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Appendix D

decided after having applied the significance-deter-

Appendix D mination test of being associated with relevant legal
and other requirements or facility policy (i.e.,
Environmental Criterion 1 under Section 7.2.2, Procedure for
Aspect/Impact Ranking Determination of Significant Environmental
Aspects, in Exhibit 5-5). For each of those remain-
Background and Exhibits ing undecided aspects, you would derive an
environmental and business consideration
Module 5 provided a framework for identifying and significance score.
determining the significance of environmental
Specifically, you would assign a rating value
aspects. This Appendix D provides two additional
between one, for least significant, to five for most
sets of tools for determining significance of your
significant, for nine different considerations:
facility’s environmental aspects within the context
of Module 5 procedures. The first tool is based on • Four environmental considerations–scale,
a combination of environmental and business con- severity, probability, and duration; and
siderations. The second uses impact ranking and • Five business considerations–difficulty of
risk management tools. changing impact; effect on public image/per-
ception; outcome of change on activities,
products, or services; concerns of interested
Alternative 1: Determining SEAs
parties; and cost of changing impact.
Using Environmental and
Either before or after scoring the aspects, you
Business Considerations would establish a threshold score above which the
Exhibit D-1: Significance Determination for aspects will be determined as significant. You would
Aspects Based on Environmental and Business then add the aspects that receive scores greater
Considerations is offered here as a tool to guide an than this number to the list of aspects associated
alternative significance determination process to with legal and other requirements or facility policy.
that described in Exhibit 5-5: Procedure for The combination of these two lists becomes the
Environmental Aspects, Objectives and Targets, complete set of your facility’s SEAs.
and Programs (EP-003). This alternative process
would apply to all of those aspects that remain un-

Appendix D—Environmental Aspect/Impact Ranking D-1

EMS Implementation Guide for the Shipbuilding and Ship Repair Industry

on Environmental and Business Considerations

Exhibit D-1: Significance Determination for Aspects Based
Person Completing Form: Area/Process: Date:
Aspects Not Meeting Potential Level of Environmental Business Significance
Regulatory or Facility Impacts Control Significance (Scale of 1-5 per Definitions)
Policy Criteria (Scale of 1-5 per






Effect on


Costs of

or Low








Energy Use:

Water Use:

Air Emissions:


Water Discharges:

Solid Wastes:

Storm Water Discharges:

Appendix D—Environmental Aspect/Impact Ranking


Other Inputs and Outputs:

Appendix D—Environmental Aspect/Impact Ranking

Definitions to be used in Rating Environmental and Business Considerations

Environmental and Business Considerations (continued)

Exhibit D-1: Significance Determination for Aspects Based on
1 2 3 4 5
SCALE insignificant low volume/quantity medium volume/quantity but medium volume/quantity high volume/quantity
volume/quantity sporadic but ongoing
SEVERITY minimal impact moderate impact but moderate impact over significant impact and/or extreme impact and/or

localized and readily multiple locations regional potential for global impact
PROBABILITY very unlikely occurs during occurs during small-medium occurs during major new occurring during normal
under any operating abnormal/emergency new projects projects operating
condition conditions/probability or routine maintenance or major maintenance conditions and artifact of
anticipated and managed activities activities operations
DURATION spike situation less than one month one-six months less than one year long-term duration
extremely short-term greater than one year or
duration within one day continuous

DIFFICULTY OF easy to accomplish minor level of effort required moderate effort required major effort required impact cannot be changed

only managed
EFFECT ON PUBLIC no effect minor/local scrutiny moderate public scrutiny intense local or regional extreme scrutiny : major
manageable scrutiny facility profile impact
requiring more effort
OUTCOME OF no effect minimal effect medium effect large effect extremely large effect
CONCERNS OF no concerns minor interest at local level moderate interest/manageable major interest at federal extreme/major impact, e.g.,
limited number of parties at level financing/litigation
local/prov. level; limited more widespread, > number
number of parties of parties
COST OF extreme: greater than major process change: moderate process changes: minor process change: procedural ~ less than $1000
$5m >$500k but <$5m <$500k <$25,000

*ACT/PROD/SVCS: Activities/Products/Services
**Interested parties could include: employees; community; federal agencies; state agencies; local agencies; shareholders; and special interest groups.

