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Number 331, pp 107-117

0 1996 Lippincott-Raven Publishers

In Vivo Knee Kinematics Derived Using

an Inverse Perspective Technique
Douglas A. Dennis, MD*?**;Richard D. Komistek, PhD****;
William A. H o ~PhD**;
, and Stefan M. Gabriel, PhDt

Sixty-four subjects having implanted and non- the posterior cruciate retaining and anterior
implanted knees were studied using fluoro- cruciate ligament deficient knees contact the
scopic videos. Each subject, flexing in the tibia posterior in extension, but translate ante-
sagittal plane, performed successive deep knee riorly during midflexion in a substantial num-
bends under fluoroscopic surveillance. Fem- ber of cases, which is kinematically opposite of
orotibial contact in the sagittal plane was then the normal knees. The abnormal anterior
determined using image matching and discrete femoral translation observed in the posterior
digitization. At full extension, the mean con- cruciate retaining knees may be a factor in the
tact point of the normal and posterior stabi- premature polyethylene wear seen in retrieval
lized implanted femurs was anterior to the tib- studies.
ial midpoint in the sagittal plane. The average
position was 6.49 mm (+3 - +13 mm) for the
normal knees and 0.30 mm (0 - +4 mm) for the Failure in the early years of total knee arthro-
posterior stabilized knees. The implanted pos- plasty was most commonly due to aseptic
terior cruciate retaining and anterior cruciate loosening, often associated with component
ligament deficient knees differed from the
other knee types. Their average initial contact
malalignment, soft tissue imbalance, or use
was posterior. The average contact at full ex- of constrained prosthesis.*.14.15.'8~*7~38Isolated
tension for the posterior cruciate retaining and polyethylene wear failure in this era was un-
anterior cruciate ligament deficient knees was common. With improved instrumentation and
-5.13 mm (-2 - -8 mm) and -5.45 mm (-2 - soft tissue balancing techniques, failure sec-
-14 mm), respectively. The femur of the nor- ondary to mechanical loosening has been
mal knee contacts the tibia anterior to the mid- minima1.9.35.40f"' More recently, failures sec-
point in the sagittal plane in full extension and ondary to catastrophic polyethylene wear
translates posteriorly during flexion. The fe- have been observed, attributed to less con-
mur of the posterior stabilized knee contacts forming articular geometries,4.6.'3,25,*8.44 thin
the tibia anteriorly, slightly less than the nor- or poor quality p0lyethylene,4,6,*5.~~ polyeth-
mal knee, and rolls back posteriorly during
flexion similar to normal knees. The femurs of
ylene sterilization methods,".39 or disturbed
knee kinematics.41 A better understanding of
knee joint kinematics is important to explain
From the *Rose Musculoskeletal Research Laboratory, the premature polyethylene wear failures ob-
Denver, CO; **Colorado School of Mines, Golden, served, and serves as the purpose of this in-
CO; and ?Johnson & Johnson Professional, Inc., Rayn-
ham, MA. vestigation.
Reprint requests to Douglas A. Dennis, MD, 1601 East To date, most experimental studies of
19th Avenue, Suite 5000, Denver, CO 80218. knee kinematics have involved cadaveric, in

