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Fundamentals of Health Care Analytics 2021 - Important Questions

General Concepts and Definitions

1. What is health care analytics?

- Define health care analytics and explain its importance in modern health care.

2. Types of Health Care Data

- Differentiate between structured, semi-structured, and unstructured health care data.

- Give examples of each type of data.

3. Sources of Health Care Data

- Identify major sources of health care data.

- Explain the challenges associated with data collection from these sources.

Data Management and Governance

4. Data Quality

- Discuss the key dimensions of data quality in health care analytics.

- How can poor data quality impact health care decision-making?

5. Health Care Data Governance

- What are the principles of health care data governance?

- Explain the role of data governance in ensuring data privacy and security.

6. Data Integration

- Describe the process and challenges of integrating health care data from multiple sources.

- What are ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) processes and their significance in health care


Analytical Methods and Techniques

7. Descriptive Analytics
- Explain the role of descriptive analytics in health care.

- Provide examples of how descriptive analytics can be used to improve health care services.

8. Predictive Analytics

- What is predictive analytics, and how is it applied in health care?

- Discuss the importance of predictive models in managing chronic diseases.

9. Prescriptive Analytics

- Define prescriptive analytics and provide examples of its application in health care.

- How do prescriptive analytics support decision-making in health care?

Tools and Technologies

10. Health Care Analytics Tools

- List some common tools and technologies used in health care analytics.

- Compare the features and applications of two health care analytics tools.

11. Big Data in Health Care

- Explain the concept of big data in the context of health care.

- Discuss the potential benefits and challenges of using big data in health care analytics.

Applications and Case Studies

12. Population Health Management

- How can health care analytics be used in population health management?

- Provide a case study example where analytics improved population health outcomes.

13. Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSS)

- What are CDSS, and how do they utilize health care analytics?

- Discuss the impact of CDSS on patient care and clinical outcomes.

14. Fraud Detection and Prevention

- How is health care analytics used in fraud detection and prevention?

- Describe a real-world example of analytics being used to combat health care fraud.

Ethical and Legal Considerations

15. Data Privacy and Security

- Discuss the ethical considerations related to health care data privacy.

- What are the key regulations governing health care data privacy and security (e.g., HIPAA)?

16. Ethical Use of Analytics

- What are the ethical challenges associated with the use of analytics in health care?

- How can health care organizations ensure the ethical use of health care analytics?

Future Trends

17. Emerging Trends in Health Care Analytics

- Identify and discuss emerging trends in health care analytics.

- How might advancements in artificial intelligence and machine learning impact health care


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