is much less
particularly exploited by Barrett and his group information about insulin’s effect on the splanch-
(Gelfand and Barrett, 1987; Biolo et al., 1995; nic tissues. In the normal post-absorptive state the
Fryburg et al., 1995; Hillier et al., 1998). There is splanchnic bed deviates only slightly from zero
general agreement that in normal people insulin balance (Tessari et al., 1996b; Meek et al., 1998;
alone produces little change in synthesis (uptake) Nygren and Nair, 2003). Insulin alone had little
in the limb; only with enormous doses of insulin effect, but addition of a high dose of amino acids
is synthesis significantly increased (Hillier et al., produced a large increase in synthesis with a
1998). On the other hand breakdown (release) is smaller reduction in breakdown in both splanch-
decreased, so that the negative post-absorptive nic region and the limb (Nygren and Nair, 2003)
balance is converted into a positive balance. (Fig. 9.7). Columns C in that figure probably best

Fig. 9.7. Effects of infusions of insulin and amino acids on synthesis and breakdown in the leg and the
splanchnic region.
Infusions: A, normal saline; B, insulin, 0.5 mU kg1 min1; C, insulin + amino acids to maintain basal
levels; D, insulin + amino acids to 2.5–3  basal level; E, basal insulin + amino acids; F, basal insulin +
normal saline. Columns represent changes from baseline. Reproduced from Nygren and Nair (2003), by
courtesy of Diabetes.

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Effects of Food and Hormones 133

represent the physiological response to a meal.

Evidently the increase in synthesis in the limb is
too small to be reflected by an increase in whole
body synthesis.
It is remarkable that although in these in vivo
studies in humans insulin had so little effect on
synthesis in the limb, compared with the large
effect of amino acids, yet so much attention has
been given, as mentioned above, to the molecular
biology of insulin action on muscle protein syn-
thesis in the rat.
In conclusion, it has long been accepted that
insulin reduces protein breakdown. It stimulates
synthesis but can only do so if amino acids are
available: since a lower rate of degradation
reduces amino acid concentrations, the effect of
insulin in any given situation must be nicely bal-
anced. Moreover, Campbell et al. (1999), work-
ing with cell cultures, have shown that the
stimulation by insulin of overall protein synthesis
requires glucose as well as amino acids. It is
strange that there is little information about the
mechanism of the insulin effect on breakdown,
compared with that on synthesis.

9.2.2 Insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I)

For the human physiologist a particularly interest-

ing property of IGF-1 is that it is very sensitive to
nutritional state and to nutritional supply. Its
plasma concentration is greatly reduced in children
with protein-energy malnutrition and in subjects
with secondary malnutrition and it is a more sensi-
tive marker of nutritional state than the classical
nutrition-related proteins albumin and transferrin
(Chapter 15). In experimental fasting in adult
humans the concentration of IGF-1 in plasma fell
progressively over 10 days to 25% of the basal Fig. 9.8. Nitrogen balance and plasma IGF-I
level (Fig. 9.8); restoration to normal required both concentrations in subjects fasted for 9 days and then
protein and energy. These nutritional aspects are re-fed. Reproduced from Thissen et al. (1994), by
well reviewed by Thissen et al. (1994). courtesy of Endocrine Reviews.
In the whole body in man IGF-1 increases the
rate of synthesis with little or no change in break- protein turnover. Fryburg (1994) infused IGF-1
down (Russell-Jones et al., 1994; Fryburg et al., into one forearm, using the un-infused forearm as
1995; Mauras et al., 1995). The effects of infus- a control. In the un-infused arm there were consid-
ing IGF-1 in the limb are similar, although there erable rises in serum IGF-1 concentration, with no
seems to be a larger effect on protein degradation effect on amino acid kinetics. He suggested that
than in the whole body. Several authors have the infusion caused a high concentration locally of
commented that infusions of IGF-1 cause an free IGF-1, whereas by the time it had passed
increase in blood flow through the limb; this through the general circulation most of it had
could perhaps be the effector for the changes in become attached to the IGF-1 binding proteins,

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134 Chapter 9

and so was inactivated. However, according to hormone for 6 weeks to normal subjects, studying
Rooyackers and Nair (1997), the binding can them before and after treatment. The effect of the
either potentiate or inhibit IGF-1 functions. hormone was to increase both synthesis and
It is clear that although both IGF-1 and insulin breakdown equally, so that the negative balance
are anabolic, their effects are different, insulin characteristic of the post-absorptive state per-
reducing protein degradation, IGF-1 promoting sisted unchanged. Clearly this is a subject on
synthesis. which further work is indicated.
However, like insulin, IGF-1 can counter the
catabolic effects of glucocorticoids (Mauras and
Beaufrère, 1995; Oehri et al., 1996). The latter 9.2.4 Growth hormone
authors claimed that IGF-1 and GH had clearly
distinct effects on protein metabolism as well as Growth hormone (GH) has long been used to pro-
on that of carbohydrate and fat. mote muscle growth in farm animals (see Chapter
15, section 15.3). It is also well established that
treatment with GH of hypopituitary children and
9.2.3 Thyroid hormones adults improves nitrogen balance, and promotes
an increase in muscle mass (Salomon et al., 1989;
The effect of thyroid hormones on whole body Dempster et al., 1990). In whole body measure-
protein turnover in man has not been very much ments on such patients GH was found to increase
studied: Garret et al. (1985), using [15N]-glycine protein synthesis and decrease amino acid oxida-
with ammonia as end-product, measured protein tion (Beshya et al., 1993; Russell-Jones et al.,
turnover in women at a series of points in the 1993; Nørrelund et al., 2001). However, the
menstrual cycle. They showed a highly signifi- results of short-term administration of GH to nor-
cant correlation between turnover rate and the mal subjects give a rather confused picture. On
ratio of T3/rT3 in plasma, with no consistent rela- the one hand the findings of Horber and
tion to the period of the cycle. We measured pro- Haymond (1990) are quite impressive. GH for 7
tein synthesis by the end-product method days produced a 20% increase in synthesis with a
(Chapter 7) in refractory obese patients on a low substantial decrease in oxidation in both fed and
energy diet before and after treatment with T3 for fasted states. The falls in oxidation and urea
2 weeks. There was a barely significant increase excretion, promoting a positive nitrogen balance,
(P < 0.05 > 0.025) in synthesis calculated from have been generally confirmed (Russell-Jones et
the end-product average, with an increase in the al., 1993; Copeland and Nair, 1994; Zachwieja et
flux ratio QA:QU from 1.3 to 1.7, signifying an al., 1994; Welle et al., 1996; Nørrelund et al.,
increased flux through the peripheral tissues. A 2003). However, Fryburg et al. (1991, 1992,
detailed study of patients with thyrotoxicosis 1993) and Welle et al. (1996) were unable to
(T+) and hypothyroidism (T) together with establish an increase in whole body synthesis.
controls (Morrison et al., 1988) showed, surpris- This may well be because the periods over which
ingly, that in thyrotoxicosis synthesis and break- the hormone was administered were short com-
down in the whole body were suppressed, pared with those used in the clinical cases.
synthesis rather more than breakdown. The Studies on the arm or leg have given a more
changes were quite similar in the hypothyroid consistent picture. In those of Fryburg there was
patients. On the other hand, in the leg there was a an increase in synthesis with no change in break-
difference between the two states: in thyrotoxico- down, particularly when GH was infused locally
sis the net effluxes of BCAs and aromatic amino into the artery. These findings were confirmed by
acids were greatly increased, whereas in hypothy- Biolo et al. (2000) in trauma patients, who also
roidism they were at the normal level. All these showed that with GH there were increases in the
changes were reversed by treatment. The authors inward transport of leucine and phenylalanine. A
interpreted these findings as showing that thyro- difficulty is that GH increases the plasma concen-
toxic myopathy is due primarily to depression of trations of insulin and IGF-1. When these rises
muscle protein synthesis. were prevented with infusions of somatostatin
Quite different results were obtained by and glucagon to maintain the same levels as in
Tauveron et al. (1995), who administered thyroid controls there was no stimulation of muscle pro-

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Effects of Food and Hormones 135

tein synthesis in the leg (Copeland and Nair, muscle resistant to insulin, in agreement with
1994). Biolo et al. (2000) observed that GH Brillon’s findings.
reduced the de novo rate of glutamine synthesis Presumably in normal life there is a balance
and of net glutamine release from muscle, which between the anabolic and catabolic hormones, the
might be an unfavourable effect if GH is given to former prevailing during feeding, the latter in the
patients with trauma to counteract the catabolic post-absorptive state, amino acid supply being
state (see Chapter 13, section 13.4). crucial to maintaining this balance.

9.2.5 Glucocorticoids 9.3 References

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Adaptation to Different Protein Intakes: Protein
and Amino Acid Requirements

10.1 Adaptation the infant at birth adapts to the high oxygen ten-
sion at sea level – an adaptation which is not nec-
10.1.1 General concepts essary for the baby born at 5000 metres.’ The
problem is that the third characteristic involves a
Human adaptation can be considered at three value judgement. A good example of this diffi-
levels – genetic, physiological and behavioural culty is the stunting in height, by Western stan-
(Gould and Lewontin, 1979; Waterlow, 1985). dards, of vast numbers of children in developing
Here we are concerned mainly with physiological countries. An economist described this stunting
adaptations, although there may be genetic differ- as a favourable adaptation, because a small child
ences in the capacity to adapt; moreover, the dif- needs less food and is therefore less likely to die
ferences, presumably genetic, between of malnutrition. However, studies have shown
individuals that seem to affect most biological that in some countries, although not in all, such
functions can never be left out of account. children remain stunted all their lives, have
Widdowson (1962) made the point very well in reduced capacity for physical work and earning
her classical paper ‘Nutritional Individuality’. wages and impaired mental development
It is necessary to distinguish between ‘adapta- (Grantham-McGregor, 1992). Such a state could
tion’ and ‘response’. The difference is not only of not be regarded as beneficial or acceptable,
timescale but of physiological mechanism. For except by the criterion of survival. There must,
example, the response to a high environmental no doubt, be a range over which environmental
temperature is to sweat; longer term adaptation or stunting does not matter, but the problem remains
acclimation is to produce more sweat with a lower of choosing the criteria by which to define that
salt content and, according to the old literature, a range. These general considerations are very rele-
fall in metabolic rate (Martin, 1930; Roberts, vant to the problem of adaptation to low protein
1953). A distinction has already been made in the intakes.
previous chapter between the immediate response
to a protein meal and the longer-term adjustment
to a different protein intake. It is the latter that can 10.1.2 Adaptation to low protein intakes
properly be called an adaptation.
Suggested characteristics of a physiological This adaptation has been the subject of many
adaptation are shown in Table 10.1. Points num- experimental studies lasting a few days or weeks.
ber 2 and 3 in this table are difficult, perhaps con- The difficulties of interpretation are well illus-
troversial. There is a tendency to think ‘I am trated by the work of Nicol and Phillips (1976)
normal and you are adapted’, but in reality ‘nor- who showed that men in Nigeria were able to
mal’ and ‘adapted’ are two sides of the same coin. achieve nitrogen balance on lower intakes than
The physiologist von Muralt said: ‘If a textbook those studied by Calloway et al. (1975) in
of physiology were written by an Indian from the California. N.S. Scrimshaw (personal communi-
high Andes, he would marvel at the way in which cation) maintained that the Nigerians were

142 © J.C. Waterlow 2006. Protein Turnover (J.C. Waterlow)

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Adaptation to Different Protein Intakes 143

Table 10.1. Characteristics of physiological adaptation.

1. Adaptation achieves and maintains a new steady state.

2. The steady state is in a ‘preferred’ or ‘acceptable’ range of the function that is adapting.
3. The adaptation produces a ‘better’ state than would have been achieved without it.
4. The adaptation is usually reversible if the environment changes.
5. Most adaptations are integrations of many small changes (Barcroft, 1934).

depleted, while I maintained that they were intake was reduced from 17 to 5 g day1, the sub-
adapted. The question could only be settled if we ject came into N balance after ~7 days (Fig. 10.1).
had information about differences in the amount Many later studies have agreed that the time
and distribution of their body protein, and whether needed is 7–10 days in the adult; in the infant it is
such differences had functional consequences. much shorter, ~2 days (Chan, 1968) and in the rat
According to the first criterion the subject shorter still, ~30 h (Das and Waterlow, 1974).
must be in nitrogen balance. The difficulties in There has been some dispute about whether 7
defining the minimum intake needed to secure N days is enough for full adaptation. Martin and
balance are discussed below; here, we are con- Robison’s results look like exponentials that
cerned with the transition from a higher to a lower approach an asymptote, which is always hard to
intake or its reverse, i.e. the adaptive process. The define. Young and co-workers made two studies to
pioneer study in humans is that of Martin and find out whether 7 days is really long enough. They
Robison (1922), who showed that when the N are relevant, although they involved reducing the

Fig. 10.1. Changes with time in total urinary nitrogen output when the intake was changed from 17 to
5 g d1 and back again. Reproduced from Martin and Robison (1922), by courtesy of the Biochemical

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144 Chapter 10

intake of one essential amino acid, leucine, rather In earlier days these losses or gains of nitro-
than that of total protein. In the first study (Young gen were attributed to withdrawing or replenish-
et al., 1987) measurements were made initially on ing protein stores or reserves. However, no
an adequate leucine intake, and again after 1 week proteins have been identified that could act as
and 3 weeks on low intakes. Leucine balance was stores in the way that glycogen and fat are stores
slightly negative at 1 week and improved a little at for energy. It seems more likely that the losses or
3 weeks. The second experiment (Marchini et al., gains arise from a lag in the adjustment of protein
1993) had a similar design, except that all essential turnover to the change in protein intake.
amino acids, not only leucine, were reduced. Again,
there were no significant differences in carbon bal-
ance after 1 and 3 weeks on the low intakes.
10.1.3 Mechanisms of adaptation
These results suggest that, under the condi-
tions of the experiments, 1 week is enough for
Kinetic changes
adaptation to be complete by the criterion of
nitrogen balance. However, much will depend on The fed:fasted ratio is a measure of the response
the level to which the intake is reduced: the lower to feeding. Comparisons of responses to normal
the level the longer it will take to achieve bal- and low protein intakes (Tables 9.1 and 10.2)
ance, and some studies have suggested that a show that a low intake decreases the responses
longer time is indeed needed (section 10.1.3). (i.e. differences from unity) of all three variables.
During the transition period of adaptation Young’s group at MIT in the early stages of
from a higher to a lower intake there is a net loss their tracer work measured fluxes at decreasing
of N (Fig. 10.1). In rats the initial loss is from intakes of various essential amino acids (Meguid
liver and gastro-intestinal tract (Addis et al., et al., 1986a,b; Meredith et al., 1986; Zhao et al.,
1936); but after some 2 days muscle and skin 1986 – summarized in Waterlow, 1996).
take over (Waterlow and Stephen, 1966). In the However, the only study we know of in which
rat, in the opposite situation, when increasingly successive kinetic measurements with [13C]
large amounts of protein were fed, the liver leucine were made during the transition from a
gained protein exponentially (Henry et al., 1953). high to a lower protein intake is that of Quevedo
We tried, but unsuccessfully, to show that in a et al. (1994) (Table 10.3). In this study the tran-
model with two protein pools, one fast and one sition was from a generous protein intake (1.82 g
slow, if the intake was reduced the system would kg1 day1) to a normal one (0.77 g), rather than
settle down to a new steady state in which nearly from normal to low; nevertheless, the results are
all the net loss was from the slow pool. In a relevant. In the fasting state there was a small
human switching from a generous intake of 90 g fall in oxidation, which was complete in 7 days,
protein to a marginally adequate one of 40 g and a decrease in degradation by day 3 with little
day1, the net N loss over a 7-day period of adap- further change. In the fed state there was a sub-
tation would be about 35 g, equivalent to 220 g stantial fall in oxidation, with no further change
protein or less than 2% of total body protein. If after 7 days. Garlick has said: ‘ … changes dur-
this loss is all from muscle it would be about 5% ing the fasting state are additional evidence that
of total muscle protein. We do not know whether a protein metabolism not only responds to the
loss of this degree produces any handicap. In the immediate intake of food but also undergoes
sarcopenia of the elderly, with clear functional adaptation to varying intakes of protein over a
deficits, the loss is much greater (see Chapter 11). longer period.’

Table 10.2. Responses to feeding: comparison between subjects on normal and low protein intakes.
Previous protein intake Percentage change on feeding over levels during fasting

Synthesis Breakdown Oxidation

Normal +5 44 +74
Low 11 21 8
From the data in Table 9.1.

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Adaptation to Different Protein Intakes 145

Table 10.3. Responses of protein synthesis and breakdown to feeding

on changing from a high to a low protein intake.

Synthesis Breakdown
Days mmol kg1 day1

0 +16 80
3 +2 39
7 +5 31
14 +6 30

The response is the difference between feeding and fasting rate. Data of
Quevedo et al., 1994.

The responses to feeding, i.e. the differences Adaptive changes in enzymes

between feeding and fasting rates, are discussed
in Chapter 9 and summarized in Table 9.1. What In Quevedo’s experiment changes in urea excre-
they imply is that the characteristic of the adapta- tion paralleled changes in leucine oxidation, as
tion is a change in the amplitude of diurnal might be expected. It was a major contribution to
cycling. This is well shown by changes in the size our understanding of the mechanism of adaptation
of the urea pool, which could be measured over to a change in protein intake when Schimke (1962)
12-h periods (Fig. 10.2). The conclusion from showed in rats that it involved coordinate changes
this experiment is that in this adaptation to a dif- in the activity of the urea cycle enzymes. Das and
ferent protein intake there is a hierarchy in the Waterlow (1974) repeated this work with special
kinetic changes: oxidation > breakdown > syn- attention to the time-scale of the adaptation, show-
thesis. Moreover, the adaptation appears to be ing coincidence between the enzyme changes and
complete after 7 days and nearly complete by 3 the change in urinary N excretion (Fig. 10.3). In
days. It would be interesting if this experiment the case of two of the enzymes, arginase and
were repeated with a change from a normal to a ornithine transcarbamylase, they showed that the
low protein intake. change in activity represented a change in the

Fig. 10.2. Diurnal changes in size of the urea pool in subjects changing from a high protein to a moderate
protein intake. The values were measured at the end of consecutive 12 h dietary periods of either fasting or
feeding. Reproduced from Quevedo et al. (1994), by courtesy of Clinical Science.

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146 Chapter 10

Fig. 10.3. A. Changes in urinary N excretion when rats were changed from 14% to 5% casein. — – — – —
14% casein throughout, —— 14%→5%, – – – – 5% throughout. B. Changes in rat liver enzymes when the
diet was changed from 14% to 5% casein. A, arginase; ASL, argininosuccinate lyase; ASS, argininosuccinate
synthetase; GPT, alanine aminotransferase; GDH, glutamate dehydrogenase; GOT, aspartate aminotrans-
ferase. Clear bars: rats changed from 14% to 5% casein. Shaded bars: rats maintained throughout on either:
14% or 5% casein Reproduced from Das and Waterlow (1974), by courtesy of the British Journal of

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Adaptation to Different Protein Intakes 147

amount of enzyme (Fig. 10.4; Schimke, 1964). semilog plot of the specific activity of the
The only evidence of whether this kind of adapta- enzyme enables calculation of the fractional
tion occurs in man is that in malnourished children breakdown rate; and of total activity in a tissue,
the activity of argininosuccinase in the liver was calculation of the synthesis rate (Koch, 1962).
only 72% of that found after recovery (Stephen Schimke (1970) gives an equation for the new
and Waterlow, 1968).1 steady-state level of an enzyme, E⬘, when the
Changes in activity have been produced in synthesis rate changes from S to S⬘ and the frac-
many enzymes other than those of the urea cycle tional degradation rate changes from k to k:
and by many inducers or repressors such as E/Eo = S/kEO – (S/kEo – 1)ekt
amino acids, glucocorticoids or glucagon. They
therefore provide a particularly good opportunity Figure 10.4 is a good example of results obtained
for studying protein kinetics in a non-steady state. in this way, showing that the decrease in arginase
A vast amount of work was done on this subject on adapting from a high to a low protein intake
in the 1960s and ’70s – see reviews by Schimke involved a decrease in synthesis with an initially
(1970) and Kenney (1970) and our earlier book large increase in degradation until a new steady
(Waterlow et al., 1978). The basic assumptions state was achieved. The time course of the adap-
are, firstly: that synthesis is a zero order and tation is determined only by the fractional rate of
breakdown a first order process; secondly, that a degradation, whereas the level of the new steady
state is determined by the ratio of the synthesis
rate to the fractional degradation rate, S/kd.

10.1.4 Longer-term ‘adaptation’

The discussion so far has been concerned with

adaptation within a range of protein intakes, but
above the level of minimum requirement. Suppose
the intake is reduced to less than the minimum
requirement, which is currently estimated to be, on
average, 0.6 g protein kg1 day1 provided that the
protein is of good quality (see next section). A man
weighing 70 kg would need an intake of 42 g pro-
tein day1 to meet this level. Suppose that his
intake was reduced to 30 g day1: his weight
would fall until, at 48 kg, the intake of 30 g day1
would provide 0.625 g protein kg1 day1 and so
be meeting the requirement. The position is shown
in Fig. 10.5. By the criterion of nitrogen balance
the subject would be regarded as adapted, but this
adapted state cannot be regarded as satisfactory; he
would have lost 30% of his initial body weight,
mainly at the expense of muscle (Barac-Nieto et
al., 1978; Soares et al., 1991). This is a ‘thought’
experiment. A natural experiment is provided by
Fig. 10.4. Synthesis and degradation of rat liver
the poor Indian labourers studied by Soares et al.
arginase on changing from a high to a low protein (1991, 1994). These men had low body weights
diet (70% casein to 8% casein). Reproduced from compared with controls (students). Their body
Schimke (1964), by courtesy of the Journal of mass indices were in the region of 16, which is
Biological Chemistry. about 1 SD below the lower limit of normal,

1 We commented: ‘These changes may reasonably be regarded as part of a compensating mechanism which
may be an important factor for human survival’. At that time it was regarded as ethical to perform liver biop-
sies in children in whom the mortality rate even in hospital was some 20%.

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148 Chapter 10

Fig. 10.5. Hypothetical scheme showing that if a subject has an intake of protein substantially below his
requirement at a normal body weight, he will eventually come into N balance at the expense of a large loss
of body N and body weight.

according to our provisional definition (James et UNU, 1985) the body weight would have to fall to
al., 1988). 40 kg. These men have therefore ‘adapted’ to their
The characteristics of these labourers, compared low protein intake and survive by losing weight;
with student controls, are shown in Table 10.4. We they lost, or failed to gain, 10 kg of muscle but only
have no information about the previous protein 1 kg of non-muscle tissue. Whole body protein
intake of these men, but it may well have been as turnover per kg fat-free mass was unimpaired, but
low as 30 g day1, after correction for digestibility the flux ratio showed a lower flux through periph-
and quality. On this intake, to provide for a safe eral tissues. These labourers were also 9 cm shorter
level of protein at 0.75 g kg1 day1 (FAO/WHO/ than the student controls, suggesting a life-long

Table 10.4. Characteristics of poor Indian labourers.

Students Labourers

Weight (kg) 60 42
Height (m) 1.70 1.61
BMI (kg/m2) 20.8 16.7
Body fat (kg) 10.8 4.6
Fat-free mass FFM (kg) 49.4 38.6
Muscle mass (kg) 26.0 16.2
Non-muscle mass (kg) 23.4 22.4
Protein synthesis (g 12 h1 kg1 FFM) 3.05 3.07
QA/QU 0.89 0.61
Data of Soares et al., 1994.

1 The values obtained in different studies are somewhat variable (Fig. 10.5) but 50 mg kg21 d21 is that

accepted by the UN Organizations (FAO/WHO/UNU, 1985: Table 3). The obligatory loss also has an allo-
metric relation to body weight, with an exponent of 0.75 (Henry and Collingwood, 1998).

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Adaptation to Different Protein Intakes 149

deprivation. The adaptation enabled them to work, nitrogen balance as the minimum amount needed to
but with what efficiency is not known. The long balance obligatory losses in urine, faeces and by
time over which the adaptation developed must be the skin. These losses, which have to be replaced,
important, because these Indian men were very dif- amount, in adults on a protein-free diet, to ~50 mg
ferent from Keys’ volunteers; they were on a low N kg1 day1.1 There may be small ethnic differ-
energy diet for 6 months, and reached the same ences in the obligatory loss, as suggested by Fig.
BMI of about 16, but were in a far worse physiolog- 10.6, and a good deal of between-subject variation
ical and psychological state (Keys et al., 1950). (Fig. 10.7). Determination of the requirement
There is a large literature showing that low
body weight and in particular stunting in height
are associated with reduced physical capacity and
earning power and impaired mental development
(Satyanarayana et al., 1977, 1980; Spurr, 1983;
Grantham-McGregor, 1992).
To conclude, adaptation is a necessary concept,
but because it involves subjective value judge-
ments, impossible to define in any simple way.

10.2 Requirements for Protein and

Amino Acids
10.2.1 Protein requirements

We are interested here not so much in the quantita-

Fig. 10.6. Mean and distribution of obligatory
tive estimates that have been obtained for human urinary N losses in two populations of young adult
protein and amino acid requirements but in the con- men. Reproduced from Young and Scrimshaw
tributions of kinetic studies to this very difficult (1979), by courtesy of the American Journal of
problem. Traditionally the protein requirement of Clinical Nutrition. © Am. J. Clin. Nutr. American
humans has been determined by the method of Society for Nutrition.




% of the distribution





0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2
Protein, g kg–1 d–1
Fig. 10.7. Distribution of individual values for protein requirement and of obligatory nitrogen loss, reported
by Rand et al. (2003), by courtesy of the British Journal of Nutrition. Reproduced from Millward (2003).
, nitrogen loss; ▫, protein requirement.

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150 Chapter 10

involves a series of studies at different levels of post-absorptive and post-prandial periods; the
protein intake, each after a period of adaptation to post-absorptive loss occurs at the expense of pro-
that intake, in order to find the minimum intake that tein breakdown and is restored by synthesis on
will produce nitrogen balance. Young et al. (1989) feeding at a rate that is determined by the habit-
have set out the drawbacks and uncertainties of the ual protein intake (Fig. 10.8). In addition there is
method, and the very large literature has been sum- a meal-related loss resulting from the oxidation
marized in a meta-analysis by Rand et al. (2003). of excess substrate. It is tempting to suppose that
The conclusion is that the minimum requirement of the regulatory loss, related to the habitual diet,
adult humans for good quality protein such as meat results from re-setting of the urea cycle enzymes,
or milk is ~0.60 g protein or ~100 mg N kg1 as described above. This concept has implications
day1. Thus the efficiency of utilization, i.e. the for the calculation of efficiency, since in the
loss to be replaced divided by the intake needed to equation: efficiency = losses restored/intake, the
replace it, comes to 50/100 or 0.5. It has long been numerator becomes obligatory loss + regulatory
a puzzle why the efficiency even of good quality loss instead of obligatory loss alone, thus raising
highly digestible protein should be so low. the net protein utilization of a good quality pro-
The work of Millward and co-workers (Pacy tein from ~0.5 to ~0.8. This is an important result
et al., 1994; Price et al., 1994), described briefly of turnover studies; the calculations are explained
in Chapter 9, has thrown new light on this prob- in detail in Millward and Pacy (1995), Millward
lem. They showed in fasting/feeding studies of et al. (2002) and Millward (2003).
protein turnover that in the post-absorptive phase An approach that has been tried in rats, but
oxidation occurs at a rate that is determined by not in man, is to give a carbon-labelled amino
the habitual protein intake. This loss is termed the acid and after it has become uniformly labelled in
‘regulatory loss’. Millward developed the concept tissue proteins – about 20 days in the rat – the
of ‘metabolic demand’, which is the sum of the rate of loss of label provides an estimate of the
obligatory loss and the regulatory loss. Both are amount to be replaced, and hence of the require-
assumed to continue at the same rate during the ment (Neale and Waterlow, 1974, 1977).

Fig. 10.8. Millward’s concept of diurnal amino acid gains or losses. The losses in the post-absorptive phase
are balanced by protein synthesis in the post-prandial phase. The continuing losses during food intake are
covered by the food. Reproduced, by permission, from Millward (personal communication).

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Adaptation to Different Protein Intakes 151

10.2.2 Requirements for essential days. The protocol was progressively refined;
amino acids [13C]-leucine was infused intravenously, initially
in the fed state only (Motil et al., 1981a,b), then
The principles by which the estimates of require- for 3 h fasting, 5 h feeding (e.g. Cortiella et al.,
ments have been adjusted for age-groups other 1988; Marchini et al., 1993), and finally in heroic
than adults and for physiological states such as experiments in which the infusion was continued
pregnancy are set out in the 1985 UN report for 24 h, with 12 h fasted and 12 h fed (El-Khoury
(FAO/WHO/UNU, 1985). For infants and young et al., 1994a,b). These studies set the leucine
children the so-called factorial approach has been requirement at about 40 mg kg1 day1. Almost
used, in which the requirement for growth, calcu- identical results were obtained by Kurpad et al. in
lated from the protein content of the body, is both healthy and undernourished Indian men
added to the requirement for maintenance, deter- (Kurpad et al., 2001, 2003).
mined by N balance. An excellent discussion is Young proposed that the pattern of amino
that of Dewey et al. (1996). acids making up the obligatory loss and which
Young and his colleagues at the Massachusetts therefore had to be replaced, must be the same as
Institute of Technology approached the problem the pattern of amino acids in body proteins
by exploring the requirements for individual (Young et al., 1989; Young and El-Khoury,
essential amino acids, which need to be known for 1995). In our view, and that of Millward, this
assessing the biological value of the protein in a hypothesis is not well grounded, since the obliga-
diet. Previous attempts to do this had used nitro- tory loss must represent the summed outcome of
gen balance as a marker of adequacy and had suc- the extent to which each amino acid is either con-
ceeded in identifying certain amino acids, such as served or irreversibly lost through various path-
lysine and methionine, as likely to be limiting in ways, summarized in Table 10.5, which have
many natural diets. As soon as [13C]-labelled nothing to do with their concentration in body
amino acids became available Young realized that protein. On Young’s hypothesis once the require-
the way was open for measuring the requirements ments for one essential amino acid, i.e. leucine,
for individual amino acids by carbon balance was known the requirements for the others could
instead of nitrogen balance. There followed a be deduced from the composition of body pro-
remarkable series of studies, still continuing, over tein. On this basis Young proposed the MIT pat-
a period of some 15 years. Initially the amino acid tern of essential amino acid requirements (Table
used was [1-13C]-L leucine; the protocol was to 10.5). This pattern was compared with the origi-
feed a crystalline amino acid mixture correspond- nal pattern based on nitrogen balances
ing to a fully adequate protein intake of 0.8–1.0 g (FAO/WHO/UNU, 1985) and with the pattern in
kg1 day1, with only the leucine content being whole egg in the experiment of Marchini et al.
altered. This diet was fed with varying levels of (1993) alluded to above.
leucine, each after an adaptation period of about 7 The estimates of essential amino acid require-

Table 10.5. Metabolites other than proteins, derived from essential

and semi-essential amino acids.
Amino acid Metabolite
Histidine Histamine, methyl histidine
Lysine Carnitine
Methionine Polyamines, CH3 -compounds
Cysteine Taurine
Phenylalanine Catecholamines
Tyrosine Catecholamines, thyroid hormones
Tryptophan Serotonin, nicotinic acid
Glycine Creatine, purines
Arginine Creatine

There seems to be no product from leucine and the other BCAAs

except oxidation. Modified from Young and Marchini, 1990.

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152 Chapter 10

ments in the MIT pattern were 2–3 times those in a very small free pool, it would mean that the rel-
the original FAO pattern. This discrepancy repre- ative requirements for the two amino acids would
sents a serious public health problem. A detailed not be the same as their proportions in body pro-
examination of the carbon-balance method was tein. This point is well discussed by El-Khoury et
therefore made in an attempt to identify any al. (1998). For amino acids other than the BCAs
major source of error, but none was found the precursor problem remains a difficulty.
(Waterlow, 1996). A possibility is that oxidation In 1993 an alternative method, known as the
of leucine when it is at a low level in a complete indicator amino acid oxidation method (IAAO),
amino acid mixture may be greater than when the was introduced by Pencharz and his group in
total protein intake is low. Figure 9.4 suggests Toronto, based on earlier studies on rats and pigs
that this is not the case. Raguso et al. (1999) (Ball and Bayley, 1984; Harper and Benjamin,
found that leucine oxidation on a protein-free diet 1984). This approach avoids the precursor prob-
was 25 mg kg1 day1, compared with 7 mg lem; the essence of it is that the test amino acid,
kg1 day1 on a leucine-free but otherwise ade- unlabelled, is fed at various levels while an ‘indi-
quate diet. This is just the opposite of a difference cator’ amino acid, which is labelled, is fed at a
that would explain the discrepancy. There are not constant level above the requirement. In theory,
many data to take this comparison further, but at low levels of the test amino acid synthesis will
Fig. 9.4 shows that the relation of oxidation to be limited so that all other amino acids, including
leucine intake in the fed state is much the same, the indicator, are in relative excess and have to be
whether the intake is altered by varying amounts oxidized. Each addition of the limiting test amino
of protein or varying amounts of leucine in a acid will increase the uptake of dietary amino
complete amino acid mixture. Raguso’s finding acids for protein synthesis and reduce their oxida-
remains unconfirmed and unexplained. It is to be tion, including that of the indicator amino acid.
noted also that all these studies were done with Once the intake of the test amino acid reaches the
tracer leucine infused intravenously and calcula- requirement there will be no further increase in
tions based on KIC enrichment. However, as set synthesis and oxidation of the indicator will
out in Chapter 5, plasma KIC enrichments are become constant. Thus, when oxidation of the
very much the same, whether the tracer is given indicator is plotted against test amino acid level,
orally or intravenously. the result is two lines, meeting at a ‘breakpoint’,
The discrepancy between the MIT and FAO which represents the requirement of the test
estimates of requirements is particularly serious amino acid. The results for lysine obtained by
for lysine, which is the limiting amino acid in Zello et al. (1993) by this method are shown in
cereal-based diets in developing countries. For Fig. 10.9. In a later study by the same group, with
lysine a metabolite that might play the same role the indicator phenylalanine given by both oral
as KIC for leucine, as a proxy for the precursor, and IV routes, the breakpoints gave the same esti-
is 2-amino-adipic acid (Arends and Bier, 1991). mate of lysine requirement (~38 mg kg1 day1)
In one study [13C]-lysine was infused for 24 h but were less clear cut (Kriengsinyos et al.,
and fluxes and oxidation rates compared when 2002).
based on the enrichment of lysine and of 2- A modification of the IAAO method was to
amino-adipic acid (El-Khoury et al., 1998). For use leucine as indicator, with 2 h infusions at var-
reasons set out in detail in that paper, it was con- ious levels of lysine, so that the lysine require-
cluded that estimates of lysine oxidation should ment could be determined not only by the
be based on plasma 13C-lysine enrichment with breakpoint but also by the lysine intake at which
24 h oral infusion of labelled lysine. leucine balance was achieved. This is known as
A difficulty with lysine, and perhaps also with the ‘indicator amino acid balance’ method
threonine, is the large size and flexibility of the (IAAB).
free pool, so that movement of lysine into the free Three studies by this method in healthy Indian
pool during the feeding phase could save a sub- men gave remarkably consistent results – a lysine
stantial proportion of it from being oxidized; this requirement of 28–31 mg kg1 day1 (Kurpad et
conservation of lysine would reduce the require- al., 1998, 2001b, 2002), two or more times
ment for it. If no such expansion of the pool is greater than the traditional estimate of 12 mg
possible, as for example with leucine, which has kg1 day1 obtained by nitrogen balance and

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Adaptation to Different Protein Intakes 153

Fig. 10.9. Break-point analysis: influence of lysine intake on phenylalanine oxidation. Reproduced from
Zello et al. (1993), by courtesy of the American Journal of Physiology.

50% higher than Millward’s estimate of 18–20 the better balance seems to be achieved by a fall in
mg kg1 day1 based on the utilization of milk breakdown, which allows a decrease in oxidation.
and wheat protein (Millward et al., 2002). It was Both the direct carbon balance method and the
also shown that extending the period of adapta- indicator method have been used to determine the
tion from 7 to 21 days made no difference to the requirements for other indispensable amino acids
results (Kurpad et al., 2002), in agreement with and the extent to which, for the aromatic amino
earlier findings of the MIT group (Marchini et acids, tyrosine can spare phenylalanine and for the
al., 1993). A fourth study, this time in undernour- sulphur amino acids cystine can spare methionine.
ished Indians, showed a significantly higher The large amount of work on these two subjects
requirement – 44 mg kg1 day1 – than in their by the MIT and Toronto groups has been dis-
well-nourished compatriots (Kurpad et al., 2003). cussed by Young (2001) and by Bos et al. (2002);
Perhaps this could be explained by their having a the latter paper gives a valuable discussion of the
relatively smaller ratio of muscle mass to visceral pros and cons of the different methods.
mass (Soares et al., 1991). Jackson reminds us that the so-called non-
A further point, which seems not to have essential amino acids must not be forgotten in
excited comment, is that examination of the flux considering estimates of protein requirements. In
data in these studies shows that in general synthe- a recent paper subjects were changed from a
sis decreases as the lysine intake increases, which habitual protein intake of 1.1 g kg1 day1 to the
is contrary to the theory of the indicator method; safe level, according to FAO/WHO/UNU (1985),

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154 Chapter 10

of 0.75 g kg1 day1. This involved a 40% reduc- thesis of lysine takes place specifically in
tion in their glycine intake. Uptake of glycine microbes adhering to the mucosa of the lower
into protein was well maintained, but there was ileum, which would also be the site of absorption;
an increase in de novo glycine synthesis, perhaps hence the lysine synthesized and absorbed might
made possible by greater salvage of urea-N have a much higher enrichment than that of the
(Gibson et al., 2002) (see Chapter 8). microbial flora as a whole.

10.2.3 Microbial amino acid synthesis 10.2.4 The practical problem

There is one other aspect of amino acid require- What is the outcome of all the work on protein
ments, touched on earlier (Chapter 8), that has requirements? A practical approach has been
involved turnover studies – the possibility of developed by Millward and Jackson (2003).
microbial synthesis of essential amino acids in Their starting point is that since food is eaten to
the gut. Some 50 years ago Australian nutrition- fulfil the requirement for energy, what matters is
ists observed that the highlanders of Papua New the protein:energy ratio (P/E) of the diet. Beaton,
Guinea were able to maintain activity and health in a contribution to the 1985 FAO/WHO/UNU
on a diet which did not by any standard fulfil the report on protein and energy requirements, had
requirement for protein. It was suggested that pointed out the statistical difficulties of arriving
perhaps they were able to obtain essential amino at a ‘safe’ P/E ratio,1 which seems to have dis-
acids from synthesis by microbes in the large couraged further use of that ratio. However,
intestine. Tanaka et al. (1980) found in these peo- Whitehead et al. (1977) had shown in studies in
ple some labelling of lysine-N in plasma proteins Africa a close relation between the P/E of the
after feeding [15N]-urea, but the level was very diets of children and the development, or not, of
low. Later work confirmed and extended these severe clinical malnutrition. Millward and
results (Table 10.6). Since lysine and threonine Jackson (2003) suggest, based on current esti-
are not transaminated, the appearance of label in mates of protein requirements, that the diet may
them is good evidence of de novo synthesis. Most supply inadequate amounts of protein in some
authors have given [15N]-urea or ammonium groups, such as the elderly, whose intake of
chloride; Jackson et al. (1999) used lactose [15N]- energy is low, even though the P/E is satisfactory.
ureide, a compound that is not absorbed in the The same applies to populations in less devel-
small intestine but is split in the colon. oped countries whose diet, based on cereals or
The important question is: how much is syn- starchy roots, has a low P/E ratio. Admittedly we
thesized and absorbed, and does it make a signifi- do not know how far functional failures in such
cant contribution to the requirement? As a first populations, such as low birth weight, reduced
approximation the amount synthesized could be working capacity, perhaps reduced immune
calculated as: (enrichment of amino acid in responses, are caused by deficiency of protein or
plasma  amino acid flux)/enrichment of amino indeed of any nutrient, rather than by infections
acid in microbial protein at the site of synthesis or other concomitants of poverty – nor would
and absorption. It is the denominator that is the anyone wish to repeat the mistake of the 1970s,
problem. Most of the results in the table were cal- described by Maclaren (1975) as ‘The Protein
culated on the assumption that the precursor Fiasco’, when immense resources were devoted
enrichment is that of the amino acid of the micro- to the development of high protein supplements.
bial protein in the faeces, but the lysine enrich- Supplements provided from outside are not a
ment was shown to be 5  higher in the faeces good way of countering life-long deficiencies in
than in the ileal digesta of patients with whole populations. There is perhaps greater
ileostomies (Metges et al., 1999a; Metges, 2000). promise in genetic modification to produce cere-
If the ileal figures are used they lead to absurdly als and tubers with higher yield and quality of
high estimates of the amount of lysine synthe- protein, as has been done for maize and is now
sized. It has been suggested that perhaps the syn- being developed for starchy roots and tubers; a

1 It is assumed that the P/E ratio is corrected both for biological value and digestibility of the protein.

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Table 10.6. Studies on the contribution of microbial synthesis in the gut to the production of essential amino acids.
Authors: Torrallardona et al. Torrallardona et al. Metges et al. Metges et al. Jackson et al.
(1996) (1994) (1999a) (1999b) (1999)

Adaptation to Different Protein Intakes

Species Rat Pig Human Human Human
Source of 15N NH4Cl NH4Cl (a) NH4Cl (a) NH4Cl Lactose-
(b) Urea (b) Urea ureide
Amino acid Lysine Lysine Threonine Lysine Lysine
Site of Whole body Whole body Plasma free Plasma free Urine free
measurement protein protein AA AA AA

Microbial Faeces Ileum Faeces Faeces Faeces

Estimated amount 62 43 (a) 24 (a) 44 32
of amino acid (b) 12 (b) 29
mg kg1 day1
Full references are given at the end of the chapter.

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156 Chapter 10

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Physiological Determinants of Protein Turnover

11.1 Body Size – the Contribution of the slope has a standard deviation and confidence
Allometry intervals which may be quite large (Prothero,
1982), so that there may not be any real differ-
Allometry has for long been a subject of interest ence between slopes that differ by less than, say,
to biologists and physiologists because it enables 0.1 log unit. Good discussions of these statistical
comparisons between different animals. The rea- matters are given by Smith (1984), Peters (1988)
son for introducing a note on it here is that it and Diamond (1993). Table 11.1 lists a few of the
might contribute to a more general view on the properties and functions that have been studied,
physiology of protein turnover. For example, the with their allometric scaling factors.
proteins of a rat turn over five or six times faster
than those of a human (Chapter 15, section 15.2);
we cannot explain why this should be so, but the 11.1.1 Interspecies comparisons
fact is worth looking at in a wider context. Much
of the discussion centres on oxygen turnover The relationship of metabolic rate (MR) to body
rather than protein turnover, but it is relevant mass (M), developed independently by Brody
because the two seem to be closely linked. and Kleiber in 1932 for adult animals ranging
Heusner (1987), in a review written 15 years ago, from mouse to elephant gave an exponent of 0.73
said that ‘to date about 750 power functions or (Brody and Procter, 1932) and 0.75 (Kleiber,
allometric equations have been reported’, and his 1932), and M0.75 has come to be known as the
references go back nearly 150 years. ‘metabolic mass’ (Blaxter, 1989: 125). The expo-
The essential feature of allometry is the nent per unit body mass would thus be –0.25.
description of some feature as a power function The original analyses of MR in mammals were
of body mass, of the form: extended by Hemmingsen (1960) to cover poik-
F = aMb ilotherms and single-celled organisms. He
or: log F = log a + b log M where F is some body showed that the exponents b were very similar in
characteristic such as metabolic rate, M is body the three groups, and the relations differed only
mass and a and b are constants; a is a coefficient in their elevation, a. Of particular interest is the
determined by the units in which F is expressed work of Else and Hulbert (1981), who compared
and b is an exponent or slope. various aspects of energy production in a ‘mam-
For mass-specific rates, e.g. metabolic rate per mal machine’ and a ‘reptile machine’. The two
kg, the equation is: ‘machines’ were a mouse and a lizard, with equal
body weights and body temperatures but a mouse
aMb has a standard MR per kg about four times that of
F/M = M = aM(b-1).
a lizard. This finding illustrates an essential dif-
The slopes are obtained by linear regression ference, not related to environment, between
of log F on log M, and it is not always realized homoeotherms and poikilotherms. Sadly, their
that although the correlations may be excellent, protein turnover rates were not measured.