Clinical Orthopaedics
108 Dennis et al and Related Research

vitro analyses, or have not tested the knee in 3-dimensional image matching and (2) 2-dimen-
a weightbearing mode. l6. 1.33.34 sional discrete digitization. The procedure using
Others have used exoskeletal linkages and image matching techniques was used initially and
skin markers that permit error due to unde- discrete digitization was used as a verification.
sired motion between markers and the under-
Three-Dimensional Image Matching
lying bone.24 T h e present study investigates
knee kinematics using an in vivo, weight- Image matching involved the creation of a library
of 3-dimensional images of the tibial and the
bearing methodology.
femoral components. The initial 3-dimensional
computer assisted design models of the tibial and
MATERIALS AND METHODS femoral components were entered into a com-
puter algorithm and then reoriented at I" incre-
Femorotibial contact position was determined for ments for the 2 out of plane rotations: (1) internal
64 implanted and nonimplanted knees (Institu- and external rotation and ( 2 ) abduction and ad-
tional Research Review Board approval). Sixteen duction rotation. Internal and external rotations
knees were normal, 10 were anterior cruciate lig- were created for k20" and abduction and adduc-
ament deficient, 13 were implanted with posterior tion rotations were created for ?lo". Each com-
cruciate retaining total knee arthroplasty, and 25 ponent library, therefore, contained 861 images
were implanted with posterior cruciate substitut- corresponding to each combination of internal
ing total knee arthroplasty (Press-Fit Condylar and external and abduction and adduction rota-
Designs, Johnson and Johnson Professional In- tion. These computer assisted design model im-
corporated, Raynham, MA). Five subjects with ages were transformed into silhouettes to mimic
posterior stabilized knees and 3 subjects with the appearance of the real tibial and femoral com-
posterior cruciate retaining knees were tested bi- ponents in the xray fluoroscopic images. Each sil-
laterally. Each subject was asked to perform 3 houette was then centered in the middle of its
successive deep knee bends to maximum flexion image, scaled to a constant predetermined size,
under fluoroscopic surveillance in the sagittal and rotated so that its principle axis was oriented
plane. Each subject placed the foot of their leg to parallel to the horizontal axis of the image. The
be studied on a designated marker. The subjects result is a set of images of the prosthetic compo-
were initially fluoroscoped at full extension. nents oriented at different out of plane rotations,
Patients were examined using a Siemens Sire- each normalized to a canonic size and in plane
mobil2000 Digital Xray image intensifier system orientation.
(Iseline, NJ). The fluoroscope images were stored The images were then interactively analyzed
on videotape for subsequent redigitization using a on a computer workstation using the Khoros im-
frame grabber. Clinical data for the subjects ana- age analysis and display software (Albuquerque,
lyzed are shown in Table l . NM). The contours (silhouettes) of the tibial and
The contact position between the femur and femoral prosthetic components were extracted in
the tibia was determined using 2 methods: ( 1 ) each of the fluoroscopic images corresponding to

TABLE 1. Clinical Data

Average for Special
Group Male Female Total Age Surgery Score
Normal 7 9 16 36.6 Not applicable
Anterior cruciate 5 5 10 44.4 Not applicable
ligament deficient
Posterior stabilized 17 8 25 65.9 91.1
Posterior cruciate 6 7 13 60.8 93.2
Number 331
October, 1996 In Vivo Knee Kinematics 109

Fig 1A-C. The image matching process be-

gins with a 2-dimensional fluoroscopy image
(A). The femoral and tibial components were
matched with a 3-dimensional computer as-
sisted design image (B). The remaining 2-di-
mensional images from the fluoroscopic
videoframe, such as the bones, are removed
from the image allowing for a true 3-dimen-
sional image of the relative position between
C femoral and tibial components (C).

the desired increments of flexion. Each silhouette completely determines the 3-dimensional posi-
was normalized for size and in plane rotation, and tion of the prosthetic component in the Newton-
matched to 1 of the images in the component li- ian reference frame.
brary. The resulting match determines the 2 out of The best fit image according to the computer
plane rotation angles. The third angle is given by algorithm was then overlaid onto the fluoroscopic
the in plane rotation angle. The set of 3 angles image (Fig 1). At each increment of flexion, the 2
completely determines the 3-dimensional orienta- out of plane rotations (internal and external rota-
tion of the prosthetic component in the Newton- tion and abduction and adduction) were deter-
ian (world) reference frame. mined via the computer algorithm from the
The translation (position) of the component is transformation matrix. With the tibial and
determined by an additional calculation. The dis- femoral out of plane rotations known from the
tance between the component and the xray source chosen images relative to the Newtonian refer-
is determined by the apparent size of the compo- ence frame, the femoral component rotations rel-
nent in the 2-dimensional xray image (the dis- ative to the tibial component in the tibial
tance is inversely proportional to the size). The reference frame were then mathematically deter-
horizontal and vertical position of the component mined. The in plane contact position in the sagit-
in the Newtonian reference frame is determined tal plane was determined for each knee using a
by its horizontal and vertical position in the im- relative transformation of the femoral coordinates
age, scaled by the distance between the compo- into the tibial reference frame. Each position of
nent and the xray source. This set of translational the femoral component was transferred into the
displacements (horizontal, vertical, and in depth) tibial reference frame. The computer algorithm
Clinical Orthopaedics
110 Dennis et al and Related Research

