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Activity1: GENOGRAM

A genogram or family tree is a useful tool to gather information about

a person's family. This visual representation of a family can help us to
Despite the changing lifestyles and ever-increasing personal mobility that identify patterns or themes within families that may be influencing or driving a
characterize modern society, the family remains the central element of contemporary life. person's current behavior.
Families offer companionship, security, and a measure of protection against an often-
uncaring world. But family structure, like society at large, has undergone significant changes Symbols for drawing the genogram or family tree
in the years since World War II. While the nuclear family -- with Dad, Mom, and offspring
happily coexisting beneath one roof-remains the ideal, variations in family structure are Female symbol - name, age
plentiful -- and often successful. Whatever your particular family situation, it will have
tremendous influence upon your baby's happiness, development, and future. Male symbol - name, age6

Unknown gender
What’s In
Married - add the year or ages
Activity 1. MY FAMILY TREE

Direction: Fill in the boxes with your corresponding answer. Write the names of what is De facto relationship - commencement date or ages
being ask. If there are two or more siblings, write it down inside the box below the others.
Separation - date or ages
According to Lucidchart Content Team How to Make a Family Tree Chart

“A family tree is a visual representation of a person’s lineage, tracing relationships to Divorce - date or ages
common ancestors.
List children in birth order and put names and ages either within the symbol
or underneath.

Death - a small cross in the corner of the Symbol (record date if


Dotted circle - this can be used to enclose the members living

together currently, for example, who the young person is living with.

Conflictual relationship

Very close

Distant relationship

SAMPLE Genogram 1:
choice or by life circumstances. The other parent may have been part of the
family at one time or not at all.

• Adoptive family: A family where one or more of the children has been
adopted. Any structure of family may also be an adoptive family.

• Bi-racial or multi-racial family: A family where the parents are members

of different racial identity groups.

• Trans-racial adoptive family: A family where the adopted child is of a

different racial identity group than the parents.

• Blended family: A family that consists of members from two (or more)
previous families.

• Conditionally separated families: A family member is separated from the

rest of the family. This may be due to employment far away; military service;
incarceration; hospitalization. They remain significant members of the family.

• Foster family: A family where one or more of the children is legally a

What is It temporary member of the household. This “temporary” period may be as
short as a few days or as long as the child’s entire childhood.
Family structure, the traditional family structure is considered a family support
system which involves two married individuals providing care and stability for their biological • Gay or Lesbian family: A family where one or both of the parents’ sexual
offspring. However, this two-parent, nuclear
orientation is gay or lesbian. This may be a two-parent family, an adoptive
family has become less prevalent, and alternative family forms have become more family, a single parent family or an extended family.
common. The family is created at birth and establishes ties across generations. Those
• Immigrant family: A family where the parents have immigrated to another
generations, the extended family of aunts, uncles, grandparents, and cousins, can all hold
country as adults. Their children may or may not be immigrants. Some family
significant emotional and economic roles for the nuclear family.
members may continue to live in the country of origin, but still be significant
figures in the life of the child.

Different kinds of family structure: • Migrant family: A family that moves regularly to places where they have

• Nuclear family: A family unit consisting of at most a father, mother and dependent employment. The most common form of migrant family is farm workers who
children. It is considered the “traditional” family. move with the crop seasons. Children may have a relatively stable
community of people who move at the same time - or the family may know
• Extended family: A family consisting of parents and children, along with grandparents, no one in each new setting. Military families may also lead a migrant life, with
grandchildren, aunts or uncles, cousins etc. In some circumstances, the extended family frequent relocation, often on short notice
comes to live either with or in place of a member of the nuclear family.

• Step families: Two families brought together due to divorce, separation, and remarriage.

• Single parent family: This can be either a father or a mother who is singly responsible for
the raising of a child. The child can be by birth or adoption. They may be a single parent by What’s More
Assessment 1 Assessment 2

Direction: Take a look at the pictures below and identify what kind of family structure the Direction: True or False: Read the following statements. Write the word
pictures have. Explain your answer in 3 sentences only. Write in on the space provided. TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if the statement is wrong then
underline the word that make the statement wrong.
Your explanation will be check using the criteria below:
____________1. Bi-racial or multi-racial family is a family where the parents
are members of different racial identity groups.

___________2. Migrant family is a family that moves regularly to places

1. __________________________ where they have employment. The most common form of migrant family is
farm workers who move with the crop seasons. Children may have a
EXPLANATION relatively
_____________________________________ stable community of people who move at the same time - or the family may
know no one in each new setting. Military families may also lead a migrant
_____________________________________ life, with frequent relocation, often on short notice.

_____________________________________ ____________3. Adoptive family is a family where one or more of the

children has been adopted. Any structure of family may also be an adoptive
2. __________________________________
_____________4. Trans-racial adoptive family is a family where the adopted
EXPLANATION child is of the same racial identity group of the parents.
_____________________________________ _____________5. Blended family is a family that consists of members from
_____________________________________ only one previous families.

_____________________________________ _____________6. In the conditionally separated families, family member is

separated from the rest of the family. This may be due to employment far
away; military service; incarceration; hospitalization. They remain significant
members of the family.

_____________7. Gay or Lesbian family is a family where one or both of the

3. __________________________________ parents’ sexual orientation is gay or lesbian. This may be a two-parent
family, an adoptive family, a single parent family or an extended family.
_____________8. Immigrant family is a family where the parents have
_____________________________________ immigrated to another country as adults.
____________9. Foster family is a family where one or more of the children
_____________________________________ are illegally a temporary member of the household. This “temporary” period
_____________________________________ may be as short as a few days or as long as the child’s entire childhood.

____________10. Step families are two families brought together due to

divorce, separation, and remarriage.

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