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Question 1.

For the development of FU Next Examination(FU-NextExam) given the rapid timeline and
expectation for iterative and incremental delivery, the Agile software development methodology,
particularly the Scrum framework, is recommended.

- Project Characteristics:
The project requires a quick turnaround with the first functional iteration to be using within three
months, demanding a high performance and reliability
The involvement of multiple departments indicates the necessity for cross-functional
collaboration and constant communication.
- User, Customer, and Team Dynamics:
The system will serve a diverse group of users, including lecturers, lecturer leaders, each with
unique requirements that must be clearly understood and quickly addressed.
The development team is comprised of 4-5 experienced IT have extensive experience and skills
developers, implying a need for a method that supports team dynamics and leverages various
skill sets.
- Requirements Characteristics:
The system requires high performance and reliability, which Agile can assure through continuous
testing and integration.
- Time Constraints and Management Expectation:
A tight deadline necessitates a development model that allows for concurrent phases of planning,
development, testing, and revisions.
Management expects quick and tangible results, which Agile’s sprint cycles can deliver,
providing frequent progress updates and product increments.

Development Model Choice:

Scrum fits the identified factors well as it:

+ Encourages regular reflection on how to become more effective, allowing the team to
adjust behaviors accordingly.
+ Utilizes time-boxed sprints to divide the work into manageable chunks, which aligns
with the three-month release target.
+ Emphasizes daily communication and collaboration through rituals like Daily Stand-
Ups and Sprint Reviews, ensuring the team stays aligned and bottlenecks are addressed

Considering these points, Scrum’s iterative development cycles, emphasis on user feedback, and
ability to accommodate changing requirements will likely lead to the successful delivery of FU
Next Examination(FU-NextExam) within the specified timeframe and to the satisfaction of all

Question 2.

Suggested Testing Types and Levels for FU Next Examination(FU-NextExam)

Unit Testing

Executors: Developers
Timing: Post-development of individual functions
Objective: Verify the correctness of each unit of code in isolation

Integration Testing

Executors: Development Team or Integration Testers

Timing: Post-completion of module development
Objective: Ensure that integrated modules operate cohesively

System Testing

Executors: Quality Assurance Team

Timing: After integration and before UAT
Objective: Confirm that the system as a whole meets specified requirements

User Acceptance Testing (UAT)

Executors: End Users/Stakeholders

Timing: Before final deployment
Objective: Validate the system against user requirements and expectations

Question 3.

Functional and Non-Functional Requirements for FU Next Examination(FU-NextExam)

Import questions: The system shall allow lecturers to import questions from Excel file.

Import students lists to an exam: The system shall allow lectures to import student list
from the FAP system or from Excel files, assign class to an exam.
List and join the exam: The system shall allow students to view a list of exams and join
the exam, student also view test result after finished the test

Provide functions: The system shall allow lecturer leaders to import lecturers’
information and assign role for lecturers to a subject.

Non-Functional Requirements:

Performance: The system shall process route registration and modification requests
within 2 seconds under normal operation conditions.
Security: The system shall enforce role-based access controls to ensure users can only
access features relevant to their permissions

Question 4.

Question 5.

Test Case 1: Import Questions


Test Description: Verify that a lecturer can successfully import a new question.
Pre-conditions: Lecturer can import questions from Excel file, manage questions and
progress test.
Test Steps:
a. Navigate to the Import Questions' page.
b. Input the following details: Number of Question, Subject Name, Question.
c. Click the 'Submit' button.
Test Data: Number of Question: "1", Subject Name: "Math", Question: "Find X ".
Expected Result: The system confirms the form is imported and displays it in the exam
Actual Result: [To be filled during testing]
Status: [To be filled during testing]
Remarks: N/A.

Test Case 2: Import Students List to An Exam


Test Description: Verify that a lecturer can successfully import a student lists.
Pre-conditions: Lecturer can import questions from Fap system or from Excel files,
lecturers can create an examination, start, stop an exam and change test time.
Test Steps:
a. Navigate to the Import List page.
b. Input the following details: Number of Student, Student Name, Class of Student,
Number of Exam.
c. Click the 'Submit' button.
Test Data: Number of Student: "1", Student Name: "Tam", Class of Student: "SE1111 ",
Number of Exam: "1".
Expected Result: The system confirms the form is imported and displays it in the exam.
Actual Result: [To be filled during testing]
Status: [To be filled during testing]
Remarks: N/A

Test Case 3: List And Join the Exam

Test Case ID: TC_FU-NEXTEXAM_Lis_03

Test Description: Verify that a students can view a list of exams and join the exam.
Pre-conditions: Student can view test results after finished the test.
Test Steps:
a. Navigate to the Exam List page.
b. Input the following details: Number of Exam, Exam Name, Class of Student.
c. Click the 'Submit' button.
Test Data: Number of Exam: "1", Exam Name: "Math test", Class of Student: "SE1111 ".
Expected Result: The system confirms the form is imported and displays after students
finish the test.
Actual Result: [To be filled during testing]
Status: [To be filled during testing]
Remarks: N/A

Test Case 4: Provide Functions


Test Description: Verify that the system allows lecturer leaders to import lecturer’s
information and assign role for lecturers to a subject.
Pre-conditions: Leaders can review the questions of a subject and put the questions to the
questions bank.
Test Steps:
a. Navigate to the Change Information page.
b. Input the following details: Number of Lecturer, Name of Lecturer, Role of
c. Click the 'Submit' button.
Test Data: Number of Lecturer: "1", Name of Lecturer: " Tam", Role of Lecturer: "Math
Lecturer ".
Expected Result: The system confirms the form is imported and displays the list changed.
Actual Result: [To be filled during testing]
Status: [To be filled during testing]
Remarks: N/A

Question 6.

User Story 1: Import Questions

As a lecturer, I want to be able to import questions so that I can help students easier to
understand information and practice exam.
Acceptance Criteria:
The system must have the Import form.
The import form should include fields for Number of Questions, Subject of
Upon system, the question gives immediate feedback from lecturer.
Once submitted, the new question should be visible in the list of question.

User Story 2: List And Join the Exam

As a student, I want to list and join the exam so that I can show my exam and join to practice my
knowledge about exam.

Acceptance Criteria:

The system should display a list of exams to select for updates.

The system should display a list of exams after students click button to show.

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