Post Test Reviewer

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Agriculture- systematic raising of useful plants and livestock under the management of man

Agricultural Crops Production NCII -This qualification consists of competencies that a

person must achieve to produce various agricultural crops

Forestry-It is the operations of tree farms, forest nurseries, and activities such as reforestation
and gathering of forest products

Farm Chemicals-refers to any crop protectant, growth regulator, fertilizer, soil conditioner,
cleaning agent, food additive, or anything permitted by the Philippine National Standards

Emergency Procedures- set of actions undertaken in the event of an accident

Occupational Health and Safety-It is a set of policies and procedures that is followed in a
workplace in order to prevent accidents, illnesses, and injuries

Prunning shears-It is a hand tool used to cut stems and plant parts for trimming or propagation

Farm equipment- These are machineries used in land preparation, transporting farm in puts
and products, supplying water, and applying fertilizers or pesticides to crops

Grapes, durian, lanzones, mangoes, and bananas are examples of which kind of crops? Fruit

Special Wastes- include hazardous waste, healthcare waste, and process waste

Record Keeping- means to keep track of the history of a farm's activities and transactions by
creating and storing consistent records are potential danger.

Hazards- Risks are the probability of any hazard to cause them.

Accidents are unplanned and undesirable result of the contact with a hazard.

Seed dormancy- is a state wherein seeds had stopped for germination

Rag doll Method is a test that seeds are put in a wet paper towel that is placed in a round
transparent container to facilitate seed germination
Core Competencies of ACP NC II
➤ Perform Nursery Operations
➤ Plant Crops
➤ Care and Maintain Crops
➤ Carry-out harvest and post-harvest operations

Maturity Indices
➤ Physiological maturity
➤ Physical Maturity

Materials needed in setting up nursery shed

➤Shade net
➤ Bamboo posts
➤ Wire
➤Coconut leaves
➤ Plastic sheets

Pest Control Measures

➤ Chemical Control
➤ Biological control
➤ Mechanical Control
➤ Cultural Control

Crops that are direct seeded

➤ Radish

Three major types of pests causing yield losses in crop productions

➤ Rodents
➤ Insect
➤ Disease
➤ Weeds

Factors to be considered in site selection for the nursery shed

➤ Topography of land
➤ Location
➤ Drainage
➤ Transportation
► Water

Characteristic of good quality seeds

➤ Viability
➤Damage Free
➤True to type
➤Free from mixture
➤Free from pests and disease

Classification of weeds, based on morphology

➤ Broadleaves

PPE you should wear when working around the farm house
➤Native hat
➤Rubber boots
➤ Googles
➤ Long pants
➤ Safety gloves

Are all insects pest?

➤ No, because some of them are beneficial.

How do you dispose non-biodegradable farm waste?

➤ Segregate non-biodegradables and hazardous materials and dispose it to collecting authority.

How do you identify hazardous materials?

➤ Reading the warning labels

What is the importance of weed control?

➤ To prevent competition for nutrient, water and sunlight.

Determine different kinds of fertilizer based on samples presented

➤Urea 46-0-0

➤ Complete 14-14-14

➤ Ammonium phosphate 16-20-0

➤ Ammonium sulphate 21-0-0

➤Solophos 0-18-0

How will you demonstrate the proper handling of tools and equipment?

➤ Read and follow the operator manual.

Identify the importance of the user's manual for tools and equipment.

➤ The manual contains usage and safety procedures

➤ Shows require maintenance procedures

What are the benefits of mulching?

➤ Conserve moisture

➤ Prevent soil erosion

➤ Suppress weed growth

➤ Insects control

➤ Adds nutrients to the soil

How do you store and discard hazardous material and chemicals?

➤ Store hazardous materials in specific location

➤ Follow all OSHS procedures

➤ Discard hazardous materials by burning

Identify atleast three good agricultural practices

➤ Food safety

➤ Prevent cross contamination

➤ Practice field sanitation and personal hygiene

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