Appendix D
EMS Implementation Guide for the Shipbuilding and Ship Repair Industry

Alternative 2: Determining SEAs Exposure is the amount of material with which

workers, the community, or the environment
Using Environmental Risk comes into contact. The amount is determined by
Information both severity and time of contact. Severity refers to
the amount of material that one can come into con-
Under Section 7.2.2, Procedure for Determination
tact with at any one time. The time of contact
of Significant Environmental Aspects, in Exhibit 5-5,
depends on the number of times that contact
if an aspect has not been determined to be
occurs in a given period (the frequency of contact)
significant as a result of regulatory requirements
and the duration of the contact. Exhibit D-3:
and/or facility policy/goals, community concerns, or
Worksheet for Exposure to Chemicals and
pollution prevention potential, then risks associat-
Materials will allow you to collect information
ed with environmental impacts (Criterion 4) should
needed to form a judgment about exposure.
be considered. Under this alternative, you can apply
your knowledge of chemical and material use at Contact with humans and animal or plant life is
your facility to explore potential impacts to the characterized as occurring along “pathways.” These
environment under Criterion 4 and make pathways describe the routes along which the sub-
a significance determination. stance must travel before it enters an animal or
plant and how the living organism takes up the
Introduction to Environmental substance. Several pathways for human exposure
Risk Concepts
• Breathing the material (inhalation pathway);
Risk is composed of two parts: toxicity (or potential • Touching the material (skin or dermal
effects) and exposure. Toxicity is the ability of a pathway); and
chemical or material to cause harm to the health of • Ingesting (eating or drinking) the material
humans, wildlife, or vegetation, as well as the type (oral pathway).
and seriousness of that effect. Exhibit D-2: Toxicity
and Effects Worksheet will allow you to collect infor-
mation needed to form a judgment about toxicity
and effects for those aspects that have not been de-
termined significant as a result of regulatory require-
ments and/or facility policy/goals, community
concerns, or pollution prevention potential. You will
assign a rank based on your judgment of the serious-
ness of the effects of this chemical or substance.

D-4 Appendix D—Environmental Aspect/Impact Ranking
Appendix D—Environmental Aspect/Impact Ranking

Exhibit D-2: Toxicity and Effects Worksheet

Human Health Effects Effects on Wildlife or
by Pathways Other Environmental
Regulatory Data Acute and Chronic Effects Rank
Compound (VOC)?
OSHA Permissible

Inventory (TRI)?
Volatile Organic
Exposure Limit

Toxic Release







Contact Person: Date Completed:
*For aspects not determined significant by other criteria.

Appendix D

EMS Implementation Guide for the Shipbuilding and Ship Repair Industry

Exhibit D-3: Worksheet for Exposure to Chemicals and Materials

Exposure Time Pathway Rank Exposed Groups
Quantity Personal Human Environ-
Used per Protective (inhalation, mental
Time Equipment dermal, (air, water, Environ-
Process Aspect* Period Duration Frequency (PPE) oral) land) Workers Community ment

Contact Person: Date Completed:

*For aspects not determined significant by other criteria.

Appendix D—Environmental Aspect/Impact Ranking
Appendix D

Overview of Risk Ranking ing consistently across all ranking categories. This is
most straightforward if you think of “high” as mean-
Symbols ing a project you would ultimately like to undertake
One way to rank environmental impacts is to use and “low” as one having lesser priority. Thus, when
symbols representing a range of high (H) to low considering environmental effects, a chemical
(L). Whatever ranking you use (see Exhibit D-4: receiving a “low” rank would be one with low
Example of Ranking Symbols), phrase the mean- impact or good environmental performance.

