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Stage 2 SACE Essential English

Assessment Type 1 - Responding to texts

Students will view a selection of short

films to develop skills in
Task Task communicating, comprehending and
Everyone’s a Critic
Title description interpreting complex information,
ideas and perspectives in film texts.

Upload drafts and task to


One draft permitted Written response – no more than

800 words
Submission Submit by the due date Assessment
Conditions Conditions Oral or multimedia response – no
Negotiate extension in more than 6 minutes
writing – E-mail teacher

Family will be notified of


Mise en scene Cinematography Editing Sound

Setting Shot Sequence Transitions Soundtrack
Costume Scene Montage Diegetic sound
Word bank Performance Framing Non-diegetic
Camera angles, sound
shots and


Students respond to the following question in the form of two PEEL paragraphs.

How do the filmmakers use film techniques to communicate an idea/issue that affects a
character or characters in their chosen film?

Students must use evidence to explain how this issue was addressed.

Assessment Design Criteria

C1 - Clarity and coherence of written and spoken expression, using appropriate

Cp1 – Comprehension of information, ideas, and perspectives in texts.
Cp2 - Comprehension of ways in which the creators and readers of texts use language
features and stylistic features to make meaning.

Stage 2 SACE Essential English
Assessment Type 1 - Responding to texts
An1 - Analysis of ways in which creators of texts convey information, ideas, and
Texts for study in class

● short films

● stand alone episodes from ‘Black Mirror’

Response scaffold

How did the filmmakers use film techniques to communicate an

idea/issue that affects the character/s in ……..?

1. How did the film makers use the following; (pick 2)

Mise en scene Camera Music/sounds
(set/costume) movements (diegetic/non
Camera angles Editing diegetic)
Camera shots Lighting Characterisation

2. To communicate an idea/issue that affects the characters; (pick 1 or 2)

Social status Inequality Body image
Family Social pressure Conformity
relationships Mental health Addiction

3. Use the following to support your ideas; (use as many as you like)
● Screenshots
● Quotes
● Descriptions of scenes

4. Write two PEEL

paragraphs of
300-400 words,
each focussing
on a technique
used by the
filmmakers to
explore your
Stage 2 SACE Essential English
Assessment Type 1 - Responding to texts
Stage 2 SACE Essential English
Assessment Type 1 - Responding to texts

Performance Standards Rubric

- Communication Comprehension Analysis

A C1 - Consistently clear and Cp1 - Thorough An1 - Thoughtful analysis

coherent writing and comprehension of the of ways in which creators
speakig, using varied and information, ideas, and of a range of texts convey
appropriate vocabulary. perspectives in a range of information, ideas, and
texts. perspectives.
C2 - Discerning use of
consistently appropriate Cp2 - Thorough An2 - Sophisticated
textual conventions for comprehension of ways in analysis of cultural, social,
context and purpose. which the creators and and/or technical language
readers of texts use a wide in supporting effective
range of language features communication in a range
and stylistic features. of contexts.

B C1 - Usually clear and Cp1 - Comprehension of An1 - Analysis of ways in

coherent writing and information, ideas, and which creators of a range
speaking, using perspectives in a range of of texts convey information,
appropriate vocabulary. texts. ideas, and perspectives.
C2 - Effective use of Cp2 - Comprehension of An2 - Well-considered
appropriate textual ways in which the creators analysis of cultural, social,
conventions for context and readers of texts use and/or technical language
and purpose. language features and in supporting effective
stylistic features. communication in a range
of contexts.

C C1 - Generally clear and Cp1 - Comprehension of An1 - Description and

coherent writing and some information, ideas, some analysis of ways in
speaking, using mainly and perspectives in a which creators of a narrow
appropriate vocabulary. limited range of texts. range of texts convey
simple information, ideas,
C2 - Appropriate use of Cp2 - Comprehension of
or perspectives.
some textual conventions some ways in which the
for context and purpose. creators and readers of a An2 - Analysis of cultural,
narrow range of texts use social, and/or technical
some language features language in supporting
and stylistic features. effective communication in
a limited range of contexts.

D C1 - Occasionally clear Cp1 - Identification of some An1 - Description of the

and coherent writing and simple information, ideas, ways in which creators of a
speaking, using restricted and/or perspectives in a narrow range of texts
vocabulary. limited range of texts. convey simple information,
ideas, or perspectives.
C2 - Occasionally Cp2 - Occasional
appropriate use of some comprehension of some An2 - Reference to cultural,
textual conventions for ways in which the creators social, or technical
context and purpose. and readers of simple texts language in supporting
use some language effective communication.
features and stylistic

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