160 © J.C. Waterlow 2006. Protein Turnover (J.C. Waterlow)

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Physiological Determinants of Protein Turnover 161

Table 11.1. Some allometric relationships of energy and protein metabolism to body weight in mature
animals of different species.

Function Unit Constant Exponent Reference

(a) (b)

Resting metabolism kJ d1 293 0.75 Kleiber (1975)

Protein synthesis
whole body g d1 15.8 0.72 Waterlow (1984)
Obligatory urinary Henry and Collingwood
nitrogen loss mg d1 272 0.75 (1998)
Liver weight g 0.09 0.87 Prothero (1982)
Muscle weight g 0.42 1.01 Else and Hulbert (1985)
Albumin breakdown mg d1 5.83 0.68 Wetterfors (1985)
Total liver RNA mg liver ? 0.755 Munro and Downie (1964)
rRNA turnover nmol d1 ~15 0.69 Schöch and Topp (1994)
tRNA turnover nmol d1 ~2000 0.78 Schöch and Topp (1994)
mRNA turnover mol d1 ~2.53 0.75 Schöch and Topp (1994)

Mitochondrial membrane
surface area m2 per whole organ
Liver 0.98 0.64 Else and Hulbert (1985)
Muscle 5.10 0.78

Oxygen consumption mg min1 mg1

of hepatocytes dry weight 6.83 –0.18 Porter and Brand (1995)

From the equation; F = aWb, where F is the function and M = body mass

The pattern of body composition also changes shortening, which gets slower with increasing
with increasing body weight, and this makes an body size. The key factor in energy transduction
important contribution to whole body scaling. in the shortening cycle is the enzyme actomyosin
The liver, for example, accounts for 7.6% of body ATPase, and the activity of this enzyme per unit
mass in the shrew, weighing ~1 g, but only 0.9% weight of muscle was shown to scale as M0.25.
in the whale, weighing ~108 g (Prothero, 1982). Thirty years ago we suggested that there
The rapidly metabolizing organs scale against might be a relationship between protein turnover
body mass with slopes between 0.69 and 0.85 and energy turnover (Waterlow, 1968). When
(Prothero, 1982; Else and Hulbert, 1985a), information became available from measure-
although Stahl (1965) gives somewhat higher ments in different animals it was found that pro-
values; the exponent for muscle mass is ~1.0. It is tein turnover also scales with a slope of 0.72, not
perhaps not surprising that the exponents for the significantly different from 0.75. The total RNA
whole body should lie between these limits. content of the liver, representing the capacity for
Probing more deeply into the allometry of protein synthesis, scales as M0.75 (Munro and
energy production has produced some fascinating Downie, 1964) and Schöch and co-workers have
results. Apart from body components, there is found by measurement of the urinary excretion of
also a scaling of cellular metabolic rate. The oxy- specific methylated nucleosides, that the turnover
gen consumption of isolated hepatocytes, per mg rates of all three RNA species also scale as M~0.75
dry weight, is 9  higher in the mouse than in the (Schöch et al., 1990) (Fig. 11.1).
horse (Porter and Brand, 1995). Else and Hulbert Many have felt that there must be a physiolog-
(1985b) showed that in mammals, over a 100- ical principle underlying what seems to be a uni-
fold range of body mass, the total mitochondrial versal relationship. Hemmingsen (1960) wrote:
membrane surface area, summated over all the ‘We fail to see how it is possible to underestimate
major tissues, scaled as body mass0.75. Taylor the theoretical significance of the uniform regres-
(1987) pointed out that in skeletal muscle the sion of metabolic rate with size common to the
work per unit time is proportional to the speed of whole organismic world.’ Kleiber (1947) said,

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162 Chapter 11

Fig. 11.1. Log-log plots of protein turnover, resting metabolism rate and whole body RNA degradation rates
against body weight. Gla = -carboxyglutamic acid.
Reproduced from Schöch and Topp (1994), by courtesy of Raven Press (New York) and Nestec (Lausanne).

‘Such equations should be a start, rather than end, 0.67, statistically different from 0.75. Kleiber
to a physiologist’s further reasoning’; and in (1947) gave six reasons for refuting the surface
1975, ‘Whether or not such a relationship has area relationship. Moreover, although surface
physiological significance depends on the physi- area is obviously an important determinant of the
ologist, just as it depends on the listener whether rate of heat loss, to suggest that it drives heat pro-
he hears a symphony or a series of noises.’ duction seems to be putting the cart before the
As far as metabolic rate is concerned, two horse.
hypotheses have been proposed in the past. The Another hypothesis is that of McMahon
first, going back to Rubner, is that it depends on (1973, 1975) who suggested that, at least in mam-
surface area, which would give an exponent of mals, the design of the animal must take account

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Physiological Determinants of Protein Turnover 163

of mechanical considerations, and that similarity

(pM0.25 × qM0.75 )
of design might be based on elastic stress, i.e. the body mass = E.τ / M = = pq ,
capacity for load-bearing without collapse. This, which is a constant. M
combined with dimensional analysis leads to the This implies that the total entropy production
observed relationship of metabolic rate with body over a life-span per unit body mass is the same
mass. However, the hypothesis has been criti- for all animals. This is a necessary condition for
cized in detail by Heusner (1987). Moreover, minimum entropy production, and shows that
similarity of elastic stress would hardly apply to over the whole range covered by the
aquatic mammals and fish. Kleiber–Brody equation the animals are operat-
Modern opinion seems to be moving against ing at maximal efficiency.
any physiological ‘explanation’ of allometric The idea is attractive because a large, though
relationships. Some, e.g. Peters (1988), have unknown, proportion of energy expenditure is
argued that they are purely statistical. Certainly devoted not to physical work, such as that of the
the slope and elevation of the log–log line are diaphragm or heart, but to the negative entropy of
determined statistically, sometimes uncritically, maintaining what Larsen and Larsen (1995) have
with an unstated margin of error. called dissipative functions, such as protein syn-
Heusner (1987) concluded: ‘… to date there is thesis and ion gradients. It seems to cover both
no biologically satisfactory theoretical explana- energy and protein turnover in a way that the
tion of the 0.75 power of mass.’ other hypotheses do not. Whether one drives the
However, it is difficult not to agree with other we do not know.
Hemmingsen’s remarks quoted above; it is hard
to suppose that it is simply a matter of chance
that so many different functions and properties 11.1.2. Intra-species relationships
share the same or closely similar exponent.
One proposed explanation of the 0.75 exponent Kleiber (1975: 211) concluded that when func-
is that it derives from the fractal geometry of tions are scaled against body mass in the same
the organism, since exchanges with the envi- species ‘… it is reasonable to adopt for intra-spe-
ronment depend on the surface area of branch- cific prediction … the metabolic unit of body size
ing structures such as the capillaries and the found most suitable for interspecific prediction,
pulmonary alveoli (West et al., 1999). Recently namely the 3/4 power of body weight.’ However,
a more powerful hypothesis has been proposed this may not really be true. A baby is not just a
by Andersen et al. (2002). This is based on the small adult. In addition to what may be called
concept, derived from physics, that maximum ‘the size effect’, body composition changes with
efficiency of a process, in the sense of minimal increasing maturity, but not necessarily in the
overall entropy production, is achieved when same way as it changes with increasing body
the rate of entropy production is constant over mass in interspecies comparisons. Next, the
time; however, ‘time’ here refers not to ordi- young animal is growing while the adult is not,
nary clock time but to a physiological time and growth has effects on both energy and pro-
scale, such as the time between heartbeats or tein metabolism which will be discussed in the
the life-span of the animal (Schmidt-Nielsen, next section. Moreover, it is possible that the tis-
1984). The allometric equation for these func- sues of immature animals have an intrinsically
tions is: faster metabolism than those of mature ones, but
= pM0.25 to our knowledge this has not been tested. In
view of the number of factors affecting metabo-
where is physiological time and p is a constant. lism during development, one would not expect
The rate of entropy production (E) is given by to find it related to body weight by a single scal-
the metabolic rate, so ing factor over the whole course of life and
development. The within-species scaling factors
E = qM0.75
for a number of animals have been summarized
when q is a constant. by Altman and Dittmer (1968) and by Albritton
Thus: the rate of entropy production per unit (1954). In farm animals, at least in dairy cattle

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164 Chapter 11

and pigs, the exponent decreases as the animals until the rats became senile at the age of 2 years,
grow older and heavier. when the rates fell off (Fig. 11.3).
In man there is plenty of information on rest- Data are available for man at only four ages,
ing metabolic rate at different ages and body apart from senescence: prematures, neonates,
masses. Karlberg (1952) made a detailed study of infants and adults. Except for adults and the
the older literature and found that in reports on elderly they are scanty and variable (see Chapter
infants from four countries, France, Germany, 12). A log-log plot of protein synthesis against
UK and USA, over a range of 1–10 kg the value age is shown in Fig. 11.4. In prematures the
of the scaling factor was between 0.91 and 1.11, metabolic rate is about the same as in neonates –
and never as low as 0.75. A similar slope was ~250 kJ kg1 day1, but the rate of protein syn-
recorded by Hill and Rahimtulla (1965). Figure thesis is much higher, nor, from the three points
11.2 shows a log-log plot of MR against body available does there seem to be any change in
mass in man, derived from the data compiled by slope after infancy.
Schofield (1985). Up to 15 kg in weight, corre- A difficulty with intra-specific allometry is
sponding to about 3 years in age, the scaling fac- that slopes are seldom derived from more than
tor is ~1. Thereafter, from infancy to maturity, it about six points and therefore there is a good deal
decreases to ~0.5. It seems that, between birth of uncertainty about them. For comparing func-
and maturity, the scaling factor changes, and that tions at different ages a less sophisticated but
these different rates are probably segments of a adequate approach may simply be to give ratios
curve. We conclude that within species there is no between young and old, as in the next section.
single scaling factor relating MR to body weight, The purpose of this excursion into allometry
but that the factor changes as animals mature. is to explore in more detail, however inade-
One would expect the same to apply to whole quately, the relations between energy metabolism
body protein turnover, but we need more infor- and protein metabolism. As Webster (1988) has
mation. There are good data on protein turnover said, ‘The power of these scaling laws lies not in
in the rat at different ages from the work of the fact that they make all animals appear the
Millward et al. (1975) and Goldspink and Kelly same, but that they can reveal the genuine
(1984). Goldspink studied rats from ~6 days anatomical and physiological basis for differ-
before birth to senility; over most of this age- ences in energy exchange within and between
range there was a single linear slope of 0.93 species’. This thought applies equally well to pro-
between log synthesis rate and log body weight tein turnover.

Fig. 11.2. Log-log plots of resting metabolic rate against body weight in humans at different ages. Data of
Schofield (FAO/WHO/UNU, 1985). Mean body weight of males at different ages.

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Physiological Determinants of Protein Turnover 165

Log whole body synthesis, g d–1

Log whole body synthesis, g d–1



−2 1.0

−2 −1 0 1 2 3 0 1.0 2.0
Log body weight, g Log body weight, kg

Fig. 11.3. Log-log plot of whole body protein Fig. 11.4. Log-log plot of whole body protein
synthesis against body weight in the rat. synthesis against body weight in humans.
Data of Goldspink et al. (1984). Data from Chapters 7 and 11.

11.2 Growth and its Cost provides a standard of reference; for example, we
showed early on that in malnourished children
11.2.1 Changes in tissue composition during the ratio of protein:DNA in the liver was substan-
growth tially reduced compared with after recovery
(Waterlow and Weisz, 1956). Since the concen-
In the early stages of development there is rapid tration of protein per g of tissue does not change,
multiplication of cells – hyperplasia. It has long the fall in protein/DNA is the only way of assess-
been established that the DNA content per cell is ing the extent of protein depletion or accretion.
the same in all tissues except the liver, where a It has long been known that RNA and its asso-
number of cells are polyploid, having failed to ciated proteins constitute the machinery of protein
divide after mitosis and therefore contain twice or synthesis. Therefore in any discussion of growth
even four times the normal amount of DNA per the RNA concentration [RNA] in a tissue is very
nucleus (Jacob et al., 1954). In muscle, where the important, since it represents the capacity for syn-
cells are multinucleate, the concept of the ‘DNA thesis. Since most of the RNA (~80%) is riboso-
unit’ was pioneered by Cheek (1971). In the later mal, the synthesis rate per unit RNA (kRNA) is a
stages of growth hyperplasia decreases or stops, measure of ribosomal activity. In the description
at varying times in different tissues and species, of growth that follows, the capacity for synthesis
and growth continues by hypertrophy – increase is for the most part expressed as RNA/protein; it
of cytoplasmic constituents, mainly protein. might be more logical to relate RNA to DNA.
Since it is a central dogma of molecular biol- Table 11.2 shows a change with growth in the
ogy that DNA makes RNA and RNA makes pro- composition of liver and muscle of two very dif-
tein, DNA may be regarded as the final controller ferent species – rat and salmon trout. The latter
of what happens in the cytoplasmic territory that was chosen because the work of Peragón et al.
it controls. It was therefore of some importance, (1998, 2001) provides very complete information
from the point of view of nutrition, when and it represents a non-mammalian species and
Kosterlitz (1947) and Thomson et al. (1953) hence a wider view.
showed that in adult rats the DNA content of the Hyperplasia was going on throughout the
liver was unaffected by dietary changes; on pro- period of growth, as shown by the increases in
tein-deficient diets the activity of the genome total DNA in both tissues and both species. The
may be altered but its size is not, whereas the 12-fold increase in DNA in trout muscle is remark-
cytoplasm, with its content of protein and phos- able, considering that the starting point was later
pholipid, shrinks round the nucleus. Thus DNA than in the rat, the growth period shorter and the

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166 Chapter 11

temperature was only 15°C. Hypertrophy occur- RNA and hence to the processes of transcription
ring at the same time is evident from the increases and translation – is, under normal conditions
in total protein and protein per cell (protein/DNA), remarkably constant and stable?
which are greater in muscle than liver. The Protein deposition during growth obviously
increase in RNA goes hand in hand with that of requires an increased rate of synthesis above the
protein, but at only half the rate, so that the values maintenance level. This is typically accompanied
of the RNA/protein ratio do not vary very much. by an increased rate of breakdown (Bates and
Millward, 1981), a phenomenon also found in
some pathological states (Chapter 16). A good
11.2.2 Changes in protein turnover during illustration is the work of Millward’s group on rat
growth muscle, summarized in Tables 11.4 and 11.5.
There were two genetically different strains of
The data in Table 11.3 again come from two very rats, and although exact comparison is difficult
different species and two very different tissues. because of differences in age, it is clear that the
The results in rat and fish are similar: is it reason- CFY rats grew faster, had higher efficiencies of
able to conclude that the machinery of protein deposition and reached a larger final body weight
synthesis – the ratio of synthesis to DNA and than the hooded rats, in spite of synthesis and

Table 11.2. Changes in body and tissue composition during growth in the rat and the rainbow trout. The
numbers are the ratio of old:young values.

body Liver Muscle

Interval, weeks 3–42 3–42 14–40 14–40 3–44 3–44 3–47

Whole body or tissue weight, g 12 12 15 33 – – 14
Total DNA, mg 5 7 8 12 6 3 6
Total protein, g 14 9 10 30 21 10 22
Protein/DNA, g mg1 2.8 1.3 1.25 2.5 3.5 2.7 3.7
Total RNA, mg 6 6.5 5 11 9 6 9
RNA/DNA, mg mg1 1.2 0.9 0.6 0.95 1.5 2.0 1.5
RNA/protein, mg g1 0.43 0.72 0.50 0.37 0.42 0.60 0.71

A. Goldspink et al., 1984, rat; B. Goldspink et al., 1984, rat; C. Peragón et al., 1998, rainbow trout at
15°C; D. Peragón et al., 2001, rainbow trout at 15°C; E. Lewis et al., 1984, rat: soleus muscle (slow
twitch oxidative); F. Lewis et al., 1984, rat: tibialis muscle (fast-twitch glycolytic); G. Millward et al., 1975,
rat: gastrocnemius + quadriceps (mixed).

Table 11.3. Changes in protein turnover during growth in the rat and the rainbow trout. The numbers are
ratios old:young.

Whole Liver Muscle

kS 0.39 0.80 0.32 0.77 0.50 0.38 0.29
kd 0.50 1.00 0.23 0.91 0.71 0.71 0.45
S/RNA (kRNA) 0.91 1.11 0.62 2.0 1.25 1.67 0.83
S/DNA 1.05 1.05 0.47 0.91 2.0 1.25 0.77

kd = synthesis minus growth rate. A. Goldspink et al., 1984, rat; B. Goldspink et al., 1984, rat; C. Peragón
et al., 1998, rainbow trout at 15°C; D. Peragón et al., 2001, rainbow trout at 15°C; E. Lewis et al., 1984,
rat: soleus muscle (slow twitch oxidative); F. Lewis et al., 1984, rat: tibialis muscle (fast-twitch glycolytic);
G. Millward et al., 1975, rat: gastrocnemius + quadriceps (mixed).

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Physiological Determinants of Protein Turnover 167

breakdown rates that were lower, at least initially. by an increase in breakdown, the net deposition of
Bates and Millward (1981) make the point that protein, synthesis minus breakdown, is always
the fast-growing rats had a life span of only a much less than the total synthesis (see below).
year, compared with 2 years for the hooded rats. A more efficient way of promoting growth
Breakdown rates tended to be higher in the would be simply to reduce the rate of breakdown.
slower-growing hooded rats. Data on DNA and Thus Condé and Scornik (1977) in studies on
RNA are only available for the CFY rats. Both mouse liver found that in the neonatal mouse the
capacity (S/DNA) and efficiency (S/RNA) of rate of synthesis in the liver was the same as in
synthesis settle down after the first month to a the adult, but the rate of breakdown was only
level that remains constant while body weight about half. From studies on regenerating liver,
increases sixfold. Scornik and Botbol (1976) concluded that
The same pattern was seen when hypertrophy ‘changes in the rate of protein degradation are the
of muscle was induced by hanging a weight on single most important factor determining the
the anterior latissimus dorsi muscle of a fowl increase in protein content of the liver during
(Laurent et al., 1978; Laurent and Millward, compensatory growth’ after partial hepatectomy.
1980; see next section). There was a large Scornik measured breakdown rate both by the
increase in synthesis rate, with a parallel but usual method of subtracting net deposition from
smaller increase in degradation. Because synthesis and by following the rate of loss of
increased synthesis during growth is accompanied label after injecting 14C-carbonate.

Table 11.4. Changes with age in the turnover rates of skeletal muscle protein in two strains of rat.

Age Body Synthesis Breakdown Net Efficiency

weight synthesis 100  [net/
days g % d⫺1 % d⫺1 % d⫺1 total synthesis]

CFY rats 25 75 15.6 9.8 5.8 37

32 129 15.2 9.5 5.7 37.5
52 289 7.3 4.4 2.9 40
101 546 5.2 4.1 1.1 21
320 716 4.5 4.5 0 0
Hooded rats 23 37 28.6 22.4 6.1 21
46 70 16.1 13.1 3.0 18.5
65 116 11.5 9.8 1.7 15
130 233 5.3 4.6 0.7 13
330 511 4.9 4.9 0 0

Recalculated from data of Bates and Millward, 1981. Breakdown rates were calculated by subtracting
growth rates from synthesis rates. The hooded rats deposited protein with lesser efficiency than the CFY
rats; they grew more slowly but lived twice as long.

Table 11.5. Changes with age in nucleic acid concentrations and efficiency of synthesis in skeletal
muscle of CFY rats.

Age Protein/DNA RNA/protein RNA/DNA S/RNA S/DNA

days mg mg1 mg g1 mg mg1 mg mg1 mg mg1

25 167 12.4 2.1 12.4 26

32 180 9.6 1.7 15.9 27
52 290 7.3 2.1 10 21
101 400 4.5 1.8 11.7 21
320 452 4.1 1.9 11.6 22

S = mg protein synthesized d1 g1 protein. Data from Bates and Millward, 1981.

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168 Chapter 11

Two invertebrate species show a similar pat- If the average molecular weight of amino acids is
tern of growth. In the mussel, Mytilus edulis, with taken as 100, there would be 0.01 mol peptide
increased protein absorption, which allows better bonds per gram of protein synthesized. The
growth, there was very little increase in synthesis energy cost of ATP or GTP formation varies
but breakdown fell almost to zero (Hawkins, slightly with the substrate, but in round figures
1985). It was argued that in this species higher –H could be taken as 80 kJ mol1 (Blaxter,
growth stemmed from lower intensity of synthe- 1989). The cost of peptide bond synthesis would
sis, so that the energy required for maintenance therefore work out at 3.2 kJ per gram of protein.
was less and more was available for growth As Blaxter pointed out, many proteins, particu-
(Hawkins, 1985, 1991). In Octopus vulgaris syn- larly secreted ones, are synthesized as pre-pro-
thesis increased with increasing growth rate, but proteins which are much larger than the final
at high growth rates breakdown was again almost product. In the case of insulin, for example, the
completely abolished (Houlihan et al., 1990). final molecule has 49 peptide bonds, compared
These are examples of the most efficient way of with 119 in pre-pro-insulin. How far this will
producing growth – to allow synthesis to con- cause error in estimating synthesis rate depends
tinue at a minimal rate, with degradation greatly on the time taken for the measurement of synthe-
reduced. sis compared with the rate of formation of the
It would be very important to find out how final product from its precursor. In liver, for
widely these two patterns are distributed in the example, measurements by the flooding dose
animal kingdom. Two explanations have been method (Chapter 14), which only needs about 1 h,
advanced for the inefficiency of deposition; the will include, at least in part, the synthesis of pre-
first is that higher rates of synthesis will allow albumin, while by the constant infusion method,
greater temporary production of enzymes, and so which takes longer, most of the precursor would
more flexibility in an organism which is develop- have been broken down to albumin and secreted
ing as well as growing in size. The second is that into the plasma. To the extent that this kind of
an increased synthesis rate will produce more process occurs, more peptide bonds may be syn-
coding errors and more abnormal proteins which thesized than are taken into account, so the figure
require to be rapidly destroyed, and for this an of 3.2 kJ per gram of protein will be a minimum
increased rate of degradation is needed. estimate.

RNA synthesis
11.2.3 The energy cost of protein synthesis
As mentioned earlier, Schöch and his co-workers
and deposition
have developed a method of measuring the
turnover rates of tRNA, rRNA and mRNA from
Theoretical calculations
the rate of excretion of methylated nucleotides
The calculation must include not only the energy that are derived from the breakdown of RNAs
cost of synthesizing peptide bonds but also the and are not re-utilized. These rates are shown in
cost of associated processes: the synthesis of Table 11.6. The mature RNAs are derived from
messenger RNA, the cost of amino acid transport precursors from which many nucleotides are
into cells, the cost of protein degradation and per- removed after transcription. mRNAs and their
haps, as suggested by Reeds and Garlick (1984), precursors will be of many different sizes, so
the cost of regulatory mechanisms. only an approximate estimate can be given of
their nucleotide number. In Table 11.6 it is
assumed that it is the precursor that has to be syn-
Peptide bond synthesis
The stoichiometry of the different steps in pep- A tentative estimate of the energy cost of syn-
tide bond synthesis has been well worked out. thesising precursor mRNA, before it is processed,
Amino acid activation and coupling to t-RNA is shown in Table 11.6. This cost amounts to
require two ATP per amino acid, and chain elon- about 0.5 kJ kg1 day1. The cost of peptide
gation two GTP per peptide bond. This amounts bond synthesis at 4 g protein kg1 day1 would
to four mole ATP + GTP per mole peptide bond. be 12.8 kJ kg1 day1, so that mRNA synthesis

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Physiological Determinants of Protein Turnover 169

would add less than 5%. From the turnover rates breakdown amounted to 1.93 mol min1 kg1,
of RNA species given by Sander et al. (1986) the if subjects were in a steady state, so that if S = B,
cost of synthesizing rRNA and tRNA would be the transport index would be 6.7/1.93 = ~3.5.
small. The energy cost of total RNA synthesis Further information comes from studies on
probably adds about 5% to the overall cost of forearm and leg, summarized in Chapter 6. In
protein synthesis. adult humans in the post-absorptive state the
mean transport indices for the three amino acids
that have been used were:
Amino acid transport
leucine 1.6 (8 studies)
For determining the contribution of amino acid
phenylalanine 2.5 (6 studies)
transport to the total cost of protein synthesis we
lysine 1.0 (4 studies)
need to know two things: the amount in unit time
of amino acid transported from the blood into the In one study (Tessari et al., 1996a) the index
tissues, and the amount taken up per gram of pro- for leucine in splanchnic tissue was 2.0. If the
tein synthesized. The ratio of these two we have same ratio applied to all amino acids in all tis-
called the ‘transport index’ (Chapter 4). Baños et sues, one might conclude that very roughly 2 
al. (1973) examined the rate of uptake of 20 as many amino acids are transported as are syn-
amino acids into rat muscle and found that the thesized to protein.
rates for individual amino acids varied by about The proportion of total transport that is
two orders of magnitude, from 16 for threonine to sodium-dependent seems not to be known, but is
0.2 nmol min1 g1 for aspartate. Moreover, probably large – say 2/3. In different tissues either
entry rates varied with the plasma concentration. 1 or 2 Na+ ions are used for the transport of one
Also to be considered are differences between tis- amino acid (Eddy, 1987). The stoichiometry usu-
sues in the permeability of their capillaries, and ally supposed for the sodium pump is 3 Na+ to 1
the inhibiting effect of one amino acid on the ATP. Putting these figures together gives an aver-
transport of another that shares the same carrier age ATP cost of 0.5 mol ATP per mol amino acid
(Pratt, 1981). In humans Hovorka et al. (1999), transported. If as suggested twice as many moles
by a very simple analysis, arrived at a figure of amino acid are transported as are synthesized,
6.7 mol min1 kg1 for the inward transport of transport would add 1 ATP to the 4 ATP used for
leucine in the whole body. Release of leucine by peptide bond synthesis.

Table 11.6. Estimated energy cost of RNA synthesis in adults.


A. Turnover rate, mol kg1 d1 0.63 0.037 0.99a

B. Nucleotides per molecule 100 13,500 8000b
C. Inter-nucleotide bonds synthesized, per day
AB 63 500 7900
D. Cost of this synthesis, kJ kg1 d1 40  103 31  103 500  103
E. Per cent of cost of protein synthesis 0.31 0.24 3.9

A. Sander et al., 1986. B. H. Topp, personal communication. D. Blaxter, 1989; 2 ATP per bond, and 31
kJ per mol ATP. E. Protein turnover in adult taken as 4 g kg1 d1 at cost of 3.2 kJ g1.
a H. Topp, personal communication.
b This is the number of nucleotides in the precursor or cap-mRNA. The number in the final mRNA is

much smaller – about 1200 (Sander et al., 1986).

If whole body prtotein synthesis is taken as 4gkg1 d1, and if an average protein has MW 40,000 and
contains 40 amino acids, then 4  400/40,000 = 40 mmol of peptide bonds are synthesized daily. If each
amino acid is represented by three bases, then 120 mmol nucleotides are turned over per kg per day. If
the coding length of an average mRNA needed for the synthesis of an average protein is taken to be
1200, then 120 mmol/1200 = 100 mol RNA kg1 d1 are involved in protein synthesis. This is 100 times
higher than the turnover rate of mRNA, which means that one RNA molecule on average is translated
100 times. I am indebted to H. Topp for this calculation.

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170 Chapter 11

With these approximations the cost of synthe- is the finding by Brooke and Ashworth (1972) in
sizing 1 g protein may be estimated as: children recovering from malnutrition of a close
linear relation between the rate of growth and the
Peptide bond synthesis: 3.2 kJ
extra energy expenditure after a meal. We attrib-
RNA synthesis: 0.3
uted this to protein synthesis, providing a new
Transport: 1.0
explanation of the old concept of specific
Total ~4.5 kJ g1 protein.
dynamic action.
In theory some allowance should also be made There followed the very important study of
for the cost of degradation by the ATP-dependent Welle and Nair (1990) in which resting metabolic
ubiquitin process (Chapter 17), but as only a few rate and leucine flux were measured at the same
ubiquitin molecules are coupled to one protein time on nearly 50 adult subjects. When leucine
molecule, this extra cost will be negligible. flux was converted to g protein synthesized per
However, clearly more research is needed on this day, and both rates were related to total body
subject. An unknown amount of ATP will also be potassium, it emerged that the metabolic rate
needed to maintain the internal acidity of the increased by 4.35 kJ for each increase of 1 g pro-
lysosomes at a pH of ~5. tein synthesized – an exact correspondence with
the theoretical estimate. Note that since these
were adult subjects there was no deposition of
protein and no growth. This relationship showed
Indirect estimates
that protein synthesis accounted for ~20% of rest-
An approach widely used in the animal produc- ing energy expenditure.
tion industry has been to relate, in growing ani- The main reason for the large discrepancy
mals, the metabolizable energy intake less the between some of the indirect estimates and the
maintenance requirement, to the amount and theoretical cost of ~5 kJ g1 protein synthesized
composition, measured at slaughter, of the new is that deposition is not the same as synthesis. As
tissue laid down. Deducting the heat content mentioned above, increased synthesis is usually
(enthalpy) of the tissue deposited made it possi- accompanied by increased breakdown. When
ble to calculate, per g, the cost of depositing it. direct measurements of the rate of protein synthe-
This method in pigs gave very variable estimates sis in man became available it was shown by
of the cost of protein synthesis, averaging about Golden et al. (1977) that in children recovering
20 kJ g1, much larger than the theoretical esti- from malnutrition 1.4 g protein were synthesized
mate (Kielanowski, 1976; Fuller et al., 1987). per g deposited. Reeds and Harris (1981), work-
This might be called the ‘operational’ method ing with pigs, found a ratio of 2 g synthesized
of determining the cost of protein since it answers per g deposited (Fig. 11.5). Lobley (1998) has
the question: how much extra food must be given collated results on pigs, sheep and cattle which
to produce 1 kg protein gain? show similar differences between synthesis and
A modification of this approach was used by deposition. In the liver of rainbow trout the ratio
Spady et al. (1976) in infants recovering from of synthesis to deposition fell from 6 at a body
malnutrition and gaining weight very rapidly. The weight of 5 g to 2 at 400 g (Peragón et al., 1998).
energy cost of growth was determined from the The inverse of this ratio may properly be termed
slope of the linear relationship between weight the ‘efficiency’ of synthesis.
gain and intake. Energy expenditure was mea- In order to get a realistic estimate of the
sured by the calibrated heart rate method. energy cost of protein synthesis by the indirect
Deducting expenditure from intake gave the method it is necessary to have 4 independent
energy balance, or energy stored. It was assumed measurements: the energy gained; the composi-
that the new tissue contained 15% protein tion of the tissue gained, particularly the fat con-
(Fomon, 1967). Deducting again the enthalpy of tent; the protein gained and the rate of protein
this protein (23.6 kJ g1) gave a figure for the synthesis. The study that, as far as we know, is
energy cost of depositing it of 32 kJ g1. A simi- closest to meeting these criteria is that of
lar value (32 kJ g1) was found by Roberts and Jéquier’s group on premature infants in the
Young (1988) working with premature infants. A Gambia (Cauderay et al., 1988). In this study the
further study, but one that is difficult to quantify, energy available for growth was determined as

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Physiological Determinants of Protein Turnover 171

fat deposited. If the fat gained were 3 g instead of

3.3, the energy cost of synthesising 2.1 g protein
would be 12 kJ or 5.7 kJ g1 . Unfortunately, in
the human it is impossible with present tech-
niques to measure the fat gained with sufficient
accuracy. In animals it can be done and was done
at slaughter by Kielanowski and others, and if the
synthesis rates had been measured and adjusted
for breakdown, the energy cost of protein synthe-
sis would have come much closer to the theoreti-
cal figure. The reason for the high figures for the
energy cost of protein sythesis is that a large part
of the sythesis is ‘wasted’ by balancing the
increased breakdown.

11.3 The Effect of Muscular Activity and

Immobility on Protein Turnover

The metabolic changes that occur in exercise

have been studied by physiologists in great detail.
A recent review is that of Rennie and Tipton
(2000). In earlier times one focus of interest was
the possible influence of physical exertion on
human protein requirements. More recently it has
shifted to the effect of exercise in counteracting
the atrophy of muscle that occurs with immobi-
lization and in old age, as discussed in the next
chapter. It is difficult to treat the subject coher-
ently because there are so many different kinds of
Fig. 11.5. Relationship between whole body
exercise and routines: short bouts, long
protein synthesis and nitrogen retention in children
recovering from malnutrition (●-----●) and in grow- endurance, prolonged training; resistance, eccen-
ing pigs (-----). tric, dynamic exercise, all of which may have dif-
Reproduced from Reeds and Harris (1981) by cour- ferent effects.
tesy of Applied Science Publishers.

the difference between intake and expenditure, 11.3.1 Nitrogen balance and amino acid
measured by calorimetry. Nitrogen balance was oxidation
measured over 3 days, and during this time pro-
tein synthesis and breakdown were measured by Liebig, the great German chemist of the 19th cen-
the [15N] glycine-end-product method. An impor- tury, believed that muscle protein was the only
tant point, confirming the validity of the methods, source of fuel for muscle contraction. This view
was that protein gain as synthesis minus break- was conclusively refuted by a classical experi-
down was identical with gain from N balance. ment of Fick and Wislicenus (1866) in which
The calculations are summarized in Table 11.7. they collected urine before, during and after a
The table shows that calculation on the basis of 2000 m climb of the Faulhorn mountain in the
difference in enthalpy leaves no margin for the Bernese Oberland. Their results are shown in
variable we are interested in, the energy cost of Table 11.8. They made a rough calculation of the
depositing protein, as opposed to its enthalpy. work done and concluded that it was impossible
What is needed is an independent measure of the for it to have been fuelled by the combustion of

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172 Chapter 11

Table 11.7. Cauderay’s study on protein and energy metabolism of premature infants appropriate for
gestational age.

Variable Units

A. Energy available for growth (intake – expenditure) kJ kg1 body wt 176

B. Protein synthesis g kg1 d1 9.7
Protein breakdown g kg1 d1 7.6
Protein gain g kg1 d1 2.1
C. Protein gain by N balance, N  6.25 2.1
D. Enthalpy of protein gained
at 23.4 kJ g1 49
E. Enthalpy of fat gained,
calculated as A–D 127
F. Fat gain, calculated as E/38.3 g1 of weight gain 3.3
G. Body weight gain, g kg1 18.2
H. Fat gain as % weight gain % 18.2%

Data of Cauderay et al. (1988). If F were 3.0 g instead of 3.3, enthalpy of fat gain would be 115 kJ,
leaving 12 kJ, or 5.7 kJ g1 as the cost of synthesising 2.1g protein.

muscle protein. Since then it was widely held that ies. There seems to be general agreement that at
physical work had no effect on nitrogen balance least after exercise has stopped there is an
and protein requirements, a view that was main- increase in urea excretion which lasts for many
tained in a United Nations report of 1973 on pro- hours (Rennie et al., 1981; Dohm et al., 1982),
tein requirements (FAO/WHO, 1973). Gontzea et but over a longer time it returns to normal. Some
al. (1975) found that increased physical activity authors have reported an increase in 3-methylhis-
resulted in an initial increase in nitrogen excre- tidine excretion, a measure of muscle protein
tion, followed by adaptation over 3 weeks, result- breakdown, e.g. Dohm et al. (1982), Fielding et
ing in restoration of N balance. There is only al. (1991), although again there are contradictory
scanty and somewhat contradictory information results in the literature.
about nitrogen excretion while exercise is actu- It may be argued, although it is debatable (see
ally going on. Rennie et al. (1981) found that Chapter 8), that urea production is a better measure
urea excretion fell during nearly 4 h of exercise at of overall amino acid oxidation than urea excretion.
50% of VO2 max. On the other hand Refsum et al. In several studies urea production has been mea-
(1979) recorded that in man in a cross-country ski sured with 15N urea during short periods of exercise
race of 70 km lasting 41/2–6 h, urinary urea but in none of them did it change (Wolfe et al.,
excretion increased twofold, and in a study by 1982; Carraro et al., 1993; El-Khoury et al., 1997;
Calles-Escandon et al. (1984) at a similar level of Forslund et al., 1998). Carraro’s study is particu-
intensity but of shorter duration the loss of urea larly interesting because he showed that in exercise
doubled; however, much of this loss was in a larger fraction of urea production was hydrolysed
sweat, which was not measured in the other stud- in the gut and recycled to protein.

Table 11.8. The experiment of Fick and Wislicenus: nitrogen excretion during a climb
of 2000 m.
Urinary nitrogen excretion, g N h1

Fick Wislicenus

Overnight, before climb 11 h 0.63 0.61

During climb 8h 0.41 0.39
Rest after climb 6h 0.40 0.40
Following night 10.5 h 0.45 0.51

Data of Fick and Wislicenus, 1866.

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Physiological Determinants of Protein Turnover 173

11.3.2 Kinetic studies with [13C ] leucine tive (Table 11.9). These results relate to short
bouts of exercise only. A 16-week programme of
The oxidation of infused [113C] leucine, as a aerobic exercise had no effect on whole body
measure of total amino acid oxidation, was con- protein turnover (Short et al., 2004). We do not
vincingly validated by the 24-h studies of know whether there are any differences in protein
Young’s group at MIT (El-Khoury et al., 1994). turnover and amino acid catabolism in people
All work with this approach has shown an habitually engaged in heavy physical work.
increase in leucine oxidation during exercise with
return to usual rates at rest, so that over 24 h
leucine balance is achieved (Rennie et al., 1981; 11.3.3 Muscle protein turnover
Wolfe et al., 1982; El-Khoury et al., 1997;
Bowtell et al., 1998; Forslund et al., 1998). It was Athletes know very well that continuous or
found also that the recovery of 13CO2 was greatly repeated use of muscles leads to increases in their
increased at the beginning of exercise (see size and strength. It is well established experimen-
Chapter 8) but afterwards fell rapidly to below tally that continuous stretching of a muscle causes
the usual level. When account is taken of this, the it to hypertrophy, with increased rates of both syn-
estimate that leucine oxidation is increased is still thesis and breakdown of protein (Goldspink,
valid (El-Khoury et al., 1997). Bowtell et al. 1977a; Laurent et al., 1978). Laurent produced
(1998) discussed the mechanism of this increase, this result by hanging a weight on a chicken’s
and showed that in exercise a greater proportion wing, Goldspink by enclosing the hind-limb of
of the leucine flux is transaminated to KIC. They rats in plaster so that either the extensors or the
suggested that the consequent increase in KIC flexors were stretched. Later Goldspink et al.
concentration inhibits the phosphorylation of the (1995) showed in the extensor digitorum muscle
BCA-dehydrogenase, thus activating the complex of the rabbit that while electrical stimulation had
(see Chapter 4 ) and increasing the oxidation of no effect, when combined with stretch there was a
leucine. Against this is the finding of Kasparek more than additive increase in synthesis (Table
(1989), that a rise in BCA oxoacid concentration 11.10), which resulted mainly from an increase in
did not correspond in time with increase in activ- RNA concentration. There were also increases in
ity of the dehydrogenase. some of the lysosomal proteinases, which sug-
These kinetic studies also provided estimates gested a concomitant rise in degradation.
of whole body protein synthesis and breakdown, The last decade has seen a spate of studies in
and showed almost without exception that during man with muscle biopsies and sometimes mea-
exercise synthesis is decreased while breakdown surements of arterio-venous differences in a limb.
tends to be increased. The changes interact with Biopsies obviously cannot be taken while exer-
the diurnal cycling of fasting and feeding, so that cise is actually going on, but within about 3 h
exercise during fasting makes the balance more from the end of exercise the rate of muscle pro-
negative and during feeding makes it more posi- tein synthesis (MPS) is significantly increased,

Table 11.9. The effect of 90 minutes of resistance exercise on the balance

between synthesis and breakdown in the whole body in fasted and fed states.
S – B, mol leucine kg1 h1

Before During After

El-Khoury et al., 1997 –20 –36 –19
Forslund et al., 1998 –20 –37 –20
El-Khoury et al., 1997 +29 –14 +12
Forslund et al., 1998a +23 +8 +6
aSubjects receiving 1 g protein kg1 d1.

Turnover measured by constant infusion of [113C] leucine.

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174 Chapter 11

Table 11.10. Response of rabbit muscle to electrical (10 Hz) and mechanical


Electrical Mechanical Both

% increase above control

RNA/protein +11 +94 +231

Fractional synthesis, % d1 0 +138 +345
Synthesis, g g1 RNA 8 +27 +45
IGF-I mRNA, fold increase 5 12 +40

Data of D. Goldspink et al., 1995.

sometimes doubled and sometimes with an between the different isoforms (Gregory et al.,
increase in breakdown as well (Chesley et al., 1990; Caiozza et al., 1996; Sharman et al., 2001).
1992; Biolo et al., 1995, 1997; MacDougall et Chesley et al. (1992) recorded no change in total
al., 1995). Biolo’s studies show convincingly that RNA concentration after a single bout of resis-
the increase in synthesis is mediated by increased tance exercise; since the synthesis rate was dou-
amino acid inflow, perhaps at the expense of pro- bled, there must have been an increase in RNA
tein breakdown in the gastro-intestinal tract activity.
(Williams et al., 1996). These changes are tran- An excellent review of the sarcopenia of age-
sient and disappear 36 h after the exercise. ing is that of Short and Nair (1999).
A somewhat different protocol has been used,
particularly in the elderly, and we must admire
their fortitude in submitting to repeated biopsies. 11.3.4 Immobilization
In these studies MPS has been measured at an un-
stated interval (e.g. after an overnight fast) after Immobilization is the other side of the coin from
an exercise programme that may have lasted from exercise. Fifty years ago Schønheyder et al. (1954)
2 weeks to 3 months. Here the results are less performed a classical experiment in which they
consistent – either an increase in synthesis encased three subjects in a plaster cast up to the
(Yarasheki et al., 1992, 1993, 1995, 1999; Short hips. Urine was collected for 5 days after a single
et al., 2004) or no change (Welle et al., 1995). In dose of 15N glycine and compartmental analysis of
North’s study mild aerobic exercise – bicycling the curve of tracer excretion showed that the nega-
for 20 minutes 3–4 times a day at 70% of maxi- tive nitrogen balance that ensued resulted from a
mum heart rate – caused a 20% increase in mus- fall in synthesis rather than an increase in break-
cle protein synthesis. down. Gibson et al. (1987) studied patients in
The conclusion is that exercise causes an whom one leg had been immobilized in a long-leg
increase in muscle protein turnover but we do not plaster for 5 weeks. At the end of this time, after
know how long it lasts after the exercise pro- infusion of [13C]-leucine biopsies were taken from
gramme ends. There is also evidence that the the quadriceps muscle in the injured and normal
post-exercise increase in synthesis is enhanced by legs. The results are shown in Table 11.11. There
amino acids (Biolo et al., 1997; Børsheim, 2002) was no change in the distribution of fibre types,
and breakdown reduced by insulin. The responses but significant atrophy of the slow fibres. There
also vary with the muscle; in the rat an increase was a 10% loss of fibre volume, but RNA concen-
in synthesis was much more pronounced in the tration increased, so that although the fractional
fast-twitch brachialis, whereas in the slow-twitch rate of synthesis was reduced by only 25%, there
soleus there was no increase in synthesis but a was a 50% fall in RNA activity. This is a very
decrease in breakdown. The enhancement of syn- remarkable finding, which to my knowledge has
thesis is greater in the myofibrillar than in the not been further investigated.
sarcoplasmic fraction (Balangopal, 1997a) and Confinement to bed for as little as 2 weeks
involves particularly the myosin heavy chain resulted in a fall in whole body synthesis with no
(Welle et al., 1995; Balagopal, 1997b), with shifts significant change in breakdown (Ferrando et al.,

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Physiological Determinants of Protein Turnover 175

Table 11.11. Muscle protein synthesis in a leg immobilized after fracture compared with the
control leg.