Exhibit D-4: Example of Ranking Symbols

Symbol Meaning EMS Meaning

H High Most environmental impact
Mi-H Moderately High More environmental impact
M Moderate Medium environmental impact
Mi-L Moderately Low Lower environmental impact
L Low Lowest environmental impact

Identifying and Ranking receive an MSDS with any chemicals you pur-
chase. Keep these MSDSs in a location that is
Potential Human Health and available for review. Exhibit D-5: Information
Environmental Effects Required to be on an MSDS lists the kinds of
information that must be included on these
To rank the environmental impacts associated with
data sheets.
chemicals and materials used in your business op-
• Your suppliers. Ask them for hazard and expo-
erations, you will need to find information on the
sure information on any products you
human health and environmental effects associat-
purchase. Ask them to supply the
ed with those chemicals. While there is no single,
environmental information that is not on the
comprehensive source of information for most
chemicals, information is widely available from a
number of sources: • Your trade association.
• EPA or state environmental agency.
• Manufacturer’s Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs).
As defined by the Occupational Safety & • Online sources in various Web sites. For
Health Administration (OSHA) (29 CFR example, EPA’s Design for the Environment
1910.1200), an MSDS is written or printed ma- (DfE) Program Web site contains a Risk Guide
terial concerning a hazardous material, which with additional information.
is supplied by the manufacturer. You should

Appendix D—Environmental Aspect/Impact Ranking D-7
EMS Implementation Guide for the Shipbuilding and Ship Repair Industry

Exhibit D-5: Information Required to be on an MSDS

• The identity of the hazardous material (except as provided for materials that are trade secrets).
• The physical and chemical characteristics of the hazardous chemical (such as vapor pressure, flash
• The physical hazards of the hazardous chemical, including the potential for fire, explosion, and re-
• The health hazards of the hazardous chemical, including signs and symptoms of exposure and any
medical conditions that are generally recognized as being aggravated by exposure to the chemical.
• The primary route(s) of entry.
• The OSHA PEL (Permissible Exposure Level), the American Conference of Governmental
Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) Threshold Limit Value, and any other exposure limit used or recom-
mended by the chemical manufacturer, importer, or employer preparing the MSDS, where
• Whether the hazardous chemical is listed in the National Toxicology Program (NTP) Annual Report
on Carcinogens (latest edition) or has been identified as a potential carcinogen in the
International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) Monographs (latest editions) or by OSHA.
• Any generally applicable precautions for safe handling and use that are known to the chemical
manufacturer, importer, or employer preparing the MSDS, including appropriate hygienic
practices, protective measures during repair and maintenance of contaminated equipment, and
procedures for cleanup of spills and leaks.
• Any generally applicable control measures that are known to the chemical manufacturer, importer,
or employer preparing the MSDS, such as appropriate engineering controls, work practices, or
personal protective equipment.
• Emergency and first aid procedures.
• The date of preparation of the MSDS or the last change to it.
• The name, address, and telephone number of the chemical manufacturer, importer, employer,
or other responsible party preparing or distributing the MSDS who can provide additional infor-
mation on the hazardous chemical and appropriate emergency procedures, if necessary.

Organize the information you have into a format Exhibits D-2: Toxicity and Effects Worksheet and
that will enable you to make comparisons among D-3: Worksheet for Exposure to Chemicals and
aspects. You may find that sometimes there exists Material will help you organize your information
very little information for a particular chemical. on the chemicals you use in your business activities.
That discovery in itself is useful. By using this The column headings list the categories and specif-
format and showing where information gaps occur, ic information needed. The final column asks for
you will know that whatever decision you make your judgment about the ranking of the
now about using a specific chemical may change if environmental concerns associated with the chemi-
information becomes available at a later date. cal or material under consideration.

