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Review Innovations CE Review for Nov 2023 – Geotechnical Engineering 2

Consistency & Classification of Soil Situation 2.

In a specific gravity test the following data were recorded:
1. Shrinkage Limit (SL) Mass of pycnometer jar = 530 grams
M 1 − M 2 (V1 − V2 )  w Mass of pycnometer jar when full of clean water = 1560
SL = [ − ](100%)
M2 M2 grams
Mass of pycnometer jar containing soil = 980 grams
SL = Mass of pycnometer jar containing soil and topped with
Gs water = 1840 grams
2. Shrinkage Ratio (SR) Determine the following:
M2 4. Specific gravity of solid
SR =
V2  w 5. Unit weight of solid
6. Shrinkage limit if the shrinkage ratio is 1.83.
3. Specific Gravity of Solids (Gs)
1 Situation 3.
Gs = In a liquid limit test using cup apparatus, the following data
1/ SR − SL /100
were taken:
4. Plastic Limit (PL) - Water content wherein soil sample Water
Sample No. of blows
starts to crumble when rolled into 1/8 in ø thread. content
1 41.8% 39
5. Liquid Limit (LL) - Water content that corresponding to 2 43.5% 23
25 blows or 20 mm penetration of cone. 3 44.3% 20
4 45.5% 13
6. Plasticity Index (PI) While in a plastic limit test the following values were
PI = LL − PL observed.
Weight of wet soil + container = 21.19 grams
7. Consistency Index (CI)
Weight of dry soil + container = 18.78 grams
LL −  Weight of the container = 8.20 grams
CI =
LL − PL Determine the following:
7. Liquid limit
8. Liquidity Index (LI) 8. Plastic limit
 − PL 9. Liquidity index if natural water content is 38%.
LI =
Situation 4.
Soil state based on liquidity index: In a liquid limit test using Fall cone apparatus, the following
LI State
readings were recorded.
LI<0 Brittle Solid
Water Penetration of
0<LI<1 Plastic Sample
content cone (mm)
LI>1 Liquid
1 40% 12
9. Activity Classification (Ac) 2 45% 16
PI 3 50% 21
Ac = 4 58% 35
While in a plastic limit test the following data were obtained:
10. Group Index (GI) Weight of wet soil + container = 22.12 grams
Weight of dry soil + container = 20.42 grams
GI = ( F200 − 35)(0.005LL) + 0.01( F200 −15)( PI −10)
Weight of container = 13.07 grams
Determine the following:
Consistency of Soil
10. Liquid limit (49%)
Situation 1. 11. Plastic limit (23%)
From the results of a shrinkage limit test, the following data 12. Plasticity index (26%)
were taken: 13. Consistency index if natural water content is 40% (0.35)
Initial volume of soil in saturated state = 24.6 cm3
Final volume of soil in dry state = 15.9 cm3
Initial mass of soil in a saturated state = 44 grams
Final mass of soil in a dry state = 30 grams
Specific gravity of solid is 2.83.
Determine the following:
1. Shrinkage limit of soil
2. Void ratio
3. Dry unit weight

Manila/Cebu/Baguio FB: @ReviewInnovationsOfficial Davao FB: Review Innovations Davao Branch