Control Immobilized

Fractional synthesis rate, % h1 0.046 0.034

RNA concentration, g mg protein1 1.8 2.5
Efficiency of synthesis, mg protein h1 mg1 RNA 0.27 0.14

From Gibson et al., 1987.

1996). In these studies arterio-venous measure- phy of ageing reduced the sliding speed of actin
ments on the hind-limb together with muscle filaments in both rodents and humans (Hook et
biopsies showed a 50% decrease in muscle pro- al., 2001). These are striking demonstrations of
tein synthesis. Even in as short a time as 9 h in the dependence of function on molecular struc-
bed whole body synthesis and breakdown were ture.
both reduced by 25% (Bettany et al., 1996). It
seems likely that the negative nitrogen balance
after trauma is caused as much by the consequent
immobility as by the trauma itself and the same
may apply in the elderly (see Chapter 12, section It seems from the work of Goldspink (1977a,b),
12.5). Gibson et al. (1987) and Chesley et al. (1992)
In rats experimental weightlessness in the that stretch and activity increase synthesis rate by
hind-limbs was produced by suspending them in an increase in translational efficiency. Recent
a harness with the fore-limbs supported studies have indeed concentrated on changes in
(Goldspink, 1986); this resulted in atrophy and a activation of the initiation complex and of its sig-
greatly decreased rate of protein synthesis of the nalling pathway (Farrell et al., 2000; Rennie and
normally weight-bearing hind-limb muscles. The Tipton, 2000; Kimball et al., 2002). Jefferson’s
changes were reversed if the muscles were at the group have now proposed that hypertrophy of
same time passively stretched. muscle involves two processes, one acute, mani-
The muscles of astronauts also atrophy in the fested within minutes to hours, speeding up trans-
microgravity of space flights (see review by Fitts lation by involvement of the initiation complex,
et al., 2000). The extensors are most severely and one slower, increasing the transcription of
affected; contractile proteins are lost more than ribosomal proteins (Bolster et al., 2004). This
sarcoplasmic and actin more than myosin, and second process seems to be the one that is operat-
there is a fall in protein synthesis. ing after a time-lag in the experiment illustrated
In the sarcopenia both of ageing and weight- in Table 11.11. In the adaptive response to 6
lessness there appears to be a shift in the distribu- weeks aerobic exercise a large number of genes
tion of myosin heavy chain isoforms from IIa to were identified whose expression, up or down,
IIb which can be reversed by exercise (Sharman changed by a factor of more than 1.5. Clusters of
et al., 2001) and is reflected also by changes in gene transcripts were generated that went in the
mRNA abundance (Caiozzo et al., 1996; Welle et opposite direction to changes observed in animal
al., 1999), although there is some disagreement models of muscle atrophy (Lecker et al., 2004;
here (Marx et al., 2002). These changes in iso- Timmons and Sundberg, 2004). So the pathway
form distribution have effects on muscle func- from muscle activity to gene to muscle protein
tion: the unloaded shortening velocity was found turnover rate is now beginning to be identified.
to be highly dependent on the myosin heavy For muscular activity to affect the synthesis
chain isoform composition (Larsson et al., 1997). rates of muscle proteins there must be
In exercised human subjects a strong correlation mechanoreceptors converting mechanical stimuli
has been observed between the time to peak level into biochemical signals. According to
of delayed force increase and the isoform compo- Hornberger and Esser (2004) there are two possi-
sition of myosin heavy chains (Hilber et al., bilities for mechanoreceptors: folding and defor-
1999). In elegant studies on single fibres the atro- mation of the lipid bilayer of the plasma

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176 Chapter 11

membrane, or through integrins, transmembrane Balagopal, P., Rooyackers, O.E., Adey, D.B., Ades, P.A.
gluco-proteins which, in the words of Kjaer and Nair, K.S. (1997b) Effects of aging on in vivo
(2004), ‘establish a mechanical continuum along synthesis of skeletal muscle myosin heavy chain
which forces can be transmitted from the outside and sarcoplasmic protein in humans. American
Journal of Physiology 273, E790–800.
to the inside of the cell’. Within the cell the mes-
Baños, G., Daniel, P.M., Moorhouse, S.R. and Pratt,
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cussed in detail by Thompson and Palmer (1998); Physiology 235, 459–475.
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11.4 Conclusion
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resistance exercise in humans. American Journal of
Exercise, if intense enough, in the short term
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increases protein breakdown and amino acid oxida- Biolo, G., Tipton, K.D., Klein, S. and Wolfe, R.R.
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Whole Body Protein Turnover at Different Ages
and in Pregnancy and Lactation

12.1 Premature Infants been confirmed by several others (e.g. Stack et

al., 1989; Van Langen et al., 1992; Van
The first study in this age-group was made by Goudoever et al., 1995a). A factor contributing
Nicholson by the EP method with ammonia as to the low labelling of urea may be that human
end-product as long ago as 1970. Eleven years milk, fed in many of the studies, contains sub-
later the subject was taken up by Jackson et al. stantial amounts of preformed urea, which could
(1981), who studied three babies, fed expressed dilute urea synthesized from glycine. This point
breast milk (EBM) with multiple oral dosage of was investigated by Darling et al. (1993), who
15N-glycine for 72 h. They found that even after showed that the enrichment of urea decreased as
this long period no tracer at all appeared in urea. the amount of preformed urea in the feed
Jackson’s interpretation was that glycine is a increased. However, the failure of urea to
semi-essential amino acid, so that the rapidly become labelled has not always been found. A
growing infant cannot meet the demand for it by number of studies, summarized at C in Table
de novo synthesis; all available glycine is needed 12.1, give synthesis rates that agree with those
for incorporation into tissue protein and none is obtained with NH3 (A and B) (Cauderay et al.,
available for conversion to urea. This finding has 1988).

Table 12.1. Whole body protein synthesis in premature infants in the fed state.

Tracer and route mg protein kg1 h1 n N References

A Glycine, single dose, oral, EP NH3 428 4 39 1–4

B Glycine, multiple dose, oral, EP NH3 401 5 95 5–9
C Glycine, multiple dose, oral, EP urea 423 6 84 10
D Leucine, IV infusion, oral feedinga 450 4 50 11–14
E Leucine or phenylalanine, IV infusion,
TPN, healthy 457 2 11 15–17
F Leucine, IV infusion, TPN, sick 370 4 32 18–21
A–E: healthy infants; F: respiratory distress syndrome or diarrhoea. n, number of studies; N, number of
subjects; TPN, total parenteral nutrition; EP, end-product.
aResults based on leucine enrichment have been corrected  1.25 to bring them into line with those cal-

culated from KIC (see Chapter 6).

References: 1. Nicholson, 1970; 2. Stack et al., 1989; 3. Wutzke et al., 1992; 4. Plath et al., 1996; 5.
Jackson et al., 1981; 6. Catzeflis et al., 1985; 7. Pencharz et al., 1989a; 8. Darling et al., 1993; 9. van
Goudoevor et al., 1995a; 10. Cauderay et al., 1988; 11. de Benoist et al., 1984; 12. Beaufrère et al.,
1990; 13. Beaufrère et al., 1992; 14. van Goudoever et al., 1995a; 15. Battista et al., 1996; 16.
Poindexter et al., 2001; 17. Duffy et al., 1981; 18. Mitton, 1991; 19. Mitton and Garlick, 1992; 20. van
Goudoever et al., 1995b; 21. Rivera et al., 1993.

182 © J.C. Waterlow 2006. Protein Turnover (J.C. Waterlow)

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Protein Turnover During Growth and in Pregnancy 183

The data in Table 12.1, A and B, relate to Method

SGA > AGA: Pencharz et al., 1981 15N,urea EP
healthy babies born at 28–32 weeks of gestation,
Van Goudoever, 1995a 15N, NH EP
mostly with weights appropriate to gestational 3
age (AGA), and studied at varying times after SGA = AG: Van Goudoever, 1995a Leucine
SGA < AGA: Cauderay, 1988 15N, urea EP
birth. Where information is available, they were
gaining weight at a rate of about 15 g kg1 day1.
Turnover rates of healthy prematures have
Protein intakes were in the region of 1–3 g kg1
also been measured by the precursor method,
day1, and within this range seemed to have no
with results shown in Table 12.1, D–E. De
influence on the synthesis rate. There is no evi-
Benoist et al. (1984) introduced the idea of mea-
dence that human milk promotes higher rates of
suring leucine enrichment in urine rather than in
synthesis than formulae. Energy intakes were
about 330–420 kJ kg1 day1, which allows an plasma to make the method less invasive. In pilot
adequate margin for the energy cost of growth, studies they found that the ratio of the enrichment
since the resting metabolic rate of prematures has of leucine in plasma to that in urine was on aver-
been estimated as about 200–250 kJ kg1 day1 age 0.93, while Wykes et al. (1990) found the
as soon as the infants have begun to grow rapidly enrichments to be identical. Measurement of
(Beaufrère et al., 1990; Bauer et al., 1997; enrichment in urine might well be more widely
Kingdon et al., 2000; Leitch and Denne, 2000). used. The rates in these four studies agree well
In their pioneer study, Nissim et al. (1983) found with those obtained by the end-product method.
linear correlations between net protein gain and Van Goudoever et al. (1995a) used [15N]-glycine
protein and energy intakes; perhaps more inter- and [13C]-leucine together and obtained identical
esting is that there was also a correlation between results. It is interesting that in the study of
the proportion of total protein breakdown derived Beaufrère et al. (1992) with protein intakes rang-
from muscle, measured by methylhistidine excre- ing from 1.0 to 4.5 g kg1 day1, there was no
tion and conceptual age between 26 and 37 relation between intake and synthesis, but a
weeks, illustrating the rapid development of mus- strong negative correlation with breakdown and
cle in the fetus at this stage (Fig. 12.1). hence a positive correlation with leucine balance.
Comparisons of synthesis rates of babies The parenterally fed infants in E were said to
appropriate (AGA) or small (SGA) for gesta- be clinically stable and not requiring artificial
tional age have been inconclusive: ventilation, whereas those in F were suffering

Fig. 12.1. Percentage of total body protein breakdown (C) derived from muscle protein breakdown (MPB) in
premature infants at different conceptional ages. Whole body breakdown was measured as the end-product
average flux after a single intravenous dose of [15N] glycine. Muscle protein breakdown was determined
from excretion of 3-methylhistidine. The regression equation is: y = 54 2.3x, r = 0.865. Reproduced
from Nissim et al. (1983), by courtesy of the Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition.

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184 Chapter 12

from the respiratory distress syndrome or had 12.3 Infants 6 months–2 years
diarrhoea, which evidently depressed the synthe-
sis rate. In a study by Denne et al. (1996) The only information available in this age-group
extremely premature infants (26 weeks gestation, comes from work on infants who have recovered
~0.8 kg) failed to respond to parenteral feeding in from malnutrition. These children are of normal
the way that normal neonates did, with a decrease weight for height, but still stunted in height for
in protein degradation. their age.
The overall conclusion is that protein synthe- In the 1960s, when we were working in
sis in healthy premature infants is about 2.5 times Jamaica, severe malnutrition in children was
that in adults, consistent with the difference in common and had a high death rate. It seemed
their metabolic rates. possible that treatment failed because of an irre-
versible breakdown of the machinery of protein
synthesis. This hypothesis stimulated develop-
ment of the method of measuring whole body
12.2 Neonates protein turnover by constant infusion of 15N-
glycine with urea as end-product (Chapter 7). In
It is arguable whether infants as studied by Chien the first study (Picou and Taylor-Roberts, 1969) a
et al. (1993) in utero just before Caesarian deliv- variety of problems were tackled: comparison
ery can legitimately be regarded as neonates. Be between intravenous and intragastric infusion of
that as it may, the calculated fetal rate of protein tracer and the effect of level of protein intake,
synthesis (uptake–oxidation) was remarkably neither of which showed an important difference;
low, at 183 mg protein kg1 h1. and a comparison of glycine with 15N-labelled
The results of other studies are summarized in egg protein.1 The question here was whether the
Table 12.2. In spite of differences in clinical state, metabolism of glycine could be regarded as rep-
method of feeding (oral or TPN) and tracer, they resentative of that of total amino-N (see Chapter
are reasonably consistent. The weighted average 7), but as there was only enough material for one
is, as might be expected, somewhat lower than in trial with egg protein the results showed only that
prematures. they were of the same order of magnitude:

Table 12.2. Whole body protein synthesis in neonates in the fed state.
Author Feeding Tracer S mg kg1 h1 N

Healthy Denne et al., 1991 Oral Leucine IVc 355 11

Denne et al., 1996 TPN Phenylalanined 364 10
surgerya Pencharz et al., 1989b TPN Glycine, EP av. 337 10
Duffy and Pencharz, 1986 Oral Glycine, EP urea 525 12
IV Glycine, EP urea 362 12
Jones et al., 1995 TPN Leucine, IV 401 18
Sickb Bresson et al., 1991 TPN Leucine, IV, 354 8
Weighted mean: 390
aAtleast 5 days after operation for gastrointestinal problems.
bWith respiratory distress syndrome or diarrhoea.
cCorrected  1.25 for KIC.
dCorrected  2.5 for molar concentration relative to leucine, and  1.25 for precursor activity.

The study of Denne and Kalhan (1987) is omitted from this table because the babies were in the post-
absorptive state. They were infused with leucine. After correcting for KIC mean S was 266 mg protein
h1 kg1.

1 The labelled egg protein was prepared in two steps by the late Dr N.W. Pirie and Dr Marie Coates, to whom we

are grateful. First, labelled leaf protein was produced from plants in which 15NH3 was the sole source of N. This
labelled leaf protein was then fed to a hen.

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Protein Turnover During Growth and in Pregnancy 185

15N-glycine 210; 15N egg-protein, white 163, were made in the fed state. Over this rather narrow
yolk 268 mg protein kg1 h1. range of energy intakes the results show no impor-
Several years passed before the work on pro- tant differences with energy intake, and so have
tein turnover in infants was taken up again. A been combined in Table 12.3. The authors noted that
modification of the original method was intro- there was more variation within each dietary group
duced: instead of tracer being infused intra- than between the groups. The synthesis rates were
venously or by naso-gastric tube it was given in very close with high and low protein intakes when
multiple doses added to each feed over a period of measured with urea as end-product; with ammonia
48 h (Golden et al., 1977a). It was found that as end-product both synthesis and breakdown rates
increasing the protein and energy intake in the on the low protein intake were only about half the
days before the test had no effect on synthesis but rates on high protein. This finding emphasizes again
caused a marked decrease in breakdown. The next the value of using both end-products. The contrast
step was the introduction of ammonia as a second with the lack of sensitivity to protein intake found
end-product, so that end-product averages and by Picou and Taylor Roberts (1969) is probably
ratios could be calculated (Golden et al., 1977b; because Jackson’s low protein intake (0.66 g kg1
Waterlow et al., 1978) (see Chapter 7). day1) was below the children’s requirement and
Comparison of Sav by single dose and multiple below that of Picou (1.2 g kg1 day1).
dose showed good agreement, so Table 12.3 A final study with the EP method by the
shows the mean of the results by the two methods. Jamaican group (Golden and Golden, 1992)
Golden et al. (1977b), reviewing the work in explored the effect during recovery of different lev-
children who had recovered from malnutrition, els of zinc supplementation. Three studies were done
found that synthesis rate was related to food in each child: first, when they had lost oedema and
intake but as protein and energy intakes were not were entering the stage of rapid growth; again when
varied independently no causal conclusions could they had regained about half their weight deficit; and
be drawn. The relationship of breakdown to food finally when they had regained normal weight for
intake was much less tight (Fig. 12.2). height. Eleven children were divided into three
Later Jackson et al. (1983) explored in more groups who received throughout different amounts
detail the relations of protein turnover to protein and of supplementary zinc. We give here (Table 12.3)
energy intake. They gave two levels of protein, 1.7 only the results after full recovery (see Chapter 14).
and 0.66 g kg1 day1, and three levels of energy – It appears that zinc in sufficient dosage not only
80, 90 and 100 kcal kg1 day1. The measurements increased the rate of synthesis, but, from the ratio of

Table 12.3. Whole body synthesis rates in previously malnourished recovered children, measured with
[15N]-glycine by the end-product method.
Author S SA/SU N
mg protein kg1 h1
Golden et al., 1977a 262a – 5
Waterlow et al., 1978 212b 0.72 8
Golden and Golden, 1992
Low zinc 273 0.72 4
Medium zinc 252 0.95 4
High zinc 329 1.36 3
Jackson et al., 1983
High protein (1.7 g kg1) 230 0.76 5
Low protein (0.7 g kg1) 167 0.42 2
Weighted average 250C
SA, SU, synthesis rate with ammonia or urea as end-product. N, number of subjects.
aResults based on urea only as end-product. All others are the arithmetic average of S and S .
bResults with single and multiple dosage did not differ significantly and so have been combined.
cExcluding Jackson, low protein.

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186 Chapter 12

Fig. 12.2. Relation between protein synthesis and breakdown and dietary intake (kcal day1) in children
recovering from malnutrition. Since the composition of the diet was constant, the protein intake varied with
the energy intake. Reproduced from Golden et al. (1977b), by courtesy of the American Journal of Clinical
Nutrition. © Am. J. Clin. Nutr. American Society for Nutrition.

SA/SU, promoted it particularly in peripheral tissues. the fetus, the uterus, the placenta and the mammary
The authors concluded that zinc promoted the depo- glands. It has been calculated that a normal preg-
sition of lean tissue rather than fat, and we may add nancy requires the deposition of ~900 g of new
the possibility that it does so particularly in muscle. protein, ~1 g day1 in the first trimester, 3 g day1
in the second and 6 g day1 in the third. There has
only been a handful of studies of protein turnover
12.4 Older Children in pregnancy to show how these needs are met and,
as always, there are methodological differences.
Data on protein turnover in older children are These differences should, in theory, disappear
extremely scanty. The only results that we have if the results during pregnancy are related to
found are shown in Table 12.4. They are too vari- those in the non-pregnant state (Table 12.5).
able for useful conclusions to be drawn, except Unfortunately, in most of the studies the pregnant
that in these pubertal or prepubertal children the and non-pregnant women were not the same, but
whole body synthesis rate was roughly halfway at least the measurements were made by the same
between the adult and the premature infant. method. The pioneer longitudinal study of de
Benoist et al. (1985) in Jamaica gave results out
of line with the others. Jackson has attempted to
12.5 Pregnancy make a correction, but the original numbers are
included here. It seems reasonable to conclude
In pregnancy the mother has to adapt her protein that in pregnancy there is a modest increase in
metabolism to provide for the increasing needs of whole body synthesis – about 15% – which is

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Protein Turnover During Growth and in Pregnancy 187

Table 12.4. Protein synthesis in older children and adolescents.

Author Average age Synthesis

years mg protein kg1 h1
A. Measurement with 15N-glycine
Kien and Camitta, 1983, EP urea 10.8 Fed 175
Kien et al., 1978, EP urea 12 Fed 158
Vaisman et al., 1992, NH3 and urea 17.3 Fed 143

B. Measurement with 13C leucine

Kien et al., 1996, leucine/KIC 8.7 PA 223
Fed 211
Avslanian, 1996, leucine/KIC 10.5 PA 288
Salman et al., 1996, leucine/KIC? 11.2 PA 177
Avslanian and Kalhan, 1996, leucine/KIC 13.6 PA 265

PA, post-absorptive.
All these values are from control children in studies of various pathological states – cystic fibrosis, sickle
cell disease, burns.

Table 12.5. Whole body protein synthesis in pregnancy.

Author Per cent of non-pregnant

1 2 3
aFitch and King, 1987 Glycine – – 1.10
SD oral, EP NH3
bde Benoist et al., 1985 Glycine, primed 1.53 1.53 1.12
intermittent, EP av
cWillomet et al., 1992 Glycine, SD oral 0.97 1.28 1.25
EP av
dJacksonet al., 2000; Duggleby and Glycine, SD oral – 0.94 1.00
Jackson, 2001, 2002 EP av
eThompson and Halliday, 1992 Leucine 1.06 1.22 1.41
fKalhan et al., 1998 Leucine
Fasting 0.99 1.04 1.06
Fed 0.91 1.22 1.09
gWhittaker et al., 2000 Leucine, fasting – – 1.16
+ AA/insulin – – 1.18
aP and non-P were different women.
bSequentialstudies on the same women.
cP and non-P different women. P studied sequentially through pregnancy.
dP and non-P different women. Same women at two stages of pregnancy. The value for NPN is given in

Jackson and Grove (2000).

eNon-P controls a different group. Sequential measurements on P women.
fP and non-P different groups. Some P studied sequentially.
gNon-P measured on same women 12 weeks after delivery.

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188 Chapter 12

established by mid-pregnancy. This is important in the second trimester (McClelland et al., 1997),
for the outcome, since Duggleby and Jackson thus further promoting the economy of nitrogen.
(2001, 2002) have shown a relationship between All the studies mentioned above were done in
increase in synthesis and weight and length at healthy apparently adequately nourished women
birth. It is in the third trimester that the growth in with body weights of ~60 kg, in the USA, the
fetal protein mass is most rapid, and Naismith UK, the Gambia (Willomett et al., 1992) and in
and Morgan (1976) and Naismith et al. (1982), Jamaica (McClelland et al., 1997). In the
from experiments in rats, made the interesting Jamaican women there was an increased urinary
suggestion that in the second trimester the mother output of -oxoproline compared with pregnant
stores protein in muscle which is drawn upon in women in the UK, the discrepancy growing
the third trimester to support the growth of the larger as pregnancy progressed (Jackson et al.,
fetus. The rate of intravascular albumin synthesis 1997). This finding suggests a marginal defi-
is also substantially increased in late pregnancy ciency of glycine (see Chapter 4), an amino acid
(Olufemi et al., 1991). for which there is a particularly high demand in
The information about breakdown in preg- pregnancy (Widdowson et al., 1979).
nancy is somewhat conflicting; in the fasted state So far we have focused on protein turnover in
it was either higher (Whittaker et al., 2000) or did the pregnant mother, but what about her baby?
not change (Thompson and Halliday, 1992; Here there is a dearth of information. In a seminal
Kalhan et al., 1998), while in the fed state it study by Chien et al. (1993), protein turnover was
increased more or less in parallel with synthesis measured by infusions of labelled leucine and
(Willomett et al., 1992; Kalhan et al., 1998). phenylalanine in mothers undergoing Caesarian
According to Whittaker et al. (2000) pregnancy section. Some results with leucine, calculated
did not alter the sensitivity of protein breakdown from their data, are shown in Table 12.7. The
to insulin. Therefore the adaptive response evi- inflow of leucine to the human fetus is only
dently does not involve a conservation of protein ~10% of the total maternal flux and the uptake
by reduction in breakdown. for synthesis and oxidation is only ~3% of the
The second adaptation is a decrease in amino maternal flux. Synthesis by the fetus appears to
acid oxidation and urea synthesis, particularly in be rather inefficient, since the ratio of
the first and second trimesters. Duggleby and synthesis:deposition is nearly 7, compared with 5
Jackson (2002) showed a correlation between in prematures and about 2 in older infants
decrease in urea production and the baby’s birth (Chapter 11, section 11.2). Nevertheless, the rate
weight. Some data from Kalhan et al. (1998) are of deposition, when translated into gain of tissue
shown in Table 12.6. The fall in urea production containing 12% protein, amounts to a weight gain
closely parallelled the fall in transamination of of 16 g kg1 day1, agreeing with the results
leucine to KIC. Moreover, the proportion of urea found in premature infants.
production hydrolysed in the colon also increased The amino acid exchanges between mother

Table 12.6. Urea production and rate of leucine transamination in pregnant women.

Transamination Urea production

mol kg1 d1 mol kg1 h1

Fasting: non-pregnant 80 282

T1a 56 204
T2 62 174
T3 44 156

Fed: non-pregnant 89 252

T1 70 216
T2 80 216
T3 57 150
Data of Kalhan et al., 1998.

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Protein Turnover During Growth and in Pregnancy 189

Table 12.7. Leucine turnover in the human and the ovine fetus.
A. Human B. Sheep

Weight of mother, kg 80 35
Weight of fetus, kg 3.4 3.3

Total maternal + fetoplacental leucine

Flux, mol h1 7620 7350
Total leucine inflow by umbilical vein
mol h1 740 1400
Fetal synthesis mol h1 1150 810
Fetal breakdown mol h1 980 380
Fetal accretion mol h1 170 430
Fetal oxidation mol h1 70 420

Inflow, % of maternal flux 10 19

Oxidation + accretion, % of inflow 32 61

A. Recalculated from Chien et al., 1993.

B. Recalculated from Ross et al., 1996.

and fetus have been studied in great detail in highly significant correlation between the umbilical
sheep by Battaglia and his colleagues. Their steady-state uptake of the different essential amino
results, from a study with leucine (Ross et al., acids and their molar concentrations in fetal protein
1996) are also shown in Table 12.7. There are (Fig. 12.3), assuming that Widdowson’s data for
some interesting differences between the two humans can be applied to sheep.
species: the fetal weights and the total maternal + It is not known what proportion of the amino
feto-placental fluxes are the same, although the acids used for synthesis are derived from protein
woman’s body weight is twice that of the sheep. breakdown, but it is interesting that the ovine
The rate of accretion of fetal protein is more than fetus, like the premature human infant, is insensi-
twice as high in the sheep, and this is achieved tive to the action of insulin in reducing breakdown
with greater economy, since synthesis/accretion is that occurs in adults (Liecht and Denne, 1998).
close to 2, compared with 7 in the woman; on the
other hand the fetal lamb oxidizes a much higher
proportion of the inflow than the human fetus.
Finally, the fetal lamb disposes, by accretion and
oxidation, of a larger proportion of its amino acid
supply than the human. If one can generalize
from this single study, it would seem that in the
woman the umbilical amino acid supply should
provide a comfortable margin of safety for the
fetus. We do not know how far this would apply
in undernourished populations where the propor-
tion of low birthweight babies is very high.
The data in the table apply only to leucine.
Battaglia’s group has also explored the transport of
other essential amino acids from placenta to fetus
(Paolini et al., 2001). One factor affecting the flux
across the placenta is the concentration of amino
acid in the maternal plasma. There are also signifi-
cant differences in transplacental clearance, which Fig. 12.3. Uptake of essential amino acids by the
the authors attribute to competition for shared trans- fetus related to the amino acid composition of the
porters and the use of separate transport systems. An fetus. Data on uptake from Paolini et al., 2001; on
additional point, not made in Paolini’s paper, is a composition of fetus from Widdowson et al., 1979.

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190 Chapter 12

Low birthweight is extremely common in less According to Bequette, there are genetic dif-
developed countries and many epidemiological ferences between cows in their ability to mobilize
studies have shown that it may have serious con- these reserves. We have no information about
sequences for the future health and development whether the same applies to humans. In the cow
of the baby: yet we know almost nothing about the ratio of total protein synthesis in the mam-
its metabolic causes and whether they include mary gland to synthesis of milk protein is ~2.5:1,
preventable deviations in protein and amino acid similar to the ratio of whole body synthesis to
metabolism. protein deposition found in young growing ani-
mals (see Chapter 11, section 11.2). About 1/3 of
the milk protein synthesized is degraded without
12.6 Lactation being secreted. Pacheco et al. (2003) have mea-
sured in the sheep the partition to the mammary
Very little has been done on protein turnover in gland of the whole body fluxes of each essential
lactating women. In contrast, there have been amino acid. On average 28% (range 17–32%) of
many studies on farm animals, because of the the whole body flux goes to the mammary gland.
economic importance of the relation between A relationship can be calculated between the sup-
food supply and milk intake. For an excellent ply of each amino acid and its concentration in
review of this subject see Bequette (1998). He milk protein (Fig. 12.4). It appears that the
states that at the beginning of lactation in the cow branched chain AAs are provided in excess; for
protein synthesis in the mammary gland increases the other EAAs the supply is approximately equal
1000-fold, compared with +20% or so in the gas- to the demand. The non-essentials (to the right of
tro-intestinal tract and liver. This huge increase in the line of identity in Fig. 12.4) are presumably
synthesis needs to be supported by an inflow of synthesized de novo in the mammary gland to
amino acids from other tissues, mainly from mus- make up for the deficit in their supply.
cle, as in pregnancy (Naismith et al., 1982; Pine Compared with the cow, lactation is a much
et al., 1994) but also from skin (Baracos et al., smaller burden on protein synthesis in the human
1991). mother. A cow weighing 500 kg might produce

Fig. 12.4. Essential amino acid output in milk protein compared with uptake by the mammary gland. Data
by courtesy of Dr Pacheco.

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Protein Turnover During Growth and in Pregnancy 191

700 g of milk protein in a day, or 1.4 g kg1 body down in the slow pool, but as far as it goes this is
weight (Pecheco et al., 2003), and a goat pro- the only real evidence, in lactating women, of
duces a similar amount (Baracos et al., 1991), diversion of protein synthesis away from muscle.
whereas a nursing mother weighing 60 kg pro- There was no significant difference in synthesis
duces only about 10 g milk protein, or 0.17 g in the fast pool.
kg1 day1 – barely more than 1/10 of the cow on
the basis of body weight. Moreover, this amount
of milk protein corresponds to only ~5% of the 12.7 The Elderly
whole body flux compared with ~30% in the cow,
so it is not surprising that studies of protein As the number of old people in most parts of the
turnover in lactating women have not shown any world increases, much research is being devoted
drastic changes. Such studies as there have been to finding out in what ways their metabolism dif-
have all come from the group at the Children’s fers from that of the young. The elderly are, of
Nutrition Research Center in Houston, Texas, and course, a heterogeneous group, varying in age, in
they are rather contradictory; Motil et al. immobility and so on. A very obvious question is
(1989a,b) found no difference in leucine flux or whether or not they have lower rates of whole
synthesis in the fasted state between lactating and body protein synthesis than healthy young peo-
non-lactating women, but those who were lactat- ple, in keeping with their apparently lower basal
ing had a significantly more negative nitrogen metabolic rates per kg body weight (FAO/WHO/
balance in spite of a larger energy intake. Within UNU, 1985).
this group there was a positive correlation Our analysis of a number of studies (Table
between whole body synthesis and milk produc- 12.8) shows a slightly higher rate of whole body
tion. However, in a later study on women in the synthesis in the elderly of both sexes when
fed state (1 g protein kg1 day1) those who were related to lean body mass but a lower rate related
lactating had significantly lower rates of both to body mass. Short et al. (2004) summarized 20
synthesis and breakdown than normal controls, studies comparing protein turnover per kg body
but with higher rates of N retention (Motil et al., mass and per kg fat-free mass (FFM) in young
1996) because the reduction of breakdown was and old subjects. In the majority there was no dif-
greater than that of synthesis; this downregulation ference between the two ages; in a few synthesis
of protein metabolism was considered to be an was lower in the elderly, in two it was higher. In
adaptive change. It was suggested that insulin and addition to their analysis of the literature Short’s
cortisol modulate the mobilization of endogenous own most recent study seems to give a definitive
stores of protein, while thyroid hormones modu- answer to the question, partly because it was very
late the diversion of these stores to milk protein large – they had 78 subjects of both sexes, rang-
synthesis (Motil et al., 1994). ing in age from 20 to 80 years – and partly
To our knowledge no studies have been made because of their method of analysis. They showed
in lactating women on protein kinetics in the that after covariate adjustment for fat-free mass
breast analogous to those in the human arm or whole body synthesis declined with age in both
leg; however, one study by Thomas et al. (1991), sexes at 4% per decade. Synthesis was also
from the same laboratory as Motil, is of interest, closely correlated with metabolic rate. The argu-
if only from the point of view of methodology. ment that it is erroneous to express such functions
They gave single doses of [13C]-lysine IV and per unit body mass or FFM without adjustment
[15N]-lysine by mouth to lactating women and has a long history (see Toth et al., 1993).
controls and analysed the results with an 11- Another important finding is that there was no
compartment model containing fast and slow pro- difference between the young and the old in the
tein pools (see Chapter 2). The standard devia- efficiency of protein utilization (Millward et al.,
tions of the various rate-constants and fluxes 1997; Fereday et al., 1997).
were very high, and the only significant differ- It is well recognized that fat-free mass or lean
ence between lactating women and controls was body mass as a proportion of body weight
that in the former the uptake of lysine into the decreases with age, at least in Western societies,
slow protein pool was significantly lower. There and that the decrease is largely at the expense of
were no independent measures of protein break- muscle, the visceral tissues being better pre-

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192 Chapter 12

Table 12.8. Ratio of whole body synthesis rate, old/young.

Synthesis ratio Na nb
A. Per kg body weight
Men 0.895 78 10
Women 0.875 42 7
Both sexesc 0.87 144 20

B. Per kg lean body mass

Men 1.06 54 6
Women 1.06 42 7
Both sexesc 1.035 111 15
aN, number of subjects.
bn, number of groups studied.
cIncludes groups in which results for men and women were not reported

Sources: Winterer et al., 1976; Uauy et al., 1978; Fukegawa et al., 1988,
1989; Lehmann et al., 1989; Welle et al., 1994; Benedik et al., 1995;
Balagopal et al., 1997a; Boirie et al., 1997; Morais et al., 1997; Arnal, et
al., 2000.

served. Muscle mass has traditionally been esti- between the old and the young (Uauy et al.,
mated from creatinine excretion and more 1978; Fielding et al., 1991; Morais et al., 1997,
recently by dual-photon absorptiometry 2000). However, doubt has been cast on the relia-
(Heymsfield et al., 1990; Balagopal et al., 1997b) bility of the method, since 3 MH is produced in
or by magnetic resonance imaging (e.g. Morais et tissues other than muscle.
al., 2000). By these various methods muscle mass Volpi et al. (1998, 1999, 2000) measured
has been found to account for ~45% of LBM in amino acid kinetics in the leg, using Biolo’s
old people, compared with ~60% in the young. model (Biolo et al., 1992). They found no differ-
A decreased proportion of muscle would be ence between old and young in amino acid uptake
expected to increase the rate of whole body syn- and release, or in delivery or transport of amino
thesis per unit LBM, as was observed in the acids into muscle. In muscle biopsies the findings
undernourished Indian labourers studied by are conflicting: in Volpi’s study (1999) there was
Soares et al. (1991) (Chapter 10). The relatively no age-related difference in the fractional synthe-
high rates of whole body synthesis per kg found sis rate of mixed muscle proteins in the basal
by Bos et al. (2000) may also be explained in this state, whereas others record a clear decrease with
way, because their elderly subjects were stated to age (Table 12.9) (Yarasheki et al., 1993; Short et
be undernourished and therefore probably had a al., 2004).
particularly low muscle mass. A further question is whether age affects the
The loss of muscle in the elderly, termed sar- response of muscle proteins to amino acids and
copenia, seems to be caused by an overall reduc- insulin. Here again there is some difference in the
tion in the number of fibres and a specific findings of different authors: according to Volpi
atrophy of the type IIA fast-twitch fibres (Lexell et al. (1999) in the leg there was no difference
et al., 1988; Lexell and Downham, 1992; Singh between young and old in the stimulation of
et al., 1999). The turnover rate of the depleted uptake produced by infusions of amino acids; this
muscle protein has been investigated in several was in spite of a greater first-pass splanchnic
ways. Excretion of 3-methyl histidine (3 MH) has uptake in the elderly, which presumably would
been proposed as a measure of the breakdown of divert amino acids from muscle. Similarly, in
myofibrillar proteins (see Chapter 13), so that the muscle biopsies age made no difference to the
ratio of 3 MH:creatinine excretion should provide stimulation of synthesis by amino acids. On the
a normalized estimate of the fractional break- other hand Balagopal et al. (1997a) found a
down rate. This ratio was not found to differ small, barely significant, decrease in response in

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Protein Turnover During Growth and in Pregnancy 193

Table 12.9. The effect of age on mixed muscle protein synthesis (MPS).
Age N MPS % h1
Young 19–38 20 0.046
Middle-aged 40–55 11 0.040
Elderly 60–74 20 0.037

MPS in young and elderly significantly different (p < 0.025); in middle-aged

not significantly different from either young or old. Data of Short et al. (2004).

the elderly, depending on the choice of precursor, proteins in muscle decreased by nearly 50% by
and Cuthbertson et al. (2004) observed that both middle age, with no further change as age
the sensitivity of muscle protein synthesis to advanced (Rooyackers et al., 1996). There were
essential amino acids and the maximal response also decreases with age in the mitochondrial
are reduced in the old. enzymes cytochrome oxidase and citrate syn-
As regards insulin, Volpi et al. (2000) thase, indicating a decline in oxidative capacity
observed that when glucose was added to the and mitochondrial function. Cuthbertson et al.
infusate to promote insulin secretion the response (2004) find in the elderly reduced concentrations
to amino acids was blunted. This recalls the old of proteins concerned with signal transduction.
observation of Baillie and Garlick (1991) that in All these changes are being explored in more
rats muscle protein synthesis was increased in the detail at the molecular level (Barazzoni et al.,
young but not in the old in response to feeding, 2000; Dardevet et al., 2003).
with its consequent secretion of insulin. It is The loss of muscle mass is accompanied by
indeed recognized that insulin-resistance is com- decreased force production and endurance and
monly found in the elderly. increased fatigability (Fig. 12.5). What is the
There seems, therefore, to be good evidence causal relationship? Do these functional effects
that muscle protein synthesis decreases with age: result simply from loss of muscle mass, which in
this would over the years lead to the sarcopenia turn results from reduced synthesis of contractile
that is observed even if the fractional breakdown proteins? There have been many studies of the
rate remained unchanged. In the muscle-wasting relationship between functional changes and the
of starvation, infection and weightlessness there degree of muscle atrophy as measured by the
is stimulation of the ubiquitin-proteasome system cross-sectional area (CSA) of a group of muscles,
of protein degradation (Medina et al., 1995; e.g. of the thigh. Jubrias et al. (1997) have
Taillandier et al., 1996; Voisin et al., 1996). reviewed this subject and find that atrophy
However, Attaix and Taillandier, in a review in accounts for only about half the loss of force;
1998, stated that there was no evidence yet of this there was no relation to the isoform content of the
process being concerned in sarcopenia of the muscles (see Chapter 11, section 11.3). They dis-
elderly in man. Moreover, in the elderly there are cuss the physiological changes that might explain
often latent, chronic infections causing increased the decline in specific force (F/CSA).
production of interleukins with their well-known The question remains whether the immobility
effects on muscle protein breakdown (Morley et characteristic of old age is an effect or a cause,
al., 2001). since, irrespective of age, immobility leads to
The picture becomes more complicated when muscle atrophy and decreased turnover rate of
the different muscle proteins are considered sepa- muscle proteins (Chapter 11). This could indeed
rately. Welle et al. (1993, 1994, 1995) showed be a vicious cycle. It is not surprising that in
that in both the fasting and fed states the FSR of recent years a great deal of work has been done
myofibrillar protein was ~30% lower in the old on the extent to which resistance exercise can
than in the young. Extending these observations, reverse the changes of ageing and increase the
Balagopal et al. (1997b) found a decline with rate of muscle protein synthesis, including that of
ageing of almost 50% in the FSR of myosin myosin heavy chains. Welle et al. (1995) found
heavy chains with no change in FSR of the sar- that a progressive exercise programme lasting for
coplasmic proteins. The FSR of mitochondrial 3 months produced no increase in MPS, so they

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194 Chapter 12

Fig. 12.5. Decline in muscle quality with age. The peak torque is normalized to the fat-free mass of the
thigh. Reproduced from Short and Nair (1999), by courtesy of the Journal of Endocrinological Investigation.

concluded that the low rate was an irreversible Avslanian, S.A. and Kalhan, S.C. (1996) Protein
effect of old age, whereas Yarasheki et al. (1993) turnover during puberty in normal children.
found that only 2 weeks of resistance exercise American Journal of Physiology 270, E79–84.
more than doubled the rate of MPS. Results have Baillie, A.G.S. and Garlick, P.J. (1991) Attenuated
responses of muscle protein synthesis to fasting and
been summarized in an excellent review by
insulin in adult female rats. American Journal of
Parise and Yarasheki (2000). Physiology 262, E1–5.
In addition to immobility hormones may be Balagopal, P., Ljungqvist, O. and Nair, K.S. (1997a)
involved. Insulin resistance develops with ageing Skeletal muscle myosin heavy-chain synthesis rate
and there are low plasma concentrations of T4, in healthy humans. American Journal of Physiology
IGF-1 and the sex hormones. Testosterone pro- 272, E45–50.
duction in men declines with age, and Urban et Balagopal, P., Rooyackers, O., Adey, D.B., Ades, P.A.
al. (1995) claimed that administration of testo- and Nair, K.S. (1997b) Effects of aging on in vivo
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Protein Turnover in Some Pathological States:
Malnutrition and Trauma

13.1 Malnutrition was very low; within about 2 weeks, when the
child was still very undernourished in terms of
13.1.1 Infants their weight, but beginning to eat well and gain
weight rapidly, synthesis rose to very high levels,
The effects of malnutrition on protein turnover to fall again when normal weight for length had
have been studied in young children more than in been regained (Table 13.1). These changes are
adults. The findings after recovery have been paralleled by changes in the metabolic rate – ini-
described in the previous chapter. In their original tially low, followed by an overshoot
study Picou and Taylor-Roberts (1969) reported (Montgomery, 1962; Brooke and Cocks, 1974).
results on five infants who were measured twice, An interesting study was made by Golden and
once when malnourished and again after recovery. Golden (1992) to test the hypothesis that on diets
Mean synthesis rates with intragastric infusions of based on milk protein deposition might be limited
[15N]-glycine in the fed state and urea as end- by inadequate zinc. Supplements of zinc had little
product gave synthesis rates that were twice as effect on synthesis calculated from urea as end-
high in the malnourished as in the recovered – 467 product; with ammonia as end-product the esti-
vs. 254 mg protein kg1 h1. However, these chil- mate of synthesis was increased, so that SA/SU
dren were not studied immediately on admission was doubled, rising from 0.7 to 1.4. This is the
to hospital but after 7–10 days, when infections highest ratio that has ever been found in our
had been treated and they were clinically stable, experience. According to the Fern hypothesis
on the verge of taking off into rapid growth. Later (Chapter 7), it implies a large increase of synthe-
work in Jamaica showed that when protein sis in peripheral tissues.
turnover was measured in severely malnourished Most severely malnourished children in devel-
infants within 1–2 days of admission synthesis oping countries are also suffering from infec-

Table 13.1. Synthesis rates in malnourished, recovering and recovered infants, measured with
15N-glycine and either urea or urea + ammonia as end-products.

Synthesis in mg protein kg 1 h1

Malnourished Recovering Recovered

Golden et al., 1977 n 5 2 5

SU 167 422 262
Waterlow et al., 1978a n 5 5 8
SU 173 306 247
SA 92 185 174
Sav 132 244 212
SA/SU 0.54 0.61 0.72
aMean of single dose and multiple dose measurements.