then located the medial and lateral femoral ponents (Fig 2). Femoral and tibial transforma-
condyle positions closest to the tibial plateau in tions relative to the Newtonian reference frame
the tibial reference frame along the longitudinal were established. The coordinates of these points,
axis. The 3-dimensional coordinates of these within their specified reference frames, were used
points were determined and designated as the as input to a mathematic model that determined
femorotibial contact position. The contact posi- relative angular rotations and translations. The
tion was measured from the tibial plateau mid- relative rotations between the femoral and tibial
point, designated as the origin position. Positions reference frames were determined using transfor-
anterior to the midpoint were denoted as positive mation matrices of each component about the
and positions posterior to the midpoint were de- Newtonian reference frame. The femorotibial
noted as negative. contact position was determined in the tibial ref-
erence frame. The contact position was measured
Two-Dimensional Discrete Digitization from the midpoint of the tibial plateau in the
sagittal plane. Although this method cannot deter-
Discrete digitization was used to analyze the nor- mine the out of plane rotations and positions, it is
mal and anterior cruciate ligament deficient knees a good test to verify the in plane relative position
and to verify the results obtained using the imag- of the femur on the tibia.
ing matching procedure used for the prostheti-
cally implanted knees. Designated points were
digitized on the femoral, tibial, and patellar com- RESULTS
Average femorotibial contact positions of the
4 knee types in the anteroposterior (AP) di-
rection throughout the range of flexion are
presented in Figure 3. Each of the normal
knees followed a very similar pattern. At full
extension, the femurs for this knee type con-
tacted the tibia anterior to the midline in the
sagittal plane. This average initial contact po-
sition was 6.49 mm anterior to the midline in
the sagittal plane. As this knee type flexed,
posterior femoral rollback occurred as the
contact position moved posteriorly an aver-
age of 14.17 mm throughout the range of
flexion (OO-90O).
The anterior cruciate ligament deficient
knees did not replicate normal knee kinemat-
ics. A high degree of variability was found
when comparing kinematic profiles of the
group of anterior cruciate ligament deficient
knees. They generally were posterior at full
extension. This group of knees produced 3
types of femorotibial contact patterns. The
first pattern involved an anterior translation
during midflexion. The second pattern pro-
duced by this knee type produced minimal
Fig 2. A schematic detailing the discrete points AP contact motion, with the femurs remain-
(letters) that were digitized using a workstation ing posterior on the tibial plateau during the
computer. The relative positions of those points
were used in a computer algorithm to determine full flexion cycle. The third group produced
the femorotibial contact positions. a combination of the first 2 Datterns. This
Number 331
October, 1996 In Vivo Knee Kinematics 111

- - - Anterior Cruciate Deficient

- -Posterior Cruciate Retaining


Posterior Cruciate Substitutin

.=0 4
t i
c - 8
0 30 60 90 120 Fig 3. Average AP contact position
Knee Flexion (Degrees) of each knee type.

