Practice Paper May 2024 Exam Marking Guide

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Practice paper Life Science SCN 1207 one hour fifteen minutes May 15, 2024

mark 1
1. Prove clearly that C4H10 is an alkane & draw its structure.
consider the general formula of an alkane CnH2n+2 mark 1
when n=4 what's 2n+2? the given formula represents an alkane
mark 1
4 C atoms in the structure

2. Identify the biochemical process useful in the production of wine & state its word
mark 1
equation. fermentation

mark 1 mark 2 mark 3

glucose enzymes ethanol+carbon dioxide+energy
no oxygen
mark 1
yeast (fungi)
3. Which useful microorganisms assist in the production of ethanol? …………………..
Which type of respiration method is carried out by the above stated microorganisms?
mark 1
4. Name one (1) type of mineral ion (other than magnesium) required by a plant & state its
importance to the plant.
nitrate mark 1
Mineral ion: ……………………………………………………
mark 1
to make protein for growth or to make chlorophyll
Importance: ….…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
mark 2
5. State two (2) ways how glucose is helpful to a plant.
for cellular respiration, to make useful organic compounds (starch, cellulose) for the plant

6. The structures of cyclobutanol & butanoic acid are shown below.

mark 2
mark 2
carboxylic acid

i. Circle the functional groups of cyclobutanol & butanoic acid & state which group
of organic compounds that they belong to. …………………………………………………………
ii. Explain why butanoic acid is not a hydrocarbon.
mark 1 mark 1
A HC contains only H & C elements but cyclobutanol contains O as an additional

element so it's not a HC

mark 1
7. Draw the structure of propyl ethanoate clearly showing the bonding between atoms &
mark 1
state the group of organic compounds which propyl ethanoate belongs to.

An ester

8. Briefly discuss one (1) important function of the enzyme pectinase in fruit juice industry.
Pectin is a polysaccharide that helps bind fruit cells together, pectinase breaks pectin structure
mark 1
& separate the cells so the the juice can be easily extracted from the fruit, also to get a clearer juice

9. Explain the function of molecular scissors & glues in genetic engineering by naming the
mark 1 mark 1/2 mark 1/2
Restriction enzymes (scissors)- cut out plasmids & specific genes from a DNA molecule
mark 1
DNA ligase (glues)- to join sticky ends of DNA molecules
mark 1
10. Explain the muscle movements during inhalation & exhalation.
Inhalation Exhalation

external intercostal muscles contract mark 1 external intercostal muscles relax mark 1

diaphragm muscles contract & move down diaphragm muscles relax & take its dome shape
mark 1 mark 1

11. Explain the main advantage of selecting waterways as a mode of transport rather than
using motor vehicles.
mark 1
boating or canoeing to reduce/control greenhouse emissions
12. The diagram represents a cross-section of part of a leaf as seen using a microscope.

mark 1
chloroplast/palisade cell
mark 1

mark 1
phloem tubes

mark 1
lower epidermal cell

i. Label the structures on the image. Also state one (1) function of the given structures
mark 1
A: …………………………………………………………………………………………
carry out photosynthesis
mark 1
B: …………………………………………………………………………………………
to transport food molecules(sucrose, amino acids)

ii. Circle the cellular section in which the movement of sucrose molecules takes place. mark 1
mark 2
13. State two (2) possible negative effects of consumption of genetically modified crops?
Toxicity/allergic reactions. antibiotic resistance, immunosuppression, cancers,

loss of nutrition
14. Mention one (1) use of washing powder enzymes.
mark 1 mark 1
Enzymes break down/digest fatty, greasy, starchy, protein compounds to smaller molecules
mark 1
which the water can dissolve & remove from the cloths

15. State two (2) essential vitamins you should take daily and provide one (1) health benefit
of each of the stated vitamins.
Vitamin Health benefit

C prevents scurvy, improves immunity

mark 4

A prevents night blindness, healthy skin

16. A young girl needs sufficient amounts of iron daily in order to maintain a healthy body’.
Explain clearly the given statement.