200 © J.C. Waterlow 2006. Protein Turnover (J.C. Waterlow)

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Protein Turnover in Some Pathological States 201

tions. A study was carried out in Malumfashi, oedema, referred to as ‘marasmus’. Only Manary
northern Nigeria on 22 children divided into four studied both types. Reid made three sets of mea-
groups, as shown in Table 13.2 (Tomkins et al., surements: (i) within about 2 days of admission
1983). to hospital; (ii) some 8 days later, when infections
In acute infection (Groups I and II) synthesis had been treated; and (iii) after full recovery. The
was very much increased, while in severe malnu- results in Table 13.3 show remarkable agreement
trition (Group IV) it was well below normal. The between studies in the oedematous cases, in spite
changes in breakdown were even greater. The of differences in method: synthesis on admission
children with acute infections were in negative is depressed; it is unchanged with treatment of
nitrogen balance (S–B), while the severely mal- infections (Reid, 2001) and is restored to normal
nourished were just able to maintain balance. on full recovery. It looks as if, in this type of mal-
Similar increases in synthesis and breakdown nutrition, the body is unable to mount the
were found in children with malaria in The increase in turnover that one might expect with
Gambia, falling to near normal levels on treat- infection. There remains Manary’s remarkable
ment (Berclaz et al., 1996). These increases with observation that in the marasmic children synthe-
infection seem to be another example of synthesis sis and breakdown rates were more than twice as
and breakdown changing together, as in rapid high as in those with oedema and higher than in
growth (see Chapter 11); however, we are unable normal infants. We do not know whether this was
to tell which is the driver and which the driven: because their infections were more severe.
whether in infection synthesis is driven by break- Marasmus is a state of starvation, of balanced
down and in growth it is the other way round. deprivation; this finding recalls the high synthesis
In recent years turnover rates in malnourished rate of Stroud and his colleague, at the end of
children have been measured with [13C]-leucine their crossing of the Antarctic, when they had lost
by Manary et al. (1997, 1998) in Malawi and about 20 kg and were near to death (Stroud et al.,
Reid et al. (2002) in Jamaica. Clinically the chil- 1996). There is a long-standing controversy, still
dren are of two types: those with oedema, com- unresolved, of whether the oedema of severe
monly termed ‘kwashiorkor’, and those without childhood malnutrition is caused by a diet inade-

Table 13.2. Protein turnover in children with varying degrees of infection and malnutrition in Malumfashi,
northern Nigeria.

No. of subjects 5 5 6 6 5
Weight for height 87 87 75 65 63
% of standard
Plasma albumin 38 34 38 19 17
g l1
Leucocytes, 103 per mm3 13.5 8.0 7.1 9.1 5.8
Protein intake
during test
g kg1 d1 0.52 – 0.80 1.12 1.17
Protein synthesis
mg kg1 h1 433 372 448 261 147
Protein breakdown mg kg1 h1 577 418 500 252 131
Methyl histidine
excretion, mol kg1 d1 15.7 9.1 5.2 4.2 2.6

Measurements in fed state with single dose of [15N]-glycine, end-product ammonia.

aGroup I: mildly undernourished, acute measles; I(T): the same children after treatment for 6 days;

II: moderately undernourished, acute infection (pneumonia, septicaemia); III: severely malnourished with
post-acute infection (pneumonia, septicaemia), five were oedematous; IV: severely malnourished, no
evidence of infection, four were oedematous.
Data, with acknowledgement, from Tomkins et al., 1983.

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202 Chapter 13

Table 13.3. Protein turnover in severely malnourished children – comparison of different studies.

Time of Synthesis Breakdown

Study studya Infection Oedema mg protein kg1 h1
Reid et al., 2002b 2–3 + + 175 125
11f – 0 160 120
~70 – 0 223 164
Tomkins et al., 1983c initial – + 147 131
Manary et al., 1997, 1998d <1 + + 159 169
<1 + 0 354 371
Normale – – 0 200–250 –

All children were also infected except those Tomkins et al. (1983) (see Table 13.2) and normals.
aDays after admission to hospital, when known.
bIntravenous leucine infusion in the fed state. Calculations based on KIC.
cGroup IV of Table 13.2. Oral glycine, end-product ammonia.
dIntravenous leucine infusion, post-absorptive.
eSee Table 12.1.
fAfter treatment of infections.

quate in protein but relatively high in energy, or In developing countries the position is differ-
by free radical damage resulting from infection ent The body mass index [wt (kg)/ht2 (m)] (BMI)
(see Waterlow, 1992). is widely used as a measure of nutritional state. A
Jackson in 1986 discovered that children with BMI of 18.5 may be taken as the lower limit of
oedema had significantly lower red cell glu- ‘normal’ (James et al., 1988). In developing
tathione concentrations than those without countries there are many people, apparently fit,
oedema (Jackson, 1986). Glutathione, a tripeptide with BMIs in the region of 16. Two studies of
of glycine, glutamic acid and cysteine, in its such subjects were made by Soares et al. (1991,
reduced form GSH, has important functions in 1994) and have already been mentioned in
antioxidant defence and maintaining redox poten- Chapter 10 and Table 10.3. Fat was determined
tials. The group in Jamaica went on to show that from skin-folds, muscle mass from creatinine
in malnourished infected children with oedema excretion and non-muscle lean body mass by dif-
the synthesis rate of glutathione was reduced, as ference. Protein turnover was calculated from the
well as the concentrations of glutathione and of end-product average with [15N] glycine. The
free cysteine (Reid et al., 2000; Badaloo et al., results in Table 13.4 show that BMR kg1 FFM
2002). They suggested that these changes was higher in the undernourished group, as might
resulted from an inadequate supply of sulphur be expected from their larger proportions of non-
amino acids in the diet (see also Roediger, 1995), muscle mass with a great reduction in muscle
compounded by a reduced inflow from protein mass. The whole-body synthesis rate was the
breakdown, as demonstrated by Manary et al. same in the two groups, but there was a striking
(1998). These findings go far towards reconciling difference in the flux ratio. QA was correlated
the two theories about the cause of oedema, if an with the muscle mass, QU with the non-muscle
inadequate protein intake leads to failure of the mass, in agreement with the hypothesis devel-
antioxidant defences. oped in Chapter 7. It is also possible to calculate
the fractional synthesis rate of the non-muscle
component; on the assumption that the FSR of
13.1.2 Adults muscle protein is 2% day1, the FSR of non-mus-
cle protein comes out as 15% lower in the under-
In industrialized countries malnutrition in adults nourished group, compared with the well
is usually associated with systemic disease, such nourished. This might be regarded as an adapta-
as cancer. Perhaps the best example of primary tion to a low protein intake over a lifetime. On
malnutrition is anorexia nervosa but, surprisingly, the other hand, such a calculation relies on many
we have not found any papers describing whole approximations and assumptions regarded as an
body turnover in this condition. adaptation to a low protein intake over a lifetime.

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Protein Turnover in Some Pathological States 203

Table 13.4. Body composition and whole body protein turnover in undernourished Indian labourers (UN)
compared with normal-weight controls (NW).


Body wt, kg 67.5 43.6

BMI 22.1 16.6
Fat-free mass, kg 53.8 38.8
Muscle, kg 31.7 18.9
Non-muscle, kg 22.2 19.9
Resting metabolic rate, kJ kg1 FFM day1 119 131

Protein synthesis, g kg1 FFM day1 5.4 5.7

QA/QU 0.77 0.59

Data, with acknowledgement, from Soares et al., 1991. The data from a subsequent paper (Soares et al.,
1994) are very similar.

13.2 Trauma balance the breakdown (Table 13.5). Smaller

changes have been found after elective surgery
The word ‘trauma’ is used to describe a multitude (e.g. Crane et al., 1977), quite large ones after
of pathological states – burns, soft-tissue injury, vaccination even though it causes only a small
fractures, multiple organ failure, generalized sep- rise in body temperature and white cell count
sis. The body’s response seems to be much the (Garlick et al., 1980; Cayol et al., 1995). In one
same in all these conditions, so they will not be study vaccination produced an increase in hepatic
considered separately. The response to trauma has protein synthesis as well as in whole body
two components, hormonal and metabolic; both turnover (Grizard and Obled, 1995).
involve a catabolic state and the question arises, In this connection it is worth pointing out that
but cannot be answered here, whether the hor- many of the earlier tracer studies, such as those of
monal changes are ‘drivers’ or whether they are Jeevanandam et al. (1993), were done with [15N]-
simply part of a general reaction to injury. glycine by the end-product method. They are in
general agreement with results by the precursor
method (infusions of leucine or phenylalanine)
13.2.1 Metabolic changes but are more informative because they cover a
longer period (infusions of at least 24 h vs. 4 or 8 h)
Here Cuthbertson, who was essentially a physiol- and include feeding, so they are less influenced by
ogist working with both animals and human sub- diurnal fluctuations.
jects, was the pioneer (Cuthbertson, 1930, 1942, The nutritional state is also important;
1954). He introduced but did not define, the Macallan et al. (1998) found no increase in syn-
terms ‘ebb’ and ‘flow’ to describe the ‘dwindling thesis in undernourished patients with pulmonary
and rising tides of heat loss’. The ebb phase lasts tuberculosis and suggested that amino acids were
1–3 days; the changes are mainly circulatory and diverted from synthesis to oxidation. In children
the condition is often referred to as ‘shock’. Later who developed an infection while malnourished
work has concentrated almost entirely on the there was little increase in either synthesis or
‘flow’ phase, in which there is increased oxygen breakdown (Table 13.2, group III). An early
uptake and a massive negative nitrogen balance observation by Cuthbertson’s group (Munro and
(Fig. 13.1). Although these two changes appear to Chalmers, 1945) was that the nitrogen loss in
be related, they are generally not statistically cor- urine was proportional to the pre-injury level, and
related. that in the rat it could be eliminated entirely if the
Early isotopic studies, e.g. on children with animals had been on a low protein diet. It was
severe burns, showed that the negative balance therefore proposed that the catabolic loss of N in
resulted from a massive increase in whole body the flow phase is at the expense of ‘labile protein
protein breakdown (Kien et al., 1978); in fed reserves’. Nowadays, however, the concept of
studies there is also sometimes an increase in protein reserves is not generally accepted, and
synthesis which, however, is not large enough to ‘labile’ protein is thought to be simply protein

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204 Chapter 13

Fig. 13.1. Parallel increases in oxygen uptake and nitrogen excretion after injury (fracture of tibia). After
Cuthbertson (1976), Figure 2, by courtesy of Pitmans Medical.

that is turning over rapidly. The behaviour of the proportions in which they occur in muscle.
individual tissues in traumatized subjects is there- There was also an output of creatine. The
fore relevant. Cuthbertson suggested that the increased breakdown of muscle protein was con-
greater part of the catabolic nitrogen was derived firmed by Long et al. (1981), who found larger
from muscle, because the losses of N were increases in the outputs of 3-methyl-histidine in
accompanied by losses of sulphate, phosphate, patients with trauma.
potassium, magnesium and zinc more or less in Ideally the response of muscle protein turnover

Table 13.5. Examples of the effect of trauma on whole body protein breakdown and
mg protein kg1 h1

Control Trauma

A. Birkhahn et al., 1980

Breakdown 139 249
Synthesis 121 181
Urinary N, g day1 5 25
B. Jeevanandam et al., 1993
Breakdown 101 150
Synthesis 77 90
N balance mg kg1 day1 –99 222
C. Arnold et al., 1993
Breakdown 108 246
Synthesis 136 200
A, skeletal trauma, infused for 11 h with 1[14C] leucine; IV glucose but no food:
Calculations from ε leucine: corrected  1.25 for KIC. B, multiple fractures or gun-
shot wounds: infused for 24 h with [15N] glycine, with calculation from EP average;
fasted throughout. Elderly patients were also studied but their data are not included
here. C, multiple organ failure, infused for 4 h with [13C] leucine; post-absorptive; cal-
culations from KIC.
Note the large negative balance (difference between synthesis and breakdown) in all
the trauma cases.

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Protein Turnover in Some Pathological States 205

should be confirmed by direct measurements on or leg in patients during dialysis: breakdown is

muscle biopsies. A study by Essen et al. (1998) greatly increased, with a modest increase in syn-
showed, surprisingly, that in critically ill patients thesis, leading to a net negative balance across the
the fractional rate of muscle protein synthesis was limb (Ikizler et al., 2002; Raj et al., 2004a, 2005).
normal, although there was a large scatter. The Acidosis, which often accompanies chronic kid-
fractional synthesis rates of lymphocyte protein ney damage, is a complicating factor. In both man
and of plasma albumin were slightly higher than and rat acidosis greatly increased whole body pro-
normal. Obviously measurements of tissue protein teolysis (May et al., 1987; Reaich et al., 1992;
turnover are easier in experimental animals than Ballmer et al., 1995). Experimental acidosis
in man. In rats with long-lasting sepsis the FSR of causes a 25% decrease in albumin synthesis
protein in muscle and skin was decreased, while (Ballmer et al., 1995). Mitch et al. (1994) found
in the liver and gut it was increased (Breuillé et that in isolated muscle of acidotic rats the mRNAs
al., 1998; O’Leary et al., 2001). of ubiquitin and some of the proteasome subunits
Interpretation of these findings, as so often, is were increased up to fourfold. There is increased
made difficult by lack of direct information on transamination and decarboxylation of the leucine
tissue protein breakdown. This deficiency was released through stimulation of the activity of the
made good by Biolo et al. (2002), who studied BCA dehydrogenase.
amino acid kinetics in the leg in severely burnt In patients receiving haemodialysis the frac-
patients and showed a large increase in protein tional synthesis rates of albumin and fibrinogen
breakdown; with some increase in synthesis, were increased (Raj et al., 2004b).
which they attributed to the greater amino acid Glutamine is the amino acid that has been most
availability. A convincing argument was put for- widely studied in severely ill or traumatized
ward by Reeds et al. (1994) that ‘the mobilization patients. The results are somewhat contradictory,
of muscle protein confers an adaptive advantage but on the whole there seems to be a consensus that
to the organism’. They showed that the acute- plasma and muscle glutamine concentrations are
phase proteins (APP) are richer in aromatic reduced (Jackson et al., 1999; Mittendorfer et al.,
amino acids than muscle protein, and to produce 1999; Biolo et al., 2000; Gore and Jahoor, 2000), as
1 g of acute-phase proteins would require the is de novo glutamine synthesis (Gore and Jahoor,
breakdown of about 2 g of muscle protein. From 1994). Opinion is divided about whether glutamine
an approximate estimate of the amount of acute- efflux from muscle is increased or decreased. Gore
phase proteins produced in response to a typical and Wolfe (2002) found no change with glutamine
injury (Colley et al., 1983) they calculated that supplementation in muscle protein kinetics, but
the nitrogen ‘wasted’ in the APP response might they infused glutamine for only 8 h. The conclusion
amount to 130 mg N per kg body weight, a figure is that in injury or disease the requirement for glut-
very close to the typical catabolic loss of N fol- amine is increased, above the level that can be met
lowing trauma. In addition to the APP, there is, of from glutamine stores in muscle or de novo synthe-
course, an increased production of other polypep- sis, but the details of this requirement remain
tides, notably glutathione (Chapter 4), although obscure. The effects of glutamine supplementation
this has not been quantified for the whole body. have been summarized by Wilmore (2001); they
A condition that has been described as ‘cata- appear to be mainly improvements in immune
bolic’ and sharing some of the features of trauma response and in gut function.
is chronic kidney disease and the treatment of it
by haemodialysis. Dialysis itself has been said to
be catabolic, but there is evidence that this is not 13.2.2 Hormones
so as regards the whole body (Lim et al., 1993;
Raj et al., 2004b). Two studies in which patients In trauma plasma concentrations of the catabolic
were compared with controls gave somewhat con- hormones, glucocorticoids and glucagon, are
tradictory results: when patients were not dialysed increased and that of growth hormone decreased.
whole body protein breakdown was less than in This has been a consistent finding; Cuthbertson
controls (Lim et al., 1998); when they were dia- (1941) was well aware of the possible role of the
lysed there was no difference. The picture anterior pituitary. It was well established that the
becomes clearer when it comes to studies on arm catabolic loss of N in trauma could not be com-

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206 Chapter 13

pletely abolished by giving extra protein, but it loss of N. Similarly, Jiang et al. (1989) had
was found that infusions of dextrose, amino acids shown that growth hormone given after elective
and insulin did decrease the rate of breakdown surgery decreased N excretion and improved N
and increase that of synthesis, with a reduction in balance but did not decrease whole body protein
N loss (O’Keefe et al., 1981; Jeevanandam et al., breakdown. Ferrando et al. (1999) found that
1991). It was therefore natural that many clini- insulin given to burns patients increased protein
cians, concerned to reduce the loss of muscle, synthesis in the limb, with no change in break-
should consider whether the same effect could down. The evidence, therefore, is difficult to
not be produced by replacement of growth hor- interpret: growth hormone reduces muscle pro-
mone during the flow phase. A very thorough tein breakdown, but probably has little effect on
study by Jeevanandam et al. (1996), in which breakdown in the rest of the body. Moreover,
protein turnover was measured with 24-h infu- Biolo et al. (2000) have shown that GH decreases
sions of [15N]-glycine, gave the results shown in muscle glutamine production and release.
Fig. 13.2. Growth hormone maintained the mod- Therefore trying to reduce the effects of injury
est increase in synthesis that followed the trauma may do more harm than good. It is thus still an
but had little effect on the increase in whole body open question whether the body’s response to
breakdown that occurred in the week after the injury is a series of reactions which individually
trauma. On the other hand, muscle protein break- are harmful and need to be counteracted; or
down was greatly reduced, as was the urinary whether the response is a coordinated one in

Fig. 13.2. Effect of growth hormone on protein turnover during the flow phase after injury. Drawn from the
data of Jeevanandam et al. (1996). Synthesis, no growth hormone SOgH. Breakdown, no growth hormone
BOgH. Synthesis plus growth hormone S gH. Breakdown plus growth hormone B gH.

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Protein Turnover in Some Pathological States 207

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tion and the means of cure’. Pathology 36, 203–207.
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(1977) Protein turnover in patients before and after
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Protein Turnover in Individual Tissues: Methods
of Measurement and Relations to RNA

The first indication that the proteins of different Table 14.1. 15N content of protein nitrogen
tissues turn over at different rates came from the obtained from different organs after feeding [l-15N]
experiments of Schoenheimer et al. in 1939 and leucine (25 mg N per day) to rats for 3 days.
Ratner et al. in 1940. Their results are summa- Calculated for 100 atom per cent in compound
rized in Table 14.1 and do not differ much in rela- administered.
tive rates from those found today. The first Atom %
systematic study of the turnover rates of proteins
Serum proteins 1.67
from different tissues was that of Shemin and
Intestinal wall 1.49
Rittenberg (1944). They fed 15N-glycine for 3 days, Kidney 1.38
killed the animals thereafter at intervals for a Spleen 1.10
week and traced the decay curves. Their conclu- Liver 0.94
sion that liver proteins had an average half-life of Heart 0.89
7 days is clearly too long because of recycling of Testes 0.77
tracer, but the paper raises three important points: Muscle 0.31
first, that carcass proteins incorporated glycine Haemoglobin 0.29
from other organs faster than they transferred Skin 0.18
glycine-N to other amino acids; secondly, that the From Schoenheimer, 1939.
non-protein nitrogen (NPN) fractions of different
tissues had different isotope concentrations, and ideal: even within a single day there are fluctua-
‘even though the components of the NPN are tions produced by meals (see Chapters 6 and 15).
freely diffusible, each organ has its own charac- In growth there is no steady state: as we have
teristic composition’. This was the first indication seen in Chapter 12, section 12.2 breakdown can
that precursor activities could differ, even in a be determined as synthesis minus protein
steady state. Thirdly, they showed that the con- deposited, but even in the young rapidly growing
centration of 15N in urinary urea was very nearly rat it takes several days to get a reasonably accu-
the same as in the guanidine group of liver pro- rate estimate of deposition. The work of Millward
tein arginine – a finding that was very important et al. (1975, 1976) illustrates the successes and
for later work. limitations of this method (see Chapter 15).

14.1 Measurement of Breakdown 14.1.2 Tracer decay after dosage of labelled

amino acids
14.1.1 Indirect estimates in vivo
In the early days of the isotope era in a remark-
In the steady state breakdown is assumed to be able experiment Thompson and Ballou (1956)
equal to synthesis and does not need to be mea- gave tritiated water to rats for 124 days. During
sured separately. However, the steady state is an this time they were mated, the pups given the

210 © J.C. Waterlow 2006. Protein Turnover (J.C. Waterlow)

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Tissue Protein Turnover 211

same labelled water and killed at intervals of up this problem by feeding Ca14CO3 to rats for 8
to 300 days. The curves of radioactivity in the days. He found, as had Shemin and Rittenberg
various tissues could be resolved into two expo- (1944), that the specific activity of the guanidine
nential components, which suggested that each group of arginine in liver protein was virtually
tissue contained two groups of proteins, with the same as that of urea, which had reached a
half-lives of roughly 22 and 130 days, the slow plateau in about 0.5 days, and therefore could be
components accounting for nearly half the total used as a measure of the precursor activity during
tissue. It had been shown that collagen is virtu- the rest of the experiment. He argued that argi-
ally inert in the mature animal (Neuberger et nine entering the free pool could be regarded as a
al., 1951); this paper further emphasized the non-reutilizable label, because its uptake into
heterogeneity of tissues, and the likelihood that urea is many times greater than into protein.
the turnover of substantial proportions of body Swick also measured the rate of formation of
protein may be missed in short-term experi- arginine carboxyl carbon and calculated that the
ments. probability of its being reutilized was about 50%.
Another important experiment was that of This type of experiment, comparing the ‘true’
Buchanan (1961) who fed rats for 50 days a diet half-life obtained from the guanidine-C of argi-
in which all the carbon was labelled. Sucrose was nine with the ‘apparent’ half-life from the car-
labelled biosynthetically with 14C and yeast was boxyl-C was repeated by Stephen and Waterlow
grown on a medium in which 14C-sucrose was the (1966), who were particularly interested in the
sole source of carbon; the labelled sucrose and effects of a low protein diet. They found replace-
yeast provided all the carbon in the diet. The ment rates almost identical to those of Swick
results showed differences in the replacement (1958) and obtained some evidence that on the
rates of the proteins and of other components of low protein diet the breakdown rate of both liver
the tissues. Replacement rate was calculated as and serum proteins was decreased and the recy-
the 100  SA (specific radioactivity) of the prod- cling rate increased, suggesting an economy of
uct divided by the SA of the food. The results are amino acids.
summarized in Table 14.2. The use of the C6 group of arginine as an
These experiments demonstrated the hetero- effective way of eliminating reutilization is prob-
geneity of turnover within tissues as well as ably confined to the liver as the site of urea for-
between them; this remains a problem whenever mation. In muscle this route of disposal does not
measurements are made on whole tissue (see exist. Millward (1970) found that in muscle, after
Garlick et al., 1976). Another difficulty was that labelling with Na14HCO3 there was quite signifi-
these long-term experiments could not provide cant reutilization of guanidine-labelled arginine.
accurate quantitative estimates of protein The carboxyl groups of all amino acids became
turnover because of reutilization of labelled labelled, but judging by their more rapid decay
amino acid (see Chapter 6). Swick (1958) tackled rates, the carboxyl groups of aspartate and

Table 14.2. Replacement rates of tissue proteins after feeding rats on a

diet in which all the protein was labelled.
Per cent replaced

Days of feeding: 20 50
Serum proteins 100 100
Liver 90 95
Gastrointestinal tract 80 80
Kidney 70 90
Heart 60 80
Spleen 75 80
Brain 40 60
Muscle 50 70

The numbers are approximate, taken from the published curves. From
Buchanan, 1961.

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212 Chapter 14

glutamate were the least recycled, presumably

because of their very rapid exchange with the
body’s extremely large bicarbonate pool, which,
like urea, acts as a ‘sink’ from which there is no
return. These are also the two amino acids which
show particularly extensive fixation of 14C in
their carboxyl groups after dosage with 14C bicar-
bonate (Swick and Handa, 1955).
An ingenious method for measuring the
turnover rates of liver fractions and enzymes syn-
thesized in the liver was developed by Arias et al.
(1969). In this double isotope method one tracer,
e.g. [14C]-leucine, is injected at zero time and
another, e.g. [3H]-leucine, 3–10 days later. The
animal is sacrificed shortly after the second injec-
tion, the protein or fraction of interest isolated,
and the ratio [14C]:[3H] determined. [3H] repre-
sents the initial labelling and [14C] the labelling
after several days, so that the lower the ratio the
more rapid the turnover rate. It was assumed that
degradation followed first order kinetics. Glass
and Doyle (1972) got round the problem of reuti-
lization by constructing a calibration curve relat-
ing the [14C]:[3H] ratio to degradation rates
measured with guanidino labelled arginine. With
this calibration curve (Fig. 14.1) the isotope ratio
could be used to determine the degradation rates
of proteins that were not present in sufficient Fig. 14.1. Logarithm of 3H:14C ratio plotted against
amounts for the labelled arginine to be measur- fractional degradation rate determined with [guani-
able by the techniques then available. Results dino -14C] arginine. From Glass and Doyle, 1972.
Reproduced by courtesy of the Journal of Biological
were obtained for a number of enzymes.
However, Zak et al. (1977) found it impossible to
obtain accurate results on different muscle frac-
tions, because the half-lives were extremely sen- not be reutilized for synthesis and is excreted. It
sitive to the timing of the two tracers. was known that MeH is found only in actin and
myosin, and Haverberg et al. (1975) had claimed
that in the rat 98% of the MeH was present in
14.1.3 Urinary excretion of 3-methyl skeletal muscle. Young and Munro (1978)
histidine showed that MeH does not charge tRNA and so
cannot be synthesized into protein, and that when
Another approach that avoids reutilization is the labelled MeH was injected it was quantitatively
excretion of this methylated amino acid (MeH). excreted in the urine, with no labelled CO2 being
Since it is widely used, particularly in clinical sit- formed.
uations, it is necessary to consider in a little detail In 1980 Millward et al., from studies on the
the controversy that has surrounded it. rate of synthesis of MeH in muscle, gut and skin,
Young and co-workers in 1973 proposed that claimed that the turnover of MeH in skeletal mus-
the urinary excretion of MeH might be used as a cle was not enough to account for all the MeH
measure of the rate of breakdown of skeletal excreted in the urine, so that there must be a sig-
muscle protein (Young et al., 1973). The basis for nificant contribution, up to 50%, from smooth
the idea was that MeH is formed by immediate muscle of the gut and other tissues in which MeH
post-translational methylation of histidine. When turns over rapidly. This conclusion was contested
the protein breaks down the MeH liberated can- by Harris (1981), although later work by

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Tissue Protein Turnover 213

Millward’s group showed that MeH in muscle (Peavy and Hansen, 1976) and degradation in
turned over at approximately the same rate as these organs (Mortimore and Pösö, 1984).
myosin and actin (Bates et al., 1983; Millward Perfusions were done in the single-pass mode:
and Bates, 1983). The root of the difficulty seems degradation was determined from the release of
to be one of numbers: a difference between tyrosine or other amino acids into the medium,
Haverberg et al. (1975) and Millward et al. with synthesis blocked by cycloheximide.
(1980) in their estimates of the amounts of MeH
in tissues of the rat other than skeletal muscle.
The subject is of some importance because MeH 14.1.5 Measurements on isolated tissues,
excretion is widely used as a measure of skeletal suspensions of hepatocytes and cell cultures
muscle breakdown. The problem may be
resolved, at least for humans, by the remarkable This is an approach that has been widely used,
study of Afling et al. (1981) on a patient with particularly by Goldberg and his group at
neuromuscular dystrophy in whom, at post- Harvard, with concentration on muscle because
mortem, no skeletal muscle at all could be found. muscle wasting is a serious complication in so
This patient’s excretion of MeH was 30% of that many nutritional and pathological states. With
of controls, but the ratio of MeH to creatinine muscle it is important to maintain adequate oxy-
was 1.7 times as high. A similar situation genation and normal tension (Baracos and
occurred in patients with muscular dystrophy Goldberg, 1986) and for this reason the
who, on the basis of a high urinary MeH:creati- diaphragm, being very thin, has been a popular
nine ratio, were diagnosed as having increased choice, but even so there may be discrepancies
rates of muscle protein breakdown (Ballard et al., with in vivo measurements. In one study synthe-
1979) but later, from direct measurements, were sis in vitro was only one half that in vivo, even
shown to have decreased rates of muscle protein though the incubated muscles were supplied with
synthesis (Halliday et al., 1988). generous amounts of amino acids (Preedy et al.,
The conclusion seems to be that tissues other 1986). Breakdown is often measured by tyrosine
than muscle do make a substantial contribution to release, since tyrosine is not oxidized in muscle.
MeH excretion; and that a high urinary ratio of Total degradation = net release + uptake by
MeH:creatinine may be misleading when loss of synthesis, which may either be determined with a
muscle mass leads to a low creatinine excretion. separate amino acid or abolished by cyclohex-
imide. There are some reports that cycloheximide
has an inhibitory effect on breakdown (Amenta et
14.1.4 Measurements on limbs and organs al., 1978; Bacchino, 1982), but in general the two
methods agree well. Alternatively, with modern
Protein breakdown can be determined in a limb instrumentation it is possible to measure the out-
or the splanchnic region by measurement of put of 3-methylhistidine by tissues or cells in
blood flow and of arterial and venous amino acid vitro (Thompson et al., 1996). Incubated muscle
concentrations and enrichments. The key mea- has the great advantage that inhibitors of the three
surement is dilution of the tracer between enter- major proteolytic systems can be used to sort out
ing and leaving the tissues by unlabelled amino the contributions of each of them. Scornik devel-
acid derived from proteolysis (see Chapter 6). oped a method in which the accumulation of
A variant of the method, applied to muscle, is polypeptides was measured in liver and muscle
to infuse tracer until a plateau has been reached after bestatin had been given, which inhibits the
in the free pool; then to stop the infusion and hydrolysis of peptides to amino acids (Botbol and
measure the rate of decay of enrichment in arter- Scornik, 1997).
ial blood and the muscle free pool over the next In many recent studies degradation has been
60 minutes (Zhang et al., 1996). This allows cal- assessed by measuring the activities of the
culation of the rate of dilution of intracellular degradative enzymes and/or the concentrations of
tracer by unlabelled amino acid from protein their mRNAs. With this approach there is always
breakdown. the possibility that the amount of mRNA may
Perfusion of the liver and heart has been used reflect the stability of the messenger rather than
very successfully to measure both synthesis the extent of its gene expression. It has been

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214 Chapter 14

claimed that there is not a close correspondence to measure human muscle protein synthesis – got
between the amount of a protein and the amount round the problem by infusing [15N] lysine for
of its messenger (Anderson and Anderson, 1998). 20–30 h; plateau enrichment of free lysine in
To conclude, nowadays synthesis is measured plasma was reached in 14 h, after which two
much more often than breakdown, because, biopsies of muscle were taken. This avoided the
except for in vitro studies, the methods are rising phase of precursor activity. Another rather
quicker and probably more reliable, and all the sophisticated way of defining the curve to plateau
results that follow have been obtained by measur- on only one animal, proposed by Dudley et al.
ing synthesis. However, an important advantage (1998), is to infuse six different tracers at inter-
of measurements of degradation, which is often vals of an hour or so before sacrifice, so that the
forgotten, is that they can be applied in the non- last one infused will give the earliest point on the
steady state, for example in tissues of a growing time curve.
animal or in studies of enzyme turnover after After lysine, the next amino acid to be used
induction or repression. In such situations the rate routinely was tyrosine (James et al., 1976) and
of decay of total activity or enrichment gives the finally leucine, which have much smaller free
rate of breakdown and the decay of specific activ- pools than lysine, so that the rise to plateau
ity the rate of synthesis (Koch, 1962; Schimke et enrichment is much faster and several measure-
al., 1965). This approach was put to good use by ments can be made at plateau within a reasonable
Millward (1970) in early studies of muscle pro- time.
tein turnover in growing rats.

14.2.2 The flooding dose method

14.2 Measurements of Synthesis
The flooding dose method has been used exten-
14.2.1 Constant infusion of tracer sively by Garlick and his co-workers for mea-
surements on human tissues. It has the great
Early studies on animals were done with advantage of taking only about 1–11/2 h, com-
unprimed constant infusions, in which, in princi- pared with a minimum of 3–4 h with a constant
ple, the synthesis rates of tissue proteins were infusion, even with priming. Therefore it is
calculated from the basic equation relating the important to establish its validity.
activity in protein to that of the precursor amino The first mention of the method is in the work
acid at plateau: of Loftfield and Harris (1956), Loftfield and
Eigner (1958), Kean (1959) and Henshaw et al.
SB/SAmax = 1 – e–ks.t
(1971). It was extensively used by Scornik in
where SB is the activity in protein, SAmax is the experiments on mice (Scornik, 1974; Conde and
plateau activity of the precursor, ks is the frac- Scornik, 1976). The aim of the flood is to reduce
tional rate of synthesis and t is the time of mea- differences in labelling of the precursor in plasma
surement. This simple formula assumes that the and tissues and between the tissue-free amino
plateau activity of the precursor is reached instan- acid and tRNA. The labelling of the intracellular
taneously. With lysine with its large free pool this pool depends on the relative inflows of labelled
is very far from being the case. In rats it was amino acids from plasma and unlabelled amino
found that in liver the activity of free lysine took acids from protein breakdown. It is assumed that
about 3 h to reach plateau, and in muscle more a flooding dose will increase the entry from
than 6 h (Waterlow and Stephen, 1968). plasma to a point at which the relative contribu-
Therefore equations were developed to take tion from protein breakdown becomes negligible.
account of the rate of rise of the precursor activ- In agreement with this assumption it was early
ity to plateau, this rate being different in liver and shown that with a labelled flood the larger the
muscle (Swick, 1958; Waterlow and Stephen, dose the greater the incorporation of label into
1968; Garlick et al., 1973). These equations are protein (Kean, 1959; Scornik, 1974). Incorpora-
seldom used nowadays and the interested reader tion of tracer is, of course, not the same as syn-
is referred to the original papers. A study by thesis.
Halliday and McKeran (1975) – probably the first Garlick’s initial study in rats with a flooding

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Tissue Protein Turnover 215

dose of phenylalanine accompanied by constant would increase the total body pool four or five
infusions of lysine and threonine showed that the times. McNurlan et al. (1994) explored the use of
fractional synthesis rates given by these two a smaller dose – about 30 mg kg1 – and found
amino acids were not affected by the phenylala- that it made no difference. After an initial peak the
nine flood (Garlick et al., 1980). In subsequent plasma activity of the flooding amino acid falls in
studies on rats, sheep, dogs and man, synthesis man at a rate of about 25% per h (Fig. 14.2),
rates with flood and constant infusion were com- although much faster in the rat (Table 14.3). A
pared for a range of different tissues (see reviews muscle biopsy is taken initially and again after
by Garlick et al., 1994, and Rennie et al., 1994). about 90 min. In three heroic studies 5–6 biopsies
Since different amino acids were used, with dif- were made at intervals up to 90–120 minutes
ferent choices of precursor, the results were (Garlick et al., 1989; McNurlan et al., 1994;
rather variable and contradictory. However, Davis Smith et al., 1998); incorporation of tracer into
et al. (1999), with flooding doses of phenylala- protein was linear with time. The rate of muscle
nine, obtained excellent agreement between the protein synthesis was calculated as:
enrichments in tissue fluid and tRNA in both liver
protein enrichment (t2 – t1)/(area under
and muscle. In man particular attention was con-
curve of precursor enrichment  time)
centrated on muscle because this tissue can be
easily sampled by biopsy. There is no disagree- There is the perennial problem of defining the
ment that in post-absorptive subjects the apparent precursor. It has been shown in rats (Obled et al.,
rate of muscle protein synthesis is almost doubled 1989), sheep (Attaix et al., 1986; Schaeffer et al.,
by a flooding dose of either leucine or phenylala- 1986; Lobley et al., 1992) and man (Garlick et
nine, the amino acids most commonly used. The al., 1989; McNurlan et al., 1991; Essén et al.,
question is whether this increase is an artefact or 1992) that after a flooding dose the activity of the
real. free amino acid in muscle becomes progressively
The general protocol of a flooding measure- closer to that in plasma until by 40–60 minutes
ment is as follows: a commonly used dose is 50 they are virtually the same, fulfilling the aim of
mg kg1, which with leucine or phenylalanine equalizing the enrichment of possible precursor

Fig. 14.2. Enrichment with time of free phenylalanine in plasma and muscle after intravenous injection of
45 mg L-[2H5] phenylalanine. From McNurlan et al., 1994. Reproduced by courtesy of the authors and the
American Journal of Physiology.

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216 Chapter 14

Table 14.3. Rate of decay of activity in plasma relation between amino acid concentrations and
after a flooding dose of a labelled amino acid. synthesis rate. When increasing amounts of
Rate of decay amino acids were infused, there was a stimulation
% h1 of muscle protein synthesis which seemed to be
related more closely to plasma- than intracellular
Rats amino acid concentration (Bohé et al., 2003).
Garlick et al., 1980 60
This would fit in with the earlier suggestion
Obled et al., 1989 76
(Chapter 5) that the enrichment of tRNA is closer
Attaix et al., 1986 6 to that of the extracellular than the intracellular
Lobley et al., 1992 high dose 0 amino acid. Finally, the idea that the increased IC
low dose 27 concentration might somehow distort the precur-
Southorn et al., 1992 11 sor–product relationship is a non-starter; it would
Man require the IC or tRNA enrichment to be higher
Garlick et al., 1989 25 than the enrichment in plasma, and this is impos-
McNurlan et al., 1991 27 sible.
If the increase in synthesis produced by the
pools. Thus there will be little error in taking the flood is real, it must involve increased incorpora-
enrichment of the precursor as that of the amino tion of all amino acids, and not just that of the
acid in plasma, or in the case of leucine, that of flooding dose, the other amino acids being pre-
KIC. Admittedly there is still an error in suppos- sumably drawn from the muscle free pool. This is
ing that the intracellular amino acid enrichment clearly shown by the experiments of Smith et al.
accurately reflects that of tRNA, but the error is (1992 and 1998 – C and E in Table 14.4) in
not likely to be large (see Chapter 5). which the amino acid used for measuring synthe-
There are two ways of testing the effect of the sis was not the same as that of the flood. The
flood. In one the measurements are made from enrichment of the constantly infused amino acid
the flood alone and compared with earlier values in muscle was not changed by the flood, but the
obtained by constant infusion; in the other a estimate of synthesis was increased.
labelled amino acid is infused and a different In the first six studies in Table 14.4 the initial
amino acid used for flooding. The results by both measurement of muscle protein synthesis (MPS)
variants are shown in Table 14.4. was in the fasted state. Garlick’s study (F)
The flooding dose apparently increases by showed that in the fed state the pre-flood rate of
50–100% the estimate of muscle protein synthe- MPS was 60% higher than in the fasted state. In
sis (MPS) obtained by constant infusion. Garlick study G (Tjader et al., 1996), in which an amino
et al. (1989) and Smith et al. (1998) found two- acid mixture was infused, there was no difference
to three-fold increases in intracellular concentra- between pre- and post-flood rates of MPS. This
tion after flooding doses of leucine, phenylala- suggests that the rate was already maximal and
nine or threonine. The question then is whether could not be increased by the flood. From the evi-
such increases directly stimulate protein synthe- dence available so far, the flood has to be an
sis. Chinkes et al. (1993) apparently postulated a essential amino acid: leucine, phenylalanine,
mass action effect of the higher amino acid con- threonine and valine are all effective in stimulat-
centration; they proposed a method of correcting ing MPS, while no effect was found with argi-
the result to what it would have been without the nine, glycine or serine (Smith et al., 1998). It is
flooding, which seems to contradict their belief interesting, therefore, to compare the effect of a
that the stimulation was real. Attaix et al. (1986), complete protein given in a single dose with that
working on sheep, gave massive doses of valine, of a flooding dose of an amino acid. Very illumi-
which increased the total body pool 10-fold, but nating in this context is a study of Boirie et al.
found a negligible effect on protein synthesis in (1996) on the effects of a single meal of whey
liver and muscle. On the other hand, the effect of protein, which is rapidly absorbed. The meal pro-
amino acid infusions (Chapter 9) and the work on vided 380 mol kg1 of leucine, which is exactly
the limb showing that higher plasma concentra- the same as the usual flooding dose (50 mg
tions lead to higher inward transport into tissues kg1), and produced an approximately two-fold
(Chapter 4) are consistent with a cause and effect increase in whole body protein synthesis, peaking

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Tissue Protein Turnover 217

Table 14.4. Synthesis rate of mixed muscle protein with or without a flooding dose of labelled amino

Muscle protein synthesis, % h1

Amino acid
From CI before From CI From
For CI For flood or without flood after flood flood

A Garlick et al., 1989 – Leucine – – 0.081

B McNurlan et al., 1991 Leucine – 0.043 – –
– Phenylalanine – – 0.072
– Phe + valine – – 0.067
– Phe + leucinea – – From phe 0.069
– Phe + leucinea – – From leu 0.075
C Smith et al., 1992 Valine Leucine 0.043 0.065 0.060
D McNurlan et al., 1994 – Phenylalanine – – 0.069
E Smith et al., 1998 Leucine Phenylalanine 0.036 0.067 –
Leucine Threonine 0.037 0.070 –

F Garlick et al., 1994 Leucine Leucine 0.040

Post-absorptive 0.046 – 0.087
Fed 0.075 – 0.097
G Tjader et al., 1996 Valine Leucine, fed 0.091 0.095 0.093
Leucine Valine, fed 0.083 0.087 0.107

CI, constant infusion. For constant infusions of leucine or valine, muscle protein synthesis rates were cal-
culated from enrichment of plasma KlC (-ketoisocaproic acid) or KlV (isoketovaleric acid).
aLeucine flood was enriched as well as that of phenylalanine.
bAll studies were made in the post-absorptive state except that of Garlick et al. (F) and Tjader et al. (G),

where the subjects were receiving total parenteral nutrition, and that of Garlick et al. (1994), where the
subjects were few.

at about 90 min and lasting 2–3 h. In this study larly abundant in tissues in which protein synthe-
the plasma leucine concentration increased from sis was believed to be particularly rapid.
~100 mol l1 to a peak of ~350 mol l1, Campbell and Kosterlitz (1947) showed that
returning to baseline after 3–4 h. This is not very when rats were fed a protein-free diet the DNA
different, either in pattern or amount, from the content of the liver was preserved while the con-
curve of leucine concentration after a flood, centration of RNA was reduced by 35%.
except that with the meal the peak is later. Our Henshaw et al. (1971) and Millward et al. (1973)
conclusion is that a flooding dose of an essential proposed that, since 80% of RNA is ribosomal,
amino acid mimics the effect of a meal – but the amount of protein synthesized in unit time per
probably not all workers would agree with this. g RNA could be used as a measure of ribosomal
activity, denoted kRNA.1 Figure 14.3 is an exam-
ple of the early use of this relationship. The data
14.3 RNA Content and Activity of Henshaw et al. in Table 14.5A on liver and
muscle show that the very large difference in ks
Brachet (1941) and Caspersson (1941) identified between liver and muscle results partly from a
RNA in tissues by selective staining or ultraviolet lower [RNA] and partly from a lower RNA activ-
absorption and observed that RNA was particu- ity. The results of Millward et al. (1973) in Table

1 The term ‘activity’ is more appropriate than ‘efficiency’ because the latter has been used in connection
with animals that are growing to denote the ratio of protein deposited to protein synthesized (see Chapter
RNA is used to express RNA activity and [RNA] to express the concentration of RNA relative to that of
protein (mg g1). The usual expression of fractional synthesis rate, FSR, is amount synthesized per 100 mg
protein. Therefore kRNA = FSR  10/[RNA].

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218 Chapter 14

concluded that: ‘… changes in ribosome content,

in chain initiation and in polyribosome activity
are of roughly equal importance in determining
the depression of protein synthesis in fasting.’
Whether or not they are of equal importance will
depend on the situation, but it is clear that in each
case account must be taken of two separate
processes, loss of ribosomes ([RNA]) and
decreased ribosomal activity [kRNA]. These two
studies laid the foundation for much later work,
which will be described in the next chapter.
Millward’s data in Table 14.5B suggest that
the loss of ribosomes occurs more slowly than the
fall in their activity. This is in keeping with the
slower turnover rate of ribosomal than of messen-
ger RNA that has been demonstrated by Schöch
and co-workers (Table 11.6). A reduction in kRNA
probably results from a block in initiation, as sug-
gested by Henshaw et al.; this has been the sub-
ject of intensive investigation in recent years,
particularly in muscle (e.g. Kimball et al., 2002).
The other possibility is a reduction in mRNA,
Fig. 14.3. Relationship between rates of protein which would not show up in the crude measure-
synthesis and RNA concentrations in rat muscle. ment of total RNA, since mRNA is such a small
From Millward et al., 1973. Reproduced by courtesy
proportion of it. Current work is concentrating on
of the authors and Nature (London).
A, ●–––●, rats on normal diet; B, x––x, rats on low
identifying and quantifying specific mRNAs that
protein diet. are reduced or increased in particular situations.
All the results discussed above were from the
rat: what of other species?
14.5B show that after only one day on a protein- Data on RNA activity are sparse; such as we
free diet there was a 30% fall in synthesis, have found are quoted in the next chapter. A
denoted ks, mainly due to a decrease in kRNA; but remarkable finding emerges from figures given
after 21 days the loss of RNA had become much by Munro (1969) for the total RNA concentra-
greater and was the main determinant of the low tions in liver and muscle of a variety of animals
ks. Henshaw et al. in their classical paper of 1971 (Table 14.6). It appears that the relative concen-

Table 14.5. Early data on ribosomal activity.

ks [RNA] kRNA
% d1 mg g1 protein mg synthesized mg1 RNA

A. Henshaw et al., 1971 (recalculated)

Liver 73 49 15
Muscle 8 13 6
B. Millward et al., 1973
Normal diet 15.3 11.5 13.1
Protein-free diet
1 day 9.8 10.5 9.3
21 days 4.3 4.8 9.1
1 day 0.64 0.91 0.71
21 days 0.28 0.42 0.69

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Tissue Protein Turnover 219

Table 14.6. Relative total RNA concentrations per kg tissue in liver

and muscle of mammals of different sizes.