group would begin posterior, sliding anteri- mm. The anterior translation of femorotibial
orly at midflexion, but again translating pos- contact position occurred between the ranges
teriorly at higher flexion angles. The anterior of 30" to 60°, or 60" to 90" flexion.
translation of femorotibial contact that oc- The posterior stabilized knees best repli-
curred for the anterior cruciate ligament de- cated normal knee kinematics in the sagittal
ficient knees generally occurred between 30" plane. Although they did not begin the flex-
and 60" or between 60" and 90" flexion. The ion cycle as far anteriorly as the normal knee
average change in contact position for this group at full extension, they were the only
knee type was only 1.6 mm in the posterior other group to begin the flexion cycle ante-
direction during a deep knee bend to 90" rior to the tibia1 midline in the sagittal plane.
flexion. Although the average anterior trans- The average initial contact position at full
lation was 0.5 mm, some knees did shift ex- extension was 0.3 mm anterior. At full exten-
cessively anteriorly throughout the flexion sion, the initial contact position was as far
cycle as far as 13.7 mm. anterior as 4 mm. The majority of the poste-
The posterior cruciate retaining knees pro- rior stabilized knees began the flexion cycle
duced similar results to those obtained for the at the midline of the sagittal plane. As the
anterior cruciate ligament deficient knees. At knee flexed, the posterior stabilized femoral
full extension the femur contacted the tibia components did roll back posteriorly to a
posteriorly to the origin position with the av- similar position as the normal knee. The av-
erage initial contact position being 5.13 mm erage final contact position at 90" flexion
posterior. Erratic contact patterns seen with was 7.62 mm posterior. The average amount
the anterior cruciate ligament deficient knees of posterior femoral rollback seen with the
were also observed with the posterior cruci- posterior stabilized knee was 7.71 mm al-
ate retaining knees. The same 3 contact pat- though some showed posterior femoral roll-
terns were observed. Although the average back as much as 12.3 mm.
contact position moved posteriorly 3.79 mm The AP femorotibial contact positions
during flexion, some posterior cruciate re- for 5 randomly selected knees in each group
taining knees moved anteriorly as much as 7 are shown in Figures 4 through 7. The nor-
Clinical Orthopaedics
112 Dennis et al and Related Research

Fig 4. Sagittal femorotibial contact

0 30 60 90 positions of 5 randomly selected nor-
Knee Flexion (Degrees) mal knees.

ma1 knee and the posterior stabilized groups cient and posterior cruciate retaining knees
had relatively reproducible results (Figs 4, did not flex to 120" during weightbearing.
7), whereas the anterior cruciate ligament Therefore, to make accurate comparisons be-
deficient and posterior cruciate retaining tween these 2 knee groups and the normal
knee groups had highly variable contact pat- and posterior stabilized groups, the data be-
terns among knees within the same group tween 0" to 90" are shown.
(Figs 5 , 6 ) .
Numeric data corresponding to Figures 4 DISCUSSION
through 8 are shown in Tables 2 and 3. Ta-
bles 2 and 3 only display data for the range Numerous knee kinematic analyses have doc-
of 0" to 90" flexion. Several graphs display umented the presence of posterior femoral
plotted data from 0" to 120" flexion. The ma- rollback associated with progressive knee
jority of the anterior cruciate ligament defi- flexion. Draganich et al," in an anatomic spec-

- -Anterior Cruciate Ligament Deficient 1

Anterior Cruciate Ligament Deficient 2
Anterior Cruciate Ligament Deficient 3

--- Anterior Cruciate Ligament Deficient4

Anterior Cruciate Ligament Deficient 5

-16 J I I ' Fig 5. Sagittal femorotibial contact po-

0 30 60 go
sitions of 5 randomlv selected anterior
Knee Flexion (Degrees) cruciate ligament dsicient knees.

