Thanksgiving Poem

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I Ate Too Much Turkey I ate too much turkey, I ate too much corn, I ate too much

pudding and pie, I'm stuffed up with muffins and much too much stuffin', I'm probably going to die. I piled up my plate and I ate and I ate, but I wish I had known when to stop, for I'm so crammed with yams, sauces, gravies, and jams that my buttons are starting to pop. I'm full of tomatoes and french fried potatoes, my stomach is swollen and sore, but there's still some dessert, so I guess it won't hurt if I eat just a little bit more. Jack Prelutsky


Poetry Follow Up

Reread the poem, I Ate Too Much three times practicing your fluency and expression! Then complete the follow up below.

Search and Find 1. a word with a suffix: ____________________ 2. two nouns: _____________, ______________ 3. a word that rhymes with great: ____________ 4. a two syllable word: _____________________ 5. a contraction: __________________________ 6. a word that means aching or painful: _________ Circle the best answer. 7. What question can be answered in stanza 2? a. What desserts did he eat? b. Where did he have dinner? c. Why did he eat so much? d. What happened because he ate too much? 8. Read this line from the poem:

So I guess it wont hurt if I eat just a little bit more. What words make up the underlined contraction? a. would not b. will not c. was not 9. Write these words in abc order: plate piled pudding pie

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