16 3
mark 1 mark 1
She loses blood RBCs/haemoglobin thro menstruation so she needs more iron mineral
mark 1 mark 1
to make haemoglobin, that prevents anaemia
17. Suggest & explain one (1) benefit to a child’s health of eating yoghurt regularly to which
fruit has been added rather than eating plain yoghurt.
Maintains bowel movement
mark 1 mark 1
Fruit contains vitamin C to prevent scurvy or fibre to prevent constipation Controls blood sugar level
Reduces the absorption of fat
18. Dicuss the importance of ozone treatment in producing safe drinking water.
mark 1 mark 1
Water is treated with small amount of ozone to disinfect the water
mark 1 mark 1
The main dose of ozone helps break down pesticides & other materials
mark 2
19. Mention the two (2) types of dental decay.
tooth decay or (dental caries)
gum disease or (periodontal disease)
mark 2
20. Mention two (2) ways how man has contributed to degrade the quality of the past
green environment on Mother Earth.
deforestation, combustion of fossil fuel (greenhouse gases to cause global warming)

mark 3
21. As a nature lover, list three (3) possible actions you could recommend in order to
support the ‘Green Concept’.
walking/cycling/wheeling/boating (green transportation)

grow more plants/reforestation
save energy/water
select alternative energy types
22. Pollutant gases emitted to the air thro human activities.
State one (1) environmental issue each, caused by the formation of following gases as
atmospheric pollutants.
mark 1
make a hole in the ozone layer, break ozone molecules (ozone layer depletion)...
harmful UV radiation reaches Earth & damages the living organisms

Given below is a figure of a man-made ecosystem. Suggest two (2) possible issues in the
given ecosystem & remedies for the mentioned issues.

mark 4
Issue 1 air pollution by many vehicles Remedy 1 develop green plant cover
gases & fumes to absorb CO2

Issue 2 noise pollution from vehicles Remedy 2 minimum use of car horns

23. Mention the scientific name of the most effective microorganism utilized in the
following production processes.
mark 2
Yoghurt production: …………………………………………………………
Lactobacillus bulgaricus
Vinegar production: …………………………………………………………
Acetobacter aceti mark 2
mark 2
24. Name two (2) groups of pathogens that cause sexually transmitted infections.
bacteria, protozoa virus
mark 3
25. Mention three (3) symptoms of HIV infection.
Muscle aches, chills, mouth ulcers, fever, sore throat, fatigue, night sweats, swollen

lymph nodes, skin rashes
mark 2
26. Write down two (2) types of natural terrestrial ecosystems.
desert, grassland, forest
27. Explain the arrangement of palisade mesophyll cells in a leaf and state their function in
mark 1 mark1 mark1
Cells are arranged like a fence, long cells closely packed, walls coated with a water film,

plenty of chloroplasts to carry out photosynthesis efficiently
mark 1

28. Hydrocarbons can be cracked in the laboratory to get industrially useful chemicals.
A. Explain the process of ‘cracking’.
mark 1 mark 1
Heat a long-chain hydrocarbon until it vapourises, pass the vapour over a hot catalyst,
mark 1 mark 1
thermal decomposition cracks or breaks the hydrocarbon to industrially useful smaller molecules
mark 2
B. Mention two (2) experimental conditions required, to crack the hydrocarbon?
heating, use of a catalyst, use of water displacement method to collect the gases after cracking
mark 2
C. Draw the structures of two (2) possible alkenes when hexane is subjected to cracking.

29. Nitrogen is cycled in ecosystems.

protein mark 1
A. In what form is most of the nitrogen in animals? ………………………………………………………
B. Which group of plants mung bean belongs to? …………………………………………………………
mark 1

C. State, for a normal healthy movement of food through the small intestine,
mark 1
a) One necessary component of a balanced diet: …………………………………………………….
leafy greens, cereals,
b) One food that is a good source of the above component: …………………………………… mark 1
30. The diagram shows the teeth in the lower jaw of a human.

Y premolar
mark 1

molar-4 or 5 cusps

A. Name the type of tooth labelled X and describe one function of this type of tooth.
Type of tooth: …………………………………………………
canine mark 1

Function: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
to bite off pieces of food mark 1

B. Label a tooth in the diagram (as Y) having two cusps.



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