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Philippine Christian University |

Master’s in Business Administration


The (4) Four Frames

Bolman and Deal's Four-Frame Model provides four distinct
lenses through which to understand organizations:

Stractural Human Resource Political Symbolic

Structure for clarity People development Power dynamics Culture, meaning,
and efficiency. and empowerment. and coalitions. and rituals.

Stractural Frame
The structural frame in leadership stresses order and
simplicity. Leaders using this approach prioritize setting
specific goals, streamlining operations, and maintaining
responsibility. In a transformational setting, these leaders
guide change by offering a clear plan, identifying steps,
and setting up systems for innovation and growth. By
matching organizational structure to the transformation
vision, leaders foster success.

Human Resource
The HR Frame places more emphasis on people’s needs.

It chiefly focuses on giving employees the power and

opportunity to perform their jobs well, while at the same
time, addressing their needs for human contact,
personal growth, and job satisfaction.
01 Individual Needs and Development: 05/12
You start by conducting one-on-one meetings with
employees to understand their concerns, motivations,
and career aspirations. You realize that many
employees feel disconnected from the company’s
mission and lack opportunities for personal and
professional growth.

02 Team Dynamics and Collaboration:

You observe that there’s a lack of communication and
collaboration between teams, leading to inefficiencies
and missed opportunities.

03 Organizational Culture and Values:

You recognize that the company’s culture plays a
significant role in shaping employee behavior and
performance. However, the current culture lacks clarity
and alignment with the company’s values.

04 Leadership and Empowerment:

You acknowledge the importance of empowering
employees to take ownership of their work and
contribute meaningfully to the organization’s success.

The human resource framework proposed by Bolman and Deal offers

several advantages for leaders and organizations:

Focus on People: This framework places a strong emphasis on the

people within the organization, recognizing them as valuable assets.

Employee Engagement and Motivation: By understanding and

addressing the individual needs and aspirations of employees,
leaders can enhance employee engagement and motivation.

Talent Development and Retention: The human resource framework

encourages leaders to invest in talent development and retention

Team Collaboration and Cohesion: By promoting a culture of

teamwork and collaboration, leaders can improve communication,
coordination, and cohesion among teams.

The human resource framework proposed by Bolman and Deal offers

several advantages for leaders and organizations:

Alignment with Organizational Values: The human resource

framework emphasizes the importance of aligning organizational
practices with core values and beliefs.

Leadership Development: By empowering managers to act as

mentors and coaches, the human resource framework promotes
leadership development at all levels of the organization

Adaptability and Resilience: By focusing on the human side of

organizations, leaders can build a workforce that is adaptable and
resilient in the face of change and uncertainty

Symbolic Frame
The symbolic frame in leadership emphasizes meaning,
culture, and symbols. Transformational leaders use
stories, rituals, and symbols to motivate followers. They
share a clear vision, live their values, and celebrate
achievements. This creates a strong purpose and identity
within the group. By using symbols and communication,
these leaders encourage dedication and build a sense of
belonging, leading to significant change.

“ Business and politics are

not strangers; they are kin “

Political Frame
By understanding this frame, leaders can better navigate the complexities of organizational life, build
effective coalitions, and manage change amidst competing interests. However, it's crucial to remember that
organizations are multifaceted, and no single frame can capture the entirety of their complexity.

Key Concepts:

Power Dynamics
In this frame, power is a key driver of organizational behavior. It's not just
about formal positions but also informal influence.

Influence and Conflict

Conflict is seen as natural and even necessary for organizations to
evolve. Different groups or individuals have divergent interests, leading
to clashes.

Political Frame
Coalition Building
People form coalitions to achieve their goals within the organization. These
coalitions can be formal (like departments) or informal (alliances between

Scarce Resources
The Political Frame acknowledges that resources like funding, time, and
attention are limited. Therefore, there is competition to secure these

The focus is on who influences whom and how decisions are made. Informal
networks often have as much or more influence than formal structures.

Thank you!

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