Weight Concentration in liver/

kg concentration in muscle

Mouse 0.03 8.1

Rat 0.16 8.1
Rabbit 1.5 7.3
Dog 25.5 7.5
Bullock 450 8.1
Horse 690 7.95

Calculated from data of Munro (1969).

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Protein Turnover in Tissues: Effects of Food and

This chapter is concerned with comparisons 100 and 200 g. To reduce variability all the data
between different animals and different tissues. were obtained by the flooding dose method; even
Allometric relationships between species were so for many tissues there is a 1.5–2-fold variation
discussed previously. There are also genetic dif- in the values of kS. A factor that is not taken into
ferences in synthesis rates between strains within account in the table is the feeding state of the ani-
species, as shown by the work of Bates and mal. In most cases it was post-absorptive but
Millward (1981) in rats, of Oddy (1993) in sheep, sometimes it was not stated. The effect of feeding
of Sève and Pointer (1997) in pigs and of Lobley on turnover rates is considered in the next sec-
et al. (2000) in cattle. Age is also important, as tion. There is a tenfold difference in kS between
discussed earlier. Finally, there are differences in the fastest tissue, gut mucosa, and the slowest tis-
nutritional state and methods of measurement. It sue, muscle, but a much smaller range in kRNA.
is not surprising therefore that for almost every This relative constancy between tissues suggests
number in the tables there is a twofold range of that the synthesis rate in the normal animal is
variation. All that can be attempted here is to pro- mainly determined by the concentration of RNA.
duce a broad conspectus. To come to individual tissues: the highest rate
Up to 1980 most measurements were made by of synthesis, not shown in Table 15.1, is that of
constant infusion (e.g. Waterlow and Stephen, the pancreas, where Burrin et al. (1992) recorded
1968; Garlick et al., 1975). After Garlick intro- a rate of 370% day1 in suckling; and a very high
duced the flooding dose method (q.v.) it was used value has also been found in the newborn lamb.
almost exclusively. Most of the work has been In early postmortem studies on severely malnour-
done on rats, and after that on sheep. By far the ished children (Waterlow, 1948) we observed
most widely studied tissue is muscle, particularly extreme shrinkage of the pancreatic acinar cells.
in relation to the effects of diet and hormones. It Measurements of synthesis were not available at
cannot be claimed that the following tables cover the time, but we suggested that tissues with the
the whole literature, but we hope that they give a most rapid turnover might be the most vulnerable
reasonably balanced picture of what has been to protein malnutrition.
found. Marway et al. (1993) studied synthesis rates in
both mucosa and serosa of the gut from oesopha-
gus to rectum. Rates progressively decreased from
15.1 Synthesis in the Normal State mouth to anus. Those of the serosa were about 2/3
of the mucosal rates. In the gut mucosa synthesis
15.1.1 Rats has two components: the first is synthesis of the
constitutive protein of cells, formed in the crypt
Fractional synthesis rates and RNA activities for and moving towards the tip of the villus, from
a number of tissues are shown in Table 15.1. which they are discharged into the lumen. This
Because synthesis rates vary with age (see below) process presumably follows lifetime kinetics. The
data are given only for rats weighing between second component is the synthesis of enzymes

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224 Chapter 15

Table 15.1. Protein synthesis (kS% d1) and RNA activity (kRNA mg synthesized mg1) in tissues of rats
weighing ~100–200 g.
kS mean Range kRNA mean Range References

Liver 93 78–106 23.5 16–33 1, 3, 5–8

Small gut mucosa 133 109–164 16 11–20 4–9
Kidney 57 48,66 27 – 3, 6, 15–18
Spleen 76 – – – 6
Lung 34 25–43 10.5 9,12 3, 6, 15, 20
Brain 17 17,17 15 – 6, 15
Bone 73 54–90 14 13–15 11, 15, 19
Skin 63 62–64 – – 2, 10, 12, 19
Heart 18 15–23 13.5 11,16 6, 15, 21
Muscle 11.4 5–18.5 13.3 7–19 1, 6, 9–11,
(gastrocnemius) 14, 15, 17, 18
20, 22

kRNA = RNA activity = mg protein synthesized per mg RNA.

References: 1. Ballmer et al., 1993; 2. Breuillé et al., 1998; 3. Hashiguchi et al., 1996; 4. Marway et al.,
1993; 5. McNurlan et al.,1979; 6. McNurlan and Garlick, 1980; 7. McNurlan et al., 1980; 8. McNurlan and
Garlick, 1981; 9. McNurlan et al., 1982; 10. Obled and Arnal, 1992; 11. Odedra et al., 1983; 12. Preedy
and Garlick, 1981; 13. Preedy and Waterlow, 1981; 14. Preedy et al., 1983; 15. Preedy et al., 1985a; 16.
Preedy et al., 1985b; 17. Preedy and Garlick, 1988; 18. Preedy et al., 1988; 19. Preedy et al., 1990; 20.
Preedy and Garlick, 1993; 21. Preedy and Garlick, 1995; 22.Yahya et al., 1994.

and mucoproteins which are ‘exported’. The 30 minutes only, so that most of the proteins due
results in Table 15.1 were obtained by the flood- to be secreted are still preserved in the liver. It is
ing dose method, which, because it only takes generally estimated that ‘export’ protein
about 30 minutes, includes synthesis of the accounts for 25–30% of total protein synthesis in
secreted proteins. Van der Schoor et al. (2002) the liver.
found in young piglets that one half of the dietary The other tissue that requires comment is
protein intake was taken up by the gut and a large skeletal muscle. There is, of course, a whole range
proportion of this was used for glycoprotein syn- of muscles with different functions and different
thesis and was recycled. A further problem is to fibre types. Table 15.1 takes no account of these
define the precursor when amino acids are enter- differences. The results, for the sake of unifor-
ing the intracellular pool from two sources, arter- mity, relate mostly to the gastrocnemius, which
ial blood and gut lumen. The synthesis rates has been a favourite for many rat studies. In many
recorded in Table 15.1 have all been based on the of the papers on which the table is based the mus-
enrichment of the tracer amino acid in cle is not named. In four studies which allow a
homogenates of the mucosa; results of Stoll et al. direct comparison, the ratio of kS in soleus, a
(1997, 2000) suggested that extracellular amino slow-twitch oxidative muscle, to that in gastrocne-
acids are channelled to protein synthesis without mius, a fast-twitch mixed glycolytic and oxidative
mixing freely in the intracellular pool. In view of muscle, was 2.2. The higher synthesis rates in
these uncertainties the results in the table can only soleus were achieved by a combination of greater
be regarded as approximations. RNA concentrations and somewhat higher effi-
For liver a distinction has been made between ciency. There is an even greater difference
measurements by constant infusion (CI) and between synthesis in fast and slow muscles in
flooding dose (FD). This is because of the differ- fish. The ratio of fractional synthesis rates (FSR)
ence in time-scale. A constant infusion lasts 4–6 h, in red (slow):white (fast) muscle in carp was
by which time a considerable amount of protein, shown to be between 5 and 6 over temperatures
e.g. albumin and fibrinogen, has been synthe- changing from 8 to 34°C (Goldspink et al., 1984).
sized and secreted, and so lost to analysis. In the A similar difference was found by Laurent et al.
FD method measurements are made after some (1978) between two wing muscles of the fowl

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Protein Turnover in Tissues 225

(Table 15.2). The large difference in kS is entirely newly ruminant sheep at 8 weeks. This compari-
due to the difference in [RNA], with no differ- son is shown in Table 15.5, from Lobley (1993).
ence in kRNA or in the relative amounts of DNA. The main difference is in the kS of muscle.
Thus for the synthesis rates of muscle protein There is little information about kRNA. Garlick
the prevailing fibre type, slow or fast, is clearly et al. (1976) found in pigs a linear correlation
very important, but apparently it is not the whole between kS and RNA concentration in different
story. Garlick et al. (1989) measured kS, [RNA] tissues, which implies that kRNA was constant;
and kRNA in nine different muscles of the rat and only the liver was odd man out, because the
concluded that ‘… only part of the variation in results were obtained by constant infusion, so no
protein turnover rates among different muscles account was taken of the synthesis of exported
can be attributed to their fibre-type composition proteins. Table 15.5 also shows the data assem-
… A component of the variability is muscle-spe- bled by Lobley (1993) on kRNA, which appears to
cific and relates to the function and environment be very similar in both species. Peragón and his
of that particular muscle.’ colleagues have published many papers giving
figures for kRNA in white muscle of rainbow
trout. A typical value, measured at 15°C, is 1.8
15.1.2 Synthesis in tissues of sheep, pigs and (Peragón et al., 2001). Goldspink et al. (1984)
cattle showed that in the white muscle of carp kS at
34°C was about 8  that at 14°C. A similar figure
The results (Tables 15.3 and 15.4) vary a great for the temperature sensitivity of protein synthe-
deal with age, which makes it difficult to com- sis in Antarctic fish was obtained by Mathews
pare different species. Comparisons should be and Haschemeyer (1978). If this correction is
made at the same stage of maturity: the rat applied to Peragón’s figure the kRNA in the carp
weaned at 3 weeks might be compared with the muscle at 37°C would come to 14.4.

Table 15.2. Synthesis rate and RNA concentration and activity in the anterior and
posterior latissimus dorsi muscle of the fowl.

Anterior 17.0 7.6 22.4
Posterior 6.9 3.4 20.4

kS, g protein synthesized g1 protein = fractional synthesis rate (FSR) – often expressed
as a percentage, g per 100 g protein; [RNA], mg RNA g1 protein; kRNA, mg protein syn-
thesized mg1 RNA. Data of Laurent et al., 1978.

Table 15.3. Protein synthesis rates in tissues of lambs and sheep.

kS, % d1


Age Fetal Newborn Early growth Adult

Weight, kg ~2 ~5 16 35+

Pancreas – 184 – –
Gastrointestinal mucosa 71 90 – 68 (2)
Liver 78 110 (3) 54 29 (5)
Skin – 30 (2) 35 12 (2)
Skeletal muscle 26 22 (3) 4.5 2.1 (3)

Values are means with number of measurements in brackets. If no brackets, one measurement only.
References: A, Schaeffer et al., 1984; B, Attaix et al., 1986, 1988, 1989; Soltesz et al., 1973; C, Davis et
al., 1981; D, Buttery et al., 1975; Connell et al., 1997; Lobley et al., 1994; Nash et al., 1994; Rocha et al.,
1993; Southorn et al., 1992.

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226 Chapter 15

Table 15.4. Synthesis rates in tissues of pigs and cattle, % d1.

Pigs Cattle

Weight, kg 30a 42b 75c 250d 630d

Small gut 51 43 – 52 29
Large gut 34 31 – – –
Pancreas 141 200 – – –
Liver 103 21 23 32 15
Kidney 37 25 20 – –
Lung – – 18 – –
Spleen – – 30 – –
Brain – – 8.5 – –
Heart 9 6 – – –
Whole skin 13 9 – 6 4
Skeletal muscle 78 4 – 2 0.9

Sources: aSimon et al., 1978. bSimon et al., 1982. cGarlick et al., 1976. dLobley et al., 1980.

Table 15.5. Comparison of kS and kRNA in rat and lamb at comparable stages of maturity.
Rat Sheep Rat Sheep

Whole body 31 12 15 18
Liver 53–100 48 15–28 19
Gastrointestinal tract 97 69 17–24 23
Skeletal muscle 12–24 7 12–13 13

Rats measured at weaning, 3 weeks. Lambs measured when beginning to ruminate, 8 weeks. kRNA = mg
protein synthesized per mg RNA. Reproduced from data of Lobley, 1993.

It is difficult to avoid the conclusion that the Table 15.7 compares the distribution of whole
rate of polypeptide chain assembly, which is rep- body synthesis between different tissues in man
resented by kRNA, is rather constant not only and rat. The agreement is remarkable.
across tissues but also across species. It certainly
varies much less than kS.
15.1.4 The effects of age

15.1.3 Synthesis in human tissues There is quite a good database on the relationship
of protein synthesis to age in the rat – see, for
In humans (Table 15.6) investigations are limited example, studies on many tissues by Goldspink
to tissues that can be safely sampled by biopsy – and Kelly (1984) and Lewis et al. (1984) – but
muscle, liver, white blood cells and the mucosa for other animals, except sheep, the information
of the small intestine. The rates in gut mucosa, is scanty. Age may be divided into three phases:
liver and muscle are much the same as those in the phase of growth; adult age or a more-or-less
the larger animals. As in the rat, the FSR of duo- steady state; and senescence or ageing. Figure
denal mucosa is more than twice that of the liver. 15.1 shows the contrasting behaviour of liver and
The moderately high FSR of lymphocytes makes muscle, particularly during the growth phase. In
a significant contribution to whole body synthe- liver kS and [RNA] change little up to 2 years,
sis. Many years ago it was found that in the rat whereas in muscle there is an early and progres-
16% of injected radioactivity remained in the car- sive fall in both variables. In the early phases
cass after muscle was accounted for by measure- there is little change in kRNA in either tissue, since
ment of creatine. This was attributed to activity in kS and [RNA] change in parallel. Goldspink et al.
lymphoid tissue, bone marrow, etc. (Waterlow (1984) and Lewis et al. (1984) compared rats at 3
and Stephen, 1966). and 44 weeks; the old:young ratio of FSR was 0.8

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Protein Turnover in Tissues 227

Table 15.6. Fractional rates of protein synthesis (FSR) in human tissues.

FSR % d1 References

Liver 22 (4) 1, 7–9, 11

Gastrointestinal tract (mucosa)
Stomach 50 (3) 2, 6
Duodenum + jejunum 50 (7) 2, 3, 5, 16–18
Ileum 22 (2) 19, 21
Colon 9.5 (4) 6, 9, 11, 18
Kidney 42 (1) 21
Lymphocytes 10 (3) 9, 15, 19
Muscle 1.86 (7) 4, 6, 7–9, 12–15

Number of studies in brackets.

References: 1. Barle et al., 1999; 2. Bennet et al., 1993; 3. Bouteloup-Demange et al., 1998; 4. Case et
al., 2002; 5. Charlton et al., 2000; 6. Essén et al., 1992; 7. Garlick et al., 1991; 8. Garlick et al., 1989a; 9.
Garlick et al., 1995; 10. Janusiewicz et al., 2001; 11. Heys et al., 1992; 12. McNurlan et al., 1991; 13.
McNurlan et al., 1994; 14. McNurlan et al., 1996; 15. McNurlan et al., 1997; 16.Nakshabendi et al., 1995;
17. Nakshabendi et al., 1996; 18. Nakshabendi et al., 1999; 19. Park et al., 1994; 20. Rittler et al., 2000;
21.Tessari et al., 1996.
Methods: Reference nos 2, 3, 5, 16–18: by constant infusion, 21 by cannulation of the renal vessels,
others by flooding dose.
FSR, fractional synthesis rate.

Table 15.7. Contribution of different tissues to total protein synthesis

in rat and human.

Humana Ratb
70 kg 200 g

Whole body synthesis, g d1 265 4.75

Per cent of whole body synthesis
Liver 28 31
Gut 33 25
Muscle 31 23
Lymphocytes 5 –
aRates of whole body synthesis from Chapter 6. Other data from
Tables 15.1 and 15.6. Data for protein content of organs from Snyder,
bData from Goldspink and Kelly, 1984 and Lewis et al., 1984.

for liver and 0.5 for muscle. A rat at about 10 as soleus (Lewis et al., 1984; El Haj et al., 1986;
weeks is more or less mature and at 1 year it is Garlick et al., 1989b). These findings comple-
senescent. During this interval there is a further, ment those in human sarcopenia, in which fast
quite dramatic, fall in kS in muscle, which is due fibres are more affected than slow ones (Chapters
mainly to a continuing loss of RNA, and partly, 11, 12). Unfortunately, studies of ageing in
in some cases, to a decrease in kRNA (Table 15.8). humans (Chapter 12) do not include any informa-
Perhaps lower RNA activity is an effect of age- tion about RNA activity.
ing. It is interesting in this connection that Merry
and Houlihan (1991) described a 27% increase in
polypeptide chain assembly time in the livers of 15.2 The Effects of Food on Protein
rats between the ages of 140 and 760 days. Turnover in Tissues
Another effect of age in the rat is that kS
decreases earlier and more rapidly in a fast mus- An excellent review of this subject is that of
cle such as tibialis anticus than in a slow one such Grizard et al. (1995). The results in the previous

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228 Chapter 15

‘… the skeletal muscle in effect functions as a

protein store from which amino acids, such as
glutamine and alanine, can be drawn in times of
stress to preserve immune and perhaps gastroin-
testinal function. In other words, what could be
seen as a “competition” is in fact a regulated
“collaboration” in which the compromise of some
functions ensures the maintenance of the organ-
ism as a whole.’ As mentioned earlier, Waterlow
and Stephen (1966) showed that on a low protein
diet the initial loss of protein was from the liver,
but after a time muscle and skin took over as the
main source of loss. Whether this is simply a
‘mechanical’ result of the interplay between fast
and slowly turning over systems (we attempted to
model it, but without success), or whether there is
some higher level of integration, we do not know.
Fig. 15.1. Effect of age on rates of protein synthesis In the following sections we shall contrast
in liver and muscle of rats. Data of Goldspink and
changes in liver and muscle, because these are
Kelly, 1984 and Lewis et al., 1984.
the tissues that have been most studied. Much
䊐, liver; 䊐, muscle.
important work was done on perfused livers (e.g.
section suggest that although in the normal state Flaim et al., 1982) and on muscles in vitro (e.g.
tissues differ in the synthesis rates of their mixed Tawa and Goldberg, 1992), but we concentrate
proteins, the efficiency of synthesis is remarkably here on studies in vivo.
similar. The picture changes when one looks at
the effects of dietary and hormonal manipula-
tions. It has been realized for a long time that 15.2.1 Response to a meal
there are metabolic exchanges between tissues:
for example, that muscle releases alanine and glu- The changes in rat liver after a single high protein
tamine for utilization by the splanchnic tissues meal are illustrated in Fig. 15.2. Liver protein
(e.g. Felig, 1973, 1975). Reeds and co-workers in mass increased by more than 20% over the first 8 h
1992 published a remarkable paper with the title and then began to fall. Net protein synthesis
‘Postnatal growth of gut and muscle – competi- (deposition) rose sharply for about 4 h, and then
tors or collaborators’, in which they concluded: fell, to become increasingly negative until the

Table 15.8. The effect of senility on muscle protein synthesis and RNA activity in the rat. Rates in old
rats as percentage of rates in young adult rats.

Author Muscle Age, kS [RNA] kRNA Sex

Bates and Millward, 1981 quadriceps + gastrocnemius 46/14 87 92 94 ?
Lewis et al., 1984 soleus 44/8 65 70 91 M
tibialis anticus 44/8 49 51 102
El Haj et al., 1986 soleus 52/7 41 54 92 M
tibialis anticus 52/7 36 74 53
Garlick et al., 1989b 7 muscles 52/11 59 78 77 F
Means: 56 70 85
This table is an attempt to examine the changes that occur from adult age to senescence, but it is difficult
to find, from the data, an age that represents early maturity.
[RNA] = RNA concentration, mg g1 protein; kRNA = RNA activity = mg protein synthesized mg1 RNA;
kS = mg synthesized g1 protein.

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Protein Turnover in Tissues 229

next meal. Degradation fell after the high protein

meal and rose in the post-prandial phase. This
diagram illustrates very clearly the interplay
between synthesis and breakdown and the speed
of their responses to food in the liver. Table 15.9
shows the changes in FSR in liver and muscle up
to 52 h after a single meal. There was no fall in
FSR in the liver over this whole time, which sug-
gests that the changes in liver mass and protein
deposition shown in Fig. 15.2 must have resulted
from changes in degradation. This agrees with the
finding of Condé and Scornik (1976), who found
that on re-feeding protein-depleted rats the degra-
dation rate in liver fell to zero. Muscle presents a
rather different picture; for the first 24 h after the
meal there was no immediate response of the
FSR, but in the next 24 h, if fasting continued,
the FSR fell to 60% of its initial rate.

15.2.2 Starvation

In rats starved for 1–2 d [RNA] and kRNA in liver

fell by only 10% and FSR by 20% (Fig. 15.3). In
muscle the response was different: there was a
large and immediate fall in FSR and RNA con-
Fig. 15.2. Changes in the rat of liver protein mass centration, with kRNA still relatively well pre-
and synthesis and degradation rates after a single served. A similar differential response in the two
high protein meal. The changes in total liver protein tissues was found in human patients with head
(A) were measured directly. Changes in net protein injuries: the FSR of muscle protein was reduced
synthesis (B) were determined from the slope of curve
by 50%, while that of liver-produced proteins –
A at appropriate time points. The range of rates of
degradation was calculated as the difference between
albumin and fibrinogen – increased (Mansoor et
actual rates of synthesis measured by constant infu- al., 1997). With longer fasting the pattern
sion of a labelled amino acid and net synthesis (curve changes. In a most instructive, and as far as we
B). Reproduced, by permission, from Millward, 1980, know unique, experiment, Cherel et al. (1991)
by courtesy of Elsevier-North Holland. fasted rats for 9 days. These rats were mature; if

Table 15.9. Rates of protein synthesis in liver and muscle of young

rats at different times after a meal.

Time of infusion after last meal FSR, % d1

h Liver Muscle

0–6 44 6.03
6–12 42 7.06
12–18 47 7.36
18–24 64 6.86
24–30 46 4.78
48–54 47 3.31

Measurements by constant infusion of [14C]-tyrosine with intracellular

free tyrosine as precursor. From Garlick et al., 1973.
FSR, fractional synthesis rate.

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230 Chapter 15

Fig. 15.3. The effects of starvation on protein synthesis and RNA concentration in liver and muscle of rats.
The columns are per cent of initial before starvation. Compiled from data of Cherel, 1991; Garlick et al.,
1975; McNurlan et al., 1979; Millward et al., 1974, 1976; Preedy et al., 1988. kS = mg synthesized g1

they had been young they would probably have The response when food is restored to the
died. In the liver there was a small fall in RNA starved animal is quite dramatic. The results in
concentration, but a profound reduction in effi- muscle after 4 days of starvation are shown in
ciency, and hence of synthesis, to about 1/4 of the Table 15.10. Within 1 h kS and kRNA almost dou-
normal level. In muscle there was a much greater bled, but there was as yet no change in RNA con-
fall in [RNA], with efficiency also low, so that centration. Insulin increased to a normal level and
synthesis was close to zero. In the early stages of there was a huge decrease in corticosterone to
starvation N excretion was low; the animal was well below the normal concentration. These find-
clearly trying to adapt. At 9 days this adaptation ings suggest a strong control of the efficiency of
had broken down and N excretion was greatly translation, the mechanism of which, at least as
increased – what Whipple et al. (1947), working regards insulin, has been elucidated by the work
on dogs deprived of protein, called the ‘pre-mor- of Jefferson’s group (see review by Kimball et
tal increase’. al., 2002).

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Protein Turnover in Tissues 231

Table 15.10. Synthesis rates, RNA activity and hormonal changes in skeletal muscle in rats refed after 4
days’ starvation.

kS, [RNA] kRNA [Insulin] [Corticosterone]

% d1 mg g1 g synthesized g1 -units ml1 ng ml1

Fed 15.3 11.2 13.7 30.7 285

Starved 2.8 6.3 4.4 5.2 593
4 days
Re-fed 5.95 6.5 9.2 17.8 134
Re-fed 7.6 6.4 11.8 21.0 120

[RNA] = RNA concentration, mg g1 protein; kRNA = RNA activity = mg protein synthesized mg1 RNA.
Data of Millward et al., 1983.

15.2.3 Protein deprivation was well maintained, and kS and kRNA increased
to well above the initial level. Because degrada-
The different responses of liver and muscle are tion exceeded synthesis the liver lost 33% of its
seen particularly clearly with deprivation of pro- protein over the 21 days, but by increasing the
tein. The results after 9 days on a protein-free diet fractional synthesis rate the absolute rate was
are shown in Fig. 15.4. The reduction in kS in liver almost maintained.
resulted from a decrease in kRNA, with no change The rapid recovery of kRNA and the slower
in RNA concentration, whereas in muscle [RNA] recovery of [RNA] after a prolonged loss of pro-
was greatly reduced. tein are shown in Table 15.12.
The effects of refeeding and the rapid response Bone shows changes very like those in mus-
of kRNA are shown in Fig. 15.5. cle. After 3 weeks on a diet containing almost no
Another experiment, in which rats were fed a protein growth in tibial length came nearly to a
protein-free diet for 21 days, gave similar results halt and cartilage formation was greatly reduced;
in muscle, but rather different, though equally FSR and kRNA fell to about 50% of control levels
interesting, results in liver (Table 15.11). In mus- (Yahya et al., 1994).
cle there was again a large fall in [RNA] which, Zinc is an element whose effect on protein
together with a reduction in kRNA led to a very turnover might be important since it is a compo-
low synthesis rate. In liver, in contrast, [RNA] nent of many metalloproteins, including DNA

Fig. 15.4. The effect of 9 days on a protein-free diet on protein synthesis in liver and muscle of rats. The
columns are per cent of controls. Data of Millward et al., 1976.
䊐, liver; 䊐, muscle.

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232 Chapter 15

Fig. 15.5. The effect of refeeding on muscle protein synthesis in rats after 9 days on a protein-free diet. Data
of Millward et al., 1975.

and RNA polymerases. Zinc deficiency has been muscle is greatly reduced in both states, but in
studied in rats by Giugliano and Millward (1984, liver only with prolonged starvation. Falls in pro-
1987). They found that protein synthesis in mus- tein synthesis reflect the interactions of these two
cle was depressed in rats after 10 days on a virtu- components of the synthetic machinery.
ally zinc-free diet, with a small fall in [RNA] and From a teleological point of view it looks as if
a larger fall in kRNA. There was much variation in muscle the whole process of turnover is shut
between individual zinc-deficient rats, but within down, degradation as well as synthesis, whereas
this group there were correlations between in liver continuing synthesis is so important that
depression in growth rate, kS and kRNA, with no it has to be maintained by amino acids supplied
differences in [RNA]. Degradation was also by breakdown of muscle protein.
increased in the rats with the greatest depression
in growth rate. The effect of micronutrients is an
area that needs further exploration. 15.2.4 Turnover rates of myofibrillar
The conclusion is that in liver the ribosome proteins
content is little affected either by protein depriva-
tion or by total starvation unless prolonged to a Any discussion of the effects of nutritional state
pre-mortal state. In contrast, in muscle ribosome on protein turnover in liver and muscle would be
content is reduced earlier and more severely in incomplete without reference to the obvious fact
both conditions. Ribosomal activity, kRNA, in that in both tissues the total protein is a mixture

Table 15.11. Protein synthesis in liver and muscle of rats during 21 days on a protein-free diet. Numbers
are per cent of initial value.

% d1 mg g1 protein synthesis, mg1 RNA

Day Liver Muscle Liver Muscle Liver Muscle

0 100 100 100 100 100 100
1 104 52 106 85 99 61
2 104 44 97 67 107 66
3 132 44 94 56 141 77
9 177 27 92 39 192 70
21 136 23 88 39 155 60

Measurements by constant infusion of [14C]

tyrosine. Recalculated from Garlick et al., 1975.
[RNA] = RNA concentration, mg g1 protein; kRNA = RNA activity = mg protein synthesized mg1 RNA.

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Protein Turnover in Tissues 233

Table 15.12. Recovery of protein synthesis in muscle in rats after 30 days on a protein-free diet.

% d1 mg mg1 mg g1 protein mg mg1
Initial (weight control) 13.8 2.28 10.2 13.8
30 days protein-free diet 2.7 0.67 3.2 8.0
Re-fed 1 day 5.9 0.80 3.9 15.3
3 days 10.4 1.48 6.3 16.6
8 days 19.8 2.72 10.1 19.2
14 days 17.1 2.67 7.9 20.3

FSR = fractional synthesis rate; [RNA] = RNA concentration, mg g1 protein.

Data of Millward et al., 1975.

of many different proteins. In the liver not much A later study (Bates et al., 1983) showed by a
is known about the responses of individual pro- variety of methods that although in the fed state
teins, except in the case of some enzymes, partic- the synthesis rates of actin and myosin are the
ularly those of the urea cycle (see Chapter 8). In same, starvation causes a much greater reduction
muscle the proteins fall into two groups, sar- in the synthesis of actin (Table 15.14). In con-
coplasmic and myofibrillar, and within the latter trast, Zak et al. (1977) found by the double-iso-
individual contractile proteins such as myosin, tope decay method (Chapter 14) that myosin
actin, etc. Pioneers in early studies on these pro- heavy chains, -actinin and tropomyosin turn
teins were Zak and Millward. More recently over faster than actin or myosin light chains.
attention has been given to the mitochondrial pro- Fiorotto et al. (2000) on the other hand found that
teins (Boirie et al., 2001; Stump et al., 2003). undernutrition in suckling rats caused similar
Bates and Millward (1983) showed that the decreases, of about 30%, in the synthesis rates of
amounts of myofibrillar (M) and sarcoplasmic (S) seven different myofibrillar proteins. We think
protein in rat muscle are in the ratio of 2.4:1; in the evidence is strong, but not conclusive, that the
adult non-growing rats the fractional synthesis myofibrillar proteins do turn over at different
rate of M was about half that of S over a range of rates, or at least respond differently to dietary
different muscles with different overall synthesis stimuli. Millward (1980) suggested that ‘individ-
rates, e.g. 8% day1 in the diaphragm, with slow ual protein subunits might exchange between
oxidative fibres, and 4% day1 in quadratus lum- myofilaments throughout the myofibril and in the
borum, mainly composed of fast glycolytic fibres. course of this exchange those in peripheral
The relative rate, M/S, fell with age and with myofilaments interact with a degrading system
starvation (Table 15.13). This preferential loss of located in the intermyofibrillar space’. This fol-
myofibrillar protein may explain in part the lows an idea originally proposed by Etlinger et
decline in muscle function with age (see Chapters al. (1975) and Zak et al. (1977). If component
11 and 12.3). proteins are turning over at different rates it is

Table 15.13. Relative synthesis rates of myofibrillar and sarcoplasmic

proteins in rat muscle at different stages of growth.
Growth rate Overall rate Relative synthesis rate
% d1 % d1 myofibrillar:sarcoplasmic

6.3 29 0.73
2.3 14 0.72
0.7 5.2 0.65
0.3 4.9 0.56
0 (steady state) 4.5 0.50
12.8 (4 days starved) 2.6 0.43

Data of Bates and Millward, 1978.

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234 Chapter 15

Table 15.14. Synthesis rates of a sarcoplasmic protein (aldolase) and of

myofibrillar proteins in skeletal muscle of rats before and after 4 days’
Synthesis, % d1

Protein Fed Starved

Mixed 13.8 8.7

Sarcoplasmic – aldolase 17.3 9.3
Myofibrillar – myosina 17.9 10.2
myosinb 14.9 6.7
actina 16.8 5.7
actinb 15.4 2.7
actomyosinb 13.8 3.3
aMeasurement by infusion of [14C] tyrosine or [methyl-14C] methionine, or
bMeasurement by infusion of [methyl-14C] methionine, with S-adenosyl

methionine as precursor and protein-bound methylhistidine as product.

Data of Bates et al., 1983.

strange how the myofibril maintains its contrac- tends to reduce plasma amino acid concentrations.
tile activity – perhaps because only a small per- Most of the experimental work has been done
centage of myofibrils are affected at any one on skeletal muscle, with synthesis measured
time. either by constant infusion or by flooding dose;
there is strong support for the role of insulin in
promoting protein synthesis (kS) in skeletal mus-
15.3 The Effects of Hormones on cle of young rats, and increasing the efficiency of
Protein Turnover in Tissues synthesis (kRNA), provided that essential amino
acids are also available. This has been shown in
As mentioned earlier, the effects of hormones rats (Garlick and Grant, 1988; Jepson et al.,
often overlap, inhibiting or supporting each other; 1988) and in piglets (Wray-Cohen et al., 1998;
they also interact with the effects of food, partic- Davis et al., 2000). Synthesis was reduced in ani-
ularly in the case of insulin, because feeding mals made diabetic with streptozotocin (Millward
stimulates insulin secretion. A good account of et al., 1976; Odedra et al., 1982; Pain et al.,
these interactions is given by Millward (1990). 1983; Ashford and Pain, 1986a) or by anti-insulin
Useful general reviews are those of Sugden and serum (Millward et al., 1983), and was restored
Fuller (1991), Grizard et al. (1995) and by insulin but not by infusion of amino acids
Rooyackers and Nair (1997). (Odedra et al., 1982). In addition, diabetes caused
a reduction in RNA content in both liver and
muscle, which was reversed by thyroid hormone
15.3.1 Insulin (T3) (Brown and Millward, 1983). Baillie and
Garlick (1991b) found that in rat muscles insulin
As recently as 2001 a paper from Jefferson’s labo- largely reversed the moderate depression of kS
ratory began with the words: ‘The feeding- produced by 12 h fasting, but had much less
induced stimulation of protein synthesis requires effect on the severe depression following a 36 h
the hormone insulin and an adequate supply of fast. With prolonged fasting the action of insulin
amino acids. The relative contribution of each of is antagonized by corticosteroids, whose plasma
these factors to the increase in protein synthesis levels are greatly increased (Table 15.10).
continues to be a topic of investigation and con- Papers by Garlick et al. (1988, 1992) go a long
troversy’ (Anthony et al., 2001). Investigation of way towards resolving the problem of insulin ver-
the problem is complicated, because while amino sus amino acids as stimulators of synthesis. They
acids stimulate the secretion of insulin, insulin found that in diabetic rats maximal increases in

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Protein Turnover in Tissues 235

synthesis were only obtained with unphysiologi- insulin stimulated mitochondrial protein synthesis
cal levels of insulin, but when amino acids, partic- in muscle, with no effect on that of sarcoplasmic
ularly the BCAs, were infused the maximal proteins or myosin heavy chain (Boirie et al.,
response occurred earlier and with lower doses of 2001). This finding has been confirmed by Stump
insulin. Thus amino acids increase the sensitivity et al. (2003), who showed that in normal sub-
to insulin. This hypothesis is supported by later jects infused with high doses of insulin there was
work at the molecular level, suggesting that amino increased synthesis of mitochondrial proteins,
acids have separate but complementary effects on together with enhanced production of ATP and of
the initiation of synthesis. the enzymes cytochrome oxidase and citrate syn-
In both rat and piglet the stimulation of syn- thase. This is an important demonstration of a
thesis in skeletal muscle by insulin is highly link between mitochondrial protein synthesis and
dependent on age. In mature adult rats the energy transduction. The effects were much
response to insulin was less than half that found smaller in patients with type 2 diabetes. Unlike
in young rats 1 month old (Baillie and Garlick, Boirie, Stump et al. also found that insulin
1991a,b; Dardevet et al., 1994); McNulty et al. increased the expression of myosin heavy chain
(1993) found no response. In piglets the insulin isoform I, the predominant isoform in oxidative
response was greatly reduced even over the short muscle fibres.
interval between 7 and 26 days after birth. There is general agreement that insulin has lit-
Studies on adult animals therefore tend not to be tle or no effect on protein synthesis in the liver
informative; in adult goats neither insulin nor and other visceral organs, except perhaps on the
amino acids had any effect on protein synthesis in production of albumin and other secreted proteins
skeletal muscle (Tauveron et al., 1994). Likewise, (Ashford and Pain, 1986a; Mosoni et al., 1993a;
in adult humans with type I diabetes restoration Tauveron et al., 1994; Boirie et al., 2001; Davis
of insulin in the post-absorptive state had no et al., 2001) and of ribosomal proteins (Anthony
effect on kS in skeletal muscle (Pacy et al., 1984). et al., 2001). It was shown by Pain et al. (Pain
In diabetic animals the depression of synthesis and Garlick, 1974; Pain et al., 1974a,b) that in
rate results from a reduction in both RNA con- the rat diabetes caused extensive disruption of the
centration and efficiency in fast-twitch muscles; rough endoplasmic reticulum of the liver on
in heart there is mainly a loss of RNA (Crozier et which exported proteins are synthesized. This
al., 2003). paper contains a useful analysis of the extensive
There is some information on the rate at work done on the problem up to that time, now
which synthesis in muscle recovers when insulin mostly forgotten. In human diabetes biopsy of the
deficiency is treated either directly or when stim- small intestinal mucosa showed a small but sig-
ulated by food. The results in Table 15.12 in the nificant decrease in kS, which was restored to
previous section are of interest: they show that normal by treatment with insulin (Charlton et al.,
after 4 days of starvation, when plasma insulin 2000).
concentration as well as kS and kRNA were One would expect from the results in the
reduced to very low levels, some degree of recov- whole body (Chapter 9) that the effect of insulin
ery with a rise in insulin concentration had on protein breakdown would be more important
occurred after only 60 minutes of re-feeding. It is than its effect on synthesis. Unfortunately there is
noteworthy also that starvation led to very high very little information about breakdown in tissues,
concentrations of corticosterone, and that admin- because of the difficulty of measuring it. In one
istration of this glucocorticoid retarded recovery. study on diabetic rats, in which breakdown was
The response of skeletal muscle to insulin measured as the difference between synthesis and
varies with the fibre type, being greater in fast- growth, breakdown of muscle protein was
twitch glycolytic muscles than in slow-twitch decreased, but not as much as synthesis, so that
oxidative muscles such as soleus (Odedra et al., the muscle remained in negative protein balance
1982; Baillie et al., 1991b). As regards the differ- (Millward et al., 1976). On the other hand
ent proteins in muscle, in newborn piglets insulin Ashford and Pain (1986a,b) found in young rats
produced the same stimulation of synthesis in made diabetic with streptozotocin a massive
sarcoplasmic and myofibrillar fractions (Davis et increase, within 2 days, in the degradation rate of
al., 2001). However, in mature miniature pigs ribosomal proteins, with a smaller effect on total

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236 Chapter 15

muscle protein. The RNA concentration was stimulation, needs insulin as well (Davis et al.,
reduced by 25–30% after 5 days of diabetes (Fig. 2002). With insulin deficiency there is a reduc-
15.6). It has also been reported from measure- tion in the efficiency of synthesis in muscle, and
ments of methylhistidine and tyrosine release, that there is some decrease in the RNA concentration
in the muscle of diabetic rats there is preferential as well. These are the observed effects: how they
degradation of myofibrillar proteins (Kadowaki et are brought about is another matter. Kimball et al.
al., 1989). More recently it has been shown that in (1994), in a review of the subject, identified no
rat muscle insulin deficiency increased protein less than 10 steps in the synthetic pathway that
degradation, with raised levels of mRNAs of the may be regulated by insulin. Now it is clear that
ubiquitin–proteosome pathway and increased breakdown is also involved. In the last 10 years
transcription of the ubiquitin gene (Price et al., much progress has been made at the molecular
1996); the effect was potentiated by glucocorti- level – see, for example, articles by Anthony et
coids (Rodriguez et al., 1998; Mitch et al., 1999). al. (2001) and Crozier et al. (2003).
Current studies are elucidating the mechanism by
which insulin acts on this degradative system
(Rome et al., 2004). To get a complete picture it is 15.3.2 IGF-1
clearly perilous to ignore breakdown.
To summarize: insulin promotes, and lack of it It has long been known that the polypeptide hor-
depresses, protein synthesis in skeletal muscle of mone IGF-1 is synthesized in the liver under the
young animals; it has little effect in mature ones. influence of growth hormone (GH), and that it cir-
Insulin deficiency also promotes protein break- culates in the plasma mainly attached to a binding
down, although whether there is an effect of age protein, IGF-BP3. This gave rise to the
is not known. The action of insulin is tissue-spe- ‘somatomedin hypothesis’, that the effects of GH
cific: it has virtually no effect in liver and other are all mediated by IGF-1. Secondly, it was found
visceral tissues. In liver synthesis responds to that IGF-1 is produced by most tissues, so that its
amino acids alone, whereas muscle, for maximal action might be paracrine or autocrine, rather than



8 Accumulation
(or loss)
Fractional rate (% d–1)

4 Synthesis




Control 2-day 4-day
diabetic diabetic

Fig. 15.6. Effect of insulin withdrawal on fractional rates of accumulation, synthesis and breakdown of ribo-
somal proteins in gastrocnemius muscle of rats. Reproduced, by permission, from Ashford and Pain, 1986a,
by courtesy of the Journal of Biological Chemistry.

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Protein Turnover in Tissues 237

truly endocrine; this would follow if circulating in humans both have a profound effect on circu-
IGF-1, complexed to a binding protein, was inac- lating IGF-1 concentrations. A low protein diet
tive, and only IGF-1 locally produced in the tis- decreased IGF-1 concentrations in tissues and
sues was active. There are as yet no clear answers transcription of the IGF-1 gene (Strauss and
to these questions, but the observations of Fryburg Takemoto, 1990; Grizard et al., 1995). Fasting in
(1994) mentioned in Chapter 9 tend to support the rats reduced the plasma concentrations of IGF-1
latter hypothesis. The relationship of IGF-1 to GH and IGF-BP3 (Frystyk et al., 1999) and total IGF
at the molecular level has been examined in some mRNA levels in most tissues (Lowe et al., 1989).
detail (for review see Thissen et al., 1994). These findings suggest the possibility that reduc-
IGF-1 reduces plasma concentrations of tions in muscle protein synthesis, tibial growth
amino acids and insulin; in rodents it stimulates and cartilage deposition produced by restriction
protein synthesis in muscle, particularly when in protein and energy intake (Yahya et al., 1994)
amino acids are also supplied (Jacob et al., 1996), could be secondary to reduced IGF-1 activity.
with no effect on visceral tissues (Bark et al., Against this is the finding by Thissen et al.
1998). Similarly, in neonatal piglets synthesis (1991) that in rats when weight gain and growth
was increased by IGF-1 in muscle but not in liver in tail length and epiphysial cartilage were
and other viscera except for the spleen (Davis, grossly restricted by a 5% protein diet, adminis-
2002). In cultured myocytes from young rats tration of IGF-1 produced no improvement.
IGF-1 produced a large increase in synthesis with
no effect on breakdown (Dardevet et al., 1994).
Figure 15.7 shows an interesting relationship 15.3.3 Growth hormone
in muscle of pigs treated with growth hormone,
between plasma IGF-1 and RNA activity. In rats hypophysectomy reduces growth partly
Experimentally, protein restriction and fasting because animals eat less. In hypophysectomized

Fig. 15.7. Relation between kRNA in muscle and plasma concentration of IGF-I in pigs. , 5-kg Piétrain
piglets; , 65-kg Piétrain  large-white pigs treated with growth hormone. Reproduced from Sève and
Ponter (1990), by courtesy of the Proceedings of the Nutrition Society.

