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1. Leer y completar:

Mercury is a fascinating planet. It isn’t the biggest planet in our solar system, but is the smallest
and the fastest. Mercury is the closest planet to the sun, only 15 million kilometers away. Because
of this, it orbits the sun in 88 days. It has only one neighboring planet, Venus, and it has no moons
or rings.

Mercury can be very hot during the day and very cold at night. The highest temperature is 425°C
and the lowest temperature at night is - 165°C.

Another interesting fact about Mercury is that astronomers discovered it more than 3000 years
ago. They could see it crossing the sky without a telescope. These are just some facts about
Mercury, but there are many others that show why this planet is amazing.

2. Leer y hacer las siguientes tareas:

Una buena pieza de redacción informativa:

- Tiene una buena oración temática que introduce el tema y captura la atención del lector.
- Tarea 1. Encierre en un círculo rojo la oración temática.

- Tiene hechos interesantes que apoyan la oración temática.

- Tarea 2. Subraye los hechos con diferentes colores.

- Tiene una conclusión que remite al tema principal.

- Tarea 3. Dibuje un cuadro verde sobre la conclusión y conteste las preguntas:

Does the topic sentence in this text grab your attention? Yes, the topic sentence was

¿Are the facts interesting? Yes, I didn’t know this information.

Does the conclusion refer back to the topic? Yes, the conclusion shows how fascinating
Mercury is.

¿La oración temática captó su la atención? Sí, la oración temática fue certera.
¿Son interesantes los hechos? Sí, no conocía esta información.
¿La conclusión se refiere al tema? Sí, la conclusión muestra lo fascinante que es Mercurio.
3. Complete el organizador gráfico:



Topic sentence:

Mercury is a fascinating planet.

Fact 1: Fact 2: Fact 3:

Mercury is the closest planet to It has

4. only one neighboring Mercury can be very hot during
the sun, only 15 million kilometers planet, Venus, and it has no the day and very cold at night.
away. Because of this, it orbits the moons or rings. The highest temperature is 425°C
sun in 88 days. and the lowest temperature at
night is - 165°C.


These are just some facts about Mercury, but there are many others that show why this
planet is amazing.

Escriba un borrador de su escritura informativa acerca de la página 40 de su Libro de



Let’s discover how interesting Neptune is! This one is a very cold planet, the average temperature
on Neptune is -200 degrees Celsius. Neptune is the most distant planet, it is located 4.5 billion
kilometers from the sun, because of this Neptune orbits the sun once every 165 years.

One interesting fact about Neptune is that before scientist realized Neptune was a planet in 1846,
back in 1631 Galileo noticed the existence of Neptune.

Just like Saturn, Neptune has ring but they are difficult to observe that’s why they are not so well
recognized. An important fact about Neptune “rings” is that are named after astronomers who
made important discoveries about this planet: Galle, La Verrier, Lasselle, Aragón and Adams.

Another interesting fact about Neptune is that because its temperature the planet is known as an
ice giant, besides other important facts are discovered day by day.

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