D-8 Appendix D—Environmental Aspect/Impact Ranking
Appendix D

Considering Exposure o Look across the columns and assign

a total that, in your judgment, best
in Ranking Significant reflects the individual ranks in each
Environmental Aspects column.
o Assign a number from 1-5 to each
Now you will put the effects information together
rank such that H = 5 and L = 1. To
with the exposure information in completing
get an average rank for a particular
Exhibit D-6: Worksheet for Impact Ranking.
row, add the ranks across the
• Chemical and Material Risk. In Exhibit D-6: columns and then divide by the
Worksheet for Impact Ranking, Chemical number of columns. For example, if
and Material Risk has three subheadings: the total of the ranks were 20, and
worker effects/exposure; community expo- you have 6 individual effects and ex-
sure; and environment effects/exposure. posure rankings, then the average
Place both the ranking for effects from rank is 3.33. This corresponds
Exhibit D-2: Toxicity and Effects approximately to a Mi-H ranking
Worksheet and the ranking for exposure overall. Thus, place “Mi-H” in the to-
from Exhibit D-3: Worksheet for Exposure tal column and “Yes” (Y) in the sig-
to Chemicals and Material in the nificance column.
appropriate columns. The Exhibit D-2:
Toxicity and Effects Worksheet effects rank Integrating Impact Ranking
for humans would be placed in both the
worker effects/exposure and community ex-
into Significant Aspect
posure subheadings in Exhibit D-6: Determination
Worksheet for Impact Ranking.
If you choose to include impact ranking as part of
• Worker Safety. Look at the exposure and your significant aspect determination procedure,
personal protective equipment (PPE) infor- then you can substitute Exhibit D-7: Identification
mation in Exhibit D-3: Worksheet for and Significance Determination of
Exposure to Chemicals and Material un- Environmental Aspects and Setting Objectives
der worker safety and apply a judgment of and Targets That Includes Impact Ranking in
ranking. Enter this rank in the worker safety place of the Aspects Form provided in Exhibit 5-5:
column of Exhibit D-6: Worksheet for Identification and Significance Determination
Impact Ranking. of Environmental Aspects and Setting Objectives
• Impact Ranking and Determination of and Targets.
Significance. Review the columns for the as-
pect and make a judgment as to whether it
should be determined H, Hi-M, M, Mi-L, or
L in rank. This can be done in two ways.

Appendix D—Environmental Aspect/Impact Ranking D-9

EMS Implementation Guide for the Shipbuilding and Ship Repair Industry

Exhibit D-6: Worksheet for Impact Ranking

Chemical and Material Risk
Process Aspect * Worker Community Environment Worker Impact Significant?
Effects/ Exposure Effects/ Safety Ranking Y/N
Exposure Exposure

Contact Person: Date Completed:

*For aspects not determined significant by other criteria.

Appendix D—Environmental Aspect/Impact Ranking
Person Completing Form: Area/Process: Date:
Appendix D—Environmental Aspect/Impact Ranking

Impact Ranking
Environmental Aspects and Setting Objectives and Targets That Includes
Exhibit D-7: Identification and Significance Determination of

Voluntary Commitments,

Community Concern
Legal Requirements/

Pollution Prevention
Quantity or

Company Policy

Impact Ranking
Objective & Type

Inputs, Processes, Rationale for Significance (S) C = control or maintain

N or S
S = study or investigate
Category/Aspect Outputs, Products or Non-significance (N) I = improve Target
Energy Usage:

Water Usage:



Air Emissions:



Water Discharges:


Spillage and Other:

Appendix D
EMS Implementation Guide for the Shipbuilding and Ship Repair Industry