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238 Chapter 15

rats kS and kRNA were reduced in both muscle and 15.3.4 Thyroid hormones
liver, with no significant change in RNA concen-
tration. It does not, of course, follow that provid- In the 1980s there was much experimental work
ing GH to normal animals will increase protein on the effects of thyroid hormones (TH) on tissue
synthesis above the normal level. Nevertheless, protein turnover, particularly skeletal muscle, the
the use of GH to increase growth in lean body active hormone being triiodothyronine (T3). A
mass in farm animals suggested that the hormone consensus emerged that in euthyroid animals, and
might produce an increase in muscle protein syn- even more in thyroidectomized ones, T3 increases
thesis. Pell and Bates (1987) showed in lambs both synthesis and breakdown of muscle proteins,
that 100 g kg1 day1 of growth hormone pro- as measured by various methods (Goldberg et al.,
duced a 30% increase in the FSR in a slow-twitch 1980; Carter et al., 1982, 1984; Hayashi et al.,
red muscle (biceps femoris) but no change in a 1986; Jepson et al., 1988). In thyroidectomized
fast-twitch white muscle (semitendinosus). This rats the fall in muscle protein synthesis was
effect has not been found in man. Yarasheki et al. caused by a reduced concentration of RNA,
(1992, 1995) measured protein synthesis in mus- which was restored by treatment with T3, kRNA
cle biopsies from both young and elderly men being only slightly depressed (Table 15.15)
who were undergoing a course of resistance exer- (Brown et al., 1981; Brown and Millward, 1983).
cise training. The training led to an increase in It is very difficult in these experiments to rule out
muscle mass and strength, but the increase was the roles of food supply and other hormones, par-
no greater when growth hormone was adminis- ticularly insulin, growth hormone and insulin-like
tered as well, nor was there any measurable growth factor-1 (IGF-1). These relationships are
change in muscle protein synthesis. Reasons for reviewed by Dauncey and Gilmour (1996). At
the discrepancy with Pell’s results may be that equal food intake hypothyroid pigs had higher
she used a dose of hormone that was 21/2 times IGF-1 levels than euthyroid controls (Morovat
that of Yarasheki, and her animals were growing, and Dauncey, 1998); in fetal sheep thyroid hor-
whereas Yarasheki’s subjects were not. Similarly, mones had an important role in regulating IGF-1
Welle et al. (1996) tried to reverse depression of gene expression. In piglets an increased energy
myofibrillar protein synthesis by administration supply or decreased demand for thermoregulation
of GH for 3 months. The treatment produced a increased plasma T3 concentrations and the num-
substantial increase in muscle mass but no ber of T3 binding sites in muscle (Dauncey, 1990)
change in myofibrillar protein synthesis. while protein had no effect. On the other hand, in
However, this is not so paradoxical: an increase rats fed diets of varying protein content, Jepson et
in fractional synthesis rate too small to be al. (1988) showed that plasma levels of T3 and of
detected, if not counterbalanced by a change in insulin were both correlated with protein intake;
breakdown, would by compound interest over a moreover, rates of muscle protein synthesis and
long period build up a substantial increase in breakdown were correlated with the concentra-
muscle mass. tions of both hormones. Thus under physiological
It should be added that none of this work conditions the influence of protein and energy
resolves the question of whether GH acts via intake may be secondary, through their effects on
IGF-1, since it was clearly impossible to clamp T3 concentration. However, in hypothyroidism
IGF-1 over the long time period of these studies. hepatic 5⬘-monodeiodinase activity, which pro-

Table 15.15. Effect of thyroid hormone on protein turnover in rat

skeletal muscle (gastrocnemius and quadriceps).
Control 100 100 100
Thyroidectomized 60 68 87
Thyroidectomized + T3 113 105 106
Numbers are per cent of control. Data of Brown et al., 1981.

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Protein Turnover in Tissues 239

duces T3 from thyroxin, was reduced – a response mRNAs in both liver and muscle, to an extent
that would seem to be counter-regulatory which varies somewhat with the stage of prenatal
(Harrison et al., 1996). and postnatal development (Duchamp et al.,
Less has been done on liver than on muscle. A 1996; Forhead et al., 2000, 2002). These findings
paper by Peavy et al. (1981) on perfused livers reinforce the indications from the earlier work of
and isolated hepatocytes is very important. They the central role of TH in the hormonal orchestra.
showed that thyroidectomy decreased the synthe- It remains to be seen how far the changes in
sis of albumin and other secreted proteins by 50% myofibre type and composition found in the fetus
so that the amount of albumin recovered from the persist into adult life.
liver was reduced, while the synthesis of non-
secreted proteins fell by only 20%. The size dis-
tribution of polyribosomes was the same in 15.3.5 Glucocorticoids
thyroidectomized and normal rats and there was
no difference in the proportion of polyribosomes In an early study on rats Tomas et al. (1979)
that were synthesizing albumin. These results showed that high doses of corticosterone, produc-
argued against a defect in initiation/elongation, in ing plasma levels similar to those in stressed rats,
contrast to the finding by Mathews et al. (1973) led to an increase in muscle protein breakdown,
that thyroidectomy doubled the time needed for determined by excretion of 3-methylhistidine.
assembly of polypeptide chains. The difference Muscles lost weight while liver gained weight –
was attributed to technical factors. Peavy et al. another example of the contrast between these
concluded that TH deficiency caused a general- two tissues. They observed also that the glucocor-
ized incapacity to synthesize most proteins and ticoid treatment caused a substantial increase in
that the extra deficit in the synthesis of secreted plasma insulin concentrations. On the other hand,
proteins might be due to co-translational break- in starvation insulin falls and glucocorticoids rise
down before they are secreted. Broadly, this con- (Table 15.10). Odedra et al. (1982), Millward et
clusion agrees with that derived from work on al. (1983), Pain et al. (1983), Ashford and Pain
muscle (Table 15.15), that TH deficiency pro- (1986a) and Southorn et al. (1990) suggested that
duces a fall in ribosomal concentration, and, in corticosterone had two actions, one independent
contrast to insulin, the effect is the same in mus- from and opposite to that of insulin and a second
cle and liver. which caused resistance to insulin.
The work of Dauncey and her colleagues has The effects of corticosterone on muscle in the
taken the action of thyroid hormones into the rat were examined in detail by Odedra et al.
molecular age. They have been particularly inter- (1983) and may be summarized as follows: (i)
ested in the early development of muscle and its body weight and muscle weight were reduced
myofibrils in the fetus and around the time of while the relative liver weight increased; (ii) the
birth, showing that TH binds to a family of kS of muscle protein fell progressively to 60% of
nuclear receptors that control the development of the control level after 12 days of treatment, the
the myoblast into the myofibre (Dauncey and synthesis rate of actomyosin was reduced more
Gilmour, 1996). They have shown that in neona- than that of total muscle protein; (iii) RNA con-
tal piglets TH promotes the conversion of slow to centration fell pari passu with synthesis, but there
fast myosin heavy chain isoforms; it increases the was no change in efficiency; and (iv) the degrada-
abundance of mitochondria and mitochondrial tion rate of muscle protein doubled after 1 day of
enzymes and the concentrations of Na+, K+ and treatment, but after 4 days it began to fall to the
Ca2+ ATPases (Harrison et al., 1996), confirming control rate. Kayali et al. (1990) suggested that
the earlier finding of Kjeldsen et al. (1986). this adaptive fall in breakdown, measured as the
Thyroidectomy or chemically induced hypothy- difference between synthesis and growth, did not
roidism reverse these effects. In hypothyroid ani- depend on insulin or thyroid hormones. The
mals there is an increase in the nuclear decrease in RNA concentration may result from
T3-receptor-binding capacity of muscle, which increased degradation of ribosomal proteins, as
must have a compensatory effect (Harrison et al., was found by Ashford and Pain (1986b) in muscle
1996). Thyroid hormones also modulate the gene of diabetic rats (vide supra). These effects of glu-
expression of growth hormone receptors and IGF cocorticoids are not confined to muscle; it is very

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240 Chapter 15

interesting that in rats 8 days of treatment with cells and T lymphocytes, with a decrease in all
corticosterone led to almost complete cessation of the lymphocyte subpopulations except for the
growth in the tibia, with massive reductions in kS, natural killer cells (Januszkiewicz et al., 2001).
kRNA and the uptake of 35SO4 into the proteogly- Interest has inevitably moved on to the molec-
can of cartilage, but there was no change in RNA ular mechanism of glucocorticoid action and it
concentration (Yahya et al., 1994). was shown that initiation of synthesis was
In human tissues the effect of corticoids on blocked by increased attachment of one of the
synthesis has been examined more often than on initiation factors to its binding protein (Shah et
breakdown, and then only in muscle. Wernerman al., 2000). It is now possible to get indirect evi-
et al. (1989) showed that infusions of cortisol, dence of changes in breakdown by measuring the
adrenalin or both together with glucagon – i.e. all mRNAs that encode proteolytic enzymes
the stress hormones – caused a reduction in the although, as mentioned earlier, the validity of this
ribosome content of muscle and in the proportion approach has been questioned. Thus it has been
of them that were in polyribosomes, implying a shown that glucocorticoids activate the ubiquitin-
decreased capacity for synthesis as well as proteasome system of protein degradation in
decreased activity. A similar finding was reported muscle during fasting (Wing and Goldberg, 1993;
by Löfberg et al. (2002). On the other hand Gore Auclaire et al., 1997). The activation seems to be
et al. (1993) found that infusion of the three hor- less in old than in adult rats so it has been con-
mones together produced a 50% increase of pro- cluded that glucocorticoids do not play any role
tein synthesis in muscle biopsies; parallel studies in the progressive muscular atrophy seen in old
by arteriovenous difference in the leg indicated people (Dardevet et al., 1995). This atrophy is a
that breakdown was increased more than synthe- chronic process: activation of the ubiquitin-pro-
sis. A unique study is that of McNurlan et al. teasome complex of skeletal muscle was found in
(1996). They measured the synthesis rates of patients with acute and severe head injuries who
plasma albumin, muscle protein and lymphocytes had increased whole body protein breakdown and
in normal people after infusion for 6 h of a cock- 3-methylhistidine excretion (Mansoor et al.,
tail containing the three stress hormones. The 1996), but not in patients with Cushing’s disease,
results in Table 15.16 show in lymphocytes an in which there is muscle wasting with chronic
immediate decrease in synthesis whereas excessive glucocorticoid production (Gore et al.,
decrease in muscle was delayed and albumin syn- 1993).
thesis was increased. The timing of response is Thus most of the work on the effect of gluco-
important when it comes to clinical situations. In corticoid hormones has been done on muscle. In
a subsequent investigation these authors found this tissue they most often decrease protein syn-
that synthesis was reduced in both mononuclear thesis, and there is scope for re-examination of

Table 15.16. Rates of protein synthesis, % d1, during and after

infusion of stress hormones (corticol, epinephrine, glucagon).

Saline Hormones
Experiment Duringa Afterb
1 Muscle 1.57 1.48 –
2 Muscle 1.46 1.60 –
3 Muscle 1.77 1.51 1.29
1 Albumin 6.68 6.90 –
3 Albumin 6.84 6.96 7.99
2 Lymphocytes 9.63 2.47 –
3 Lymphocytes 6.02 – 5.75
aMeasured during last 1 h of 6 h infusion. bMeasured 24 h after start of
6 h infusion. Infusion = 6.0 g cortisol + 3 ng glucagon + 0.5 nmol
epinephrine kg1 min1. Data of McNurlan et al., 1996.

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Protein Turnover in Tissues 241

the extent to which this results from decreased insulin infusion is localized to muscle in mice.
production of ribosomes, as indicated by several American Journal of Physiology 275, E118–123.
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increase muscle protein degradation, and recent McNurlan, M., Wernerman, J. and Garlick, P.J.
(1997) The synthesis rates of total liver protein and
work has concentrated on the enzymic machinery
plasma albumin determined simultaneously in vivo
of proteolysis. It may be possible that these in humans. Hepatology 25, 154–158.
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lation by glucocorticoids. relative rates of muscle synthesis and breakdown
during muscle growth and atrophy. Biochemical
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Plasma Proteins

In the 1950s and ’60s there was intense research 16.1 Albumin
on plasma protein metabolism. Scientists were
stimulated by the theoretical and practical chal- Albumin is the most important of the plasma pro-
lenges presented by isotopes, and particularly by teins, being present in the largest amount – about
their application to man. Plasma proteins were a 3 g kg1 body weight, if intravascular (IV) and
way in, because they could be sampled so easily. extravascular (EV) pools are taken together – or
Many books were produced (e.g. Birke et al., ~1.5% of total body protein. The IV pool con-
1969; Rothschild and Waldmann, 1970; tains about 40% of the albumin; according to the
Wolstenholme and O’Connor, 1973; Allison, compartmental analysis of Matthews (1957) the
1976) and many comprehensive reviews, e.g. EV pool may be divided into two parts, one turn-
Freeman (1968) and Rothschild et al. (1972). ing over faster than the other (Fig. 16.1). The
The plasma proteins can be divided into three slower pool may perhaps occupy the hydrated
main groups. Table 16.1 lists some of those space in the extracellular matrix of connective
whose kinetics have been studied. There is, of tissues. It is strange how little was and still is
course, a host of other circulating proteins and known about the functions of albumin in the
polypeptides, produced in various organs and tis- blood, although it has long been recognized that
sues, about whose kinetics little or nothing is through its oncotic pressure it controls the
known: insulin, insulin-like growth factors and exchange of fluid between IV and EV spaces. An
their binding proteins, growth hormone, parathy- interesting correspondence in the Lancet (Phillips
roid hormone, osteocalcin, melanin, caeruloplas- et al., 1989; Soeters et al., 1990 et seq) attempted
min, metallothionine, interleukins and many to establish a correlation between hypoalbu-
others. minaemia and mortality from various diseases
such as cancer and cardiac infarction. This was
Table 16.1. Some different plasma proteins. attributed by some of the authors to the capacity
1. Those synthesized and secreted by the liver: of albumin to act as a carrier for lipids, trypto-
A. Nutrient-transport proteins: phan and possibly other nutrients and antioxi-
albumin dants; yet people with the rare condition of
transferrin congenital lack of albumin (analbuminaemia)
retinol-binding protein apparently have virtually no handicaps (Bennhold
transthyretin and Kallee, 1959; Waldmann et al., 1964;
Freeman, 1968; Ott, 1968).
B. Acute-phase proteins:
The stages of albumin synthesis have been
1-antitrypsin worked out in some detail. Synthesized by ribo-
haptoglobin somes attached to the rough endoplasmic reticu-
interleukin 6 lum of the liver cell, it is produced initially as a
2. Those produced by cells of the immune system: pre-pro-albumin; this passes to the smooth reticu-
IgG, IgA, IgM, IgE lum, and thence to the Golgi apparatus, from

250 © J.C. Waterlow 2006. Protein Turnover (J.C. Waterlow)

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Plasma Proteins 251

Fig. 16.1. Three-pool model of albumin distribution and exchange. Reproduced from Freeman, 1965, by
courtesy of Pergamon Press, Oxford.

which it is secreted into the plasma (Geller et al., 16.1.1 Methods of measuring albumin
1972). During this passage polypeptide chains are turnover
detached by post-translational modification to
produce the final molecule. Studies by the flood- The kinetics of albumin turnover have been stud-
ing dose method have shown that in man this ied in vivo in humans since the early 1950s.
process takes about 30 minutes and in one study Initially the measurements were only of break-
it was found to be accelerated by infusion of down. The method was to inject a bolus of human
nutrients (Ballmer et al., 1995a). albumin which had been labelled with 131I by iod-
There has been much controversy about the ination in vitro of the tyrosine residues. Much
site of albumin breakdown, and the problem is attention had to be given to avoiding denaturation
still unresolved. Studies with perfused livers of the albumin during the process of iodination
showed that only a small proportion is degraded (McFarlane, 1964) and the International Atomic
in the liver (Cohen and Gordon, 1958). Other Energy Authority organized a multi-centre study
sites that have been proposed are the kidneys and to compare methods. The rate of albumin break-
the gastrointestinal tract. Wetterfors (1965) down could be determined either from the decay
observed that over a range of five mammals from curve of 131I-albumin in plasma or from the uri-
mouse to man the rate of albumin breakdown nary excretion of 131I over periods of 10–28 days.
could be described by the allometric equation: A major complication is that the disappearance of
label from the plasma results not only from its
breakdown = 5.83  wt0.68
breakdown but also from exchange with the
Since this exponent is approximately that of body extravascular albumin pool, which is about
surface area, and since the absorptive area of the 1.2–1.5  the IV pool. As a consequence the
gut varies with body weight in the same way as decay curve had to be analysed by a multi-com-
surface area, they took this as an indication that partmental model. Nosslin (1973) described no
the gut might be the site of breakdown. However, less than 13 methods of calculating iodine
there has been no experimental support for this turnover from 131I data! A brilliant paper by
concept, and it seems likely that albumin is Beeken et al. (1962) is a good example of how
degraded throughout the body, perhaps in the methods were compared. A computer analysis by
endothelial cells of the blood vessels. When a Plantin (1966) compared four different models
large dose of albumin was given intravenously and found very few differences greater than 5%
the transcapillary escape rate and the albumin in the derived parameters. The calculation of
breakdown rate were both increased in parallel fractional breakdown rate (FBR) from the urinary
(Rossing et al., 1972). excretion of 131I was complicated by much day-

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252 Chapter 16

to-day variation in iodide excretion. This diffi- subjects at the same time (see Tavill et al., 1968).
culty was overcome by whole-body counting of A flooding dose of phenylalanine (Chapter 14)
131I (Mouridsen, 1967; James and Hay, 1968); has evidently become the gold standard for this
subtracting the intravascular 131I-albumin from measurement, and the results from different labo-
the total retained in the body gave the amount in ratories are consistent with those by other
the EV pool. From the amounts in the pools at methods.
different times it was possible to calculate sepa- Table 16.2 shows the results obtained by the
rately rates of degradation, synthesis and net different methods. With each method there is a
transfer between the pools. Shorter methods, nearly twofold range between the means of dif-
depending on the urinary excretion of labelled ferent studies, but the overall agreement is
iodide, were also developed, enabling albumin remarkable.
breakdown to be measured in about 1 day
(Bianchi et al., 1972b; Hoffenberg et al., 1972).
A method for measuring synthesis of plasma
proteins in the liver was developed independently 16.1.2 The regulation of albumin metabolism
by McFarlane (1963) and by Reeve et al. (1963).
The principle, originally proposed by Swick It was suggested by Hoffenberg (1970) and Tavill
(1958), was to give 14C-carbonate, which labels et al. (1973) that a change in the size of the albu-
the 6C atom of arginine and also the C atom of min pool, resulting from a change in synthesis
urea (see Chapter 5). A detailed account of the rate, will be compensated if the fractional break-
method is given by Jones et al. (1968) and by down rate (FBR) is constant, since less will be
Tavill et al. (1968). The synthesis rate of albumin removed if the pool is small and more if it is
can then be derived from the precursor-product large. However, experiments in which the
relationship: intravascular albumin pool (IVM) was decreased
by plasmapheresis showed that this was not so;
total incorporation of tracer in albumin
= both fractional and absolute breakdown rates fell
mass of newly formed albumin
(Matthews et al., 1961; Hoffenberg et al., 1966).
total incorporation of tracer in urea
When in humans the IVM was increased by infu-
mass of newly formed urea
sions of plasma the FBR increased (Andersen and
Several authors used both methods in humans, Rossing, 1967; Tavill et al., 1968). Clearly, the
and found agreement between the synthesis rate FBR is not constant. Rothschild proposed a
measured by 14C-carbonate and the breakdown mechanism by which albumin synthesis is con-
rate by 131I (Tavill et al., 1968; Wochner et al., trolled by the intravascular colloid osmotic pres-
1968; Bianchi et al., 1972b). The new method sure, an increase in pressure causing a decrease in
had the great advantage that it required only 4 h synthesis; he showed that when this pressure was
instead of days or weeks, but it is not without raised by infusions of albumin or dextran, the
problems, particularly because it cannot be synthesis rate of albumin fell. A full account of
assumed that urea is labelled instantaneously. this work is given in Oratz (1970) and in
A variant of this method was to use [15N] Rothschild’s reviews of 1970 and 1972; they
glycine as tracer, and measure 15N in urea as a have given evidence of stimulation of albumin
proxy for the precursor and the guanidino-N of synthesis by thyroid hormones and cortisone.
arginine in albumin as product (Gersovitz et al., Other authors, however, found a positive correla-
1980; Olufemi et al., 1991). tion between colloid osmotic pressure and the
Measurements of plasma protein turnover rate of albumin synthesis (Rossing and Andersen,
were greatly simplified by the introduction of the 1967), which is contrary to the theory.
constant infusion and flooding dose methods. In Studies in rats have shown that infusions of
normal adults, if a steady state can be assumed, albumin or of dextran decreased the transcription
there is satisfactory agreement with the results for rates of the albumin gene and downregulated the
breakdown obtained with 131I. Because the level of albumin mRNA (Pietrangelo et al.,
timescales for measuring synthesis and break- 1992). Similarly, but in the opposite direction, in
down are so different there are very few studies rats in which a toxin, adriamycin, produced a
in which both have been measured in the same model of the nephrotic syndrome, the levels of

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Plasma Proteins 253

Table 16.2. Albumin turnover in normal adults measured by different methods.

n N FBR or FSR Range References

% d1 of FSR

A. 131I-albumin 147 10 9.5 7.4–12.2 1–10

B. Glycine/carbonate- 28 6 8.1 4–12 10–15
C. 13C leucine infusion 2 11.8 10.0–13.7 16, 17
VLDL-apo-B 100 as precursor
D. Constant infusion 74 10 7.3 4.8–12.0 18–27
E. Flooding dose 88 13 7.9 5.8–10.4 28–37
leucine or

n, number of subjects; N, number of studies; FBR and FSR, weighted means of each study. References:
A: 1, Beeken et al., 1962; 2, Cohen et al., 1961; 3, Dykes, 1968; 4, Hoffenberg, 1966; 5, Jarnum and
Lassen, 1961; 6, McFarlane, 1963; 7, Mouridsen, 1967; 8, Rossing and Andersen, 1967; 9, Wilkinson
and Mendenhall, 1963; 10, Wochner et al., 1968. B: 11, Gersovitz et al., 1980; 12, McFarlane, 1963; 13,
Olufemi et al., 1991; 14, Tavill et al., 1968; 15, Wochner et al., 1968. C: 16, Cayol et al., 1967, 17,
Jackson et al., 2001. D: 18, Ballmer et al., 1995a; 19, Cayol et al., 1995; 20, De Feo et al., 1992; 21, de
Sain-Van der Velden et al., 1998b; 22, Fu and Nair, 1998; 23, Mansoor et al., 1997; 24, Olufemi et al.,
1991; 25, Smith et al., 1994; 26, Volpi et al., 1966; 27, Zanetti et al., 2001. E: 28, Ballmer et al., 1990,
1992, 1993, 1995b; 29, Barber et al., 2000; 30, Barle et al., 1997; 31, Brutomesso et al., 2001; 32, Caso
et al., 2000; 33, Fearon et al., 1998; 34, Hunter et al., 1995; 35, McMillan et al., 1996; 36, McNurlan et
al., 1998; 37, Smith et al., 1994.

mRNAs encoding albumin, transferrin and apo calculated on the assumption of a steady state, as
A1 lipoprotein were increased in a coordinated the sum of loss by breakdown + loss in the urine,
fashion (Kang et al., 1999). These results fit with was slightly increased. In all the other studies on
the demonstration by Häussinger et al. (1991) nephrosis and on those in protein-losing
and Stoll et al. (1992) that hyperosmotic cell enteropathy and cancer cachexia, the absolute
shrinkage stimulates protein breakdown and synthesis rate was increased, sometimes by a
inhibits synthesis, while hypoosmotic swelling large amount (Table 16.3). In cirrhosis of the
produces the opposite effects. liver in two studies, breakdown, measured with
The findings in pathological states, in which [131I] albumin, was decreased; in the one direct
the intravascular albumin mass (IVM) is reduced measurement synthesis was also reduced, pre-
(Table 16.3), tend to support the theory of control sumably as a result of liver damage. Ballmer et
by oncotic pressure. When breakdown is mea- al. (1993) showed a relation between reduction in
sured, as in Jensen et al.’s study (1967) of 30 the rate of albumin synthesis and the clinical
patients with nephrosis, the fractional rates of uri- assessment of the severity of liver damage. Thus
nary loss, breakdown and synthesis were all higher the response to a low IVM could be regarded as
the smaller the IVM. For breakdown ( Fig. 16.2A) ‘purposeful’ – to restore the IVM by a fall in
this makes no physiological sense. It may be more breakdown and a rise in synthesis, and both could
illuminating to consider absolute rates. For break- result from swelling of the liver cells from low
down the absolute rate (ABR) decreased a little, oncotic pressure. Whether this is really the mech-
from 8.5 g day1 in the highest quintile of IVM anism remains to be seen.
(mean 74 g) to 5.4 g day1 in the lowest quintile
(mean 22 g). This could be regarded as an adaptive
response. The absolute synthesis rates (ASR)
showed no consistent increase (Fig. 16.2B). 16.1.3 Effect of food on albumin synthesis
Jensen’s is the only study in nephrotics in
which breakdown was measured directly; the In 1954 Steinbock and Tarver injected into rats
absolute breakdown rate was reduced. Synthesis, plasma from donor rats in which the proteins were

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254 Chapter 16

Table 16.3. Changes in intravascular albumin mass (IVM) and in absolute rates of synthesis (ASR) or
breakdown (ABR) in various pathological states. Ratio patients:controls.


Jensen et al, 1967, [131] albumin 0.42 0.57 1.13
Bianchi, 1972aa, [131] albumin 1.03 0.86
Ballmer et al., 1992, flood 0.58 – 1.47
de Sain-van der Velden et al., 1998a, flood 0.63 – 2.25
de Sain-van der Velden et al., 1998b, flood 0.53 – 2.07
Demant et al., 1998, flood 0.60 – 1.36
Zanetti et al., 2001, constant infusion 0.87 – 2.55
Giordano et al., 2001b, constant infusion 0.78 1.70
Protein-losing enteropathy
Schomerus and Mayer, 1975, [14C]-carbonate 0.76 – 3.12
Wochner et al., 1968, [14C]-carbonate 0.48 – 1.24
Kerr, 1967, [131I] albumin 0.60 0.50 –
Cancer cachexia
Fearon et al., 1998, flood 0.78 – 1.28
Wilkinson and Mendenhall, 1963, [131I] 0.67 0.72 –
Dykes, 1968, [131I] 0.70 0.32 –
Ballmer et al., 1993, flood 0.89 – 0.81

The control values for this table are those given by each author.
aIn this study although the IVM was normal the EVM was greatly reduced.

biologically labelled with [35S] methionine pre- reduced by almost 50% after 9 days on a protein-
pared from yeast. The experimental rats were fed free diet. There was a parallel fall in the concen-
for 3 weeks on diets containing different amounts tration of translatable albumin mRNA. A study on
of protein. The half-lives on these diets were: 0% rats by Kirsch et al. (1968) is of particular inter-
protein: 17 days; 25%: 5.1 days; 65%: 2.9 days. est because synthesis was measured by the 14C-
Perfusion of the liver in rabbits showed that carbonate method and breakdown with
131I-albumin. The time-course of the changes was
albumin synthesis was increased twofold when
the donor rabbits were fed compared with fasted observed over 12 days on a protein-free diet, fol-
(Rothschild et al., 1968). Albumin synthesis was lowed by another 12 days on a normal diet.
almost doubled in perfused livers when the During the first period synthesis fell steadily, but
medium was supplemented with amino acids, breakdown remained unchanged for 6 days and
insulin, growth hormone and cortisol (John and then fell abruptly, so that the final absolute rate
Miller, 1969). In rats starved for 2 days the was only 30% of normal. On refeeding synthesis
absolute synthesis rates of both total liver protein increased rapidly and reached about twice the
and albumin fell in parallel with the decrease in normal rate in 3–4 days, whereas breakdown rose
amount of liver protein, so that there was no to normal more slowly. Hoffenberg et al. (1966)
change in the fractional rates, nor in the propor- made a similar study on human volunteers, who
tion of total liver synthesis contributed by albu- were switched from a high to a low protein diet.
min – ~15% (Pain et al., 1978). A different The low diet led to a small fall (13%) in IV albu-
picture was produced by protein deficiency. min mass and serum concentration but a reduc-
Jeejeebhoy et al. found that in rats on a protein- tion of ~30% in rates of both breakdown and
free diet the FSR of albumin fell from 48 to 7% synthesis + transfer. The important points are that
day1. In Pain’s study (1978), albumin synthesis, synthesis responds more rapidly than breakdown,
as a fraction of total protein synthesis, was and that these dynamic changes are more sensi-

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Plasma Proteins 255

Fig. 16.2. Albumin turnover in nephrotic patients with low intravascular albumin mass (IVM). A, Fractional
breakdown rate (FBR, % d1) of albumin vs. IVM; B, Absolute synthesis rate (ASR, mg kg1 d1) vs. IVM.
Drawn from data of Jensen et al., 1967.

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256 Chapter 16

tive to protein deprivation than static changes in was only 60% of that on a generous intake (1.4 g
albumin concentration. These experimental kg1 day1) (Jackson et al., 2001).
observations are very relevant to the findings in As a footnote, it is interesting that the black
malnourished children described below. bear during hibernation takes in no food or water
The literature on the effect of adding protein and passes no urine, but recycles nitrogen with
or a meal of amino acids on albumin synthesis is extraordinary efficiency. Albumin turnover
contradictory, ranging from no effect (Ballmer et increases fourfold; evidently all the amino acids
al., 1995b), a small effect (Hunter et al., 1995; needed for synthesis are derived from protein
Barber et al., 2000; de Meyer et al., 2000) to a breakdown (Lundberg et al., 1976) (Fig. 16.3).
large increase (De Feo et al., 1992; Cayol et al.,
1997; Brutomesso et al., 2001). It is interesting
that as long ago as 1978, Pain et al. showed that in
rats on a protein-free diet there was a 50% reduc- 16.1.4 Albumin turnover in severely
tion in the synthesis of albumin mRNA – an early malnourished children
example of the application of molecular biology
to nutritional problems. These were all short-term Five studies have been reported on severely mal-
studies; in the longer term the level and quality of nourished infants and young children, who were
dietary protein have also been found to influence thought to be suffering from a diet deficient in
the FSR of albumin. On a vegetable protein diet both energy and protein: one from Mexico (Gitlin
the FSR was 13% lower than on one containing et al., 1958); one from South Africa (Cohen et
animal protein (Caso et al., 2000; Garlick and al., 1962); and three from Jamaica (Picou and
Contaldo, 2000). On a marginally adequate pro- Waterlow, 1962; James and Hay, 1968; and
tein intake (0.6 g kg1 day1) the FSR of albumin Morlese et al., 1996). The first four studies used

Fig. 16.3. Albumin turnover in the black bear before and during hibernation. Reproduced from Lundberg et
al., 1976, by courtesy of the Mayo Clinic Proceedings.

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Plasma Proteins 257

131I-albumin; the fifth, some 30 years later, a con- infusions of 2H3-leucine, with the enrichment of
stant infusion of 13C-leucine. The two studies by apo-B 100 as precursor, to measure the synthesis
Picou and Cohen had a similar protocol; children rate of albumin in malnourished children. The
were studied about a week after admission to hos- measurements were made at 2 days after admis-
pital, by which time they had lost oedema, and sion, at which time most of the children had an
again a month or more later, when they were con- infection, at 8 days, when the infections had
sidered to be recovered. The only important dif- been treated, and at 60 days, when they had
ferences between the two were that in South recovered. At the time of all three measurements
Africa about half the children had infections, the children received a low protein diet, although
whereas none were infected in Jamaica; and in in between they had a good recovery diet. A
South Africa the children were on a low protein comparison was made between children with and
diet for the first measurement and a high protein without oedema on admission. In both groups
diet for the second, whereas in Jamaica they were the albumin pool size, as judged by the plasma
on a high protein diet throughout. Table 16.4 concentration, increased on treatment. Initially
shows remarkable agreement between the two their absolute synthesis rates (ASRs) were the
studies. The outstanding finding is the great same; on recovery the ASR had increased by
reduction in breakdown rate in the malnourished 40% in the children who had been originally
state – a compensatory change like that shown in oedematous, but was unchanged in those without
Table 16.3. The study of James and Hay (1968) oedema. It was concluded that restoration of the
was rather complex. They used a small 4 pi albumin pool in malnutrition is not due to an
whole body counter, which was more accurate increase in albumin synthesis but possibly to a
than urine collection, to measure retained 131I and decrease in the rate of breakdown. Against this,
hence by difference the size of the EV pool. They however, are the findings of Picou and Cohen
had two groups, malnourished and recovered, (Table 16.4) that breakdown rates were higher on
composed mainly of different children. Both recovery. An alternative explanation of
groups were treated in the same way: albumin Morlese’s results might be that the low protein
turnover was measured three times; after 10 days diet fed for 2 days before the final test reduced
on a high protein intake, after a further week on the rate of synthesis to a lower level than had
low protein and a final week on either high or prevailed during the period of recovery. The
low protein. The 24-day study period allowed work of James and Hay (1968) referred to above
only partial recovery of the IV albumin mass in suggests that this could happen, but does not tell
the malnourished group. The absolute synthesis us whether 2 days would be enough to produce
and breakdown rates are shown in Fig. 16.4. the fall.
Synthesis is much more sensitive than breakdown The general conclusion from these five studies
to changes in protein intake and the responses in is that in malnutrition in the long term the
the malnourished are greater than in the recov- decrease in the albumin pool is compensated for
ered children. Breakdown changes less and more by a fall in the rate of breakdown, which may be
slowly. During the low protein phase there was regarded as an adaptation; in the short term the
net transfer of albumin from the IV to the EV level of protein intake has little effect on the
pool. breakdown rate but has an immediate effect on
Morlese et al. (1996) used 8-h intragastric the synthesis rate.

Table 16.4. Albumin metabolism in children with protein-energy malnutrition.

IVM, g FBR, % d1 ABR, g d1

Cohen and Hansen, 1962: malnourished 11.6 7.1 0.82
recovered 18.1 15.6 2.82
Picou and Waterlow, 1962: malnourished 10.7 8.9 0.95
recovered 17.1 14.5 2.48
IVM, intravascular albumin mass; FBR, fractional breakdown rate; ABR, absolute breakdown rate.

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258 Chapter 16

Fig. 16.4. Absolute synthesis and breakdown rates of plasma albumin in malnourished and recovered
children fed different levels of protein for consecutive periods of 1 week.
I, 1st week – high protein; II, 2nd week – low protein; III A, 3rd week – high protein; III B, 3rd week – low
䊐, Malnourished 䊐, recovered. Drawn from data of James and Hay, 1968.

16.2 Other Nutrient Transport Proteins (thyroxin-binding pre-albumin) and the

apolipoproteins. These proteins have important
The other nutrient transport proteins (NTPs) syn- physiological functions; Freeman (1968) gives an
thesized by the liver include transferrin, retinol- interesting discussion, which is still well worth
binding protein (RBP), transthyretin reading even after more than 30 years. Many of

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Plasma Proteins 259

them have been proposed as markers of the state They include fibrinogen, C-reactive protein
of protein nutrition that might be more sensitive (CRP), -1-acid glycoprotein (1AG), haptoglo-
than albumin (Ingenbleek et al., 1975; Reeds and bin and caeruloplasmin. Their structure and func-
Laditan, 1976; Shetty et al., 1979), but none have tion are well summarized by Fleck et al. (1985)
been widely used for this purpose. and Fleck (1989). Some estimates of their
Some of the turnover rates of these proteins in turnover rates in normal subjects are shown in
adults and children are summarized in Table 16.5. Table 16.6.
The data give some support to the idea that the The acute-phase response varies not only with
smaller the pool the faster it turns over, but there the severity of the injury but with the time that
are many exceptions. The fractional turnover rate has elapsed (Fig. 16.5). The response of fibrino-
(FTR) of the IV transferrin pool is about twice gen is relatively small, whereas that of C-reactive
that of albumin, and its plasma concentration is protein, which is barely detectable in normal sub-
only  –  that of albumin. The plasma concen- jects, increases 100-fold or more. Davies et al.
tration of VLDL-apo B 100 is 2–3  that of RBP, (1966) showed that in burned patients the synthe-
but it turns over at more than twice the rate. More sis rate of fibrinogen (ASR) after a lag of about 2
studies, with less variation between them, would days increased 2–10 fold, and then declined
be needed to establish a general relationship again, so with acute injury the timing is critical.
between pool size and turnover rate. In traumas or infections, except for fibrino-
The turnover rates of the NTPs seem to be very gen, there is little information; in one study on
sensitive to protein intake (e.g. Jeejeebhoy et al., symptom-free subjects with AIDS the ASRs of
1973). In subjects who changed from a high habit- fibrinogen and 1-antitrypsin were the same as
ual protein intake to a lower one that still met the that of controls, but that of haptoglobin was five
safe level (0.75 g kg1 day1), within 10 days the times greater (Jahoor et al., 1999). The responses
absolute synthesis rates of transthyretin and of albumin and fibrinogen in patients in a few
retinol-binding protein fell to ~50% of their previ- clinical conditions are shown in Table 16.7.
ous level, with no changes in plasma concentration In many patients plasma albumin concentra-
(Afolabi et al., 2004). These studies were made in tions are low and it has been suggested that the
the post-absorptive state after a 7-h infusion. APPs compete with albumin for the amino acids
One may ask whether changes in the various required for synthesis (e.g. Feldmann, 1986). The
NTPs are coordinated. Morlese et al. (1998a) table shows that this is not always so: in the pres-
found that in malnourished children, as the pool ence of an APP response, as shown by the
sizes increased on recovery, the ASRs of 3 NTPs increases in both concentration and ASR of fib-
– thyroxin-binding prealbumin, retinol-binding rinogen, the ASR of albumin in most cases also
protein and HDL-apo A1 – all increased together, increased to about twice the control level. An
suggesting that they are coordinated. This is exception is a study of Moshage et al. (1987), in
borne out by two experimental studies. In cul- which the ASR of albumin was reduced in four
tured hepatoma cells decreased oncotic pressure patients with inflammatory disease. The low
caused increases in the mRNA levels of both albumin concentrations may be due to the
albumin and apo B100 (Yamanchi et al., 1992). increased capillary leakage that is found with
In rats made analbuminaemic by various methods sepsis and trauma (Fleck et al., 1985), albumin
there were coordinated rises in the mRNA levels having a much lower molecular weight than fib-
of albumin, transferrin and apo A1 as well as of rinogen (~80,000 vs. ~340,000). Kushner (1982)
fibrinogen (Kang et al., 1999). They claimed that describes increased synthesis of a large number
analbuminaemia is the only known condition in of liver enzymes during an acute phase response.
which transcription of both NTPs and acute- The effects of nutritional state on the APP
phase proteins is increased simultaneously. response are also of interest. Dogherty et al.
(1993) reported that the responses of C-reactive
protein and serum amyloid A to triple vaccine
16.3 The Acute-phase Proteins were reduced in severely malnourished children.
Two studies have compared the kinetics of APPs
The acute-phase proteins (APP) are produced in in children when they were admitted to hospital,
the liver in response to infection and trauma. severely malnourished with infections, and when

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260 Chapter 16

Table 16.5. Turnover rates of nutrient transport proteins in humans.

Plasma Fractional Absolute

concentration, turnover, turnover,
g l1 % of mg kg d1
IV pool day1

Jarnum and Lassen, 1961 normal 2.50 18.4 19
infected 1.90 23.0 25
Katz, 1961 normal 2.30 9.2 25
Awai and Brown,1963 normal 1.90 7.9, 8.7 –
Wochner et al., 1968 normal 0.70 9.6 6
Freeman, 1968 normal – 12–19 –
Morlese et al., 1997, children,
malnourished 1.2 23 15
recovered 2.7 15 20

Oppenheimer et al., 1965 0.29 36 10
Jackson et al., 2001 high protein diet 0.25 50
maintenance protein 0.23 54
Morlese et al., 1998a, children,
malnourished 0.05 65 2.2
recovered 0.14 60 3.7
Afolabi et al., 2004, high protein 0.22 77 7.5

Retinol binding protein

Morlese et al., 1998, children,
malnourished 0.02 210 1.8
recovered 0.03 200 3
Afolabi et al., 2004, high protein 0.22 80 0.9
Bennett and Kokocinski, 1979 0.0009 570 0.24b
VLDL-apo B-100
Eisenberg and Levi, 1975 normal 0.075 40–60 –
Cryer et al., 1986 normal 920
Lichtenstein et al., 1990 normal 0.018 315 11
de Sain-van der Velden et al., 1998a normal 0.095 636 13
Demant et al., 1998a normal – 1380 17
Zanetti et al., 2001 normal 0.075 1400 50
Jackson et al., 2001 high protein 0.175 550 40
maintenance 0.14 550 32
Cummings et al., 1995 normal – 1470 9
obese 710 20
HDL-apo A-1
Jackson et al., 2001, high protein 1.70 48 40
maintenance 1.55 41 33
Morlese et al., 1998a, children,
malnourished 0.90 105 37
recovered 1.25 80 45

All studies on normal adults unless otherwise stated. Studies up to and including 1975 used 131I-labelled
proteins. That of Cryer et al. (1986) used 15N-glycine-hippurate. Later studies were done by constant
infusion or flooding dose of labelled amino acids.
aThe value given for this study represents catabolism of apo B 100 and does not include its transfer from

VLDL-1 to VLDL-2. bAssumes body weight 70 kg.

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Plasma Proteins 261

Table 16.6. Some estimates of fractional turnover rates and plasma or serum concentrations of acute-
phase proteins in normal adults.

N FBR or FSR Plasma concentration References

% day1 g l1
A. Fibrinogen
1. With 131I 3 27 (21–31) 2.4 1–3
2. With 14C-carbonate 1 25 5.1 4
3. By constant infusion 11 22 (14–34) 2.4 (1.3–3.5) 5–15
or flooding dose
B. 1-anti-trypsin 2 53 1.0 10, 11
C. Haptoglobin 2 33–63 0.7 10–11
D. Caeruloplasmin 1 13 0.22 16
E. Fibronectin 2 35, 44 0.35 17, 18

N, number of studies. Values are the means and range of study means, not of individuals. References:
1, McFarlane et al., 1964; 2, Davies et al., 1966; 3, Andersen and Rossing, 1967; 4, Wochner et al.,
1968; 5, Balagopal et al., 2001; 6, de Sain-van der Velden et al., 1998b; 7, Fu and Nair, 1998; 8,
Giordano et al., 2001a; 9, Hunter et al., 2001; 10, Jackson et al., 2001; 11, Jahoor et al., 1999; 12,
McMillan et al., 1996; 13, Mansoor et al., 1997; 14, Preston et al., 1998; 15, Zanetti et al., 2001; 16,
Sternlieb et al., 1961; 17, Thompson et al., 1989; 18, Carraro et al., 1991.

they had recovered (Morlese et al., 1998b; Reid who were oedematous (Reid et al., 2002). If the
et al., 2002). The protocol of this work was the cause of nutritional oedema is a diet specifically
same as that described above for albumin. Plasma deficient in protein, that could be limiting the
concentration and ASR of both 1-antitrypsin and APP response. However, the paper of Jackson et
haptoglobin were initially about twice those al. (2001) does not support this view. As dis-
found on recovery. There were no significant cussed above, they measured the responses in
changes in fibrinogen. Thus the children, in spite normal adults to two levels of dietary protein,
of being very malnourished, were able to mount a generous and maintenance. On the lower intake,
modest and partial APP response. It is interesting although there were no differences in plasma
that the response was attenuated in those children concentration, the ASRs of fibrinogen and hapto-

Fig. 16.5. The acute phase protein response after surgical trauma. The concentration of C-reactive protein
(CRP) is shown as ml l1; for other proteins the percentage of the starting value is shown as a semilog plot.
Reproduced from Fleck et al. (1989), by courtesy of the British Medical Bulletin (British Council).

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262 Chapter 16

Table 16.7. Ratios of plasma concentration and absolute synthesis rates of albumin and fibrinogen in
patients compared with controls.