- 4


.- o
a 4

Fig 6. Sagittal femorotibial contact
-16 position of 5 randomly selected pos-
0 30 60 so terior cruciate retaining total knee
Knee Flexion (Degrees) replacements.

imen evaluation of the normal knee, found translated anteriorly 2.2 mm throughout a
13.5 mm of posterior femoral rollback oc- range of 0" to 120". El Nahass et all2evaluated
curred with knee flexion, with 10 mm occur- femorotibial translation of normal knees and
ring within the first 30" knee flexion. They ob- those implanted with total knee arthroplasty
served posterior translation was greater for the during various activities in an in vivo study.
lateral than medial femoral condyle, which An externally applied orthotic fixture creating
was attributed to the larger radius of curvature a 3-dimensional magnetic field was applied to
of the lateral femoral condyle. Kurosawa et the lower extremity for analysis. The average
a123 performed another anatomic specimen posterior femoral rollback was activity depen-
knee study to assess posterior femoral rollback dent, but similar for the implanted (9.2-14.1
using serial lateral radiographs. They also mm) and normal knee (10.6-13.9 mm) groups.
found posterior femoral translation occurred at Additional studies of posterior femoral
the lateral femoral condyle, measuring 17 mm rollback have noted it occurs via a combi-
on average, whereas the medial femur actually nation of rolling and sliding in the normal

I -Posterior Cruciate Substituting 1 I
- -Posterior Cruciate Substituting 2

- 4 Posterior Cruciate Substituting 3

r o
Posterior Cruciate Substituting 4
Posterior Cruciate Subs
n - 4
n - 8
Fig 7. Sagittal femorotibial contact
-16 positions of 5 randomly selected pos-
0 30 60 SO 120 terior stabilized total knee replace-
Knee Flexion (Degrees) ments.
Clinical Orthopaedics
114 Dennis et al and Related Research

Blunn et al,5 in a sophisticated laboratory

evaluation of polyethylene wear, found dra-
matically increased polyethylene wear with
cyclic sliding as compared with compression
or rolling.
Andriacchil reported the predominant
shear force during gait and stair climbing is
directed posteriorly on the tibia which is
normally resisted by the posterior cruciate
ligament, preventing anteriorization of the
femorotibial contact point. Numerous au-
thors2.7.42 have shown that AP femorotibial
Fig 8. Tibia1 component retrieval showing ante- translation is related to the mechanics of the
rior wear pattern. Fluoroscopic analysis showed
anterior femoral slide of greater than 10 mm
extensor mechanism, particularly the direc-
with flexion. tion of pull of the patellar tendon and the de-
gree of knee flexion. At lesser degrees of
flexion the direction of the patellar ligament
pull is anterior, creating an anterior pull on
knee.21.32.37 Rolling predominates in the the tibia. This anteriorly directed shear force
first 20" flexion with sliding predominating on the tibia is normally resisted by the ante-
at greater increments of flexion. The post- rior cruciate ligament. However, at greater
erior translation is complex involving the degrees of flexion (> 45"-60"), the direction
cruciate ligaments and related to the crossed of patellar ligament pull on the tibial changes
4-bar linkage. to posterior. This creates a posterior shear
The anterior shift of the femur on the tibia force on the tibia which is normally resisted
observed in some posterior cruciate retaining by the posterior cruciate ligament.
total knee arthroplasty and anterior cruciate The present study has found that the
ligament deficient knees in the present inves- femorotibial contact position of anterior cru-
tigation has numerous potential negative ciate ligament deficient knees and those im-
consequences. First, anterior femoral trans- planted with posterior cruciate retaining total
lation results in a more anterior axis of flex- knee replacements is posterior in full exten-
ion, lessening maximum knee flexion.10 sion in contrast to normal knees in which
Second, the quadriceps moment arm is de- femorotibial contact is anterior to the mid-
creased, resulting in reduced quadriceps effi- line in full extension. This can be attributed,
ciency. Third, anterior sliding of the femoral at least in part, to the absence of the anterior
component on the tibial polyethylene surface cruciate ligament, allowing unopposed ante-
risks accelerated polyethylene wear (Fig 8). rior pull of the patellar tendon on the tibia