Examples How to Obtain Overall Rank

The following example shows you how to use envi- Overall rank can be obtained in the following two
ronmental risk information (i.e., Alternative 2) to ways:
rank impacts of your environmental aspects. This is • Look across the columns and assign a total
a hypothetical example that pertains to new that in your judgment best reflects the indi-
construction indoor painting. vidual ranks in each column; or
Assume that a number of aspects have already been • Assign a number from 1-5 to each rank such
determined to be significant, because they were the that H = 5 and L = 1. Sum these across the
subject of regulatory requirements and/or facility columns and then divide by the number of
policy/goals, were significant community concerns, columns used to get an average rank for
and had high pollution prevention potential. that row. For VOC and HAP non-abated
However, at least one of the aspects, “Non-abated emissions the total would be 20. Divide by 6
emissions of VOCs and HAPs from overspray (the number of individual ranks). The aver-
(solvents and dry paint particles) and equipment age rank would be 3.33, which corresponds
cleaning solvents” did not meet these criteria. with Mi-H. Place “Mi-H” in the total column.
Therefore, you decided to do an environmental im-
pact ranking to determine significance. Meaning of Rank
Examples of assessments of exposure, effects, and The total for ranking the environmental impact of
worker safety risks associated with “Non-abated non-abated VOS and HAPs emissions was Mi-H and
emissions of VOCs and HAPs from overspray therefore should be considered significant. This
(solvents and dry paint particles) and equipment would mean that this aspect would then become
cleaning solvents” are provided in Example D-1: the focus of an improvement objective and an asso-
Toxicity and Effects Worksheet–Non-abated VOC ciated target. Consequently an environmental man-
and HAP Emissions and Example D-2: Worksheet agement program (EMP) describing who would be
for Exposure to Chemicals and Materials–Non- doing what, and by when, to achieve the target
abated VOC and HAP Emissions, which mirror would also be drafted and monitored for progress.
Exhibit D-2: Toxicity and Effects Worksheet and
Exhibit D-3: Worksheet for Exposure to
Chemicals and Material. The decisions that were
made using these worksheets were then
transferred to Example D-3: Worksheet for
Impact Ranking–Non-abated VOC and HAP
Emissions, which mirrors Exhibit D-6: Worksheet
for Impact Ranking.

D-12 Appendix D—Environmental Aspect/Impact Ranking
Appendix D—Environmental Aspect/Impact Ranking

VOC and HAP Emissions

Example D-1: Toxicity and Effects Worksheet—Non-abated
Effects on Wildlife
Human Health Effects by or Other
Pathways Environmental
Regulatory Data Acute and Chronic Effects Rank

Compound (VOC)?
OSHA Permissible

Inventory (TRI)?
Volatile Organic
Exposure Limit

Toxic Release






New Non-abated MS No 100 Yes Yes Acute Acute Low Ozone NA NA Flam- H L
Construction emissions of DS ppm and toxicity degrada- mable
Indoor VOCs and HAPs chronic tion
Painting from overspray
(solvents and dry
paint particles)
and equipment
cleaning solvents
such as xylene

Contact Person: Date Completed:

Appendix D

EMS Implementation Guide for the Shipbuilding and Ship Repair Industry

Non-abated VOC and HAP Emissions

Example D-2: Worksheet for Exposure to Chemicals and Materials—
Exposure Time Pathway Rank Exposed Groups
Quantity Personal Human Environ-
Used per Protective (inhalation, mental
Time Equipment dermal, (air, water, Environ-
Process Aspect Period Duration Frequency (PPE) oral) land) Workers Community ment
New Non-abated 50 ppm Entire shift Continuous Respirator Inhalation, Air H w/o PPE L M-L
Construction emissions dermal
Indoor of VOCs
Painting and HAPs
and dry

Contact Person: Date Completed:

Appendix D—Environmental Aspect/Impact Ranking
Appendix D—Environmental Aspect/Impact Ranking

VOC and HAP Emissions

Example D-3: Worksheet for Impact Ranking—Non-abated
Chemical and Material Risk
Process Aspect * Worker Community Environment Worker Impact Significant?
Effects/ Exposure Effects/Exposure Safety Ranking Y/N
New Non-abated emissions H/H L M/M M Mi-H Yes
Construction of VOCs and HAPs
Indoor Painting from overspray
(solvents and dry paint
particles) and
equipment cleaning

Contact Person: Date Completed:

Ranking Notes:
Safety might include reference to a flammable chemical, hence the rank of M.

Appendix D

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