Ratio patients to controls

Albumin Fibrinogen
concentration ASR concentration ASR

Mansoor et al., 1997, head injury 0.79 1.46 3.7 8.3

de Sain-van der Velden et al., 1998b, nephrosis 0.59 2.25 2.1 1.48
Zanetti et al., 2001 nephrosis 0.72 2.45 1.85 2.39
Giordano et al., 2001 nephrosis 0.94 1.33a 1.35 1.68a
(haemodialysis patients)
Preston et al., 1998, cancer cachexia 0.74 – 1.33 3.23
Jahoor et al., 1999, HIV 1.00 1.09 1.35 2.05
Cayol et al., 1995, vaccination 1.0 1.0 1.24 1.54
Wochner et al., 1968, gastrointestinal protein loss 0.5 1.24 0.87 1.68
aBased on assumed body weights of 70 kg.

globin were almost twice as high as on the gener- deficiency of dietary protein to reduce the APP
ous intake. There was also a significant increase response, since less amino acids would be avail-
in the circulatory level of interleukin-6, one of able from the breakdown of muscle protein. The
the mediators of the APP response. It is suggested evidence summarized above is conflicting – in
that the increased synthesis of fibrinogen and favour of this hypothesis are some of the results
haptoglobin and the reduced synthesis of albumin in children, against it the findings in adults.
and the other nutrient-transport proteins represent Again there is the question of whether the
a low-grade inflammatory response with an responses of the different APPs are coordinated.
increased tendency to atherogenesis – a result In the studies discussed above one protein out of
that recalls the correspondence in the Lancet three failed to respond, but the data are too scanty
referred to at the beginning of this chapter to allow any general conclusions. Better evidence
(Phillips et al., 1989). comes from animal experiments. In a study on
An interesting hypothesis was proposed by rats in which mRNAs were measured after an
Reeds et al. (1994) to relate the APP response to inflammatory stimulus (Milland et al., 1990), all
the muscle wasting that occurs in so many clini- the APP mRNAs behaved in the same way, peak-
cal conditions. At its peak total synthesis of APPs ing at about 20–30 h and then decreasing rapidly.
after a stress, from the data of Fleck et al. (1985), The only difference was in the height of the peak,
could amount to as much as 0.85 g of protein per which ranged from 2  the control level for 1-
kg per day. The APPs contain larger amounts of antitrypsin, 5  for haptoglobin and 10  for fib-
the aromatic amino acids than muscle, and Reeds rinogen. These differences do not correspond with
calculated that it would require the breakdown of those mentioned earlier (page 259). The mRNAs
2 g of muscle protein to provide amino acids for of the nutrient transport proteins, albumin, RBP
the synthesis of 850 mg of APPs. The other and transthyretin, behaved in the opposite way,
amino acids that are produced in excess from falling after 20 h to levels of 10–20% of control.
muscle in order to meet the need for the aromat- Only the mRNA of transferrin behaved differ-
ics will be oxidized and the nitrogen excreted in ently, showing no change for 40 h, and then
the urine. This would account for a large part of increasing slightly. These results suggest that
the ‘catabolic’ loss after trauma or in septic within each group of proteins synthesized by the
states. From experiments on rats (Chapter 15) liver, the NTPs and the ATPs, the responses are
starvation produces more severe breakdown of coordinated, but in opposite directions, at least in
muscle protein, at least initially, than a protein- an inflammatory state. There is a clear conflict
free diet. Therefore one would expect a specific between these findings and the data of Table 16.7.

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Plasma Proteins 263

16.4 The Immunoglobulins increase 30–40-fold. According to Waldmann

there are three patterns of relationship between
There was great interest in the turnover rates of plasma concentration and FBR: with IgM and IgA
the various classes of immunoglobulins in the the FBR is independent of the concentration; for
1960s and ’70s, but this seems to have disap- haptoglobin, transferrin and to a lesser degree IgD
peared with the rise of molecular immunology. A and IgE there is an inverse relationship between
search of 23 volumes of Annual Reviews of concentration and FBR; and for IgG the FBR
Immunology produced no information, so we increases with the concentration. Some of these
have to rely on the older work. relationships are summarized visually in Fig. 16.6,
Table 16.8, from Waldmann et al. (1970), from Freeman (1965). This figure does not do jus-
shows values for plasma concentrations and tice to the behaviour of IgG, because, as Fig. 16.7
breakdown rates (FBR) in normal subjects. In shows, the FBR rises very steeply in patients with
pathological states the concentrations may hypogammaglobulinaemia (Waldmann and Jones,

Table 16.8. Turnover rates of immunoglobulins in healthy adults.

FBR, % of IV pool day1 Serum concentration, g l1


IgG 6 4.7 12
IgM 15 10 0.85
IgA 25 13 2.5
IgD 37 – 0.023
IgE 89 – 0.0005

A: from Waldmann et al., 1970; B: from Birke, 1966. A paper by Birge-Jensen in

Protein Metabolism (CIBA Foundation Symposium, New Series No. 9, pp.
249–266) gives information about the turnover rates of IgM and other
immunoglobulins in a number of pathological conditions of the GI tract.





Per cent
normal 80


0 50 100 150 200 250 300

Concentration per cent normal

Fig. 16.6. The fractional breakdown rate of five plasma proteins: semilog plot of per cent normal fractional
breakdown rate vs. per cent normal plasma concentration. Reproduced from Freeman, 1965, by courtesy of
the Series Haematologica.

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264 Chapter 16

Fraction of intravascular IgG pool catabolized per day (FBR)





0 20 40 60 80 100
Serum IgG concentration mg ml–1

Fig. 16.7. Relation between the fractional breakdown rate of intravascular IgG and the serum IgG concen-
tration in various pathological states. Reproduced from Waldman and Jones, 1973, by courtesy of CIBA
Foundation, Novartis.

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Collagen Turnover

‘Animal connective tissues are systems of insol- whole body of the malnourished child the collagen
uble fibrils and soluble polymers evolved to take concentration increases, showing that the soft tis-
the stresses of movement and the maintenance of sues have shrunk round the skeleton and support-
shape’ (Scott, 1975). The soluble polymers are ing structures (Picou et al., 1966). The collagen of
amino-sugars attached to proteins as proteogly- different tissues appears to respond to undernutri-
cans: the fibrils are elastin and collagen. tion in different ways: Dickerson and McCance
There are about 20 different types of collagen, (1964) found that it increases in muscle as a pro-
the commonest being types I and III. Prokop and portion of fat-free tissue, but decreases in skin.
Kirivikko (1995) have reviewed their structure
and biosynthesis and the various diseases caused
by mutations of the collagen genes. Collagens 17.1 Collagen Turnover
are defined as molecules with large domains of
Glycine-X-Y sequences, coiled in a left-handed An early measurement of collagen turnover was
helix; three such chains are wrapped round each that of Neuberger et al. (1951), who studied the
other to form a right-handed superhelix. Fibril- decay rate of collagen from bone, skin, tendon
forming collagens are synthesized as larger pre- and liver of rats after labelling with [15N]-
cursors, procollagens, in which a peptide glycine. In old rats they found little loss of label
sequence is attached at both C- and N-terminal after 7 weeks and concluded that mature collagen
ends of the molecule. Assembly of the procolla- is virtually inert. Thompson and Ballou (1956)
gens involves post-translational hydroxylation of exposed rats to tritiated water for 6 months from
Y-position proline and lysine and addition of conception and then killed them at intervals.
galactose and/or glucose to some of the hydroxy- They give a figure of 1000 days for the half-life
lysine residues. These processes take place of collagen. In both these studies the apparent
within the fibroblast; the completed collagen is rate of decay would be greatly slowed by re-
secreted into the extracellullar phase, where the cycling of labelled amino acids from the break-
N- and C-procollagen sequences are removed by
specific proteinases. The collagen chains then
self-assemble into fibrils, and finally lysine oxi- Table 17.1. Collagen content of tissues in control
and undernourished pigs.
dase, an enzyme that depends on ascorbic acid,
converts some lysine and OH-lysine residues to Collagen N as per cent of total N
derivatives that form a complete series of cross-
Control Undernourished
links. Degradation and remodelling of mature
collagen involve a variety of proteinases in which Whole body 27 32
the metalloproteinases play a pivotal role. Muscle 11 22
Collagen amounts to about 25% of body pro- Skin 50 38
tein. Table 17.1 shows its concentration in Skeleton 64 63
the body and various tissues of the pig. In the Data of Dickerson and McCance, 1964.

270 © J.C. Waterlow 2006. Protein Turnover (J.C. Waterlow)

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Collagen Turnover 271

down of other proteins, so these must be regarded of total collagen, reached a peak of about 80%
as underestimates of the real rate of degradation. while the rat was growing rapidly and then fell to
These results were obtained by measurement a steady state of 20–30% as the rat and its colla-
of decay after administration of a tracer. gen matured (Wirtschafter and Bentley, 1962;
Nowadays the fractional synthesis rate (FSR) of Molnar et al., 1987). In protein-deficient rats sol-
collagen is determined by constant infusion or uble collagen fell earlier and to a lower level.
flooding dose of labelled proline from the ratio: Babraj et al. (2005) made successive extrac-
[activity of hydroxyproline of total collagen (sol- tions of bone with buffered saline + detergent,
uble + insoluble)]/[activity of proline precursor in 0.5M acetic acid, pepsin acetic acid and hot
plasma or tissue fluid]. With this method it is water. These fractions were shown to contain
unnecessary to separate collagen from other tis- type I collagen and were described successively
sue proteins, because hydroxyproline is found as procollagen, tropocollagen, highly cross-
only in collagen, and the only precursor of linked, and fully cross-linked or mature collagen.
hydroxyproline is proline. Proline is hydroxylated The amounts of these various fractions and their
post-translationally and hydroxyproline is not re- FSRs are set out in Table 17.3. The very small
utilized. Several authors have shown that in the pro-collagen fraction has a high turnover rate, 10
rat in all the tissues studied the FSR of collagen  that of the mature collagen. The weighted FSR
decreases rapidly with age (e.g. Mays et al., of all the fractions taken together is 0.06 h-1 in the
1991). Some results are shown in Table 17.2. post-absorptive state and nearly double – 0.11
In recent years workers have extracted tissues h1 – on feeding. It is interesting that collagen
with various solvents – hot water, dilute saline turnover in bone should be so sensitive to food.
with or without detergents, 0.5M acetic acid or This is a very important paper from the point of
67% ethyl alcohol – to separate ‘soluble’ from view of methodology.
‘insoluble’ collagens. In rat skin the pool of sol- In man the FSR of collagen in muscle, bone,
uble collagen, whether extracted with buffered ligaments and tendon has been measured by Rennie
saline or 0.5M acetic acid, expressed as a per cent and his colleagues in samples taken during surgery

Table 17.2. Changes with age in collagen synthesis and degradation in rat tissues.

Fractional synthesis rate Proportion of newly synthesized

of tissue collagens collagen degraded (%)
% d1
months Muscle Skin Lung Muscle Skin Lung

1 5 12 13 26 6 27.5
2 1.3 2.4 9 45 8 3.8
6 1.6 0.9 4.2 78 14 69
15 3.7 1.0 – 95 56 –
24 0.5 0.4 – 91 29 –
Tissues extracted with 67% ethyl alcohol. From Mays et al., 1986, 1991.

Table 17.3. Synthesis rates of bone collagen fractions extracted successively with different solvents.

Fraction: 1 2 3 4
Solvent: NaCl + detergent 0.5M acetic Pepsin 0.5M Hot water
acid acetic acid (90°C)

Amount, µg mg1 bone ∼1 4 13 128

FSR, post-absorptive, h1 0.58 0.23 0.07 0.06
FSR, fed, h1 – 0.44 0.11 0.11

FSR, fractional synthesis rate. The overall weighted FSR was 0.069 post-absorptive, 0.12 fed. Data of
Babraj et al., 2005.

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272 Chapter 17

or by biopsy (Table 17.4) (Babraj et al., 2002; pool is very small – Robins (1979) found only 0.5
Miller et al., 2005). The rates in bone, ligament and µg g1 of tissue, and it is not as easily isolated as
tendon are remarkably high, compared with muscle the apolipoprotein.
collagen, reflecting the continual re-modelling that
must be going on, even in elderly subjects.
The extent to which newly synthesized colla-
gen is broken down was first shown by Kivirikko 17.2 Markers of Synthesis and
(1970) in intact animals and by Bienkowski et al. Breakdown
(1978) in cultured fibroblasts. They showed that
30–40% of newly synthesized collagen was What is known about the biosynthesis and degra-
degraded within minutes of its synthesis; its dation of collagen has led to the development of
extent is measured as: [labelled OHPr, free or in markers that are increasingly used in clinical
low molecular weight fraction]/[labelled OHPr in studies of bone diseases (for reviews see Eriksen
high + low molecular weight fractions] (McNulty et al., 1995; Robins, 2003). An index of the for-
and Laurent, 1986). Some of these results are mation of type I collagen, which accounts for
shown in Table 17.2. It is interesting that 6 days 97% of the collagen in bone, is the concentration
after one-sided pneumonectomy the FSR of colla- in plasma of type I procollagen propeptide
gen was almost 3  that in unoperated control (PICP) measured by radioimmunoassay. There
lungs, while 40% of the newly synthesized colla- are several indices of degradation, the classical
gen was degraded (McNulty et al., 1988). This one being the urinary excretion of hydroxypro-
shows that both synthesis and degradation are line, which is produced as both free and in small
involved in remodelling. Laurent (1986) has a peptides by collagen degradation. The free form
good review of the degradative process. is re-absorbed and rapidly degraded, but the pep-
Procollagens are included in any so-called sol- tides are excreted in the urine. This measure can-
uble collagen fraction, since they are 1000  as not be regarded as quantitative, but it was
soluble as mature collagen (Robins, 1979) and sufficient to show, many years ago, the extent of
turn over very rapidly. Robins found the turnover remodelling during recovery from malnutrition
rate of type I procollagen in rabbit skin to be (e.g. Whitehead, 1965).
about ~1.5 h1 so that in labelling experiments it Other useful markers are the cross-links of
equilibrated very rapidly and closely with precur- pyrinolidine and deoxypyrinolidine, which nor-
sor proline in the tissue free pool (Robins, 1979). mally hold the collagen fibrils together but are
It would be convenient if procollagen could be excreted in the urine during collagen breakdown
taken as a proxy for the precursor of collagen (Robins et al., 1991). Finally, a measure of degra-
synthesis, as VLDL apolipoprotein-B100 has dation analogous to PICP is the carboxy-terminal
been used as a precursor for the synthesis of pro- telopeptide of type I collagen (ICTP) which, like
teins in the liver (Chapter 5); but the procollagen PICP, appears in the plasma.

Table 17.4. Fractional synthesis rates of pro-collagen in human tissues.

FSR, h1 Reference
Muscle collagen
fed state, rest 0.018 Miller et al., 2005
fed state, 24 h post exercise 0.053
Skin 0.076 El-Harake et al., 1998
rest 0.045 Miller et al., 2005
24 h post exercise 0.077
fasting 0.06 Babraj et al., 2002, 2005
fed 0.11 Babraj et al., 2002, 2005

All extractions with 0.15M NaCl + detergent, except that of skin, which was with detergent only.

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Collagen Turnover 273

Thorsen et al. (1996) introduced a method for Babraj, J.A., Smith, K., Cuthbertson, D.J.R., Rickhuss,
measuring by dialysis the release of prostaglandin P., Dorling, J.S. and Rennie, M.J. (2005) Human
E2 in bone; this has been adapted by Langberg et bone collagen is a rapid nutritionally modulated
al. (1999) to determine PICP and ICTP as well as process. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 20,
prostaglandin E2 in the tissue fluid of the space
Bienkoswski, R.S., Baum, B.J. and Crystal, R.G. (1978)
round the Achilles tendon in human subjects Fibroblasts degrade newly synthesized collagen
before and after exercise. By these elegant exper- within the cell before secretion. Nature 276,
iments they showed that PICP, and hence colla- 413–416.
gen synthesis in the tendon, was increased Dickerson, J.W.T. and McCance, R.A. (1964) The early
threefold 72 h after a 3 h run, while ICTP showed effects of rehabilitation on the chemical structure of
a small but temporary fall. In the experiments of the organs and whole bodies of undernourished pigs
Miller et al. (2005) the FSRs of collagen in both and cockerels. Clinical Science 27, 123–132.
muscle and tendon, measured with labelled pro- El-Harake, W.A., Furman, M.A., Cook, B., Nair, K.S.,
line, were substantially increased 24 h after uni- Kukowski, J. and Brodsky, I.G. (1998)
Measurement of dermal collagen synthesis rate in
lateral leg exercise (Table 17.4); in this study
vivo in humans. American Journal of Physiology
there was no change in the serum concentration 274, E586–591.
of the procollagen marker. Eriksen, E.F., Brixen, K. and Peder, C. (1995) New
The work summarized here shows that colla- markers of bone metabolism: clinical use in meta-
gen makes a far from negligible contribution to bolic bone disease. European Journal of
whole body protein turnover; in the near future Endocrinology 132, 251–263.
we shall probably learn much more about how Kivirikko, K. (1970) Urinary excretion of hydroxpro-
the structural components of the body – bone, line in health and disease. International Review of
tendons and ligaments – respond to mechanical Connective Tissue Research 5, 93–163.
and other stresses; see Scott (2003). Langberg, H., Skorgaard, D., Petersen, L.J., Bülow, J.
and Kjaer, M. (1999) Type I collagen synthesis and
There is no real conflict between the old work
degradation in peritendinous tissue after exercise
establishing the very slow turnover rate of mature determined by microdialysis in humans. Journal of
collagen and the most recent studies showing the Physiology 521, 299–306.
relatively fast turnover rates of soluble or imma- Laurent, G.J. (1986) Lung collagen: more than scaffold-
ture collagen. The recent literature is almost com- ing. Thorax 41, 418–428.
pletely silent about the amount of soluble Mays, P.K., McNulty, R.J. and Laurent, G.G. (1986)
collagen in the fraction being studied. However, Age-related changes in lung collagen metabolism.
the paper of Wirtschafter and Bentley (l962) tells Biochemical Society Transactions 14, 1084.
us that in rat skin the amount of soluble collagen Mays, P.R., McNulty, R.J., Campa, J.S. and Laurent,
parallels the growth rate, falling to about 0.5 mg G.J. (1991) Age-related changes in collagen synthe-
sis and degradation in rat tissues: importance of
g1 skin at maturity. If skin collagen in the rat is
degradation of newly synthesized collagen in regu-
about 120 mg g1 skin (Waterlow and Stephen, lating collagen production. Biochemical Journal
1966), the soluble fraction with its relatively high 276, 307–313.
turnover rate is diluted 240  by mature colla- McNulty, R.J. and Laurent, G.J. (1986) Evidence in
gen. Moreover, in the adult rat some 50% of vivo for rapid and extensive degradation of newly
newly synthesized collagen is degraded (Table synthesized collagen in tissues of adult rats.
17.2). Therefore it is not surprising that mature Biochemical Society Transactions 14, 776–777.
collagen appears to be almost completely inert. McNulty, R.J., Staple, L.H., Guerreiro, D. and Laurent,
G.J. (1988) Extensive changes in collagen synthesis
and degradation during compensatory lung growth.
American Journal of Physiology 255, C754–759.
17.3 References Miller, B.F., Olesen, J.L., Hansen, M., Døssing, S.,
Cramen, R.M., Welling, R.J., Langberg, H.,
Babraj, J.A., Cuthbertson, D.J., Rickhuss, P., Meier- Flyvbjerg, A., Kjaer, M., Babraj, J.A., Smith, K. and
Augenstein, W., Smith, K., Bohé, J., Wolfe, R.R., Rennie, M.J. (2005) Co-ordinated collagen and
Gibson, J.N.A., Adams, C. and Rennie, M.J. (2002) muscle protein synthesis in human patella tendon
Sequential extracts of human bone show differing and quadriceps muscle after exercise. Journal of
collagen synthesis rates. Biochemical Society Physiology 567, 1021–1033.
Transactions 30, 61–65. Molnar, J.A., Alpert, N.M., Burke, J.F. and Young, V.R.

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274 Chapter 17

(1987) Relative and absolute changes in soluble and and chemical composition of pericellular proteogly-
insoluble collagen pool size in skin during normal can (an evolutionary view). Philosophical
growth and with dietary protein restricted in rats. Transactions of the Royal Society, London, series B,
Growth 51, 132–145. 271, 235–242.
Neuberger, A., Perrone, J.C. and Slack, H.G.B. (1951) Scott, J.E. (2003) Elasticity in extracellular matrix
The relative metabolic inertia of tendon collagen in ‘shape models’ of tendon, cartilage, etc. A sliding
the rat. Biochemical Journal 49, 199–204. proteoglycan-filament model. Journal of Physiology
Picou, D., Halliday, D. and Garrow, J.S. (1966) Total 553, 335–343.
body protein collagen and non-collagen protein in Thompson, R.C. and Ballou, J.E. (1956) Studies of
infantile protein malnutrition. Clinical Science 30, metabolic turnover with tritium as a tracer. Journal
345–351. of Biological Chemistry 223, 795–809.
Prokop, D.J. and Kivirikko, K.I. (1995) Collagens: mol- Thorsen, K., Kristoffersson, A.O., Lerner, U.H. and
ecular biology, diseases and potentials for therapy. Lorentzon, R.P. (1996) In situ microdialysis in bone
Annual Reviews of Biochemistry 64, 403–434. tissue. Journal of Clinical Investigation 98,
Robins, S.P. (1979) Metabolism of rabbit skin collagen. 2446–2449.
Biochemical Journal 181, 75–82. Waterlow, J.C. and Stephen, J.M.L. (1966) Adaptation
Robins, S.P. (2003) Collagen turnover in bone diseases. of the rat to a low-protein diet: the effect of a
Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and reduced protein intake on the pattern of incorpora-
Metabolic Care 6, 65–71. tion of L-[14C] lysine. British Journal of Nutrition
Robins, S.P., Black, D., Paterson, C.R., Reid, D.M., 20, 461–484.
Duncan, A. and Seibel, M.J. (1991) Evaluation of Whitehead, R.G. (1965) Hydroxyproline creatinine
urinary hydroxypyridinium cross link measurements ratio as an index of nutritional status and rate of
as resorption markers in metabolic bone disease. growth. Lancet ii, 567–570.
European Journal of Clinical Investigation 21, Wirtschafter, Z.O. and Bentley, A.S. (1962) The influ-
310–315. ence of age and growth rate on the extractable colla-
Scott, J.E. (1975) Composition and structure of the gen of skin of normal rats. Laboratory Investigation
pericellular environment: physiological function 11, 316–320.

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The Coordination of Synthesis
and Breakdown

The object of this chapter is to examine how syn- transcriptor depends on the extent to which they
thesis and breakdown might be coordinated, are methylated or otherwise modified by acetyla-
because if they were not coordinated the whole tion or ubiquitination. These modifications
system would fall apart. It has been said that ‘The depend again on the action of enzymes, which
emphasis during the last 50 years has been reduc- may be stimulated by nutrients. This whole sub-
tionist, explaining biological phenomena at the ject, termed epigenetics, has been reviewed for
atomic and molecular level. The challenge for the the non-expert by Mathers (2003).
next 50 years is to integrate these insights into an When all these factors have combined suc-
understanding of higher levels of temporal and cessfully, the precursor mRNA that is produced is
spatial organization …’ (Henderson, 2003). There modified by ‘splicing’, which again requires
has indeed been an enormous literature on reduc- enzymes. The ribosomes that put together the
tionism; however, it is necessary to move from polypeptide chains, using the messenger RNA as
the general to the specific. It would be imperti- a template, are an assemblage of three types of
nent for someone who has not worked in the field RNA together with some 80 different proteins.
to go into detail, but it may be useful, as a begin- The structure of the ribosome, as depicted by
ning, to present an onlooker’s view of the two Alberts et al. (2002: 344) is extraordinarily com-
processes that have to be coordinated. plex. The final stage, that of translation of the
messenger, depends on an array of initiation and
elongation factors, all proteins, of which about
18.1 Synthesis eight have been identified. The activity of one or
more of these factors is modified by signals aris-
Synthesis of a protein begins, of course, with the ing from specific receptors of hormones or nutri-
gene – with a specific set of bases along the gene. ents situated on the cell surface or in some cases
A transcription factor, which is a protein, binds to within the nucleus. The receptor and its site of
a segment of the gene and stimulates a poly- action is linked by a pathway of intermediate pro-
merase, also a protein, to produce an RNA tran- teins in which the signal is often phosphorylation
script of the gene – the precursor of messenger or dephosphorylation, activated by kinases and
RNA. The operation of the transcription factor is phosphatases. Again, the receptors and the com-
regulated or modified by other protein factors – ponents of the signalling pathways are all pro-
promoters, enhancers and repressors – which are teins.
attached to the gene, sometimes at a distance One must suppose that the activity of the initi-
from the site of the transcription factor. Gill ation complex affects the translation of all the
(2001) writes of ‘the stunning complexity in the mRNA that are present at any moment, thus con-
eukaryotic transcription machinery, with over 50 trolling the overall rate of protein synthesis.
proteins assembled at the core promoter … ’ There is no specificity here, unless it is deter-
Transcription is also modified by the histones, mined by differential rates of decay of mRNA,
proteins that coat the genes, so that access of the which we know are in general very fast – minutes

© J.C. Waterlow 2006. Protein Turnover (J.C. Waterlow) 275

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276 Chapter 18

rather than days. In many situations the amounts teins, for breakdown there are at least three
of specific mRNAs are increased or reduced: this peaks, to some extent clouded in mist, and per-
is probably the result of transcriptional control, to haps more will be discovered. The three systems
which more and more attention is now being are the calcium-activated proteinases (caspases or
directed. Control of transcription has been calpains), the lysosome with the cathepsins that it
likened to a key turning a lock, which is either contains and the ATP-dependent ubiquitin-protea-
open or closed. This is the type of control that some system (Ub-P). Often, in situations where
seems to be particularly important in the develop- degradation is increased, all three systems are
ment of the organism, determining whether a involved. For example, in a study on wasting of
gene is active in one tissue and silent, perhaps for the soleus muscle produced by weightlessness
ever, in another. (Taillandier et al., 1996) the concentration of
Lastly there is the ribosome. The information each degradative system was measured with
presented in earlier chapters suggests that in selective inhibitors: about 2/3 of the increase in
some conditions, such as starvation, the amount degradation could be attributed to the Ub-P sys-
of ribosomal RNA can vary, but that these tem, the other 1/3 being divided equally between
changes occur more slowly than changes in effi- lysosome cathepsins and the calpains. It may be
ciency of translation, i.e. initiation. All the com- that the cathepsins and calpains are responsible
ponents of the ribosomal sub-unit are apparently for an initial stage of processing which is then
assembled together (Stryer, 1988) but whether carried forward by the proteasome. The rôle
they are synthesized together is another matter. played by each system also depends on the tissue.
It seems that synthesis of the proteins that In liver the lysosomal system predominates; in
make up the bulk of our tissues, and the regula- skeletal muscle lysosomes are few and degrade
tion of that synthesis involve a vast array of pro- only the sarcoplasmic proteins, myofibrillar pro-
teins that themselves undergo turnover, which is teins being broken down by the Ub-system. Thus
presumably regulated by other proteins and so on degradation provides another example of the con-
ad infinitum. This is not a very satisfactory con- trast between liver and muscle.
Calcium-activated proteinases (calpains or
18.2 Breakdown
The calpains are cystein-activated proteinases
Many authors have considered the ‘purpose’ of described by Attaix and Taillandier (1998) as
protein breakdown. Although the teleological ‘ubiquitous’. According to Salvesen (2002) they
approach is attractive to a physiologist, it is more are involved in programmed cell death (apopto-
useful to ask how breakdown contributes to the sis) and also in the activation of cytokines. In
functioning and homeostasis of the body. The muscle they play only a minor part in the degra-
usual answers are that it enables flexibility in the dation that produces muscle wasting but may be
responses of enzymes to changing conditions; it qualitatively important for the degradation of spe-
removes proteins when they are no longer of use, cific but minor protein components of the
such as those that control the cell cycle; it myofibril, such as troponin and tropomyosin
removes miscoded and even mutated proteins and (Attaix and Taillandier, 1998).
proteins that have suffered oxidative damage; and
it keeps the free amino acid pools filled up. A fur-
Lysosomal degradation
ther point might be that without degradation there
would be no check on synthesis – a situation that Lysosomes, discovered by De Duve in 1956, are
would not be sustainable. cytoplasmic vesicles with an acid internal pH
containing a collection of some 50 proteinases,
including a variety of endopeptidases. The nat-
18.2.1 Mechanisms of breakdown ural history, as it may be called, of lysosomal
proteolysis has been elucidated by electron
Whereas synthesis is like a large mountain peak, microscopy, territory that is unfamiliar to the bio-
complicated in detail but the same for all pro- chemist. Early studies by perfusion of the liver

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The Coordination of Synthesis and Breakdown 277

showed that a region of cytoplasm is sequestered by invaginations of the lysosomal membrane

in a vacuole surrounded by a double membrane (endocytosis). Other variants of the lysosomal
derived from the rough endoplasmic reticulum pathway cover the breakdown of secreted pro-
(ER), without attached ribosomes. This vacuole, teins (crinophagy) and of extracellular proteins
called an autophagic vacuole or phagosome, then (heterophagy). For more detailed information the
fuses with the lysosome, where the contents are reader is referred to reviews by Seglen and
exposed to the proteolytic enzymes. The process Bohley (1992), Blommaart et al. (1997) and
is referred to as ‘macroautophagy’ because it Knecht et al. (1998). Figure 18.1 illustrates the
appears that cytoplasm is being digested in bulk; complexity of the lysosomal pathway and its
the autophagic vacuole contains mitochondria, components. Mortimore and Pösö (1984) sug-
fragments of ER, glycogen etc., in the same pro- gested that microautophagy might be responsible
portions as they occur in the cytoplasm. There is for basal degradation in the steady state and
a parallel pathway, termed microautophagy, in macroautophagy for the great increase, about
which cytoplasmic proteins are engulfed directly threefold, in degradation that occurred in the

Fig. 18.1. Scheme of the degradative pathways of secreted proteins. Large arrows indicate protein traffic
through the main secretory pathway. Reproduced from Knecht et al. (1998), by courtesy of Advances in
Molecular and Cellular Biology.

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278 Chapter 18

starved liver. The key step in this increase is the which is then transferred to a carrier-protein. The
amount of cytoplasm internalized in the final transfer of activated ubiquitin to the protein
autophagic vacuole; once inside, regardless of the substrate requires a ubiquitin-protein ligase.
amount, it is degraded at the very rapid rate of Many of these ubiquitin-protein conjugates con-
about 9% min1. tain poly-ubiquitin chains; the proteins are then
The overall fractional rate of protein break- degraded to small peptides by a complex of pro-
down in the liver at its maximum in the starved teases in a body called the proteasome, and the
state is about 0.075% min1 (Mortimore and ubiquitins released and re-used. There are several
Pösö, 1984). Compared with this, the intra-lyso- species of transfer enzymes, each of which can
somal degradation is virtually instantaneous. act with one or more of a growing family of lig-
Therefore the limiting or rate-controlling step ases. These play a major rôle in recognition and
must be the rate of uptake into the vacuole. selection of proteins for degradation by the pro-
Another function of the lysosomal system is teasome (Ciechanover and Schwartz, 1998) (see
degradation of a large fraction of secretory pro- below).
teins after they have been translated and before The 20S proteasome, so-called from its sedi-
they are secreted (Bienkowski, 1983). mentation characteristics, has multiple sites of
It seems, therefore, that at least in the liver, catalysis by subunits arranged in the form of a
lysosomal protein degradation can be divided into hollow cylinder. It is associated with 19S regula-
two components, fixed and variable; the former is tory complexes which bind at each end of the
not acutely regulated, whereas the latter is subject cylinder to form the 26S proteasome. The com-
to moment-to-moment control by amino acids, plexes contain approximately 20 proteins, six of
particularly leucine and glutamine, insulin, which are ATPases. They are presumably
glucagon, glucocorticoids, prostaglandins and involved in the recognition and unfolding of pro-
probably other effectors (Mortimore et al., 1992). teins for degradation in the catalytic core; thus
It is noteworthy that while glucagon stimulates they stimulate activity of the 20S protein sub-
degradation in liver it has the opposite effect in units, but do not themselves possess proteolytic
muscle. activity. More detailed accounts of the structure
Blommaart et al. (1997) point out the rele- and functioning of the proteasome are given in
vance of the studies of Häussinger and co-work- reviews by Coux et al. (1996), Ciechanover and
ers, showing that cell swelling inhibits Schwartz (1998), Attaix and Taillandier (1998)
degradation (see the superb review by Häussinger and Attaix et al. (2003).
and Lang, 1991). It is suggested that swelling The Ub-P system is responsible for the degra-
might be produced by influx of amino acids into dation of a wide range of proteins in a variety of
the cell by sodium-coupled transport systems. tissues (Herschko and Ciechanover, 1992). These
There is evidence emerging that the protein include, as well as myofibrillar proteins, regula-
kinase cascade may be involved in the signalling tory proteins of the cell-cycle (cyclins), surface
pathway. Phosphorylation of the ribosomal pro- receptors, ion channels, antigenic proteins and
tein S6 increases ribosomal binding to the ER and abnormal or mutated proteins. They are also
thus inhibits macroautophagic sequestration involved in transcriptional control, signal trans-
(Blommaart et al., 1997). duction and downregulation of receptors. Of par-
ticular interest from the physiological point of
view, as mentioned above, is the increased degra-
The ubiquitin-proteasome pathway
dation of the myofibrillar proteins of skeletal
In 1971 Herschko discovered an ATP-dependent muscle that is found in various conditions of
proteolytic system in reticulocytes (Herschko and muscle wasting. This problem has been studied
Tomkins, 1971). Resolution of the components of by the groups of Goldberg and of Attaix, who
this system showed that a small heat-stable pro- have found that the greater part of the increased
tein was needed for its activity. This was identi- degradation can be attributed to the Ub-P system.
fied as ubiquitin, a 76-residue protein present in Mitch and Goldberg (1996) is a valuable review.
all eukaryotic cells and with a sequence highly Some of these studies are summarized in Table
conserved in evolution. The first step in the pro- 18.1. Similar tables have been presented by
teolytic pathway is the activation of ubiquitin, Attaix and Taillandier (1998) for the changes in

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The Coordination of Synthesis and Breakdown 279

Table 18.1. Increases in total or myofibrillar protein breakdown by proteasomes of skeletal muscle in
experimental muscular wasting.

Wasting condition Method of study Reference

Fasting A Wing and Goldberg, 1993

B Medina et al., 1991
C Medina et al., 1995
Acidosis A,C Mitch et al., 1994
B Bailey et al., 1996
Sepsis A Tiao et al., 1994
B Tawa et al., 1997; Hobler et al., 1998
C Voisin et al., 1996
Cancer A,C Temparis et al., 1994
Denervation A,B Medina et al., 1995
Diabetes B,C Price et al., 1996
Glucocorticoid treatment C Price et al., 1994; Dardevet et al., 1995
Thyroid hormone B Tawa et al., 1997
Weightlessness C Taillandier et al., 1996
Head trauma C Mansoor et al., 1996
A, blocking of increased total or myofibrillar proteolysis by ATP depletion; B, blocking of increased total or
myofibrillar proteolysis by proteosome inhibitors; C, increased expression of 20S proteosome subunits.
Based on table in Attaix and Taillandier, 1998.

lysosomal proteinases and calpains that are found mark, lists 26 enzymes in rat liver with half-lives
in muscle wasting. It is interesting that in chronic ranging from about 1 h to 16 days. He also stated
wasting, as in Cushing’s disease or Duchenne that all these enzymes decayed by first order
muscular dystrophy, these increases were not kinetics, which perhaps can be reconciled with
found (Rallière et al., 1997; Combaret et al., the complexities described above of the degrada-
1996). tion systems on the basis of statistical random-
One aspect of myofibrillar degradation that ness, however many steps may be involved.
received much attention in earlier years (e.g. Schimke suggested that degradation is controlled
Millward, 1980) but since then has been some- by two factors: the first is the activity of the
what neglected is the mechanism of breakdown degrading system, which Millward called the
and reassembly of a complex and organized ‘degradative environment’. A good example is
structure such as the myofibril, which contains a the demonstration by Fritz et al. (1969) that the
number of proteins turning over at different rates. lactic dehydrogenase isozyme LDH-5 had a half-
Millward suggested that there might be an life of 16 days in liver and 31 days in muscle.
exchange of proteins between peripheral and cen- Another example in the same category might be
tral filaments of the myofibril. At the periphery of the stabilization of an enzyme by its substrate, as
the myofibril individual proteins might be disas- in the case of tryptophan pyrolase.
sembled at varying rates, producing a pool of Schimke’s second factor is the properties of
proteins that are either degraded or taken up into the protein being degraded: ‘A given protein mol-
new fibrils which then migrate into the core. This ecule exists at a thermodynamic equilibrium in
is a subject that needs further study. which only in certain states or confirmations will
it be subject to degradation’ (Schimke et al.,
1968). Wheatley (Wheatley et al., 1982;
Targeting of proteins for degradation
Wheatley, 1984) developed a hypothesis based on
The central problem here is that different proteins the observation that the decay of isotopically
are broken down at different rates. For break- labelled proteins always followed a 2-exponential
down there is no equivalent of the specific mes- curve. His idea was that there is always a redun-
senger RNA that ‘targets’ the synthesis of dancy of protein synthesis: some part of this
proteins. Schimke (1970), whose chapter on pro- excess cannot be ‘assimilated’ and is rapidly bro-
tein degradation in Munro’s book is still a land- ken down as nascent proteins. Those proteins that

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280 Chapter 18

are assimilated are broken down later, degrada- Similar proposals were put forward for the
tion at both stages being random. He concluded targeting of proteins for degradation by the lyso-
that ‘the stability of a protein is dependent on somal proteinases and the calpains. Dice (1987,
conditions which will produce different thermo- 1990) suggested that rapidly degraded normal
dynamic equilibria of the various conformers it proteins contained peptide regions rich in proline,
can assume’. Grisolia and Wheatley (1984) glutamate, serine and threonine – the PEST
appeared to accept this idea when they wrote: hypothesis – and that this sequence targeted them
‘The pervasive proteolytic system of the cell con- for breakdown by the calpains. In the same way
tinually clears the decks of all proteins which do lysosomal degradation was activated by proteins
not enter some haven in which they can be use- containing peptide regions rich in lysine, phenyl-
fully employed’, and ‘proteins do not have rigidly alanine, glutamate, arginine and glutamine
defined forms, only a statistical probability of (KFREQ). This hypothesis was elaborated in
existing in one of many forms.’ Bienkowski great detail, and many modifications of the
(1983) also emphasized that newly synthesized KFREQ sequence have been described that
secretory proteins had a priority for degradation, stimulate degradation.
citing as an example that 10–40% of newly syn- These attempts to define specific amino acid
thesized procollagen was degraded rather than sequences that target proteins for degradation
forming mature collagen. seem, on the whole, to have run into the ground
There followed a succession of studies defin- in recent years, with increasing recognition of the
ing more precisely structural features of a protein importance of folding and of the thermodynamic
that might determine the extent to which it is state of protein molecules. The result is a move
liable to degradation. Bachmair et al. (1986) pro- back towards the rather nebulous ideas of
duced mutations of β-galactosidase in yeast, and Wheatley and Grisolia discussed above. A paper
showed that the degradation rate depended on the from Varsharsky’s group concluded that a protein
nature of the N-terminal amino acid (Table 18.2) in vivo is not a fixed entity and that the kinetics
(see Varsharsky, 1996). However, opinion in of degradation are not first order: ‘the probability
recent years seems to be that the scope of the rule of degradation of a nascent, partially unfolded
is rather limited, and that although a few proteins chaperonin-associated protein should be in gen-
may be recognized by a destabilizing N-terminal eral different from the probability of degradation
residue, the vast majority are targeted through of a folded counterpart of this protein at a later
different signals (Ciechanover and Schwartz, time in the same cell’ (Lévy et al., 1996). A
1998; Kwon et al., 1998). related possibility was suggested by an observa-

Table 18.2. Dependence of half-lives of protein on their N-terminal amino acid.


Stabilizing > 20 h Methionine

Destabilizing 10–30 min Isoleucine
Glutamic acid
Highly destabilizing 2–3 min Leucine
Aspartic acid

From Bachmair et al., 1986.

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The Coordination of Synthesis and Breakdown 281

tion by M.F. Perutz (personal communication) and breakdown; at the tissue level there were
that a protein molecule may oscillate between many papers in the 1960s describing diurnal
different energy levels. Suppose that each oscilla- oscillations in liver enzymes in the rat, with some
tion imposes a strain, so that eventually the mole- uncertainty on whether they were controlled by
cule begins to break up at a weak point. This protein intake or by hormones, particularly corti-
would lead to the pattern of breakdown that costeroids (e.g. Wurtman, 1970; review by
Garlick (1978) called ‘multiple event’ kinetics Kenney, 1970).1 Nevertheless, it cannot be denied
(see Chapter 2). that over a longer period such as 24 h a steady
Many nutritional and hormonal effectors influ- state is achieved, with synthesis and breakdown
ence the rate of degradation (Table 18.1) but there cancelling out.
are still gaps in our understanding of the sig- I looked at this question in an earlier review
nalling pathway(s) by which the various effectors (Waterlow, 1999), principally from the point of
produce their effects. It would greatly simplify view of nitrogen balance. On the coordination of
matters if, at the physiological level, the condi- synthesis and breakdown the difficulty is that as
tions in which degradation is stimulated or inhib- far as is known the ribosome does not speak to
ited could be narrowed down to only one or two the proteasome, but it is logically necessary that
effectors, such as insulin and glucocorticoids. Liu if two opposing processes are to be coordinated,
and Barrett (2002) point out that ‘proteolysis is there must be some functional link between them.
more sensitive than synthesis to small changes in This link is the amino acids, the substrate for one
plasma insulin within its physiological range’. process and the product of the other. If, hypothet-
They go on to say that it is ‘unknown where in the ically, the sensitivities of synthesis and break-
insulin-signalling system the pathway for regula- down to amino acids and their concentrations are
tion of synthesis and breakdown diverges’. But do plotted together, the lines must cross at some
they need to diverge, since the same signalling point, which is that of balance (Fig. 18.2). This
pathway may activate different genes (Hill and formulation is only building on an idea put for-
Treisman, 1995)? Moreover, as Salghetti et al. ward by Scornik (1984) and by Toates (1975) in
(2000) maintain, in many transcription factor pro- relation to the opposing processes in lipid metab-
teins there is overlap between regions signalling olism of lipolysis and fatty acid synthetase. The
proteolysis and regions activating transcription. lines in Fig. 18.2 represent sensitivities; if the
sensitivities are altered, perhaps by insulin, the
position and steepness of the slopes may alter, but
18.3 Coordination the lines will still cross.
Insulin clearly plays a key role. Its part,
The point of the previous two sections was to together with amino acids, in the regulation of
emphasize that the machinery of both synthesis muscle protein synthesis has been very fully
and breakdown involves a large number of pro- described in numerous reviews (Kimball et al.,
teins. More emphasis has been given to breakdown 1994; Pain, 1996; Proud and Denton, 1997; Wang
because the situation there seems rather less clear. et al., 1998; Campbell et al., 1999; Kimball and
The most important question in protein kinet- Jefferson, 2000; Shah et al., 2000; Kimball et al.,
ics is how synthesis and breakdown are coordi- 2002; Boulter et al., 2004). Amino acids and
nated so that they are in balance, in a steady state. insulin collaborate in the translation not only of
Admittedly it has been said, ‘Nature abhors a general mRNAs but, by different pathways, in the
steady state … what we actually see is a kind of translation of specific messengers, including
oscillation. The only time that the difference those that produce ribosomal proteins and tran-
between anabolism and catabolism is actually scriptional activators (Proud and Denton, 1997;
zero is when the oscillation is going through a Proud, 2001). These latter studies were made on
maximum or minimum’ (Miller, 1973). This hamster cells in vitro. Whether they can be
observation is undoubtedly correct; in Chapter 9 extrapolated more generally is, of course, a ques-
we examined oscillations in whole body synthesis tion. Stimulation or repression of specific

1 Itwould be interesting to repeat these experiments with measurements of synthesis and breakdown and of
tissue amino acid concentrations.

