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A Human Moment

2B Size Story

Story by Sheograth10
Renders by Synthetic Sinner

It was another normal day for 2B and 9S, one of the many pairs of YoRHa androids assigned
with fieldwork on the surface. Except that 9S was currently using his less than 1/4th of an inch
model, held in his partner android's palm, as she looked down at him.

9S: "Ma'am? Why am I in your palm?"

The much smaller android was incredibly confused by what was going on. He already was far
less combat designed compared to 2B, so he needed to rely on his hacking to properly support
her, but he wouldn't even be able to reach a machine to hack at this size.

2B: "To test out the practice the humans called, 'kissing'."

The larger android's tone was as direct and emotionless as usual, though it almost sounded like
she was looking forward to it.

9S: "But why am I so small?"

2B: "In order to transport you more effectively."

The smaller android could understand that logic in theory, but it just was impractical.

9S: “Well, shouldn't you return me to my normal sized model first...?”

2B: “Not necessary. Enough questions, 9S.”

The way 2B dismissed his concerns worried 9S, but he didn't have much time to contemplate
that, as she soon began lifting her palm up toward her lips.

In less than a few seconds, 9S was already much too close, with those plump and expansive
lips just faintly puckering in preparation for the kiss. He never really noticed it before, but 2B was
beautiful, and even at this scale, every artificial pore, bump, and imperfection in her skin
seemed stunning to him. The extreme difference in their sizes left him terrified though, so much
so that 9S could not even bring himself to crawl away or avert his gaze from the titanic lips of
2B. Due to that, he failed to even notice the gigantic finger sliding toward him from behind.
Then, the moment of truth arrived, and 2B lifted a finger, effortlessly pinning the tiny android
against her plush lips. They felt soft, warm, and slightly moist, filling the android with strange
feelings that seemed almost like emotions. But they weren't designed with emotions, so he
dismissed those thoughts, the only one left in his mind was just how powerless he was. 2B had
complete control, and if she so wished, she could pop him in her mouth and chomp down on
him like he was what the humans used to consider 'food'.
By the time 2B finished kissing her miniature android partner, 9S was struggling to think
coherently. His body was warm and sticky, and it felt like all of his strength was drained. He was
used to being vastly weaker than 2B, since he was only a Scanner type android, but with his
reduced size, she didn’t need to expend a bit of effort to dominate him. And while he laid limp in
2B's expansive palm, he wondered if he was imagining that smirk on her face.

Regardless, the android pair just demonstrated an old human custom, with their own unique

The End

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