 (02) 8735-9161 0919-227-9194  (082) 221-1121 0930-256-0998
Review Innovations CE Review for Nov 2023 – Geotechnical Engineering 2
Classification of Soil Situation 9.
A saturated soil used to determine the shrinkage limit has
Situation 5. initial volume V1 = 20.2 cm3, final volume Vf = 14.3 cm3, mass
From the given data: of wet soil M1 = 34 g and mass of dry soil M2 = 24 g.
SIEVE % PASSING 24. Determine the shrinkage limit (17.08)
SOIL A SOIL B SOIL C 25. Determine the shrinkage ratio (1.68)
4 60 100 64 26. Determine the specific gravity of the soil solids (2.36)
200 30 75 16
LL 33 37 28 Situation 10.
PI 12 23 3 The following has been determined for a sample of soil:
Liquid limit = 56%
Using USCS method Plasticity Index = 15%
14. Determine the group symbol for soil A Specific gravity of solids = 2.71
15. Determine the group symbol for soil B Determine the following:
16. Determine the group symbol for soil C 27. Plastic limit (41%)
28. Liquidity index of the soil for a water content of 45%, also
Situation 6. determine the consistency of the soil (0.27 – Plastic)
A sample of soil has the following grain-size characteristics:
29. Shrinkage limit of the soil if the void ratio at the
Size (mm) Percent Passing
minimum volume reached on shrinkage is 0.88 (32.5%)
2.000 100
0.075 74
0.05 60 Situation 11.
0.005 32 From the given data:
0.002 15 Particle Size Soil
Determine the following: Distribution A B C D
17. Percentage of silt Gravel 12 18 0 12
18. Classification of the soil using the Triangular Sand 25 31 15 22
Silt 32 30 30 26
Classification Chart.
Clay 31 21 55 40
19. Activity classification if the plasticity index is 34%.
Classify according to the USDA textural classification system
30. Soil A (Gravelly Clay Loam)
Situation 7.
31. Soil B (Gravelly Loam)
SOIL A SOIL B SOIL C 32. Soil C (Clay)
10 83 100 90 33. Soil D (Gravelly Clay)
40 48 92 76
200 20 86 34 Situation 12.
LL 20 70 37 Percent Finer
Soil No 10 No 40 No 200 LL PI
PI 5 32 18
A 90 74 32 28 9
Using AASHTO Method
B 86 56 8 NP
20. Determine the group symbol and index for Soil A
C 42 28 12 18 13
21. Determine the group symbol and index for Soil B
D 92 68 30 42 18
22. Determine the group symbol and index for Soil C
E 90 48 22 31 5
Give the classification and group index using AASHTO
Problems for Practice:
34. Soil A (A-2-4 (0))
35. Soil B (A-3 (0))
Situation 8.
A cylindrical soil sample of 7.5 cm height and 3.75 cm 36. Soil C (A-2-6 (0))
diameter has been prepared at the shrinkage limit. The 37. Soil D (A-2-7 (1))
following limits were determined to be: 38. Soil E (A-1-b (0))
LL = 62%
PL = 34%
SL = 21%
Assume that Gs = 2.68.
23. If the sample is now allowed to absorb water so that its
water content reaches the liquid limit, what will be its
volume? (141.08 cc)

Manila/Cebu/Baguio FB: @ReviewInnovationsOfficial Davao FB: Review Innovations Davao Branch

 (02) 8735-9161 0919-227-9194  (082) 221-1121 0930-256-0998
Review Innovations CE Review for Nov 2023 – Geotechnical Engineering 2

Manila/Cebu/Baguio FB: @ReviewInnovationsOfficial Davao FB: Review Innovations Davao Branch

 (02) 8735-9161 0919-227-9194  (082) 221-1121 0930-256-0998
Review Innovations CE Review for Nov 2023 – Geotechnical Engineering 2

Manila/Cebu/Baguio FB: @ReviewInnovationsOfficial Davao FB: Review Innovations Davao Branch

 (02) 8735-9161 0919-227-9194  (082) 221-1121 0930-256-0998
Review Innovations CE Review for Nov 2023 – Geotechnical Engineering 2

Manila/Cebu/Baguio FB: @ReviewInnovationsOfficial Davao FB: Review Innovations Davao Branch

 (02) 8735-9161 0919-227-9194  (082) 221-1121 0930-256-0998
Review Innovations CE Review for Nov 2023 – Geotechnical Engineering 2

Manila/Cebu/Baguio FB: @ReviewInnovationsOfficial Davao FB: Review Innovations Davao Branch

 (02) 8735-9161 0919-227-9194  (082) 221-1121 0930-256-0998
Review Innovations CE Review for Nov 2023 – Geotechnical Engineering 2

Manila/Cebu/Baguio FB: @ReviewInnovationsOfficial Davao FB: Review Innovations Davao Branch

 (02) 8735-9161 0919-227-9194  (082) 221-1121 0930-256-0998

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