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282 Chapter 18

with fluctuations, in overall balance through

amino acids/insulin as intermediates is simplistic
and incomplete. There is still the conceptual prob-
lem that both synthesis and breakdown involve
huge numbers of proteins that are turning over and
so constantly having to be renewed; are these pro-
duced by other proteins, which require further pro-
teins to produce them and so on ad infinitum? A
solution to this problem would be if transcription
factors could transcribe themselves. Secondly, the
scheme tells us nothing about the quality of control.
It seems probable that there is a quickly acting fine
control, presumably acting on the initiation step of
Fig. 18.2. Suggested model of the interaction
synthesis and manifesting itself by a change in
between concentrations of amino acids and rates of
protein synthesis (S) and breakdown (B). The dotted
kRNA, and a coarse control, perhaps of the produc-
line shows the complementary effect of insulin. tion and/or breakdown of ribosomes, manifested by
Reproduced from Waterlow, 1999, by courtesy of changes in [RNA]. Whether there is a similar
Nutrition Research Reviews. dichotomy of the control of breakdown is not yet
clear. A further question is whether control is by
mRNAs implies regulation of the transcription on–off switching or graded. For a physiologist the
factors that produce them and will not be control must be graded, but transcription is often
reflected by changes either in kRNA or RNA con- described as being like a key in a lock, either on or
centration. off. However, apparently binding of proteins to
As for synthesis, so also for breakdown there is DNA may be weak or strong (Ptashne and Gann,
good evidence for control by amino acids and 2001). Moreover, most control pathways seem to
insulin. The classical study of Mortimore and Pösö involve phosphorylation, which is not an off–on
(1984) showed very clearly that in the liver proteo- process and can be a matter of degree – for exam-
lysis by lysosomes was affected by the amino acid ple, the activity of the branched-chain keto acid
supply. In recent years the difficulties of measuring dehydrogenase depends on the extent to which it is
breakdown, discussed in Chapter 14, have been cir- phosphorylated or dephosphorylated (Chapter 4).
cumvented by determining increases in abundance The diagrams in books on molecular biology
of specific mRNAs of proteins involved in degra- show the compartments of a system, the degree of
dation, particularly of ubiquitin and the compo- their aggregation or of separation, the directions of
nents of the proteasome, in response to starvation, their attachment, but nothing about their fluxes.
insulin deficiency, sepsis, etc. (Table 18.1). They are like the old metabolic maps which
Conversely, amino acids and insulin reverse showed the substrates and the enzymes, but noth-
these changes (Larbaud et al., 1996). Most of the ing about the rates of flow. When I first read
work has been done on muscle, but the gut shows Haschemeyer’s paper (Haschemeyer, 1969) telling
similar changes (Samuels et al., 1996). There are us that the time needed at 21°C to synthesize a
differences of detail in the responses of the differ- polypeptide chain of ~400 amino acids in the liver
ent elements of the Ub-P and of the other degrada- of an Antarctic fish was ~6.5 min, or ~1 second
tive systems and in the timing of these responses, per peptide bond, the whole subject came alive.1
which are well discussed by Attaix et al. (2003). More knowledge about the turnover rates of the
Corticosteroids, of course, as discussed in most important proteins, such as transcription fac-
Chapters 9 and 15, play an important role in the tors, ribosomes and proteins of the signalling path-
regulation of breakdown, but this rôle can be seen ways would surely increase our understanding of
as additive or complementary to the underlying the mechanisms of control. Moreover, in molecu-
basic control by amino acids and insulin. lar biology the proteins and other macromolecules
This picture of a system that is maintained, are usually and inevitably studied in an artificial

1 Therewere previous studies of assembly times of which I was not aware, such as those of Dintzis (1961)
for haemoglobin chains and Loftfield and Eigner (1958) for ferritin.

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some proteolytic pathways. Journal of Clinical protein metabolism. In: Munro, H.N. (ed.)
Investigation 97, 1610–1617. Mammalian Protein Metabolism, Vol. IV, Academic
Wang, X., Campbell, L.E., Miller, C.M. and Proud, Press, New York, pp. 445–479.
C.G. (1998) Amino acid regulates p70 S6 kinase

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It is expected that the Index will be used in conjunction with the table of contents. Some words, such as ‘turnover’
and ‘synthesis’ are not in the Index because they occur almost everywhere in the book.
Abbreviations: WBPT, whole body protein turnover; PS, protein synthesis; AA, amino acids; EAA and NEAA,
essential and non-essential amino acids; FSR, fractional synthesis rate; 3-MeH, 3-methyl histidine.

α1-antitrypsin 262 Ammonium salts, for labelling amino acids 35, 154
Acidosis 40, 205 Albumin, plasma
Actin, loss of 175 in acidosis 205
synthesis 212, 233 allometry of 251
turnover 283, see Methyl-histidine breakdown, measurement of 252
Actomyosin, turnover 233 as carrier of nutrients 250
Adaptation, characteristics of 142, 145 in cirrhosis of the liver 253
of albumin synthesis 253, 258 competition with acute phase proteins 259
of amino acid transport 27 distribution between pools 250, 252
of enzymes 143 extravascular mass of 251
to exercise 175 functions of 250
of Indian labourers 142 in hibernation 256
in lactation 12, 191 iodination of 251
to level of protein intake 142 labelling of amino acids in 94
longer term 147 in malnourished children 252
in pregnancy 188 mRNA of 252, 256
to starvation 230 in nephrosis 253
time needed for 143–147 oncotic pressure and 250, 252
of urea cycle enzymes 145 in pregnancy 188
Adolescents 125, 186 synthesis of 205, 229
Adriamycin 252 from urea N 114
Age, effects on turnover 167, 226 in trauma 205
AIDS 259 turnover of,
Alanine, de novo synthesis of 38 computer analysis of 251
disposal 38 methods of measurement 251
effect of energy supply 40 regulation of 253
exchanges with other AAs 38 in starvation 254
flux 40 Alcmaeon 1
effect of glutacorticoids on 135 Allometry, interspecific 160
as nitrogen transporter 92 intraspecific 163
splanchnic uptake 38 Amino acids (AAs)

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288 Index

classification 20 for synthesis rate of albumin 80

concentration in proteins 77 of fibrinogen 80
in fetus 23 turnover of 258
in milk 190 Apparent rate constants 26
in muscle 23 Appearance, definition of 2
in plasma 21 Area, under curve 9, 14
in skin 23 Arginase, adaptive changes in 147
concentration ratios 24 synthesis of 14
kinetics of 25 in urea cycle 72
in elderly 192 Arginine, metabolism of 45
pattern of, in tissues 151 first pass uptake 69
requirements of 151 for measurement of synthesis 57
See also individual amino acids as precursor of nitrous oxide 45
Amino acids, free as semi-indispensable amino acid 44
aromatic 71 transmembrane transport of 44
concentration, Arginine-guanidine see Guanidine
intracellular 215 Argininosuccinase, in liver 147
in red blood cells 21 Aromatic amino acids, in acute phase proteins 71, 204,
concentration ratios 24 252
deamination of 21 Arterial infusion 132
effect on muscle protein synthesis 235 Aspartic acid
exchanges of N 44 concentration ratio 23
fluxes of 123 decay rate of carboxyl group 211
intracellular dilution 77 for measurement of WBT 88
labelling of, with 15N ammonium 35 as transaminator 92
non-essential 20, 93, 153, 154 Assembly time see Polypeptide chains
concentration of 23 Astronauts, effect of weightlessness 175
as flood 216 Atherogenesis 262
oxidation of 106 ATP, for peptide bond synthesis 168
pools 20, 41 for AA transport 169
in muscle 22 ATPase 161
in plasma 20 Atrophy, of muscle fibres 171, 174
rate constants of disposal 26 in elderly 193
regulatory role of 20, 120, 281 see also Sarcopenia
as sources of N, 122 Attaix 278
transamination of 21 Autophagy 277
transport of 27, 77, 169 A, transport system 27
turnover rates of 24, 76 et seq. AS, transport system 27
uptake into gut proteins 76 AV mode 67
Amino acyl tRNA, 55
C-AMP, as activator of urea transporters 116 Battaglia 189
Ammonia Beaton 154
as end-product 89, 92, 185 Bed rest 175
enrichment of 80 Benzoic acid 55
for transfer of N, 35 Bestatin 213
Ammonium salts, for microbial protein synthesis 154 Bias, of flux estimates 71, 79, 89–93
incorporation with albumin 114 Bicarbonate, pool size 108
Analbuminaemia 259 to label amino acids 202
Analysis, compartmental 8, 13 Bier 102
stochastic 14,16 Biological value of proteins 151
2-amino-adipic acid, Biopsies
as precursor for lysine 152 of gastrointestinal mucosa 226
Anorexia nervosa 202 of muscle 25, 74, 78
Antarctic, crossing of, turnover in 201 after flooding dose 215
fish 223 in elderly 173, 192
Antioxidants 201 see also Muscle
Apolipoprotein, B-100 Birthweight, low 155, 189
as precursor 11, 59 Black bear see Hibernation

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Blood flow Carbon balance 64, 100, 106, 151

effect of IGF1 on 133 Carbon dioxide
to limbs 29 body pool of 107
to tissues 67 in breath 90, 109
Body composition 161, 253 dilution, as measure of energy expenditure 109
mass index 146, 202 effect of exercise 107
size 160 as end-product 90, 108
Bone kinetics of 108
collagen in 271 effect of meal 107
growth 231 production of 9
turnover 100 recovery of 107
Branched chain amino acids site of fixation, of 107
infusion of 124 and urea carbon 109
as nitrogen donors 33 Carboxyl carbon of arginine as recycled label 72
pool, in muscle 251 Carboxyl group, labelling of 211
see also Leucine Carcass analysis 79
Branched chain amino acid transaminase (BCAT) Carp, muscle protein, turnover of 225
distribution of 33 Cartilage 240
leucine, effect on 34 Casein, labelled 127
in pregnancy 34, 187 Caspases 276
in trauma 205 Cat I amino acid transporter 27
Branched chain ketoacid dehydrogenase (BCKD) Catabolic N loss 204, 262, see trauma
activation of 38 Cathepsins 276
distribution of 34 Cattle, scaling of organ weights 163
effect of muscle stretch 174 tissue protein synthesis in 170, 225
in exercise 173 Cereals, diets based on 154
km of 35 Channelling
in trauma 205 of amino groups 35
Breakdown of protein of end products 91
of albumin 251 et seq. see also Compartmentation
effect of food on 120 et seq., 229 Chicken, muscle turnover in 173
during growth 166 Children
in infection 201 albumin in 257
after injury 203 metabolic rate 164
kinetics of 5, 20, 136, 181 thermic effect of meal in 170
of liver proteins 213, 218 whole body turnover 87, 165, 200
in malnourished children 257 see also Malnourished
measurement of 210 et seq. Children’s Nutrition Research Center 191
mechanism of 264, 276 et seq. Circadian rhythm
of muscle proteins 233 in turnover 100
effect of corticosteroids 135, 269 of urea excretion 113
effect of insulin 131, 236 Cirrhosis of liver
of myofibrillar proteins 233 albumin in 253
of newly formed proteins, collagen 272 urea kinetics in 111
in milk 190 Coding errors 168
purpose of 276 Collaboration, between tissues 228
see also 3-methylhistidine of amino acids and insulin 281
Breakpoint, of amino acid oxidation 152 Collagen
Breast milk, amino acids, urea in 114 FSR, effect of age 271
Breath, carbon dioxide in 65 effect of exercise 271
Burns 203 half-life 271
inertness of 9, 211
Caeruloplasmin 259 in malnourished child 271
Calpains 276 newly synthesized 272
Capacity for synthesis 165, see kRNA soluble 271
Capillary leakage 259 structure 270
Carbamyl phosphate synthetase 1 (CPS-1) 109 turnover 270
Carbonate, for labelling 72, 167, 211 Colloid osmotic pressure
of albumin 252 and albumin turnover 252

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290 Index

Colon, and urea salvage 111 De novo synthesis 21

N flux in 14, 117 of alanine 39
synthesis of microbial protein in 115 of glutathione 41
Compartment, definition of 1 of glycine 36
Compartmentation 129, 282 in mammary gland 190
of albumin and ferritin synthesis 61 Depletion, of glutamine pool 43
of glutamine and glutamate 44 Deposition, of protein, with AA infusions 124
of glycine transport 56 during growth 166, 170
in gut mucosa 224 inefficiency of 168
of oxidation and synthesis 30, 33, 61, 97, 129 in muscle, with stretch 167
see also Channelling promoted by zinc 186
Compartmented analysis 64, 88, 97, 174, 250 in pregnancy 186
models 8, 13, 191, 251 Design, of animals 162
Compensatory growth, in liver 168 Deuterium, labelling with 39, 44
Competition, between tissues 228 Diabetes
Computer analysis 9, 12 on albumin synthesis 235
of albumin turnover 251 effects in limb 132
Concentration ratios 24 effects of meal 127
Consistency of methods 79, 93 glycine flux in 36
Constant infusion 214 on gut mucosa 235
Continuous infusion, of tracer 14, 64 metabolic model 11
Cooperation, between liver and muscle 233 on muscle 132, 234
Coordination of synthesis and breakdown 28, 275 see also Insulin
of acute phase proteins 262 Diaphragm, for incubation studies 213
of urea cycle enzymes 146 Diarrhoea, in prematures 184
Correction, of flux estimates 71 Different amino acids
for changes in pool size 126 for measuring flux 76
Corticosteroids Dilution of tracer 77, 90
effects on albumin and glutamine fluxes 135 Discrepancies, between sizes of pools 36
as antagonists of insulin 235 Disposal, definition 1, 67
on muscle protein turnover 240 Dissipation functions 163
on whole body turnover 135 Distribution of synthesis 226
in regulation of breakdown 282 Diurnal cycling 145
in starvation 230 during exercise 173
Cow’s milk protein production 190 oscillations of N balance 121
C-reactive protein 259 variation in N salvage 113
Creatine output in injury 204 DNA, as reference 165
synthesis 36 in liver 216
Creatinine protein binding 282
excretion 192, 202, 213 Dual isotope method
as route of N disposal 36 for measuring breakdown 212, 233
Cross-links, of collagen fibres 271 Duchenne muscular dystrophy 279
Cumulative excretion, of tracer 87, 89 Duodenal mucosa,
Cushing’s disease 241, 279 synthesis rate 226
Cuthbertson 203 Dynamic simulation models 17
Cycling, of synthesis 145 Dynenin 283
Cycloheximide 27, 213
Cysteine, as component of glutathione 37, 202 Ebb phase of metabolism, after trauma 187, 203
Cystine 154 Economy, of amino acids 16
of N, by salvage of urea 113
Dauncey 239 during pregnancy 187
Deamination 21 Efficiency, of growth 167
Decarboxylation of leucine, in acidosis 205 of protein deposition 166
Decay, of label after flood 210, 216 of protein utilization 124, 128, 148
and recycling 71 in elderly 191
De Duve 176 of synthesis 28, 167, 170
Degradation of protein see Breakdown of translation 230, 276
Degradative environment 279 thermodynamic 163

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Efflux, of glutamine 42 Exponents, of allometric equations 160

Egg protein, labelled 184 Export proteins, synthesis 225
Elastic stress 163 Extracellular pools 8
Elderly, energy intake 155
immobility 175 Factorial, estimates of requirements 151
metabolic rate 144 Faecal N
muscle mass 192 losses of 15N in 89, 98
protein turnover in, 15N enrichment 154

in muscle 192 FAO/WHO/UNU, Report 1985, 151, 164

in whole body 187, 191 Fasting
splanchnic uptake 71 in humans 121, 129,
Electrical stimulation of muscle 173 on IGF levels 133
Electron microscopy 276 on muscle protein synthesis 234
Electronic control of infusion 28 in rats 229
Endoplasmic reticulum, of liver 235, 250 see also Starvation
Energy Fasting–feeding studies 65
cost of amino acid transport 169 Fast muscle fibres
of growth 170 changes with age 227
of mRNA synthesis 169 Fat gain, during growth 171
of protein synthesis 168, 170 Fat-free mass 148
expenditure 170 in elderly 191, 202
intake 129 Fatty acids, oxidation of 34
of children 185 Feeding, effects of 121, 124, 228
of prematures 183 Fern, hypothesis 89, 200
supply, effect of 40, 127, 129, 185 Ferritin synthesis 61
turnover of 161 Feto-placental flux 189
Enrichment, definition 2 Fetus, amino acid composition 23, 190
after intragastric infusion 71 synthesis in 188
Enterocytes, receptors on 264 Fiasco, protein 154
Enthalpy, of protein deposited 170 Fibre types 174
Entropy 163 atrophy of 192
Entry rates, of amino acids 28 in elderly 192
Environmental temperature, adaptation to 142 protein synthesis in 224
Enzymes, induction 4 response to insulin 235
stabilization of, 279 Fibrinogen
turnover 214, 279 measurement 56, 80
of urea cycle 145 synthesis in starvation 229
Epigenetics 275 in trauma 205
Equilirium, thermodynamic 279 turnover 259, 262
Errors, in compartmental analysis 9 Fibronectin 56
Erythrocytes, amino acid concentrations in 21 First order reaction 3
Essential amino acids First pass effect see splanchnic uptake
in breast milk 114 Flooding dose 4, 57, 79, 127, 214, 252
concentration in proteins 20, 23 ‘Flow’ phase, of metabolism after trauma 203
free pools 20 Flux
metabolites derived from 151 correction of 71
requirements for 151 definition of 2
see also individual amino acids of essential amino acids 144
Ethnic differences of phenylalanine 77
in obligatory N loss 149 of tyrosine 78
Exchanges, between tissues 228 Flux ratio 77, 92, 93, 98, 186, 200, 202
Exercise 171 Food intake, effect on free pools 25
and CO2 recovery 107 Force generation, in muscles 175, 193
effect on muscle protein synthesis 173 Fowl, muscle of 224
on leucine oxidation 173 Fractal geometry 163
MeH excretion in 172 Fractional synthesis rates, FSR,
N excretion in 172 with different amino acids 78
Exponential kinetics 4 Fractionation, biological 3

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Fractures 203 pool sizes 23, 27, 41

Free pools, changes in 126 recycling 211
Free radical damage 202 requirement 205
Fudging 100 splanchnic uptake 69
in trauma 42, 205
Gambia 170, 188, 201 turnover 27
Garlick 144, 214 Glutamine synthase 43
Gastrointestinal tract Glutathione 37
and life-cycle kinetics 99 free pools 23
Gas chromatograph-mass spectrometry 64, 94 in red blood cells 37
Genetic differences, in rats 166 synthesis rate 37, 202
in cows 190 tissue concentration 37, 202
Genetic modification of foodstuffs 154 in trauma 204
‘Geographical’ separation of pools see Fern hypothesis Glycine
Glucagon, to reduce effect of insulin 134 and acute phase proteins 37
and amino acid transport 27 deficiency of 37, 188
effect on breakdown 278 effect of low intake 154
as enzyme inducer 147 in end-product method 92
in trauma 205 and glutathione 37
Glucocorticoids as hippurate 55
effects on alanine fluxes 135 metabolism and flux 36
on breakdown and oxoproline 37
in tissues 239 as semi-essential amino acid 182
in whole body 135 as tracer 171, 182, 184
on muscle 236, 239 Glycoproteins 59
on plasma albumin 240 Goats, synthesis in muscle of 235
on protein synthesis, in lymphocytes 240 Gold standard, for measurement of protein turnover 7,
on ribosomes 240 64, 94, 100
as enzyme inducers 147 Goldberg 213, 278
interrelations with insulin, growth hormone Golgi apparatus 250
IGF-1 135 Gradients, intracellular 61
in trauma 205 Growth 87, 165
Glucose, as proxy for precursor 59 Growth hormone
requirement of, for synthesis 133 and amino acid transport 134
Glucuronic acid, in synthesis of glycoproteins 59 effect on glutamine synthesis 135
Glutamate see glutamic acid on muscle metabolism 134, 237
Glutamate dehydrogenase, and urea cycle 109 on muscle, PS 238
Glutamic acid on whole body synthesis 87
free pools 43 replacement of 206
labelled, as tracer 92 in trauma 205
decay rate 211 Guanidino-arginine
metabolism 43 for measurement of synthesis 57, 72, 211, 252
properties of 45 Guillaine-Barré syndrome 96
reactivity 43 Gut, mucosal protein synthesis 100, 204, 223
splanchnic uptake 44
turnover 27 Habitual protein intakes 150
Glutaminase 41 Haem, synthesis of 36
Glutamine Haemodialysis 205
compartmentation 41 Haemoglobin, life cycle of 4
decay rate 211 Half-life, of collagen 271
disposal rate 27 of liver enzymes 211
flux, effect of glucocorticoids 135 Hand vein 65
and immune system 40 Haptoglobin 259, 261
labelled, as tracer 92 Harmonic average of flux estimates 90
metabolism 40 Haschemeyer 282
in muscle 206 Haussinger 278
as N transporter 92 Head injuries, effect of 229, 240

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Hepatectomy, regeneration after 167 protein requirements 151

Hepatocytes, oxygen consumption 161 turnover 184
Herschko 278 see also Malnourished
Heterogeneity, within tissues 211 Infections 37, 92, 102, 201
of turnover 211 and albumin turnover 257
Hibernation, of black bear Inflammation 262
albumin synthesis in 256 Inflow, of AAs to muscle 174
Hierarchy, of kinetic changes 145 Infusion, continuous, of tracer 14, 214
Hippurate 36, 56 Inhomogeneity 1
Histidine, free pools 22 Initiation of synthesis 127, 175, 218, 235, 240, 275
Histones 275 Injury, response to 207
Homoeotherms 160 Instantaneous mixing 68
Homogeneity of pools 4, 7 Insulin 130 et seq., 234 et seq.
Hormones see individual hormones effects on albumin production 235
Human milk on amino acid uptake in limb 132
amino acids in 115 on free amino acid pools 25
in prematures 183 on protein synthesis
urea in 115 of intestinal mucosa 236
Human tissues, synthesis 226 of liver 236
Hydroxyproline of mitochondria 235
excretion 272 of muscle 234
as precursor of collagen 271 of ribosomes 236
Hyperplasia 165 on protein turnover in limb 132
Hypertrophy 165, 167,175 in viscera 132
in whole body 131
Hypoalbuminaemia 250
on transamination 34
Hypogammaglobulinaemia 263
pre-pro insulin 168
Hypothyroidism 134
production 121
effect of starvation on 235
ICTP carboxyterminal telopeptide 272
response to, in burns 206
in elderly 193
effect on blood-flow 133
in fetus 189
on tibial growth 237
in pregnancy 188
and glucocorticoids 134
in starvation 231
and growth hormone 237
role as inhibitor of breakdown 238, 281
IGF-BP3 236
in regulation 281
as marker of nutritional state 133 stimulation by food 126
mechanism of action 236 as stimulator of synthesis 235
mRNAs of 239 Integrins 176
and other hormones 134 Interleukin 6, 262
as promoter of synthesis 133, 237 International Atomic Energy Authority 251
of cartilage deposition 237 Interspecies allometry 160
IgG, 263 Intragastric infusion 70, 184
Ileostomies 154 Intraspecies allometry 163
Immaturity 163 Intravascular mass of albumin 253
Immobilization 88, 174
in plaster cast 174 Jamaica, turnover studies in
Immobility, of old age 193 malnourished infants 186, 188, 201, 256
after trauma 175 pregnant women 186, 188
Immunoglobulins, turnover rates 263 Jefferson 234
Incubated tissues 213 Jequier 170
Indian labourers, adaptation by 147,149, 202
lysine requirement of 153 Kd, fractional rate of degradation 2
Indicator amino acid, method 152 Km, of amino acid transporters 27
Indomethacin 176 of BCKD 35
Infants Ks, fractional rate of synthesis 2
cost of growth 170 Keys 130, 149
metabolic rate 164, 200 Keto acids 125

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KIC (α-keto isocaproate) 11, 33 comparison with human 189

enrichment ratio 58 tissues, synthesis in 225
formation 71, 74 Lean body mass
as gold standard 60, 65 in elderly 191
infusion of 58 Lean tissue deposition 186
pool 29 Less developed countries 154
as precursor for oxidation 106 Leucine 33
production of 33, 71 balances 144
reamination of 74 carbon flow 34
in pregnancy 34 ratio to fluxes of lysine, phenylalanine 77
as reciprocal 58 concentration in free pool
representativeness 71 effect of exercise on 173
‘reverse’ infusion 58 effect of insulin on 131
Kidney effect of meal on 120
disease 204, 205 of muscle 22, 24
failure of plasma 29, 120, 124, 131
urea kinetics in 111 relation to oxidation 121
oxidation 76 concentration in protein of food 90, 98
protein turnover in 75 of muscle 22, 24
urea kinetics in 111 of whole body 98
Kielanowski 171 constant infusion of 15
Kinases 278 doubly labelled 33
Kinesin 283 enrichment in urine 183
Kinetics 1, 3 et seq. as ‘gold standard’ 7, 64
of albumin turnover 251 in flooding dose 127
of amino acids in leg 205 as indicator amino acid 152
of degradation 280 in lactation 190
exponential 4 oxidation of 97, 173
of enzymes 147 pool size, changes in 126
first order 3, 99, 279 production of KIC 33
of free amino acids 26 stimulator of synthesis 126
life-cycle 99, 100 transport index 29, 169
multiple event 5 whole-body synthesis 66
non-random 99, 100 Liebig 171
protein 146 Life-cycle, pool 99
of tracer 88 kinetics 99
of urea 111 Life-span 163, 167
zero order 3 of haemoglobin 4
Krebs 40 of rats 167
Krebs cycle intermediates 109 of villous cells 5
Kwashiorkor 201 Ligaments, soluble collagen in 271
Kynesin 283 Limb, amino acid transport in 28, 169
kRNA, definition 3, 217 balance across in trauma 205
responses to diet 231 composition 75
in tissues 224 contribution to whole body turnover 75
measurements in 79, 173
Labelling, of urea 111 models of 74
Labile protein 203, 204 studies on 126, 133
Labourers, Indian 203 synthesis and breakdown in dialysis 205
Lactating women, kinetic models in 191 turnover in 73
Lactation 12, 190 effect of, amino acids 132
adaptation for 191 insulin 132
Lactose (15N) ureide volume 75
as precursors 154 Liver
Lag, of urea excretion 113 allometry 161
Lamb, fetal protein synthesis in 204
amino acid turnover 188 weight 161

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Lizard 160 Mechanoreceptors 176

Low birthweight 190 Menstrual cycle 134
Low protein diets Mental development, impairment of 149
in humans 121, 185, 203 Metabolic control theory 43
in rats 231 demand 148–150
Lungs, loss of tracer in 68 pool 89
Lymphocyte protein 205 rate, of adults 160, 170
Lymphocytes of infants 164
protein synthesis in 205, 226 of prematures 183
effect of glucocorticoids on 240 Methionine 25
Lymphoid tissue 226 and glutathione 47
Lysine metabolism of 46
in carbon balance studies 64 3-Methyl histidine
in collagen 270, excretion of, in diabetes 236
comparison with leucine 79 in elderly 192
constant infusion of 15, 27 in exercise 172
exchange with other amino acids 92, 94 in head injuries 240
first-pass uptake 69 in injury 204
free, in muscle 22 by prematures 193
pools 22 and glucocorticoids 239
in lactation 191 in gut and skin 212
for measurement of whole body turnover 78 in myofibrillar proteins 211
microbial synthesis of 115 ratio to creatinine 213
pool size 152 4-Methyl-2-oxopentanoate see KIC
requirement 152 Mexico 256
studies in Indians 153
Microautography 277
synthesis in colon 115, 154
Microbes, in colon 115
transport index 29, 169
15N-lysine 64
and AA synthesis 154
Microgravity 175
as tracer in end product method 94
Milk, human, in prematures 183
Lysosomes 170, 276
urea in 182
acidity of 170
Milk protein
degradation 276–280, 282
degradation of 190
in stimulated muscle 173
labelled 13
output of 17, 190
‘Machinery’ of synthesis 166
Magnesium, urinary loss 204 Millward 150, 153, 166, 233, 279
Malaria 201 Mitochondria, enzymes of 193, 235,
Malawi 201 protein of, in muscle 233
Malnourished, infants/children 14, 88, 99, 102, 111, protein synthesis 193, 235
133, 154, 165, 170, 184, 200, 223 surface area 161
albumin turnover 256 and thyroid hormones 238
arginine-succinase in liver of 146 MIT, 122
flux ratio 99 essential AA pattern of 151
IGF-1 levels in 133 Models 7
protein/energy ratio of diet 99 of lactation 190
Mammalian ‘machine’ 160 metabolic 87
Mammals, allometry of 160 multi-compartment 10
Mammary gland, flux in 190 of recycling 73
milk production 191 validity of 7, 13
Marasmus 201 Monodeiodinase 239
Markers, of collagen turnover 272 Mortality, of children 88
of nutritional state 133 Mouse, protein synthesis in liver 168
Mass balance 29 mRNA
Maturity 163 of acute phase proteins 262
Meal, effects of 17, 24,127, 130, 215, 228 of albumin 252 et seq.
related to N loss 150 decay rates 275

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of IGF, 238 negative, in starvation 129

of nutrient transport proteins 259 in haemodialysis 205
of proteolytic enzymes 240 in injury 203
synthesis, cost of 168 in New Guinea highlanders 115
translation of 281 post-absorptive 124
turnover rate 169 protein requirements, as criterion of 149
of ubiquitin proteasome, system 205, 236 Nitrogen exchanges between amino acids 35, 39, 44
of urea transporters 115 Nitrogen intake, relationship of urea production to 111,
Multiple dosage 95 112
of tracer 94, 185 Nitrogen sparing, in pregnancy 34
Multiple sampling sites 127 Nitrogen transport, inter-organ 92
Munro 279 N-terminal amino acids 279, 280
13N-short-lived tracer 44, 110
biopsies of 29, 42, 74, 173, 192, 215, 237 Non-muscle fractional synthetic rate 202
collagen in 271 Non-random kinetics 4
contribution to WBT, 75 Non-steady state 4, 13, 17, 127, 146
force production 193 calculations 22
free amino acids in 22 constant infusion in 17
function in elderly 175 Normal
inverse of adapted 142
mass 96, 192, 202
lower limit of 148
as protein store 144, 228
Normality 142
protein synthesis 127, 173, 193, 204,
N-terminal rate 280
effect of age on 226
Nucleic acid
in elderly 193
in rat tissues 167
and fibre type 225
Nucleotides, methylated 161, 168
after flooding dose 216
Nutrient-transport protein 258, 260
effect of food on 229
coordinated changes in 259
in red and white muscle 224
pool sizes 41
Muscular dystrophy 213
turnover rates 260
Myofibrillar proteins
isoforms 174
Obese, dietary change in 92
in elderly 193 reduced energy intakes, effect of 130
synthesis 233 triiodothyronine, effect of 134
turnover 232 turnover 130
Myofibrils, assembly of 279 Obligatory loss of N, 148–151
turnover 233 Octopus vulgaris
Myosin 212, 233 synthesis in 168
heavy chains 174, 193, 235, 239 Oedema, in malnourished children 201, 252, 261
Mytilus edulis, synthesis in 168 Oligopeptides, infusions of 125
Myxoedema 87 Oral dosage 93, 94
Oscillations, in enzyme levels 281
N-acetyl glutamate 110 Osmotic effects
Nascent protein 279 on cell size 253
Neonates Oxidation
protein turnover in 184 of amino acids 29, 106
urea salvage in 113 after a meal 127
Nephrotic syndrome 252, 253 on changing protein intake 144
albumin metabolism in 254, 255 during exercise 173
Neuromuscular dystrophy effect of growth hormone 134
methyl histidine excretion in 213 of leucine 34, 98, 120, 121, 152
Net protein utilization 150 in pregnancy 188
Nigeria 142, 201 response to feeding 124
studies in children in 92, 102 L-5-oxoproline 37
Nitrogen balance 129, 143 excretion
as criterion of adaptation 142, 143, 147 in glycine insufficiency 37
glucocorticoids, effect of 135 in pregnancy 187, 188
leucine infusions, effect of 127 Oxygen consumption 161

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Pancreas 100 Plaster cast

synthesis in 223 immobilization in 88, 174
enzymes in 59 Plateau 15 et seq., 64, 89
Papua New Guinea 154 of CO2 labelling. 106
Parenteral feeding definition of curve to 214
of prematures 183, 184 Poikilotherms 160
Peeling, of exponential curves 9 accumulation of 213
Peptide bond synthesis 17 Polypeptide chain assembly time 238, 252
energy cost of 168 constancy of 226
Peptides in senile rats 227
synthesis of protein from 24 Polyploidy 165
as transporters 30 Polyribosomes 238
uptake of 27 Pools 1
Perfusion amino acids, sizes of 15, 69
of liver 213, 254 ammonia 89
of organs 213 of CO2, 107
PEST hypothesis 280 extracellular 1
Phenylalanine inhomogeneity of 8
advantages from flux measurement 77 intracellular 1
concentration, in body protein 77 life-cycle 100
first-pass uptake 69 metabolic 89
as flooding dose 215 separation of 1
flux 44, 77 size 154, 259
of urea 89
free, in muscle 22
Portal vein 75
hydroxylation of 44
as indicator 152
total body, as basis of expression 170
metabolism 44, 45
urine loss after injury 204
muscle content 24
Poverty, effect of 154
oxidation 77
Pre-albumin 168
requirements for 45
Pregnancy 186 et seq.
turnover, relation to requirements 45
adaptation in 188
tyrosine flux, indirect estimate 44
flux ratio 99
whole body turnover 77
2H -ring phenylalanine 64
protein deposition in 188
5 protein requirements in 151
Phenylketonuria 44 sparing of N in 34, 187
Phosphate transamination in 34
losses after injury 204 urea salvage in 113
Phosphorylation, and signalling 282 Precursor 1, 54 et seq
Pigs definition of 215
cost of growth in 164 enrichment of 15, 215
oxidation rate 98 for gut protein synthesis 22, 224
protein composition 23 location of pool 54
tissue synthesis rates 225, 226 for lysine 152
Physical capacity 148 models 54, 55
P1CP (type 1 procollagen propeptide) pool 15
marker of collagen synthesis 272 problem 152
Pituitary disease 87 product relationship 9, 87, 252
See also Cushing’s disease as reciprocal metaboloite 55
Placenta Precursor of mRNA, cost of synthesis 16
flux across 189 Pre-pro-proteins
Plasma synthesis of 168
essential AA concentrations in 22 Prematures 97, 182
flow, measurement 67 comparison of methods 96
non-essential AA concentrations in 23 cost of growth 170
proteins of (see albumin) 250 energy cost of protein degradation 170
Plasmaphoresis 252 flux ratio 99

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298 Index

low energy intake 130 Ratner 210

protein intakes 183 Reamination 33
protein synthesis 164 Receptors 278
splanchnic uptake 71 Reciprocals 55–59, 102
turnover 130 Recognition
Pre-mortal of proteins for breakdown 278
increase in N excretion 230 Recovery, of CO2 107
Priming 28, 68, 89, 94 Recycling 8, 16, 71–73, 94, 99, 120, 212
of bicarbonate pool 106 absence of 211
of glycine 94 avoided by glutamate, aspartate 212
of urea pool 111 of gut protein 224
Procollagen 270–272 increase in 211
Proline of label in collagen 270
in collagen 270, 272 of salvaged N, 114
hydroxylation of 271 Red blood cells see erythrocytes
Prostaglandins PF2 176, 273 transport systems in 21
Proteasomes 203, 265, 278 Reductionism 275
see also Ubiquitin Reeds 228
subunits of mRNA 205 Reentry see recycling 94
Protein Refeeding
breakdown 203 responses in liver and muscle 230
see also Breakdown Regenerating liver 167, 168
in children 165 Regulation, of synthesis 127
deficiency 88 Regulatory N loss 148, 150
degradation 167 Remodelling
deposition 160 of collagen 272
in growth 171 Replacement rates 150, 211
in pregnancy 188 Reptile ‘machine’ 160
energy ratio 154 Requirement
free diet, effects of 218, 231, 238, 282 for essential amino acids 149 et seq.
intake, different levels of 120 for protein 148 et seq.
low 203 Resistance exercise 193, 194
safe level of 148 Respiratory
losing enteropathy 253, 254 CO2 as end-product 90
loss in starvation 130 distress syndrome 184
requirement (by labelling body protein) 149 see also carbon dioxide
stores 144, 229 Responses
in lactation 190, 191 to amino acids in elderly 192
in pregnancy 187 to feeding 145
in trauma 203 to refeeding 230
synthesis, Retinol-binding protein
machinery of 184 turnover rate 258
turnover, methodology 184 Reverse infusions
utilization 149 of KIC, 58, 59
Proteinases Reutilization
in collagen degradation 270 absence of, with guanidine label 211
Pseudoplateau 15 et seq., 72 external 16
Pubertal children, turnover in 186 of labelled amino acids 211
Pulmonary artery in measurement of collagen half-life 270
infusion into 67 of tracer 6, 16, 71
Purine bases See also Recycling
sources of N for 36 Ribosomal proteins, transcription of 127, 175
‘Purpose’ of breakdown 276 breakdown rate 235
Ribosomes, structure 275
Radioactive tracers 64 activity 217
Rainbow trout 225 amount of 276
Randomness 3 content of liver and muscle 232

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effect of protein deprivation Sheep

starvation 232–233 fetal turnover in 189
production of 241 protein composition in 23
proteins of 240 synthesis in tissues of 170, 225
RNA Shock 203
activity Shortening velocity 175
in immobilization 174 of muscle 161
in tissues 218, 223–232 Shrew 161
capacity for synthesis 165, 167 Signal translation, in elderly 193
concentration Signalling pathway 278
in liver, effects of diet 229 et seq. Single dose measurement 95
in muscle, effects of exercise 174 Skin
of diet 230 et seq. FSR 79
content loss by 98
of liver 161 mass of 75
of tissues 219 as protein store 144, 228, 229
efficiency Slopes, of allometric equations 160
in fasting 225 Smooth muscle
increase with growth 166 source of 3-methylhistidine 212, 213
as machinery of synthesis 165 Sodium-dependent transport 170
synthesis 170 Soleus 224
cost of 168 Soluble collagen 271
turnover rates 161, 218 Somatomedin hypothesis 236
rRNA, turnover rate 165, 218 South Africa 256
tRNA Soya protein, labelled 127
enrichment 57 Sparing of N
after flood 215 in pregnancy 84
R ratio 25 Specific dynamic action 170
Splanchnic region
Salmon trout 165 contribution to whole body turnover 75
Salvage turnover in 74, 75
by mammals 113 effect of insulin on 132
regulation of 115 Splanchnic uptake see First-pass effect 70, 71
of urea 111 in elderly 71, 192
see also Urea of leucine 69
Sampling site 66 of lysine 69
Sarcopenia 144, 175, 193, 227, 278 in prematures 71
Sarcoplasmic proteins 175 of various AAs 69 et seq.
FSR 193 Standard of reference
turnover 233 use of DNA 165
Schimke 279 Starchy roots, protein of 154
Schöch Starvation 129, 130, 201
RNA turnover 168 effect on albumin synthesis 254
Schoenheimer 210 on liver, muscle 229
Scornick 213 muscle protein turnover 233
Scrimshaw 142 long-term 130
Secreted proteins 278 RNA concentration in 229
Senescence, in rats 227 see also Fasting
see also Elderly Statistics of allometric equations 160
Sensitivity Steady state
to AA concentration 281 with equal in all pools 70, 72
to temperature 225 isotopic 14
Sepsis 204, 205 new level of enzyme 146
Sequestration see First-pass effect step function 100
Serine stunting in height 148
as precursor for synthesis 35, 56 Stochastic analysis 14, 88
as reciprocal for glycine 56 models 8, 14

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Stochiometry of AA transport 169 on tissue protein synthesis 238, 239

Stores of protein 144, 188, 228, 229 on WBT 134
in pregnancy 187 gene expression 239
mobilizing by insulin and cortisol 190 in menstrual cycle 134
Streptozotocin 235 and protein stores 190
Stretch, of skeletal muscle 173, 175 relationship to insulin, IGF1, 238
Stroud 201 ribosomal concentration 239
Stunting 184 on tibial growth 240
as adaptation 142 Thyrotoxicosis
in height 149 WBT in 134
Sucrose Time, physiological 163
biosynthetic labelling 211 Tissues
Sulphate labelling of 15
urinary loss after injury 204 Tracer-kinetics theory 88
Sulphur amino acids 202 Tracers
Supplements comparison of 70
of protein 154, 156 Transaminating amino acids 92
of zinc 185 Transamination
Surface area 162 in acidosis 205
Surgery, elective 206 of amino acids 21
effects of 203 during exercise 173
Survival in fracture 205
as criterion of adaptation 142 of leucine 34
Synthesis in pregnancy 187
microbial, of EAAs 154 rate 34
of protein in growing rats 167 Transcription 281
of secreted proteins 224 complexity of 276
specificity of 275 Transfer RNA 54
of tissue proteins 223 et seq. Transferrin 258
zero order 24, 146 Translation
Synthetic capacity 167 efficiency of 175, 275
Transplacental clearance 189
Targetting Transport of amino acids 28, 74, 169
of proteins 279 of arginine 44
Temperature into the cell 77
sensitivity of synthesis 225 to fetus 188
Tendon energy cost 170
collagen in 271 index 28, 169
Testosterone sodium-dependent 169
in elderly 194 proteins 259
Time of urea 115
physiological 163 Transthyretin 258
Time scale Trauma 99, 203, 259
of adaptation 146, 148 as cause of negative N balance 175
Thermodynamic flux ratio 99
efficiency 163 nitrogen loss in 206
equilibrium 279 Triglycerides, infusion of 34
Threonine Tritiated water 210, 271
in carbon balance studies 64 Tritium
microbial synthesis of 115 for labelling water 210
pools Toronto group 153
free 22 Trout, rainbow 170, 225
size 152 composition of tissues 166
not transaminated 154 efficiency of synthesis 170
Thyroid hormones 134, 238, 239 salmon
effect growth in 165
on flux ratio 134 Tuberculosis 203

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Tubulin 283 transporters 115

Turnover utilization of 114
definition 1 Urease, microbial 72, 113
of free amino acids 24, 25 et seq. Uric acid, from glycine 36
random 3 et seq Urinary leucine, E of
rate coefficient 25, 26 Urine, collection of 101
of RNA species 165 Utilization of protein 192
of small protein pools 72
Turpentine VA mode 67, 68
injection of 59 Vaccination 203
Tyrosine Vacuoles, autophagic 277
constant infusion of 15 Validation 102
flux 44 Valine, in carbon balance studies 64
release in muscle 213 Value, judgment
for measuring breakdown 213 of adaptation 142
spares phenylalanine 154 Variability 95, 96. 112
Tyrosine-[U-14C], studies with 64 of amino acid concentrations 22
of end-product method 95, 96, 97
Ubiquitin-proteasome system 170, 193, 205, 236, 240, in estimates
276–282 of bicarbonate pool size 108
activation by glucocorticoids 240 of transfer rates 108
ATP dependence 170 of protein requirements 148
in head injury 241 of synthesis rates 65
mRNA of 205 of turnover rates in children 185
Umbilical AA, supply to fetus 188 of urea production 112
United Nations 148 Vegetarian diet
Units 2 effect on albumin synthesis 256
in breast milk 115 Wasting, muscular see Sarcopenia
carbon as reciprocal 109 Webster 165
cycle, enzymes of 110, 146 Weightlessness 175
enrichment of 87, 94, 182 Whale liver 161
excretion of, in exercise 172 Wheat
effect of growth hormone 134 labelled 93
as end-product 89 et seq., 200 protein utilization 153
in prematures 182 Whey protein, infusions of 125
as marker of IC enrichment 109 labelled 127
and pH regulation 109 single meal 215
pool 89, 145 Whole body counting 251, 257
in exercise 172
turnover of 109 Yeast
production 98, 109, 172 biosynthetic labelling 87, 93, 211, 254
in pregnancy 188 Young 143, 151
in exercise 172
in pathological states 111 Zak 233
variability of 112 Zero order synthesis 147
as proxy for precursor 59, 252 Zinc
recycling of 111, 114 deficiency, effect of 232
relation to N intake 113 rats, effect of zinc-free diet 232
retention of 89 supplementation, effect of 185, 186
salvage of 98, 111, 113 supplements 200
sparing of NEAA by 115 urinary loss after injury 204
synthesis 109 Zonation
as substrate for EAA synthesis 154 of enzymes in liver 41, 44
for protein synthesis 57

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