TABLE 2. Anteroposterior Position (rnrn)


Knee Type 0" 30" 60" 90"

Normal 6.49 -0.86 -5.55 -7.68

Anterior cruciate ligament -5.45 -6.97 -7.55 -7.05
Posterior stabilized 0.30 -4.36 -6.77 -7.62
Posterior cruciate retaining -5.13 -8.29 -9.06 -8.92
Number 331
October, 1996 In Vivo Knee Kinematics 115

TABLE 3. Anteroposterior Displacement (mm)

Knee Type 0 - > 30' 30 - > 60° 60 - > 90" Total

Normal -7.35 -4.68 -2.14 -14.17
Anterior cruciate
ligament deficient -1.52 -0.58 +0.50 -1.60
Posterior stabilized -4.72 -2.34 -0.65 -7.71
Posterior cruciate retaining -3.16 -0.78 +0.15 -3.79

and resulting in the posterior shift of the total anterior translation). Banks and Hodge3
femorotibial contact observed in these 2 performed a similar 3-dimensional kinematic
groups of knees within this flexion range. analysis of posterior cruciate retaining total
Additionally, the .femorotibial contact posi- knee arthroplasty using video fluoroscopy
tion of these same 2 knee groups shifted an- and found maximum posterior femoral roll-
teriorly, on average, between 60" and 90" back occurred at less than 60" flexion with an
flexion. It is theorized this may be due to in- anterior shift in femorotibial contact occur-
sufficient tension in the posterior cruciate ring at flexion ranges greater than 60". Using
ligament which poorly resists the posteriorly sequential lateral radiographs, Kim et a122
directed shear force on the tibia from the ex- studied femorotibial translation of 52 poste-
tensor mechanism within this flexion range. rior cruciate retaining total knee arthroplas-
This subsequently allows the anterior shift of ties. They observed that no posterior femoral
femorotibial contact to occur. Draganich et rollback occurred on average. Instead, the fe-
all1 found a similar relationship between fem- mur shifted anteriorly 0.6 mm. A high vari-
orotibial contact position and cruciate liga- ability in femorotibial translation was found,
ment integrity. In a cadaveric analysis they as noted in the present study, with contact
also observed a posterior shift in femorotibial shifting anteriorly as much as 14.5 mm with
contact after sectioning of the anterior cruci- flexion to 90",whereas others shifted posteri-
ate ligament. After the addition of posterior orly as much as 12.7 mm.
cruciate ligament sectioning, an anterior shift An advantage of the present experimental
in femorotibial contact occurred as knee model is that it allows analysis using an in
flexion progressed, as was observed in the vivo weightbearing method. The 3-dimen-
anterior cruciate ligament deficient and pos- sional kinematic method reduces potential
terior cruciate retaining total knee arthro- error due to motion between external skin
plasty groups in the current study. markers and the underlying bone.24 The im-
Other investigators have similarly ob- portance of weightbearing in kinematic eval-
served a paradoxical anterior femoral transla- uation of the knee is supported by the work
tion with knee flexion after posterior cruciate of Hsieh and Walker,20 who determined that
retaining total knee arthroplasty. Stiehl et in an unloaded knee joint laxity is primarily
al,41 in a similar in vivo weightbearing fluo- determined by soft tissue constraints,
roscopic study of 47 patients implanted with whereas in the loaded knee joint the geomet-
posterior cruciate retaining total knee re- ric conformity of the joint surfaces plays the
placements, observed the average femorotib- major role in controlling joint laxity. Meth-
ial contact in full extension was 10 mm pos- ods that allow assessment during dynamic
terior to the midsagittal line of the tibia, muscle contraction provide a superior esti-
translating anteriorly to a point 5 mm anterior mation of true knee kinematics. Markolf et
to the midsagittal line with flexion (15 mm al,30 in an in vivo study of knee stability of
Clinical Orthopaedics
116 Dennis et al and Related Research

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